#this is a major top ranking hospital etc
aph-america · 1 year
I got a whole alien/human amerus/rusame au that i want to babble about 🤨🤨🤨 don’t mind me b/c no one asked for this 
anyway year 4000. humanity has advanced but is still wack compared to other civilizations. there’s 10 major planets that had many similarities with humanity in terms of humans being able to live on them. (the criteria is based on the atmosphere of their planet, the biology of the aliens and if they can communicate)
Andromeda is the farthest of the 10. Ivan, who’s human, is rlly depressed b/c his sisters passed away n his bf broke up him to top it off. he has his own lil mini ship. he gets real drunk/high and tries to crash his ship in attempts to *cough* unalive himself. in a drunken/high rage he thinks andromeda is like a meteor and tries to crash his ship into it. due to their advance planet defense system, they are able to stop Ivan’s ship from crashing into their planet. he gets sent to an andromeda hospital and they try to see wtf up with him. while he’s knocked out they do test on him and see that he’s under the influence. and they can tell he’s severally depressed/mentally unwell due to their natural abilities.
andromedans feed off of others energy. if someone’s happy, they can feel it and get happy. if someone’s sad, they get sad. it’s one of the reasons they have such a peaceful, advanced society. most of them want to live in harmony and peace as biologically they were evolved that way. it’s also another reason why they often don’t live on other planets. other civilizations if they aren’t overall peaceful/happy/high advanced end up just stressing andromedans out. their planet isn’t perfect of course but if earths a 4/10 andromedas like an 8/10
ANYWAY; so another thing about andromeda is that they also have a Well Deserved Superiority Complex™️ they view humans with pity, we are sad, underdeveloped creatures to them (not wrong tbh). and with that, coming across an extremely depressed, troubled human crashing on their planet means he ain’t leaving. they view him as someone to take care of and won’t give him clearance to leave their planet until he’s “”””””””better””””””” mentally. and he can’t lie, they can feel it. depressed/mentally ill humans are advised to not visit their planet because basically…. Ur ass might not becoming back lmaoooo.
they also have a very different dynamic with relationships. basically you have someone of gets taken care of and someone who does the taking care of. bonds and relationships are very important to them, and many people will have a platonic partner they live with if they are single. in their language it translates to “provider”. the pair will feed off of each others happy energy.
Ivan, who’s basically a hurt kitten in their eyes, is planned to set up with a provider. Alfred is a higher ranking andromedan who works with security. he knew about Ivan since he had to deal with his plane crashing. he finds out it’s a human and he sees Ivan and begs the doctor to be considered as a provider. humans are considered very exotic and pretty because: 1) they are soft. andromedans are very hard to the touch, and their ‘fat’ isn’t squishy like humans. softness is viewed as unique and rare. another is 2) skin tone. andromedans have many different skin colors; tan, red, blue, green, etc, but all in like the mid shade range. it’s uncommon to see one with really pale or really dark skin of that color. that’s also viewed as really pretty and humans tend to have a light/dark skin tone they find stunning.
Alfred gets Ivan and has a massive crush on him and is constantly fawning over him/trying to show he’d be a good partner by doing things considered as courting acts in their culture. Ivan’s rlly scared at first but once he can tell Alfred isn’t going to hurt him he starts to relax. Ivan meets a fellow human who helps him understand their culture. Alfred’s love and affection helps give Ivan another reason to live after being in such low point in his life. He ends up staying on the planet and marrying Alfred. ok ignore me ik this is dumb lmaooo
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primnroses · 1 year
who is the most important female character (not the heroine) in konoha in your opinion? I think sakura because she maintains the villagers on top condition but I haven't seen her in a while but also ino is more important too? she's constantly in the story everything but these chapters I don't like how she's written bckawaki has escaped twice and he called them incompetent? it makes me so mad for both of them
The most important female character is Sakura Haruno in Naruto and Sarada Uchiha in Boruto, that's why they're the heroines if the story.
But I think you're talking about the importance regarding the contributions to the village right now if I interpreted your ask correctly. In that case, it's still Sakura, Sakura Uchiha.
Boruto is a sequel of the original story, so everything that Sakura has done for Konoha must also be counted and reflected in the present history, including the spin-offs because Kodachi (a novel write himself) considered them canon and part of the development of Naruto.
Only in Naruto, she already achieved these points concerning her medical career:
She was a student of Tsunade and she was heavily involved in political matters in part II. That already puts her above the rest.
The results of the training with Tsunade made her fit to work in Konoha Hospital since age 16, saving civilians from Pain's attack, healing Naruto after he fought Kakuzu, etc.
She was considered a jōnin level as medical-ninja by White Zetsu, not as a kunoichi. The databook says those medics have near-Godly skills.
She surpassed Tsunade and Shizune, so Konoha would have an even better specialist to take care of people.
After Naruto, during the Blank Period she achieved these:
Official considered the village's best medical ninja outside Kishimoto's words.
She continued to work in the hospital, picking up her labor from age 16 to the present.
Founded clinics in Konoha and other villages to help children who were indirect victims of the war. She was already modernizing and improving Konoha's Medical Department.
Despite not having a high-ranking position in the hospital, Sakura led the medics in the investigation of the Ketsuryugan victims during Sasuke Shinden and she found the cure.
In Boruto, all those efforts were reflected in:
She became the Head of the Medical Department of Konoha with two major facilities in the Hokage Residence and the hospital.
She also directs Konoha Hospital where she also works as head medic.
She's a teacher of medical ninjutsu for the new generation.
She has saved Hinata Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha in the current story with her knowledge of medical ninjutsu.
She's also a suitable replacement for Hokage.
She's considered as one of the official Five Pillars of Konoha and all the points I made previously are highlighted. She is one of the most important people in Konoha because as it officially states, "she was dedicated to the development of medical care".
Then, you have to measure her importance since the very beginning in her field. She's a veteran in the world of medical ninjutsu, she has been there as the face of medicine and achieving so much since the manga.
Even if you remove the content of the Blank Period, Sakura still contributed to so many things for Konoha.
It's not about not being written right now, if she's not in the story that's because the writer doesn't want her to and he doesn't know how to include her; it's how she has contributed to the village. That doesn't erase her past and all her contributions.
Sakura IS the most important female character of Konoha (without the heroine as you said) exactly because as you mentioned: Sakura is the person who oversees the department that keeps the Konoha and all its villagers and shinobi healthy, and trains field medical-ninja to ensure successful missions.
It's true that she could so much more, like being involved in political matters like before, fulfilling her roles as medic, scientist and specialist, etc. But she's not written like that and it's really disappointing that she's more wasted than ever.
However, if you remove Sakura from the story you have nothing as good as her to fill in her role. Shizune is currently working for Sakura while Tsunade is retired and traveling. They're the only people that can rival Sakura in medical ninjutsu, but both have been surpassed. Replace Sakura with any of them and the result is a weaker health system.
People might say that anybody can supervise a few buildings but it's not that easy because Sakura also actively participates in the vast majority of medical procedures. But none of them have achieved what Sakura has in becoming the best medical-ninja and opening medical facilities.
Replacing Sakura is difficult, not only because there is no one superior in skill, but because up to date there is no type of technology able to imitate her techniques.
The same points must be considered about Ino. She's currently the leader of the Barrier Team so let's see her contributions form the beginning.
Only in Naruto, she already achieved these points concerning her sensing skills:
The leader of the Barrier Team was Kakoi, a priest. Nobody from the Yamanaka Clan was in charge of sensing.
She was never praised for her sensing, she was a sensor-type kunoichi, but the major sensing roles were for Naruto Uzumaki and Karin. Ino has never alerted of danger by sensing, she was doing Mind Body Switch in the battlefield.
After Naruto, during the Blank Period she achieved these:
In Sasuke Shinden and Sakura Hiden, the Barrier Team has messenger ninja and other ninja that informed Kakashi that ANBU Root had left Konoha with Mind Transmission, most likely using the Mind Transmission chakra device machine because nobody specifies they're Yamanaka and it wasn't Ino.
In Boruto, Kodachi made the Barrier Team all about the Yamanakas:
The Yamanaka clan are said to have traditionally always led the Barrier Team (this is false).
Ino is the leader of the Barrier Team, although it was said that "members of the clan were in charge of it", only her is shown.
She took the lead in modernizing the sensing system by asking the Scientific Ninja Tools Team to mechanize the unit so the sensing would be automatic.
Then, you have to measure her importance since the very beginning in her field. She has never been in charge of sensing until she was 32 in the current era, but that doesn't mean the Barrier Team is less important because it is. The problem is that it's not written very well and it's lacking, making Ino a very replaceable and removable asset for the team altogether.
As you said, the Barrier Team isn't working well and it's because of these things:
They rely solely on sensing chakra, so hiding signatures and trespassing is very easy because they won't be tracked. Kawaki is a great example of this.
Their range, and Ino's range, is limited to sensing inside Konoha and inside the sensing dome, not outside. This is why Delta and Kashin Koji could perfectly have a conversation outside the limits of the sensory boundaries without being detected.
This problem means that they will only sense people when they have already entered Konoha, but not their approach, literally not preventing anything. If the enemy masks their chakra, these efforts are useless because they won't be detected.
It also means that finding people outside the borders of the sensing barrier is outside their possibilities.
They haven't erased chakra signatures of clones like Jiraiya, so nobody knew that Jiraiya, who's been dead for decades, suddenly entered the village; even after Pain who was a bunch of corpses and Edo-tensei experience in the war.
They still use the Pain Arc's outdated system, even with the machines, because they still are sensor-type connected to the range of the Sensing Barrier, not beyond.
So actually, nothing has changed. All the modern machines and leadership Ino talks about were for nothing because instead of having priests checking the water sphere 24/7, now it's a machine that beeps and serves the same purpose.
On top of that, let's focus on Ino's writing and her role in the Barrier Team:
She was made leader despite not being the best sensor-type of Konoha instead of taking over her father's roles.
Her sensing range is limited to inside the village, anything that happens 1cm outside the gates is out of bounds for her. This means her sensory perception is one the same level as a machine or that she's connected to the machine.
This problem makes her useless at sensing and tracking, instead needing to rely on Naruto's Sage Mode or Boruto's sensing.
All the members of the Barrier Team use a Mind Transmission chakra device to imitate the Yamanaka Clan's Mind Transmission jutsu. This system exists since the Fourth Shinobi World War and allows a wider scope of connection than the jutsu.
That means Ino is not really necessary because her sensing and Mind Transmission are within anyone's reach as long as they wear those chakra devices. She's only been replacing technology and written just to be written.
Kawaki has already called the sensory system "incompetent" and Ino has been removed from the story for now.
Being included in the story doesn't equal being more important. Right now, the Barrier Team and Ino are written to be failures and make mistake after mistake. And there's only the writer to blame.
You can easily remove her from the leadership and nothing changes because: first, the system is the same old from the past whether there's machines or not so it's all reduced to sensing inside; second, a bunch of ninjas with head transmission devices can imitate her secret technique and third, she hasn't shown signs of being better at sensing than anybody so any other sensor could fill in and the situation would be the same: Moegi, Naruto, Karin, etc.
It's compelled insertion in the story. And that doesn't mean she's more important, remove her and nothing changes because she never contributed to anything in the sensing department since Naruto to begin with. All her achievements are in Boruto and as you can see, they're easily detachable.
And I'm not criticizing her as a character, I'm criticizing her writing. Nobody deserves to be called incompetent because they lead a failure team.
Is it fair that there's technology able to do the same things as her and on an event greater level? It's not. If those machines didn't exist, Ino would be a valuable kunoichi for Konoha, but the conditions and the writing don't make her important. She's just written, nothing else.
I will talk about the problems of the Barrier Team and explain the Medical Department in future posts.
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forever-nainai · 3 months
International politics, State power rankings
What’s this?
After WWII, the two countries that became the top ranked in terms of power rankings was the United States 1st, Soviet Union 2nd, however this doesn’t describe it properly. Let’s say I take a ruler and place the U.S. at the 12 inch mark, the Soviet Union would be at about 7 or 8, while the 3rd and below would start around 4 or 5 and lower. Big differences right? The U.S. has been the top dog for so long it feels untouchable, and this has lasted for almost 80 years, even after the fall of the Soviet Union until recently…
Around the 90s, major changes started happening in China that began increasing tensions with the United States. Once Mao died, the new leadership, younger and more sophisticated with international politics, foreign policy, business, etc started moving them towards growth in the realm of international dealings. Ironically, and to the annoyance of the U.S., used similar strategies that they did after WWII— The Marshall Plan.
Along with winning, the allies created the United Nations, international criminal court, World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), etc. The Marshal Plan was a U.S. program approved by Congress to fund rebuilding in war torn Europe, with the Soviet Union taking part of Germany and other Slavic countries. As part of these loans, there is a fine print that the IMF & WB also have for loans to countries for infrastructure. These include must already be or must switch to democracy. Well, China started their own program in the 90s called the Belt & Road initiative to help countries that do not want to change to democracy or do not qualify for the IMF or WB loans to build up their infrastructures. Infrastructures are things like building roads, bridges, hospitals, ports, transportation, airports, etc, generally the structures to make a country functional.
Oh, that really pissed off the US who cited requirements like allowing China to have bases in those countries as a move to take over the world— except, the U.S. does the same things! Hypocrisy lol. Anyway, in the beginning, like any new program there were kinks that needed to be worked out, which the U.S. exploited to continue demonizing the program. China didn’t take that bait and would just make adjustments based on suggestions other countries made, eventually winning over others including U.S. allies as to the validity of the program. Coupled with their advancements in business and other areas, the United States is fuming and this is what lead to the increase in tensions.
What does all this have to do with power ranks?
China is not the only country on the move up. India and Brazil are also moving up which has further made the U.S. nervous because they know these other countries have the populations to potentially become strong competition in the global world.
Political Scientists who study the global power balance have noted that this could and is slowly starting to shrink the lead the U.S. holds. The U.S. is very concerned what would happen if the other big countries of Russia, China, India, etc decided to collaborate. The only major thing keeping the U.S. at the top is the amount of nuclear weapons they have to threaten others with.
Add to this the growing unbalance in the global economy. The amount of invisible money, aka stocks, loans, etc, floating around between the western countries is creating an infinitely complex spiderweb that based on the shrinking period between market crashes and increases in inflation, it’s like walking on a burning tightrope. The country’s of China, Russia, India, and Brazil are insulated enough and have large enough populations that could weather a devastating recession that will destroy the west. If this happens, the next power switch won’t come from a war, but the outcome of western greed.
Further considerations in foreign affairs, is what’s happening in the Israel/Palestine wars, western meddling in the Middle East, Israel attacking other middle eastern countries, Turkey, Syria, Iran… the U.S. and allies are pushing a lot of buttons in the region… then the Russian/Ukraine, which is showing the ineptitude of the U.S. and allies, or aka UN to stop the very behaviors they were supposedly created to stop. If the middle Eastern countries were to also join in with Russia, China, India, etc, the west is fucked.
But is the US and allies really in the position to stop any such threats or is it a facade? Many other countries simply fear retribution for standing up against the U.S. With much upheaval and civil tensions happening in countries like the US and UK, authoritarian leaders on the rise even in the west, will such fractious and tenuous alliances hold or will their self-serving greedy policies do them in the end?
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7hrrecuitmentuk · 7 months
What makes Hospitality in London so glorious and popular
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The hospitality industry can be described as the section of the service industry concerned with guests’ reception and the provision of pleasant guest experiences. It is a broad category, which includes the provision of temporary guest accommodation, as well as the provision of food and drink services. Beyond this, the hospitality industry also includes events, attractions, and tourism agencies. Hospitality is one of the oldest businesses, going way back to the innkeepers and taverns of biblical times. Serving an increasingly-mobile class of merchants, nobles, scholars, and priests, the hospitality industry was born. Hospitality was a calling, a passion that not only became their life's work but inspired generations of hospitality professionals as well. In the late 1800’s, the concept of leisure tourism and hospitality spread across Europe, bringing flocks of wealthy travelers to Switzerland. This new generation of wealthy guests had higher expectations for comfortable accommodations, convenient services and fine dining.
Hospitality management involves all the tasks and aspects associated with managing a hospitality business. These businesses focus on welcoming customers and providing them with pleasant experiences, whether through dining, lodging, events, entertainment, or travel. In the core of the hospitality industry alone (hotels, events, restaurants, etc.) graduates with a hospitality degree can become managers in a variety of departments and sectors, or choose to specialize in one area. In most countries of the world, the hospitality management industry is becoming a very lucrative field. Getting a degree in a hospitality-related field is the best route into the hospitality management industry.  A bachelor’s degree gives you a good head start in your career path, however, choosing to enroll in further study and specialize in a particular area can help boost your career and be at the top of your game. Hospitality Recruitment Agency in London is currently one of the agencies in the world. In the UK, the hospitality management industry accounts for a major part of its GDP and is ranked among the first three largest industries in terms of employment. As such, the UK is considered a highly recommended study destination to start a career in hospitality management. The UK is also considered a more affordable study destination than other countries, coupled with the fact that the degree programs in the UK for graduate education have a shorter time span and also offer a variety of scholarship opportunities and financial aid for students to explore.
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neel8790freelancer · 7 months
Best Digital Marketing Course in Delhi
As the capital city of India, Delhi is a major center for digital marketing training. It houses several institutes that offer the best digital marketing course in Delhi to cater to the growing demand for skilled professionals in the field.
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Topics including email marketing, analytics, social media management, and website optimisation are frequently covered in the curriculum.
Institutes in Delhi often provide hands-on training, workshops, and guest lectures by industry experts to ensure students stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in digital marketing
Everyone faces little difficulty in finding the top best Digital marketing courses in Delhi. We are here to help you. We have prepared about the top digital marketing institutes in Delhi. We have taken into consideration a lot of factors like fees, modules, placements, etc. to rank the top digital marketing institutes.  
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Ultimately, choosing to take up a digital marketing course in Delhi can be a strategic decision if you aim to build a successful career in the field, given the city's economic vibrancy and educational opportunities.
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qqdahao · 8 months
Development status of traditional Chinese Medicine for Respiratory Diseases in China in 2020
Respiratory diseases are the third leading cause of mortality in cities and the first in rural areas. Respiratory diseases have become one of the major diseases threatening the survival of human beings. In recent years, the sales of traditional chinese medicine for respiratory problems have maintained a trend of increasing year by year, and the growth rate has slowed down.
Generally speaking, drugs for respiratory diseases can be divided into antitussive, expectorant, and antiasthmatic drugs, heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs, and cold drugs, each of which corresponds to different disease symptoms, among which antitussive, expectorant, and antiasthmatic drugs occupy the largest market share.
In terms of drug types, Xi Yanping has the highest sales; in terms of production enterprises, Jichuan Pharmaceutical Group and Jiangxi Qingfeng Pharmaceutical ranked first and second respectively.
According to the data of Mine.com, from 2015 to 2019, the total sales of traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory diseases in hospital terminals and retail terminals showed an increasing trend year by year. Sales in 2019 were 71.909 billion yuan, up 1.89% from the same period last year, and the growth rate was slower than before.
In terms of disease types, respiratory diseases can be roughly divided into upper respiratory tract disease, influenza, bronchitis, pulmonary infection, pulmonary heart disease and other types. Among them, the common drugs for upper respiratory tract infection are Pudilan anti-inflammatory, Yanhuning, Yinhuang granules, etc., the common drugs for influenza include Ganmaolin, Lianhua Qingwen capsules, etc., and the common drugs for bronchitis are Xiyanping, expectorant and cough granules, etc.
According to the distribution pattern of traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory diseases, cough, expectorant, and asthma drugs accounted for the largest share, with a market share of 40.90%. Heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs ranked second, with a market share of 34.67%; The third is cold medicine, with a market share of 23.75%.
Xiyanping is the best-selling drug for respiratory diseases
According to the hospital and retail data provided by Minnei network, there are many types of traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory diseases, and the market is relatively scattered. Among the many drugs, Xiyanping, Pudilan anti-inflammatory, Ganmaoling granules, Yanhuning and Suhuang anti-cough have the highest sales.
In 2019, xi - sales of 3.122 billion yuan, far more than other drug sales, sales accounted for 4.34%; Pudilan anti-inflammatory ranked second, with sales of 2.411 billion yuan, accounting for 3.35% of sales; Ganmaoling granule ranked third, with sales of 2.313 billion yuan, accounting for 3.22% of sales.
According to the hospital-end and retail-end data provided by Minenet, there are many enterprises producing traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory diseases. Jichuan Pharmaceutical Group, Jiangxi Qingfeng Pharmaceutical, China Resources Sanjiu Pharmaceutical, Beijing Haiyan Pharmaceutical of the Yangtze River and Guizhou Jianxing Pharmaceutical are among the top five in the sales ranking of traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory diseases.
Jichuan Pharmaceutical Group and Jiangxi Qingfeng Pharmaceutical Company ranked first and second with sales of more than 3 billion yuan respectively, far surpassing other enterprises, accounting for 4.37% and 4.35% of sales respectively.
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eduzest03 · 10 months
Bashkir State Medical University
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Second to sixth year Fees2,99,000 Russian Ruble14,000 Russian Ruble3,13,000 Russian Ruble each year. 3,13,000 Rupees/ Yr. (approx ...).
Complete MBBS Fees for 6 Years18,78,000 Russian Ruble = RS. 18,78,000 Indian Rupees (1 Ruble = 1 INR approx ...) To access the thorough expense structure, please click on the complying with web link: Click here.
The overall fees for 6 years are around Rs. 18,78,000 (around Rs. 3,13,000 annually). The yearly charges cover numerous expenses like tuition fees, hostel costs, as well as research products. In addition, students need to spend for food, which costs around Rs. 7,000-8,000 monthly. Indian students have the alternative to pay their tuition charges per term, and they can easily pay straight to the college's checking account from India.
Tuition fees are inexpensive as well as differ according to specialization. Tuition charges include the adhering to centers for the trainees: free use of reading rooms, libraries, and labs; complimentary guidebooks and course materials; complimentary use of sporting activities clubs, and social complexes.
Admission Requirements 2023.
In order to get admission to Bashkir State Medical University, an Indian candidate must accomplish these requirements:
Candidate needs to have passed 10 +2 (intermediate) with a minimum score of 50% in physics, chemistry, biology, and English.
The applicant also needs to get approved for the NEET-UG exam.
Students must be at least 17 years of age at the time of admission to the university.
To enhance your opportunities of obtaining a seat, you need to apply for admission to the university prior to the due date of August 30th as seats are minimal and the number of applications is high.
Vital days for the application and also the enrollment procedure for 2023.
Application for Admission May 15 to August 31 (Last Day).
Entry ExaminationSeptember.
Issuing Invite LetterSeptember.
Arrival in RussiaNot behind September 30.
Beginning of classes from October 1st.
All your required documents should be sent by the last day of application.
Nowadays, BSMU Facility is a medical and clinical base of Bashkir State Medical University.Foreigners-students-Bashkir-SMU The Facility has 650 beds. Over 20 thousand individuals from around Russia get treatment, more than 8 thousand procedures are executed, and also regarding 3 thousand infants are annually supplied below. Specialists of the BSMU Clinic do the complying with state-of-the-art surgeries: liver as well as pancreatic resections, belly, and small intestine reconstructive surgeries, all sorts of thoracoscopic surgical procedures, brachytherapy, coronary artery stent surgical procedures. Various methods of angiographic research and controls on all types of vessels, bile air ducts, liver chemoembolization ingrowths, as well as uterine artery embolization in fibromyoma arc involved in medical practice. The Facility uses techniques of minimally invasive as well as transplant surgery.
With 69 divisions, with over 8 thousand Russian and foreign trainees, is proud to have a history of informing global pupils from the UK, the United States, Portugal, Argentina, Australia, Sweden, Greece, Israel, India, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Cameroon, Cyprus, China, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Syria, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, etc. The workplace of Foreign Students coordinates the training of international pupils in BSMU and also is in charge of admission, and registration, as well as taking care of the Preparatory and Russian Language programs. BSMU joins bilateral exchanges of clinical students within the International Federation of Medical Trainees Association Program.
Bashkir State Medical University accepts many foreign universities, centers, and clinical and educational centers from Germany, China, Norway, the USA, Great Britain, and other nations. Faculty members and also students of BSMU participate in exchange programs, seminars, and workshops, and do look into it along with our worldwide partners.
Student's Life in BSMU.
Bashkir Medical University has 5 hostels that can accommodate 2000 pupils. hostels are level kind i.e. with connected kitchens, bathrooms, and restrooms. All hostels are well supplied as well as totally air. The standard system is 2 or 3 trainees in one space. Web facilities readily available in hostels Pupils can get Indian food at the canteen of the hostel as well as foreign TV channels (Hindi, Tamil, and so on) are additionally readily available.
All the hostels are well safeguarded with cops' safety and security. Sheets are altered once a week and also the hostel is cleansed once every day. BSMU organizes social programs yearly in which pupils from different countries of the world take part. The Indian trainee organization celebrates Indian festivals like Diwali, Holi, Baisakhi, and so on annually.
BSMU also arranges events like table tennis, Football, Basketball, and also Badminton, etc. The Bashkir University collection has more than 500000 publications, and 85% is unique medical literature. The library has 4 specialized reading halls with 252 seats, a local internet, as well as an electronic catalog which makes it possible access to lots of databases.
For worldwide candidates, applications for Bashkir State Medical College typically begin on May 15th as well as continue with August 31st.
Going after an MBBS from Russia will absolutely improve occupation prospects for worldwide students.
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psmtech · 1 year
How Digital Marketing Helps Grow Your Hotel Business
Given the increased usage of digital technologies by firms, digital marketing is essential. One of the sectors that has embraced new technology to meet its demands is the hotel sector. Utilizing the newest marketing innovations and technology to enhance customer service is one of these improvements.
One of them is digital marketing, which is used effectively across many different businesses. It is the ideal substitute for conventional solutions due to the enhanced outcomes and proportional advantages. Therefore, it may be used by hospitality firms who are interested in growing. It yields results quickly, however tactics may be adjusted easily if they don’t provide the intended outcomes. Additionally, customers are able to monitor their advancement in real-time.
Utilization and Benefits of Digital Marketing in the Hotel Industry
The hotel sector can successfully use digital marketing. The following are some of its applications and benefits for expanding the hotel industry.
In the digital age, search engine optimization is the key to many opportunities. It is utilized to raise search engine rankings, which aids in the digital transformation of the company. Hotels may benefit from the approximately 80% of traffic that originates from search engines currently.
A company may enhance SEO to bring in more customers if it wants to do it with minimal work and money. A hotel company must spend in utilizing SEO to build a solid foundation. It can achieve this by employing SEO specialists and routinely monitoring results.
Content Marketing
Hospitality companies might use content marketing as an indirect tactic in the digital market. The emphasis is on generating interest through social media postings, images, and other elements rather than explicitly promoting a business. Without specifically requesting that clients utilize the service, it emphasizes on highlighting the benefits of a company.
Digital marketing services have an advantage over other digital marketing techniques because of their subtlety. Not only does it assist retain clients, but it also keeps them up to date on the most recent developments. The correct content and its potential for engagement are the major factors that a business has to concentrate on.
Another digital marketing choice available to hospitality firms is search engine advertising. It requires less time and effort than SEO, which takes more time. To get to the top of organic results, you don’t need to spend time working on time-consuming tactics. The hotel would have to focus on sponsored searches instead. Ads that are run alongside pertinent queries are paid for.
Therefore, people who were interested in using these services would click the advertisement and use their preferred services. SEA is widely used by companies in the hotel sector, bringing them a sizable number of consumers. Technical knowledge is the major criterion that investors should take into account.
Social Media
In the era of digital social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc., social media is essential for businesses. By conducting advertisements and other pertinent initiatives, hospitality firms have continued to gain from this platform. Users browse social media for 30% of their time on average. Therefore, it may be a fantastic chance for a hotel company to grow its clientele.
Social media is a platform where people may talk about where to go on vacation and have fun. It relies on a company’s social media marketing strategy and how fully it takes advantage of this chance. Reaching new clients is a simple task. Inspiring words and media will accomplish the goal.
Email Promotion
In the digital era, keeping customers has become a difficult effort. To keep clients, businesses must be proactive and offer superior services. This is where email marketing may help, as it can act as a reminder to individuals who desire to use hospitality services. It may be used to advertise new services and to remind clients of the advantages of the deals.
Creativity is the key to the success of email marketing. The ability to create compelling content will assist the marketer engage readers. As the client uses the services, engagement increases ROI.
Web Hosting
Running an internet company does not require you to be an expert in technology. To build or expand your small business website or online store, Digital.com handles the research and comparison shopping for you.
You may save time and money by using Digital.com to help you understand your options as you select the best services to manage your business. Our team of researchers, writers, and professionals makes Digital.com unique since they have expertise managing internet businesses and utilizing software to accomplish corporate objectives.
With the development of the digital era, digital marketing has only grown in importance. For individuals in the hotel sector who wish to expand their businesses, it has proven to be of enormous importance. While enhancing real-time consumer engagement, it can improve the user experience. It offers substantial returns on relatively little investments. Digital marketing is therefore advantageous for companies who want to increase their consumer base.
PSM is a multi-disciplinary one-stop shop for all your IT needs. As in this dynamic changing, and ever-evolving hotelier market. We want our customers only to go to one place, click a button to get exactly what they require. That “one” thing is PSM Tech.
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BIMAST- India's Premier Medical Training Institute
BIMAST is a premier training institute in India offering specialized medical training courses and fellowship program to doctors in certain medical disciplines - best medical training institutes in India
Best Medical Training Institutes in India
Medical courses in India are becoming increasingly popular for their quality education and abundant career opportunities. India is home to some of the best medical colleges in the world, offering a range of courses from Bachelor’s degrees to Doctorates.
India is becoming a hub for medical education with a host of medical courses available for aspiring doctors. Medical courses in India have been gaining immense popularity over the years owing to the availability of quality education and the scope for a rewarding career.
The top 10 medical courses in India are MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, and B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Medical Technology, B. Pharmacy, BPT, B.Sc. Biotechnology, and B.Sc. in Allied Health Sciences. Each of these courses offers students a comprehensive study of the medical field and prepares them to serve the healthcare industry in various capacities.
The healthcare industry is one of the industries which is always on the boom. The rapid development in this sector is firstly becoming a hub for lucrative job opportunities and promising careers. Candidates after pursuing medical courses in India can grab better job opportunities and get paid handsome salaries.
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Top Medical Colleges in India
Rankings from the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) are made public by the Ministry of Human Resource Development each year (MHRD). A number of important factors, including facilities, faculty, placements, academic achievement, and others, are used to evaluate participating educational institutions. According to NIRF rankings this year, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi was named the best medical school in India. In India, there are many prestigious Medical schools that offer MBBS, BDS, Pharmacy, Nursing, and related Medical and Paramedical programs. Among the top Medical Colleges in India ranked by NIRF, 27 top Medical colleges are owned by the public/government and 19 top colleges are privately owned.
The undergraduate medical courses can be pursued by students who have passed the Class 12 Board exam in the Science stream with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB) as core subjects. For the postgraduate courses, students must have completed their graduation in a Medical or an allied course with a compulsory internship. The duration of undergraduate Medical Courses ranges from four to five years, whereas that of postgraduate medical courses is three years.
For undergraduate medical courses such as MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, and BSc (Hons.) Nursing, NEET UG score is accepted. For other specializations such as Pharmacy, entrance exams such as AP NEET, SAAT, etc., are accepted. The majority of India's Top Medical Colleges are situated in Delhi/NCR, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh.
According to the NIRF rankings, these are India's top 10 medical schools: -
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Christian Medical College, Vellore
National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Bangalore
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Bhandari Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur
Best Medical Colleges in India Eligibility Criteria
The basic eligibility criteria of the top Indian medical colleges are as follows:
Candidates should have passed Class 12 in the Science stream (PCB)
They should secure a minimum 50 percent aggregate or equivalent CGPA aggregate (45 percent in the case of reserved category candidates).
They must have attained the age of 17 years as of December 31 of the admission year
Candidates should be Indian citizens or Overseas Citizens of India (OC) or Parents of India Origin (PIOs)
Top Medical Colleges in India with NIRF Ranking
Every year, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), ranks institutes across streams, including Medicine based on multiple parameters such as Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR), Research and Professional Practice (RP), Graduation Outcomes, (GO), Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) and Peer Perception. The top 100 Medical Institutes are ranked every year based on these criteria.
Which is the No 1 medical in India?
AIIMS Delhi is ranked 1st among the best medical colleges in India by NIRF ranking followed by PGIMER and CMC Vellore ranked 2nd and 3rd. BHU Varanasi, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, and JMC Manipal are ranked among the top 10 medical colleges in India.
Which is India's toughest medical university?
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi has been the undisputed number 1 medical college of India for a very long time. Established in 1956 as an autonomous institution through an act of parliament, it is one of the hardest medical colleges to get into.
Which medical course is high demand in India?
Medical courses in India have been gaining immense popularity over the years owing to the availability of quality education and the scope for a rewarding career. The top 10 medical courses in India are MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, and B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Medical Technology, B.
What is the career scope of an aspirant after pursuing medical courses in India?
Candidates after pursuing medical courses in India are not only benefited financially but the status and reputation of the medical practitioner are also high. The country sees the medical practitioner after completing their medical courses as a form of god, especially in any pandemic situation.
What is the scope of medical courses in India?
Candidates after pursuing the medical courses in India can grab better job opportunities and get paid handsome salaries.
What is the medical course without NEET?
Candidates can go through the most recommended medical courses without NEET, which a candidate can opt for as a medical career.
Which is the most preferred medical course in India?
MBBS is the most preferred medical course in India.
For more info : best medical training institutes in India
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loyaltyexpert · 1 year
Top 8 Best Digital Loyalty Programs Solutions in India
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Digital loyalty programs are fast replacing traditional loyalty programs due to their wide range of benefits. They are not only fast, efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly, but they are extremely useful in the digital age where a majority of customers would like to engage with loyalty programs using their smartphones, as confirmed by a CodeBroker study.
With more than 659 million smartphone users, India ranks second in the world when it comes to smartphone usage. With so many people using smartphones in the country, businesses of all sizes and types must digitize their B2C and B2B loyalty programs.
By leveraging digital reward programs, some brands made transferring and redeeming loyalty points much easier for their customers and channel partners. This blog post discusses the eight best digital loyalty programs in India that have resulted in higher engagement and retention.
Best Digital Reward Programs in India
1. PVR Privilege
Launched by PVR Cinemas in 2017, PVR Privilege is publicized as India’s first fully digital loyalty program. The digital rewards program offers the members of the PVR Cinemas loyalty program a wide range of enhanced benefits and best-in-class redemption opportunities.
Members are rewarded on every transaction they make at PVR Cinemas or the company’s website. They get free Privilege salted popcorn and five percent of PVR Privilege Points for every Rs. 100 they spend on tickets as well as food and drinks. Apart from that they also get vouchers and invitations to special screenings.
2. TimesPoints
When it comes to one of the best digital reward programs in India, TimesPoints is extremely well-known. The digital loyalty program of Mumbai-based media conglomerate The Times Group rewards customers when they spend time on its digital partners’ platforms such as The Times of India, NewsPoint, The Economic Times, Maharashtra Times, Navbharat Times, and many others.
Customers earn points for the time they spend on Times Group’s apps or websites. TimesPoints credits points in customers’ digital wallets, which they can trade to avail of benefits such as discounts, gifts, and deals. They can get benefits by reading articles as well as watching, liking, commenting, and sharing photos and videos. Customers can redeem the points across more than 200 brands such as Amazon, Paytm, Myntra, Shoppers Stop, and more.
PAYBACK is among India’s largest multi-brand digital loyalty programs with more than 100 partner brands including affiliate brands such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, and more. The unique coalition digital loyalty program is designed to engage members and provide their reward points on online shopping, vouchers, coupons, as well as on digital payments.
The wide range portfolio of partner brands covers more than 80 percent of popular consumer spending areas with its partners being some leading brands in various sectors ranging from entertainment, financial services, hospitality, payment cards, retail, travel, and more. With a such broad range of partners, the program is accepted at more than 12,000 Points of Sale (POS) across over 100 cities.
4. HDFC Platinum Times Card
HDFC Platinum Times Card is a co-branded loyalty program card by the HDFC Bank and Times Internet. The co-branded initiative comes with several entertainment and lifestyle benefits related to dining, movies, and shopping. The digital reward program is extremely popular in the basic category. With an affordable fee, it offers a wide range of benefits across different categories, including dining, shopping, entertainment, etc.
Members get ten reward points for each spend of Rs 150 on dining during the weekdays and three reward points for every dining spend of Rs 150 on weekends. They can redeem the digital loyalty points through the product catalog by logging in to their net banking account. The card offers several additional benefits as well.
5. Citi Rewards 
Citi Rewards is a digital reward program from Citibank India. Under the program, customers can earn loyalty points for every payment they make using a Citi credit card at online shopping sites, retail outlets, hotels, and travel bookings, paying fuel bills at gas stations, and more. Customers can also transfer their reward points to frequent flyer programs and avail of benefits for premium merchandise.
For every payment made with Citi Credit Card at petrol stations, customers earn rewards points. They can then attractive travel options, and much more.
6. InterMiles 
InterMiles program, formerly known as JetPrivilege, is a co-branded digital reward program of New Delhi-based airline Jet Airways and Abu Dhabi-based carrier Etihad Airways. The digital loyalty program rewards its customers for flying with the airlines, booking hotel rooms across the globe, shopping in select stores, and more.
Under the program, members can collect InterMiles that are saved in their account and redeem the points for exclusive deals, free travel, lounge access, free stays, free fuel, and more than 2500 merchandise options.
7. Digisol Cash Karo
Digisol Cash Karo is the digital loyalty program of Digisol Systems Ltd, a reputable provider of IT networking solutions. The Bangalore-based company launched the digital reward program to increase sales and build transparency and trust with its channel partners.
By using the Digisol Cash Karo app, Digisol’s channel partners and influencers can scan the QR code on select Digisol products and the loyalty points will be credited to their digital wallet. Apart from retaining channel partners, the digital loyalty program empowers electricians and technicians as well.
Suggested Read: Robust, Fully Automated, And Cost-Effective Loyalty Program For Digisol
8. Berger Paints’ eSambandh
Berger Paints’ eSambandh loyalty program is a digital loyalty program for its contractors. The digital reward program consists of a wide range of benefits and incentives. The program provides a high degree of price transparency and gains contractors’ confidence.
The paint maker provides additional discounts and benefits as well as credit facilities. The B2B loyalty program also enables contractors to order various paints, coatings, and paint tools and get the items delivered to their preferred location.
Summing up,
Contemporary customers are extremely tech-savvy and prefer doing transactions over their smartphones over any other mode of communication. Digital loyalty programs are extremely helpful for present-day businesses in engaging and retaining customers.
At LoyaltyXpert, we have helped many B2C and B2B businesses digitize their brand and channel loyalty programs. If you’re looking to know more about digital loyalty programs, give us a call or book a free demo today.
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rohittriton · 1 year
Clinical Trials Support Services Market: Growth & Prospects
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Major regulatory authorities worldwide mandate pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies to conduct clinical trials prior to introducing any new drug, vaccine, therapy, or product to assess their probable outcomes. However, executing these trials is a rigorous process associated with several challenges. Several solution providers focus on offering support services to contract research organizations (CROs) that help to streamline processes. Experts at Triton Market Research estimate the global clinical trials support services market will progress with a CAGR of 7.84% in the forecast period from 2022 to 2028.
Disease incidence across the globe is surging rapidly. According to National Cancer Institute, annually reported cancer cases are expected to rise from 18.1 million in 2018 to 29.5 million by 2040. This necessitates an increased focus on developing treatment modalities, which would support the growth of the studied market.
Status of Clinical Trials across Regional Markets
Spain ranks fourth globally in terms of conducting clinical trials. In 2020, the top therapy areas for industry-sponsored trials in the country were cancer, infectious diseases, CNS disorders, respiratory ailments, and immunological conditions. That year, 1,019 trials received approval, of which 34% of the share was captured by oncology treatment drugs.
Thailand is an emerging hotspot for organizations to perform clinical studies because of its highly developed infrastructure, universal healthcare system, and supportive policies. Besides, the nation also boasts of a highly skilled workforce and a significant presence of research-based pharmaceutical companies and CROs.
Whereas, Turkey is working to achieve global competitiveness for performing clinical research, with rising attention from international players like Bayer AG, Takeda, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The vast majority of the trials conducted here are in phases II and III. The capabilities of its R&D centers and the efficacy of their results, make the nation an important research hub.
These developments imply enhanced adoption of support services in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa in the years to come.
Key Support Services in Demand
Data Management is expected to evolve the fastest, with a 10.26% CAGR
Clinical data management involves data collection, database design, CRF tracking & annotation, medical coding, etc. With growing data generation, it becomes essential to use data management systems to easily record data, minimize errors, and protect from data loss, among others. “Oracle Clinical,” “Macro,” “Clintrial,” and “Rave” are some systems that have gained immense popularity.
Clinical Trial Site Management accounted for the largest revenue share of $3624.69 million in 2021
Site management systems are required for effectively monitoring research sites and ensuring continuous communication between stakeholders. Clinical Conductor, offered by Advarra Inc, is a comprehensive trial management system that aids in optimizing finances, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing overall operations for research sites, networks, and healthcare institutions.
Market Players gain Leverage with Growth-oriented Strategies
In September 2021, Syneos Health acquired StudyKIK, a leading clinical trial recruitment and retention company. This acquisition will further help the company to boost its ability to deliver tech-enabled, insight-powered solutions to improve patient experience. In October 2021, Parexel and Kyoto University Hospital announced a strategic collaboration aimed at providing more opportunities for clinical research and developing efficient solutions for supporting clinical studies.
In April 2022, Advanced Clinical announced its continued expansion in Europe by opening its new office in Switzerland, with a view to fully support the company’s current and new clients located in the country and also access its skilled talent pool.
Paving the way for Future amid Challenges
Stringent guidelines are issued by supervisory bodies to ensure that medical products are safe for consumption. Sometimes, ensuring that research institutions adhere to the required standards exceeds the set timelines. These delays are a major challenge for the institutions, especially as they increase the costs incurred.
However, incorporating tech-based services and solutions for regulatory purposes has made the overall trial processes more robust and efficient by saving time and money. For instance, ICON Plc offers support services that combine its operational expertise with extensive regulatory intelligence to ensure that the trials are in sync with the latest recommendations by administrative agencies.
Further, companies and CROs are increasingly preferring Japan to conduct clinical research, as the country’s regulatory frameworks now emphasize aligning their approval timelines with those in the United States and European nations. The regulative environment in South Africa has also changed drastically in recent years, with government policies being much more supportive. These favorable developments are indicative of positive prospects for the clinical trials support services market.
Q 1) Which are the main segments covered in the report?
The key segments covered in the global clinical trials support services market are Phase Type, Service, and Sponsor.
Q 2) Which are the key regions in the global clinical trials support services market?
The Asia-Pacific (fastest expected growth) and North America (highest revenue share).
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rmceducation · 1 year
Study MBBS In Russia
Russia has been a popular destination for international students to study MBBS since Soviet times. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) “Directory of World Medical Schools”, Russia occupies nearly 30 of the top 100 medical universities. Graduates of Russian medical universities now work in leading hospitals around the world. MBBS in Russia is a preferred choice for international students as it is highly subsidized by the Russian Ministry of Health and Education compared to other Western countries. This low-cost higher education is one of the main reasons for choosing the best medical universities in Russia for MBBS. There are about 57 medical universities in Russia. The student-teacher ratio in all Russian medical universities is 7: 1. Of these, about 12 universities offer MBBS in English.
The number of international students studying MBBS in Russia has increased tenfold in the last decade. All universities are accredited by the World Health Organization and the Medical Council of leading countries such as the USA, UK, Middle East, Australia, India and Canada.
Why study MBBS in Russia?
★ Russian Medical Universities Rankings – 30 places in the top 100 Medical Universities by the World Health Organization (WHO) “Directory of World Medical Schools”.
★ Renowned alumni – graduates of Russian medical universities currently working in leading hospitals around the world.
★ Globally affiliated, accredited and recognized universities – All universities are accredited by the Medical Council of leading countries such as WHO U.S.A, U.K., Middle East, Australia, India, Canada.
★ Subsidy system – Most universities are supported by the Russian government. Thus, the fee is subsidized by the Russian Ministry of Health Education for all.
★ Prosperous Universities – There are about 57 prosperous universities in Russia in terms of infrastructure, technological advancements, qualified lecturers etc.
★ Course Duration – Duration of MBBS course in English medium in Russia is 6 years. Students can choose MBBS in Russian language with 1 year plus 7 years as Russian language training.
MBBS in Russia for Indian Students Choosing MBBS in Russia is a great way for students. No language test or entrance test is required to enroll in the major course. This career opens the door for students who want to explore Russia. More than 4000 students are studying in 20 colleges in India. Compared to Western countries, sponsorships are relatively high. Tuition fees are relatively low in other countries. Students do not need to try any exams for admission; Therefore, the admission process is very simple. IELTS language proficiency test is also not required. The curriculum in Russia is similar to that in India. Thus, students can return to India for higher studies at any time.
Study MBBS in Russia is a 6-year degree offered as a specialized bachelor’s degree in medicine. It is growing as an alternative option for students who dream of becoming a doctor but cannot get admission in a good Indian Medical College. More than 53 Russian universities offer MBBS degrees, accredited by the Medical Council of India (MCI), and allow students to complete their MBBS abroad and train in India.
According to MCI rules, students who want to study MBBS abroad must qualify for the NEET examination of Russian colleges. But students should have obtained at least 50% (in PCB) or above in their CBSE / ISC 12th results. Tuition at popular universities ranges from 193,000 to 874,000 Russian rubles. This is different from Indian charges. It ranges from 1.8 lakh to 8.5 lakh per annum. To train legally in India, graduates must pass the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). Now, due to Govt-19, all classes are conducted online. But if students go to Russia, they can also work part time. Russia is rising from the ladder of their study in the medical field.
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Clinical Trials Support Services Market: Growth & Prospects
Major regulatory authorities worldwide mandate pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies to conduct clinical trials prior to introducing any new drug, vaccine, therapy, or product to assess their probable outcomes. However, executing these trials is a rigorous process associated with several challenges. Several solution providers focus on offering support services to contract research organizations (CROs) that help to streamline processes. Experts at Triton Market Research estimate the global clinical trials support services market will progress with a CAGR of 7.84% in the forecast period from 2022 to 2028.
Disease incidence across the globe is surging rapidly. According to National Cancer Institute, annually reported cancer cases are expected to rise from 18.1 million in 2018 to 29.5 million by 2040. This necessitates an increased focus on developing treatment modalities, which would support the growth of the studied market.
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Status of Clinical Trials across Regional Markets
Spain ranks fourth globally in terms of conducting clinical trials. In 2020, the top therapy areas for industry-sponsored trials in the country were cancer, infectious diseases, CNS disorders, respiratory ailments, and immunological conditions. That year, 1,019 trials received approval, of which 34% of the share was captured by oncology treatment drugs.
Thailand is an emerging hotspot for organizations to perform clinical studies because of its highly developed infrastructure, universal healthcare system, and supportive policies. Besides, the nation also boasts of a highly skilled workforce and a significant presence of research-based pharmaceutical companies and CROs.
Whereas, Turkey is working to achieve global competitiveness for performing clinical research, with rising attention from international players like Bayer AG, Takeda, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The vast majority of the trials conducted here are in phases II and III. The capabilities of its R&D centers and the efficacy of their results, make the nation an important research hub.
These developments imply enhanced adoption of support services in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa in the years to come.
Key Support Services in Demand
Data Management is expected to evolve the fastest, with a 10.26% CAGR
Clinical data management involves data collection, database design, CRF tracking & annotation, medical coding, etc. With growing data generation, it becomes essential to use data management systems to easily record data, minimize errors, and protect from data loss, among others. “Oracle Clinical,” “Macro,” “Clintrial,” and “Rave” are some systems that have gained immense popularity.
Clinical Trial Site Management accounted for the largest revenue share of $3624.69 million in 2021
Site management systems are required for effectively monitoring research sites and ensuring continuous communication between stakeholders. Clinical Conductor, offered by Advarra Inc, is a comprehensive trial management system that aids in optimizing finances, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing overall operations for research sites, networks, and healthcare institutions.
Market Players gain Leverage with Growth-oriented Strategies
In September 2021, Syneos Health acquired StudyKIK, a leading clinical trial recruitment and retention company. This acquisition will further help the company to boost its ability to deliver tech-enabled, insight-powered solutions to improve patient experience.
In October 2021,Parexel and Kyoto University Hospital announced a strategic collaboration aimed at providing more opportunities for clinical research and developing efficient solutions for supporting clinical studies.
In April 2022, Advanced Clinical announced its continued expansion in Europe by opening its new office in Switzerland, with a view to fully support the company’s current and new clients located in the country and also access its skilled talent pool.
Paving the way for Future amid Challenges
Stringent guidelines are issued by supervisory bodies to ensure that medical products are safe for consumption. Sometimes, ensuring that research institutions adhere to the required standards exceeds the set timelines. These delays are a major challenge for the institutions, especially as they increase the costs incurred.
However, incorporating tech-based services and solutions for regulatory purposes has made the overall trial processes more robust and efficient by saving time and money. For instance, ICON Plc offers support services that combine its operational expertise with extensive regulatory intelligence to ensure that the trials are in sync with the latest recommendations by administrative agencies.
Further, companies and CROs are increasingly preferring Japan to conduct clinical research, as the country’s regulatory frameworks now emphasize aligning their approval timelines with those in the United States and European nations. The regulative environment in South Africa has also changed drastically in recent years, with government policies being much more supportive. These favorable developments are indicative of positive prospects for the clinical trials support services market.
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krishansharma · 2 years
Top Airforce Academy in Dehradun
Indian Airforce
The air wing of the Indian Armed Forces is known as the Indian Air Force (IAF). Its personel and aircraft inventory rank third among all air forces world wide. Its main responsibility includes conducting aerial combat during armed conflict and protecting Indian airspace. It was formally founded on 8 october 1932 as a british empire auxillary air force that bore the prefix Royal in recognition of  Indias world war II aviation participation. The Royal Indian Airforce continued to operate under the Dominion of India moniker after India obtained Independence from the UK in 1947. The prefix Royal was dropped when the country switched to a republican system of administration in 1950.
The IAF has fought four wars with neighbouring Pakistan since 1950. Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot, Operation Cactus, and Operation Poomalai are some of the IAF's other significant operations. The IAF's duty extends beyond combat with hostile troops, as seen by its involvement in UN peacekeeping operations. The IAF's Supreme Commander is now the President of India. As of July 1, 2017, the Indian Air Force employed 170,576 people. The majority of the operational command of the Air Force is under the control of the Chief of the Air Staff, an air chief marshal who has the rank of four-star commander. In the IAF, there is never more than one active ACM at any given time. Marshal of the Air is a rank.
How to Become Indian Airforce Officer
Indian Airforce Officer is one of the highly reputed and respected profession in India because you serve for your nation and have responsibilities to protect your nation and people of nation on your shoulders. If you are willing to be a Indian Airforce Officers then you have to clear the exams that are conducted by the Air Force selection Board. There are two type of exams are conducted that are Airforce X group and Airforce y group. By clearing these exams, one can join the technical and non-technical Branches of the Indian Air Force as an Airmen. The x group is for the technical entries while the Y group is for the non-technical entries.
Eligibility Criteria
The following processes are used to choose candidates for the X Group (Technical) and Y Group (Non-Technical) of the Air Force:
Stage 1: an online test
Stage 2: Fitness evaluation
Stage 3: Medical examination
Stage 4: All India Merit
Written Assessment:
The Online Exam is essentially a written test that would be given to candidates to evaluate their theoretical and foundational knowledge. One of the following topics will be covered in the written Exams:
General Knowledge
Test of Physical Fitness:
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the candidate's physical fitness. One must show up for the following physical exercises during the PFT:
1.6 kilometres run in 8 minutes.
quats, etc.
Medical Exam:
The Medical exam is the important phase of selection. A candidate must be medically fit in all manner. The medical test would be conducted under the guidance of the military doctors at the military hospital.
Some Important Points:
A candidate must be an Indian.
For X Group- a candidate should have pass class 12 with physics, chemistry, and mathematics with a minimum of 50% mark or three years diploma course in engineering in any stream.
For Y Group- a candidate should have passed class 12th in any stream from the government recognised board with overall 50% marks in English individually.
Age Limit- the age of the candidate should not be less than 17 years old and it should not be more than 21 years old.
There is no relaxation has given to any candidate, it will be same for all.
How to Prepare to Crack the Airforce X and Y groups Exams:
If you want to prepare for the Airforce X and Y groups then you should join a academy or institute of Airforce. And if you don’t know any airforce academy then we can help you to know about the top airforce academy.
If you seriously want to become an Indian Airforce Officer then you can check out Dehradun the capital of Uttarakhand. Dehradun city is the place where the Indian Military Academy is situated and that’s why this is the sought-after destination for the Top Airforce Academy in Dehradun.
In Dehradun one can check out Brigadier defence Academy as this is one of the most renowned and Top Airforce Academy in Dehradun. The Brigadier Defence Academy's mission is to provide quality education and the top cadets to the Indian air force and other defence forces. The Top Airforce Academy in Dehradun was founded by five defence personnel. One of the hardest exams is the Air Force Exam, thus you must prepare effectively for it with commitment and discipline. Because of our programme, appropriate training, and exam preparation skills, Brigadier Defence Academy in Dehradun is the finest choice for you if you wish to join the Indian Air Force.  
They have Ex- Air Force and staff examiners that provide proper training and give their experiences. To crack the Interview of the airforce is not any normal type of person’s cup of tea you should have to prepare for it by a well experienced and quality teachers but the Brigadier defence Academy which is one of the Top Airforce Academy in Dehradun have this type of qualified teachers who know the process that how to train the students for interview.
Various institutes work in the subject of defence examinations nowadays, however before selecting any best Airforce Coaching in Dehradun, one should know the information available about these academies. Aspects such as courses, duration of the course, fee structures, etc. Many aspirants wish to crack the Airforce X and Y exams. And only the Best Airforce Institute in Dehradun like Brigadier Defence Academy, can give this dream wings.
The continuous success in Airforce X and Y group exams of Brigadier Defence Academy which is one the Best Airforce Coaching in Dehradun is shown in the results section of brigadiers websites is sufficient to fulfill your search for the Top Airforce Academy in Dehradun.
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ruseducation · 2 years
Top 10 Medical University in Russia: Detailed Guide To MBBS in Russia Fee Structure & Admission Process
Russia is one of the favorite destinations for Indian students for MBBS after India. With such large options for the best MBBS colleges in Russia for Indian students, how can they leave behind this country to pursue their medical education. The country is home to top medical universities offering high-quality medical education, practical exposure, hands-on experience in reputed Russian hospitals, worldwide recognized degrees, and top-notch hostel and mess facilities for Indian students for a prosperous medical career.
So, if you are searching for the best universities for MBBS in Russia to apply for admissions and are also interested to know their fee structure, here is a detailed guide for you.
Top Universities for MBBS in Russia for Indian Students
Indian students can kick start their medical career by pursuing MBBS in Russia from top medical universities with global recognition. The procedure of MBBS admission in Russia at these universities is quite simple and will be solely based on your result in the 12th standards and NEET exam. But the major challenge is to decide which top university in Russia to apply to as there are so many of them.
Here is the list of the best medical universities in Russia for Indian students with their overview, average MBBS in Russia fees, recognitions, course duration, admission time, etc.
1. Perm State Medical University (PSMU)
Established in 1916, Perm State Medical University is one of the largest and oldest medical universities in Russia. The university is renowned for its exemplary infrastructure, experienced faculty, and comfortable hostel and mess facilities for international students. The degree issued by this university is accepted globally and Indian students graduating from PSMU can sit for the FMGE licensure exam to practice medicine in India.
Address: Petropavlovskaya ul., 26, Perm, Perm Krai, Russia
Duration of MBBS course: 5 years 8 months
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER, MCC
Intake period: February & September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at PSMU
The process of MBBS admission in Russia for international students, including Indians, is as follows:
Submit the application form for admission along with requisite documents such as 10th and 12th certificates and NEET score cards.
Receiving confirmation/acceptance letter from PSMU.
Apply for the Student visa at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in India with the necessary documents.
Complete your travel formalities like ticket bookings, setting aside documents that will be required for submission at the university, etc.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
Indian students can apply to Perm State Medical University to study MBBS in Russia as the MBBS in Russia fee here is very budget-friendly as compared to pursuing MBBS from private medical colleges in India. The MBBS in Russia for Indian students fees is divided into three packages for the convenience of the students and the selection of the fee package is up to them.
One-time package — $23,000
Semi package — $28,400
Yearly package — $ 5,500/ year
To know the exact fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees will vary depending upon the exchange rate prevailing on the date of admission.
2. Orenburg State Medical University (OrSMU)
Orenburg State Medical University, a well-known medical university in Russia, was founded in 1944 with over 550 scientific and staff members currently working here. Forbes ranked OrSMU as the second best medical university in Russia to pursue MBBS in Russia. The MBBS degree conferred by the university to its international students is globally recognized which allows them to practice medicine anywhere in the world.
Address: 6, Sovetskaya street, Orenburg, Russia, 460000
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER
Intake period: February & September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at OrSMU
Indian students willing to apply to OrSMU for MBBS in Russia can know here the procedure for MBBS admission:
1. Fill out the application form of the university along with necessary documents like school certificates and NEET score cards.
2. University will send a confirmation/acceptance letter to the candidate.
3. Candidates can apply for a student visa at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in India with the required documents.
4. Make your travel arrangements like ticket bookings and put aside the required documents for submission at the university.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
OrSMU is one of the top medical universities of Russia with an affordable MBBS in Russia fee structure for students applying here from different parts of the world.
One-time package — $23,000
Semi package — $28,400
Yearly package — $ 6,000/ year
To know the exact fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees will be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate on the date of admission.
3. Mari State University (MarSU)
Incepted in 1972, Mari State University is one of the leading effective and influential multi-field universities to pursue MBBS in Russia. Awarded with the gold medal for European Quality, the university offers an international quality of education that can be compared to the European Standards. The labs and classrooms in MarSU are well-equipped with advanced technology and modern infrastructure.
Address: Ploshchad’ Lenina, 1, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic, Russia
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: ECFMG, WDOMS, FAIMER
Intake period: February & September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at MarSU
Indian students have to follow a simple process for MBBS admission in Russia at MarSU.
1. Fill out the university’s application form and submit it with required documents like school certificates and NEET score.
2. Receive an acceptance letter from the university confirming your admission.
3. Indian students can now apply for a student visa at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in India.
4. Prepare for your travel to Russia like ticket booking, departure formalities, admission formalities at the university, etc.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The structure of MBBS in Russia for Indian students fee is categorized into three packages:
One time package: $21,500
Yearly package: ~$6,000/ year
To know the accurate fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees can be estimated based on the exchange rate prevailing on the admission date.
4. Tver State Medical University
Established in 1902, Tver State Medical University is one of the oldest and most popular medical universities for MBBS in Russia playing an active role in the development of medical science and training of scientists and medical practitioners for the last 70 years. Like a cherry on the cake, the university stands in the list of top 10 medical educational institutions as per the annual official rating given by the 48 Russian Medical Educational Institutions.
Address: 170100, city of Tver, Sovietskaya str, 4
Duration of MBBS course: 5 years 8 months
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER, MCC
Intake period: February & September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at TverSMU
Indian students applying to Tver to study MBBS in Russia can follow the below procedure for MBBS admission in Russia.
1. Submit the application form for admission with the university along with some documents like 10th and 12th standards certificates, NEET score cards, etc.
2. The university will send an acceptance letter on the registered mail id of the candidate confirming the admission.
3. Students can apply for a student visa at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in India after receiving the acceptance letter.
4. Make travel arrangements for Russia and gather important documents.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure of TverSMU For 2022–23
The average MBBS in Russia fees of Tver State Medical University is approximately $42,000. It can slightly vary depending upon the fee package you have opted for.
5. Siberian State Medical University
Founded in the year 1878, Siberian State Medical University is one of the most reputed and well-known schools of medicine in Russia. It aims to make improvements in the standards of living of the people via new educational systems, patients’ well-being, and research. The faculty here provides excellent training, research opportunities, and education to its international students. The university has students from more than 13 countries worldwide studying MBBS in Russia here.
Address: 2 Moskovsky trakt, Tomsk, 634055
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER
Intake period: September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at SSMU
Any Indian student interested in studying MBBS in Russia can consider applying for admission to Siberian State Medical University. The admission process here at SSMU is online where interested candidates can fill up the application form and submit scanned copies of required documents with the university. After receiving a mandate from the university for your admission, you can apply for your student visa.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The MBBS in Russia for Indian students fees is divided into two packages:
One time package: $23,000
Yearly package: $5,000- $6,000 approx. for every year
To know the approx. fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees will depend on the forex exchange rate on the admission date.
6. Altai State Medical University
Established in 1954, Altai State Medical University is one of the renowned medical universities in Russia offering the best quality medical education to its students ever since its inception. It possesses considerable research and staff potential. The university has 1000+ teaching staff here, including 100 doctors and 500 Ph.D. specialists.
Address: Prospekt Lenina, 40, Barnaul, Altai Krai, Russia, 656038
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER
Intake period: September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at Altai SMU
To initiate the process of MBBS admission in Russia at Altai State Medical University, an Indian student is required to fill up a form and submit it alongside some documents such as:
Scanned copy of notarized and translated high school certificates in Russian.
ID proof such as a passport.
Medical certificate (HIV report, chest X-ray report, etc.)
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The complete MBBS in Russia fees at AltaiSMU for six years is divided into various categories. The approx. MBBS admission in Russia fee is $30,000 — $35,000 for the entire course.
To know the approx. fee break-up, click here.
Note: The fee for MBBS in Russia from this university will vary according to the exchange rate on the admission date.
7. Bashkir State Medical University
One of the top medical universities in Russia to study MBBS in Russia, Bashkir State Medical University was established in 1932 and is a well-known center of pharmaceutical and medical science in the Bashkortostan Republic. Ever since its inception, this university has been training specialists in scientific, healthcare, and pedagogical work in the medical and pharmaceutical education sector of the Russian Federation.
Address: Ulitsa Lenina, 3, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, 450008
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, AMEE, EMSA, FAIMER
Intake period: September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at BSMU
Students can apply for admission to MBBS at Bashkir State Medical University following the below procedure:
Select your preferred graduation program.
Fill up the application form and send it to the university through mail along with some documents such as the scanned copy of your passport, high school certificates, and health fitness certificate. These documents must be translated to Russian and duly authorized by the Russian embassy.
You will receive an invitation letter from the university in your email.
Now you have to apply for a student visa at the Embassy of the Russian Federation.
Inform the university about your date of arrival in advance so that hostel arrangements can be made.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The fee structure for MBBS in Russia at Bashkir State Medical University is approx. $35,000.
To know the estimated fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees can be estimated on the basis of the exchange rate on the date of admission.
8. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Popularly known as Moscow State University, this medical institution is the medical university in Russia established in the year 1755. The university follows the highest academic standards and has inculcated democratic ideals for the students.
Address: Ulitsa Kolmogorova, 1, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER
Intake period: September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at MSU
The admission procedure at Moscow State University for Indian students is online as well as offline.
Choose your preferred education program.
Prepare your documents for application for MBBS in Russia such as original or scanned copies of higher education certificates; notarized translation into Russian of educational documents; copy of ID proof like a passport; notarized translation into Russian of the first two pages of the passport; and candidate photo in JPEG or PNG format.
Fill up an online application form of the university and submit it along with the above documents.
Pass the entrance exam that will be conducted REMOTELY in the format of an online interview.
The representatives from the university will contact you and ask for your confirmation on the enrollment for admission. If you are interested, you can send your statement of consent in writing to the university.
You will receive an invitation letter from the university for your student visa application.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The fee structure for MBBS in Russia at Bashkir State Medical University will range from $6,500 to $8,500.
To know the estimated fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees will be calculated on the basis of the forex exchange rate on the date of admission.
9. Volgograd State Medical University
Founded in 1935, Volgograd State Medical University is accredited by the Russian Ministry for Education to teach both Russian and international students. In 2000, the university was allowed to teach international students in English. As this university is recognized by the WDOMS, graduates from here can practice medicine anywhere in the world after passing licensure exams in those countries.
Address: Ploshchad’ Pavshikh Bortsov, д. 1, Volgograd, Volgograd Oblast, Russia, 400131
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions: WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER
Intake period: September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at VSMU
Admission to MBBS in Russia at Volgograd State Medical University is done online through an application form and the submission of important documents with the university. After an applicant sends the application form with attached documents to the university, an invitation letter will be sent by the university by mail. This letter will be used to apply for a student visa at the Russian Embassy.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The MBBS in Russia fees at Volgograd State Medical University is approx. $35,000.
To know the estimated fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees will be estimated on the basis of the forex exchange rate on the admission date.
10.Kazan State Medical University
Established in 1930, Kazan State Medical University is one of the top medical universities in Russia with almost 700 international students from across 57 countries worldwide. The university is recognized by the Ministry of Healthcare & Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Address: Ulitsa Butlerova, 49, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 420012
Duration of MBBS course: 6 years
Major Recognitions:WDOMS, ECFMG, FAIMER
Intake period: September
Medium of Teaching: English
Eligibility criteria: 10+2 with 50% of marks, NEET
Indian mess facility: Yes
Hostel facility: Yes
MBBS Admission in Russia 2022 at KSMU
Getting into Kazan State Medical University, Russia, requires fulfillment of certain processes such as filling up an application form, submission of important documents like higher education certificates, ID proofs, NEET score card, etc. The university will then send an invitation letter to the applicant which he/she will use to apply for the student visa.
MBBS in Russia Fee Structure For 2022–23
The total MBBS in Russia fees at Kazan State Medical University is approx. $36,000.
To know the estimated fee break-up, click here.
Note: The MBBS in Russia fees in rupees will depend on the forex exchange rate on the admission date.
The Conclusion
Rus Education is a medical education facilitator in India offering start-to-end admission solutions to Indian students who wish to apply for admission to top medical universities for MBBS in Russia. The professional and experienced counselors in the organization provide a detailed tour of admission processes, fee structure, accommodation facilities, etc. to Indian students. The organization has collaborated with 50+ renowned Russian universities and makes the procedure of admission, travel and visa assistance, education loan, etc. a cakewalk for Indian students.
So, get in touch with Rus Education today to open new gates of opportunities for MBBS in Russia at world-class universities!
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shubhammaantech123 · 2 years
Alagappa University Online Education Admission 2022-23
Alagappa University Online Education was founded in the year 1992 that offers various undergraduate, postgraduate, certificate, diploma, and postgraduate diploma courses. The institute is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with a grade of ‘A+’ and is approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
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The courses offered by the institute in the field of Education, Computer Applications, Management, Science, and Languages. Alagappa University has 39 Departments, 9 Centres, and 2 Constituent Colleges along with 44 affiliated Colleges. The institute offers courses at different levels such as Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Certificate, Diploma, and Postgraduate Diploma.
Eligibility Criteria
The interested applicants can get admission based on merit scored in the last qualifying examination. On the other hand for some courses like B.Ed, B.Sc, and MCA, separate exams is been conducted by the university.
Courses offered at Alagappa University Online Education
Postgraduate Programs offered are: MBA in General Management, MBA in Financial Management, MBA in Human Resource Management, MBA in Logistics Management and MBA in Tourism Management.
Undergraduate Programs offered are: BCA, B.Com, BBA, B.LITT, BA, B.Sc, and B.ED
Postgraduate Programs offered are: MBA, MCA, MSW, M.Com, M.Lib.Sc, M.Sc, and MA.
Diploma Programs offered are: PGDP in Computer Application, PGDP in Business Management, PGDP in Personal Management & Industrial Relations, PGDP in Hospital Management, PGDP in Human Resource, PGDP in Sports Management and PGDP in Yoga.
Alagappa University Scholarship
The University provides Scholarship Programs for its student under numerous categories financed by Government agencies. Given below are the details for the same of the scholarship:
·       Complete fee waiver to the deserving candidates in each program
·       Merit stipend to top postgraduate candidates with Rs. 2000 per month to each student in the ratio of student strength on a roll of 1:10
·       PMT and VOC Endowment Merit Scholarship for first 3 toppers in each year
·       Earn While You Learn Scheme for 2 students of Rs. 2000 per month
Alagappa University Online Education Placements
The situation pace of this college is excellent because it is viewed as one of the superior instructive establishments in online learning for an MBA Degree. The college offers the best nature of training to the understudies and consistently top of line organizations visit the grounds to recruit and enlist the aspirants. A few top organizations' names are Nestle, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, Britannia, Cognizant, etc.
Alagappa University Faculty
The faculty of this University is accomplished and experienced and consistently prepared to offer the best direction and backing to the applicants. The fundamental goal of this University is to convey the best and most profound information to the candidates. The faculty of the institute additionally offers open doors to the understudies in industry.
Alagappa University Infrastructure
The infrastructure of the institute is awesome and the college is spread across 450 acres of land of modern multifaceted buildings. With a major auditorium, AC classes, Big Library, Good Canteen, and Greenery, the college has everything for the understudies.
Alagappa University Distance Courses Admission Eligibility Criteria
Distance MBA Admission Eligibility Criteria-
The institute requires the student to possess a degree from any of the recognized institute or universities with a 10+2+3 education system
Distance BBA Admission Eligibility Criteria-
Educational Qualification: The candidate should be 12th passed out or equivalent degree from any recognized board.
Age Requirements: There is no minimum age limit.
Ranking of the Alagappa University
·       It has been ranked 57 for Overall by NIRF 2021
·       The institute has been ranked 64 for Overall by NIRF 2020
·       AU has been ranked 47 for Overall by NIRF 2019
·       Alagappa has been ranked 33 for Overall by Outlook 2019
·       The university has been ranked 24 for Overall by QS 2020
·       The institute has been ranked 20 for Overall by QS 2019
·       Alagappa University recently secured 64th position in the Overall rankings of NIRF 2020.
·       Secured 28th position among Universities and 47th in Overall rankings by the NIRF 2019 ranking.
·       The University has acquired 4th rank in Swachhta Ranking 2018 for the cleanest Higher Educational Institutions in the Country in the category of Government Institutions.
·       The University has bagged the Indian Association for the Blind (IAB) Silver Zone Award for outstanding excellence and amazing contribution to the empowerment of persons with Visual Challenges.
·       It is the only University in Tamil Nadu which has been sanctioned INR 100 crores under RUSA 2.0 Scheme.
·       Obtained Autonomy status (one among 60 Institutions in the country announced by MHRD).
Admission Procedure
·       There are two ways to get admission at the institute either through direct admission or through approved learning centers.
·       The candidates need to fill their application form for applying to the various courses like undergraduate and postgraduate in the college with the registration fee. Make sure the Demand Draft should be paid to the Alagappa University at Karaikudi.
·       Make sure the application form should be filled with a black or blue pen and should be submitted along with demand draft.
·       Demand draft for the prescribed total course fee drawn in the favor of the Director at Algappa University, payable on any bank at Karaikudi.
·       The application form will be submitted through the learning centers along with the following documents:
·       Index card with stamp size photo and the attached signature
·       Original qualification of Intermediate/ Diploma/ Graduate degree certificate and a copy of all original documents attested by Gazetted Officer
·       One DD in favor of Director at Alagappa University and payable at Karaikudi towards the university
·       Another DD in favor of learning center concerned through whom the applicants seek admission
Alagappa University Online Education Fee Structure
Fees (Approx.)
MBA in General Management
Rs. 1.50 Lakhs
MBA in Financial Management
Rs. 1.50 Lakhs
MBA in Human Resource Management
Rs. 1.50 Lakhs
MBA in Logistics Management
Rs. 1.50 Lakhs
MBA in Tourism Management
Rs. 1.50 Lakhs
Alagappa University Online Education Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility  Criteria
Postgraduate Program
MBA in General Management
Applicant must have cleared Graduation  in any discipline with minimum 50% aggregate marks (45% aggregate marks for  SC/ST category)
MBA in Financial Management
MBA in Human Resource Management
MBA in Logistics Management
 Top 10 Online And Distance Learning MBA Institute
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