#this was just a session of carrying and lightly fetching the bird
abirddogmoment · 2 months
Baby dog retrieve on quail!
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
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As an add on to the playlists I created for this particular day, I also wanted to do some writing for the 01 kids as well.
For those who don’t know, I love the Digimon Adventure tri. character songs. (I even did a full blown analysis of the lyrics.) So I decided to do some short one shots featuring a lyric from each kid’s character song.
You can find the songs here in case you haven’t heard them. I found the English translations on Wikimon.
I hope you enjoy! <3
"If you get lost, I want you to hold my two hands"
Agumon hadn't made it home yet. Tai was starting to get worried about the little Digimon, so he grabbed his coat and went to look for him.
As he looked in the usual places (namely, food stands and shops), he was reminded of a time when he and Kari were little. They'd gone to play hide and seek in the park, and Kari had hidden so well Tai had been looking for her for over an hour. By the time he'd found her, she was crying because she had gotten herself lost and didn't know how to get back to him. He'd had to hold both of her hands and lead her back to where their mom was waiting.
Not that he expected Agumon to be sobbing, but he hoped he would at least find him before he got hurt.
It didn't take long. In the same park Tai had once found Kari in, he found Agumon, kicking his feet back and forth as he sat on a bench. "What took you so long, Tai?" he said, the long-forgotten wrappers of crepes and candies resting beside him.
"There was no telling where you were, buddy," Tai shot back, gently rubbing his knuckles into Agumon's head. 
The Digimon laughed and hopped off the bench, gathering up his trash to throw out. "I got lost, but I knew you'd find me, Tai. You always do."
Tai smiled. "I guess I do."
Even though he didn't need it, Agumon held Tai's hand all the way home.
"The seasons continue to change and we become adults"
"When did we become adults?" Tai complained, his legs draped over the back of the couch.
"About the same time we started college, I'm pretty sure," Matt quipped from where he sat on the carpet, staring out the window. He glanced over at his best friend, who looked put out by this answer. "Has it gotten through your thick skull yet?"
"You're one to talk," Tai muttered, folding his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. "I can't accept it if I refuse to believe it."
"Yeah, yeah." Matt shifted his gaze to stare out at the sunset. His hand lifted and aimlessly searched for Gabumon's head. He'd taken to petting the Digimon's head like this whenever he was deep in thought. The contact kept him grounded; he had no fear of flying away whenever he did this.
"I think it was that summer," Matt finally said, his hand stilling on Gabumon's head. Gabumon looked over at him, immediately understanding his meaning.
"Which summer?" Tai asked. "In case you forgot, there have been many. Nearly ten now."
Matt chuckled wryly. "That summer. Ordinemon."
He didn't have to look to see Tai's eyes turn sad. Matt made it a general rule not to mention Ordinemon in front of his best friend, if only because it reminded him of Nishijima. But he could tell by Tai's silence that he agreed.
Matt murmured, "The seasons kept changing, but we'd already grown up."
They both kind of hated how right the sentiment was.
"It's alright, my feelings for you will last forever"
Sora sighed at the mess before her. "Biyomon…"
"Sorry, Sora," her partner said meekly, almost shrinking into herself as she refused to meet Sora's eyes.
It was hard to be mad at a Digimon who looked so adorable when remorseful. Sora's mouth quirked up on one side as she crouched down and patted the top of Biyomon's head. "How about you help me clean this up?"
"Okay!" the bird Digimon agreed.
They worked together to clean up the mess Biyomon had accidentally made, humming along to some song they couldn't name as they did so. Despite her occasional clumsiness, Biyomon was quite adept at cleaning up messes. It made Sora thankful to have her around; an extra pair of hands—er, wings—came in handy.
When they were finished, Sora collapsed on a chair. She was suddenly exhausted, and she couldn't really pinpoint why. Maybe she was a tad overwhelmed from all the cleaning she'd done all day, and all the cleaning she had a feeling she'd be doing the rest of the day. Whatever it was, she just needed a moment to sit.
Concerned, Biyomon nervously approached her. "Sora," she began, "you're not mad at me… are you?"
Sora's eyes opened to meet those of her Digimon partner, so wide with worry. "Of course not. What would make you think that?"
"Well… you've just been so tired lately. I thought maybe you'd be mad that I made a mess again…"
"Oh, Biyomon," Sora sighed, folding her Digimon into her arms. "I hope you know I could never stay mad at you. I love you too much."
There was a relieved chirp in her voice as Biyomon said, "And I love you, too, Sora!"
Those three words lifted a good part of the exhaustion from Sora's shoulder.
"That fragment of memory I made has disappeared"
Izzy frowned. He lightly placed his fingers on his temple and forehead, trying to pinpoint the sinking feeling in his stomach and the uneasy feeling in his heart. It wasn't a headache, surely, despite him holding his head. And he was fairly sure he didn't have a cold. So what was so wrong?
"What's wrong, Izzy?"
The words weren't coming to him to explain to Tentomon what was wrong. His Digimon buzzed his head, asking him rapid fire questions about his health. He didn't answer any of them, so focused was he on figuring out what was wrong.
"I… forgot."
"Forgot what?" the Digimon asked in surprise.
Looking up at Tentomon, Izzy murmured, "I forgot the first joke of yours I laughed at."
Tentomon landed on the ground and placed a gentle claw on Izzy's lap. "That's it?"
There were tears on his face now, and Izzy had no recollection of shedding them. "It was one of my favorite memories of the time we met."
"Oh, Izzy," Tentomon said fondly, reaching up to pat his cheek. "I'll tell you all the jokes you want."
"I'm sorry," Izzy whispered, leaning forward to wrap his arms around the Digimon. "I didn't want to forget any of that."
"We'll make new memories for as long as we're together," Tentomon reassured him. "That's a promise from Digimon to human."
"Thank you."
Tentomon held Izzy until the pain of losing such a fond memory has faded along with the tears.
"I do not want to forget that it happened"
Mimi hummed to herself as she finished stringing the beads on the cord on her desk. Three similar bracelets sat on the right corner of the desk, their beads glinting in the faint sunlight streaming through the window.
"Whatcha doing, Mimi?" Palmon's voice asked from behind her.
"Making bracelets to honor our friends," Mimi declared, sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she finished the knot to tie the bracelet together. "There. Wizardmon, Pixiemon, Whamon, and Chuumon are done. Leomon is next."
"But Mimi," Palmon asked, peeking her head over the desk. "Why are you making them?"
"Because they sacrificed themselves to help us, all those years ago. I wasn't sure how to honor them until now."
Palmon blinked, still not understanding. "But… many of them were reborn, Mimi."
Her hands stilled for a moment. Her determined face melted into a sad one. "I know, Palmon." She turned to her Digimon partner and gave her a weak smile. "But I don't want to forget what they did for us just because they got a second chance."
"Oh, Mimi," Palmon sighed, wrapping her arms around Mimi's middle. "You have such a big heart."
"It's not much," Mimi admitted, stroking Palmon's flower. "But I want to keep their memory alive somehow. It's the least I can do."
"Then let me help you," Palmon decided, and Mimi smiled and nodded.
By the time they were done, Mimi had an entire rainbow of bracelets dedicated to their fallen comrades.
"I sincerely want the strength to protect you, too"
Joe woke up once again to a breakfast tray sitting on his nightstand. Gomamon had surely left it for him, as he had been doing for the past week. He'd been pulling constant all-nighters and late study sessions to cram for his exams again. If his Digimon partner hadn't looked so happy to help, he would've felt bad for constantly putting the little guy out.
It was one of those days where he realized just how much he loved his Digimon.
Yawning, Joe ate the breakfast Gomamon had gotten for him, wondering what was the best way to thank him. That was when he heard the crash in the kitchen.
"Gomamon?" he called, racing out of his room to see what the noise was all about.
The seal-like Digimon crawled out from behind the kitchen counter, favoring one flipper-like paw. "I'm alright, Joe. You have studying to do, right?" he asked, trying, and failing, to mask the pain in his voice.
"Let me see," Joe insisted, holding out his hand.
With a sigh, Gomamon handed him his paw, and Joe's face fell when he saw the cut. "Hold on." From the bathroom, he fetched gauze and some medical tape to wrap the wound. "Oh, Gomamon, I'm so sorry. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so tired—"
"Joe, stop, this isn't your fault," Gomamon interrupted, staring up at his human partner and meeting Joe's desperate gaze. "I was clumsy. That's not your fault."
"I know, but…" Joe paused in wrapping Gomamon's paw. He whispered, "But I want to be helpful to you, too. Just like you are to me."
"Hey," Gomamon said, and Joe looked down at him again. The Digimon was grinning. "What are partners for, Joe? Is it so wrong for me to take care of you?"
"Only if I never get to return the favor," Joe teased, pulling Gomamon into a hug. "You better not scare me again like that, okay?"
"Sure thing, Joe," Gomamon laughed.
For the rest of the day, Joe carried Gomamon on his back so he wouldn't strain his paw. Gomamon told him it was very "doctorly" of him to do so.
"What is important to me is right here"
"Hm?" T.K. looked up from his book to Patamon, who was flapping nervously above his head. "What's up, Patamon?"
"Don't you have a date today?" the little Digimon asked, looking very concerned about the shift in what was usually a very hectic social schedule.
A smile spread across T.K.'s face. "I canceled it. I didn't feel like going today."
"Is that okay?"' Patamon landed on the couch beside T.K., placing his front paws on his lap and staring up at him. "Are you sure she won't be mad?"
"I told her I had something more important to do," T.K. said cryptically, looking back down at his book.
"Oh? And what's that?"
Patamon yelped as T.K. suddenly wrapped him up in his arms, pressing his face into the Digimon's back.
"You silly," T.K. laughed good-naturedly. "Spending time with you is more important."
The Digimon blushed a tiny bit. "R-really?"
"Of course. You're my best friend," T.K. said, hugging him tighter. "Now, how about I read to you?"
"Or we can go get ice cream!"
T.K. laughed out loud. "Sure thing, Patamon," he said. "Anything for you."
Later, T.K. would remark that he had much more fun with Patamon than he would have had with anyone else that day.
"A shadow of the tears you've shed remains"
Gatomon had been silent all day. Kari was used to this from her by now. Some days they would sit in comfortable silence, staring out the window at nothing in particular or watching something nonsensical on the television. It was par for the course at this point in their lives, but that didn't mean that Kari was sometimes concerned about how sad Gatomon would look on these silent days.
To others, the cat Digimon didn't look any different. But Kari could tell from the look in her eyes, from the way she brushed one paw over the other, from the way her tail swished in a particular fashion, that she was sad. And she had a feeling she knew what it was about.
Today had been one of the more silent days. Gatomon had barely acknowledged Kari's presence all day. That's how Kari knew it was one of the bad ones. Normally, she would have left Gatomon alone to not disturb her. 
But there were tears running down her partner's face, and she couldn't let them stay there.
Without warning, Kari scooped Gatomon into her arms and embraced her, cradling her as she would the family cat, waiting until the sniffles and warm tears stopped falling onto her shoulder. "Wizardmon," Gatomon mewled at one point, and Kari felt her own eyes prick with tears. Of course. Neither of them had ever truly gotten over it.
"It's okay," Kari murmured, pressing her face into Gatomon's fur. "I'm here."
Yes, it was certainly one of those days. One of those days where they mourned together for the friend who'd given himself for them. A friend who had been there for Gatomon where Kari hadn't yet been.
Yet, as Kari had assured Gatomon multiple times since that day, in the middle of the night after a shared nightmare, she wasn't going anywhere. And she never would, so long as they were together.
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