#tho if you want to go to the hello kitty cafe next to it .... good luck 💀 the line stretches over two hours
starrysharks · 4 months
london cute exhibition was fun (ăŁË˜Ï‰Ë˜Ï‚ ) some pics i took. if you're in the area you should definitely check it out!!!
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
First of all, bro, you have Sims! You won a life! My laptop is too old and broken for such luxuries! Please make my sim and my harem too lol. Give me all the men I deserve.😂
I may or may not be thinking about buying a new one tho. And it may or may not be just because of the latest expanded pack to the game and possibility of having my own cow.🐼 But on the other hand, I would love to go somewhere for a few days in nearest gutter if covid lets me.. So having savings would be nice.
Speaking of travelling. Stories. I am not a storyteller buuut
 you mentioned you travelled by metro in Prague and that in your country there is just one line in the capital. Seoul has so many lines! It’s so easy to get lost.. Korean metro is one of my clearest memories of my stay in Seoul. On the very first day of my stay I and my 3 friends had a “houston we have smol problem” situation, just because 2 of my companions hadnt bought a korean sim card (our cards didnt work at all) and we got separated in the metro train. I mean.. I and my good friend didnt get inside on time while other two friends made it. In our group just one person knew where our hostel was and how we could get there. And she was gone. There wasn’t any plan b, no one even thought about the possibility of getting separated. No one amongst us spoke korean, Koreans had problems with communicating in english.. WELL, SH*T. We didn’t know if we should take the next train and others would wait at the next station or if we should stay where we were. Luckily I and one of my friends that got into the train on time had our mobiles working so we were able to communicate, but we were this close to having HOME ALONE IN SEOUL.
The second one memory and one of things I miss the most are metro jingles! God, I loved them so much! If you see Seoul Metro Jingles on Xander Tiberius channel on youtube you will be able to hear my favourite one! It’s the first one in this short video! I am pretty sure you will love it.
We came right on korean thanksgiving festival called Chuseok and it was the best decision ever. People were wearing their traditional costumes, hanboks, all the time! They were so freaking beautiful! 💕 We went to Gyeonbokgung Palace and Changdeogung Palace and when I saw them covered in paintings with obangsaek scheme with my own eyes I almost cried. I love art, so Seoul was the perfect place for me. I love korean folk paintings (please, check them with my favorite tigers and magpie theme - tigers on them are so funny and wonderful - I bought like a million postcards with its images), but their modern art is great too. Especially all those murals - you can check Ihwa Mural Village. It was ASDFGHJKLLOVE.
Street food? Excellent, however I don’t like spicy food. I wanted to try silkworm stew but at the last moment I gave up on this. Too extreme for me. But I have eaten the best ice cream in my whole life and they tasted like earl grey tea.
But what was definitely the best part of my trip? Cafes! Dog cafe, raccoon cafe, Moomin cafe, sheep cafe, Hello Kitty cafe! I love dogs with all my heart so that one was definitely my favourite one and I would love to stay there forever! Raccoon one was also freakin good! For the very first time I had encountered a raccoon. Their paws are so delicate!
Travelling is such a magical experience.There are so many things to see and to try! What was your favourite place you travelled to and why? Do you have a place you would like to visit again? Where would you like to go the most? You said you were travelling with your family. Do you have some stories to share?
I am sorry for such long messages! But I can talk for hours about such things. And I like to chat with you. I am impressed with my ability to produce so many words at once. Usually I am the quiet one and very awkward too.
I have no idea how I missed this message. Like really, I was wondering if you will tell me your travel story and look! It's been here for who knows how long! I'm m so sorry ;;
So yeah, lemme show you my Sims because idk. I think I'm kind of proud of this Altair.
So first is the randomly generated Sims
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And here is Altair I made:
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I wonder what do you think about him. Don't mind hie clothes tho 😂
Back to you baby! I love your story and I envy you so much! Raccoon cafe? Good food? You won me, really. I always wanted to see/touch a raccoon but since they aren't here I simply can't. But those grabby lil pawsies! U realu envy you and I'm also so happy you had fun and now you have so much fun memories you can share. Thank you so much!
As for spicy food. I love it.
And really I really enjoy talking with you, you are so nice and passionate and never be sorry for writing a lot! I love having your messages and responding to every single one of them! Even if sometimes I'm a bit late (sorrtyyyyyyy)
As for my stories... I was attacked by a bear in Albania! 😂 I'm still terrified of them. A lady was walking a bear on a chain leash and I was passing by with peanuts. And the bear attacked me, trying to take them from me. It was so scary but I win the battle over peanuts. I was like 13. But really I don't like bears now.
I want to see literally all the world. I want to go to Greece again and Bulgaria. Bulgaria is my favourite country! Also I want to see Turkey and Egypt and Japan and China!
Hbu? Do you have more travel plans?
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svtntntn · 6 years
winner +
street racer!wonwoo x you
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let's get this revved up, shall we?
jeon wonwoo was a quiet guy in high school
he stayed focused on his studies, kept his head down and out of trouble, walked home and took the bus to school, the internet cafe and to his part time job at the cat cafe
but college was where he went kinda wild thanks to his best friends mingyu, minghao, and junhui
gyuhao were the ones who introduced him to the world of street racing as they were both up and coming racers with consistent records
junhui helped in organizing races and getting gyuhao into the more competitive circuits but his connections as a mechanic really helped connect them to the svt crew
the svt crew was started by the famous racers choi seungcheol and kwon soonyoung, who handpicked some of the best racers and mechanics to be in their crew
and bc gyuhao wanted to prove they have what it takes to be in svt, they taught wonwoo how to race and drive competitively so they could all practice and join together
and bc of wonwoo's gaming skills and his smarts, he was able to pick everything up fast
it was seungcheol and soonyoung's main mechanic jihoon who scouted them out at a race, who happened to also be in the same advanced mechanical engineering class as wonwoo at uni
but jihoon reassured them that they've had their eyes on them for awhile and wanted all of them to join
and so the four of them were warmly invited into the svt crew, meeting mechanics seokmin, jeonghan and hansol, race organizers seungkwan and joshua, and another racer named chan
they've become a small family in the garage of seungcheol, soonyoung and jihoon's house :’)
and even tho wonwoo's a part of one of the best racing crews around, he still retains the same fashion sense and humble demeanor from long ago
wears his cozy sweaters and hoodies and glasses to the races and doesn’t really care if he looks out of place bc 1) he needs his glasses to drive and 2) it's cold at night 
he's usually leaning against his car under the street lamp with a book open before the races begin
and that's how you first spot him
you work the evening shifts at a restaurant with chan, who's loud and energetic and always telling crazy stories when it's slow
and he said he was a street racer and raced in the streets after work with his crew
and you honestly thought he was making up stuff bc there's no way street racing is still a thing so you call out chan's bluff and he persuades you to come with him after work to an event he's racing in
and boY were you wrong
the streets are filled with ppl showing off their cars and there's so many headlights shining and ppl everywhere and loud music blasting from speakers
chan pulls up to svt's area, opening the door for you and introducing you to a couple ppl at a time to prove he wasn't bluffing about racing, "some people here are racers, mechanics, organizers, influencers, fans—the whole nine yards" 
chan has this satisfied smirk after you meet with jeonghan and seokmin, "not to say I told you so, but—" 
"okay fine, I believe you, but like... " you smack chan in the arm, "isn't all of this illegal??"
chan is about to introduce you to more of svt when seungkwan calls him over about the race, "(y/n), just stay put right here—wait, let me introduce you to wonwoo, he's right here!" 
wonwoo's head tilts up at the sound of his name and there's you nervously pushed next to him
"wonwoo, (y/n). (y/n), wonwoo! I'll be back!" chan runs off as you stand in awkward silence next to chan's friend who's v into his book
"uh, hi I’m (y/n), I work with chan" 
"wonwoo" he nods and continues reading as you glance around at the masses of ppl and cars and lights flashing everywhere
and this guy reading this hefty novel is clearly out of place like you so you try to make conversation with him, "isn’t all the lights and the music distracting? from concentrating on reading?"
"it used to bother me a lot but I’ve gotten used to it"
"oh, that’s good" you note, peeking down to glance at the book cover but you can't read the title bc his hand's blocking it, "what book are you reading?"
"my book? oh," wonwoo proceeds to tell you the title and starts giving you a summary about it before you interrupt him
"wait, I've definitely read that before! I read it last year and fell in love with everything! the narration, the writing, the adventure of it all! oh my gosh, the ending—"
wonwoo smile gets wider and wider but then his eyes bug out, "don't tell me the ending! I'm not finished!"
you laugh at his expression and he actually puts his novel away, tucking his kitty cat bookmark into it and holding it against his chest, taking more meaningful glances at you as you watch ppl pass you by with a content smile, "so how did you get here?"
"oh, by car"
you hold back the urge to smack him as wonwoo pretends to hide behind his book, "I mean, who dragged out you here bc you clearly look like you don't want to be here"
wonwoo deduces that you think he's not a racer and he decides to play along, "uh, my friend mingyu brought me here and minghao, technically both of them and junhui too"
"who?" chan's introduced you to a lot of ppl so you're not sure who is who anymore
wonwoo straightens up and points to his best friend who is leaning against a white car of his own, "that guy, the one in the shiny jacket over there"
"who?" you lean and stretch your body to see who wonwoo is talking about but you can't see bc there's a crowd of girls surrounding his friend
you try stepping to the side to get a good look but you're accidentally shoved aside as more ppl run past you, pushing you into someone else
and of course, that someone else is of another crew, one of svt's main rivals
"hey, what's your deal?" the man lightly pushes you off him, and looks at you like he's immediately repulsed by you, "aren't you
 something, who let you in here?"
wonwoo comes up behind you, "let it go, eric. she ran into you by accident"
"she your girl?" eric blatantly checks out you, "you could do better way, way better, jeon"
before wonwoo even says another word, you're V OFFENDED, "excuse me? you have no right to say anything about me or any other woman for that matter, beauty is not a competition about someone else doing or being better than another—"
"oh god," eric interrupts you and waves you off, "jeon, collect your girlfriend" 
wonwoo narrows his eyes at eric, "don't talk to her like that"
eric scoffs and rolls his eyes, "go back to your deadbeat car, driving miss daisy"
"hey I'm not done talking to you, you!" you're trying to get at eric again, but wonwoo pulls you away back to where his car is in svt's zone
"(y/n), come on. he's not worth it" your temper is still cooling off and you're glaring knives into eric but wonwoo blocks your vision of him and gently places his hands on your shoulder, "don't listen to him, anyone would be lucky to have you. I just met you but you seem really intelligent and sweet and you're really pretty and eric's just being—"
"a stupid jerk who has no respect for women and is clearly an obnoxious piece of sh—"
"yes yes, he is all that" he agrees, "but you're okay though, right?"
wonwoo is still concerned from when you were first pushed aside and you're about to answer him when minghao comes up behind him, "wonwoo! the race is about to begin in ten, you ready?" 
"y-you’re a racer?" your eyes are wide and you're just confused, "wait, this is your car? that you drive yourself? and race in?"
"yeah, is something wrong with that?"
"uh, you just—you don't look like you'd be a racer? no offense! I just—I mean, everyone I've met is showing off their cars and talking to ppl and you're just reading your book by your car and everyone is dressed up and stuff and you're wearing just a hoodie and your glasses—which are cute, I mean cool—" you take a deep breath before you expel anymore word vomit, "I didn't think you were a racer but you are and that's cool! don't get me wrong!"
wonwoo chuckles at your awkwardly cute ramble going at the speed of light and how you fumble with your hair as you talk
just then minghao and junhui and everyone interrupt your bubble and start prepping wonwoo and chan for the race and you almost get lost in the back of the crowd
seokmin and jeonghan pull you closer to their group and you watch chan and wonwoo drive their cars to the starting line with two other cars
as soon as the flag is dropped, everyone takes off and there's the smell of hot rubber on the asphalt and smoke in their tracks
hansol and seungkwan make conversation with you as everyone just waits for wonwoo and the others to return, with mingyu popping in every so often to study you bc hello who are you talking to his best friend earlier like
someone shouts that they can see one of the cars coming back in the distance and when everyone crowds the finish line again, mingyu holds you back from falling face first
but he also lets go of you when him and svt see that it's wonwoo's car that passes the line first and then chan's and then their rivals
you try to get close to chan and wonwoo, but everyone is crowding them, you decide to fall back near minghao and hansol, who are waiting out the victory
when you go up to wonwoo, he's leaning against his car proudly but when he spots you, wonwoo straightens up off his car
"congrats! I'm not sure what you win in a street race, but congrats on whatever that is!" wonwoo is amused by your positivity and he can't stop smiling either
"thanks (y/n), I'm happy to just do well" him and you are just standing together next to his car when minghao, junhui and chan come by and congratulate wonwoo
chan is acting like a sore loser bc he reasons "second place is losing first" but you cheer on that he did well and promise to buy him dinner when he takes you home
and wonwoo frowns on the inside bc he lowkey wanted to ask if you wanted to get food with everyone but you did have to get home soon and chan was the one who brought you to the race, so you did have to leave with him
they all start talking about the race and their cars so you stay quiet, but wonwoo is subtly making faces at you to keep you entertained 
after awhile, more and more ppl are going past you guys and they all start up their cars and drive away, making you question what's going on
minghao and junhui leave to see what's happening but then joshua and hansol rush to you all, "the cops are coming! meet us back at the house"
you're lost as what to do, but chan pulls you away to the passenger seat of the closest car, which happens to of course, be wonwoo's car
wonwoo is already in the driver's seat when chan yells for him to take care of you till they all meet up at the house, apologizing for shoving you into his car 
he drives off and he keeps his eyes on the road in front of him, obeying all the traffic laws while you nitpick at your jacket 
he lets you pick out the music to play in his car and he hums along to the music you chose:)
when wonwoo stops at an intersection, he turns into the lot for a fast food place, prompting you to ask, "you want to stop to get food as we drive away from an illegal street race that you won?"
wonwoo meekly nods his head, "aren't you hungry tho?"
"I mean, yeah... I will never say no to food"
you both order your late night cravings in the drive thru and before you start digging into your meal, you remember you're in wonwoo's probably v expensive, suped up racing car, "wait, is it okay to eat in your car?"
"huh? yes, go ahead" 
"are you sure?"
"no, I’m wonwoo" you groan at his joke and he laughs it off before he reiterates again it’s cool to eat in his car and you hesitantly start eating
as you feed yourself, you notice wonwoo's trying to sneak some fries out of his bag while he drives, so you decide to help feed him
"thanks" he's kinda blushy as you feed him french fries and his nose scrunches up adorably when he focuses on where are the fries are before guiding his mouth to them
for some odd reason (call it coincidence), but a toy is somehow in your bag of food, and it ends up being a miniature trophy!
you hold it up for wonwoo to kinda see as he drives, "look, it can be your trophy from the race!"
wonwoo and you end up talking more about music, school, books and everything you like and dislike as wonwoo drives around
he purposefully takes the long way to the house to talk to you more but mostly it’s also bc he’s lost bc he usually doesn’t take the long way
when he passes by lost cats in the streets, he immediately pulls over the car to see if they’re someone’s missing cat who they can return home or just a stray cat in need of shelter and care
there’s two kittens wandering around about when wonwoo notices them before he turns into the neighborhood
you and him take them into the car and see on their collar that they belong to a family living in the neighborhood and decide to take them home 
"oh my gosh! thank you thank you thank you!" the parents of the little girl thank you two profusely for finding the kittens and their daughter is overjoyed 
"what do you say to the kind couple, soojin?"
"thank you very much, miss pretty lady and mr. handsome man"
"soojin!" you both laugh and when the parents offer you money as a reward, you two kindly refuse but they give you a little bit anyways
"thank you so much, I hope you two have a good night!" as you and wonwoo walk back to his car, you definitely agree that it’s been a great night:)
when you two pull up to seungcheol, jihoon and soonyoung's house, everyone and especially chan is like "where have you two been! we thought the cops got you"
but you guilty hold up the fast food bags
"you promised me food" chan pouts, and you give up half of your fries to him as an apology for worrying him
chan decides to take you home and you say goodbye to all the guys before getting into chan's car
but before you go, you hand wonwoo the mini trophy from the fast food bag, "congrats on winning the race tonight, maybe I'll see you around?"
wonwoo grins as you walk away to chan's car, but it's after you leave does wonwoo realizes he forgot to ask you for your number
but when wonwoo checks the mini trophy toy you gave him, where he sees a napkin stuff into the bowl of the trophy
it's from the fast food place but your handwriting is on it: text me when you finish the book! I'd love to talk to you more xx (y/n)
and at the very end is your cell phone number;)
what an great night
street racer jeon wonwoo doesn’t look nor act like your typical racer and you’re perfectly okay with that bc it means you can have the soft man underneath it all to yourself
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