Dark Forest Resident: Motheyes 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Best Sibling Ever, Eyes Of Doom, Killer Eyes 
Gender: AMAB genderfluid (he/she/they pronouns) 
Sexuality: pansexual 
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Skywing (sister) 
Other Relations: unnamed mentor 
Clan: PrairieClan 
Rank: warrior 
Characteristics: kills to get revenge for their sister, kills those who have wronged their sister, very close to their sister 
Number of Victims: 2 
Number of Murders: 2 
Murder Method: pushing off of cliffs 
Known Victims: Thornnose, Mistyspring 
Victim Profile: ex-mate of their sister, new mate of their sister's former mate 
Cause of Death: throat ripped out, killed by Rabbitpaw and Rosepaw 
Cautionary Tale: N/A
From the moment they entered the world, Mothkit and Skykit were inseparable. Seeing the siblings apart was a rare occurrence, and they vowed to do whatever was necessary to support the other when they had been wronged. 
Indeed, the normally shy and sweet Skypaw was Mothpaw's most fiercest defender when the latter came out as genderfluid. In turn, Mothpaw valiantly stuck up for their sister, turning down cats who asked them out solely because they had bullied Skypaw in the past.
Their relationship stayed just as strong into warriorhood, and it wasn't long before Skywing found a mate of her own in the deputy's nephew, Thornnose. The two were head over heels in love, but Motheyes didn't trust Thornnose. He had always been too much of a stuck-up brat. Sure enough, Motheyes's suspicions would be confirmed eight moons later, when, while out on patrol, they caught Thornnose cuddling with Mistyspring. 
To make matters even worse, when they brought the two before the Clan to confess, Mistyspring admitted to being pregnant with Thornnose's kits! Skywing was inconsolable, refusing to leave the warrior's den. Motheyes had to literally shove pieces of prey down Skywing's throat just to get her to eat. 
Even when Skywing was finally able to step out of the warrior's den, she was a shell of her former self, refusing to say a word and refusing to go near the nursery, where Mistyspring was now nursing her and Thornnose's kits, Rabbitkit and Rosekit. 
Seeing the happy family snuggle in the shade, then seeing Skywing struggle to eat prey without breaking into sobs, made Motheyes's heart burn with anger. 
They vowed that Thornnose and Mistyspring would pay. They didn't get their chance for revenge until soon after Rabbitpaw and Rosepaw had become apprentices. Thornnose and Mistyspring had gone on a walk for some long-overdue alone time, and Motheyes took the chance to follow them. 
They caught up to them by the edge of CliffClan territory, sharing tongues. Motheyes didn't hesitate for a single second, immediately bursting out of their hiding place and slamming into Mistyspring, sending her careening over the edge of the cliff, a sick crack following shortly after.
The normally loud and confident Thornnose was reduced to stunned silence as he stared at his mate's broken body lying at the bottom of the cliff. He looked up at Motheyes to ask them why they were doing this. Motheyes simply responded "Isn't it obvious? I'm doing this for Skywing,” before lunging at Thornnose and knocking him over the edge as well. 
He landed right next to Mistyspring, and Motheyes saw him put his paw around her body just before the light in his eyes dimmed out.
Filled to the brim with satisfaction, Motheyes turned to head back to camp. But before they could revel in their victory anymore, two tiny blurs leaped out of the bushes, and Motheyes felt two tiny sets of claws sink into their neck, ripping it apart. The last thing they heard as their vision went dark was Rabbitpaw and Rosepaw screaming out for their mommy and daddy. At least it put a smile on their face.
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Additional Information:
--Submission by @starfalcon555​
--Possibly (and likely) future mate for Snowwing
--Rabbitpaw and Rosepaw's warrior names are Rabbitthorn and Rosemist, after their parents.
--Skywing was horrified when she learned what Motheyes had done, she hated Thornnose and Mistyspring for what they did to her, but she's also a major pacifist and didn't want it to go this far. She probably becomes a mother figure for Rabbitpaw and Rosepaw afterwards.
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yanoharuhito · 2 years
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these are just ocs at this point
thornnose (they/he) and snowglare (he/him) they are gay and in love
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woodsandsea · 2 years
Family Dynamic - Oak & Pine
Oakfang and Pinestripe adore their kits, Redkit, Maplekit, and Tigerkit. Oakfang especially makes sure to make time for them and play. Pinestripe is a loving if stern mother, wanting the best for them. The three are spoiled by their grandmother, Cedarstar and grandfather Thornnose. Their two uncles; Badgerstripe and Foxfang, are more focused on their duties than their kin so rarely spend time with them.
Their second litter, Bearkit and Tawnykit, don't get the chance to have as large a family as their elder siblings, but are just as loved by their parents.
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Name Rate Request (Please and Thank you)
I have four kits I would like to be rated (Preferably mod V, I think they’re more lyrical than traditional.) for a Warriors Au I’m writing called Harestar’s Reign. They’re the kits of Fernfoot (a grown-up Fernpaw) and a kittypet. Their names are Grassclaw (tom), Beeflight (molly), Thornnose (tom), and Blazetail (molly.)
Grassclaw is a creamy-brown tabby (probably a cinnamon or fawn to pick an actual cat color.) and has fur that sticks up, and is definitely the leader among his littermates. He has a bigger, buffer body than most Windclan cats, and cats of his clan don’t know if it’s because of his fat kittypet blood or harder training. He’s a feisty lil bugger too, always ready and willing to get involved in any battle and is ready to jump into the latest border skirmish. He’s not the best fighter (or hunter for that matter; mostly because he’s heavy and stocky, not the best for quick movements.) and can get a little over-excited at times. He tries as hard as he can though, but doesn’t strife to be the best in his clan, or anyother big goal like that, he’s content with just being good ol’ kinda-okay-at-everything Grassclaw. His humbleness for his life had gained him a bit of respect in the clans, but for the most part, that part of him is overshadowed by his half-kittypet bloodline (“Starclan, even Thunderclan is insulting us!”) and he will defend his littermates and mother if it costs him his life, as he values loyalty to your blood rather than making friends with other clans.
Beeflight is nearly the splitting image of Grassclaw, but has a flash of white on her muzzle and chest, and her stripes seem to be thinner and slightly darker. She was always co-leader of her and Grass’ kit adventures, and still relishes having the clan leader as her stepfather. In contrast to the humbleness Grass earned growing up, she lost her humbleness. At any given chance at Gatherings, if the topic somehow shifts to parentage (or even if it doesn’t) she’ll end up pointing up at Harestar and saying “Yeah, y'know Windclan’s leader? That’s my stepfather.” She’s a very optimistic cat despite this, always thinking being sorta-related to a clan leader should get her special rights in a clan (first pick of food, best nest, choosing which patrols to go on, etc.) and is usually put into place by the other members of her clan, to which her siblings (and close friends) end up teasing her. This starts an endless cycle of arguing that will only end when the other party walks away. Even if she does seem to be put down, she always soars back up into her place of expected privilege and victory. She’s strangely good at fighting, and seems to love the excitement of battle. She has a thin but muscular enough frame to be a silent enemy, but still strong enough to pin you down. She also loves racing her clanmates, and loves flaunting her skills by telling her clanmates that Starclan granted her with such skills because of her relation to the clan leader.
Thornnose is a gray tabby tom that nearly looks black because his stripes are so thick, he also has a tuft on his muzzle (and all over his body, for that matter, he just has random patches of tufted-up thicker fur) that earned him his prefix. Despite his denying of it, he grew up close in personality to his brother. A better hunter and tracer than his siblings, and possibly the best in his clan, Thorn finds himself being sent on hunting and tracking patrols. Sometimes even battle patrols, if not to fight (his thin frame doesn’t allow him to do much more than run for help anyway), then to see where enemies are hiding. He doesn’t enjoy battle at all, and the times he finds himself caught in fights he will be frozen and waiting to wail like a kit for it’s mother, before realizing the only way to get out is fight, and letting his instincts take over. He’s such a small, thin cat that enemies usually pick him out to fight first (to weed out the weak ones). Needless to say, they don’t expect such a small cat to have such a powerful kick. (Who needed those ribs anyway?) He thinks of himself as a petty cat, and a bit of a crybaby, whether or not this is true depends on how you know him. He likes making friends in other clans, mainly under the thought that if he gets caught in a battle with him they would remember their friendship and move on. He’s also quite a wanted cat for the ladies out of his clan (and some toms, but they’ll never admit it), and Thorn is sometimes joked with catcalls by apprentices or his clanmates, which freaks him out immensely (“Oh my Starclan! Fernfoot, why do all these cats love /me/ of all toms so much?!) which usually earns him an apology and some good bonding time with the jokers. Little do all his suitresses know he’s gay ;). For some odd reason, he also has an attraction/obsession to ducks and other small/water birds, which sometimes lands him on Riverclan territory. He slips onto their territory so much in his waterfoul chasing adventures that Riverclan likes calling him an honorary member.
Finally, Blazetail is the splitting image of her father, Silk. She’s a silvery-gray tabby with strangely soft fur, a plumy tail, big, fuzzy ears, with white toes on her forepaws, and white that goes to her heel on her hindlegs, along with tail tip, muzzle and chest flash (much like Bee’s white markings.) She was always cautious as a kit, scared of any feather a bird might drop, of any dead piece of grass cracking under her paws and any snowflakes to catch on her pelt (she was born in leaf-bare, so that fear was really unfortunate.) Everycat expected that she wouldn’t make it into warriorhood, that eventually she would have so many fears stacked up she’s commit suicide to escape it. Because of this, any and all cats kept close eyes on her, checking to make sure nothing bad happened to her, and reporting any strange behavior to her mother. Instead of the stares making her more scared though, she found they comforted her, as she took it that everyone was watching out and telling her everything was okay. She eventually got over her more “stupid” fears (cracking sticks/grass, bugs, snowflakes, birds blocking the sun, clouds randomly darkening everything, etc.) and everyone celebrated as she earned her warrior name. Blaze is one of the best hunters in her clan, being to scared of battles to do anything but run from them and go into panics whenever a particularly brutal one was mentioned. Once her mother was killed (and her stepfather lost a life), she seemed to get over this fear, if not by thinking that’s what her mother would have wanted, than wanting to avenge her mother’s honor. If she does find herself in battles (with Thunderclan mainly, as Fernfoot was killed on their land by foxes; Blaze had been told a Thunderclan patrol showed up and helped scare off the foxes, before fighting the Windclan patrol itself, a TC cat accidentally landing the killing blow on her) she lets her fear and vengeance guide her paws. If she ever feels guilty about it, Thorn’ll take her on a tour of Riverclan/birdhunting. Eventually she falls in love with a Shadowclan tom.
If you take the time to read through this, thank you in advance.    Hello! So sorry for the wait but since this was a pretty long submission we wanted to make sure we had the time to look over it the best we could! I’d be happy to give you my thoughts on these characters now, I rate on the Lyrical System. First of all though we’d both like to say we’d love if you could send us Harestar’s Reign once you’re done we’d love to read it!  Grass- typically doesn’t work well as a  prefix since grass is green. A possible way around this if you’d want is suggesting dead grass but the problem here would be that it’s rather morbid in thought as to naming a kit for something which is technically dead. It would really depend on how you view WindClan to see if you feel you can justify naming a cat for something which is typically green, alternatively of course you could name him for something else. I also can’t say I suggest -claw for him as it works best for cats who are above average in fighting which you mention he is not. Allot of what you mention about him makes me feel he might do well with the -stripe suffix as you don’t mention anything that he particularly excels at. He might also work with -heart because of how his loyalties work for him as well. I definitely think that Bee- works for her appearance wise and she definitely sounds like an interesting character and would be interesting to watch her grow. For her suffix, -flight might work just fine for her since you mention she is optimistic and fast on her feet, both of which are traits associated with the -flight suffix.  The suffix -feather also has these same meanings attached to it. It’s possible she could have -strike as it’s associated with cats who are good fighters, especially those regarding sneak attacks which she would likely excel in due to her size though this would depend on where exactly her fighting ranges in comparison to her clanmates.  I don’t recommend Thorn- as his prefix as even if a kit looked a certain way when they were born, there would be no way to tell how their fur would look once they were a bit older. If you’d like the same plant feel as Thorn- though, Ivy-, Willow-, or Wisteria- might not be bad alternatives since they work for grey tabbies (albeit a lighter grey than you described). -Nose definitely suits him as a suffix though since it’s associated with cats who are excellent trackers. But as this anon link pointed out a while back, -snout could work as well as it can be used for cats who are good trackers but also seen as being attractive in their clan. Unrelated to his name, but I really like him as a character and he must be my favorite of the four. Blaze- works best for ginger cats so I don’t recommend this name for her. Since you describe her as looking so similar to her father though, Rabbit- could be a nice alternative I believe. I don’t think -tail really suits her either as it is a suffix better used with agile cats. For her, -whisker could be a bit better as it is used for cats who are excellent hunters.  I hope this could help you out and I really do like these characters that you have here, they all seem like they would have a great dynamic, I wish you luck with your au! -Mod V. Violetbreeze
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Dark Forest Resident: Turtlepelt
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: tom
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Redgaze (mate), Greypaw, Ashkit, Smokepaw, Bluestripe (adoptive kits)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Streamclan
Rank: senior warrior
Characteristics: kills out of jealousy, injures to avoid being found out
Number of Victims: 3
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: clawing, bite to the neck
Known Victims: two unnamed loners, Bluestripe
Cause of Death: throat slashed by Bluestripe
Cautionary Tale: N/A
Turtlepelt was a relatively normal kit. As an apprentice, he had a huge crush on Redpaw, whom he hoped would one day bear his kits, something Thornpaw was cruel to him for.
He didn’t like his name, thinking it uncreative, and hated knowing that his tortoiseshell fur would doubtlessly cause him some....issues. In spite of these misgivings, his life was fairly good. It got even better when Redpaw, now Redgaze, became his mate.
He was on a hunting expedition when he heard laughter. Following the sound, he spotted a group of loners through the trees and in a small cave. It was a family, parents with their kits. Kits that should belong to him.
What life could they live as vile rogues when they could live the life of warriors? Besides, surely a Clan cat is more deserving of kits?
His claws unsheathed.
His hackles raised.
He thought.
He sheathed his claws.
He calmed down.
He formed a plan. Wait until night falls, then kill them while the kits can’t see. He didn’t want to scare them. Watching them longer, he decided to wait until the smallest kit had grown a little. After four days, he waited until moon-high when the clouds blocked any light that could illuminate his deeds. 
Moving slowly and quietly, he took the kits one by one by the scruff and carried them to the outside of the cave. 
Re-entering, he started by suffocating the mother. The struggle woke the father, who Turtlepelt then had to claw roughly and viciously. He was panting, blood dripping on sticky ends of fur. Then something dug into his shoulders.
One of the kits had woken up. The oldest was big enough to hold his own, and he slashed at Turtlepelt’s shoulders, face, and eyes. The kit saw too much. Turtlepelt held him down with his still-bloodied paws, screeching as he did. “You will never speak of this, alright, kit?!” The cave echoed, drowning out any cries the little kit could make, too overwhelmed with grief and pain to properly call for help.
Turtlepelt sighed as he released his grip on the kit’s neck. He told the grey kit to go back to sleep, and he reluctantly did. 
Turtlepelt’s life was  normal from then on. He lied to the leader about saving the kits from their evil parents, who had blinded the eldest son. He took the kit, Bluekit, for his bluish stripe, to the medicine den, and the rest to his mate. Redgaze was happy to nurse the youngest until he weaned onto meat.
Turtlepelt became a senior warrior.
On one, peaceful night, a shadow cast over the den entrance, but Turtlepelt was too deep in sleep to notice as Bluepaw got closer. By the time his claws raised above his ‘father’s’ throat, it was too late for anyone to stop him, and it was too late to stop him from murdering Redgaze, who he knew had been in on it all. 
Additional Information:
--Submission by @purplegr33n​
--I really like the story!
--Turtlepelt was infertile. 
--He doesn’t really know why he’s in the Dark Forest. Starclan held a trail for him and he was voted guilty mostly because an ex-loner was part of the trail.
--Thornpaw became Thornnose and died in a badger attack as a young warrior.
--Bluepaw became Bluestripe and is generally very grumpy. He doesn’t like the Clans much and probably killed at least one more cat in his life. He’s also edgy.
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yanoharuhito · 2 years
fuck now i have an idea for a thornnose + snowglare (sekiguchi. autism) drawing
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woodsandsea · 2 years
Family Dynamic - Cedar & Thorn
Cedarstar and Thornnose love their two kits, Oakfang and Badgerstripe, though with Cedarstar’s duties as a leader it fell to the quiet Thornnose to do most of the caring of the two. Oakfang has no issue with his upbringing, and admires his father, where Badgerstripe always worked to get his mother’s attention. When Foxfang was named second after Applefur stepped down to become an elder, Badgerstripe was enraged. Then to have his brother mate with Foxfang’s sister Pinestripe? Badgerstripe avoids them whenever he can and has been letting his bitterness consume him.
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woodsandsea · 3 years
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Cedarstar - Thornnose
Badgerstripe, Oakfang
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