#trying to singlehandedly populate that tag
groovyace · 4 months
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WIP for the second chapter of Hand for Hand by the wonderful @twoheadedoddity !!
Living out my cowboy dreams thru this guy's design i cannot 😭 E called me out on it too and i was like shhh you saw nothing 🤫
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gendercraft · 3 years
Some Time Alone [Sebastian/Elliott]
Synopsis: Sebastian doesn’t celebrate his birthday and to Elliott, well, that just won’t do. 
A/N: I will singlehandedly populate the Elliott/Sebastian tag if I have to don't fucking test me. And feel free to send in prompts :) tagging @thatwritingnerd to scream with me 
Read on Ao3 
“So what are you doing for your birthday?” 
Innocent enough. It’s not like Elliott could’ve known. They were still getting to know each other, in between the midnight walks and long nights at the saloon. Sebastian shouldn’t have bristled the way he did. 
“Nothing.” He didn’t quite snap, but there was an edge to his voice. He focused on the striped ball he was trying to shoot. 
Sam and Abigail glanced at each other with raised brows. Elliott didn’t notice. 
“Well, that won’t do! You have to do something for your birthday! It’s a day all about you, after all, how could you pass that up? I mean,” Elliott interrupted the game to lean forward and tip Sebastian’s chin up, “someone as lovely as you, I’d love to celebrate that.” 
Sam and Abigail snickered as Sebastian’s entire face flushed red. He pulled back and shot. He missed completely. 
“Seb doesn’t celebrate his birthday,” Abigail said, kicking her feet up on the couch, her boots smeared with mud. 
Elliott frowned. “Why?” 
“It’s just not a big deal,” Sebastian insisted. “Can you drop it? I don’t even want to think about it.” 
“It can’t be that horrible,” he said softly. 
“I need to use the bathroom.” Sebastian dropped his cue and ducked out of the room. 
After he came back, the subject wasn’t brought up again. Sebastian was simultaneously relieved and disappointed. 
Sam and Abigail eventually left, leaving Sebastian and Elliott to get drinks. Elliott held Sebastian’s hand over the table while he talked about where he was in his book—around the midpoint, where everything was falling apart—stroking his thumb over Sebastian’s knuckles. It wasn’t until they were on their way back to Sebastian’s cabin, crossing the cobblestone bridge, Sebastian’s hand stuffed in Elliott’s coat pocket to hold his, that Elliott brought it up again. 
“So really,” he said softly, “this birthday thing.” 
Sebastian shrugged one shoulder and looked away. It was a freezing winter night, a full moon shining down. They could see every star from here in the valley, thousands of them littering the sky. 
“I just…” Sebastian sighed, and looked around to make sure no one was listening. “I just don’t think it’s a big deal. Mom and Demetrius never treated it like one. I mean, Demetrius tried the first year they were together, but it was fucking weird.”
“Maru has a party every year,” Elliott pointed out. 
“Yeah, well. She wants a party.” 
“Do you want a party?” 
“God, Elliott, do you know me at all?” 
He gasped. “I take offense to that! Of course I know you. But I figured with all your moping no one actually asked.” 
The stone transitioned into sand, filling Sebastian’s sneakers. He hid a smile. “I guess not.” 
“So if they didn’t ask that, let me ask you another question.” 
They stopped outside Elliott’s door. Elliott rested his hands lightly on Sebastian’s hips, pressing him to the door. He touched their foreheads. 
“What do you want?” 
Sebastian kissed him. Something soft, and quick. 
“I don’t know. An acknowledgement, I guess? Some time alone with you?” 
“We have time alone every night,” Elliott laughed, and Sebastian looked away with a hot face. Elliott cupped his cheek. “It sounds perfect. Anything you want.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “It’s freezing out here. Take me inside.” 
Sebastian half expected Elliott to forget, or give up, or decide Sebastian wasn’t worth it. That wasn’t anything like Elliott—when the man committed to something, he committed—but Sebastian couldn’t help it. Trauma brain. 
After a long day at work, Sebastian walked to Elliott’s house that night, the sound of the waves coming in growing louder and louder. He stopped at the entrance. Elliott had laid out a blanket on the sand, covered in food to hold it down. Elliott gave Sebastian the biggest grin and spread out his arms. 
Sebastian hesitated, but when Elliott gestured him over, he went. “This is in public.” He wanted to kick himself. He does this nice thing for you, and you complain? You’re going to die alone. 
“Not for tonight, it’s not! I made sure everyone knew to leave the beach alone. Even Willy’s staying inside for the night.” 
Sebastian blushed. “How long did that take?” 
“Oh, only all day, you know, to track everyone down. Come sit! I made pumpkin soup.” 
Butterflies roared in Sebastian’s stomach so intense he thought he was going to be sick. He settled on the blanket next to Elliott and took a second to just bury his face in Elliott’s shoulder, breathing in and out, listening to the ocean crash and the seagulls call. Elliott stroked his hair, freshly dyed, pressing kisses to the top of his head. 
“And a gift!” Elliott cried when Sebastian emerged. “No birthday is complete without a gift.” He pulled a small square box from behind his back, wrapped in swirling purple and black paper. The bow on top was entirely too large. 
Sebastian pulled the bow off and set it to the side, then carefully unwrapped the paper. He slid the box out and lifted the lid. 
He buried his face in his hands. 
“I called in a favour from the new farmer,” he explained. “I mean, I didn’t expect them to actually have one, but there it is.” 
Sebastian carefully picked up the void egg. It was warm against his skin, smooth and small. He’d need to preserve this as soon as possible. 
“Do you need a moment, love? Too much?” 
Sebastian shook his head. “No. No, I’m fine.” He settled it back in the box and pulled the paper back on. “Just thinking. Um, food time?” 
Elliott grinned. “Yes! Here, it’s fresh.” 
He poured some out of the tupperware and into a wooden bowl, handing it over. Steam filled the air. It smelled so good, Sebastian nearly swooned. 
They ate and talked for a while, in the comfort that they were alone. Elliott slowly turned into the version of himself only reserved for Sebastian, poking Sebastian in the sides and calling him silly names and kissing his nose. Sebastian allowed himself to grin, to eat as much food as he could hold and not care if he was being selfish. It helped that Elliott reminded him, though. 
“I was thinking after this we could go for a walk,” Elliott said as they cleaned up the dishes. 
“El. You’ve done enough.” Sebastian took his hand. “Let’s just go cuddle and you can read to me, okay?” 
Elliott smiled. “Of course, dear.” 
They locked themselves in Elliott’s cabin, and Sebastian settled against his chest. Elliott found the book they were reading, some faerie tale romance, his soft, soothing voice filling the cabin. A hermit crab scuttled across the sandy wooden floors. Sebastian fell asleep halfway through the chapter, face buried in Elliott’s chest. 
Maybe celebrating his birthday wasn’t the worst idea. 
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xenosaurus · 6 years
also @inatodomutual is trying to drag me deeper into rarepair hell when i’m already on a mission to singlehandedly write enough iideku fic to populate their entire ao3 tag, this is enabling
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