justalittletomato · 4 years
Nightmare  (sad Dad!Maul drabble)
A/N: sometimes i write fluffy things, sometimes angsty things, but there are those moments where I get some really sad ideas with bittersweet endings. 
Warning: Nightmares, rats, animal death, implied death, panic attack
*Please let me know if there is anything else i need to tag in this
Also as for the lullaby I had this playing as inspiration from the  Promised Neverland  Isabella’s Lullaby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTJjtSP-ORc&list=RDrTJjtSP-ORc&index=1&ab_channel=Lindea 
Synopsis: Nightmares can emulate small fears or concerns but when Maul is involved his nightmares make it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. 
 It started with a scratch, an odd sound, but then again the palace was full of such occurrences, there were so many places that creaked and echoed.
Likely noises that might disturb his little one’s sleep.  Maul reaches a hand out, hoping to reassure his little one he was near. Instead of the soft purple blanket his hand touched a metal surface. Maul immediately opened his eyes, rather than  the tiny baby there was a  beady eyed rat, its jagged teeth bared at him. The loathful creature screeched  as it gnawed into the trash its fur black and slick with who knows what.
The metal surface was rusted under him, he dared to look around, mounds of trash and decay, the same beady eyes rats scurrying around him. all screeching and fighting another off for scraps.
A fire, a pitiful thing  burned in the center of the underground hovel its flames throwing shadows around, each gnarled and twisted. Its light revealing the decrepit waste that had been his domain for more than 10 years.
Lotho Minor, he was back on Lotho minor.  
He struggled to get up only to fall back down, Maul looked back, the tangled spider body he had fashioned was now a part of him again, twisted and put together in haste, rusted and stitched together like a macabre sketch,  maybe it always was present. He could feel every poke and ache in his bones and skin, ever present and forcing him to claw at his own flesh to rid of it.
He must have dreamed  of his supposed brother.
he had never been to the planet Mandalore.
He did not conquer it with is brother at his side.
His mind was cruel enough to dream up of Y/N. He felt sick.
It seemed ironic that his mind dubbed her starlight,  something to be wished on always out of reach.
It dawned on him that his mind also was twisted enough to conjure up that little one.
Of course he couldn’t have that, his mind was the only thing to both gift and curse him with the dream of  having that little one who smiled when he saw him and reach up with his tiny hands to be held.
He was nothing, he was fear and filth once again. All that spilled from his lips were screams, no words, just pained screaming.  
He gripped at the horns that had long been neglected, grown too long and gnarled and continued to scream.  
He had never left, and nothing could get him out not even dreaming.
The being originally known as Darth Maul crushed yet another rat in his grip, almost mindlessly, letting it weakly gasp its last breath as it went cold in his hand.
He heard another scratch from behind him, this was one sounded different to the screeching of the rats.
He moved away from the pile of bodies he left to rot. The scratch morphed, it sounded odd, like crying, Maul grew angry at it what dared come in here, the sounds emitted from the nearby pile of metal and trash.
Whatever it  was, it was crying.
Not for long.
Maul pulled away at the plates and debris, it was definitely crying, underneath it all a bundle of blankets wriggled  a purple knit blanket with the crying creature inside, Maul growled at it, the crying intensified, the sounds grating his ears.
HE WANTED TO SILENCE IT. He clawed at the bundle, pulling it out from the junk.
A small red face looked up at him wide eyed and teary, Maul snarled at the face causing the creature to scream in terror.  
He screamed back at it.
It again only cried louder, the sounds echoing through the walls of metal and forgotten relics left to rot.  
Maul raised an arm, his claws at the ready  to end its crying once and for all,
“Oh don’t cry little one, Mommy’s here.”
Maul opens his eyes, there’s no fire, or the sounds of scurrying rats, his body isn’t prickling and the room smells of spiced tea.  It is colder than he would like but he is bundled in blankets, their touch soft on his skin, he looks about him the bed is empty. Maul couldn’t breathe and threw off the covers, his legs were metal yes but only two, and not spider like appendages. He covers his mouth to give out a soft cry of relief.
“Shh, little one Daddy’s sleeping.”  Y/n’s voice carries into the room he’s in, Mauls follows it like a lifeline his hands touching the walls to assure himself that this was real.  
She is sitting at the bow window, the pale moon behind her. It’s light not bright enough to illuminate the whole room but enough to bring comfort to a mind plagued by nightmares. She is dressed in a satin night gown that practically glows with the light of the moon behind her, it’s almost a holy sight to the images Maul has had in his mind. Y/N is focused on the purple blanket in her arms,  its tiny occupant whimpering as his mother gently soothes him with a soft lullaby.  Maul grips onto the door, the sound has Y/N look up with an apologetic smile, “Sorry darling someone just…Maul?” 
She moves to stand. He’s gripping onto the door staring at them as if he was seeing a ghost, terrified and with no light in the golden eyes she loved so much. She steps forward  only for Maul to rush towards them and embrace them both, mindful of the small bundle between them, Maul has a hand in her hair and presses his forehead to hers. “You’re real. I didn’t dream it all.” he’s shaking as he weakly coraks the words out.
He recalled the last moments in that dreaded place, he had almost, he sees his child nestled in Y’/N’s arms crying , he had just wanted silence.
She wants to cry now, what tortures did his mind give him? 
“Maul, breathe, just take a breath. Yes, we’re real my love.” She is kissed all over her face, he says something she doesn’t understand and swears that tears are dropping onto her cheeks. Y/N  can hear his breathing get harsher struggling to even let out small gasps, “Maul sit, sit and breath.”
She gently nudged him Maul more or so collapsed  onto the seat by the window and tried to breath. She sat next to him, still holding onto the whimpering bundle with her arm bringing maul close to her so he knows she is real and touching him, “My poor boys are having such a night,” she tries her best to hush them both. Y/N considers another option, “ Maul hold out your arms but remember breathe”
Maul does as asked as Y/N places thier son in his arms, the familiar weight a comfort.  This time he looks at the tiny red face and accepts that his crying right now and finally breaths in fully in a shuddering gasp . He knew what he had done in that hellscape. He r reaches to stroke the little ones face, soft and warm. Something he couldn’t think of harming, he rocks the little one close to his hearts.
This is real. This is now.
The little one still whimpers and maul os still crying silently. his starlight wrap her arms around them both and begins to sing her lullaby for the both of them, not caring as her own tears begin to fall.  
They will talk about the nightmare later, right now all Maul needed was to know was that Y/N and Cress were very real and they were all together.
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freespooks · 7 years
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Opossum and jinx
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