#unless it has sonething to do with woman
not to be arrogant or something (I totally am) but I'm so cool for writing platonic things instead of romance
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muses-darling · 4 years
Fire & Fury - A Star Wars AU - Ch.12 Malachor V
Ships of Sith and Jedi landed on the planet each attempting to stop the other. Fighting in futility. Sith Troopers, Sith Inquisitors, Sith Warriors, Republic Troopers, Jedi Knights, Jedi Masters all fighting in a flash of violence as the war was coming to a tumultuous head. War was ugly, war was brutish, it needed to end. Hades moved through with the darkness in Kit’s mind the darkness that had filled it was not meant to be there. There were parts of him that had become shut off in the wake of it all. 
The sound of approaching footsteps alerted Hades to the presence of new comers. He stood turning ready to fight them off but stopped as he saw the approach of the exact people he needed. “Crowley! Aziraphale! Harper and Ben!” He was certain he had never been more happy to see the four of them. “You’re alive.”
“No thanks to you and your lot.” Crowley gestured to the sky above.
“The war has to come to an end.” Hades looked them over.
“Is he dead?” Ben asked looking at Kit who lay on the ground.
“Thankfully no,” Hades looked to Kit, “HK’s got a wonderful shot, incapacitated him.”
“Oh well that’s wonderful could have mentioned that when we let him aboard.” Crowley looked to Kit on the ground. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” Hades admitted. “I don’t know in the time I’ve been separated from him. Something is wrong. There is so much more darkness than light.” 
Aziraphale and Crowley shared a look.
“Either way I don’t think we have much time, we need to get off this planet and fast then away from here. With the lot of you.”
“Oh no you’re not dying not now that you have reunited with Kit.”
“I’ve got to end this, before it is too late.”
“Hades you can’t just-”
“-I can and I will.” Hades glared at Aziraphale. “I am an Emperor. I do as I please. Now get him off of here, leave I’ve some unfinished business to attend to.” Hades watched the star fighter enter the stratosphere. “But leave Casper, I need him still.”
“Haven’t you tormented him enough?”
“I need him to end this. Unless you want this war to continue?”
Crowley sighed watching Azirphale take Kit. “Fine, fine! Just let the poor bastard live.”
“I intend too.” Hades watched them go. 
Darth Ceres approached where Hades stood with Casper, “I believe you are needed Engineer.”
“Am I?” Casper asked.
“Cheeky boy! He built a biometric bypass into the remote.”
“I know he did, I suggested it.”
“Because traitorous witch, I know your tricks all to well, you think yourself so clever, but in all actuality you are only as clever as the backend of a Nerf.” Hades watched her seethe where she stood.
“Where is Darth Kore?”
“Oh you mean Kit? Nasty work you’ve done with him will be hard to undo, but rest assured you won’t live to see it reversed. You’ve hurt that man for the last time. You’ve betrayed me for the last time and you won’t succeed in killing my engineer.” Hades walked up to her. “Now then draw your blade or accept your death vile woman, for I have come to lay you low. Casper get to her ship and wait there.”
“You think I won’t kill him all I need is-” 
“Him alive? Yes I’m well aware of needing his biometrics that require him to have a very specific range of temperature the one humans’ have when alive.” Hades drew his blades once more igniting them. “I’m going to enjoy killing you.”
“Not if you die first.” She hissed her lightsaber whip igniting as she lashed out at Hades. 
Hades brought up one blade watching the end catch around it and feeling her pulling him towards her. Using the force to ground himself where he stood he clenched his teeth before pulling the woman close throwing his lightsaber with the force sending her all the way to him moving to impale her on his blade. 
A blade ignited in Hades’ peripherals, Kit stood as Crowley lay in Aziraphale’s arms a silent cry of rage on the light haired man’s face. “Sorry to keep you Mother.”
“Good boy now be a dear and help me kill Hades won’t you?” Darth Ceres looked at Kit.
“With pleasure.”
“Kit,” Hades spoke brokenly. “Please come to your senses.”
“Why? What’s the fun in that darling?” Kit asked him nearing him. “Kit.” Hades watched Kit come closer feeling his heart beat race with every step. He would not fight him not here not now. “Kit.” He backed away from him.
“Aww what’s that Ignis? Afraid of dying by his hand? Looks like even the great Ignis has something to be afraid of.” Darth Ceres walked closer as she neared Hades and Kit she looked to Kit. “Do it, kill and be done with this.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Kit said a terrible smile on his face before his eyes became green and he turned thrusting his lightsaber into Ceres or what had been where she was standing. 
Darth Ceres landed behind Hades with the agility of a cat, “Do you really think I became a Lady of the Sith by not seeing betrayals coming a mile away BOY?” She sneered throwing up her hand and pushing Kit far into a tree.
“I don’t think it worked Crowley,” Aziraphale said watching Kit fly backwards. “We may have to step in ourselves.” 
Crowley sighed kissed Aziraphale getting up drawing his lightsaber. “Get the bloody ship ready for us for the moment we leave.”
“But-” Ben started before Harper pulled him away from the shuttle ramp. 
Hades watched the shuttle with Kit leave unable to help himself needing to know his love was safe.
“You really should keep focused dear,” Darth Ceres grasped him in her hand before slamming her knee into him. 
Hades dropped with a gasp watching her whip come back to life as it reached her. 
Darth Ceres pulled back the whip before throwing the length in Hades’ direction with a snap. Her Cortosis gloves allowing her to touch the blade and guide it to where it needed to go. “A shame you were once the most powerful Sith now look at you kneeling before me.” She stood over him a cat playing with the proverbial mouse smile on her face. “As you always should have.”
Hades once more caught the whip length on his blade using the force to summon his other blade back to him as he saw the terrain behind her. He stood rushing her once more pulling her length back with the one blade and sending it back from her towards a tree. She was pulled back due to her grip on the blade. 
Darth Ceres landed hard watching as Hades closed the distance she brought up a shoto sized lightsaber. “What nothing to say?” She asked as she stood up with a laugh. “I can only wonder what is going through that mind of yours. You can’t possibly conceive a plan where you come out on top! Let alone alive.” 
Hades used the force to push her at her then reached for a rock pulling it towards her tripping her again. Lightning moved along his body as his anger twisted in the force wrapping the energy around him.  They fought hard and long their distance from the ship growing farther and farther as they moved along the terrain.
Kit sat up as Aziraphale and Crowley reached him. “Hades?”
“Can finish this, we need to get you back to the ship,” Aziraphale pulled out a bacta pack pressing it to the wound at Kit’s side. “Come on dear boy.” 
Crowley silenced any further protest from Kit and helped him stand. “Come on I think we can still watch for your beloved’s safety from the ship.”
Casper looked at HK-47 who seemed to be watching through the scope on his blaster. “Isn’t he your master and aren’t you supposed to he helping him?”
HK-47 didn’t look at him but replied, “Statement: There are more than one ways to shut a meatbag up who breaks your focus, shall I demonstrate one of them on you?”
“N-no please don’t,” Casper said somehow becoming a shade paler.
“Reply: then don’t be one of those meatbags.”
Hades looked up at Ceres, “You know have I ever had HK-47 tell you what love is?” 
Ceres looked at him, “What?”
“HK-47 what is the definition of love?” Hades asked pulling out his comm.
“Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope... Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds." HK-47 said as his sniper blaster went off.
Ceres’ body jerked as her knee was utterly and devastatingly destroyed. 
Hades smiled, “I think everyone should know what love is before they die.” Hades reached a hand into the thick mass of her hair dragging her. “You made me suffer, you attempted to take Kit and twist him up into someone he is not, what kind of Mother does that to her own son?” He asked using the force to keep her from moving. Ceres attempted to speak. “Shhhh-shhhh-shhh-shhh, don’t speak it’s better for you if you learned to let other’s talk instead, I’ve not quite finished what I have to say.” He made her look up at him with the force. “I want you to be alive when this planet goes off. I want you to feel the whole of the experience many above will only be able to imagine.” Hades grinned at her there was few times where he let himself give into the violence especially after marrying Kit but there was something about Ceres that made his blood boil. “Just remember the force is in all things.” Hades told her. “But not you,” He closed his eyes and reached out in the force doing as he had with Kit to seal away the darkness in him then to restore his memories but for her, he sealed the force completely from her. 
Ceres sat there in dumb silence. 
“Finally you have no words with which to speak. I cannot imagine a more terrible thing than the fate you have been sentenced, but an equally terrible person should get such a fate.” Hades turned from her and walked away to the ship, “Shall we?”
They made their way aboard the Flag Ship watching the ships fight in the fray from a very great distance. 
Alucard looked at the cluster of Sith ships that had not once made their way into battle. “Sonething’s not right.” 
“I’ll say,” Honey felt it too, something. “We need to get away from all of this!” She fired a turret blast watching a Sith fighter blow up. “Now!”
“Agreed.” Alucard looked at the Sith flag ship there was something on it. “What is that? The device attached to the nose of the ship?” He turned on the comm. “Sir I think the Sith have something-”
“-Never mind what it is keep fighting that is an order.”
“But-” Alucard started something felt wrong in the force. 
“I said-” The com cut as the ship exploded.
Alucard watched as one of the Republic command ships disintegrated in the space before them. “Well he conscripted us now he is gone, I say we leave.” 
“I second,” Honey looked at him. “We did our part. I don’t know about you but I’m tired of this war.”
“As am I.” Alucard leaned the controls back and fought his way from the Sith and the Republic to where they could get away from all of it. 
Hades looked to Casper, “Now do what you must do this war must come to an end, swiftly.”
“And if I refuse?” Casper asked.
“Then this war will continue until the galaxy is destroyed, either way those on that planet are already dead.” Hades told him. “Either in what will come next or the battles to come with your refusal.” 
Casper looked at him, then nodded before reaching forward and pressing his hand to the biometric scanner. “I will not press the button.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Hades told him before pressing the button watching as energy arched up from the planet all around. The ship they were on moved forward. The ships around the planet or near it all buckled, smashed or were destroyed as the planet broke before the gravity pulled it back along with the ships into a tight mass held together. 
If one thought that Hades felt nothing in regards to any of this, they were wrong, but he also knew that all of those who survived this day would also have felt it. It would cause them all to question why they continued fighting it had too! This war had become senseless violence. Hades had, had his fill of bloodshed, he felt it all, every last one of those on the planet, in the ships all of it a terrible feeling in the force. There was only one way to end this. 
“So now that it is done?” Casper asked.
“You are free to go about your life whatever planet you wish, I will personally see to it that you are sent there.” He reached up in the force and smiled. “Though you won’t remember this. I can’t have you remembering any of it. The Republic will blame you, you will blame yourself, not fair really.” Hades smiled then looked to where Kit was. “So now you see the monster you have married.” 
Kit looked at Hades a face of sadness and anguish, he went to Hades, “Why?”
“Because the war must end, one way or another.” 
“And you have become judge and executioner?” Kit asked.
“If that is what you believe I have made myself.” Hades said softly. “An Emperor must do what is best for his people.” 
Kit walked over to Hades, “I want to hate you, I want to, I want to despise you! I can’t, I just can’t.” Kit said sobbing into Hades’ arms. “I can’t, I still love you.” 
“As I love you.” Hades said wrapping his arms around Kit. “I always will.”
Kit frowned, “Hades what are you doing?”
“Keeping you safe........” 
Hades opened his eyes looking at the truth of what had transpired. He had fought Ceres with HK-47′s help, removed her connection with the force found a Sith shuttle together and piloted it off of the planet to the Sith Ship. Once there he made his way to the bridge to see Kit still seething in the darkside forcing Casper, who had gone aboard Crowley’s ship to wait, to unleash the terrible weapon the planet had become. Then the overwhelming pain of Malachor V being destroyed had kept Hades down it had taken Kit down too the level of pain in the force as so many were wiped out. Hades had come out of it perhaps his longer time with the darkside had helped in some masochistic way. Hurrying to Kit’s side he reached with the force changing Kit’s memories, then Casper’s. Neither would remember the events as they had happened. In regards to Kit he had added the fake memory of Kit plotting with Crowley and Aziraphale, the fake memory on the bridge of arguing too.
“Hades?” Kit asked his bright green eyes opening as the darkside left him and all memory leading up the moment on board after Hades had taken him out on Malachor V was altered.
Hades murmured softly. “I’m keeping you safe.” He smiled sadly.
Hades stood seeing Republic troops and Jedi. “Well at long last you’ve caught me, the dreaded Sith Emperor.” Kit’s memories were altered Casper’s erased, and Hades would take the fall for all of it. Isn’t that what love was? Protecting those you cared about?
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bloodcrosses · 2 years
I'm so confused and scared right now. I keep having episodes of falling over badly hurt myself every few months. I mean "need stitches" bad. It happened on Christmas Day too, and while Christmas stopped being a big deal to me since childhood, it felt like a slap in the face anyway. I literally couldn't get up. And my dad (asshole that he is) muttered how sick of this he was. Like I did this on purpose. Yeah, I ruined my own Christmas on purpose, dickhead.
I asked later why he would say such a horrible thing. His answer had my jaw on the floor: because I wouldn't go to see a doctor about it.
Firstly: I told my doctor this happened sometimes. She said she would write to the mental health team (since I am mentally ill, they deal with me the most) and I heard nothing back. So that's a lie. And ringing them in the middle of the fucking pandemic is stupid. They have got better people to worry about than some loser who sometimes falls over and can't get up. They treated my injuries, what else should they do? Lastly, I rang 999 immediately when I recognised my symptoms of appendicitis, which saved my damn life.
So he can fuck right off.
Then he started in on my drug problems - yeah, thanks to you asshole, I have to buy sleep meds that "fell off the the back of a lorry" as the saying goes here, because you and mum cryarsed about it. Anything that could be addictive - unless I'm in a life threatening situation- I'm disallowed from being prescribed. Have I told you how useless antihistamines are as a sleep med? Well now you know.
And of course he never asks why only on of his three children still talk to him. And that was only because I couldn't keep my flat after a mental breakdown left me without a job and my mum insists on still seeing him even though they are technically separated.
Secondly: my dad is the biggest fucking baby about going to the doctor I've ever met. He suffered in agony for three fucking weeks over a pulled muscle, until my mum literally forced him to at least talk to a pharmacist. He nearly died refusing to get a truly terrible flu treated (I'm talking a flu that plugged both lungs with fluid and made Covid look like child's play).
My point being, if anyone should stfu, he should.
Both his sister and his mother died from ataxia. If you don't know what that is, it's basically what I'm describing: falling down, slurring words, the works.
Dad, having no medical degree of his own, insists I can't have it because "the doctors said it isn't hereditary." As though doctors can't be wrong. As though grandma's ataxia didn't just show up after an operation with no previous history of the illness.
It could be I took too many benzos and slipped. But I hate having my concerns being dismissed. I also hate having silly worries that someone I'll call C cursed me (she'd friends with witches, like their something out of The Craft). During a breakdown I ran out into the cemetery and begged them to just leave me alone. It was crazy, but so is my life right now.
Like I said - I don't know.
I just don't know.
If I die now I leave nothing worth caring about. If I died twenty years later, I would leave nothing worth caring about. Who gives a shit? Certainly not the witches who think I'm Satan and have a pinned post about how dangerous I am for getting mad at them for defending a horrible person.
Yeah, I'm so terrifying I ran out into the rain and begged them to live me alone. Who sounds scared here?
If any of you have watched Precious , the parts where she dreamed of beauty and fame had me in tears. That's my entire child and and adulthood right there - I want to mean something. I don't want to die Joyce Carol Vincent - a woman who achieved so much and was still dead for two years before anyone noticed. At least she achieved something. All I achieved was a miserable life.
I know in my heart my life has always been useless. Joyce met Nelson Mandala. I ruined my clothes because I am stupid, useless moron.
Maybe I do know sonething after all.
BTW Tom Hiddleston fans: Zawe Ashton aged Joyce in a TV drama. I hear it's good, so check it out.
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Sigil, and candle?
Candle- I have been practicing as a witch for almost ten years. Or at least calling myself a witch for close to that. My mother read tarot and my grandma makes charms so I may just be in my blood. LOL  A was a very peculiar child growing up, so when I told my mother about my path, she was not surprised. At least I was going outside..
But becoming pagan was something I chose to do in my early teens because it gave me a feeling of meaning. It helped me grow as a person and filled a part of my soul that had never been filled before.  Also it motivated me to do more for others then I do for my self. Something that has made me who I am today. 
Sigil- Wow, my biggest mistake. I can think of two right off the top of my head. The first one is easy. I’m a bit of a hoarder. I save up herbs and things thinking that I will get to share them with other witches but in truth there are very few people I have in my life right now that I can share my craft with. Right now i’m trying to cut down on the things in my space. And if I could give any new witch advice I would say not to get to caught up in all of that stuff and tools. You can make most of what you need form things you find...and never be afraid to just give it back to the earth when you feel your time with that tool is done, or pass it on to another.  Like do I real need a jar of oak ash from Mid summer...Do I really need it? lol
The second mistake I have made it I have given m trust to freely in the past. Once upon a time I made a friend. We will call her, HER. HER said that she was also a pagan. that she would love to study the craft with me and that we were best of friends. HER was a liar and she broke my heart. She took the things I showed her and claimed they were hers. She talked behind my back and Stole things from me. At the end of her betrayal she even cursed me! That was a mistake. Hear is some advice kids: Never tell someone you have cursed them unless it is part of the curse. And NEVER tell a witch that you have cursed them unless you want a war. 
Now my dears, I am a sweet little soul. But to those in my circle i’m very skilled in this side of craft work. I can be a dark little cupcake. I don’t know why I never shared with HER how I made my curses. Something told me not to. Good thing too.  
What she sent, got sent back in less then an hour after she came after me. (She tried to physically attack me too as she told me she had cursed me. She was bat-shit crazy!)
I fired back with a mirror spell to give her back whatever she sent (plus a few more things to keep her away from me after.) This woman would not leave me alone...and I also reported her to campus security for her attacking me in the hall. I was not the only person she had done this to in the past /was doing this to. Other girls in our now shattered group and outside witches had had problems with her and no one warned me.
So to end this store I would like to say that we all need to take care of who we trust on our path. Letting someone in who is only there to feed on you is not sonething anyone needs in there life. This is one reason why I now have such a small and close circle of craft friends..
But I hope to open back up to other again some day soon. So long as they are the right folks. 
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wallflower1003 · 7 years
What Pro Choice Means
Something I've been wondering lately is why so many people I know seem to equate pro choice with pro abortion. Despite your misconceptions, they are not the same thing. The fundamental argument for pro life causes is that a fetus is a human being, with full rights, from the day of its conception. But this is a notion that society itself does not accept. Think of how long you've been alive. I assume you thought of your age. That age, which begins from your birthday. BIRTHday. That is the day, as society explains, that your life began. Now if we were to base it off the pro life argument, we would all be nine months older than we view ourselves. Now, bringing my argument back to the specific issue of abortion: I am not pro abortion. I've never met anyone pro choice who is pro abortion. But the reality is, that fetus doesn't become a child until several months into the pregnancy. When that line is crossed, yes, abortion should be taken off the table, but until then it is the woman's choice. People love to say it is not her body but the fetus', and the fact is that fetus is created FROM her. Her egg grew into that fetus. Yes, the father is equal part of that, but the fetus does not grow inside him. If he wishes to keep it then that is sonething for those two individuals to work through on a case by case basis. A lot of people argue for adoption as a substitute, and that would be preferable. Except, that there are thousands of children in the adoption system that go their entire lives unadopted and unloved. It is in fact a majority of the same individuals arguing to put more children into the system who are also arguing that gay couples shouldn't have the right to adopt. They for the most part are not going to adopt those children themselves, yet would deny them a home based on their prejudices. Aside from the future child's life in the system, the nine months of pregnancy and birth of a child is not something every woman has the luxury of waiting through. Many women can lose their jobs, or pay, or it could actually physically damage them to give birth. Another argument presented is that it is the woman's ignorance or unpreparedness that gave her the fetus, so she should have to deal with the consequences. Except again those same individuals are often the ones calling for abstinence only sexual education, and attempting to shut down planned parenthood. Abstinence only education does not prevent sex amongst teens at all, but just fails to prepare them for what they are going into. Ignorance breeds ignorance, and that lack of knowledge follows even adults. A young woman who was never taught certain medications can render her birth control useless shouldn't be forced to drastically change her life because of that, not if it is caught early enough. That is if she can get birth control in the first place, because many states attempt to defund organizations such as planned parenthood that provide low income women with birth control and many other vital health issues. And defunding this organization cannot be justified by saying taxpayers do not want their money funding abortions: because the state does NOT fund abortions. That service makes up about 3% of planned parenthood services, and is funded independently. So in summary the pro life argument is first that it is a baby from conception-it is factually not, despite the falsified footage many people still claim as fact. Second, that it is the woman's fault for not being knowledgeable-except they don't want that knowledge taught. Third, that adoption is better, but that only heterosexual couples( who statistically rarely want to adopt, and often it is in cases of no other options) should be allowed, which leaves the many of the children unloved and without support for the duration of their lives, unless they are lucky enough to be adopted. Fourthly, that they should be on birth control, which is expensive but yet providers should be shut down( though viagra should of course still be funded for men.) Fifthly, that the mother's body does not include the fetus, which is just ridiculous as the fetus is made from elements of the mother's body, incubated there, and finally painfully expelled from her body. It seems all alternatives to abortion are thwarted by those who push for them. Now you do not have to support abortion or like it, but it is time to accept that even if you are a woman, your opinion does not entitle you to control another woman's body. No one's does. It seems to me that often people in the right wing wish to have a hand in other people's lives (abortion restrictions, immigration bans, marriage and adoption laws for LGBT individuals, mandatory prayer in schools) but,somehow, still think that it is different from what they preach is their right to own guns. It is in time fact to practice what you preach, and stop attempting to regulate the lives of people whose actions cannot hurt you, or any other person. It is the year 2017, and I am tired of people's basic human rights being a matter of debate.
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