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#MusicSaturday🔺 #MyUtmostForHisHighest currently out and on @applemusic.
This is stunning compilation ablum based on Oswald Chambers devotional. With stunning songs and artists like, #WeOurMessengers with song called #MyVictory a reminder our hope is not, dead but alive in Christ. To #BigDaveWeaveandFrancescaBattistelli called #Lavish with beautiful song, proclaiming God’s amazing love. #SarahReevesand#ChrisQuilala a song proclaiming God’s truth and faithfuless. But #UnspokenwithBlanca song #LightThatNeverFades I feels this song relates so much to what’s happening with lyrics like this “No, the sun won’t shine forever, On the world and all it’s treasures, We won’t build our faith on the fading lights, But on the light that never fades” This ablum describes this our, true HOPE will never FADE. 🌟
#God #NewMusic #Music #Life #Hope #World
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