#v; gunblades and roses
farronxivcorner · 10 days
Hrjst, a Summary
A master of weapons An unmatched viera warrior, Hrjst is as much at ease with a sword as she is her bare hands. Her proficiency with a blade is matched only by her skill with a wrench, as she also handles the maintenance of her equipment and Al-iklil mark V, her hoverbike. The lifespan of the viera is far greater than that of elezens, and many secrets, wisdom and sorrows lie hidden in her long history.
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Basic information
Name(s): Hrjst Eruyt, Aria Solidor (unused nowdays)
Gender: Female
Age: 130s (starts ARR events with 126)
Nameday: 9th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Viera, Rava
Monikers/titles: Legio Unius (Legion of One), Deus Mortis (Death Goddess), Rose of May (the 2 first earned on her military decades, the last one with sky piracy)
Marital Estatus: Single
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral would be the closest nowdays
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Characteristics: Appearence
Height: 1,91 m (6' 3")
Physique: Has a lean body, subtle curves and natural visible muscle tone. Due to the large amount of weapons she has used in her life, has a few little calluses on the palm of her hands. Also has long claw-like fingernails but she cuts, files and paints them to avoid draw even more attention. She's extremely agile and has decent strength.
Complexion: Dark skin chracteristic of the Rava Vieras. Also the leporin race retain their physical youth for centuries making it nigh impossible to discern Hrjst's age from her outward appearance.
Hair: She has thick and fluffy hair that she treats with care. Naturally would reach her waist but often she doesn't let it pass her shoulder blades. It's colour is the natural all Vieras have but highlited the tips to match her ears. In the past used to gather her hair in a very long ponytail, which she still does but not that often.
Eyes: Golden, but turn to a colour between orange and red when she enters in Mist Frenzy.
Identifying Marks: A dark purple glyph tattoo under the left temple, she got it some time after the start of her Sky Pirate career. Her hair often hides part of it. No one would say she has fought on countless battles due to the lack of scars on her body, a prove that she has no equal.
Language and voice: in general terms, has a semi-mature, half-harsh and slightly sensual voice. Since her arrival to Garlemald makes an effort to hide the characteristic Islandic accent that Vieras have and evolves (Gods know why) to an Australian one, but more just the melody of speaking rather than a thick accent. After the desertion is not rare Hrjst sliping her original accent from time to time due to she hasn't had the necessity to hide it. She knows to speak common Eorzean, Garlean, and Vieran dialect. In Japanese localization, Hrjst is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka known for playing roles like Motoko (Ghost in the Shell), Kainé (NieR Replicant) or Bayonetta. Voice samples:
On the other hand, Hrjst's English voice actress is Rachel Robinson. She has played roles such as Oerba Yun Fang (FF XIII saga), Judith von Daphnel (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) or Ghislaine (Mushoku Tensei). Here I link Voice Sample montage I did to show Hrjst as is she was on the Trust/Duty Support system to show how she would sound more-less. Hope you enjoy it!
(Someday maybe I'll do one like this again but with JP one) And a disclaimer: needless to say she's not realy voiced, is a montage
Personal effects: Weaponry speaking, at least she will carry her a bladed one, most of the times a gunblade, and two guns (Huginn and Muninn she called them) that were the first weapons she forged after leaving the IVth Legion, mantained all with meticulous care. She also hides tiny bags on the inner side of her trenchcoats that bear things like supplies or tools. Hrjst always has wore necklace with a silver eagle, gifted by her mother when she was a child; and an earring made of a red feather that was a present of a former lover from some decades ago that Hrjst considers her once-in-a-liftetime soulmate.
Way of dressing: Nowdays most of her attires will count with longcoats and long stilettos that helps her with balance. Is not rare to see her wear elegant garbs like corsets or dresses but only when she feels like or the occasion really requires it.
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Characteristics: Personality
Hrjst is cocky, confident, stubborn, sarcastic, determined, and independent. She has a quick wit and a dry sense of humor and can be strict. Despite coming across as proud and bold, she has a compassionate side, especially towards the people she loves. She cares greatly about her friends, few that may be, willing to take extreme measures to protect them, any means necessary. Folks who have met her often comment of Hrjst having a "wild fearlessness to her", and indeed, this woman never backs down from a fight regardless of her opponent. She also has a strong belief in Lady Luck. However, having the requirements to be a Warrior of Light, she does not take much pride or importance on her Echo or the Blessing of Light. She feels that she doesn't need it to success in whatever or whoever she face, but she's pragmatic enough to know the benefits (and costs) of her powers, such as giving her and her allies an edge in battle. But she aslo has a dark shadows deep in her heart. She's not proud of it but doesn't deny it either. This refers to having a belligerent side and a hidden bloodlust. She revels in battle but not to the extreme of starting fights out of nowhere with no reason. Due to her long life Hrjst has a timeless wisdom but also countless burdens. In fact she's not always been like the first description above. As a child and teen, she was reserved and quiet, rarely speaking more than 3 words in a row or in expressing emotion. Even when she was offended, she would act expresionlessly cold. However she showed emotions with her mother and a childhood friend (Fran, her cousin but she didn't know) in the village. As she grew up along her skills, started to gain confidence but knew perfectly her station and how to act in consequence. The many decades she spent in the IVth also showed her aptitude for leadership and organization, being one of the key factors on the victory of the Garlean army in Nalbina Fortress on 1547. But the Hrjst that people know nowdays borned after the desertion, realizing all the wrongs she has done, acknowledging them after years of inner reflection, making peace with herself and admiting that she is how she is and "what is done, it's done". Because of this, She is strong-minded and disinclined to mince words, having a demeanor of someone wholly unconcerned by life's trivialities.
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Persnonal Life
Occupation: Nowdays you can say she's still a sky Pirate but on her own, not in a crew. At the begining on her life in Garlemald was a member of the Vigil Urbani while keeping on her studies. Later would join the IVth Legion some time after the foundation of the Empire to help House Solidor as they helped her. She climbed the ranks to the point of being the right hand of the Legatus Noah van Gabranth til her desertion. After would become one of the memebers of the Redbills for some years and prior ARR she was a mercenary/sellsword.
Residence: her fisrt home was at the Eruyt Village in the Golmore Jungle, where she was born. However at a very young age she would pay the price of her curiosity and recklessness, getting lost. By a miracle got found by the iyl of the Garlean Republic near Skatay Range and lived in Garlemald some decades before joining the IVth Legion. After the desertion was a wondering traveler till she joined the newfound Redbills and the HQ was her home. Nowdays she owns a little house on the Empyrium in Ishgard when she needs a place of respit and where she has her own little place but rarely has time to relax.
Relationships and Children: Hrjst is not someone who seeks a partner but if love flourish, she will accept it. She's homosexual, discovered it when she developed feelings towards a classmate on the Academia but got rejected due to that person was afraid of people's opinion having a relation with a "savage". She's not fond of children but she would try to do an effot if a person she cares is involved. She has some kind of maternal feelings towards Ryne and Gaia (she doesn't admit it).
Relatives: Njrn Eruyt: Hrjst's mother. Was a caring and loving mother, and for Hrjst her mother was everything. She was one of the best warriors/huntress of the village. Wanted to learn so much from her that Hrjst's curiosity and devotion would lead to her own ostracism. Decades later Njrn would die by the hands of her own doughter. Djen Djt-Gilda: Hrjst's father. Is a Wood-Warder of the Eruyt village, condemn to solitude due to the social norms of the Viera. Hrjst inherit from him his golden eyes and the dominance of the fire-aspected aether. Hrjst doesn't know much about him, but is something she's afraid of, after what happened with Njrn after all. Fran Eruyt: Hrjst doesn't know this yet but the Viera she played with as a child was actually her cousin. A Saraab, high agents of the Dalmascan forces. Fran and Hrjst fought on the Garamsite Waterway, on Hrjst's attempt on killing Ashelia after she killed her brother Rasler to end the royal bloodline for good. Hrjst and Fran would reunite again when Hrjst lend her aid to the Bozjan Resistance on ShB events. Maybe one day Fran will reveal to her they are family Gods know when. Grammis iyl Solidor: Adoptive father of Hrjst when he found her on the brink of death in the snowy fields of Skatay Range. Hrjst was aware she, even unintentionally, has left the Wood, disobeyed the Green Word and for that "was a Viera no longer"; she turned an outcast of her home. Due to this she stayed with the man that saved her life. Grammis was the last leader of the Garlean Republic before in turned to an Empire and was a very kind and welcoming soul, devoted to peace, traits that his peers found more a hindrance than a blessing. Treated Hrjst as she was on his flesh a blood and provided all he thought she would need. Hrjst will be forever thankful to him. Jenova eir Junius: Grammis' wife. Despite she didn't treated Hrjst badly wasn't very fond of her neither. The fact that she wasn't her own and, even further, a non-Garlean made Jenova never considering Hrjst truly a part of the family. Larsa het Solidor: Hrjst's step brother, son of Grammis and Jenova. Larse adored her, and they had a strong bond, Aria taking care of him when no one else could. After Solus' pustch and stablishing the Garlean Empire, Larsa despited the new course of action of his homeland and started a movement that in the future would be known as the Populares. Hrjst knowing of her step-brothers efforts, joined the military on an attempt of distraction of the prying eyes that would may hurt House Solidors' already wounded reputation. Ljotte Paro: Hrjst admits with grieve that this Vieran maiden she met decades ago was her soul-mate, her one and truly love, the one. Already a Tribunus back then, she found Ljotte fending for herself against a Garlean patrol. Seeing the tenacity of that woman, awoke a sentiment on her that made her help the enemy rather than her own army. She and Ljotte mantained a clandestine relationship until circumstances forced them to take different paths. Hrjst hasn't seen her ever since and still wears to this day the pendant Ljotte made and gifted to her.
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Bonus Info
As a Viera, is sensitve to the Aether and refers to it as Mist and can sense it in a way similar to smell. Has excellent senses overall and her ears have exceptional good hearing but after leaving the wood lost the natural talent of hearing Wood's will, the Green Word. Also the consecutive sound of big explosions or similar noise hurts her more than other races so she applies on the inner side of her hears an oinment to protect them before joining battles of great scale.
Even tho she can manipulate the any aspect of the Mist as any Eorzean would, she can manipulate with extreme ease and with more potency the fire-aspected one. The Thaumaturge Guild tried to recruit her when they noticed it but she refused.
Hrjst can enter a berserker state called Mist Frenzy if she's exposed to a high concentration of aether. When experiencing Mist frenzy she is strong enough that she can tear apart metal shackles and kill armored hyurs while unarmed. Hrjst has learned to resist the effect to a certain point but if the Mist is very heavily concentrated she will sucumb regardless. As a matter of fact one of her skills, No Mercy, consist in entering in a softer version of that estate absorbing the sorrunding aether for a brief moment.
Being true that Njrn taught her the basics of hunting and battle, Hrjst style of combat is mainly self-taught. She started training in secret facing the local fauna on Eblan River, when she mastered a weapon's basics proceeded to change until she mastered all possible. After joining the IVth Legion could apply her knowledge on the battlefield ascending the ranks on a fast pace. So great were her talents that Solus zos Galvus himself asked her to start a martial art with his newfound gunweapons (gunblades, gunspears and so on). She stablished the foundations of the Garlean Gunswordsmanship, including the technique Terminus Est: a cross-shaped ceruleum proyectile attack that the user can manipulate at will. This discipline was made thinking that the soldier who wield it cannot use magic. Hrjst, however, can so after finishing her job there combined what she created with her own prowess, knowledge and capabilities developed a unique fightstyle where speed, pragamtism and style are the ones that stands out the most.
There were 4 key factors that made Hrjst, Aria back then, desrting the IVth Legion, even tho she belived that the vision of the Gabranth would save what was left of House Solidor: -Her love towards Ljotte kindled the flames of doubt, as the feelings towards her were becoming greater than the Cause. -The destruction of the Sky City of Bhujerba. A Garlean scientist conducted a research about the Auracite, a magical stone which name appears more than once in history, and reached the conclusion that he could elaborate an artificial one: Manufacted Auracite. Aria was asked to help on a test of the newformed stone's capabilities and effects on a secluded city. The artificial stone began to absorb aether from the sorrouding area that would end on an explosion that obliterated Bhujerba. Such conetration of aether made Aria enter in Mist frenzy aswell. There were no survivors among the investigation group of that day. -Njrn's death. Aria was the head on a expedition group in Golmore Jungle, in search of hidden insurgents. At one moment an arrow tried to pierce the Tribunus' skull but Aria dodged it and in retaliation she shot her gunblade to the origin of the attack. A body fell from the tree and would be then, when she went personaly to check who was the brave or fool that dared to attack her, Aria realised that was no other than her own mother. First she was shocked and after looking at her own hands, started to cry. The soldiers under her command asked her the next course of action but she didn't respond, she limited to grab carefuly her mothers corps and walked to the exit, leaving the squadron to defend themselves against the wood-warders. Aria mourned Njrn all that night. -The Bozjan Incident. The Legatus of the IVth, Noah van Gabranth tasked Aria tol Solidor to spy on a device that VIIth stablished in the Bozja Citadel, being odd that soldiers of the that legion were there when they should be on their westward march. After days of subterfuge Aria learned about Project Meteor and that not only the darnus were involved but Midas nan Garlond aswell. The Primus architectus magiteci sought contact with Dalamud, using an Allagan lunar transmitter donated by House Darnus. When the scientist communicated with Dalamud, its power was confirmed at a terrible cost, as nearly five thousand years' worth of pent-up energy was directed at the transmission tower. The beam was so intense that the entire surrounding city of Bozja was also vaporized in an instant, killing Midas and all of the city's inhabitants. Aria barely survived on her far away survey spot, her Echo awakening in that precise moment and fell unconsious. When she recovered her senses only dust remained. This tragedy settled Aria's desertion, faking her death along Bozja's. Before she left Othard she made sure to destroy all related to the Manufacted Auracite Project along its creator.
Hrjst is quite indepedent and usally goes her own way but if she likes the company she won't refuse to travel with them. Thinking she has lost all that she would consider direct family, be by the pass of time or the hell-fires of war, if a person manage to be a really close friend of her she would consider them family even if they are not related. A proof of this is Aurora Norvov, a young Viera that Hrjst saved from a perilous situation some years after the 7th Umbral Calamity. Hrjst helped her to integrate in Eorzea and teached her the basics of survival. In that time Hrjst grown a fraternal love to her to the point of considering her best and truly friend, the little sister she never had. "I'll take the skies and seas but I'll never be alone" this quote obviulsy refers to Aurora, and probably the glimmer of hope that Ljotte is still out there.
Part of her hidden inside yearns for a worthy oponent. Rarely her foes made her sweat or push her to her limit. That's why she deep down enjoyed her rivalry with Zenos Galvus, the only warrior who until today found truly worthy of respect, or better said his martial prowess rather than the individual.
She's quite good with technology. Her studies on the Academia of Garlemald focused on that area and the new-created Magitek. She doesn't reach the expertice of the masters of the craft like the Garlonds or Nero Scaeva obviously, but she can fend for herself in the field. For example the weapons she use nowdays are or well crafted all by herself or modified already exceptional ones. She's also an excellent pilot, be a magitek armor or an airship.
She loves nature aswell. In the debate "nature vs. technology", she would choose both. Hrjst believes that both concepts can coexist adressing a balance between them.
Among her talents, a very curious one is that she knows how to play cello. She was teached at a younger age in House Solidor's Manor as part of her education.
Hrjst has a little obsesion with the lifeform she met on her fight against Omega: Alpha. She likes animals but that being in form of a big-headed chocobo chick stole her heart. She looses easily her cool and cocky attitude in exchange of a very vulnerable and soft one, surprising anyone who sees her and knows her even a little bit. If she could hug Alpha forever she would.
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The Author
Oh, hi! Farron here! First of all, thank you if you have read all my ramblings, means a lot. If you want to learn more about her or me I'm open to dm's and collabs (some of the characters in her lore borned from such colaborations) I also have other OCs that I'll try to show as soon as i have time, as well as detailed background of Hrjst bit by bit.
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revolverized · 5 years
Cloud reached over and carefully touched, Squall's hair. "Your hair is so soft."
He was melting into the touch before he even realized it. As soon as he recognized the sensation of a hand in his hair, he leaned right into it, eyes shutting gently.
He let out a quiet sigh, just letting him and Cloud stay like that for a moment. A soft moment between them, comfortable silence and something unspoken. Just right.
Until, of course, he came to his senses, and realized just what he was doing. Eyes jolting open, he pulled back a bit, not completely out of reach, but back to where he’d been, clearing his throat quickly.
“Uh, yeah. I’d hope so. I try to take care of it, y’know.”
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rukaelf · 5 years
Gunnr Visits a Friend
((Two depressing/feels-y stories in a row? The next one has to be something far more light. I’m NOT a perpetual angst generator!))
Mood Music
Gunnr stepped off the manacutter that had carried her to one of the Sea of Cloud’s myriad islands. She wore warm clothing of course, but as a daughter of the Veena, the cold did not bother her, even at this altitude. 
She passed through the mishmash, multi-colored field of flowers, eventually coming to a stop at a gathering of Edelweiss flowers. “Snow blossoms”, they were called back home. Amidst them was some sort of makeshift gravestone. Carved into it was: YLJA, A TRUE KNIGHT OF DALMASCA,  7TH ARMORED HERE SHE RESTS, HIGH ABOVE THE STAR SHE LOVED
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Stabbed into the ground was a gunblade. One of exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Gunnr paid it no mind.
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She lay down onto her knees, closing her eyes. The high altitude winds, the distant flapping of cloudkin wings, all seemed more distant to her as she focused.
“Hello Ylja,” Gunnr called out in her native tongue. “It’s Gunnr. It has been some time, hasn’t it? Sorry I haven’t visited lately...” She fell silent, her ears twitching this way and that.
“A lot has happened since last we spoke. I know I sound like Lang...but I hope my butchering of our native tongue still rings familiar to your ears. I’m in her body. Circumstances...lead me to this. Pretty weird, no? You’ll be glad to know she’s dead. No matter how much of a villain she was...I pray she finds peace in the Great Beyond.”
She slowly exhaled, a hand reaching out to brush against the snow blossoms. “I took up archery again. I felt vile, using magitek. Gunblades. Using machines to fight my battles. They didn’t save you. Or the rest of the 7th. Or me. The Black Fiend killed us all. And yet, by some freak stroke of luck, I’m still here. I alone came back from death.
“I...I’m still here.” Her hand trembled as they brushed the tops of the flowers. She forced herself to continue speaking. She didn’t like the silence right now.
“I know...you’d call me a technophobe. Stubborn, stuck in the old ways. Old ways that you never knew, having been born in Dalmasca’s cities, not in the Wood. It sounds ridiculous, now that I say it out loud. I dunno. Maybe I’ll give it another shot. I’m sure you’d appreciate it, you little ceruleum drenched git.”
A weak chuckle escaped her. Something began stinging both her eyes. “Ah. Your body still isn’t buried here. The Black Fiend still wears it. Every second that passes, the creature violates your memory. Every second that passes, is a second that I cannot let you truly rest. To be buried in the skies above...just like you wanted.”
The stinging in her eyes got worse.
“Just...hang in there. All right? I’ll get it back. I will slay the demon. I joined a group of other demon hunters. Together we...we’ll do it. So just...just...”
She fell onto all fours now, hands clutching at the earth as she began shaking. Her breaths were ragged, hoarse.
“I’m sorry. It should have been me.” A hand reached out to gently touch at the gravestone.
“It should have been me...but it wasn’t. So I’m going to use this second chance to do all I can, to make the world a little more happy. Because that’s what you wanted. You...idealistic little...shite.”
She gasped out halfway sob, halfway laughter at that last word. She slowly rose back up to her feet, beginning to move back to the manacutter after a long moment of silence.
“...Be seeing you again, soon.”
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v; melt into summer’s grace ( rwby ; huntress / summer maiden )
Claire was born to Roselyn and Jasper Farron, a pair of hunters who excelled in their field, much the same as generations before them. When her daughter was born, however, Roselyn elected to stay at home with her daughter, only rarely partaking in her duties, as she didn’t want her child to become an orphan, as the children of so many hunters did. Two years later, Serah was born, and it wasn’t until the girls reached 11 and 14 that Roselyn chose to begin taking on missions alongside her husband once more.
It was after a particularly challenging battle a year later ( where her parents were overrun by Grimm and injured, her father pronounced dead and her mother in critical condition; despite her abilities, Roselyn elected to rely solely on her weapon and semblance so as not to out her status ) that her mother revealed the secret she’d kept from her kids: the tales of the maidens were real, and she was the summer maiden. 
Several days passed before Roselyn succumbed to her injuries, her eldest daughter her last thought, thus passing the abilities of the maiden onto her.
After her mother’s death, Claire ( calling herself Lightning to hide her identity ) was chosen to attend Beacon Academy. Initially, she believed it to be a result of her excellence at Signal, though the truth was Ozpin’s knowledge of her mother’s status, the headmaster wishing to keep an eye on the maiden who, like her reckless mother, refused to seclude herself. With the promise that he would keep the secret ---- even among his closes counsel ---- Lightning agreed to allow him to train her to control her powers while attending his academy.
Some years later, Lightning, the leader of her team, graduated from Beacon and began taking on missions around Remnant, never staying on one place for too long.
Extraneous information: weapon of choice is a handmade gunblade, her emblem is a rose gold lightning bolt surrounded by a circular border ( see below ), and her semblance is gravity manipulation ( i.e. she can essentially levitate enemies and/or herself, generally to distract her opponents or clear the way for other fighters or to reach higher ground/vantage points ).
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revolverized · 5 years
@cloudstriferp from here
He didn’t even try and argue, arm immediately wrapping around his rescuer’s shoulder. Rescuer... that was correct, right? He couldn’t remember anything, just what felt like ages of switching from pitch black to putrid green, and a series of images he couldn’t remember making him feel like the world was spinning.
What in the hell had happened to him?
God, his head was so muddled. Squall’s free hand lifted to his face, pressing his fingers against his eyes in hopes it would stop the swimming sensation that had surfaced since he’d awoken.
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“Lab...? Where...?” His hand dragged down his face, freeing his eyes to see around.
Though that didn’t do much good. His vision was blurred and wobbly, leaving the only thing he could really make out varying shades of green and gray.
“What happened?”
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revolverized · 5 years
“we should maybe... skip sparring for today, huh?” he’s eyeing squall carefully, as if checking for wounds from their previous session. guilt twists his expression. “i went too far. last time. i don’t wanna hurt you.”
The word is snapped out too quickly, didn’t even think before he answered. Skipping is never an option for him. After all, what other excuse does he have to spend time with Zack? None, especially if he’s still trying to ignore those incidents. Zack certainly seems to want to move on, if that moment from last time is anything to go off of.
Even if his ribs are still complaining about how far he’d thrown him last time.
He won’t stop, though, he’s got far too much pride for that. Besides, even beyond trying to get back to their normal, he won’t let Zack have a landslide victory like that without some payback.
Picking up Revolver by the handle as if nothing’s wrong, he turns before flashing Zack a glare.
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“If that was you going too far, I’ll have to question why they ever promoted you.”
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revolverized · 5 years
❝ …I just can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I? ❞
He’s slouched against the wall, arms crossed in what he’s intending to be a defiant nature as he glares to the side.
In reality, though, he’s sure he looks more like a petulant child, mad they got caught, rather than actually regretting their actions. Which, much to his chagrin, really isn’t as far from the truth as he’d like.
Of course, the one time he actually needs more than his presence to protect Aeris, is when it gets way out of hand. And of course someone decides to call SOLDIER, completely overreacting to how bad the situation was. Honestly, super soldiers for something on par with a simple bar fight?
But of course one certain SOLDIER had showed up to manage the fiasco. And of course he’s giving one of his signature looks, so infuriating in all the ways he wishes it wasn’t.
So, of course, Squall’s pouting and not meeting his gaze, only matching his words with deflection. What else is new.
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“You do certainly seem incapable of it, yes.”
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revolverized · 5 years
"can you just... stay here for a bit?" his voice sounds thick with grief and swallowed tears, with all the words he's choked back. he wants to vocalise it, and he doesn't. he might. later. for now, sitting silent with squall's arm warm across his shoulders makes him feel lighter. tentative, he shifts to let his head rest on the other's shoulder. ( inbox call, catch me answering your ask replies with new asks )
He stiffens under that touch, muscles tensing so much they might snap.
It’s... Weird. It’s weird having Zack so close, his arm around broad shoulders and dark hair nestling against the white fur of his coat, clashing as they do this gesture.
A gesture like they’re something different than what they are. Unlike usual, it’s soft, and genuine, and raw.
And Squall swallows nervously, because now he knows the real reason he never let this happen.
Because now he knows how badly he wants more.
So he dares to take more, dares to subtly shuffle closer so Zack doesn’t have to strain so much. His arm tightens around him, pulling him in as he rubs his hand in slow, gentle circles.
“Of course.” It’s breathless and quiet, almost like a whisper. Almost like he’s trying to hide his response.
“...Whatever you need.”
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revolverized · 5 years
❝ yep. and then i ran over the guy that was chasing us. and a few other innocent pedestrians. ❞ ( IS SHE KIDDING? who knows... )
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“Don’t worry, in this city? I doubt there’s such a thing as ‘innocent pedestrians.’“
Worthy sacrifice, if it meant they got away safely after all. Usually.
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revolverized · 5 years
❝ you back for another beating? it must be ass kick o’clock. ❞ fighting = flirting right
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“Try telling that to yourself.”
Okay, not his most original comeback. Somehow, it never is with Zack. Curse him, always feeling like he’s got the last laugh in wit and war. It’s enraging.
And oh so endearing.
“You’re the one who showed up here, remember? At least you’re finally taking me up on it.”
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revolverized · 5 years
@castholy from here
Just that hand alone is enough to calm his nerves. The chills sweeping his body like a storm die down in the warmth he feels, her touch grounding him from the fear that gripped him.
But as soon as she abandons that in favour of wrapping her arms around him, it’s then that the calm really hits him. A deep, but gentle exhale as his arms return the favour, holding her against him before he can even think about it. It’s second nature to him, to reach for her when she lets him know it’s allowed.
Not that it hasn’t been welcome for a long, long time. But it’s times like this, when she reaches out first, that he truly feels welcome, welcome to be vulnerable to her. To not hold back, and silently ask for that comfort only she can bring him.
Squall twists his head, burying it in her hair, closing his eyes and breathing in her scent. How she smells of flowers and earth, a gentle aura that she always radiates, even in this hellish city.
Let me help.
The words repeat in his mind as he squeezes his arms around her tighter, a lifeline as the fear still grips him in the reaches of his mind.
But it’s not as strong now, where it once was the only thing he could feel, now it’s just a back glow. Because now, all he can focus on is the relief that is Aeris.
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“...You already are.”
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revolverized · 5 years
"heads up. got reports of a bunch'a monsters on the loose 'round this sector." and guess who's tasked with chasing them all down? zack's been at it all night. thing is, he'd love to ask squall's assistance --- but he's a civilian. hard to remember that, given his combat capabilities. "if you happened to feel like... tagging along... well, it's not like i could stop you."
Monsters in Sector 7? That isn’t an every day thing. Squall tilts his head backwards, scrutinizing Zack over his shoulder. It’s not hard to tell what he’s really getting at, but the question itself makes him wonder why he’s chosen him, and not back up from SOLDIER.
He probably shouldn’t go. If there really is monsters running around, he should stick around and make sure they don’t trash his home. Or Aeris’ business. And it’s not like Zack is asking for him specifically for his sparkling personality; a day with him will probably end up with them taking down each other, rather than any monsters.
But Squall’s been itching for a good fight. With the life he’s come from, too long without real combat makes you antsy.
So he reaches for Revolver and swings it over his shoulder, locking eyes with Zack.
“What’s the matter, can’t handle them all yourself?” He throws out as he approaches, before he stops next to him, offering him a rare smile.
“Where are we starting?”
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revolverized · 5 years
@atlaslain from here
“Please, this isn’t about protecting Aerith,” Squall just barely stops his gunblade from crashing through the wooden bench sitting where Zack had been moments ago. “This is for protecting my sanity. From you.”
With ease, he swings the blade back to a more comfortable position and then sets the tip to the floor, tilting it around on the point.
Has to keep those SeeD skills sharp somehow. And sure, he doesn’t have much to do when not helping Aerith, so maybe he spends most of his days working on his form and such. But a moving target is needed if he really wants to keep in proper shape.
And Zack just happens to be the perfect target. If only because Squall knows he could dish it out just as well, if only he’d take the bait.
He matches Zack’s sulk with a glare, watching him as he drops to the floor with more grace than should be permitted. Show off.
“You here for a reason? Or just another visit on your day off?”
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revolverized · 5 years
❛ once i’m done with this, i’m out of here. ❜
He just nods at that. It’s nothing new, really; he’s gotten used to Cloud’s constant coming and going. In and out, never sticking around for too long.
He’s since learned not to get too attached. And good thing, too, considering how final those words sound.
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“Another day, another job, right?”
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revolverized · 5 years
”Why are you pushing me away?” ( DID U THINK I WOULDN'T SEND MORE, U FOOL? )
‘Because I don’t trust that you’ll really like me the way you think you will.’
‘Because I don’t trust you to come back.’
‘Because I don’t want it to hurt more than it already will when you’re gone for good.’
Those are all the answers that ring through his head as Zack shouts at his back, words bubbling over the surface as he swallows back the urge to scream them.
He won’t always come back. He’ll get bored, get tired of pushing, get tired of this song and dance they have. Or he’ll never come back for anyone, the invincible SOLDIER act he has finally becoming just that. An act.
Not reality.
But he doesn’t say any of that. Zack would probably take all that as a personal offense, after all, and not just a simple fact.
So instead, he tosses over his shoulder,
“None of your business.”
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revolverized · 5 years
“I’d be appalled if I ever saw you try to be a saint.”
The words hurt. They hurt more than he ever thought they would.
They shouldn’t. Squall’s said worse to himself, after all; does on the regular. But the words from him... They pack a different kind of bite.
Maybe it’s because he has been trying. Ever since he’d come to the church, stayed there, stayed in her presence... He’s felt undeserving. Out of place. Like something unkempt and broken, sitting among thing shiny and polished. And knowing he is, truly and literally out of place, surely doesn’t help.
He’d been trying. Trying for her, for himself. For the church, even.
And according to Sephiroth, it’s all been for naught.
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“You don’t... Know what you’re talking about.”
If he only Squall could believe that.
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