#vancouver canucks hockey
pettypiastri · 1 year
alone together
quinn hughes x fem reader
requested: "Would you mind doing a Quinn x Female Reader? Kinda sad but happy at the end? It’s one of Quinn’s days off before a long road trip, and he’s been in and out of the reader’s at-home office all day asking if they can watch a movie or spend some time together. And she continuously says no and at one point she sees how upset he is. So later she slips out to the living room with a few blankets and sweeps him away to the couch just to dote on him and apologize for wasting their day? If not it’s totally fine! Just felt in a sappy mood :)"
wc: 1k
warnings: self deprecation, angst, two sad people who don't know how sad the other is
a/n: OKAY SORRY it got kinda angsty but i promise it ends fluffy to make up for it!! just a short lil quinn blurby. the incorrect spanish is intentional :)
Your shoulders jump toward your ears when the third knock in the past two hours sounds at your office door. The work in front of you is a pile that doesn’t seem to dwindle no matter how long you spend in front of it. Every time you refresh your email, more grievances come to light. And yet Quinn can’t seem to leave you alone. 
A part of you feels ruffled by his blooming persistence. This semi long distance relationship you find yourself in would almost be less painful if he hadn’t stopped in for a day at home; he’s been away for a few days and is leaving again for another week and a half tomorrow. It feels a bit like a cruel joke, giving you a taste of the quality time you crave and then finding your partner whisked away again, the Vancouver snow he trekked in on his shoes still melted in a puddle by the door. It’s not that you want to make him suffer, you just can’t find the heart sometimes to intentionally hurt yourself more by being in his loving presence. Especially when all he wants to do is cuddle and hold you. Childishly, you do want him to know you can’t always accommodate your work schedule to his wishes since his work schedule can never do the same for you. 
You’re hurt and you’re frustrated by a situation neither of you would choose if given the opportunity and annoyed by your meticulous work still to complete. Yet since you know, not even that deep down, that none of this is his fault, you suck back in the sigh beginning to escape your lips.
“Quinny babe I really can’t right now. I told you this project would take a few hours.” 
“How about just an episode or two of The Office? They’re only 20 minutes each…” Just 20 minutes with you is all he’s asking for. The reminder that this is longer than you’ve spent with him in the past four days hurts you all over again, now feeling like the villain in a situation you really had no responsibility in creating. Your short reply is more so to protect yourself from being too vulnerable than it is tailored toward reassuring Quinn.
“I can’t Quinn.” 
And he knows that. He does. But a small part of him hoped he’d receive even a tiny ‘sorry’ and maybe a few words of affirmation from you, just to know that he’s not hurting alone. That this is as tough on you as it is on him. With his attempted affections left hanging for the third time and now just feeling like a burden, he slumps back to the couch and buries himself in a blanket fort he built himself. 
Quinn’s silence followed by his receding footsteps is the soundtrack to your heartbreak. Resuming the clicking of your mouse makes the perfect accompaniment. 
It’s nearly nine by the time you emerge sheepishly from your work cave. After trying to work through eyes blurry with tears one time too many you decided you missed Quinn too much for this to go on any longer.
The house is dark, modeling the moonless night outside, save for the living room. A few paces allows you to see Quinn’s mousey brown hair peeking out from under a pile of blankets. SportsCenter plays the Devils game softly. Your heart clenches at the irony that this is how Quinn finds you most nights when he gets home. Tentative footsteps move your body magnetically toward him. 
Lowering to be eye level with his sleeping form, you run your fingers through Quinn’s soft hair. He stirs after a few passes.
“Can I join you?” He grunts and readjusts his head before opening his eyes.
His stormy eyes regard you with their usual fondness. It’s the look that first clued you in to Quinn’s feelings. When you realized, you couldn’t unsee it. And Quinn’s never once stopped looking at you that way.
“What’s the password?” 
Traitorous tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you huff a soft laugh. He’s not mad at you.
“Quinn is the best boyfriend in the world?” You try, voice an accordingly affectionate hum.
Quinn thinks. “It’s a three part-er.” He settles on.
“I’m sorry for working so long?” You try. Quinn nods and gestures for you to continue. Two for three. Your fingers haven’t stilled in his hair once but now they slip to caress his slightly stubbly cheek. 
“I’m the worst girlfriend in the world?” Quinn quickly shakes his head ‘no.’ Selfishly you tried that just to seek his reassurance; it works a little bit. “Ummm Quinn Hughes is the best Hughes??” Quinn laughs, your favorite sound in the world bouncing off the walls of the quiet Vancouver condo, making your house a home.
“Yes but no.”
A smile disguises the fact you find yourself genuinely a bit stumped. “What am I forgetting then?”
He gives you the same eye roll you’re accustomed to seeing during his media and rolls from his side to his back dramatically. Your hand slips from his face. Silence persists until,
“OH!” Giggling gently you move to bully your way under the tangle of blankets.
“Umm excuse me missy you haven’t finished the password.” Quinn protests but his hands are already grabbing at your waist to hold you against him. Once you settle enough against his chest you meet his eyes and say with full conviction,
“I love you Quinny.” 
Your words tickle a smile out of him, a blush darkening his cheeks, still not used to hearing those words from you after all these years.
“I love you too baby. Welcome to Casa a la Quinn. But I get to pick the movie.”
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Hronek!!! Thank you!!! Assisted by Hughes and Lindholm!!
We now have two goals on the board!!
Go Canucks!!💚💙🤍
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lightsout-awaywego · 26 days
i’m convinced he can see ghosts but he’s not allowed to talk about it
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2K notes · View notes
larsnicklas · 1 month
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🚨 outwardly jubilant captain quinn alert!!!! 🚨
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nottodayjustin · 2 months
April 14th 2024 best hockey tweet of the day
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misschino · 1 month
Whats a canuck game without a new reaction pic from quinn himself
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makarshughes · 2 months
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stars @ canucks \ march 28, 2024.
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40ep · 1 month
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locker room hugs ♡
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estapa-edwards · 2 months
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paring: Quinn Hughes x fem! reader
word count: 3k
requested? yes - the hughes family all being together at quinn’s game for playoffs and they notice he’s really close to the physical therapist for the team and can tell he’s absolutely smitten
warnings: use of y/n.
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The atmosphere in the arena was electrifying as the Hughes family gathered to watch Quinn Hughes play in the playoffs. With every stride, every pass, the tension mounted. Jack, Luke, and their parents were on the edge of their seats, cheering fervently for Quinn and his team. But amidst the excitement of the game, something else caught their attention – Quinn's undeniable closeness to the team's physical therapist, Y/N.
As Quinn skated off the ice during a break, the Hughes family couldn't help but notice the subtle glances exchanged between him and Y/N. Jack, the ever-observant middle child, nudged Luke, drawing his attention to the unfolding scene.
"Look at Quinn and Y/N," Jack whispered, his eyes narrowing as he watched them converse by the boards. "I think Quinn's got a thing for her."
Luke followed his brother's gaze, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Seriously? Quinn and the therapist? That's unexpected."
Their parents, seated beside them, hadn't missed the exchange either. Their mother, Ellen leaned in, curiosity evident in her voice. "Do you think there's something going on between them?"
"I'm not sure," their father, JIm, replied, squinting as he tried to decipher the situation. "But Quinn does seem rather taken with her."
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Quinn and Y/N found themselves seated on a bench near the locker rooms, away from the hustle and bustle of the arena. The excitement of the game still lingered in the air, but in that moment, it was just the two of them, lost in conversation.
"So, tell me, Y/N," Quinn said, a playful glint in his eyes, "what's the most bizarre injury you've ever had to treat?"
Y/N laughed, her eyes lighting up with amusement. "Oh, where do I even begin? There was this one time when a player managed to sprain his ankle... while tying his shoelaces."
Quinn chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're kidding."
Y/N shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "I wish I was. It was quite the sight to see."
As they continued to swap stories, Quinn found himself drawn to Y/N's infectious laughter and easygoing demeanor. Every now and then, he would reach out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face, his touch gentle yet lingering.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, covering everything from hockey to their favorite movies. And with each passing moment, Quinn felt himself growing more captivated by Y/N's presence.
Eventually, the conversation drifted to more personal topics, and Quinn found himself opening up to Y/N in a way he hadn't with anyone else. It felt natural, as if they had known each other for years rather than just a few months.
And as the ambient noise of the arena faded into the background, Quinn realized that in Y/N, he had found not only a friend but someone he could truly connect with on a deeper level.
But amidst their laughter and shared stories, there was a tension – a palpable energy that lingered between them, unspoken yet undeniable. And as Quinn reached out to brush another stray strand of hair from Y/N's face, his touch lingered longer than necessary, a silent acknowledgment of the growing attraction between them.
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Quinn and Y/N often found themselves in their own little world whenever they were together. Whether it was amidst the chaos of a crowded arena or in the quiet solitude of an empty locker room, they had a way of tuning out the world around them and immersing themselves in each other's company.
As they sat together on the bench, their conversation flowing effortlessly, Quinn couldn't help but feel as though they were the only two people in the room. The ambient noise of the arena faded into the background, replaced by the sound of their laughter and the gentle hum of their voices.
Time seemed to stand still as they talked and laughed, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. Quinn found himself captivated by Y/N's every word, hanging onto her every laugh and smile as if they were precious treasures.
And amidst the chaos of the playoffs, with the pressure of the game weighing heavily on his shoulders, Quinn found solace in Y/N's presence. She was his anchor, his calm amidst the storm, and whenever they were together, the rest of the world seemed to fade away.
Jack found himself watching her more than he watched the game, intrigued by the way she moved, the way she interacted with the players. And then, as if sensing his gaze, she looked up and their eyes met for a brief moment before she turned her attention back to the ice.
Jack couldn't explain it, but there was something about Y/N that drew him in—a warmth, a kindness that seemed to radiate from her every pore. And as he watched her, he couldn't help but wonder if Quinn had noticed it too.
Sure enough, as the game progressed, Jack began to notice Quinn stealing glances in Y/N's direction whenever he thought no one was looking. There was a certain lightness to his step, a sparkle in his eye that hadn't been there before. It was clear to Jack that his brother was smitten, completely and utterly captivated by the young woman on the sidelines.
But as much as Jack wanted to tease Quinn about his newfound crush, he couldn't bring himself to do it. There was something about the way Quinn looked at Y/N, something so genuine and pure, that it warmed Jack's heart in a way he hadn't expected.
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As the final buzzer sounded and the crowd erupted into cheers, Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The game had been intense, nail-bitingly close, but in the end, Quinn and his team had emerged victorious.
As the players filed off the ice, Jack caught sight of Quinn heading in Y/N's direction, a nervous energy emanating from him like a halo. Jack exchanged a knowing look with his parents before they all made their way down to the locker room to congratulate Quinn on the win.
As the final buzzer sounded and the home team emerged victorious, Quinn wasted no time skating over to where Y/N was gathering up her equipment. His heart raced as he approached her, unsure of what to say but knowing that he had to say something.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, his voice slightly breathless from the adrenaline of the game.
Y/N looked up, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Hey, Quinn. Great game out there tonight."
Quinn grinned, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without your help."
Y/N laughed softly, shaking her head. "Oh please, you would have scored that goal with or without me."
Quinn's grin widened. "Maybe. But having you on the sidelines cheering me on definitely didn't hurt."
As they talked, Quinn felt a sense of ease wash over him. There was something about Y/N that made him feel comfortable, like he could be himself without any pretense or expectation.
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As Quinn's family entered the bustling locker room, the smell of sweat and adrenaline filled the air. Players were celebrating their victory, exchanging high-fives and laughter. Amidst the chaos, Quinn stood, his eyes searching for his family amidst the crowd.
"Quinn!" Jack called out, waving his arms to catch his brother's attention.
Quinn's face lit up when he spotted them, and he quickly made his way over, a wide grin on his face. "Hey, guys! Thanks for coming out to support me."
Ellen enveloped him in a tight hug, her pride evident in her voice. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Quinn. You played amazing out there."
Jim clapped him on the back, a smile playing on his lips. "That was one heck of a game, son. We're so proud of you."
As they congratulated Quinn, Jack couldn't resist teasing him once again. "So, Quinn, when are you going to ask Y/N out on a date?"
Quinn's cheeks flushed slightly, but he laughed it off. "I told you guys, we're just friends."
Ellen raised an eyebrow, her motherly intuition kicking in. "Are you sure about that, Quinn?"
Quinn hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, Mom, I'm sure. We're just friends."
Despite his words, Jack could see the uncertainty in Quinn's eyes. He knew his brother well enough to recognize when something was bothering him. But before he could press further, the coach called for the team to gather round for a post-game pep talk.
The family bid Quinn farewell, promising to catch up with him later. As they made their way out of the locker room, Ellen couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Quinn's relationship with Y/N than he was letting on.
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The first time Quinn and Y/N met was a moment neither of them would soon forget. It was during a particularly intense practice session for Quinn's team, and tensions were running high. Quinn had suffered a minor injury during a drill, and Y/N, the team's newly appointed physical therapist, was called onto the ice to assess the situation.
As Quinn skated over to the boards, wincing slightly from the pain, he couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. He had heard about the new therapist joining the team but hadn't had the chance to meet her yet. Now, as she approached him with a concerned expression, he found himself momentarily captivated by her presence.
Y/N was a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of the rink. Her warm smile and calming demeanor immediately put Quinn at ease, despite the discomfort he was feeling. As she examined his injury with gentle hands, Quinn couldn't help but be struck by her professionalism and expertise.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly as Y/N tended to Quinn's injury, her soothing voice providing a welcome distraction from the pain. Quinn found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't with anyone else, sharing stories and anecdotes as if they had known each other for years.
From that moment on, Quinn and Y/N's bond only continued to grow stronger. They would often find themselves deep in conversation after practice, exchanging jokes and sharing moments of quiet companionship. Quinn admired Y/N's passion for her work and her unwavering dedication to the team, while Y/N appreciated Quinn's determination and resilience on the ice.
As the weeks turned into months, Quinn and Y/N became inseparable. They would often grab coffee together after practice or sneak away for quiet walks around the arena, lost in their own little world. Their friendship was a source of comfort and support for both of them, a constant amidst the ever-changing landscape of professional hockey.
And as they stood side by side on the sidelines during games, cheering on Quinn's team with unwavering enthusiasm, it was clear to everyone around them that Quinn and Y/N shared a bond that went beyond the confines of the rink.
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The playoffs were in full swing, and once again, the Hughes family gathered at the arena to support Quinn in his quest for victory. As they settled into their seats, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in the air. But this time, there was something different. Quinn wasn't just focused on the game—he seemed to be eagerly searching the sidelines for someone.
Jack nudged Luke with a knowing smile. "Looks like someone's hoping to catch a glimpse of Y/N again."
Luke chuckled, glancing over at Quinn, who was scanning the area with a hint of excitement in his eyes. "He's got it bad, doesn't he?"
Jim grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I think he's finally met his match."
As the game got underway, Quinn's determination on the ice was evident. He skated with purpose, his eyes constantly darting towards the sidelines between shifts, searching for a familiar figure.
Meanwhile, Y/N was hard at work, tending to the players' needs with her usual skill and efficiency. She moved with a grace that caught Quinn's attention every time he stole a glance in her direction.
During a break in the action, Quinn skated over to the bench, stealing a quick moment to catch his breath. As he glanced towards the sidelines, he caught sight of Y/N, who was focused intently on her work. Without hesitation, Quinn made his way over to her, determined to steal a moment of her time.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted with a smile as he approached her.
Y/N looked up, a surprised expression crossing her face before she returned his smile. "Hey, Quinn. How's it going out there?"
Quinn shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Could be better. Could be worse. But seeing you on the sidelines definitely makes it better."
Y/N chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Smooth talker, huh?"
Quinn grinned, feeling a surge of confidence. "Only when I'm talking to someone as amazing as you."
Y/N's cheeks flushed pink at the compliment, and she ducked her head shyly. "You're not so bad yourself, Quinn Hughes."
Quinn's heart skipped a beat as Y/N's words washed over him, her shy response warming him from the inside out. He couldn't help but grin, feeling a surge of happiness at her compliment. But then, a sudden realization hit him like a slapshot to the chest.
He forgot he was mic'd up.
Quinn's eyes widened in horror as he glanced down at the microphone clipped to his jersey. He could practically hear the collective gasp from his teammates and the roaring laughter from the announcers up in the broadcast booth. How could he have been so careless?
Y/N's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink as she realized what had just happened, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh my god, Quinn. Did you forget you were mic'd up?"
Quinn winced, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry about that."
Y/N couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, at least it was a nice compliment. I'll let it slide this time."
Quinn chuckled nervously, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his brow. "Thanks. I'll try to remember next time."
As the game resumed and Quinn skated back onto the ice, he couldn't shake the embarrassment of his slip-up. But as he glanced towards the sidelines, he caught Y/N's eye, her smile reassuring him that it was all in good fun.
Meanwhile, the broadcast team couldn't help but gush over the adorable moment between Quinn and Y/N. Tweets and comments flooded in from fans, expressing their delight at seeing the budding relationship between the hockey star and the team's physical therapist.
"Looks like we've got a new power couple on our hands," the announcer joked, a grin plastered on his face.
Back in the stands, the Hughes family exchanged knowing glances, their hearts swelling with pride as they watched Quinn and Y/N's relationship unfold before their eyes. It was clear that they had something special, something worth rooting for.
As the game continued, Quinn couldn't shake the smile from his face. Despite the pressure of the playoffs, being with Y/N made everything feel lighter, easier to bear. And as they shared another laugh, Quinn knew that no matter what happened on the ice, having Y/N by his side made him feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
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The arena erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause as the final buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game and the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. The home team had emerged victorious, clinching the Stanley Cup in a thrilling overtime victory.
Quinn Hughes skated onto the ice, his heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline. He couldn't believe it—they had actually done it. They were champions. But amidst the chaos of the celebration, there was one person he couldn't wait to find: Y/N.
As Quinn made his way through the jubilant crowd of players and staff, his eyes scanned the sidelines until they landed on Y/N, who was standing near the bench, a wide grin on her face. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Quinn knew that he had to talk to her.
"Y/N!" he called out, pushing through the throng of people until he reached her side.
Y/N turned towards him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Quinn! Congratulations!"
Quinn grinned, feeling a surge of pride at the sight of her. "Thanks, Y/N. We did it!"
Y/N laughed, reaching out to give him a congratulatory hug. "You did it, Quinn. I'm so proud of you."
As they pulled away from the embrace, Quinn hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, he thought. This was the perfect moment to finally ask her out.
"Hey, um... Y/N," he began, his voice slightly shaky with nerves.
Y/N looked at him, her smile softening. "What's up, Quinn?"
Quinn took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I was wondering if, uh... maybe you'd like to go out with me sometime? Like, on a date?"
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but a smile slowly spread across her face. "I would love to, Quinn. I'd love that."
Quinn's heart soared at her response, and he couldn't help but grin like a fool. "Really? Awesome! How about dinner tomorrow night? Just you and me?"
Y/N nodded, her smile growing wider. "I'd like that. Dinner tomorrow sounds perfect."
As they stood there, basking in the glow of their victory and the promise of something new, Quinn felt a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him. The Stanley Cup was theirs, but even more importantly, he had finally mustered the courage to ask out the amazing woman who had captured his heart.
As they joined the rest of the team in celebrating their historic win, Quinn couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something incredible. And as he looked at Y/N, he knew that he was ready for whatever the future held, as long as she was by his side.
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The canucks have never won the Stanley cup, so just pretend.
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pettypiastri · 1 year
under the warm white lights
quinn hughes x fem reader
wc: 2.7k
warnings: children? one mention of starting a family/marriage. one passing mention of alcohol. one single swear. one innuendo. pretty wholesome fluff :)
a/n: happy valentine’s day! a short lil piece for our beloved quinny :) since quinn is the oldest and i didn’t feel it was fitting to make jack or luke married given their ages and places in life, “Sara” is a fake fourth Hughes child and has a daughter named Olive! Enjoy friends, and feel free to send in some requests if you have any ideas you wanna see written!
Despite it being winter vacation, your alarm wakes you up. A ripe 7am but you’re not as mad as you would be during the semester since you know what’s waiting for you this morning. As you take an extra moment to yourself, stretching out on the cozy queen bed, you know you’re far from the first one awake today. 
Rising with a yawn, you take to the bathroom to complete your morning routine before slipping on a sufficiently warm outfit. Even the extra blankets and raging heater in the Hughes’ house can’t keep the Michigan winter out of your bones. After pulling fluffy socks on your feet, you depart the clutches of the spare room and venture toward the kitchen.
Ellen is tucked into a bar stool reading a paper and clutching a coffee cup. Her head perks up at your entrance and a warm smile shakes the remaining chill out of your body. There are a few other family members scattered about the living area including a couple of the little ones.
“Morning sweetheart. Help yourself to some coffee.” Ellen says. You nod and mouth a ‘thank you.’ Filling up a cup, you take a seat near Ellen and Quinn’s sister Sara where you can see through the sliding glass back door. The warm coffee begins to jolt you awake. You take leisurely sips and chat intermittently with the women as you wake up but your gaze is continually drawn to the outdoor rink.
Quinn, Jack, Luke, and a few of their hometown friends are skating around playing hockey on the pond, lit only by the warm white lights strung around the perimeter. It’s not yet sunrise. You just know they’re chirping each other constantly by the smiles glued to their faces. The thought makes you grin; you love watching the boys do what they love. 
One in particular though. Quinn’s always been such a smooth skater. He’s effortless out there moving around his buddies and tossing playful hip checks around to his brothers. His electric grin is almost visible from there. With the glowing string lights softly illuminating his form, he looks almost angelic, edges fuzzy from the warm white light. You can’t take your eyes off him. 
You only notice how long you’ve been staring when you raise your cup to your lips and there’s nothing left in it. As you debate what another cup might do to your body, Sara’s little girl Olive starts badgering her mother about going outside. 
“Not right now hunny, mommy’s still waking up.” She sighs, trying to bask in a few more minutes of peaceful quiet. 
“I can take her… if you don’t mind of course. I was gonna wander out that way myself.” You pipe up, looking at Sara for approval. Her daughter is already squealing delightedly and begging her mum to agree. She smiles at you in a heartbeat. 
“You don’t mind? That’d be great, thank you Y/N.” She regards you warmly before ushering her little one to grab some necessary outer layers. You rise to put your mug in the dishwasher and find a few warm clothing items too. With some leggings on your lower half and fuzzy socks underneath your fur lined ankle boots, you think the hoodie and flannel you pull on will keep you warm enough. Oh and a beanie of course, complete with pom pom. Returning to the kitchen you find Olive tugging her extra clothes on so you bend down to her height to help finish the job. 
“Ready chickee?” You ask, pulling her beanie down over her ears. She nods eagerly and you can’t help but boop her nose before heading toward the backdoor. “Hold my hand babe, it’s slippery on the stairs here, okay?” She whines an ‘I know’ but does as you say anyway, moving hand in hand with you down the creaky wood stairs. There’s no wind this morning thankfully but the cold still sends a jolt through you. You both trudge through the slightly snowy walkway toward the rink. You pick your head up to look for Quinn, knowing he’ll want to say ‘hi’ to his niece, but you’re distracted by the gorgeous dawn sky. The stars are still out and as your eyes adjust you see just how many constellations are visible.
“Olive, look up at the sky!” You coo crouching down to pick her up in your  arms. “There’s Orion. And the Big Dipper. Y'know what’s special about that one babe?” She shakes her head no. You grab her hand gently and guide her finger along the path made by the two outermost stars of the scoop. “It points to that star right there. The big bright one you see it? That’s the North Star. It never moves so you always know where North is.” She makes noises of amazement and proceeds to ask you more questions about the stars and what other constellations you know. You spend a few minutes in your own little world talking about and marveling at the sky. 
Quinn’s POV 
They’ve been staring at the sky for several minutes now. I can hear Olive’s giggle from here, even above the sound of skates on rough ice. Y/N’s been pointing at different things and speaking softly to Olive. Every once and a while Olive’s tiny hand flies up to the sky and points at something, her excited chatter getting a bit louder. Sometimes Y/N moves her hand to point somewhere else or turns on her heel to give Olive a new view. Watching them from afar makes my heart warm. It’s such a genuine, organic interaction I can’t help but be filled with love. I wish Y/N was holding our kid instead of just my niece. But that’s getting way ahead of myself; we’re not even dating… yet… I hope. I hold my tongue so as not to disturb their moment and mine vicariously. 
“Lost in a little daydream there Q?” It’s Jack. For as annoyed as I am about him interrupting, I’m also glad that he’s the one catching me in fantasy land and not one of my buddies. Jack knows how I feel. He knew even before I caught on. I just hum, keeping my eyes on the precious sight a few seconds longer. “She’s good with her. Fits right into the Hughes clan.” His words are accompanied with a slight nudge. For once his tone isn’t teasing and that’s what gets me to break my stare. 
He wears a soft smile to top off his genuine statement. I can see in his eyes what he means inadvertently: “Tell her how you feel. You’ve loved this girl for years. The family loves her too. Make her an official part of it.” It’s nothing more radical than my normal thoughts when I’m a few shots deep or apparently on cold Michigan mornings. I smile solemnly back at the older boy, conveying what doesn’t need to be said verbally either: “I’m not ready yet. One day. Baby steps.” Instead I stop lazily leaning on my stick and take a few strides toward the edge of the rink. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty… ” Quinn calls softly. You know immediately the greeting was meant for you when he meets your eyes and gives you a warm smile. Both his actions and his words make you blush. Hopefully it isn’t noticeable under your already wind bitten cheeks but comfortingly, you notice his look just the same. You wonder if it’s because of the wind too or something else.
“Well look who it is! Nice of you to join us ladies!” Jack chirps you as soon as he comes to a stop at the edge of the rink. You roll your eyes playfully and hand over his niece when you see he’s abandoned his hockey stick to free up his hands. Olive is already squealing as Jack skates off to take her on ‘a tour of the rink’ you think you heard him say.
“I didn’t even get to say hi!” Quinn pouts at you, bottom lip jutting out and all. “So much for being the funcle,” he adds. 
“Oh so I’m not entertaining enough company?” You place your hand on your chest acting wounded. Quinn just smiles, his pretty eyes twinkling from the string lights. He leans forward and kisses your cheek, dangerously close to your lips. The accidental proximity makes you shiver. 
“Certainly prettier company than my brothers.” He offers, reaching a hand out to toy with the strings of your (his) hoodie. You smile up at him bashfully, enjoying this peaceful early morning moment. Reaching a hand out to readjust Quinn’s beanie to cover his ears, you try to distract yourself from his stare. He chuckles briefly at your avoidance before he peers over the boards to look down at your feet. Tsk’ing he sighs. 
“No skates. Figured.” You slip your hand down from his neck to his chest, palm resting over patches on his old NTDP jersey.
“It’s like you forget I’m part of the general population sometimes: most people don’t own skates.” You get lost in his eyes for a few moments, unable to think of anything funny to tack on to the end of your statement. 
In one fell swoop, Quinn lifts you up to sit on the edge of the boards. A squeak of fright leaves your mouth as you scramble to reach out for him. You’re able to steady yourself by grabbing his biceps while he takes advantage of the opportunity to slot himself between your legs.
The more compromising position has you inches from Quinn’s face. Your eyes meet easily and Quinn smiles bashfully at you, seemingly a bit nervous. He slips his hands between your hoodie and your flannel, resting against your clothed waist. The clouds of his minty breath tickle your nose. Your lips part involuntarily, unlocking when the tendrils of steam flutter against them. It’s the closest I’ll ever be to kissing him, you think.
“Aren’t you in the middle of a game Q?” You mutter quietly. Not much volume is necessary at this proximity. His eyes watch your lips as you speak. You try not to let the action go straight to your heart. No luck.
“Half time. Tryna get warmed up.” Quinn shrugs, gloveless hands slipping around to your back as he drops his face into your neck. Another squeak betrays you at the feeling of his frosty nose but you wrap your arms comfortingly around his back anyway. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you about taking a girl to dinner first before you steal her warmth?” You tease, hands sweeping across his back and up to his neck. Quinn smiles into your neck, nuzzling further against you as if he’s shy. 
“You want to go to dinner then?” He murmurs, barely above a whisper. Your heart flutters and drops to your stomach. It’s just rhetorical, a joke, you reason, trying to calm your rampant heartbeat. One of his big hands slides around your waist, settling on your lower back. His fingers are tentative and careful as he holds you against him, reflecting his trepidatious tone. You hum softly, feeling heat rise to your face and that tingly feeling in your fingers. You try to convince yourself it’s just the cold. Gently you pull Quinn’s head up by threading your fingers through his hair and giving a soft tug. You need to see his eyes to know if he’s being serious or if it really was a harmless tease. His cheeks are frosted red, maybe even more than yours; he’s always been a rosy boy. You run your fingers along Quinn’s strong jaw and meet his eyes but not before flitting over his plush lips. He looks serious albeit nervous.
“Chipotle doesn’t count.” You murmur. At this he laughs out loud, some of the tension of the moment slipping away. When Quinn collects himself his lips press another soft kiss to your cheek. Your actual cheek this time. Briefly you forgot what you both were even talking about.
“Okay but if it weren’t chipotle… what would you say?” He’s a bit mumbly but you find it all the more endearing in his rounded Michigan accent. Quinn can’t quite meet your eyes now; he bounces nervously between his skates, his hand on your waist, your eyes are bright. “Maybe we could dress up a little bit? I’d wear a suit just to see you in that dress… the one from the gala? The black one, tiny straps, big slit– fuck I can’t stop thinking about you in that dress.” A heat burns your cheeks, surprised by the dichotomy of Quinn’s bold honesty and his shy tone. One of his hands is playing with the stitching on your hoodie pocket, the other still on your back. You feel his thumb brushing softly there, trying to coax an answer out of you. When he finally looks up and holds your gaze for an extended moment, your heart leaps. He looks so nervous but there’s that beautiful, childlike hope in his eyes too. His courage gives you a push to act the same.
“Mmm I’ll go.” Your inflection is harmlessly flighty. This brings his attention back up to your eyes. He raises one brow at you, knowing you still have more to say. 
“You’ll go if…”
“I’ll go if… you pay.” He rolls his eyes playfully at your musing but nods. You can tell he’s regained some confidence from your initial acceptance so he tolerates your teasing. 
“Already was planning on it.” A big smile starts to pull at his lips but he swallows it quickly to try and play it cool. You fall for him even more in that moment.
“And,” You start, your stomach flooding with a new set of nerves. Cautiously you meet his gaze. “If you promise to take that dress off me at the end of the night.” You’re barely audible but Quinn hears you. Loud and clear. You study his features intently to see if he’ll reach out to catch your admittance floating in the air. Quinn’s Adam's apple bobs as he swallows thickly, before his tongue pokes out to wet his lips. His eyes still twinkle but there’s a slight glaze over them now.
“Whaddaya say Quinny?” You prompt, nervousness infesting your body. Quinn nods once, and then two more times. 
“Yeah… yeah I’d like that.” His soft tone is barely louder than yours. If you weren’t so trained on him, you might’ve missed the whispered confession. 
“Yo Quinn let’s go!” Luke shouts, effectively shattering your moment. Jack’s timing is impeccable too, as he swings little Olive over the boards and deposits her flat on her feet. He regards the two of you and your compromising position with a coy smile but for once doesn’t say a word. He skates off leaving you alone with Quinn for just a second more. 
“Score me a couple goals eh?” You smile at him playfully, fingers curling into the hair at the base of his neck. Quinn’s gorgeous smile is instant, the lights reflecting off his beaming expression. You think you fall fully for him in that moment: your hand on his neck, his on your back, and smiling at you like a giddy kid. It happens so fast you don’t even realize it happens until after the fact. He kisses you. On the lips. The tiniest most fleeting peck but it sends a spark through you to the very tips of your fingers, banishing any chill residing in your bones. The action speaks so loudly despite being so small. It’s possession and excitement and disbelief and naive glee all in one. You can’t help but feel the same. 
Wordlessly Quinn helps you back over the boards so you’re standing next to Olive. He takes you in one more time and shakes his head in disbelief, having a private giggle as he skates off to rejoin the boys. You pick up Olive as before, and start to trudge back to the house. 
“Is Quinn your boyfriend?” She asks suddenly. You glance at her to see her intent stare as she ponders you.
“Almost.” You say. “Almost.”
Quinn's POV
“The hell was that?” Jack asks incredulously. I come to a stop beside him, waiting for the boys to faceoff. I glance once more at Y/N as she walks back across to the house before responding, the smile still very much on my face. 
“I think we’re going on a date.” 
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Well that’s not a great start ☹️
1-0 Oilers
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sportsnet you did not have to do Quinn like that🥹
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