#verse; FFVII (Tummelt)
holyguardian · 4 months
He had already gifted her a butterfly made from cogwheels and watch-parts last year. This year it was a flower. One of her faves. But there was a special mechanism hidden in this one. "If you put in one materia here...", he pointed at where the flower was mounted to a little pedestal, "It will shine lights and twirl slowly, like magic. I know it has been some time since we used nightlights... but maybe this will give you some comfort in the evenings, when you move out for your studies now. Happy birthday."
It took every ounce of self-control to rein in her excited arm waving and hops — and that was how her little brother would know he had gifted her something quite special. If his sister wasn't rattling with excited energy, she probably still liked the gift, but it wasn't her unhinged kind of love.
Aerith uttered a curious tone then. The mechanical lily was gorgeous as it stood, but Loqi alluded to something more. Something secret. She even drew a step closer.
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"... hey, seems like this has a use after all." she tittered as she retrieved her white materia. When slotted, it produced the promised effect, albeit with wispy green tendrils, like the lifestream bloomed out from the flower.
Her smile gentled as she scooped up Loqi's hands. "I'm going to miss you, you know. Let's still make time for each other. Even when we're busier than we've ever been."
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holyguardian · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Application
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Name: "Loqi!"
Age: "Four and a half!"
Do you like to cuddle?: "Yes!"
Can we make-out?: "Make out what? Cookies? Pizza? Yes!"
A night in or dinner out?:  "Can we order dinner in?!"
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?:  "Chocolate syrup over strawberries and ice cream!"
Chocolates and roses?: "Yes!"
What makes you a good Valentine?: "I'm the best little brother and you the best big sister!"
Would you cook for me?: "... uh, I can try, if I reach the countertops. Do you want toast or cornflakes?"
Would you let me cook for you?: "Can you reach the countertops?"
Where would you take me on a date?: "In our garden! Or to the cinema! Or that one restaurant that makes the fluffy dessert cakes!"
Who’s paying?: "Mama and Papa!"
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: "I drew you this! Maybe with a little help... but I did all the colors!"
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Valentine's Day Application.
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"Wh — of course I can reach the countertops!" Aerith declared in a light huff. The cupboards above the countertops were a whole other matter.
There wasn't any real bite in her tone. Not now, not today, not when Loqi was as cute as a button in such a sweetheart mood. She didn't think they would be allowed to leave the house just the two of them. No, Mum and Dad were protective at the best of times. But maybe they could be sweet talked into massive fluffy pancakes for the whole family? Valentine's Day was a family celebration, right?
"Oh, look, it's us! You even drew flowers for me! Lets go find the perfect spot for your drawing. I think it would look very good on my wall? Then we can come down to the kitchen and I'll sneak a bowl of icecream and strawberries and chocolate syrup, Reno too."
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holyguardian · 4 months
Ida did not know what had happened to this girl. Not fully, yet. But from her own research into scientific documents, it had been a hell few could imagine. Most of these documents were classified, though. Or outright didn't... exist.
It had awoken a cold wrath within Ida - though she would not let Aerith know. To have found this little mite at the train station in time was all that mattered. And giving her a better life now. When Aerith was ready to talk, she would listen. And do all it needed.
Combing gently through the long brunette curls, Ida braided Aerith's hair with the hum of a child's song on her lips.
"What pin do you want me to put into your hair, elskede?", she asked with smile, looking over the girl's shoulder into the mirror, "A butterfly? A star? A heart? A flower? Or a bow?"
- @housetummelt Ida
It had been a week of new-normal. That was what Ida had called it, and Aerith had for the most part hit the ground running. She had a dozen questions to fire off at any given moment, almost overstimulated by how different this world was.
Her lips had been sealed shut about her memories of the lab. Those were her mother's wishes... to not speak about Shinra, or Professor Hojo. They had to keep their heads down. Her first day in the Tummelt household had been a little awkward, where she took her mother's instructions too literally and had stared at her feet the entire morning.
"Uhhhhh." Aerith indecisively swayed her head this way then that, no doubt making the task of brushing out her curls all the more active. Her eyes met with Ida's in the mirror and a smile blossomed on her lips. She could see what adorned her blonde hair. "A bow." Then they could match.
"Why do the parks have pretend trees?" her first question of the morning. "Do I have to 'home school' again today?" The concept was still a foreign one, and she didn't like how stupid it made her feel. It wasn't like she had ever been taught properly. "Why can't I follow Reno to his school school?" Perhaps the question could be dodged artfully, given how quickly she chased it up with another. "What about Loqi? He doesn't school, he becomes a dinosaur."
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holyguardian · 4 months
“Take Aerith somewhere safe.”
Those words had barely left the woman’s lips, when her hand fell down to the ground again. Limp and weak. She was dying… it was evident from how she looked. She had that hollow gaunt expression. There was nothing that could safe her yet. But the little girl beside her… her green eyes were full of resilient bright green.
The woman her mother had grabbed by the wrist looked at the child for a brief moment, before she knelt down and quickly searched for the healing potion in her bag… but as soon as she blinked again, she knew that the mother of the child was gone.
It was one of these very rare moments in her life, where Ida felt completely helpless. She had no control over any of this… and this child?
Little mite was still so young, right between her two son's ages, if she had to guess – and her sobs broke Ida’s heart. Carefully placing her hands on the girl’s arm and back, Ida tried to give her a little comfort, while still not tearing her away from her mother. She looked around… but there was no one close by. No father. No other family. No friends. No one cared for this little girl’s fate.
No one but Ida.
Glancing down at her – Aerith – again, Ida noticed the II on her arm. A tattoo. And in that moment her worry turned into dread. She had seen that before. That and another symbol… the child’s name, too. Aerith…
Quickly Ida undid the buttons of her coat, draping it around the girl. She could only allow her one more moment of grief for her mother, before he scooped her up. As cruel as it was, they had to hurry.
“My darling, we have to go.” @housetummelt - Ida
Aerith had tried to find a doctor to make her mother all better again, which was how she had grabbed the sleeve of this woman in her white coat and tugged for her to follow, begging for help. "Please, please help my mummy, she's sick!"
Ifalna knew this was her only chance to make things right for her daughter. Aerith, stubborn as a cat, thought all she needed to do was to find someone in a white coat to help. It was a horrible feeling, to fully realise that the only world her baby knew was one where adults wore white coats.
She reached for the woman, to hold onto the same wrist that Aerith had guided closer. She could see it in her eyes, that she wanted to help in some way. "Take Aerith somewhere safe." There was so much to explain. So much left unsaid. But it was all she had left to give. It was like in knowing that her daughter wasn't going to be alone, her body finally dared to relax...
Aerith was beside herself. Bawling and clinging to her mother, she knew that her soul was slipping away. That her mother was returning to the Planet and there was nothing to hold her back — try as she might, little hands clinging as though she could hold her mother there and make her stay. They were free now! They could live in a house together! They could grow gardens and never have to see a wheelchair again!
She cried in loud, wracking sobs. Especially when the kind woman scooped her up, her hands losing grip of her mother. Her arms remained outstretched, grasping for where her mother lifelessly laid, and there was little chance of a silent getaway with how she cried her heart out. Eventually her arms slackened, and eventually her sobs calmed to sniffles, even if the tears never did seem to fully stop. They were far from the train station now. Far from the bad men. All she could do was watch over the woman's shoulder. Take in the new sights, of streets that looked... neat. Tidy. Where they had funny pretend trees and lights that lit up all of the pathway.
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holyguardian · 2 years
@loyalandroid |  starter 💐✨
There were few times in her life Aerith could be accused of snooping on her little brother. She only ever invaded his privacy when it was a matter of safety, from the mysterious cuts that amounted to him handling metal scrap with his bare hands to that time she thought he was screaming but actually it was just some stupid video on his PHS.
To find her creaking open the door to his room in the middle of the day was absolutely unheard of. It went against the code of siblings, not to mention there were a infinitely more places she would rather be in the world than her family’s private spaces.
Though on that day she was the first to arrive home. Incredibly early, all alone... so, the fact she heard some heavy footsteps coming from upstairs was the first sign that something was incredibly wrong.
It took her some scrambling to find the perfect weapon. A baseball bat belonging to one of her brothers. Probably Reno, and probably not the first time it had been used to threaten someone. Gripping it tightly in both hands she inched closer and closer to where she had heard the noise. Gathering all of her courage she finally made to fling open the door, busting into Loqi’s room like some hyped-up maniac. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” she shouted, looking more terrified than courageous upon seeing the sheer size of the one who had been skulking about.
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holyguardian · 2 years
@noblehcart |  starter 💐✨
It had always been part of her destiny, to continue the Tummelt legacy and work for Shinra. Though there was no denying her nerves. Aerith hadn’t intended to work in the Advanced Weaponry Division. Her initial hope had been to land in Research and Development but it felt like she had been pushed back at every step.
Little wonder, when she met Professor Hojo - however briefly - for the very first time. Working for and studying under Scarlet within her materia research team had proven to be the real dream. She felt seen. Appreciated, even. Plus there was the small upside of working in close but not too close to her little brother Loqi. That meant they could go on break at the same time and have lunch together, but weren’t up in each other’s faces all day long.
Everything was almost perfect. But then there was the communal fax machine. One she had witnessed Scarlet attack with an open palm and hissed slew of insults on more than one occasion. When it wasn’t acting up, there was always a backlog of others needing it first. And, honestly, it was often quicker for her to simply scurry to the elevator and go wherever she needed to send something off on foot.
That was how she ended up in the elevator with another employee. Beyond a polite smile she simply stood there and kept to herself, watching the floor numbers whiz by... until they didn’t... in an almost comical scene, the elevator shuddered, lights flickering, and then nothing. “... sure would be embarrassing if we worked for an electricity company, huh.” she mused.
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holyguardian · 3 years
👫 for Loqi/housetummelt mixed please?
MEME → Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship.
Aerith and Baldur
Unsatisfied with Aerith's level of education (or lack thereof) Baldur took it upon himself to structure home lessons to catch her up with her age group and beyond. It is owing to this that she naturally gravitates to him for opinions, not all education related, because he is incredibly honest and fair in his evaluations.
Aerith eats a lot of smaller portioned snacks in lieu of big meals. She is often in the kitchen (always has been) and if she makes a note that her father hasn't eaten she will wordlessly bring him some top tier snack food as well.
Small continue on from the last headcanon. Aerith's favourite place to perch is on the arm of her father's chair, and he knows this, so whenever she brings him nice little things unprompted he'll pat the arm of said chair in offer for her to come sit with him. It's not unusual to find Aerith leaned up against him like that and Baldur with his arm slung around her when he's home from work.
It was Baldur who encouraged Aerith's basic Cetran abilities. Of course Ida encouraged the same, but it wasn't until he noticed her habit of picking around the manicured turf and the following weeks of little flowers sprouting that he took it upon himself to rip up part of the expensive and imported lawn. Then he built a modest garden with his daughter... which then became another garden... and then another... secretly, or not so secretly, he is proud of the gardens he helped build and often spends time helping to keep them manicured and in order. No more overgrown herb patches that his daughter let run wild.
Aerith and Ida
Ida is Aerith's biggest support. Following the death of Ifalna no one else has compared. Ida took her in at the train station and formed an immediate bond, one that strengthened to where the matriarch of the Tummelt house regarded Aerith as not simply a child in need, but her child. In kind Aerith quickly attached herself to the fiercely protective mother. In a matter of weeks Ida became 'mum' and Aerith her daughter.
Ida encouraged Aerith to hold onto her childhood. It came in the form of setting up activities to do with her, to introducing her to a world that was completely alien in fun little bursts. Once Baldur had to park in the street because his wife and daughter commandeered the driveway for hopscotch. The activities changed through the years but even in the present day mother and daughter continue to enjoy such time together.
The kitchen is what can set apart a house from a home. Ida, despite her busy schedule, has always made an effort to provide home-cooked meals, instilling the importance of family time and gathering everyone together at the dining table. Aerith, curious little one that she was, often shadowed her mother and asked if she could help. Ever since she was young Aerith has been in and around the kitchen learning every scrap that she could. Later on in life when Ida took on more responsibilities as her children entered adolescence and beyond, Aerith stepped up to lessen the burden on her mother and keep the tradition of family time strong.
Like mother, like daughter. Ida nurtured the gentleness and resilience in her daughter, though she also imparted that she must use her voice and stand up for herself. While Aerith fronts a happy demeanour and seems to get along with most anyone and everyone she was very much raised with a 'do no harm but take no shit' code. Though, like her mother, she sometimes takes it a step further.
Aerith and Loqi
Loqi was only a toddler when Aerith was brought into the family. Curiousity drove him to follow in her shadow for as much as he could keep up for, and it's something that carries through to the present day. He follows after his sister as much as he can and it's never a dull day when they're together. On the flip side, Aerith knows that her brother wishes to follow after her and it's always been a great tease and game slipping away from him or pretending to have gotten away.
Aerith has adored Loqi ever since their first meeting. He was young enough for her to want to look after him but close enough in age that they would come to share common interests. While her days of dressing up in a dinosaur onesie for a very theatrical story time are well over she still has so much to give to him. Loqi doesn't take this for granted, as he has gotten older he has picked up on his sister's selflessness, she would rather give than do for herself. He tries to restore some balance by doing what he can even though Aerith is a bit of a mystery even to him at times.
The house hasn't been spared them butting heads. Aerith and Loqi both possess sass, which has been the catalyst for many an argument between them. More often than not they get along extremely well but whether it be a change in the wind or a certain look in the other's eye, as quick as one can blink is all the time needed for them to be up in arms.
A constant source of suffering for Loqi has been Aerith's taste in men and women. Or as he would put it, a lack-of. He doesn't agree with how she lowers her standards or completely throws them aside for reasons he doesn't know and certainly wouldn't understand. This is where his protectiveness ticks up. If he has an opportunity to sabotage Aerith's poorer choices, he will, using her own protectiveness by creating conflict between him and whoever he doesn't approve of. There is no quicker way for Aerith to turn from stubborn about her choices to ripping shreds off someone for going after her little brother.
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holyguardian · 3 years
"Tell me, that you love me in front of your boyfriend. I just want to see what happens and never let him live that down."
"Tell me, Loqi, how old were you before I ever said I love you?" Aerith watched him. Could see the thought crease his brow as he tried to recall when those words came for him. "Ohhh. It stings, doesn't it? You only just realised you weren't immune. I don't hand out love easy, little brother, and even with your adorable chubby cheeks and all I ever tried to do to make you happy, it still took me years."
To make her point she pinched his cheek between her fingers and gave it a little shake before she soothed it better with a pat and a grin. "Love ya, Loqi~" A big kiss was planted on his now slightly-reddened cheek and she was on her way with a hop and a skip. Seemed her little brother had something of his own to live down too.
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holyguardian · 2 years
"Goodbye" - Ida & Baldur
MEME → Send me “Goodbye” for the last voice message my muse leaves for yours before they die. @housetummelt
"Hey mum, hey dad!" Aerith chimed into the phone, her smile obvious. "So don't freak out, I'm not coming home tonight. I'll explain everything when I see you tomorrow, and no, I don't have some new partner so don't even fire up that grill yet. Just... I love you, okay? Talk soon." That didn't even scratch the surface of what was to come. The headlines about their daughter involved in an eco-terrorist group. Their home being combed over and Aerith's possessions taken by the Turks to analyse for any clues. Not hearing a word from her for weeks that bled into months. Then that fateful phone call from Loqi who discovered the truth about what happened to their runaway Aerith.
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holyguardian · 2 years
MEME → Send me “Goodbye” for the last voice message my muse leaves for yours before they die.
"Loq, why is your phone out of range?" Aerith asked in a tone that could only be described as accusing. "You're working for Shinra, so, I shouldn't even be risking this message. But you're smart enough not to have your back-up phone monitored, right? I wanted to tell you to be safe and stop looking for me. You think AVALANCHE are a bunch of hick terrorists but you're wrong, these people have my back, every single one of them. You don't understand what I have to do. This is bigger than some company. I just need you to promise me that you're not going to get tangled in-" then, the beep of her call cutting short. The payphone ran out of gil and she had to hurry on. He'd get the message though, right?
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