#versin surfin
eclipsecrowned · 11 months
@versin-surfin liked for NUALA.
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"I can't imagine you have much use for them, but I reckoned it was better to ask -- Do you mind if I hold on to these shed feathers?"
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hvbris · 1 year
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@versin-surfin sent: ❛ If you wanted to be babied, you should’ve asked Effie. ❜ (Haymitch for Prim in her arena verse maybe? 👀👀👀) from: CATCHING FIRE (2013) SENTENCE STARTERS
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Prim sunk deeper in her chair. "I don't want to be babied," she muttered, frowning at her plate of stew. Capitol food was absurdly good, and this was no exception. But she wasn't feeling very hungry right now, not with the stress tying knots in her stomach.
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"But you don't have to be mean about it." She knew that she was wrong. She knew that Haymitch being harsh was a necessity. After all, she was headed for the arena, not a play date. But at the end of the day, she was still a kid ripped from her home, terrified of what was going to happen in a few days.
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hidearchive · 11 months
"WHY IS YOUR BLOOD HOT" (versin-surfin, from Morbius)
she's never had anyone drink her blood before, so how was she supposed to know that it would end like this? she had answered all his questions, was trying to be polite about the whole thing, and then... "oh, y'know, that actually makes a lot of sense." it actually makes her laugh a little, even. though, it probably isn't funny to him.
"it's because of the fire powers." she says it so casually, it's almost like this would be a normal thing to say to someone. even though it is definitely not. "you didn't ask about them. i didn't know it was important!"
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sinnhelmingr · 1 year
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So does she find out like that one vine where the guy wakes hi roommate up only for another dude to also poke his head out from under the sheets or- (versin-surfin asking the important questions :3) // @versin-surfin
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You know, it occurs to me that Redd has shipped Silas/Death/Hob since at least... 2017 I believe? And yet we have never established if at any point Hel is made aware all her closest friends are in a polyamorous dynamic. For all we know they've been like that since the 80s in-universe and Hel is still ignorant as of 2023. The lack of resolution here oh my God.
But the funniest way I can fathom is Hel on an evening out seeing the triad in question like 'ough, my besties (◕︿◕✿) i gotta go say hello' only for her companion to be like 'i think they're on a date.' and hel to call nonsense, they are all just really great frieWHY IS ROBERT KISSING HER BOSS LIKE THAT NO--
cut to hel sat outside the venue smoking and just. trying to cope as her dinner company tries to supervise. she's miffed, miffed i tell you!
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lastxdragon · 24 days
❝ i only want to help you. ❞ (versin-surfin, from Jaime!)
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"I know," Daenerys murmured as she turned from the view overlooking Dragonstone harbor where her fleet were moored. Her gaze took in the somber knight standing only a few feet away, taking in her tall, handsome, near-constant companion with a questioning glint in her amethyst eyes. It wasn't as if she hadn't wondered of the motives behind his devotion sooner, but there had been a great deal of planning and logistics to deal with before their arrival on Dragonstone.
"It may be a surprise to hear, but I do trust you, Ser Jaime," she admitted, crossing the distance to stand before him, her head tilting upward to meet his gaze. "You don't know how much I've come to appreciate having you at my side and how I hope you will be happy here far into the future," Dany continued, reaching out to touch his forearm.
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dumbthink · 6 months
@versin-surfin ... liked.
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"are you just like..." they point to the squirrel. "is he like, your pet?"
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handicappedbuenchico · 9 months
@versin-surfin liked for a starter from Spencer!
Spencer hadn't meant to snoop around in the guy's head, truly he didn't. He couldn't exactly help it when his dream powers were trained to pick up on weaknesses in potential prey by an apex predator, along with his own mind having a heightened sense for negative energy, and this guy has A LOT of that in droves. Spencer saw things that, quite frankly, he didn't think he ever wanted to know. Especially now that he was out of the killing and torturing innocent souls game for good; he only wanted to lay low while head-hopping with Carlos.
"Man, I thought what happened to me for the past twenty-five years was a new level of fucked up, but whatever the hell you went through took the first shitting prize," Spencer spoke into the ether, which swirled with what he could only assume were his dream mate's memories, knowing that the stranger would most certainly hear and acknowledge his presence within the dreamscape now. He hadn't meant to go snooping, but now he wanted to see how deep this rabbit hole was. It wasn't like he had anything else to do with his infinite time.
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endtown · 7 months
@versin-surfin ... continued
Instinct is to fight. He wants to growl and bark and use his powers to get the other away as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter that he's in desperate need of help, he doesn't want help. But the blood caked around his nose is enough of a sign that he can't push it any further. Usually, his powers are his way out, and he's stuck without them.
"Why would you want to help me? What do you want?"
Is what he fires back. It is not nearly as venomous as he hopes, and his voice is a bit hoarse. He's not sure why, and doesn't have the energy to figure it out. "I don't have anything." A lie, maybe. The lab thought he was pretty useful. But lying here on the ground, he doesn't look it.
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months
Don’t know if you actually wanted an answer but x reader fic writers are my fandom red flag because a lot of the times the ones that show up in fandom tags devolve into being weird ooc fan-popular headcanons or archetypal tropes they shove the characters into. I’m all for x reader stuff and have enjoyed quite a bit but if it’s a popular x reader blog or fix on the dash I am very wary (versin-surfin)
Amazing to me how this is a near universal fandom gripe nowadays. I'm having similar issues in another one of my VG fandoms. You cannot go into any tag for one of my muses without getting the most rancid OOC takes about him and how much the reader wants to fetishize him as a Scotsman. It's even worse when it's someone who clearly didn't actually watch/engage with the source and is only going off of the fan-popular headcanons or tropes. It's how fandoms stagnate and in my years of experience become weirdly hostile/unsafe for other communities, or even just those who are not filled with a sense of girlypop whimsy about often bleak narratives with deeper themes than how hot a man is or how two basic white men should kiss for audience gratification.
in my case most of the x reader crowds are also the ones crying 'queerbaiting! homophobia! bury your gays!' because canon did not actually have the two basic white men kiss with tongue in canon... and never implied they were going to.
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hvbris · 1 year
❓ for Haymitch w/any of your HG muses? (versin-surfin)
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@versin-surfin from: Send ❓ and I’ll tell you a plot idea I’d like to explore with our muses! status: accepting!
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Tigris Snow:
Idk if it matches timeline-wise, but Tigris being Haymitch's stylist for his Hunger Games? I think it could be really interesting!
Cassia Snow:
Haymitch has to mentor Cassia during the Freedom Games organized by the new Government. Haymitch having to relive the trauma of being a mentor when he thought it was finally over could be interesting, not to mention having to suddenly "protect" Snow's granddaughter.
I love mixing things up, so Clove being a tribute in the second Quarter Quell with Haymitch 👀
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hidearchive · 11 months
" shut up and let me help you. " (versin-surfin, from David)
she doesn't want to. wants to insist i can fucking handle this another time, because she can! she always has. still, when he snaps, there is that instinct to listen. so she pauses what she's doing, and while she's frozen for a moment, eventually, rain nods. "fine." and maybe she should be happier about this fact, but she feels like such a fucking failure.
(she is worse at this than she used to be. and it makes her feel like she shouldn't even exist).
it stings as hands move from where she had gotten swiped on the side, blood ruining this shirt. it had been a nice one, too. "it's not that bad." she'll still insist.
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somekindofstrnge · 1 year
where did you find this? (versin-surfin, Haymitch to Katniss)
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"I didn't steal it, I just found it !" The words were blurted out before she could even register what the real question was, or who had spoken up to her. The only signal her brain sent to her body was that SOMEONE had walked up to her, which was enough to initiate a series of unconscious responses, starting with a sudden tension stiffening the muscles of her shoulders, followed by a rapid vocal answer. Startled, her hand had slipped, causing the blade she was using to pick under her nail to dig into the flesh of her thumb. "Shit." It was a mere cut, nothing to be anxious about, really. These past few years, she had gone through way, way WORSE. In fact, that one small incident annoyed her more than it actually hurt ; an insignificant pain compared to the hole that kept digging deep inside of her since Peeta had disappeared. Since he had been taken away from her so easily. She could've, no, should've done something about it. In fact, she could be acting right now, instead of sitting alone on the floor of a supply warehouse of District 13. But the wounds inflicted on her body from the last Games were healing way too slow for her taste. She'd rather put the fault of her self-isolation on her physical health than the bundle of emotions turning and turning within her head. There seemed to be no way out to the constant anger and sorrow which yet begged to be exorcised. The issue was, there was no one she could talk to, no one she trusted anymore.
Eyes squinting slightly, her head leaned back against the wall behind her. As much as she would've loved to avoid it, Katniss let her gaze cross his. The eyecontact didn't last long, however. Soon, she was looking away in what could be identified as shame as well as some sort of disgust. Not of his person, but of what he had DONE. "Oh. It's you." The tone of her voice was flat, devoid of enthusiasm nor hatred. It was simply ... empty. Ironic, wasn't it ? To sound so emotionless when her head was constantly buzzing with strong, sometimes contradictory feelings. Having acknowledged him, her focus went back on the hunting knife she had "found", resuming the aimless picking, though this time at the cuticle of her already damaged finger. "You can try to take it away, I don't care. Like I said, I didn't steal it, I just found it." Perhaps her voice had begun to betray a tad of frustration from his question. And she didn't feel sorry for feeling this way, just like he probably wouldn't sorry for resenting her after the way she had attacked him at the hospital. At least they were more or less even.
"Look, if you're worried about me carrying this around, I promise I won't come at you again. Also, if you want me to be the Mockingjay, you're gonna have to hand me weapons again. I just ... " A sigh escaped her lips, an exasperated one. Did she really have to explain herself to Haymitch ? "I just don't feel safe here. Or anywhere else."
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sinnhelmingr · 1 year
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"Hel? Why did you call Dream babygirl before he... y'know?" // ( @versin-surfin, for Matthew I know it's for why is Hel babygirl but methinks this would be funnier)
Trust the process. Trust the process. Grief is many different things to many different people. While she, personally, would never wish to know about the particulars of her own Lady's life behind closed doors, she will not refuse Matthew whatever comfort this will offer.
She can find no immediate reason why the raven requires this knowledge, but a voice that sounds more like her mother than her father demands she not judge. Her mother's blood cannot stop her from exhaling slow, though. This is going to be.... Something.
"We had a... Complicated relationship, Morpheus and I." It still tastes wrong on her tongue, that his truest name belong to another. She swallows the bitter pill all the same, wishing it wasn't metaphorical. Cyanide would be far more adept at getting her out of this conversation. "I suppose all his relationships were like that, thinking back."
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"There were many long centuries where we only ever managed to antagonize one another, whether intentionally or by mere existence in mutual company. I suppose he wouldn't have told you, but our very first meeting terrified Asgard, for all the shouting and the curse-slinging..." She's speaking of girlhood, and thinking of the Globe, and Hob, and that damned Bard with his quill and paper. She ought to have sued for how the man stole the words from her mouth.
"Even as we... settled... old habits died hard."
Babygirl, you are strange and do not understand social cues.
It had been a quick jape in the modern vernacular. Matthew's grackle of shock, at the time, had certainly seemed like laughter. Even now, there was a mystery around the whole exchange, beyond how Morpheus hadn't sent her careening into some fate worse than death.
"It seemed the sort of thing I could get away with, after so long knowing him."
Get away with it she could. The novelty of that had worn thin many years ago. The only thing that still stunned her was just how intrigued by the moniker he had been --
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bloodofthefates · 2 years
x.  why are you looking at me like that ? for @versin-surfin
      Eyes of umber flashed from the unimpressed expression of their monarch ominously cloaked in suiting black looming several steps above them to Lucienne at her right before settling on the blackbird perched at her feet. It was strange still for Jessamy to so easily converse with Matthew without any use of her corvid form. It wasn’t from sounds or speech patterns of passerines by which she was able to understand his question but by use of human language. It appeared Jessamy remained the only one in present company mystified by such a gift and she quickly cleared her throat, rearranging her expression with some effort to regain composure. “I wasn’t aware you could speak… Like that I mean. Of course, we would be able to speak to one another just not…” She continued to babble, cocking her head to one side reminiscent of the craning of her neck in raven form as she made a muddled use of her own words still struggling in brevity of the English language in her human form. A gentle but narrowed look of disapproval from Lucienne silenced Jessamy with a simple nod of acquiescence. Questions regarding Matthew’s true nature and his abilities could wait; they were in the presence of their master for a reason and it meant that they’d both been called upon and ordered by his majesty for a pressing reason. What she remained unprepared for however, was the freedom and flippancy by which Matthew chattered and addressed Dream directly that left her mouth agape and eyes wide staring at the bird before her with worries he might be dissolved any second. “Surely not all ravens speak to our sovereign in such a… manner?”
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imprvdente · 2 months
"You deserve your vengeance." (versin-surfin, from Léon!)
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𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 & 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇 @versin-surfin
"My vengeance?"
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Fish looked at the man, a little frown troubling her features. "The cops couldn't even catch him. What can I do?" This wasn't a movie, it was real life. Kids like her didn't get to avenge the death of their best friend. Kids didn't get to hunt down a serial killer. Not without dying, anyway.
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eclipsecrowned · 10 months
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Care… care to dance? (Jonathan to Dracula while still imprisoned at the castle maybe? 👀👀👀) // @versin-surfin
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The question soars through the air, whistling solidly over the old Count's head -- or, so it seems. The silence that follows Harker's offer certainly implies as much. Whether shock or disdain wins the stilling of his tongue, the Vampire stands a pillar of salt, towering over his guest.
His cape shivers down his back. His breath tickles at the crown of Jonathan's head. His form, bowed as it is, manages to shake from the effort. Something stirs the cobwebs and clots in his airways.
For the first night in thousands, Dracula's laughter trickles through his castle. It is a weak thing, the wheezing, feeble attempt to force air up from stagnated lungs. Yet the sound puffs to life all the same. His very breath reeks of rot.
For a moment, it seems the old man will collapse in on himself. he curls a hand against his narrowed waist, feeling his stomach tighten with the effort of his laughter. After a few moments longer, he speaks, voice still tinged with mirth. All his teeth are visible at once, but only for a flicker of time. Blink, Jonathan, and you might miss it entirely.
Perhaps it would be kinder if he did.
"Yes, yes! What a splendid idea you have, Mr. Harker. It's been so long since there was dancing in these halls. These old bones have forgotten even the most basic steps. How am I to manage in your very modern society if I cannot conduct myself in your ballrooms? You must teach me, Mr. Harker, at once!"
He offers a rail-thin arm to the young solicitor, burdened by layers of brocaded fabric. It seems the old Count is keen to keep out the chill of his lofty old castle, yet his feet are eager, in their faded slippers. He speaks to age and lack of practice, but it seems the body never forgets. Indeed, his steps seem to be must more sure than when Jonathan first set foot in this place.
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