#we need more pink and romance 💘
2-guns-b1tch ¡ 4 months
I’ve got my eye on you, Valentine! 💘
Pairing: General!Scarecrow x F!Reader
I’m super late for Valentines Day (I’m on vacation cut me some slack) but o finally finished this. Some characters may feel a little bit ooc and the pacing may be a little fast, but I tried my best I hope you guys like this.
Rating : General Audience. A little bit of angst, but mostly fluff.
For most of his life, Jonathan hated Valentine's Day.
He remembered the time at school when the day finally came and all the kids were exchanging cards, but Jonathan only found his box empty. Worse were the few times when he actually received a letter and there was that temporary feeling of happiness, only to later discover that it was all a cruel joke from his classmates.
Who in their right mind would have a crush on Jonathan Crane? The lanky, weird boy who always wore patched clothes and had his face buried in books.
Over the years, the date stopped being terrifying and became just annoying. Jonathan couldn't help but roll his eyes when he noticed that stores hanging up the pink and red decorations, how couples seemed even more clingy in public and the chubby image of the Cupid with his little bow was everywhere he looked.
Deep down, there was still that disappointment, the loneliness that seemed to follow him wherever he went, but he tried to cover up any silly feelings with his work and studies. He didn't have time for romance. He didn't need the chocolates or teddy bears or stupid cards.
And that was why Jonathan felt in a bad mood today.
"Valentine's Day. February 14th. Day to celebrate the martyr Saint Valentin.” Calendar Man whispers to himself as the Arkham staff handed out colored paper and blunt scissors to the patients.
For some reason they thought it was a constructive activity to make Valentine's Day cards. Nonsense. Nobody was interested in this stupid holiday. Well, except Harley who seemed to squirm in her seat with excitement.
Jonathan stares at you from across the room. You looked concentrated, your tongue tucked between your lips as you took the red paper and cut it into the shape of a heart. Your eyes meet for a second and you smile sweetly at him before Jonathan looks away.
You were a relatively new piece in Gotham's criminal world, but you had already done enough noise to be sent to Arkham by the Batman.
You and Jonathan got along well, you could even say you were friends, but nothing more than that. You seemed to actually pay attention to his lectures about fear and the human brain and he liked listening to you talk as well.
Maybe he could do something for you. You were kind after all. And funny, your laugh never failed to bring a smile to his lips. And smart. And beautiful. And…
Jonathan shakes his head. God, the doctors were right about him finally going crazy. You would never accept anything he gave you. Jonathan had always been the weird kid and that hadn't changed.
“Out of ideas, Jon?” Edward asks as he spies over Jonathan’s shoulder.
“No,” he says without looking at him. "I won’t do anything."
“Oh my friend, don’t be so grumpy,” Tetch says, cutting out several paper bunnies holding hands. “Would you like us to make a card for you?”
“No,” he says again, crossing his arms. “I don’t want anything from either of you.”
Edward follows his vision to you, a mischievous grin on his face. “Let me guess, you’re embarrassed to send her a Valentine’s card, aren’t you?”
Jonathan feels like he was back to his school days. Not exactly, since he didn't have any friends back then, but Edward was like an annoying friend pressuring Jonathan to confess to his crush.
“Don't say nonsense, Edward. I’m not in the mood for your jokes.”
Edward throws his head back in laughter. "Don’t be shy. You can tell us if you have a crush on someone. After all, we are your best friends, right, Jervis?”
Jervis at the moment seemed more interested in the paper hat he was making, so Edward decides not to wait for his answer.
“Come on, I can even help you,” Edward says, nudging him with his elbow. “Ok, write this down: What is a vampire’s sweetheart called? A ghoul-friend!”
Jonathan roll his eyes instantly. “That was terrible.”
“Trust me, women love riddles.” He winks, brushing his hair back.
“I won't take relationship advice from you, Edward.”
"What do you have to lose?"
“Let’s see…” he adjusts his glasses before starting to count on his fingers. “My dignity, my time, my patience…”
“You complicate things too much. Don’t tell me you’re scared.” The look Edward gives him is challenging, a smirk on his lips.
Jonathan opens his mouth to defend himself. Fear? He was the master of fear! He was the bogeyman that hid in the shadows. The nightmare of Gotham's citizens. But any complaints died on his tongue.
He stares at Edward full of venom before speaking again. “Pass me the damn crayon.”
Edward grabs a red crayon and hands it to Jonathan, still smiling smugly.
Jonathan curses under his breath as she folds a light pink sheet in half. The crayon stays in the air for a few seconds until he finds the right words and starts writing.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, from your friend Jonathan Crane.” He writes simply in his impeccable handwriting.
"Done. Satisfied?" He lifts the card into the air, showing it to Edward.
Edward wrinkles his nose. “This is so boring! It doesn’t even have hearts!”
“You're crossing the line, Edward.”
“Actually, he is right.” Tetch says in a moment of sudden clarity. “It’s a Valentine’s Day card, it should have lots and lots of hearts like mine!”
Tetch shows his card full of collages and details dedicated to his beloved and unreachable Alice.
Jonathan rolls his eyes again and sighs in defeat. He decides to add a small heart in the corner of the page, discreet enough that you might not notice it.
“Good enough,” Edward pats his shoulder before leaning back against his chair, looking pleased with himself.
The rational decision would be to throw the card away, but something about it stops Jonathan from doing so. Another dark part of him has the desire to add more details. Spilling out all his feelings and secrets until every corner of the paper was filled with sweet, silly things. But he holds back, clutching the crayon in his hand.
When the time runs out and the cards start to be handed out, his chest tightens.
Edward and Tetch were kind enough to hand Jonathan cards, although Tetch wrote nonsensical rhymes and Edward’s had a riddle that he answered before Jonathan could finish reading.
Even if Jonathan didn't want to admit it, he was grateful for them. Edward and Jervis could be difficult and annoying, but they were the closest thing he had to friends. It was an unlikely partnership, but it worked. Sometimes.
The two of you are the last people in the room when you get up and start walking towards him. It's at this moment that Jonathan realizes how fast his heart is beating inside his chest. How sweaty his hands are and how dry his throat is. He knows these symptoms very well. Fear. He was afraid.
“Good afternoon, Dr. Crane.” Your tone is light, but the way you say “doctor” sends a shiver down Jonathan’s spine. He swallows hard, giving a small nod.
"What you got there?" You ask.
Jonathan fumbles for a second before realizing you're referring to the cards in his hand.
“Oh, Edward and Jervis did this for me.” He feels heat rise to his face. Was he actually blushing?
"Can I see?"
Jonathan doesn't answer, just hands you the cards. Your lips stretch into a smile as you read what Jervis and Edward wrote.
“I didn’t know these two could be so cute.” Your gaze turns to him again. “They must really like you.”
“Don't be fooled. They can be truly horrible when they want to.” Jonathan says in a somewhat playful tone and you chuckle.
“And from who it is this last one?” You gesture your head towards the card in his hand.
He squeezes the paper even tighter between his fingers. He could just lie. Forget about this silly Valentine's Day idea and tear that damn card into little pieces.
But the way you look at him, full of expectation, makes Jonathan's heart melt inside his chest.
“Well, it’s… for you.”
“Oh, good, because I made one for you too.”
He stares at you dumbfounded for a few seconds in silence.
"Really?" It's stupid, but he can't help but ask. He feels like a kid again, like at any moment the curtain will fall and everyone will laugh at him for believing anyone could ever like poor Jonathan.
“Of course it’s for you, silly. Who else would it be for?” You wink at him, handing him the card.
Jonathan takes it with trembling fingers, handing his to you as well. The paper feels like it will disappear from his hands at any moment, but it is so real, so tangible.
You glued some big and small hearts on the front with “Happy Valentine’s Day” written on the bottom in red ink. He rubs his thumb over your handwriting, trying to savor every detail. When he finally opens the card an unconscious smile spreads across his face. You had made a simple drawing of a crow holding an eye in it’s beak and on the side it said “I’ve got my eye on you, Valentine.”
"Did you like it?" Your voice pulls him back to reality.
“I… Yes, of course.” He clears his throat, trying to compose himself. “But I’m afraid mine isn’t as good as yours.”
And then he notices the way you are holding the card, pressed against your chest like something valuable.
"I loved it. Seriously. But I think you forgot a little something.”
“Sorry for the lack of details. I don’t have much practice with this.”
You shake your head, chuckling softly. "It's not that. You forgot to ask me if I want to be your Valentine.”
He waits for the the joke to sink in and for the moment you brush him off with a laugh, but you don’t stop staring at him with a serious expression.
He hates it. He hates it how exposed he feels. How bare his is before you. He hates even more how he hopes this not some kind of joke afte all.
“Stop playing with me.” He almost sounds like he's begging.
"This isn’t a joke."
"You can’t be serious."
You cross your arms, frowning your eyebrows at him. "Why not? Why is it so hard to believe that I want this?
“Oh, please. This is ridiculous. Is this some kind of prank? I have been the target of this kind of joke before and belive me when I say they aren’t funny.”
“Oh my God! You’re can be so dense sometimes!” You sigh in frustration, taking a deep breath before speaking again. “Well, if you're not going to ask me, then I will. Jonathan Crane would you like to be my Valentine?”
If he was blushing before, now his face is burning hot. His brain is a mess of emotions, but it’s unable to actually form any coherent words. He can’t even remember the last time he was speechless.
You’re staring at him and he knows he needs to say something. Anything! Jonathan could never forgive himself if he ever let you go without knowing how much you matter to him. So he decides to do the only thing he is capable of.
He approaches you slowly so as not to startle you, his eyes searching for any indication of discomfort, but you dont move a muscle. He leans towards you and when he's sure you want this, he presses his lips against your cheek.
The kiss is shy and quick, barely brushing your skin, but when Jonathan pulls away you're staring at him as if he'd placed the stars in the sky.
“Yes,” He finally manages to say, “I would like to be your valentine.”
Before you can say anything, a guard appears in the room, interrupting your intimate moment.
“What are you two still doing here? You should be in group therapy. Come on, move before you get in trouble!" The guard orders.
In any other situation Jonathan would be annoyed, but now he just does what the guard says, pulling you out of the room with him.
The two of you sit silently side by side on the chairs positioned in a circle with the other patients. Jonathan knows someone is babbling something in the background, but all he can focus on right now is how your knee is touching his.
Jonathan catches you staring at him, your lips stretched into the sweetest smile he's ever seen and he can't help but smile too.
This may be the best Valentine’s Day he had in a long time.
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ghastlybin ¡ 1 year
Helloooooo I have an odd request but do you mind doing a Nayeon fic based off the song lover of mine by 5sos? It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to 🙈🙈💘
Not an odd request, I love song fics :,) also went through a huge 5sos phase but ignore that. THANK YOU for your request and sorry if I took forever, ily though and stay safe <3333 :)))
Pairing: Nayeon x GN reader
Word count: 1k
Genre/contents: was not supposed to be angsty but here we are. Very minimal amounts of fluff, good luck finding it.
TW: maybe don’t read this if you’re going through a breakup. I can’t control you though
Note: This mf (me) is posting again at 4am, can you believe?? I can. But this really wasn’t supposed to be angsty but I’m also kinda upset rn (unrelated to you, anon. ily) so it’s angsty, surprise surprise lmaaoooooo. Uhhh I also omitted some of the lyrics that I couldn’t really ‘brain’ too well with so yee, but they are color coded. You’ll hopefully see why once you read haha THANK YOU AGAIN I HOPE YOU ENJOY and thank you for your patience :)) 💜
I fcking love Nayeon though. She gives me butterflies. Also couldn’t find a gif because they are too happy for the contents of this post.
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Lover of mine, maybe we'll take some time
Everything was perfect in the beginning. You had Nayeon, she had you. The warm feeling you two felt when you saw, spoke to, or whenever you were simply near each other.
But it was only the ‘honeymoon’ stage of your relationship.
Everything after that would be one long rollercoaster, showing you that relationships weren’t just cuddles and kisses and complimenting each other sweetly.
The bumps in the ‘rollercoaster’ would need time to get over and luckily, you were both on board.
Kaleidoscope mind gets in the way. Hope and I pray, Darling, that you will stay
Nayeon wasn’t sure how this would end, your relationship. If it would end.
Moments where you would grow distant because of the amount of work you had or when Nayeon would be away for weeks- even months at a time during her groups' comebacks.
The distance created a kaleidoscope of doubts and fears in your mind, hoping that she would stay and not drift off.
Yet there she was, her bright smile as she softly hummed, opening a box of various sweets. Seeing her smile alone had eased your worries and you were glad she stuck by your side.
And she, with you.
Dance around the living room, lose me in the sight of you. I've seen the red, I've seen the blue, Take all of me
Everything was perfect.
The spontaneous dancing together, forgetting every flaw in your relationship, the way she made you feel, the way she laughed when you were at your happiest.
It was all red, if you had to assign a color to this feeling. The color of love and romance, you and Nayeon energetically aligned with each other. The color of the blood pumping from your heart as your heart raced.
It was the color of her lipstick when she’d kiss you on a night out or the blush on her cheeks when you made her feel your love.
Though that was more of a pink tint, it was still a tint of red.
Then there was the blue. The arguments you would have or even the lonely nights you and Nayeon spent away from each other. It was all blue.
The emptiness, the longing, the heartache. The blue.
“I’m sorry.”
Two words that only go so far. Two words you frequented more often than you’d like to admit. To really mean it, you would have to show it. Nayeon was always accepting, adding to your guilt from arguing.
“I know.”
Whether your moments with Nayeon were red or blue, you still wouldn’t change it for the world.
I'll never give you away 'Cause I've already made that mistake
You were scared. Scared you would lose her, scared she would find better than you.
But she was the same. She feared losing you, feared you would find someone with more time.
Such a delicate thing, isn’t it?
It’s either too fast when everything is red, or too slow when everything was blue.
Nayeon looked at you from across the table, setting down the menu when she did.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Nayeon beamed, a blush tint on her cheeks.
You just smiled at her a little bit wider, knowing you had her by your side and you would never let her slip away.
At least not for as long as you had control.
“You’re just very beautiful.”
If my name never fell off your lips again, I know it'd be such a shame. When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes. You're the only thing that I think I got I right
It was perfect how Nayeon said your name when addressing you or trying to catch your attention.
It would be a shame to never hear her voice again. There your mind went, phasing into a Kaleidoscope of worries and fears of losing her.
Everyone you’ve been with in your past, the heartbreak, their respective ‘red’ and ‘blue’ moments you experienced.
Even the failed ‘talking stages’.
None of those were meant to be. You know this.
But with Nayeon, it was different. It felt meant to be.
Perfect. Everything about her was perfect in your eyes.
And you looked at Nayeon, your mind a Kaleidoscope of worries and fears that rapidly turned into the most beautiful kaleidoscope of thoughts of her. The patterns of the lovely things she’s said and the different looks you’ve seen her in.
The red outweighed the blue.
Everything wrong from your past didn’t matter.
You were at this moment in time, with Nayeon.
Everything about your relationship felt right. From the moment you met her, the red, even the blue, it was all right.
Everything was perfect.
Lover of mine, I know you're colorblind. I watched the world fall from your eyes. All my regrets and things you can't forget.
The red or the blue, Nayeon didn’t see the colors you saw. The red, she saw happiness, good times. The blue, she wished she could erase.
And like all good things, they eventually came to an end. Your past and her past relationships eventually collided.
Not in a crash and not in a fiery explosion of blue flame either, but rather quiet, simply letting go of a rope that had dug into both of your hands for too long.
An hourglass that ran out of sand.
Time was a delicate thing.
Trying to keep each other close and yet being so disconnected for long periods.
It was possible to maintain or manage the time. But just like Nayeon, time had fleeted away from you too.
Light them all up, Kiss them goodbye
“I love you.”
Three words that only went so far. Three words you often said, but not enough. The kaleidoscope in your mind showing you patterns of what-ifs, things you will never know now that she had moved on.
Nayeon’s mind was equally a kaleidoscope of what-ifs, even after your break up, she wondered if breaking up was the right decision.
“I loved you.”
Three words that hurt the most to hear, yet went further than I love you. Somehow, it was red.
Her last kiss to you before she had moved her stuff out of your apartment meant so much but was painted blue in your memory.
“Maybe next time?”
Blue? Red?
“Maybe next time, sure.”
But everything was perfect.
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abellaheart-blog ¡ 2 years
Hello! Hope you're doing well and also happy birthday! I would like a match-up please (I saw your birthday event and I thought it would be interesting!) Also I hope I did this right!
1. She/Her, Cis Female
2.I stand about 161 cm!
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3. I'm fine with male or female since I'm biromantic asexual but I'm usually leaning towards males
4. I am 23!
5. Honestly? In terms of a partner, I want someone who I can connect with and someone who has a good personality. Someone who makes me feel like I'm understood, supportive, seen and just yknow overall be this relationship where we can make each other better but also be able to love each other's imperfections and stuff. I also like the small quiet moments that we can share that feels intimate and that it feels like we can see ourselves, the ability to like connect and love someone like that. Someone who is kind and open-minded, a bit nerdy, funny, appreciates the arts,has a humanitarian side, intelligent but not to the point they sound like they're greater than anyone but like they're aware of their limits too and just someone who I can talk to with just about anything and everything.
6.Pink Peonies!
7. All For One, All Might, Endeavour, DIO, Vanilla Ice, Rubber Soul, Kira, Aqua Necklace's stand user, Keicho, Present Mic
8. I don't mind villains!
9. BNHA/MHA and JJBA (Maybe DIU? 👉👈👉👈)
Type of Readings: Tarot Card, Potions (Purple) and Tea Reading (the type of tea I drink is Earl Grey with one teaspoon of sugar in it, I like cats and Present will do!)
Thanks for taking an interest! I appreciate the birthday message sorry this took forever to get to. I had to take a break from writing. Hope you like your matchup 💗💗 Hope you're doing well.
Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
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My Hero Academia
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Abella's eyes light up upon your first request for a tarot card reading she asks you to take a seat at her table. It's round with a purple table cloth, it's filled with various items one would expect from a fortune teller. You're seated on a stack of square shaped cushions across her. She snaps her fingers and in front of you all the items disappear after the pink cloud covering the table is gone.
A pink tarot card deck is in front of her as well as some more items but her attention is directed to the deck. She begins shuffling then lines them up in front of you in a neat row. You notice the hearts on her face glowing.
"First I'll have you choose two cards."
You do as she says and the other cards disappear and reappear in her hands. She shuffles them but this time her cards are glowing pink. The painted hearts underneath her eyes continue glowing pink. She points a pink polished finger and the cards surround the both of you. They float in the air effortlessly in a slow vortex.
“For true romance to be I’ll need to know who your true love is. Pick one card but be sure to pick the one that calls to you. Be true to your beloved by following your heart.”
The cards fly to the table lining up neatly in front of you. You do as Abella says and follow your heart. You hover your hand over several cards until you get a warm feeling deep in your heart. You choose a card and it begins glowing. The other cards return to Abella’s side in a stack.
“You did so well. Now let’s set your cards down on the table.”
One card is glowing pink while the other two look normal. Abella hovers her hand over the glowing card, closing her eyes. A huge rose shaped magic marking surrounds you two on the ground. You look around as both of your locks of brown hair float gently off your shoulders.
"I'll start by revealing your true love."
Your brown eyes follow Abella's to the card. It's now glowing white. Abella waves her hand across it, causing it to spin. When she has her hand gently cupped over it, the card stops spinning. Her hand is back at her side and you now see an image of a male in the card. He has straight dark shoulder length hair with triangular cut bangs. He has a huge smile, most likely laughing about a joke. He has dark eyes, and his most notable feature is his arms since the elbows look rounded almost like tape dispensers.
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"His name is Hanta Sero and I see he is a heroic individual who enjoys laughter as much as you do. He loves to make jokes and he is constantly smiling. He is everything you're looking for in a partner. He would be supportive, understanding, and a very love your imperfections whole heartedly."
You think over all of what Abella has said with a smile on your face. To think your true love is trying to become a hero. Abella directs your attention to your other cards you picked. She flips one over while you look to it curiously.
The first card reveals a pink image of a what looks to be an angel. It's a person in a white gown with wings, they hold two goblets, pouring water into the other. The setting is at a pond and beautiful grassy scenery.
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"If you're single and asking about love then Temperance is a very good card to get. It represents someone who will love you deeply. Temperance in a relationship reading denotes two people who both believe in relationships and know-how to have a relationship."
You think over the reading with a smile as its a romance you long for. Abella then flips over the next card. It reveals the image of four wooden trees beside each other, two on one side and another two across them. They're decorated with plant life and red roses, beneath them in the background is a man and woman holding bouquets and waving them. Behind them is a castle and people gathered around it.
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"This card is called four of wands. It has many meanings but in love it means to connect with someone special. Perhaps there is a special someone in your life."
You thought it sounded nice, nodding in understanding. You give Abella your thoughts while she puts away her tarot card deck in her white shawl she is wearing. Her eyes show you her interest in your potential romance. She hopes to be helpful to you.
She is delighted to hear you're interested in a tea reading. She grabs the white tea pot with pink and red heart prints covering it. She snaps her fingers summoning a tin of loose leaf Earl Grey tea. Abella gets the tea leaves ready in the tea pot. She begins her instructions your tea reading.
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"Once your tea is at the perfect temperature to drink, I'll need you to ponder a question for this tea reading. Do not share it with me. I'll need you to think of the question and to pick one before you finish drinking. Leave about a tablespoon of tea left behind in the cup." She then looks over to you remembering a very important detail. "Do remember this reading will be about romance, a question leading to romance sounds most appropriate since its why you're here."
The hearts on her face are glowing while her eyes are closed. She is reflecting on her intentions and begins transferring her energy into the tea leaves. She then looks over to you while setting down the teacup in front of you. You drink your tea once she hands you the saucer and cup. You leave a tablespoon of liquid in the cup while thinking of your question.
"Will love find me soon?" You finally decide on this question in your thoughts.
Abella gently picks up the teacup and saucer. She uses her left hand to swirl the tea left to right three times. Slowly the fortune teller carefully inverts the cup over the pink saucer. She closes her eyes for one minute, you notice the hearts on her face are glowing so it was intentional. Once she opens her eyes she rotates the cup three times again. She turns the cup upright, positioning the handle south. 
She obverses remains of the tea leaves inside the cup. The aroma was very pleasant it smells of soothing earl grey tea, it's a relaxing smell. She reveals an image of a cat. The tea leaves appear to be at the top of the cup. Your dark brown eyes look over the leaves at the cute image of the feline. Abella is also smiling, hoping you'll like her reading.
"It seems you'll have a fresh start in life. This indicates you're usually happy or content in life but there is a focus on endless curiosity. This could be pointed to love."
Understanding her words you thank her. Abella then asks you what your next and final request will be. You look over to her potions on the shelf behind her and ask her about it. She walks over to her shelf with a smile. You point out the purple potion.
"This potion is called, "lovers luck". It gives you 40% more luck. This increases the chances you’ll see your true love.
The bottle is a lavender color and heart shaped. It's covered in purple floral designs, it has a single green flower on the front. The lid is also lavender and its round resembling a gem. She didn't bother including how the potion has an affect for romance and you potentially having a date. She figured you would experience it on your own.
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You look over the potion with curiosity. Abella explains how you must drink the entire bottle for it to have affect on you. She also tells you it tastes similar to diluted punch so you wouldn't have to worry about the flavor. You open the lid and it smells of berries and a hint of fruit. You drink the entire serving inside the small bottle of potion.
You don't feel any different so you look to the fortune teller. She smiles and guides you to the center of her tent. She summons a portal at the center of the rose pink symbol on the ground. The hearts beneath her eyes glow the same color. Your hair is floating above your shoulders as you stood beside her. She explains your true love is at the other side of the portal.
"Do remember not to be disheartened should today not work out. Love works in mysterious ways at times. Best of luck."
You bid her goodbye and give a thanks before entering the portal. You open your eyes noting how you're at the center of the city. There is nothing much going on. Passerby's walking along the streets minding their own business.
Your eyes soon land on Sero who is sitting at a bench. He is in his casual clothing looking at his which. Most likely waiting on his bus stop. He visually sighs, the bus stop taking it's time. You decide to sit beside him, remembering you drank the purple potion Abella gave you earlier. He did glance at you but kept to himself.
He was looking over at something before chuckling to himself and cracking a joke. You over heard his joke, giggling. He smiled over at you then introduced himself to you. You in turn introduce yourself. He thought your name sounded lovely. You two ended up chatting for half an hour before Sero asked you on a date. You both got along very well, talking about several topics and you noticed he has several attractive qualities you're looking for.
He invites you on a date at a diner so you two can enjoy each others company and eat. During the date he would make you laugh. You also noticed he could keep up with your intellectual conversations. When he talked about going to UA when he was in high school you were impressed.
After spending time together at the diner and eating you both walked around town for a bit. You held hands and enjoyed each others presence. Sero didn't realize it at first but he truly enjoyed the date and was hoping you admire him as much as he admires you.
You noticed him staring at your hand holding his own then direct a cute smile his way. Your smile is returned with a huge grin from him. The noticeable blush was absolutely adorable. You squeezed his hand affectionately causing him to do the same action. Before you knew it you're in his embrace while you looked into his eyes. You two somehow were drawn to each other. His dark eyes a contrast to your visibly brown iris'. You had to tilt your head up since he slightly towered over you. His touch is very gentle and he's a bit awkward from how he wraps his arms around you but you don't mind.
Eventually you two share a romantic kiss together. The embrace made you both felt so much happiness, it was loving yet comforting. Afterwards he offered to walk you back. You desired to head back to Abella's tent before going home. Her tent isn't too far so the small walk alongside Sero's side was nice. Before he his goodbye he kissed your forehead and promised you another date with a given time as well as a location.
You head back to Abella and enter her match making tent with a smile. She greets you with a smile on her pink lips. Her smile widens upon you talking about your date. After you're done talking about it she heads to a planter not too far away from where you're both talking. A flower is picked for you and she holds out a pink peony for you.
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"This is for you, friend. May you find joy during your trials of love with Sero."
Pink peony’s super popular for wedding bouquets as they symbolise good luck and prosperity. For you and Sero they represent your luck in finding each other, and having a thriving relationship.
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dayeongi ¡ 1 year
Here I am asking again xD This time all the pink hearts!! 💘💖💓
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do: 💓
Kankukiba for sure!!
I knew it existed but I'd never thought too much about it and now I'm falling in love with it? Just two Boyes, two dudebros 💖 I love it
Narugaa! I blame cinder for this one! I generally don't ship gaara with anyone but it's slowly taking over my heart
Ship that needs more love: 💖
Chokarui for sure!!! I'd love to know what people think makes them tick! I think we need more content from them!
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Iruka x Ayame! I think it'd be cute! It's usually done as a background thing but just a simple romance like "I see you here often" is always good in my books! Someone romance Ichiraku’s daughter pls
From this ask game!
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abellaheart-blog ¡ 2 years
Hi this is the one that answered all the match up questions but didn’t say what I wanted lol sorry about that I guess I forgot but happy birthday day hope it’s good and the things I wanted are a jewelry piece and I wanted a ding for that lets also do a potion the green one I believe and a perfume called garden of love . Thank you for being patient lol have a good day 💚🦋
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Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
Lol it’s okay! It was a mistake and I wanted to be able to write your matchup for you 😌 thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. You have a good day as well 💓 So I will say I didn't know how to pinpoint someone older than you nor did I know what your definition of "beautiful eyes", I think everyone's opinion varies. I paired you with someone who is seventeen, hope you like your matchup.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
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The fortune tellers eyes widen at your request. It's been a while since someone last asked for a good luck charm. She becomes excited and asks you to follow her. She leads you to another part of her tent. It's on the right side of the tent where you find more shelves.
"A goodluck charm is what you're seeking, you say?" She grabs a couple boxes, asking what kind of good luck charm you seek.
When you answer that you'd want jewelry she allows you to choose three bright red wooden boxes then leads you back to her round table. Abella cleans off her table with a flick of her ringed finger. The bangles on her wrist jingles and she is seated on her plush orange stool. After the pink puff of smoke is gone you see her table is cleared except her hot pink crystal ball.
"Before I have you choose between the three boxes here, I'll need to figure out who your true love is. I'll need assistance from my crystal ball to do so."
Abella focuses on the crystal ball in front of her. Her hands touch the ball and she’s closes her eyes, causing the pink hearts beneath them to glow pink across her cheeks. A huge symbol of a pink rose appears on the ground surrounding you both. She looks over to you.
Abella focuses on the crystal ball in front of her. Her hands touch the ball and she’s closes her eyes, causing the pink hearts beneath them to glow pink across her cheeks. A huge symbol of a pink rose appears on the ground surrounding you both. She looks over to you.
“I must be focused but I also need to hold your hand. Is that alright with you?”
You nod lending her your hand. You’re surprised to feel a slight force on your soul. It startled you a bit at first but now you’re feeling at ease while Abella begins looking into your romance. She quickly figures out who it is you’re meant to be with. An image begins appearing on the now glowing pink crystal ball.
"It appears your true love is a motorcycle riding duelist. He is not what I would expect for your true love... he is filled with darkness but I also see loneliness.. sadness.. and a longing for companionship. Yes, he longs for love and you're most compatible."
Upon looking at the pink crystal ball it reveals an image of a brunette with spikey hair. He's slightly tanned with ocean colored blue eyes, though a nice shade they're filled with a melancholy expression on a stoic look of a young biker boy.
"Your true love is named Valon." Abella tells you as you stare at the crystal ball surprised.
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"Now that we know who your true love is I can properly help you. I've seen enough from my crystal ball. It has told me plenty." She waves her hand over the sphere causing it to revert back to its original state of hot pink.
Abella's hand then waves over all three of the boxes, the hearts under her eyes are still glowing pink and the boxes glow, turning into a purple color.
"Choose from these boxes. Be sure to pick one that feels right to you. Once you're done I can tell you how it will help you in getting true love."
You feel a wave over come you when your hand is hovering over each box. You feel a sense of vulnerability and warmth when you touch one of the boxes. You choose this box and Abella gestures you to open it. She waves her hand and the other boxes disappear in a puff of smoke.
"It's in a ring box?" You question, observing the red velvet box.
"Yes open it." Abella reassures you.
The ring is very meaningful. Abella's smile looks so warm she knows why it is you received such a ring. Emeralds have so many meanings. She watches as you try the ring on, it's a perfect fit.
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"This ring will be incredibly helpful to you. It's said to bring friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love. Emeralds are also a symbol of romance, hope and rebirth. I'm sure you understand what it symbolizes for you." She then looks back at you. “What else can I help you with?"
You look to her and ask of your next request. She is pleased with your next request. She hopes you will as well.
"A potion? Which color?"
You tell her you desire the green one out of the various ones you see from the shelf behind her. Abella stands up to reach for the green colored potion.
"This potion is called, 'Amore Para Mi'. Meaning, Love for you. Don't mistake it for some type of love potion. My potions are designed to assist my customers and nothing more."
"What does it do?" You understood her, observing the tiny green bottle.
The bottle is small, enough for one serving. It's a lime green color similar to pickle juice. Unlike pickles it has a nice aroma. Smelling of flowers and sweetness.
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"Your true love will have the desire to spend time with you and something romantic is bound to happen. Remember this only happens if you both form some sort of feelings for one another." She looks back at the bottle then back to your brown eyes. "You must drink the entire bottle."
Understanding, you follow her directions. When you open the bottle, small green smoke leaves the opening. The potion tasted a bit minty with a hint of sweet cucumber. It wasn't a over powering taste. You didn't feel any different. When you look back at Abella she smiles knowing the outcome of the potion should your true love act on his feelings.
"Valon still needs time to recover from the horrid experiences he’s had. If it doesn't work out remember he might need more time and a little help. I wouldn't want you to be disheartened should it not work out the first time."
You give her a look of understanding but there's sadness crossing your brown eyes.
"Was there anything else I could help you with?" The curly haired woman asks.
You tell Abella you're interested in perfume as well. She looks to another shelf of hers and has you pick out a perfume. You point one out to her and she grabs it. The perfume has a mint colored heart shaped lid, meanwhile the bottle is decorated with flowers and stems. The color is lavender and a pearl pink, very nice shades.
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"This perfume is called, “Garden of Love”. The flowery scent will help your lover realize they want to be with you. It’s sure to end romantically for the both of you but be warned. If your lover doesn’t yet reciprocate your feelings it will have no affect.”
“How does it work?”
“All you need is two sprays. I promise it smells amazing.”
You spray yourself with the perfume a couple times and get a whiff of flowers. It smells of daisys, chamomile’s, roses, and fresh air. It’s very relaxing and makes you feel ready to take on the world. You’re seeking passionate love.
“This is amazing.” You praise.
“I’m glad you enjoy it.” Abella stands up and gestures you to follow.
You two stand beside her table and she closes her eyes causing the hearts on her face to light up again. You notice the pink magical rose symbol on the ground again.
“This portal will lead to your true love. I think I’ve given you plenty of assistance. I hope this goes well for you and remember my precious words. Valon needs to realize he’s ready for love!” She says as you’re looking over to the white portal at the center of the magical symbol on the ground.
“Thank you!” You said before heading into the portal.
When you open your brown eyes you see you're by a gas station. Doesn't seem very busy since you notice no cars. You decide to explore. The gas station isn't abandoned but you do notice a single motorcycle. You observe it but think nothing much of it until you notice Valon walking by. You're unsure how to speak to him at first. What could you possibly say? Your surprised by a sudden noise and yell. You look back to Valon and notice he's in pain gripping his hand. You decide to help him.
"You okay? Do you need medical help?"
He's surprised by your concern but gives you a yes. You head inside and ask to barrow a first aid kit. The worker hands it to you, understanding the medical situation. When you go back to Valon he notices the first aid kit. As you're treating his injured hand for him he decides to make small talk with you. He is thankful for your help. He thinks people don't go out of their way for others. You tell him you couldn't allow him to bandage himself when it looks so injured.
"Well ain't you a sweet heart?" Valon gives you his trademark smile.
You simply smile back at him but he did notice your eyes widen at the nick name. He's eyeing you with a smile the rest of the time you're bandaging him. After you're done he stays to chat with you a bit. Valon decides to ask you out on a date.
"Ya know I thought it was cute how worried you were about me. What would you say to a date?"
"I wouldn't mind a date with you." You blush, not realizing he was interested in you. Perhaps Abella might be right about him but there's much to learn about Valon.
"I'd be honored if you rode on my humble motorcycle and myself. I know some good sights." He says, directing you to his bike.
You get onto his bike and he hands you his helmet after he removes the goggles from them. After you're both settled he rides off on his motorcycle. You two pass several sceneries and take plenty of stops to observe the views and chat. Your flowery scent from the perfume reminded him of a place he used to go to with the nun that raised him at the orphanage.
Eventually you two end up at a garden. It's a hidden one he knew about. Valon said he knew about it because a nun used to take him there growing up. You thought it was nice and told him so. You two are seated on the grass surrounded by flowers. It was comfortable silence. Valon thinks the garden smells like you. He could smell your flowery scent while he was driving his motorcycle. It was pleasant as your presence is to him. He thought back to how focused you were on his injury. It was what prompted him to ask you out, he thought it was attractive to be so nurturing. He stares at your beautiful features and nice long brunette hair.
"Ya know, love you're quite the catch."
He's hoping to make you blush, which it did but your response made his eyes widen. He thinks you're adorable.
"You're not bad yourself, this is such a nice place. It's romantic."
"Why don't we pick ya some flowers, beautiful?"
So you two decide to make a bouquet for you. You choose some of your favorites while Valon chose daisy's and a variety of colorful ones. You look forward to putting them in a vase later. Valon wrapped an arm around your shoulders to look at your bouquet with you. Since you’re petite he had to lower his arm a bit which wasn’t a problem but he’s secretly thinking how cute it is. He’d love to spin you in his arms on another one of your dates. A thought which made him smile twice as more. He’s never felt this way, not even with Mai. He decided to tell you his thoughts of your beauty.
“It’s as beautiful as you, love.”
You smile at the sweet nick name and his cute smile. Valon smells your flowery scent again and thinks about how wonderful this date is. About how lucky he is to get a date with you. Seems to be one of the few positive outcomes in his life so far. He hopes his life will continue to be peaceful as it is now. It looks to be getting closer to sunset so he suggests to take you back into the city. You agree to it. He ties your bouquet for you and he helps you onto the motorcycle.
The ride back was very nice since the sky looked so beautiful transitioning to various colors before the sun begins to set. At the city Valon is on his bike bidding you a farewell. He kisses your cheek. It was a cute scene since he had to lean down to reach your petite self.
“When will I get to see you again?” He asks with soft eyes.
“How about in down town at the water fountain near Kaiba Corp?”
“Sure. I’ll meet you there in the afternoon?”
“I’d like that Valon. Have a goodnight and take care.”
“Why thanks, love. You too.”
He drives off leaving you with your bouquet and thoughts with a fond smile. You decide to head back to Abella to thank her. You remember the location of her tent. You’re unsure if she has a costumer until you step inside her tent. Thankfully she doesn’t seem busy. She is organizing her shelf of perfumes. She quickly notices you.
“Good evening! Cute assortment of flowers.” She directs to your bouquet.
You mention the date with Valon and thank her for it. She gives you a knowing look. A smile grazes her face and she sets down a perfume bottle.
“I’m so happy for you. The emerald ring and the perfume were sure to be a wonderful combo. A date at a garden is so lovely.”
You mention how lovely the date was. How it was such a romantic setting. Abella giggles and agrees with you. She heads over to a large planter in her tent and picks a flower. She holds it out to you. You couldn’t believe she has a Camellia Japonica in her hand. It’s a vivid pink. You accept it with a smile in thanks.
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“Valon and yourself have a longing for love. It’s a love I think will be as true as can be. Remember even though there might be some darkness in him there is still adoration and the need for love in his heart. Help him find it. I give you the flower as a gift, to remind you of the love and romance awaiting you.”
“Thank you so much. For everything.”
“Your very welcome. You have a goodnight!” The fortune teller waves goodbye.
Abella knows your love with Valon is meant to be. The Camellia Japonica, the pink flower given to you represents gentle, unreserved love. Valon will be so loving towards you when he realizes how precious your love for him is.
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