#what about cosplaying him with puppet joints
cosplayinamerica · 3 years
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Summer & Snuffles from Rick & Morty // Cosplayers: eileen.chase & aachase1401
So, how did you come up with Snuffles exo-suit?
SNUFFLES IS MY SLAVE NAME!  YOU MAY CALL ME SNOWBALL BECAUSE MY FUR IS PRETTY AND WHITE!.......It's a pretty awesome character and one of my favorite TV shows.  I always loved Snowball, probably because I love dogs so much. 
Coming up with the logistics of a costume that isn't really proportional to a human person was a challenge. I figured the best way was with a black puppeteer suit and to create the illusion of a non humanoid.  The LION KING Broadway show did this really well with the animal puppets.  So that really helped inspire me to go that route.  
Luckily, cosplayers before me have come up with great builds that served as source material to chose from.  I had lots of cosplays to reference when it came to the over sized hand puppets.  Keegan Sommer and his dad did a Liberty Prime cosplay last year and were kind enough to send me some build photos of the arms.  For the legs I used various Velociraptor costumes as inspiration.  The head was tricky, I got lucky that my idea worked.......barely worked.  I finally got it to work the morning of Con!
That exo suit looks like it took time to put together! Could you talk about it?
I started with a base.  A cardboard box for the torso with arm and leg holes, and jumped off from there.  I did a small mock up of the legs to try out joint movements, and get the positions correct before I put together the PVC skeleton. 
The joints were made of PVC....fun fact, when making a pin for joints...USE A BOLT!  the wire i used initially snapped under the weight 20 min before contest judging.  THANK THE STARS FOR MEGACON COSPITAL! 
They were a godsend and helped me fix the foot joint with a much thicker Pin. The structure around was expandable foam from the hardware store.  I covered the PVC in it and carved the foam down into the foot and calf shapes.The Hands were balsa wood and Insulation foam.  I made a base/grip for the glove that worked the outer fingers. 
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The puppet fingers were made in three parts, with balsa wood, fishing line on the inside, and elastic on the outer side.  I put thimbles in the fingertips of the gloves to lessen the "give" of the string as it pulled. 
This part took a lot of tweaking to get the desired result.LEDs:  I had never worked with a soldering iron before, so I was worried about getting the lights to properly work.  So i took shortcuts where possible. lol.  The light in Snowballs Helmet is a twisty Tea light that people use for decor.  
The LEDs in the hands were strip LEDs that are used to decorate bedrooms and even came with a remote so i could change the color and pulse if I wanted too.  But I did end up doing some custom soldering that I'm very proud of.  The lights in both shoulders and collar are ones I put together.SNOWBALL: This was the most fun.  The centerpiece of the costume is what needed to be right.  Everything else could suck, but this had to be good. 
I've never needlefelted before, but I knew it was the best way to create a custom animal.  I really have to say, it's my new favorite hobby!  Seriously, it was an absolute blast creating this piece.   If you're looking to add a cute animal or felted piece to your cosplay, take up needlefelting!
 I've become a huge fan of the medium and was surprised at how easy it was to get used to, especially if you're already a sculptor.   Normally you can't really felt onto a piece of Styrofoam because the wool will just fall out.  But i needed the base to be solid for the puppetry to work, so what i did was glue felt pieces onto the styrafoam base and then felted a base layer of wool onto that felt.  It worked pretty well. 
The fur will never be as solid as if the entire piece was felted, but it worked well for this cosplay.   I build the face up the most, added glass eyes and a nose sculpted from thermoplastics.  The arms and legs were wire with wool wrapped around them. 
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The helmet was an upside down bowl I found at Party City.  It was the size and color I needed, so i cut away until it looked like a visor attached to a shorter helmet, painted the non visor parts, added foam and then glued on some Dixie cups.  The light is just a party cup I thought looked cool.It's easier to describe the build process when i have the accompanying photos.  So i'll be creating a step by step guide on Instructables.com like I did with my Power Loader.  Hopefully it will make more sense, and other people who love the character can see my successes and mistakes and improve on the design.
Any interesting or funny response from congoers while walking around Megacon in the exo-suit?
Well, i made a child cry.......so there was that.   It was actually kind of cute.  He was fine until the head moved.  That spooked him.  Another funny thing was when my sister and I were filming a recreation of the "where are my testicals" scene and I accidentally hit her in the face because my vision is limited in the suit.
How has cosplay impacted your life since you’ve started cosplaying?
There's a great line in the book "The subtle art of not giving a f***"  That says we are happiest when we are setting goals for ourself and overcoming obstacles to achieve them.  It's a great feeling and I think if you have the chance to challenge yourself, go for it.  It's a great feeling that lasts well past Con even when all the attention has worn off.
 It's also great to learn new skills.  I learned how to work with electronics this time around, LEDs and many more that I'll continue to use outside cosplay.  The other ways it's affected me is by severely limiting the amount of closet space I have available..  Big cosplays take up big space. I'll probably need to get a storage unit at some point.
Rick & Morty on Amazon https://amzn.to/3s1tsa8
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 13 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 13 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Chapter 4: Preparations
Captain Mord easily held the long tiller bar of the Longin under his right arm, and concentrated.  He was staring at one of the few fluffy clouds near the horizon to help him relax and feel, through the action of the deck beneath his feet, the long tidally generated waves.  He was only just now finding out, after a lifetime at sea, that they held a wealth of information for the navigator.  Kurin sat on a coil of rope on the upwind side of the Longin.  She was just out of the ‘tiller-walk’, the specially roughened area to improve the footing of the folk who steered the Longin.  With her were four children, from ten to fifteen, and six officers of the ship.
These, along with the Captain, were her class.  They were also concentrating.  Captain Mord said, after considering things a bit, “I am feeling a change.  The wave has gotten uneven.”
“Well done, Captain,” said Kurin quietly.  “Does everybody else feel it?”
The children all raised their hands and two of the six officers. Hesitantly, Glor, the Second Officer of the first Night Watch raised a hand.  Kurin had high hopes for him.  He was very good, but lacked confidence in what he was feeling.
“That isn’t what I feel,” Glor said.
“What are you feeling?” she asked, hoping for his often clear analysis.
“The wave that we have been quartering, the one that you said is from the Naral Current, lifts the ship and rolls us a little to port, as we come up from trough to crest.  I still feel it.  The port rolls are still happening evenly.  What makes it feel uneven seems to be another wave that is rolling us to starboard, but it isn’t quite as long as the Naral Wave.  That appears to be what makes waves feel uneven.”
Kurin was delighted.  “Exactly right.  Which way should we turn if we are to go straight into the new wave?”
They all thought that one over.  Bron, who was only twelve and a cabin-boy, but very sharp both with mathematics and intuition, raised his hand.  “We should turn to port, about  … ,” he screwed his face up as he thought, “about twenty or twenty-five degrees?” he ended questioningly.
Around the class heads were slowly nodding as people felt out the waves and arrived at the same conclusion.
“Lecture time,” said Kurin brightly.  It was her mannerism to say this before any information that was of special note. Several of her students took out tallow-slates, rimmed flat pieces of Strong Skin filled with Glue Fish tallow.  These were used for temporary notes and general correspondence.  The more expensive parchment made of paperfish skins was reserved for the important, usually after it had been composed on a tallow-slate.
“The Naral Current is over there,” she pointed to starboard, “about two leagues off.  Over there,” again she pointed, but this time to port, “is the Cliftos Current.  As Glor noticed, the waves from it are shorter than the waves from the Naral Current, but they are also higher.  What does that mean?”  She waited for her class to come through.
Silor, fifteen Gatherings old and until recently, the lead deck-hand, said with a smirk, “It means too much work for deck-hands.  Changes of course aren’t needed, and that’s what you’re getting to, isn’t it?  The Gathering is south and some west.  That’s all that we have to do.  Just hold course.”  He raised his voice into a fair imitation of Kurin’s, “Four things affect these waves, the tides, the currents, the shape of the bottom and the depth of the bottom.” He let his voice lapse into his own, and went on, not noticing the gathering storm on the faces of his Captain, the Officers, and the irritation of the other children.  “It’s all from dry land anyway.  I can see the currents pushing waves around, but the bottom — — — Please!  She’s just guessing.”
That, along with previous outbursts and sly ‘witticisms’ aimed at casting doubt on what Kurin was teaching, was enough for Captain Mord.  “Silor Elon Longin, if you do not want to listen or learn, that is your privilege.  Kurin alone wanted you in this class.  You have done well, except that you try to scuttle what we are learning at every opportunity.  I want to learn.  Everyone else here wants to learn.  You mock.  Go back to your watch, and be prepared to change course, soon.  Twice.  Go.”
It was a shaken Silor who got up, and went forward.  He was wondering how this could happen to him so soon after his other disaster? It’s as if the Captain’s her puppet.  As if the white-haired little witch runs the whole ship by some kind of Dragon magic … .  The last thing that he heard from the class was Kurin saying, “The Cliftos Current runs SSW at three and a half miles per hour.  That will save us a lot of time getting to the Gathering.”
Shortly, the tocsin drum beat orders for a new course and, a few hours later, for another. In spite of being heavily laden, which should have made her slow, the Longin arrived at the Gathering three days early.
Captain Mord volunteered the services of the ship and crew.  It was help that was greatly appreciated, for there was much to do.  They pitched in to assist the organizers in making everything ready for the other ships when they arrived.  The road-stead, or anchorage was at a place where the bottom was only fifty to sixty feet in depth over an area great enough to allow the whole Naral fleet to tie up. Each ship needed room to swing about with the wind and tide changes.
The Gathering also needed a place where people could meet and trade could take place.  Huge rafts were stored here, sunk to the shallow bottom, and secured to the coral of the sea floor until needed.  These rafts, almost four hundred feet long by nearly two hundred feet wide, were designed for building the hulls and masts of new ships.  They were the single greatest investment of capital possessed by any fleet and every fleet had at least one.  For the Gathering, the great ship construction rafts were raised from the bottom.  When they were stored, their decks were a full thirty feet under the sea, safe from storm or Dragon tide.  Air was pumped into their floats until they lifted up from the coral bottom.  Supported between ships, big decks just awash, sea water was pumped out of the floats of the rafts.
When they were done, the decks were about a fathom above the sea.  Divers had to scrape the submerged parts of the floats free of marine life. Men in small boats went under the deck areas to free them of barnacles, limpets and seaweeds.  The decks had to be prepared and marked out for lanes, booth-spaces, squares and dock areas.  Strong nets with big meshes were hung over the side in the dock areas to serve as a combination of small boat tie-up and ladder. Heavy bumpers of woven rope were hung between the rafts.  Finally, they lashed the rafts together and moored them into place with large cables fastened securely to the sea-floor.  Only then did the ships holding them cast off.
The rafts were large and massive enough to simply ignore the wind driven waves.  The long waves that Kurin had been teaching her class to feel were a different story.  The rafts gently rose fell, rocked by a sea that never rested, stirred as it was by a sun and three moons.  The joint between them was about three feet wide, and constantly shifting up or down, side to side as much as a foot at times.
All of the mooring floats had to be raised from storage on the bottom, air filled, cables checked, and everything cleaned for service.  The Council Pavilion needed to be set up, and the Captains’ benches got out of storage and set in place for the opening meeting of the Council.
The rest of the Naral fleet arrived a ship or two at a time.  In a few days, the several hundred-strong fleet was riding at anchorage all about the ship construction rafts that made up the meeting place and market square of the Gathering.
The Dorton, Dolthin, and Grython as sponsors of the Gathering, had their booths up and ready.  However, there was one booth that everyone came to, even before they had signed the Gathering Log Book or begun to set up their own booths.  It was the only one actually open for business.  The Longin had been feeding the sponsors’ crews from a new food booth.  It sped the work and made everything more pleasant. Now the booth was ready and serving all of the new arrivals.
This new booth was already a popular addition to the rest of the Longin’s stalls.  The bill of fare advertised fresh steamed crabs, crab-cakes, fish, fish-cakes, mussels and clams all piping hot from big solar ovens.  Marad, one of the Longin’s journeyman cooks had persuaded the crew to add this enterprise and now he presided over all of the bustling activity in the booth.  No other booth was actually selling anything yet and the delicious aromas from Marad’s handiwork drew newcomers like Strong Skins to bloody bait.
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Return to World of Sea
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whimsydecaypa · 4 years
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I went to the Steel City Con a few years ago as Carnival version of #posionivycosplay and about two days before hand I decided I really needed a #venusflytrap #pet and this was what I did in TWO DAYS lol. He was so cute, again, not super structurally great, but I got to experiment with armature building. He was awesome and guarded my mailbox outside until he literally turned into actual moss lol. My favorite part about him was his little pink flower bum-hole. When I make him again, I will put wheels on his feet and maybe give him ball-jointed knees and elbows with a possible #tongue. #costumedesign #costumelife #paperarts #papercraft #costumemaking #costumeparty #feedme #maneatingplant #plantpuppet #killerplant #fallforcostume #workinprogress #puppet #puppeteer #audreytwo #audrey2 #littleshopofhorrors #Audreyii #onthisday #horrorgeek #DC #DCCosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OlAvUhFc2/?igshid=fhvkgccu8cig
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bellabooks · 7 years
“Pretty Little Liars” recap S7 Ep19: Farewell my lovely
Previously on Pretty Little Liars, everyone enjoyed a sex montage and Aria got caught black-hoodied by her friends. Now it’s the penultimate episode, and all the pieces are moving into place for the grand finale. Detective Tanner is on the phone, demanding that a judge wake up and sign off arrest warrants for all the Liars. She looks at their previous mugshots spread out on her desk (how many times have they been arrested by now? Do they get one of those punch cards like at Yogurtland? 5th arrest is free?). Where is my DoorDash order?! I’m starving! Meanwhile, Aria finds Archer’s body in her trunk and simultaneously gets pulled over by a cop. She locks her keys in the trunk, but the cop is determined to help her out. He rocks the trunk back and forth, and is able to unlatch it, but is distracted by a call on his radio. Aria manages to sneak the keys out and slam the trunk shut, and the cop lets her go. The Liars gather together, where Caleb tells them that Mona has stolen the game. Everyone assumes that this means she is A.D. and they make plans to take her down…everyone except for Hanna that is, who remains ride or die for her BFF. Spencer is distracted by another wine bottle message from Mary Drake, while Ezra throws a mantrum because the Liars are still icing out Aria. He tells them that they’ve all made mistakes (like spying on teenagers for a book) and they must learn to live with them. Ugh, Ezra no one cares what you think!  I mean, we’ve all seduced minors, stalked their friends, and recorded their conversations for the purposes of publishing the great American novel, am I right? No? Just me?   Is he seriously mansplaining the plot of this show to us?   Meanwhile, Aria is speeding along, having a full-on conversation with the dead body in the trunk. A few weeks of playing for the A team and Aria is coming apart at the seams. She decides that the only thing to do is go straight to the police station and confess to the murder. She walks towards the station when she is tackled by Ezra, who refuses to let her go down. He tells her she’s sacrificed enough for her friends, because he knows so much about sacrifice clearly. He also tells her that he knows how to dispose of a body, because he has a master’s degree in American Literature. LOL forever. They go back to the trunk, but of course the body is already gone. Mona comes home with take-out to find the game has been stolen from her. In its place is a note telling her to meet at the Two Crows Café for some pie. Caleb and Hanna watch her leave her apartment, but instead of confronting her, they decide to tail her. Someone broke into your home and stole your game but FREE PIE!   Spencer shows up at the Lost Woods Resort, where Mary Drake has returned with one last goodbye gift: she’s giving Ali and Spencer joint custody of the resort, which they can sell or mortgage to pay for the lawyers they will surely need once they get arrested. Mary wishes there was more she could do to help, and sneaks off into the night. We then zoom across town to Emily and Ali’s Couch of Romance and Feelings, where they talk about their impending arrest. Ali is worried about what will happen to their baby if they both go to jail, and is terrified that the baby will be passed around foster homes and asylums like some kind of Charlotte or Spencer. Emily assures her that she didn’t come this far only to see it all get taken away, and promises to protect them. They kiss as A.D. leaks some sort of gas into the house.  Does it smell like a gas leak in here? Between the stress and the pregnancy, I’m basically a human whoopee cushion at this point, babe Haleb continues to surveil Mona at the diner, and Spencer rolls up to join them. They speculate over who could be meeting with Mona, and they remember that this same café was Mona’s alibi for the night of Charlotte’s murder. Spencer also calls out Haleb for arguing like an old married couple, when in fact they got married just a few hours ago. While Spencer fills Hanna in on the Lost Woods, Caleb walks right into the diner and sits down with Mona. He then EATS HER PIE and tries to bring her to the police, but Mona refuses, telling him that someone stole the game from her. Someone is ALWAYS stealing the game from her, just like there has always been someone playing with their lives. Mona hits the ladies room before they leave, which is of course when she makes her great escape. I ONLY throw my pie for Hanna Marin and NO ONE else!   Spencer and Haleb investigate the bathroom, where they find a false wall that leads to a secret underground passage. Caleb won’t let Hanna into the passage, but has no problem with Spencer joining him and they walk down the creepy staircase together. It’s all very Nancy Drew and I’m into it. Caleb, didn’t you know that every ladies room has a secret doorway leading to lesbian Narnia?!   Remember a million years ago when we had that flash forward of the Liars in Ali’s classroom, telling her she had to run? Whelp, it looks like the writers remembered it too, because here we are: Ali is writing different versions of her name on a chalkboard (including Alison DiLaurentis-Fields aww) when the Liars rush in telling her to run. A zombified Archer reaches out through a wall to grab her, when suddenly Emily wakes up: it was all her dream! She wakes up Ali, and they see the board game has returned. The phone lights up and plays a video clip of Ali from the kissing rock as a wee little Liar saying they’re out of time. A girl has no name   Caleb and Spencer spelunk their way through the secret passageway, and discuss the tragedy of Mona Vanderwaal: always the puppet and never the strings. Caleb tells her that he got married, and tries to apologize to her, and Spencer punches him in the arm and tells him to never be sorry they boned…and never forget it. I’m pretty sure no one would forget sleeping with Spencer Hastings, but sure, whatever. Ezria and Emison meet up and Ali apologizes to Aria for icing her out. She tells her that she doesn’t want to be the bitchy Ali of days past, and everyone is friends again. Hanna makes her way to the town church, and sees someone tossing flower petals from the belfry. Hanna climbs up the tower to find Mona in cosplay as Nerdy Mona, complete with glasses and a dorky sweater set. She has completely regressed and seems to think that Hanna is Charlotte. We FLASHBACK to the night Charlotte was murdered: she and Mona are facing off in the bell tower. Mona tells Charlotte that she may have fooled Ali/the courts/the world into believing she’s rehabilitated, but Mona still thinks she’s a psychopath. She promises to put a stop to Charlotte, but Charlotte just laughs at her and mocks her, telling Mona that the Liars will never love her or accept her into the fold.  Is this it? Is Charna finally happening?  It’s VanderMarin or nothing!   Charlotte tells her that everything they’ve suffered through will seem like a picnic compared to what’s coming, and Mona sticks a screwdriver in her back and forces her to the edge of the window. She tells Charlotte to jump or she will push her out, but Charlotte just laughs and tells Mona she doesn’t have the guts. Mona relents, and Charlotte attacks her. They fight in the bell tower until Charlotte’s head smashes into an exposed beam and she crumples. We FLASH FORWARD and Mona, still in a fugue state, tries to toss Hanna from the bell tower thinking she’s Charlotte. Spencer and Caleb arrive in time to save her, and they want to bring Mona to the cops since she killed Charlotte. Hanna refuses to throw her mentally ill BFF to the wolves, and decides to bring her home. They walk downstairs and find the remaining puzzle pieces hanging from their car window. The Liars convene and decide to call Dr. Sullivan (callback!) to help Mona out of her fugue state. Hanna refuses to turn her over to the police, because she’s worried that the Mona she loves will be gone forever. They assemble the puzzle pieces which reveal a ghostly face (Archer’s?) and the phone lights up with a “Congrats!” message. The Liars watch as a Pokemon Go-style avatar strolls across the board game to Aunt Carol’s house. They realize where Archer’s body is: in the empty grave marked Charles. It’s no Mewtwo, but I guess it’ll do   Everyone drives over to the grave, shovels in tow, ready to dig up the body. Aria stops them when she realizes that A) this is clearly a trap and B) the Liars fall for it every single time. She says that the game is now over, and they no longer have to play it. They can stop digging their own damn graves already and reject feeling scared and out of control. They all agree, when a giant construction digger rolls up and Det. Tanner pops out to arrest them all. Spencer, FFS drop that shovel already! The Liars are brought into custody and preparedfor the worst…until the look through the one-way glass and see Tanner with Mary Drake. Mary confesses to murdering her sister AND Archer. She lays out a logical timeline and motive of why she worked with Archer, and her anger at his deceit. She is falling on her sword to protect her daughter, her niece, and their friends. Tanner frees the Liars, and just like that it’s all over. She still suspects the Liars of being involved in something shady, but for now she is content to take the win. Spencer looks sadly on as Mary is arrested, and Mary gives her the classic Liars symbol as a farewell. Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to Litchfield Women’s prison   Back home, Hanna apologizes to Mona for re-introducing her to the game and causing her to relapse. Mona tells her that she just wanted to feel needed and my heart breaks. The sun rises, the church bells ring, and the board game powers down. The game is over, the Liars are free, and there’s only one mystery left: who is A.D.? In the final scene we see A.D. behind the wheel, driving off into the sunset. Tune in next week, for the two-hour series finale of this crazypants show. Who will be A.D.? Is it Jenna? Lucas? Dr. Sullivan? Tweet me your A.D. theories @ChelseaProcrast http://dlvr.it/PPWRyk
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whimsydecaypa · 4 years
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I went to the Steel City Con a few years ago as Carnival version of #posionivycosplay and about two days before hand I decided I really needed a #venusflytrap #pet and this was what I did in TWO DAYS lol. He was so cute, again, not super structurally great, but I got to experiment with armature building. He was awesome and guarded my mailbox outside until he literally turned into actual moss lol. My favorite part about him was his little pink flower bum-hole. When I make him again, I will put wheels on his feet and maybe give him ball-jointed knees and elbows with a possible #tongue. #costumedesign #costumelife #paperarts #papercraft #costumemaking #costumeparty #feedme #maneatingplant #plantpuppet #killerplant #fallforcostume #workinprogress #puppet #puppeteer #audreytwo #audrey2 #littleshopofhorrors #Audreyii #onthisday #horrorgeek #DC #DCCosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OkwJ4BYp7/?igshid=qjsks81bws8b
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whimsydecaypa · 4 years
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I went to the Steel City Con a few years ago as Carnival version of #posionivycosplay and about two days before hand I decided I really needed a #venusflytrap #pet and this was what I did in TWO DAYS lol. He was so cute, again, not super structurally great, but I got to experiment with armature building. He was awesome and guarded my mailbox outside until he literally turned into actual moss lol. My favorite part about him was his little pink flower bum-hole. When I make him again, I will put wheels on his feet and maybe give him ball-jointed knees and elbows with a possible #tongue. #costumedesign #costumelife #paperarts #papercraft #costumemaking #costumeparty #feedme #maneatingplant #plantpuppet #killerplant #fallforcostume #workinprogress #puppet #puppeteer #audreytwo #audrey2 #littleshopofhorrors #Audreyii #onthisday #horrorgeek #DC #DCCosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OkvCsBTEt/?igshid=1xm25gf0jqesk
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