#workoutthe workout
how2fit · 8 days
If you want to tone your chest muscles, try this effective exercise called butterfly chest exercise. Here's how to do this exercise properly.When you workout, you focus on toning your back, core, and legs, but people tend to often overlook chest exercises. You should work on your pectorals, both front and back. Everyone should work their chest muscles. Chest workouts are beneficial for a variety of reasons, including improving posture, performing daily tasks, and breathing more freely. If you have been neglecting those muscles, it is time to incorporate some chest exercises into your program. Here’s everything you need to know about the butterfly chest exercise and how to do it.What is the butterfly chest exercise?The butterfly chest exercise is also known as the chest fly or pec deck. It is a popular gym workout that targets your chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis. Butterfly workouts primarily focus on exercises that control the upper, middle, lower, and inner chest areas. Not only that, but the exercise works your biceps, triceps, and deltoids, resulting in a toned and stronger upper body. It is done using a machine called a butterfly machine or pec deck but it can also be performed using dumbbells, or cables.Moreover, training your chest muscles may help to reduce injury risks by improving stability in the shoulder joints and the interconnected upper limbs, as found in a 2022 study published in the Sports MDPI Journal. This workout is done seated on a weighted machine and targets the triceps and biceps. Chest fly exercises may appear a little challenging at first, but to gain strength and endurance, you must be patient and persistent! 5 best chest exercises for beginners to strengthen and tone your muscles Chest exercises can help you tone your upper body. Image courtesy: Adobe StockWhat are the benefits of butterfly chest exercise?Here are some of the notable benefits of butterfly chest exercises, as explained by fitness expert Yash Agarwal.Also Read1. Tones pectoralis musclesThe butterfly chest workout strengthens the chest muscles by exerting a pushing force. The pectoral muscles, which are the targeted muscles, are a group of skeletal muscles that connect the upper extremities to the anterior and lateral thoracic walls, according to a 2023 study published in the StatsPearl Journal. For ladies, this exercise may help elevate the chest. However, more research is needed to determine whether butterfly chest exercises help to tone pectoralis muscles.2. Tones synergistic musclesThe butterfly chest exercise tones the synergist muscles (synergist muscle is a helper muscle that works alongside the main muscle (agonist) to produce a specific movement) and also improves chest stability. This, in turn, helps to prevent shoulder injuries by strengthening your muscles to support the shoulder joint. However, there is no scientific evidence to back this claim.3. Improves posture“When your chest muscles are weak, it can lead to a hunched back. Strengthening your chest with the butterfly exercise can help pull your shoulders back and improve your posture. So, if you are looking for ways to improve your posture, incorporating butterfly chest exercises can be helpful,” says the expert.4. Low-impact workoutThe butterfly chest exercise offers a more controlled and stable movement than other chest exercises like push-ups or dips. This can be beneficial for people with joint issues or those who are new to the strength training program. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove this claim.5. Improves muscle growth“The butterfly exercise can be a valuable tool for building muscle mass in your chest, especially for beginners. As you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight to promote muscle growth,” explains the expert.Keep in mind that butterfly chest exercise may induce stiffness in the chest the next day because large muscular groups, such as the pectoralis major, do not have the same endurance as smaller muscle groups.
So, take your time with the exercise.How to do butterfly chest exercises?Here’s a complete guide on how to do butterfly chest exercises as explained by the expert.1. Dumbbell butterfly chest exercise Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. Extend your arms above your chest with a slight bend in the elbows. Lower your arms out to the sides in a wide arc until you feel a stretch in your chest. Bring the dumbbells back up to the starting position, squeezing your chest.2. Cable butterfly chest exercise Stand between two cable pulleys, with handles set at chest height. Hold a handle in each hand and step forward to create tension in the cables. Bring your hands together in front of you, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Slowly return to the starting position. Cable butterfly exercise can help tone your chest. Image courtesy: Adobe StockAre there any side effects of butterfly chest exercises?Here are some of the side effects of butterfly chest exercises, as explained by the expert. Incorrect form can lead to shoulder injuries or strains. Performing exercise too frequently without adequate rest can cause muscle strain. Excessive weight or improper technique can put stress on shoulder and elbow joints. Focusing too much on chest exercises without balancing with back workouts can lead to posture problems.Before making any modifications to your exercise routine, be sure to take professional advice.
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fitnessmantram · 9 months
Tabata Workout For Weight Loss #weightloss #athome #exercise #bellyfatlo...
How to Do a Tabata Workout
The Tabata protocol is simple:
Choose an exercise. Any exercise can be used for Tabata, but some good choices include jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees.
Warm up for 5-10 minutes.
Perform 20 seconds of intense exercise.
Rest for 10 seconds.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 8 rounds.
Cool down for 5-10 minutes.
If you are new to Tabata, start with 2-3 rounds and gradually increase the number of rounds as you get fitter. You can also shorten the rest periods to 5 seconds if you find that you are able to maintain the intensity of the exercise.
Read More in details : Tabata: The Lazy Person's Guide to Weight Loss
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
This Bodybuilder 'Got His Ass Kicked' by the World's Strongest Man's Workout
2023-06-04 13:30:00This Bodybuilder ‘Got His Ass Kicked’ by the World’s Strongest Man’s WorkoutThe ruling World’s Strongest Man, Mitchell Hooper, put YouTuber Will Tennyson through the wringer … This material is imported from youTube. You might have the ability to discover the exact same material in another format, or you might have the ability to discover more info, at their…
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fitliferegime · 1 year
15 Most Effective Cable Leg Exercises & Workout
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If you’re looking for an easy piece of gym equipment to use, cable machines are a great place to start. Cable Machine leg exercises and workouts promote smooth, fluid form, there are generally more than enough machines in a given gym, and it’s easy to create a large variety of exercises on one of these machines. Cable Leg workout can be performed either cable only leg workout, or can be added in to other leg workouts, but always remember that prioritizing progressive overload is a must for strength gains. We want to help you utilize the cable machine at your gym more by providing you with a full cable leg workout, and we'll even give you some tips to help ensure you have an effective and safe workout.
Why Do Athletes Use Cable Machines For Leg Workout?
Using a cable machine for leg exercises can give some fantastic gains in building a stronger, thicker, and wider legs. Performing leg exercises with cable machines can also help to boost your other larger compound lifts such as deadlifts or squats.By using different attachments, angles, and weights, the cable machine workout can target all the major and smaller muscles of your legs.But the exercises you choose to spend your efforts on should correspond directly with what you need to work on for your particular goals.Instead of just picking random exercises to work on, we’ve included exercises that address one or more of the following key points like improving muscle mass, strength, endurance, Power, and speedThat way, you’re not wasting your efforts, and you’re building the specific attributes you need for your life. Win-win! Want to take your gains to the next level? Discover your daily calorie needs with our free TDEE calculator
Benefits of the Cable Leg Workout
The cable leg workout offers an effective way to train the leg, let’s have a look at some other benefits of leg exercises with a cable machine.- Cable workouts are more evenly distributed, and you have more of a constant load on your leg muscles throughout the whole range of motion. - The cable machine leg workout offers almost unmatched versatility because you can change up the load, angle, grip positioning and body positioning easily. - The cable setup gives your muscles almost uninterrupted time under tension, and a massive pump — each of which can help optimize muscle growth. - Cable machines exercises are a safe and efficient tool to incorporate into your normal workout program. The smooth flat resistance results in less wear and tear on the joints, especially the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. - The cable machine offers a smooth, controlled motion. This smooth motion is great to keep back exercises on the correct path to maximize the time under tension. - Varying the position of the pulley and the direction of the cable, you can workout various parts of the leg muscles.
Read More: https://www.fitliferegime.com/15-most-effective-cable-leg-exercises-workout/
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There are handles that move independent
Spinning BikesYou’ve probably heard about the spin craze that has become so popular in health clubs. Spinning bikes usually have at least a front wheel that spins (which is why they are so brilliantly named spinning bikes). These bikes might be the current fad, but they aren’t very comfortable. The seats are small and hard. The classes make these boring bikes more Hub motor kits interesting, but as home exercise bikes, they quickly become tedious.Stationary BikesStationary bikes (or upright bikes) are the exercise bikes that most people can identify. It’s the same basic model as in the 1980’s. Once again, it’s fairly uncomfortable. You can’t really do anything like read or watch TV because you’re leaning left and right and bouncing, so it, too, quickly gets boring.
Dual Action BikesDual action bikes are aptly named, as they give you both an upper and lower body workout. There are handles that move independently - much like an elliptical machine. It’s a good workout, but a bit tough for beginners, and as usual, the time on the bike will eventually get boring.You can also get dual action bikes that allow you to adjust the machine to create an arm-pedaling workout. It’s usually fairly difficult to make the adjustments. It’s also two separate exercises, which create a longer workout. Most people aren’t as likely to keep up such a routine.Recumbent BikesRecumbent bikes are the exercise bikes with the comfortable bucket seats. You sit back and lower to the ground as you pedal. These exercise bikes are easy enough for even the most sedentary beginners, and they usually offer workout programs to keep the workouts from becoming mundane.The Experts Recognize the Advantages of Recumbent Bikes Most physicians and personal trainers recommend recumbent bikes. Recumbent bikes are better for people of all different fitness levels. You are more likely to keep up a recumbent bike routine over time, the bikes are safer, and there are different benefits for both men and women.
Recumbent Bikes for All Fitness LevelsEven the most sedentary person will find a recumbent exercise bike easy to use. You can adjust the settings to offer little or no resistance as you pedal. People who are overweight will definitely find the seat much larger and more comfortable than other exercise bikes.Athletes will find the recumbent exercise bike a challenge. The resistance can become incredibly difficult. The bike can simulate pedaling up hills. Most recumbent bikes offer various programs that will require you to sprint and tackle hills. If you want an upper body workout as you pedal, you can easily add weights and do repetitions as you sit back in the recumbent bike seat.•Recumbent Bikes Offer a Sustainable WorkoutThe programs offered by most recumbent exercise bikes definitely keep the workout from becoming boring. You can simulate a course that is easy or difficult, flat or hilly.
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gymgumunitedkingdom · 2 years
What To Eat After A Workout
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Whether you went jogging, swam laps, rode your bike or lifted weights, completing your exercise session isn’t the end of the challenge. Knowing what to eat after your workout can play a pivotal role in helping your body refuel, rehydrate and recover from exercise, as well as help your muscles rebuild.
“You don’t need to eat a ton after your workout, but it’s a mistake to avoid eating,” says Leslie Bonci, a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Active Eating Advice in Pittsburgh. “You want to think about fueling up while you’re cooling down—that’s the purpose of a post-exercise snack.”
Why It’s Important to Eat After a Workout
For starters, you need to replenish the carbohydrates and glycogen (the glucose stored in your muscles) you just depleted during your workout, says Tara Collingwood, a registered dietitian nutritionist and sports dietitian in Orlando, Florida.
You’ll want to consume high-quality protein afterward as well to build and repair muscle tissue that was broken down during your workout and stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is essential for muscle recovery and adaptation to exercise. During exercise—strength training, in particular—your muscles experience micro-tears. Eating protein can help rebuild and repair those damaged muscle fibers.
It’s also important to replace the fluids lost from sweating and breathing hard, as well as consume foods that are rich in antioxidants to protect your cells from exercise-induced damage, Collingwood adds.
On the other hand, skipping a post-workout snack can increase your level of fatigue and inhibit your body’s repair and recovery processes. It can also decrease your performance the next time you exercise, says Bonci.
What to Eat After a Workout
The cornerstone of post-workout nutrition is a careful combination of protein, carbohydrates and fluids. The basic recommendation is to consume 10 to 20 grams of protein after a workout, depending on your body weight, says Bonci. And depending on the type of exercise you completed, adjust your ratio of carbohydrates to protein, she adds.
For instance, after a strength-training workout, aim for a 2-to-1 ratio of carbs to protein (meaning 20 to 40 grams of carbs and 10 to 20 grams of protein). If you completed an endurance (aerobic) workout like jogging, the ratio shifts to 3-to-1 (with 30 to 60 grams of carbs and 10 to 20 grams of protein), says Bonci.
Another key component to keep in mind when fueling up post-workout: the intensity and duration of the exercise you just completed.
“Recreational exercisers who train two to three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes can easily recover by having their usual balanced meal that contains carbs (to refuel) and protein (to build and repair muscle), such as oatmeal and eggs, yogurt and granola, a sandwich and milk, or chicken and rice,” says Nina Kolbe, a registered dietitian and Forbes Health Advisory Board member.
Some good choices for a post-workout nosh that check all the important boxes include:
Chocolate milk. “Chocolate milk has everything you need after a workout—carbs, protein, fluids and electrolytes,” says Collingwood. In fact, consuming milk after exercise enhances muscle protein synthesis and rehydration, replenishes glycogen stores and eases post-exercise muscle soreness, according to a review of scientific research in a 2019 issue of the European Journal of Sport Science.
Eggs and whole-grain toast. Whether they’re hardboiled, scrambled, poached or in a vegetable omelet, eggs are a stellar source of protein (with an average of nearly 11 grams of protein for a large one). Meanwhile, toast provides high-quality carbs.
A smoothie (made with whey protein powder, coconut water, fruit and vegetables). The fruit and veggies contain antioxidants that protect cells from exercise-induced damage, and the protein helps with muscle repair, says Collingwood. Whey protein, in particular, significantly reduces post-exercise blood levels for biomarkers of muscle damage due to strength training, according to a 2020 study in Nutrients.
Dried fruit and nuts with a serving of tart cherry juice. The fruit and nuts provide carbs, protein and healthy fats, and the cherry juice may help with post-exercise muscle soreness, says Bonci. In fact, research has found that consuming Montmorency cherry juice, which contains phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, improves the recovery of muscular strength after intensive strength-training exercise.
Yogurt, berries and a sprinkling of granola. The combination of yogurt, which is high in protein, and berries, which contain carbs and antioxidants, replenishes your muscles’ glycogen stores and assists with muscle recovery, says Collingwood. The granola adds crunch and flavor.
SOURCE and CREDIT – https://www.forbes.com/health/body/what-to-eat-after-workout/
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DR Mall Home Fitness Equipment Sit-ups and Push-ups Assistant Device Lose Weight Gym Workout Abdominal curl Exercise with Suction Cup, Silicone and Foam
DR Mall Home Fitness Equipment Sit-ups and Push-ups Assistant Device Lose Weight Gym Workout Abdominal curl Exercise with Suction Cup, Silicone and Foam
Price: (as of – Details) Convenient for doing sit-ups everyday, especially for busy people who don’t have so much time doing exercise. It can be used to train the Abdomen, slip the waist and reduce the abdominal fat when you have the abdominal workoutThe height of the hook High Quality Thickened Foam Soft and Comfortable, no Harm to the foot Design (Increase the softness and comfort of the…
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luizdavid2042 · 2 years
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The niche of Activewear has exploded over the past few years. Manufacturers are offering an extensive collection of wholesale workout apparel that is not only very comfortable with efficient ventilation and wicking properties, but they are equally fashionable. This gives the small businesses ample of choices to choose a bulk that complements well to their customers’ demands.  https://www.alanicglobal.com/blog/different-varieties-of-wholesale-apparel-for-different-kinds-of-workout/
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alwaysawesomesblog · 3 years
Lifelong 4 mm Thick and Anti-Skid Yoga Exercise Mat with Carrying Strap for Gym Workout
Lifelong 4 mm Thick and Anti-Skid Yoga Exercise Mat with Carrying Strap for Gym Workout
Price: (as of – Details) Made in IndiaIt provides padding and support which helps you perform the posture comfortablyEasy to roll up and washableNon-slip bottom provides stability during yoga or workoutThe subtly textured surface prevents hands and feet from slipping out of position so you can hold. It is suitable for non-slip on wood floor, cement floor, tiles floorThis yoga mat is designed to…
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heathlynfitcom · 4 years
Lamorne Morris Shows Off His Backyard Workout
Lamorne Morris Shows Off His Backyard Workout
The New Girl and Bloodshot actor shares a virtual training session with his fitness coach.
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The post Lamorne Morris Shows Off His Backyard Workout appeared first on Healthy 'N Fit.
source https://heathlynfit.com/lamorne-morris-shows-off-his-backyard-workout/
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wilflo-blog · 4 years
Motivational Fitness Pictures and Quotes
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workoutsprograms · 6 years
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Total core tightener belly fat burner no gear home workout
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5- Crunch  3sets 60 sec  6- Swimmers  3sets 60 sec 
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Watch Chris Hemsworth Try to Beat Jet Lag With an Intense Workout
2023-06-03 13:53:00See Chris Hemsworth Try to Beat Jet Lag With an Intense WorkoutThe only method to beat jet lag is to keep moving … Instantly after leaving a long-haul flight, Chris Hemsworth does precisely something: he strikes the health club to combat his method through jet lagThe star simply shared a take a look at his newest exercise on Instagram after showing up in Los Angeles and making…
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nijjamdotcom · 4 years
Quarantine Workout: 3 Ways To Muscle It Up With Pearl V Puri
Quarantine Workout: 3 Ways To Muscle It Up With Pearl V Puri
Pearl V Puri Quarantine WorkoutThe small screen handsome lad Pearl V Puri is all known for his amazing toned body. He is just known as a workout freak… Be it in lockdown period or normal days, he is showing no difference in his exercise regime inspiring many. As the deadly Coronavirus has made everyone sit at home, many of them have stopped their workouts as the gyms are shutdown. But this simply…
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Just Pinned to Fit Girls: 20 minute workoutthe best thing about this workout is that there are no burpe http://ift.tt/2FbpXWJ
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