#wrong explanations for what they think rj might have been trying to do. min and tuon and galad get so many bad faith interpretations that
hauntedmoors · 6 months
I see you were on the receiving end of one of cannoli-reader's massive rants about how much he hates Egwene al'Vere. That guy is incapable of being rational about her and basically thinks she's a Darkfriend - he's notorious in WOT fandom for being obsessed with Egwene to levels that even other Egwene haters think is a bit much. I think he searches for posts about her just so he can rant about how much he hates her. Disregard.
lol, I have them blocked! there was a period where they were combing through my blog and leaving comments on a bunch of my posts, and I didn’t even mind a lot of our differing opinions but the egwene post did it for me because it was very vile. I appreciated their ability to write elaborate analyses but it wasn’t going to be at the expense of basic truths intrinsic to the foundation of the characterisations and storytelling - no analysis is ever going to have any ground to stand on when it refuses to acknowledge very basic canon; if you can’t trust those very fundamental facts (for example, that egwene and moiraine are good people who make lots of questionable decisions because they’re flawed and have a bunch of personal traumas influencing those decisions or that elayne is a very empathetic and kind person and not… a spoiled and pampered princess who takes advantage of the dumb redheaded villager) then I can’t pretend that those posts are in good faith or even in defence of RJ’s supposedly inviolably precious canon because they come at the expense of personal biases and (unconsciously or not) stem from some degree of disrespect to his work. a refusal to engage with their larger place in the story indicates that the analysis was never going go be worth its salt anyway. I often trust more readers who hated the books at this point, tbh.
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