possuminnit · 8 months
my best friend ghostbru. smiles Bigly. Also haiiiii hiii :)
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okapi :3 AND HIII!!!
ask game
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anti-terf-posts · 4 months
happy birthday!!! i cant believe youve been singlehandedly wiping out the terf population for 16 whole years. awesomesauce bro
oh my god this makes me sound like some superhero who's been punching terfs right out of the womb that's hilarious /pos (and thank you !!)
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vampiraine · 2 months
is your. pfp jerma
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guilty as charged this is the img
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rottinnymph · 7 months
hiiiiiii. hotdog
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they got a png of a hotdog in the hotdog wikipedia...
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transbeeduo · 4 months
omg new crunch theme 2k24
appealing to the american transbeeduo audience by theming my blog after a burger resteraunt. For my american viewers this is like if burgers had a blog
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ranboobies · 8 months
have gay sex with(me please
yes maam!
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bouquetofalliums · 3 months
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sneefsnorf · 28 days
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BUPPIES!!!!!!!!! they are so gorgeous...... thank you :3
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possuminnit · 4 months
(voice of someone normal) hi lainey yorue lookung for music. do hyou listen to glassbeach.
giggles Hi xander I do not !! I am willing to however ^_^
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ctntduoarchive · 4 months
HIII CEE ceetntduo reblogging from my slash srs wife xandirt isn't this awesome
HIIIIIIIIII haven;t seen you in so long............i think i;ve been following xandirt for a while now and i think they follow me......... also HI how are YOU!
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ccschlackity · 7 months
normalpplthings mutuals bracket- round 1
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"hi its me xander nocturne's awesome wife! i do lots of art AND i draw cdsmp BOOBS and NAKED. thats right i draw TITS AND TRANNIES. DYKES AND FAGS TOO!!!!!! i dont discriminate!!!! go check out my awesome art tag #xandart :) on top of that i write. AND im also very funny and cool. The people love me i promise i'm normal :3c" - xander (a/n I know the bit can get confusing. this is 2/2 of my real actual partners)
"'I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust.'
...........Also if you send me an ask with a character's name in it the chances I'll draw that character are like 85%. Which are high fucking chances. If you vote for me those chances increase by 5% 👀👀👀 Sound like good chances? Hit that button, gorjus" - L.A
@xandirt @maybe0rdinary
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rottinnymph · 5 months
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thank you this is epic.
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lovinglyvivisected · 9 months
── Pinned Post.
hello, welcome to lovinglyvivisected, the silliest ever dr. malpractice rp blog :)
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here are a few things to follow when interacting:
this is a roleplay blog. not all our headcanons will match, and that's okay!
suggestive asks / interactions are a-okay, but please make sure to keep it within reason. no heavy kink, pretty please.
posts, unless specified otherwise, are in character. i do not condone medical malpractice, i'm just writing a character.
all of the things that the doctor experiences (delusions, hallucinations, etc) are something admin has experienced! it's writing from its own experiences.
(character & admin info under the cut.)
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── about the doctor:
Name: William Malpractice Pronouns: he/him/his Age: Roughly 37
the doctor's species is not exactly known, but he appears human.
the doctor's gender & sexuality aren't things he explores much, but he doesn't mind questions. he sees it as studying himself, in a way.
the doctor experiences delusions of grandeur, causing him to believe that he's a real, trained doctor. he is not. this causes majority of his actions related to medicine.
he does, in fact, have an ex-wife
the doctor has an unspecified disorder with psychosis and shows varied symptoms.
the doctor is... weird. he's a bit poorly adjusted, but he's trying. i think.
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faceclaim for the doctor ^
── about the admin:
hello!! i'm xander @xandirt my pronouns are it/he and i'm so very silly . yeah thats basically it sorry underwhelming
tags used:
#doctor's notes - in-character posts #vivisections - actual rps #patients' questions - asks #incisions - reblogs #anatomical hearts - suggestive posts #vials of blood - angst / possibly triggering #gauze - non-canon posts / fluff and sillies #placebos - rps with @veintracks #xanposts - admin posting
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transbeeduo · 5 months
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ranboobies · 5 months
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thanks babe
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bladewinged · 8 months
written for goretober 2023 day 4- cannibalism. dedicated to @xandirt and @sootings-fag <3
Polite society dictates that we can’t say anything. I think you’re pointless when you propose to me as if we were just talking, as if it will be morning again tomorrow and I will almost scratch my eyes out and run to your side, as if I have managed to train myself to loyalty.
There are disconcerting things about seeing you from different angles. Sometimes I don’t know what I see, and sometimes I am almost brought to tears.
I think you’re hopeless when your eyes are sunken in. When, for some reason, you think that I am who you should seek out.
As if you could only look at me. They trained you to not speak until spoken to. They could never figure out how to wrap their hands around my mouth, for better or worse.
I have only ever been good as an attack dog. I’ve realized you like that. Your mouth has gone dry ever since you were saved from a cage, and I see an opportunity. This sets the stage.
I don’t think I could go all the way. Most of the time the victim is kept in a fridge, or a bathtub, or both. I would never force you to shower, and I’m terrible at remembering to cook. There’s the image, of course, of me on the floor eating delivery pizza with your frozen jello eyes watching me. If I could stomach the absurdity. (Will you praise me for doing my research?)
I’d still take pictures. Make fun of me for that. I’d publish a novel. Call me a fucking sell-out. It would be a masturbatory cry for help, a call for us to finally be seen, a conjoined feral entity the world can no longer look away from. Thank you for trusting me. You don’t have a choice anymore.
But in the moment, I will do as you ask, and we don’t have to think about any of that. I will lunge at you without thinking, with all the anger I have ever held in my teeth, killing the both of us to spite all the people who wanted to do it first. If I ever falter, please shove me deeper into your layers of flesh and fat and muscle and blood vessels. If I don’t like the taste, you have to make me choke it down. Force the chewy parts and the slippery parts down my throat, make me almost suffocate trying to not cough it back up. I hate the taste of blood. I will grow to like it. Once you pass out I will hack chunks off your limbs with a clumsy paring knife, try to sauté them in red wine, end up just burning the both of us. I will laugh. In my organs, you laugh with me, tell me that’s sweet, kiss my hair. They will come for me in the morning. I will never be more awake.
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