#y’all need to think pragmatic and stop thinking you live in the fucking hunger games
thatsheetyghost · 6 months
I don’t know how else to say it, and you can criticize him as much as you want (and to be fair, a lot of it is probably very accurate), but BIDEN IS THE ONLY VIABLE CANDIDATE TO STAVE OFF FASCISM IN THE US.
Could he do more? Maybe. Has he done nothing? Absolutely not; he’s been far more supportive of unions in the US. The past year we have had major labor victories in the US, and such victories would probably not have been able to happen under a GOP administration.
So to say you won’t vote for him under a single (albeit very bad) misstep in international politicking is absolutely fucking delusional and insane; you don’t give a shit about the Palestinians, you just want to stick it to Sleepy Man and allow even worse people in to not only give Israel funding forever, but to also enable genocides to happen IN THE US.
I don’t think the Palestinians being murdered by the Israel war machine would think highly of people who would throw their minority friends/neighbors/family into a fucking woodchipper to “”protest vote””. It’s a fucking pathetic virtue signal for Internet brownie points that works against pragmatic progressive policies.
I’m not requiring anyone to love Biden, he’s not great, there are a lot of valid issues with his administration, but look at his opposition next year: the GOP, lead by a fucking rapist criminal who want to genocide anyone non-white, non-straight, and non-Christian; they want to enact a cultural fucking genocide in my country, and I won’t just bend the knee to weirdo Marxist-Leninists screeching at me to start a revolution against one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
Fucking use your brain, vote Biden 2024.
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