#yandere!nash would love hanamiya
best friends forever | yandere!nash gold jr x jason silver
They say Jason’s body was gifted to him by God. If that’s the case, then count Nash a deity. He was the one who honed it.
It was his keen eye that analysed Jason’s movement patterns, who provided tailored workout plans and advice, who knew when something was off before Jason even did - the reason that he’s never suffered a serious injury while he’s been a part of Jabberwock. It was Nash who kept him in order. Kept him improving.
Nash knows Jason’s body better than he knows his own, and they haven’t even fucked.
Maybe that’s where all this began, that concentration. It’s like basketball. When Nash takes something seriously, he gets tunnel vision. With basketball, he picked up boxing, swimming, all to keep toning himself up. He quit foods he’d loved since he was a child to maintain that peak fitness. People said his willpower was just that strong, but, really, willpower had never had a role to play in it. The more he practiced on the court, the more food lost its taste. There was just basketball and whatever it took to excel in it.
And then the generic need for basketball started to shift. It developed into a need to create a street ball team above all others, and that in turn became a need to create a player that would outshine everyone else - everyone else but Nash.
The first time he met Jason, it was in the evening, at a court dimly light by the McDonalds opposite it. Nash’s friends dared him to 1v1 Jason, said he was a real monster. They were right. A real monster. Of course, Nash won, 15-9, but the rage in Jason’s eyes as he stormed up to his opponent, a full eight inches shorter… That was a monster’s rage.
Something in Nash’s head clicked, and he couldn’t hear his companions anymore.
They’re good friends now. Even when Jason’s blood’s up and he starts getting nasty, Nash never really loses his temper with him. In his mind, he forgives the insubordination. All it ever takes is a few harsh words, a reminder of how their team works, and Jason backs off. Then they’re buddies again. Jason never apologises; he makes small jokes in place of a ‘sorry’. The no homo jokes, for example. He never understands why Nash doesn’t find them funny.
Silver and Gold, surnames made for each other. Nash and Jason, friends forever. But, are they? When you’ve known Jason as long as Nash has, you get to know that he’s a man who likes to live freely. He’ll have a pal for a few months, and then forget that guy ever existed. He goes through girls as if he thinks he’s been blessed with an eternal supply of them. The street ball team is the longest, and most serious, commitment Jason’s ever made in his life, but teams don’t last forever. Nash is starting to get bored of theirs. His teammates don’t particularly matter. They’re talented, but they’re not destined for greatness like he and Jason are.
Let Jabberwock break up eventually, Nash thinks. He’s already got plans for the next stage of their basketball career. Whether he’ll go professional or not, he’s still undecided, but Jason will - even if he doesn’t want to - and it’ll be Nash who’s pulling his strings, who makes sure he stays at the top. Jason’s ability to handle the pressure at that level is another problem. Yet Nash almost hopes he won’t.
Because then he’ll become even more dependent on his blond-haired ‘friend’.
Nash keeps his mouth shut about his real feelings. He can imagine what Jason’s reply if he were honest about it; at very best, the response would be a shove, and a “what the actual fuck, dude.” It’s a shame, but would he be the Jason Nash knows if the response was any different?
Besides, even on the days where it looks as if Jason’s cottoned onto something - when he sees the bitterness, the burning in Nash’s eyes and realises that there’s something more going on in his captain’s head than a competitive streak - he never does anything. When Nash is like that, he doesn’t even confront him. He catches himself before he can say anything, as Nash feels a cold approval run through his veins.
Whether he suspects anything, whether he doesn’t, Nash doesn’t give a shit.
After all, Jason has nowhere to go - if it’s not with him.
Nash will make sure of that.
for anon who requested "Idk if u do yandere cuz i couldnt find ur rules but if u do could u do yandere nash/jason hcs?". it occurred to me, about half way through writing this, that you might be using '/' to mean 'or', not the character x character reading. and then i realised you hadn’t wanted a scenario either. but the premise of this was simply too much fun to stop. sorry and feel free to request again if this isn't what you wanted :) 
related to this scenario:
jabberwock team interaction hcs and panel analysis can be found here
rules can be found here (just add /rules to my url) (yandere is always welcome).
gory/yandere-ish nash x reader here
nash x "glucose guardian" here
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