#yoga frog couldn’t be better for new pack
willbrakeforneature · 4 months
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I found a little yoga frog on my run 🥹🥰🐸 explored a section of the park I had been to less and spotted some lions mane mushroom too. I dragged my feet getting out the house and running, so nice to embrace these delights 🍄
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PS I got a new running vest for the holidays from my partner and tested it out on this run, which now contains frog as my new pack animal / stop drop and yoga partner 🙂
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livehealthynewsusa · 3 years
‘I Did Vanessa Hudgens’ Workout Routine For A Week’
Two things I know: I’ve been a fan of Vanessa Hudgens for * a while * (read: since I saw High School Musical for the first time) and the celebrity looks super fit. Just stop by her Instagram to see what I mean.
So, when my editors came up with the idea, I thought, why not train like the star for a week? And TBH, the task came at the perfect time. In the months leading up to this task, I largely stuck to cardio workouts, alternating between indoor cycling and outdoor runs. It was time to mix it up – Hudgens style.
Short disclaimer: I don’t know exactly what a week’s training has been like for Vanessa lately as I couldn’t really text her a short text and personally accompany her (but a girl can dream!). Instead, I created a plan based on Instagram posts, her previous interviews with Women’s Health, and advice from celebrity trainer Isaac Boots, who worked with the star firsthand.
Let me walk you through * everything * that I’ve done and how badass and strong I felt afterward.
The training program …
Five torch training sessions
Isaac pointed out three of his torch workouts (here, here, and here) that he and Vanessa did on Instagram Live to raise money for No Kid Hungry. They are approximately 50 minutes long, and while each is unique, they all include dance-based movements, jumping, and planking exercises to start with, as well as arm exercises with dumbbells and / or resistance bands. At Isaac’s recommendation, I did a torch’d workout every day for five days in a row, doing each one once before repeating the first two.
Three yoga workouts
Vanessa tries to practice yoga three times a week, reported WH in March 2020. So for this week I did three yoga workouts from the Peloton app.
I first tried a 15-minute standing yoga class. Then I went from a 20 minute vinyasa style session for beginners to a 30 minute advanced flow.
Two resistance band workouts
I came across videos of Vanessa training with looped resistance bands, ankle weights, and battle ropes at Dogpound. I had a lot of ankle weight doing the Torch’d workouts, and right now I don’t have access to battle ropes. Hello Resistance Bands! Fortunately, Dogpound trainer Julia Brown posted some banded prey workouts on Instagram. I did this exercise which included moves like glute bridges, frog pulses, and leg raises, but I used a chair instead of a bench. I also did this HIIT workout that involves more steps, jumping, and squatting.
All of this took place over six mornings, as Vanessa previously told WH that she likes exercise and does at least six workouts a week. That, of course, meant I had to double up on most days. I don’t know Vanessa is pulling doubles, but what can I say? I wanted to try as much as possible in just one week.
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My souvenirs …
1. Ankle weights are heavier than they look.
Confession: I was a little too ambitious the first time I tried torch’d practice. In the video, when Isaac and Vanessa grabbed their ankle weights, I strapped five pounds to each leg – although Isaac assured viewers that they would still do their job without the weight. Big mistake! Luckily my weights are adjustable so I quickly scaled down to 2.5 pounds per leg.
Erin Warwood
Beginners should actually wait to gain ankle weight until they get used to their new fitness routines, Emily Diers, a certified personal trainer and founder of Bodycraft, previously told WH. Once you’ve mastered the bodyweight exercises, you should start with 1 or 1.5 pound ankle weights.
Luckily, I had four more chances to try these torch’d sequences at a reduced weight. I even did two of the remaining workouts without ankle weights. (And they still kicked my butt … in a great way.)
So why wear ankle weights at all? For one, they’re a great addition to exercises that work the leg and hip muscles, such as leg raises, according to Harvard Medical School.
“If you add resistance to any movement, your muscle will demand more,” Diers told WH. “And if you do it without a break, it will add a cardiovascular element.”
But remember, don’t just throw up ankle weights for any type of workout: they’re not as good for walking or aerobic workouts, according to the same Harvard article. In fact, they can pull on your ankle joint (which can lead to other injuries) and cause muscle imbalance by forcing you to use your quads, not your hamstrings.
2. Yoga in the morning has helped me feel calmer.
Vanessa previously told WH that her yoga practice was like therapy, and after that week I could just add it to my morning routine. At the beginning of my second yoga class, I felt super stressed about everything I had to do that day. But slowing down and focusing on my breathing really seemed to help: by the time I finished the 20-minute flow, my outlook for the day was noticeably more positive.
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Erin Warwood
As it turns out, science can explain my mood-lifting experience. While all exercises can improve your mood, yoga could have additional benefits, according to a recent Harvard Medical School article. In particular, it can increase levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a brain chemical that has been linked to better mood and less anxiety.
3. Resistance bands became my favorite device.
For these workouts, I used a resistance band that basically looks like an oversized rubber band. Mine came in a three-pack with different resistance levels indicated by color. (Side note: I learned my lesson from working too hard with the ankle weights and started with the purple, ultra-light tape. That was a good decision.)
I had never used looped resistance bands before this week, but I will incorporate them into future workouts. I love how versatile they are: Isaac put them in some of the Torch’d Arm sequences that made my shoulders burn. And of course, they were the stars of Julia’s Banded Booty workouts.
The bands have many other advantages. Because they are small and light, they are easy to take with you when you travel. They can also help build muscle endurance and correct muscle imbalances, previously reported WH.
4. Exercising with a buddy is really more fun.
Another confession: I’m usually more of the solo training type. Even though I knew Vanessa enjoyed working out with friends, I did all of my workouts on my own for the first three days of the week.
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Erin Warwood
But when I watched Vanessa and Isaac (and in one of the workouts GG Magree) interact while torch’d, I started to question my loner mentality. After all, it looked like they were having a lot more fun together – even virtually.
To train like Vanessa, I invited my partner Brent to join in on days four, five and six. We moaned and laughed together during the toughest parts of Torch’d, which was much better than sweating it out in silence. We also put on some of our favorite songs for Julia’s HIIT workout and danced / sang our way through all of the banded booty chores. Conclusion: You will surely catch me celebrating National Workout Buddy Day for years to come.
5. Most importantly, training like Vanessa gave me a huge confidence boost.
This week has helped me, an absolute perfectionist, feel strong and proud even when my training wasn’t perfect. Let’s face it: Torch’d took me * a lot * of breaks. But Vanessa inspired me. Not only did the celebrity show himself off doing these workouts live on Instagram, but she was also aware of how tough they were. Her vulnerability gave me permission to step in and give it my all, even if that sometimes meant struggling to keep up. I look forward to continuing to try Torch’d and feeling myself get a little bit stronger every time. My next goal? Do it through one session with no breaks.
Here’s the thing: I’m not a trainer, so I’m not going to endorse the training plan I created as the * best * way to train like Vanessa Hudgens. But I have to say I had a lot of fun – and worked hard – with torch’d, yoga, and those banded butt workouts. If you’re interested in trying any of these, make sure to consult a doctor before you begin and, as Isaac once said, get ready to carve this real estate baby!
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source https://livehealthynews.com/i-did-vanessa-hudgens-workout-routine-for-a-week/
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