#you also might have noticed there are no soccer in these despite that being central
fireswamps · 7 years
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sorry for the dirt in your mouth aesthetics | couples
andy haldane and eddie jones
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sachasw-blog · 4 years
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dweemeister · 4 years
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McFarland, USA (2015)
In Hollywood, certain sports have dominated the sports genre. The proportions reflect their popularity as Hollywood’s Studio System reached its zenith. America’s national pastime, baseball, is well represented. As is boxing, which was once arguably one of the United States’ favorite sports alongside horse racing. American football and basketball had been underrepresented until the last few decades; soccer and ice hockey – perhaps given the demographics of the average Hollywood executive past and present – have not gained much traction among major movie studios (how I hope that changes soon for soccer, but among all the sports I have mentioned, it is the hardest to “fake”). Track and field and distance running occasionally have their moments, like Chariots of Fire (1981) and Race (2016). Simulating amateur or professional running comes down to correcting an actors’ running form – a far cry from teaching someone how to kick a soccer ball properly and strenuous boxing training.
McFarland, USA, directed by New Zealander Niki Caro (2002’s Whale Rider, the pandemic-delayed live-action adaptation of Disney’s Mulan), is the first Disney live-action film on a track and field/distance running story since The World’s Greatest Athlete (1973) – a film that slathers on the slapstick and the cultural stereotypes. Set in the small town of McFarland in California’s Central Valley, McFarland, USA looks at a community glanced over by Hollywood and independent filmmakers. A few hours’ drive from Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean, McFarland is an agricultural community that is heavily Latino, with limited economic opportunities for its residents. That, of course, makes McFarland and places like it the butt of derision from some of its residents and those who do not know any better. It can be a difficult place to live, but even here, the film says, Americana thrives and the American Dream abides.
In the late summer/early fall of 1987, football coach Jim White (Kevin Costner) loses his job at an Idaho high school after losing his temper, accidentally injuring a smack-talking player. He and his family – wife Cheryl (Maria Bello), elder daughter Julie (Morgan Saylor), and younger daughter Jamie White (Elsie Fisher from 2018’s Eighth Grade) – pack their belongings and settle in McFarland, California. Even on their first day, the Whites are frightened of their new home. The place is unkempt, and it is difficult for the daughters to believe they are in America. Jim takes his new job as assistant football coach and PE teacher at McFarland High School, but is soon stripped of assistant coaching duties after a dispute with the head coach. Noticing how many of McFarland’s boys are excellent runners, he convinces the high school principal to support boys’ cross country running – the first year it is sanctioned by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF, the governing body of California high school sports).
The team, some more skeptical than others, assemble: Thomas Valles (Carlos Pratts), Jose Cardenas (Johnny Ortiz), Johnny Sameniego (Hector Duran), Victor Puentes (Sergio Avelar), and brothers David (Rafael Martinez) and Danny Diaz (Ramiro Rodriguez).
When one thinks of the word “Americana”, certain things come to mind. Small towns with everybody knows your name and white picket fences, children playing baseball in the park, and the corner store/malt shop are elements of Americana, exported to the world via films and television shows made in the United States. But these images are specific to an America of an earlier, more monochromatic time and is arguably geographically specific (not reflecting the diverse Southwest, let alone Alaska and Hawai’i). The country, no matter the time period, is too large to distill into a single idea.
McFarland, California of the late 1980s looks a lot like what it is today. Instead of burger joints, there are taquerías. Quinceañeras are celebrated; there’s a group of men who get together to cruise their classic cars through town (they are mistaken by the White family as “gangbangers” their first night there); and much of the population works throughout the week picking fruits and vegetables in the fields – work that is backbreaking, sweltering, honest, essential.
What makes McFarland, USA most appealing is its normalization and celebration of life in McFarland. Though dramatized, the cinematic reality of this film’s McFarland, California is largely the reality for small agricultural towns up and down California’s Central Valley. The narratives of McFarland deserve to be considered as “American” as equally those from Bedford Falls (1946’s It’s a Wonderful Life), the middle of nowhere in Iowa (1989’s Field of Dreams); and Greenbow, Alabama (1994’s Forrest Gump). Conflict and personal discontent always simmered in these places, despite the idyllic community in Bedford Falls (minus Mr. Potter) and the natural beauty of the middle of nowhere in Iowa and Greenbow, Alabama.
Those things exist, too, in McFarland, California. Jim White, in his first days at McFarland High, obviously does not want to be there nor does he plan on staying longer than he needs to. In forming and coaching cross country, he contends with the familial, economic, and other cultural factors facing his student-athletes’ lives in addition to learning how to coach a sport he has no experience in. As the film reaches the end of its first act, the screenplay by Christopher Cleveland (2006’s Glory Road), Bettina Gilois (Glory Road), and Grant Thompson (his screenwriting debut for a feature film) strays from the White family to show us the familial and peer pressures the student-athletes face. Here, McFarland, USA captures the vulnerability, confusion, friendship (or lack of it), and desire to forge one’s own fate that high schoolers can easily identify with. Many sports movies focusing on a team rather than a single person would allow those individuals to be dramatically indistinguishable (a major problem in 1986’s Hoosiers, a personal favorite). That is not the case in McFarland, USA, which allows its young Latino characters to occupy their unique niche in this film. Thus, in conjunction with its normalization of McFarland’s heavily Latino culture, the film becomes a rousing slice of Americana. Certain people who might be defensive over what “Americana” entails might find issue with what I just wrote, but their definition is exclusionary by default.
With a white coach named White (if this was a professional sport, headline writers for sports sections might be having a field day) training and mentoring seven Latino cross country runners, some people might dismiss McFarland, USA outright as a “white savior” movie even though it avoids such trappings. The “white savior” narrative is one where a white character enters a difficult situation created or exacerbated by the personal/sociopolitical/cultural qualities of a non-white character(s) – the former, by exemplifying traits unlike the latter’s, rescues the non-white characters from that situation. The term “white savior” originated from academic analyses of narrative art and has passed into the political liberal vernacular. Too often among political liberals, the label of a “white savior” narrative is enough to dissuade certain individuals from even considering to consume such a narrative – this reviewer is guilty of using that term in a dismissive fashion.
McFarland, USA circumvents the tropes of white savior narratives by framing Jim White as a flawed character, its post-first act glimpses at life among the boys’ families, and White’s attempts to understand the lives of his student-athletes and neighbors. White, who comes off as an impersonal and stubborn ass with a short-fused temper at first, is played wonderfully by Costner. His character learns, through cultural and neighborly diffusion, how those qualities fail to resonant with his student-athletes, their elders, his wife, and two daughters. Over time, he learns more about the boys’ lives and – on his own volition – the difficult work their families tend to. He acknowledges their personal and familial sacrifices, acknowledging that his hardscrabble life is fundamentally different than theirs. In a final pep talk before the inaugural CIF state championships for cross country, White says:
Every team that’s here deserves to be, including you. But they haven’t got what you got. All right? They don’t get up at dawn like you and go to work in the fields… They don’t go to school all day and then go back to those same fields… These kids don’t do what you do. They can’t even imagine it… What you endure just to be here, to get a shot at this, the kind of privilege that someone like me takes for granted? There’s nothing you can’t do with that kind of strength, with that kind of heart.
It is a beautiful moment made possible by the acting from all involved. That though someone like Jim White may never understand the poverty or the anguish that comes with these boys’ lives, their dedication and work ethic is equal to, if not surpassing, that of their affluent counterparts. To whom much is given, much is required. Jim White has given the boys his dedication to themselves as athletes, students, and human beings; the boys of McFarland’s cross country team have given to their coach lifelong respect and the embrace of community.
As a sports film, McFarland, USA is neither innovative nor does it shake off the coil of predictability that almost every sports film is plagued with. Quite a few of its elements are simplified and sanitized (White revived a cross country program that had been dropped rather than establishing it, he also revived the girls’ cross country team that is not depicted at all here, among other things) but that might be expected given the studio (Disney) behind it. But this film is based on a real story and hews as closely as it can to the spirit of the actual story when it can. If I saw the pitch for this film without any prior knowledge, I might have dismissed it as fantasy. McFarland High School’s boys’ cross country team won nine state championships under White until his retirement in the early 2000s, and qualified for consecutive state championships from 1987 to 2013.
Prior to Jim White’s pre-meet speech, there is a montage set to “The Star-Spangled Banner” – commemorating the boys’ brotherhood now linked inextricably with their coach. The attendees’ and athletes’ singing gives way to a solo guitar, showing the audience scenes of that brotherhood. We see the team on a late afternoon run just outside the barbed wire fencing surrounding the prison located near their school. After that run, we see them, talking with their coach amid the crepuscular Central Valley sun, taking a moment to catch their breath. They are all sitting and relaxing atop a tarp-covered mound of almonds ready for market. If that isn’t an example of Americana at its finest, I don’t know what is.
My rating: 7/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. Half-points are always rounded down. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
For more of my reviews tagged “My Movie Odyssey”, click here.
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ticojon-blog · 4 years
Personal Draft #1
  As a young child I always checked and was very observant to things around me but also around the area. At a young age, I began noticing many differences between my town but also how we would be treated different. In a small town located in Morris County Dover stands out quite a lot. Just a few names the towns adjacent love to call us include “ Dover ricans” , “ Dover Central” and the worse one of them all “spics”. Why? Well by now the picture should already have been painted and displayed. Dover is a small town mainly populated by spanish and Latino people. Colombians, Mexicans, Hondurians and Peruvians are just a few of the countries of which whom people have came from. All in pursue for the American Dream. For those who might not be aware the American Dream it is as followed. Basically any person not in the US willing to come here will do anything to move away from whatever situation one might be facing back at home. This can include corruption, violence and many other scenarios that arent the best. The right way to chase this dream is technically applying for Visa and waiting for the state to approve or decline but borders and sometimes even declined Visas lead people to do whatever it takes to get away from their country. On the other hand to be exact, the amount of people according to the Census was last taken to be a total of 18,257 people. You can imagine how residences feel being called all these names. Now despite what other towns have to say, as a community we stand together and understand who we are and personally Dover has shaped me into the person I have become today, it has helped me when I look ahead of time  and bring this strong connection just being from Dover.
                  To begin, lets take it back a few years back to 1999. A couple in love partially in their 20s decided to make the move across the country and settle down in Jersey. From beaches and sunshine in tropical Costa Rica to rain and snow at the garden state. They felt comfortable in this town called Dover where old friends and family all either moved or lived forming a close relationship. All they were aiming for was to give their children a better experience then the one back at home filled with corruption and violence. Whats a disadvantage of living in such a small town? How close your parents become with other parents and before you know it someone knows every single detail of you. Anyways, later that year a beautiful seed was born and I came out ready and hungry to succeed in this harsh world remembering and treasuring what they had to do to get to this moment.  Now leaving a country where you know like the back of your hand is completely difficult especially when now your new thought process becomes completely different. One obvious situation was not knowing the language.How will i say what I want and what I don’t? As the years progressed little changed but the desire to do anything to see their son have what they hadn’t even imagined. Dover isn’t just home to me its basically home to my loving parents as well. To me being from this town makes me proud and i always wear it with pride and excitment.  Now in college I understand how my parents have given me everything especially their support and yes  theres no price tag for that. Im glad my parents were able to settle in this community. All those years of staying up late for test worked out but most importantly how I feel about this home connection transfers to Cent just because iI feel what my community has managed to shown me to be.
                In Addition, Dover has a distinguished trait most towns around the area don’t. That includes bonding with everyone and everybody. . In every corner despite not knowing someone we all get along. Dover is a composed of such a tiny amount of people inn areas related, as to why everyones parents came here for the same reason. You might not know someone but that doesn’t mean absolutely nothing. In every corner you’ll see small talk and smiles on faces. The smallest of interactions brings the community so close. This bond cannot be broken. Everyone eventually ends up at the high school and you might not talk to someone but they definitely know someone from your family or a friend in common. My whole educational career through Dover I shared friendships literally meeting someone because of someone we were friends with that’s how small the town was and still is. During spirit weeks at the high school we would all participate and interact with different grades we might not usually hang with.Students would also always volunteer for special olympics giving many of us interactions with students you might not normally have in a classroom.  School was actually fun. We didn’t have to worry about being picked on for not knowing an answer or for asking a dumb question. At the end of the day, we all knew we were here to get out of this small town. To give back to our parents for ditching everything they had back at home.Being part of something so compact and close was special in a unique perspective. The school didnt have clicks that would bother people. We all might hang out with a certain click but being in another had no issues with anyone. Everyone knew what was up and how we were free from high school drama even if the “drama” was necessarily in a classroom In my opinion, nobody was left alone in school we all had an understanding of what it was to wear orange and black. When out downtown at coffee shops and restaurants everyone chats up a storm on literally any topic. Students formed bonds with absolutely anyone even the janitor. Our janitor was such a moving person day by day one needed his wise words .unfortunately, the day of his death everyone cried and attended his funeral but what he meant to us will forever be in our hearts..  Last nights game, the community gatherings and even on someones look people are so friendly and heartwarming you cant find that at least not around my surrounding areas. The community believes we are all equal. Some of us might not have the best cars,clothes or even house but we put that aside and care about whats inside. Thats what truly makes me proud to let someone know I am from Dover.
                 Moreover, despite enjoying the bond we all had most towns around us didn’t like this bond. At sporting events some refs made it aware they disliked this Latino based town.Filling me up with nothing but fuming flames ready to pop. Many racist chants as well as saying from the other teams were usually being said to us 99% of the game. Especially, if we were dominating the game. For example, as part of the soccer team many times I myself would be called “spic” “immigrant” and a “wetback” all false but what can you say when an all Latino team is beating you 4-0 for a county game. I never imagined to be facing something like racist chants, I always believed it was a black vs white debate. I was wrong . Racism was a big part in my high school not inside but when telling people where I was from or arriving to an opposing teams home field and realizing they were playing Dover. My senior year at a basketball game away racist chants were burst out by the opposing team and nothing was done about it. An apology at the end of the day is meaningless at this point in our life. 2019 and we forget how far we have come. Comments stand no where near the reactions of strangers outside of town when you would tell them where you were from. For some reason many Americans believe every Latino is a criminal and want nothing to do with life. Stereotypical comments. I have heard them all. Outsiders also tend to believe being hispanic means you’re most likely  from Mexico. So a Dover resident might be asked.’Hey are you Mexican?” And if you are the stereotypical response is to shrug the shoulder and stay quiet. Let me assure you what being hispanic means. Hispanic means you come from either Central or South America. Not Mexico. Good people do exist and in Dover nothing is different. Take me for example. A smart kid focused on school and soccer and from time to time a girl might catch my attention. Whenever I end up with someone of class or with a degree and a conversation is started everything is smooth. Everything until the moment when you get asked “where are you from?” I have had people ask me if Dover is the hood and if I’m a dealer. No. I am not the stereotypical person. The stereotypes about Latinos had to end. Outsiders have casted this spell were Dover from the outside is in reality seen like a hood. Seen as a horrible place to live and if you ask me the percentage of Americans I really have no clue as there might be at least 5 in the whole high school not including people of color, asians etc. One of the reasons for being so confident and passionate about where I’m from is because I know the truth. I know what every single kid in Dover wants to do. As I’ve said before just to make their parents proud but also move away from this toxic energy around it.
                In conclusion, my community has in a way shaped me into the person I have become today. From greating everyone and being polite in which i have been taught to do. My community has also taught me to be yourself, Put yourself out there and dont be afraid of what anyone says. Have you ever heard the phrases, “Do you” and “Be yourself” Ignoring the toxic waste that people want to make you believe just to bring you down and never get anywhere. Those racist chants said to us at our soccer games are all obnoxious and annoying but to me they are said to bring me down. If they hate you, it might be because you are killing it and doing a fantastic job at whatever you set your mind to do. To me orange and black are colors that bring creativity and success into the picture. Dover has made me be strong for my family. Everyone in town relates to me and being able to represent where you have came from is a huge honor. When i see a family of hispanics I imagine the hard work and hours the parents put in just to bring food onto the table. In todays world many of them might not have any family nor free time to rest. Latino people are not criminals. We are hard workers who want the best for the people we love. Despite our circumstances we all manage to be united and block all the nonsense heard in todays world. Being from Dover makes me feel like i had something other schools and towns dont and its the connection with one another. I cant imagine how i would struggle making friends at other schools if i werent to have gone to Dover. I always think about where im from and represent when committing or setting myself up for whatever in plan, good or bad. Known as a negative community i always put into perspective the good comments after I accomplish something. In my perspective, i always give it my all and if i get asked where im from and i know ill receive a weird smirk I smile and let them know Dover is a beautiful town filled with bright people who want the same as you and I. I hold my head up high and appreciate my community. Attending town functions and town ahll meetings are just a few ways I tend to help my town grow and have a better name for itself.
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getseriouser · 6 years
20 THOUGHTS: Super Saturday
RATHER important Saturday coming up. Going to be on for young and old in Mayo, Longman, and at Yarra Park as well 
It’s going to be as big in the Adelaide Hills between Xenophon’s mob and the daughter of the country’s longest running Foreign Minister as it will be between two suburban tribes at the MCG, the reigning premier against one of the very finite group of contenders.
My tip? I reckon Sharkie gets her seat back.
 1.       Yep, the Giants are coming. The Cats dropping games to the likes of the Bulldogs, the Power losing to Freo, Hawthorn losing to Brisbane, all these have given the Giants a fast path up the ladder to ominously now be in the race for the top four where a month ago just making the eight seemed a challenge. They sit half a game off fourth, which is held by the Swans, a team they are definitely better than and they’ll have the chance to frank that when they host the next local derby in a few weeks’ time. The Demons in the last round looks the only real chance for a slip up for the Giants on the way in, so their form into September will be as cherry ripe as any. Big threats.
2.       The midfield quintet of Shiel, Ward, Whitfield, Kelly and Conglio is the best group of five mids in the comp by a street. Remember, this is a team that late in the third term on Preliminary Final day last year was only two kicks off the eventual premier, and had lost Dylan Shiel early in the game to concussion. With Jeremy Cameron back in a week, if they keep this all going as planned, the Tigers wouldn’t be as thrilled to dance to a deep September tune with the orange tsunami again this time round.
3.       Mind you, we’ve been lucky so far given the danger we were warned of years ago, that the Giants or Suns for that matter haven’t saluted on Grand Final day for the scenes post-match would be just weird. No noise from the crowd, no romantic story to fuel emotion, a lap of honour with the cup to a largely empty stadium; yeah let’s avoid that if we can for a little while yet please?
4.       Melbourne. Round 23 last year, then a number of occasions this year, they are a good footy side without the results to back it up. But geez, they are stiff, if nothing but the Geelong losses in themselves – the Dees would be top four with a bullet, the Cats would be on the slide despite their favourite sun returning. Sliding doors much?
5.       Still on the Cats – lucky they are in the eight really. Yes, let’s acknowledge the missed opportunity against the Dogs after the siren, but it’s not clinical for Geelong in 2018. Saturday night Gaz had 31 but Selwood was squeezed out a little, well held, but it seems he is having less influence on matches because of the presence of Ablett. And for mine, if we isolate duos only, Selwood and Dangerfield in the middle looks better than Ablett and Dangerfield, despite the two-time Brownlow medallist’s last term helping get that win no doubt.
6.       Big tick to Travis Boak this week, wearing his old number 10 and not 1 as per the tradition for the captain at Port Adelaide. Why? Boak gave the honour of wearing the 1 at Alberton to cancer sufferer Henry Mickan, who was the nominal captain on the day. Great gesture, well done Boak and the Power, just grouse.
7.       Rising Star watch, yep, Stephenson kicked three for the Pies whilst Ronke didn’t trouble the goalscorers. But Alex Witherden in the narrow loss to the Crows, 31 touches and 12 marks. This form continues and he’ll pip them at the post for mine.
8.       The Swans have lost their midfield. Yes Kennedy had 33 but looks sore, Parker had 29 and kicked two, nice, but after that, what? Jake Lloyd has been industrious all year in the middle but after that it’s mega thin. Heeney has been brilliant but quiet of late, you can’t ask too much off Florent, it’s all looking a bit dire at Sydney.
9.       Their run home too is awful. Of the five games left, right now, you’d have them favourites in maybe two of them, and even those odds would be anything but short. They’ll still win their fair share and all will not be completely lost, but they could so easily lose more than they win and their grasp on a top eight spot could go just like that.
10.   If there’s smoke, there’s fire – mega legend of Australian netball, Sharni Layton, retired from the sport this week, only turned 30 this year, looks destined now for a stint in AFLW. She did play football as a junior, that’s the key, it wouldn’t just be about publicity Usain Bolt Central Coast Mariners-style, but the girl has got the skills and would probably be stellar. Keen to see her have a go if she so wishes.
11.   Quick one on rule changes, I don’t want to be a broken record on this but bloody hell the footy has been good since the bye rounds, leave it alone would you please? Remember when flooding was ruining the game 15 odd years ago, we didn’t legislate the game to eradicate that and who even mentions the word these days? Seriously before the boys got stuck down the cave in Thailand, I hadn’t heard flooding mentioned since watching a Terry Wallace-coached Bulldogs all those years ago.
12.   Unconvinced on where the Pies stack up compared to not just their rivals but also their ladder position but to defeat a decent side in North by 66 points is one thing, to have the ball more (+29) but then win tackles 83-47, bloody hell that’s some discrepancy. As impressive a stat for the Maggies as alarming for the Roos.
13.   Ben Cunnington, who is just a truck, and Jed Anderson had 12 tackles between them, so that’s 35 tackles made by 20 of their teammates. Five of those 20 didn’t register one all day. Whereas the Pies had nine players register five or more.
14.   Port Adelaide had a busy offseason, brought in Rockliff as a free agent, traded for Watts and Motlop, got Thomas and Trengove in as mature-aged recruits for the rookie list. Specifically the first three to be fair, as they are senior-listed players, have they made any real difference? Aside from Motlop’s winning goal in a Showdown, I’d say non grata.
15.   Meanwhile, Essendon, further down the ladder, but all three big recruits are wins for mine. Saad looks great down back, Smith’s amongst their most important mids already, and Stringer will look even better next year, win them a few games off his own boot like he did for the Dogs a few years ago down forward. Just the bad losses holding the Dons’ progress back, lots to like about them but you can’t forget they’ve handed Carlton their only win for the year.
16.   Also, Orazio Fantasia is close to the best small forward in the comp – he plays a full year next year he kicks 50 plus easy.
17.   Ryan Schoenmakers. He may be judged really stringently by the Hawks match committee but gee he looks a rock solid CHF for 2018. 14 touches, 8 marks, two goals on the weekend, 27 years old, a great mark, a reliable set shot, those sorts of big blokes are worth their weight in gold. He’ll probably stay loyal at year’s end if the Hawks don’t secure Tom Lynch but for those other clubs who might be in the race for Lynch and miss or just could use a new target up forward one could do a lot worse.
18.   Hawks play the Cats in Round 21 and that’s probably an early elimination final. Loser will be relying on results and maths whereas the victor is probably safe bar a shocking loss in the final fortnight. Always a big game between those two, this will be another chapter in that story.
19.   As for big games, how we have 1st v 3rd on Saturday afternoon at the MCG not on free to air is awful. Did we notice that Channel Seven, who always had four games a round dropped down to three when there’s no Thursday night or special game to cover? I know we can’t move the game at last minute to prime time, but we are getting the Dogs-Power balltearer from Ballarat Sunday on Seven. Can’t we send that game to Fox Footy and get Seven to take the Tigers-Pies instead the day prior, surely that’s a better result?
20.   And finally this week, Francis Leach. Why? Well its to do with the fact four or five blokes got in a decent shove on the Kardina Park terraces Saturday night. Not good, it is a problem with scuffles in the crowd, not dire but not great, so I’m glad its being picked up and hopefully addressed.
But Francis, heads on to the ABC Sunday morning and cynically said “that’d be a page one, two and three of the Herald Sun for the next three days (if it happened in the A-League), that’s not going to be on the front page the next three days”.
Firstly, the Herald Sun did make it front page the next day, it’s still in the press as of today, and we had fan segregation columns and everything. Sure, not three front pages, it wasn’t Thai boys getting stuck down a cave lets be frank. And yes, the Murdoch press has been unkind to the round ball code over the journey no doubt, but who has the tabloid industry missed, often unfairly, over the journey? Ask any African living in Melbourne at the moment, Francis?
But then too stop worrying about appropriate media coverage when the sport you’re needlessly comparing too, soccer, is pushing an Olympic sprinter as the saviour for the upcoming domestic season, not because he is a genuine onfield talent but because he is a novelty who might put bums on seats that otherwise are attracting cobwebs. That sounds like the exact recipe for a circus. If Kevin Muscat wears a red wig and face paint on the sidelines this season I call Bingo, Gin and Yahtzee.
The narcissistic, precious soccer society needs to stop worrying about Usain Bolt, stop demanding a Royal Commission for the lack of playing time Tim Cahill got in Russia, and stop critiquing whether an incident in a completely different code has been adequately covered by the media and start worrying about getting the world’s most loved sport working in this country again, because right now the way it’s going an unfair and undesirable bit of publicity again on a Tracy Grimshaw program would actually be a good result.
Francis. Take the lemon out of your gob and try and smile. To deflect the real issue onto sorrow into soccer looks as good as your haircut.
(originally published 24 July)
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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25 Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains - A Rainy Day Won't Spoil The Fun!
Looking for Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains?
Despite being known worldwide as The Sunshine State, it rains here in Orlando, especially in the Summer.
And I mean torrential rain. Tropical storm, bucket-down, zero visibility torrential.
But don't worry, there’s plenty of things to do in Orlando when it rains. Come rain or shine, these Orlando attractions offer some great fun things to do in when it's raining. You'll hardly notice the grey skies and rain.
Here's our Top Picks of Things to do in Orlando When it Rains:
1) Hit the Parks and Dance in the Puddles
Who needs blue skies and sunshine? The kids won't care. Just pack a poncho and go splash. Flip flops are perfect for sploshing around in and it's still wonderfully warm.
The parks will be much quieter on a rainy day in Orlando and lines will be a lot less.
Disney Imagineers certainly knew Orlando had rain when they designed the parks. Many attractions are covered or indoors and there's only a handful that close during a downpour.
Dopey doesn't care! Join him and splash in the puddles
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure also have plenty of indoor things to do when it rains.
The only park most people avoid on a rainy day is Animal Kingdom because it's virtually all outdoors. But that can actually be a great park to visit in the rain. The animals love the rain, they won't be heading indoors anytime soon, so make the most of a quiet park and enjoy up close animal encounters without the crowds.
Don't worry about missing that magical parade at Magic Kingdom on a rainy day. A few raindrops never stopped Disney dosing out the magic.
They created the Rainy Day Character Cavalcade especially for visitors who brave the rain in Orlando.
The Rainy Day Cavalcade at Magic Kingdom
Dancers grab their galoshes, a few characters climb into vehicles and the rest splash through the puddles along the parade route as happy as ever. It's always smiles and pure magic at Disney, rain or shine.
So don't worry, there are tons of things to do in Orlando when it rains in the parks.
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2) Don't Just Fly, Soar!
You don't have to stay at ground level in Orlando when it's raining!
iFLY Indoor Skydiving is a state of the art wind tunnel that will give you lots of free-falling fun. It's open to ages 3 and up, so virtually the whole family can join in.
iFLY Indoor Skydiving. Photo ©iFly
Icon Orlando offers panoramic views from 400 feet up in the air in this slow-moving, observatory wheel. This attraction gives perfect views overlooking Orlando and beyond. We went on a rainy day and the view was still pretty good even with the cloud.
If you go on a clear day, you'll be able to see right over to the coast to Kennedy Space Center.
Icon Orlando will give you great views of rainy days in Orlando
3) Indoor Activities in Orlando Where You Can Get Messy
Orlando Paintball - There are 8 indoor and outdoor combat zones, so come rain or shine, you can go get messy. This is Florida's largest facility and they offer both paintball and laser tag.
Paintball World Orlando is another paintball sports complex. The minimum age for players is 10.
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4) When It Rains in Orlando - Catch a Wave!
We might be looking at things to do in Orlando when it rains, but who said anything about staying dry? And just because we're in Central Florida, 60 miles from the nearest beach, doesn't mean you can't catch a wave!
If you've got some cash to splash, Disney's Typhoon Lagoon just happens to have the world's largest outdoor wave pool. Private Surf offers experienced surfers a private session to shoot the curl before the water park opens or after it closes. The session is for up to 25 guests (surfers or spectators) and comes with a price tag starting at $1100.
Private lessons are also available for beginners on select days prior to park hours. Sessions are $165 per person. You can book by calling (407) 939-7529.
5) Get Even Wetter in Orlando When it Rains
Head for one of the amazing Orlando waterparks. You're wet anyway, so what does it matter if it's raining? It's one of the fun things to do in Orlando when it rains. The water parks will be quieter on a rainy day and lines for slides and rides will be shorter. Even when it rains in Orlando it's still hot, so it's a great way to cool down! As long as it's not a storm with lightning, the waterparks stay open.
Do Be Aware: If storms do threaten lightening, your safety will always be the main concern for any of the water parks. If there's a lightening storm within a few miles, they will close some attractions and pools. They will open back up as soon as it's safe enough to do so. You may be instructed to take cover, so make sure you always follow the directions and instructions of lifeguards and park staff.
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6) Make a Dry Escape in Orlando when it rains
Escape games have exploded in Orlando recently. Hugely popular with all ages, it's one of the fun things to do in Orlando when it rains.
There are several escape games in Orlando, so take your pick. Each one offers unique escape games with various themes. Ever tried to break out of prison? Or been involved in a crisis at 1600? Had to find an antidote to save the world? If the answer to all is nope, then this is your chance.
Make an escape one of your things to do in Orlando when it rains. Check out our Guide to Escape Games in Orlando.
7) Yummy Things to do in Orlando When it Rains
Chocolate! The perfect way to brighten any rainy day. And one of the tastiest things to do in Orlando when it rains!
©Chocolate Kingdom Kissimmee is a delicious way to spend a rainy day!
Chocolate Kingdom in Kissimmee offers interactive tours on the hour from 10.30am through 6pm. See how the basic bean transforms into that morsel of delicious delight. There's a branch in Kissimmee and Orlando.
World of Chocolate Museum & Cafe, on International Drive, offers guided museum tours and takes you right back to the origins of chocolate. There are 25 solid chocolate sculptures of world-famous landmarks. Then you reach the tasting room. Mmmmmmm.
Staying with chocolate as one of the many things to do in Orlando when it rains, M&M's World Orlando is a candy filled paradise with over 7000 unique M&M products to chomp your way through.
Fun things to do in Orlando when it rains include dancing with an M&M!!
The Color Mood Analyzer will brighten up any rainy day. NASCAR® fans will love the racing merchandise.
M&M's World is located in Florida Mall, so there's plenty of indoor retail therapy too.
Chase the blues away with an insane shake. Both Planet Hollywood at Disney Springs and Toothsome Chocolate Emporium at Universal Orlando offer super indulgent shakes. These tasty treats are sure to satisfy cravings and chase away any doom and gloom. Or you could take a trip to the most instagrammed restaurants chain in the USA. Sugar Factory on International Drive offer an explosive array of jaw dropping treats.
And we all know calories don't count on vacation, right? Shall we just roll with that?
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8) Get Your Game On with Indoor Activities in Orlando
As if 30 bowling lanes wasn't enough, Splitsville at Disney Springs also offers 5 bars, billiards, live music and excellent food in the full service restaurant and sushi bar. The decor is cool and classic and celebrates the golden age of bowling.
Splitsville at Downtown Disney ©Walt Disney World is great fun for an indoor activity when it's raining
Andretti Indoor Karting & Games have a ton of things to escape rainy days in Orlando.
Electric Karting around hairpin bends and long straitways
Arcade featuring old time classics to life size apps
Sky Trail suspended rope course with curved zip line
7D Dark Ride to take your senses on a thrilling journey
Racing Simulators - train like a pro
Laser Tag - test your skills in this black light battleground
Bowling - boutique upscale bowling lanes
Hologate - Virtual reality with the ultimate in sensory immersion
Dine - Andretti Grill offers a varied menu
Airheads Trampoline Arena offers a gigantic trampoline area for lots of bouncy fun. There are also arcade games. Burn calories for adults and burn energy for kids. What's not to love?
Bouncy fun at AirHeads Orlando ©AirHeads
Dewey's Indoor Golf & Sports Grill is Orlando's premier sports grill and offers a variety of indoor sports simulators. Adults can hone skills on a variety of games and kids can try out new sports. Simulators include golf, soccer, football and hockey. There's also a full service restaurant offering steaks, seafood, burgers, wings and a whole lot more.
Whirly Dome offers something for the whole family. If you've never heard of Whirly Ball before, it's a ball game with competitors driving bumper car style vehicles called Whirly Bugs. No experience or skill is needed and it's great fun for all ages. There's also a Formula One simulator, Laser Tag zone, a Lazer Frenzy Maze, game arcade and bowling. Their latest attraction is the new Bloodhound Brew Pub and Eatery.
WhirlyBall in Orlando ©WhirlyDome
9) Mooch About in a Museum
How about educational things to do in Orlando when it rains? It might sound boring, but its easy to get lost in history and time will fly!
Presidents Hall of Fame was once described by Ronald Reagan as a “true national treasure". This fascinating exhibition in Clermont is jam packed with artificats and memorabilia of US Presidents. There's mini replicas of Mt Rushmore and the Lincoln Memorial and in incredibly details replica of the White House. The White House replica is huge and you can peer into individual rooms decorated to minute detail. The replica has been created by hand by owners John and Jan Zweifel. They have toured the world and also been on display at the Smithsonian.
Orlando Museum of Art is home to a permanent collection of American, African and ancient American art.
Orlando Science Center is so much fun, the kids will hardly notice they are actually learning something! Close up interactions, live demos and lots of exhibits. Florida's largest public refractor telescope is here too in the Crosby Observatory. Exhibit Halls include NatureWorks, DinoDigs, Our Planet, Science park and KidsTown.
Orlando Science Center
Amongst other things, the Morse Museum of American Art in Winter Park is the most comprehensive collection of Tiffany works in the world. Exhibits include pottery, paintings, leaded glass lamps and windows and the designers personal jewelry.
Winter Park is a great place to visit and if the rain stops, stroll around the quaint streets or take the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour when the rain stops.
Although not strictly a museum, Stetson Mansion is the "grandest home ever" built in 1886 by John B Stetson as his winter retreat. Flagler built a private railway to the Estate and Edison installed the electric. There's not many homes can boast that! This private residence offers guided tours through the fully restored home.
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10) Hang Around an Arcade in Orlando when it rains
Dave & Busters is a full service restaurant jam-packed with video games. There's a great selection of good, old-fashioned arcade games, but they specialize in the latest technology too. Keep in mind this isn't a kid's arcade - there are no age restrictions but all kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times. They can't play the games without adult supervision.
11) Go on a Zombie Hunt
Mingling with zombies might not be everyone's idea of fun, but if you're a fan of the Walking Dead or zombie movies, this will be right up your street. After full training, you'll be let loose to hunt zombies and clear the military base of these pesky flesh eating undead.
Where: 7364 International Drive Orlando, FL Web: Zombie Outbreak
12) Indoor Things to Do in Orlando when it Rains - Get Sporty
Grand Prix Orlando This air-conditioned, 70,000 square foot indoor go-cart arena is perfect for rainy days. Take hairpin bends up to 45 miles per hour and it's eco friendly too. Grand Prix Orlando is open to novice and experienced drivers. Adult kart height minimum is 4ft 10in and junior racers must be 4ft or taller.
Orlando Sports Center is a 92,000 square foot state-of-the-art sports complex. There's an 18,000 square foot multipurpose room, 6 basketball courts, 12 volleyball courts and performance training facilities.
Beat the rain and stay cool! Ice Skating in Orlando is great fun. The RDV Ice Den is home to events and competitions, so do check the website schedule for public skating hours. It changes all the time.
Roller Skating is just as much fun. Lets Skate Orlando offers roller skating to energizing music that pops with lighting effects. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
Glow in the dark mini golf at Putting Edge. ©PuttingEdge
Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf is great fun for all the family. Putting Edge has turned down the lights, added music and atmosphere and an explosion of neon color. All ages will love it.
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13) Go on a Hidden Mickey Hunt
Not sure what a Hidden Mickey is? It's an image or silhouette of Mickey Mouse that has been subtly concealed within the design of something in Walt Disney World.
Disney Imagineers have gone to great lengths to build these Hidden Mickeys into rides, restaurants, stores and resorts.
Hidden Mickey at Wilderness Lodge
You can do a hunt yourself, anywhere within Disney. There are books you can buy and apps you can download to help you along.
Disney's Wilderness Lodge provides a ready-made 2 page Hidden Mickey Hunt throughout the complex. Look at walls, floors, furniture, picture frames, displays, paintings, carvings, shelves. Hidden Mickeys could be anywhere and everywhere.Just call at the lobby and ask for the hunt. Disney's Wilderness Lodge is a great resort to explore, the kids and adults will love it.
14) Wear the Kids Out with Indoor Things to do in Orlando When it Rains
©MonkeyJoes offers great indoor activities when it rains
Monkey Joe’s is a soft play area where the kids can climb, slide and bounce about on inflatables or play arcade games. The inflatable play area is suitable for children up to 12 years of age while the Mini Monkey Zone is for toddlers 3 and under.
The kids might not appreciate the cleanliness and safety precautions at Monkey Joe’s, but parents can relax that they are in good hands.
15) Get Out of The Rain and Get Selfies with Celebs
Hanging out with celebs is one of the fun things to do in Orlando when it rains. Be the envy of your friends and relatives with a selfie of you and Taylor Swift. Or Johnny Depp. Or Rihanna, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Abraham Lincoln or good old Walt Disney himself.
A host of famous icons from around the world are poised and ready for you and your camera at the often copied, never bettered Madame Tussauds Orlando.
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16) Discover the Depths When it Rains in Orlando
SeaLife Orlando Walk along a floor to ceiling glass tunnel surrounded by more than 5,000 sea creatures including sharks, stingrays, octopus and ‘awesome dude’ turtles swimming leisurely past. Visit the Interactive Rockpool to touch and learn more about the inhabitants of our shores. Watch the divers feed the wonderful ocean creatures or attend an educational talk by the staff if you wish to know more about our fintastic friends.
17) Weird and Wonderful Indoor Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains
Ever seen a shrunken head? Or a vampire killing kilt? Or a decorated Tibetan skull? You don't know what you're missing. Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium in Orlando is the place to go.
10,000 square feet of weird and kooky to keep all ages amused.
WonderWorks in Orlando is as famous for the zany exterior as it is for the wonders inside. They boast "35,000 square feet of edu-tainment".
There are 6 zones with something for everyone: Natural Disasters, Physical Challenge Zone, Light & Sound Zone, Space Discovery, Imagination Lab and the Far Out Art Gallery. There's also an Indoor Rope Challenge, 4D Simulators and a Lazer Tag Arena.
Skeletons: Animals Unveiled is home to over 400 real animal skeletons. It's a family owned operation and is one of only 2 skeleton museums in the USA. You might find it a little creepy, but your kids will think it's cool!
18) Give Yourself Some Space when it Rains in Orlando
Ok, so heading over to the coast isn't really classed as "things to do in Orlando when it rains" but who's checking 🙂 Space Shuttle Atlantis is on display at the Kennedy Space Center where you can experience ‘the world’s most realistic simulation of a space shuttle launch’.
Lunch with an astronaut and listen to incredible first-hand experiences. Take a seat in the IMAX Theater to view space from the astronaut’s perspective. Journey To Mars: Explorers Wanted is an entertaining educational experience.
So too is the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, the History of Space Exploration and Astronaut Training Experience. For youngsters, there is a Children’s Play Dome where they can let off steam and burn off some energy.
19) Catch a Movie
If watching a movie while chomping burger and fries, washed down by a glass of chilled chardonnay, exotic cocktail or a cool beer is your thing, then Fork & Screen at AMC Disney Springs 24 with its Dine-In Theaters is the place to be.
AMC has 24 screens offering regular movies and Fork & Screens, so there's something to suit everyone. Movies start as early as 11.05am with final showings as late as 10.30pm. Sit back, relax and enjoy. INSIDER TIP: if it happens to be a Tuesday, sign up for AMC Stubb Membership (free) and get $5 movie tickets every Tuesday!
You're in for a treat if you've never been to an IMAX theater. The IMAX Experience on International Drive uses the highest resolution cameras in the world to give you a movie experience like no other. The screen is larger than your field of vision, so you are fully immersed in the movie.
If you're in Universal when it rains, you can catch a movie there too. AMC Universal Cineplex features 20 state of the art screens and an immersive IMAX. There are snacks available and a bar with a full liquor license too.
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20) Buff up on Your History
Titanic the Experience is a museum and attraction rolled into one. Relive the sights and sounds and emotions of the doomed voyage. Become a passenger then find out what happened to your namesake.
Authentic artifacts and period costumes are in abundance throughout full-scale recreations. See the iconic Grand Staircase, First Class Parlor Suite and the Promenade Deck. Educational, moving and interesting. Museum of Military History is dedicated to educating and increasing awareness of the American military experience. It's a tribute to those who served America.
Kissimmee has a deeply rich heritage dating back to Native Americans and early settlers. There are four indoor habitats showcased at the Osceola County Historical Society: Swamplands, pine flatwoods, oak hammock and lakefront. And if the rain stops, you can head outside to explore Pioneer Village and Shingle Creek.
Learn about Orlando & Florida history at the Orange County Regional History Center. Housed in a 1920s courthouse, visitors can journey through 12,000 years of Central Florida history. The kids will love learning about the Indian Settlements and cattle ranches.
21) Unleash Your Inner Artist When it Rains in Orlando
Crayons and clay in the hands of children could be a recipe for disaster but this is positively encouraged at the New Crayola Experience Orlando.
This family bonding creation area has 25 attractions for budding artists to discover the wonder of color and let their imaginations run wild. Creativity and having fun are the all important factors. Who knew you had a Michelangelo in the family?
Pottery Party - If crayon is not your thing, how about choosing a piece of pottery and painting it? Whatever color you like. Then you leave it to be glazed and fired and they'll call when it's ready.
22) Get Sophisticated When it Rains in Orlando
Afternoon Teas are the ultimate in elegance. And one of the most enchanting things to do in Orlando when it rains.
Afternoon Tea at Garden View Tea Room ©Walt Disney World - what an elegant way to spend a rainy day.
Disney's Grand Floridian Resort offer Afternoon Teas at The Garden View Tea Room. They offer packages ranging from The Bedfordshire at $30 per person right up to $150 for The Berkshire Tea for two.
Younger guests aged 3 to 9 can order Mrs Potts Tea for $13 which includes assorted sandwiches, jam tart, house made pastries and "Dark Tea" (chocolate milk to you and I).
Disney's Perfectly Princess Tea for 3 - 9 year olds is a special treat with a host of regal gifts for your princess that will make her eyes sparkle as much as her tiara. Admission for one 3 - 9 year old and one Guest (10+) is $333.64.
You can see full details of all options on the Disney Food Blog.
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23) Spend, Spend, Spend
There's no shortage of retail therapy in Orlando and we have two great indoor malls perfect for a rainy day in Orlando.
Florida Mall is Central Florida's largest mall and attracts over 20 million visitors a year. Plenty on offer for fashion, fun and dining. There are over 250 stores in 1.85 million square feet of retail space.Mall at Millenia is another indoor shopping mecca. With over 1.12 million square feet and 150 stores, there's something for everyone here. Serious shoppers will find a dazzling array of brands. Once you've shopped till you've dropped, stop for a bite to eat, there's plenty on offer.
24) Indulge in a Spa Day
This is one of our favorite indulgent things to do in Orlando when it rains. We all deserve a little me time, right? Enjoy world-class pampering, rejuvenate your senses and recharge those batteries. There are plenty of amazing spa facilities in Orlando.
Blue Harmony Spa Wyndham Grand Orlando ©Wyndham
Blue Harmony Spa at Wyndham Mokara Spa at ChampionsGate Waldorf Astoria Spa Mandara Spa at Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort Walt Disney World Four Season Resort Spa Ritz Carlton Spa Senses Spa at Walt Disney Grand Floridian Mandara Spa at Universal's Loews Portofino Bay
And Finally, Last but Not Least
25) Stay Home, Cozy-Up and Hang Out
After endless days at the parks and lots of activities, you might be feeling a little jaded. Why not use the rain as an excuse to stay home and recharge those batteries? This is the beauty of staying in a vacation home. You have all that space to hang out and lots of things to do in Orlando when it rains in your own vacation home.
All our Orlando vacation homes have lots of board games, plenty books for adults, Disney books for kids and books for all ages. Wii, X-Box and Playstation will keep everyone occupied and in happy mode.
If you're staying in Serendipity, you'll have the hot tub - it's kind of cool sitting in the hot tub in the pouring rain! Stay out of the hot tub and pool if lightening storms are close by.
There's a game rooms too in Serendipity - slate bed pool table, air hockey and foosball. Game on!
All our homes have massive 65 inch or 70 inch HDTV's in the main living areas. Lots of DVDs provided and complimentary Netflix too, so you can all snuggle up together and watch a Disney classic.
You know you can never see Frozen too many times! It would take you almost 20 hours to watch all the Harry Potter movies back to back! Get the popcorn out.
Hang out and enjoy indoor things to do in Orlando
The kitchens in our vacation homes are wonderfully stocked, so why not bake some cookies? That wafting aroma will cheer everyone up a treat. Or try one of our great Southern Recipes in our recipe binder.
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So there you have 25 Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains - have you got any other ideas to add? We'd love to hear your comments below.
Orlando Weather
Did you know Orlando gets 14.4 more inches of rain than the national average? That's 36% more! Florida is the 5th wettest State in the USA.
Who knew!
But all is not lost. Just look at the temperatures in Orlando - it certainly makes up for a few spots of rain.
Thankfully the rain in Orlando is usually a quick downpour that doesn't last long. It's pretty much like clockwork in the afternoons. And the heat dries everything so quickly, you'll hardly even notice.
You'll learn to love the rain in Orlando. It brings cloud to give us a break from the intense sun and it lowers humidity. And the rain clouds form the backdrop for some pretty spectacular sunsets.
Sometimes the rain is in for the whole day. No need to pack all-weather gear though. All our Orlando vacation rental homes provide plenty of poncho's, so you're good to go.
If you really don't want to splash in puddles and dance in the rain, then the driest months are during the winter. Come visit Orlando in the drier months of mid October, November, December, March or April. June and July are the two wettest months and the rainy season generally runs late May to mid October. Check out the weather in Orlando for full details.
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 BMW X3 xDriveM40i – Beauty and Sportiness
One in three BMWs sold worldwide these days is an SUV, with most of them being manufactured in Spartanburg, but if there is one model that will make a huge impact on BMW’s future sales will be the all-new 2018 BMW X3. Given that BMW has sold over 1.5 million X3s over the first two editions and 14 years, the G01 X3 has some big shoes to fill but judging by our experience in Portugal with the new SUV, the road to success is clearly defined.
And the success story of the new X3 starts with its exterior design, arguably the best SUV design so far by BMW. For 2018, the X3 is all new, featuring a completely new design language, all-new interior, a new chassis, new engines and technology.  All of the elements of BMW’s new design language are there but there’s some additional aggression that some of its other cars don’t have. But it’s still very distinctly an X3. For instance, the way the shoulder line kicks upward toward the Hofmeister Kink is classic X3.
However, the Hofmeister itself is different and looks more aggressive. The now-traditional BMW Air Breather behind the front wheel arch is also angrier than on most BMWs and creates a body line down the side of the car. It’s just far more muscular looking than the outgoing X3.
At the front, it’s nice to see BMW ditch the connected headlights/kidney grilles, a move that works well on the new X3. Out back, BMW refreshed the taillights quite a bit and they now more prominently feature BMW’s traditional “L” shape.
The interior of the all-new BMW X3 follows BMW tradition with its driver-focused and ergonomically optimized cockpit layout and carries over many aspects of the car’s exterior design. For instance, hexagonal forms and precise, sloping edges also play a central role in the interior. The interior as a whole displays exceptional material quality, fit, and finish, with carefully thought ergonomics. One example here is the storage concept, which offers more storage space than ever before and ensures it is easier to access.
The design is just part of the new X3 story. Just as important as its looks are the updates to the chassis and powertrain. Under the skin lies a variant of BMW’s new scalable lightweight architecture. The new X3 is lighter than before, stiffer than before and still maintains its perfect 50/50 weight distribution. There’s also the latest version of BMW’s intelligent xDrive all-wheel drive system.
According to BMW, it can get from 0-60 mph in 4.6 seconds, making it the fastest car in its class.
Despite using the same double-joint, spring/strut front axle and a five-link rear suspension setup, BMW claims the new X3 will be far more dynamic than before. A lot of it has to do with the better chassis and steering but BMW also claims it has to do with the reduction in unsprung mass. Aluminum swivel bearings and lighter tubular anti-roll bars make it feel lighter on its feet and more agile. It also has improved axle kinematics and a revised electric power steering.
The X3’s overall weight is up to 55kg lighter depending on the model.
BMW X3 xDrive M40i
The top dog in the new X3 lineup is the xDrive M40i, a model tuned and refined by the BMW M Performance Automobile division. Under its hood lies a variant of BMW’s B58 3.0 liter turbocharged I6 engine, similar to what’s in the BMW M240i. However, where the M240i has 335 hp and 369 lb-ft of torque, the X3 M40i gets 355 hp and the same amount of torque. It’s paired with BMW’s ZF-sourced, sport-tuned eight-speed automatic transmission and a more performance oriented xDrive system. The all-wheel-drive system gets a lighter rear differential, updated transfer case and more rear torque bias.
According to BMW, it can get from 0-60 mph in 4.6 seconds, making it the fastest car in its class.
Stiffer suspension and more sport tuned damping, along with bigger M Sport brakes, make the X3 M40i handle and stop as well as it goes. The aerodynamics have also been improved, thanks to a sportier front-end and sleeker roofline – 0.33 drag coefficient compared to the 0.36 in the current model.
Therefore, to really test if the X3 M40i is as exciting in real life as it sounds on paper, BMW gave us the keys to a Long Beach Blue M40i to roam around the twisty roads of Sintra, south of Lisbon, Portugal. Our approach with all-new BMWs is to quickly switch the car to its most dynamic mode, in this case, the Sport Plus. Thanks to the adaptive suspension, the highest driving dynamics offered in this model are immediately noticeable, from the revved up engine to the quicker power delivery, and to the stiffer, heavier and livelier steering wheel.
The ZF 8-Speed also changes its character so now you get to enjoy quicker shifts with that kickback that’s known from other BMWs as well. Of course, you can choose to let the car do the shifting for you or you can use the shift paddles on the steering wheel.
Luckily the beautiful Portuguese roads don’t suffer from the same traffic syndromes as in New York or Los Angeles, therefore, the open and curvy roads invite you to properly test a sporty car like the X3 M40i. Going slightly a higher speeds than usual, the new X3 reveals some exciting characteristics, even when compared to its brother, the X4 M40i, which of course, still rides on the previous generation chassis and engine. The turn in response is sharp with extremely minimal body lean and lots of grip.
The M Performance Exhaust system is another winner in the X3 M40i, with a deep, growling sound
The turbo lag is also minimal and as soon as torque kicks in, the car pushed forward with ease, and quickly rises to 60 mph, or past that. At the same time, the beefier M Performance brakes quickly and promptly stop the powerful SUV.
Compared to the non-M X3s, the spring rates are 5 percent stiffer up front and 8 percent stiffer at the rear, and that could be immediately be felt. Especially since we had the chance to drive back-to-back another X3 – the X3 xDrive30d.
Of course, the Sport Plus mode might not be for everyone, considering that the sportier ride comes with trade-offs like a bumpier experience and a noisier cabin. The M Performance Exhaust system is another winner in the X3 M40i, with a deep, growling sound. Engineers told us that the engine was tuned to misfire one cylinder to make the proper growling sound.
Yet those looking for a proper kids hauling machine will have a choice as well. The Comfort mode is made for those busy traffic days and daily commutes, where a calmer ride is the preferred choice. The relaxed suspension does a great job at absorbing potholes – little to none in Portugal – and the impurities of backroads. The steering wheel becomes looser which will make many soccer parents happy. Cue in the adaptive cruise control and you’re getting the perfect driving companion on our busy American highways.
For those that love M or M-derived cars, the X3 M40i might be the best BMW SUV you could buy today. Sure, the X5 M and X6 M are pure beasts and track contenders, but the hefty price and size might not be for everyone. Just like all other M Performance Automobiles, the new G01 2018 BMW X3 is aa vehicle that does not compromise everyday performance in the pursuit of performance and dynamism.
The top X3 model also gives us hopes for the open secret in Munich – the upcoming X3 M – which should be in a class of its own with a lot of followers.
The 2018 BMW X3 xDriveM40i arrives in the U.S. next month with a base price of $55,295 and in Germany at 66,300 euros.
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raystart · 7 years
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Fatherhood Forces a Selfish Creative to Grow Up
A friend called the other day. His partner is expecting their first child within the week. Two years ago they were living in a yurt. Now they’ve got wish lists of baby shower gifts on all the major e-commerce sites.
“I’m cranking on projects as fast as possible and remodeling the basement and replanting the yard,” he said, a little breathless, like a guy on too much Adderall.  “But, really, I can’t wait! I’m super excited.”
I’ve never had an expectant parent tell me they were scared to death and kind of resentful, or worried that their entire way of being was about to change, or that their career as an artist/writer/musician/creativist was about to nose dive into a lumpy sea of incredibly malodorous baby poop…at least not within the first two paragraphs of a conversation.
This time it took about three minutes. My friend is 35. Because parenthood is a place that you can’t quite begin to imagine before you’ve found yourself marooned there (no matter how many books you’ve read), the only thing he really understood at this point about the coming years of self-sacrifice was the specter of sleep deprivation.
“I need a clear head to work,” he bemoaned. “There’s a certain flow to my day. How am I supposed to get anything done? What have I gotten myself into?”
Like many an aspiring artist before me, I entered the writing game, in part, because I fancied myself capable of making some kind of mark on the world. I started working at my craft with serious intent beginning around 11thgrade.
Later I followed my muse through the seamy underground milieu that became my journalistic beat—sometimes I pictured her as one of my idols, the anthropologist Margaret Meade, updated for the task with black jeans and Dr. Martens, a stainless steel throwing knife strapped to her ankle. I lived with a crack gang in LA, hung out with pitbull fighting middle schoolers in the ghetto of North Philadelphia—the most disappointing of the dogs were hung with electrical wiring from rafters of abandoned houses. I embedded with the Animal Liberation Front on a raid of a federal research facility—29 cats and seven miniature African piglets were saved that night. I lived inside a refugee camp in Gaza during the early days of the Palestinian Intifada. I even risked a days-old marriage engagement to my future ex-wife with an assignment at a swinger’s convention on the Gulf coast of Florida. I shall never forget one husband from Alabama, his greenish teeth: You gonna get with my wife, ain’t cha?
By the time I was 35, I felt like I was beginning to make some progress—the work I’d produced was the evidence, little darlings that had come alive and could speak for themselves.
When the idea of actual children came up, however, I was pretty militant: I believed I had a higher calling on this mortal sphere than mere parenthood– which, after all, is something anyone who is physically able can do. I wanted a quest, not an heir. To devote so much time and effort to the vain purpose of reproducing myself seemed a waste of my talent. I was, after all, the great river of Mike. I had a turbine to spin. Work to produce. A legacy to leave. To waste one drop of energy on such a mundane pursuit as child rearing seemed unthinkable.
That scene in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Where Paul (George Peppard) goes with Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) into the New York Public Library and takes out is own book? And she makes him sign it?
I could have died happy right there.
After no small amount of drama, I learned that nature takes its course, despite one’s grander plans. I might have considered myself an artist, but I was still human. My wife wanted a kid. I wanted my wife. I suppose that’s nature’s plan.
Going into fatherhood at 37, I remember being super excited—furiously baby-proofing the outlets and toilet seats, adding gates on the antique hand-tooled staircase, upgrading the master bathroom, equipping the whole house, upstairs and down, with air conditioners against the impending summer of high pregnancy.
I also remember being deeply fearful that I’d inalterably screw up this human life I’d so selfishly created. Or this human life I’d so selfishly created would inalterably screw up the artistic life I’d so selfishly created for myself.
At the time, I had some understanding of the sacrifices that were about to be made as I entered parenthood. I knew there would be no more staying up to all hours partying or reading, sleeping until the early afternoon. No more bragging about how, as a self-employed creative, I owned every hour of every day and nobody owned me. No more spontaneous smoky salons, full of deviant artistic types, taking place in my dining room. No more unplugging the clock, no more ignoring the needs of others, no more onanistic pursuit of the creative brass ring.
No more pandering to the spoiled and ill-behaved bon vivant who represented my inner creative.
For fifteen years, my talent had been my child. And there was nothing I wouldn’t give to him, do for him, sacrifice for him.
And believe me, he could be a crazy little fucker.
The first night we brought home my son from the hospital, we put him to sleep between us in the bed. Exhausted, my now-ex fell asleep immediately. I lay there wide awake, afraid I would roll over and crush him. As the hours wore on, I noticed my kid had a stuffy nose—kind of like both sides of the family, we’re all allergic. I stayed up all night, watching his chest move up and down, terrified he would stop breathing.
Over the next months and years of my fatherhood, the selfish creative inside of me was forced to grow up, though not without a fight. We don’t need to go into all the sordid details—let’s just say I was left with enough material to write a novel called Deviant Behavior, which I like to think of as a memoir of male post-partem depression.
But as time passed, and I realized exactly how much this kid needed me—and how rewarding, in the most elemental way, time with him could be—my creative self managed to mature and become a mensch, which is a Yiddish word that means, in a nutshell, “a person who does the right thing.” There was a new baby in the house. Everyone else had to grow up.
And so it was that I began to keep regular hours. I would stop work every so often to take a baby break, often interrupt my work entirely because some super-important errand had to be run (one of my crucial designated duties). Over the next two decades, hours of perfectly good creative time were spent sitting in doctor’s offices, on the floor playing with toys, on the couch watching Pokemon, in tiny chairs and then bigger chairs in school classrooms, on buses going to fieldtrips, in godawful bleachers, in a car driving back and forth from college.
Along the way, I learned that the mighty river of Mike could be diverted and that more tributaries could be formed, additional turbines supported. The old maxim about getting more done when you have more  to do? I had a kid to help raise. Soccer and basketball teams to coach. Carpet wrestling to engage in. Homework to supervise. Ice cream to dip. Story time. Jump shot. Junior Prom. The Talk. Driving lessons.
Oh, and my career.
I have a photo on the wall of my office bathroom, one of my favorite hero shots—a selfie I took in a motel room in central California at six or seven in the morning. I was with my son at a basketball tournament. He’d played two games the evening before and was still asleep. I had a column due Monday morning. I wheeled the desk chair into the bathroom. The counter made a decent desk. The photo records the moment, the hero in a true life setting, daddy getting it done.
My son is 23 now. My services as a father are still needed, most often via text; we do on occasion collaborate on projects as colleagues, though that’s a piece for a different day. Sometimes, looking back on the years of his childhood—the early mornings, the school projects, the usual family sturm und drang—I wonder how I ever got anything done, much less managed to create some lasting pieces, and, yes, to make a small mark. Sometimes I also think about the way my son’s life changed the course of my career entirely. Because my son needed me, and because I wanted to be there for him, I made different choices, I stayed close to home and kept my travels to a minimum.
But I also know, without a doubt, that of all the stories I’ve done, of all the places I’ve gone and the people I’ve met, nothing has taught me as much as fatherhood. 
Because raising a child is the ultimate creative act.
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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25 Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains - A Rainy Day Won't Spoil The Fun!
Looking for Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains?
Despite being known worldwide as The Sunshine State, it rains here in Orlando, especially in the Summer.
And I mean torrential rain. Tropical storm, bucket-down, zero visibility torrential.
But don't worry, there’s plenty of things to do in Orlando when it rains. Come rain or shine, these Orlando attractions offer some great fun things to do in when it's raining. You'll hardly notice the grey skies and rain.
Here's our Top Picks of Things to do in Orlando When it Rains:
1) Hit the Parks and Dance in the Puddles
Who needs blue skies and sunshine? The kids won't care. Just pack a poncho and go splash. Flip flops are perfect for sploshing around in and it's still wonderfully warm.
The parks will be much quieter on a rainy day in Orlando and lines will be a lot less.
Disney Imagineers certainly knew Orlando had rain when they designed the parks. Many attractions are covered or indoors and there's only a handful that close during a downpour.
Dopey doesn't care! Join him and splash in the puddles
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure also have plenty of indoor things to do when it rains.
The only park most people avoid on a rainy day is Animal Kingdom because it's virtually all outdoors. But that can actually be a great park to visit in the rain. The animals love the rain, they won't be heading indoors anytime soon, so make the most of a quiet park and enjoy up close animal encounters without the crowds.
Don't worry about missing that magical parade at Magic Kingdom on a rainy day. A few raindrops never stopped Disney dosing out the magic.
They created the Rainy Day Character Cavalcade especially for visitors who brave the rain in Orlando.
The Rainy Day Cavalcade at Magic Kingdom
Dancers grab their galoshes, a few characters climb into vehicles and the rest splash through the puddles along the parade route as happy as ever. It's always smiles and pure magic at Disney, rain or shine.
So don't worry, there are tons of things to do in Orlando when it rains in the parks.
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2) Don't Just Fly, Soar!
You don't have to stay at ground level in Orlando when it's raining!
iFLY Indoor Skydiving is a state of the art wind tunnel that will give you lots of free-falling fun. It's open to ages 3 and up, so virtually the whole family can join in.
iFLY Indoor Skydiving. Photo ©iFly
Icon Orlando offers panoramic views from 400 feet up in the air in this slow-moving, observatory wheel. This attraction gives perfect views overlooking Orlando and beyond. We went on a rainy day and the view was still pretty good even with the cloud.
If you go on a clear day, you'll be able to see right over to the coast to Kennedy Space Center.
Icon Orlando will give you great views of rainy days in Orlando
3) Indoor Activities in Orlando Where You Can Get Messy
Orlando Paintball - There are 8 indoor and outdoor combat zones, so come rain or shine, you can go get messy. This is Florida's largest facility and they offer both paintball and laser tag.
Paintball World Orlando is another paintball sports complex. The minimum age for players is 10.
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4) When It Rains in Orlando - Catch a Wave!
We might be looking at things to do in Orlando when it rains, but who said anything about staying dry? And just because we're in Central Florida, 60 miles from the nearest beach, doesn't mean you can't catch a wave!
If you've got some cash to splash, Disney's Typhoon Lagoon just happens to have the world's largest outdoor wave pool. Private Surf offers experienced surfers a private session to shoot the curl before the water park opens or after it closes. The session is for up to 25 guests (surfers or spectators) and comes with a price tag starting at $1100.
Private lessons are also available for beginners on select days prior to park hours. Sessions are $165 per person. You can book by calling (407) 939-7529.
5) Get Even Wetter in Orlando When it Rains
Head for one of the amazing Orlando waterparks. You're wet anyway, so what does it matter if it's raining? It's one of the fun things to do in Orlando when it rains. The water parks will be quieter on a rainy day and lines for slides and rides will be shorter. Even when it rains in Orlando it's still hot, so it's a great way to cool down! As long as it's not a storm with lightning, the waterparks stay open.
Do Be Aware: If storms do threaten lightening, your safety will always be the main concern for any of the water parks. If there's a lightening storm within a few miles, they will close some attractions and pools. They will open back up as soon as it's safe enough to do so. You may be instructed to take cover, so make sure you always follow the directions and instructions of lifeguards and park staff.
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6) Make a Dry Escape in Orlando when it rains
Escape games have exploded in Orlando recently. Hugely popular with all ages, it's one of the fun things to do in Orlando when it rains.
There are several escape games in Orlando, so take your pick. Each one offers unique escape games with various themes. Ever tried to break out of prison? Or been involved in a crisis at 1600? Had to find an antidote to save the world? If the answer to all is nope, then this is your chance.
Make an escape one of your things to do in Orlando when it rains. Check out our Guide to Escape Games in Orlando.
7) Yummy Things to do in Orlando When it Rains
Chocolate! The perfect way to brighten any rainy day. And one of the tastiest things to do in Orlando when it rains!
©Chocolate Kingdom Kissimmee is a delicious way to spend a rainy day!
Chocolate Kingdom in Kissimmee offers interactive tours on the hour from 10.30am through 6pm. See how the basic bean transforms into that morsel of delicious delight. There's a branch in Kissimmee and Orlando.
World of Chocolate Museum & Cafe, on International Drive, offers guided museum tours and takes you right back to the origins of chocolate. There are 25 solid chocolate sculptures of world-famous landmarks. Then you reach the tasting room. Mmmmmmm.
Staying with chocolate as one of the many things to do in Orlando when it rains, M&M's World Orlando is a candy filled paradise with over 7000 unique M&M products to chomp your way through.
Fun things to do in Orlando when it rains include dancing with an M&M!!
The Color Mood Analyzer will brighten up any rainy day. NASCAR® fans will love the racing merchandise.
M&M's World is located in Florida Mall, so there's plenty of indoor retail therapy too.
Chase the blues away with an insane shake. Both Planet Hollywood at Disney Springs and Toothsome Chocolate Emporium at Universal Orlando offer super indulgent shakes. These tasty treats are sure to satisfy cravings and chase away any doom and gloom. Or you could take a trip to the most instagrammed restaurants chain in the USA. Sugar Factory on International Drive offer an explosive array of jaw dropping treats.
And we all know calories don't count on vacation, right? Shall we just roll with that?
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8) Get Your Game On with Indoor Activities in Orlando
As if 30 bowling lanes wasn't enough, Splitsville at Disney Springs also offers 5 bars, billiards, live music and excellent food in the full service restaurant and sushi bar. The decor is cool and classic and celebrates the golden age of bowling.
Splitsville at Downtown Disney ©Walt Disney World is great fun for an indoor activity when it's raining
Andretti Indoor Karting & Games have a ton of things to escape rainy days in Orlando.
Electric Karting around hairpin bends and long straitways
Arcade featuring old time classics to life size apps
Sky Trail suspended rope course with curved zip line
7D Dark Ride to take your senses on a thrilling journey
Racing Simulators - train like a pro
Laser Tag - test your skills in this black light battleground
Bowling - boutique upscale bowling lanes
Hologate - Virtual reality with the ultimate in sensory immersion
Dine - Andretti Grill offers a varied menu
Airheads Trampoline Arena offers a gigantic trampoline area for lots of bouncy fun. There are also arcade games. Burn calories for adults and burn energy for kids. What's not to love?
Bouncy fun at AirHeads Orlando ©AirHeads
Dewey's Indoor Golf & Sports Grill is Orlando's premier sports grill and offers a variety of indoor sports simulators. Adults can hone skills on a variety of games and kids can try out new sports. Simulators include golf, soccer, football and hockey. There's also a full service restaurant offering steaks, seafood, burgers, wings and a whole lot more.
Whirly Dome offers something for the whole family. If you've never heard of Whirly Ball before, it's a ball game with competitors driving bumper car style vehicles called Whirly Bugs. No experience or skill is needed and it's great fun for all ages. There's also a Formula One simulator, Laser Tag zone, a Lazer Frenzy Maze, game arcade and bowling. Their latest attraction is the new Bloodhound Brew Pub and Eatery.
WhirlyBall in Orlando ©WhirlyDome
9) Mooch About in a Museum
How about educational things to do in Orlando when it rains? It might sound boring, but its easy to get lost in history and time will fly!
Presidents Hall of Fame was once described by Ronald Reagan as a “true national treasure". This fascinating exhibition in Clermont is jam packed with artificats and memorabilia of US Presidents. There's mini replicas of Mt Rushmore and the Lincoln Memorial and in incredibly details replica of the White House. The White House replica is huge and you can peer into individual rooms decorated to minute detail. The replica has been created by hand by owners John and Jan Zweifel. They have toured the world and also been on display at the Smithsonian.
Orlando Museum of Art is home to a permanent collection of American, African and ancient American art.
Orlando Science Center is so much fun, the kids will hardly notice they are actually learning something! Close up interactions, live demos and lots of exhibits. Florida's largest public refractor telescope is here too in the Crosby Observatory. Exhibit Halls include NatureWorks, DinoDigs, Our Planet, Science park and KidsTown.
Orlando Science Center
Amongst other things, the Morse Museum of American Art in Winter Park is the most comprehensive collection of Tiffany works in the world. Exhibits include pottery, paintings, leaded glass lamps and windows and the designers personal jewelry.
Winter Park is a great place to visit and if the rain stops, stroll around the quaint streets or take the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour when the rain stops.
Although not strictly a museum, Stetson Mansion is the "grandest home ever" built in 1886 by John B Stetson as his winter retreat. Flagler built a private railway to the Estate and Edison installed the electric. There's not many homes can boast that! This private residence offers guided tours through the fully restored home.
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10) Hang Around an Arcade in Orlando when it rains
Dave & Busters is a full service restaurant jam-packed with video games. There's a great selection of good, old-fashioned arcade games, but they specialize in the latest technology too. Keep in mind this isn't a kid's arcade - there are no age restrictions but all kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times. They can't play the games without adult supervision.
11) Go on a Zombie Hunt
Mingling with zombies might not be everyone's idea of fun, but if you're a fan of the Walking Dead or zombie movies, this will be right up your street. After full training, you'll be let loose to hunt zombies and clear the military base of these pesky flesh eating undead.
Where: 7364 International Drive Orlando, FL Web: Zombie Outbreak
12) Indoor Things to Do in Orlando when it Rains - Get Sporty
Grand Prix Orlando This air-conditioned, 70,000 square foot indoor go-cart arena is perfect for rainy days. Take hairpin bends up to 45 miles per hour and it's eco friendly too. Grand Prix Orlando is open to novice and experienced drivers. Adult kart height minimum is 4ft 10in and junior racers must be 4ft or taller.
Orlando Sports Center is a 92,000 square foot state-of-the-art sports complex. There's an 18,000 square foot multipurpose room, 6 basketball courts, 12 volleyball courts and performance training facilities.
Beat the rain and stay cool! Ice Skating in Orlando is great fun. The RDV Ice Den is home to events and competitions, so do check the website schedule for public skating hours. It changes all the time.
Roller Skating is just as much fun. Lets Skate Orlando offers roller skating to energizing music that pops with lighting effects. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
Glow in the dark mini golf at Putting Edge. ©PuttingEdge
Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf is great fun for all the family. Putting Edge has turned down the lights, added music and atmosphere and an explosion of neon color. All ages will love it.
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13) Go on a Hidden Mickey Hunt
Not sure what a Hidden Mickey is? It's an image or silhouette of Mickey Mouse that has been subtly concealed within the design of something in Walt Disney World.
Disney Imagineers have gone to great lengths to build these Hidden Mickeys into rides, restaurants, stores and resorts.
Hidden Mickey at Wilderness Lodge
You can do a hunt yourself, anywhere within Disney. There are books you can buy and apps you can download to help you along.
Disney's Wilderness Lodge provides a ready-made 2 page Hidden Mickey Hunt throughout the complex. Look at walls, floors, furniture, picture frames, displays, paintings, carvings, shelves. Hidden Mickeys could be anywhere and everywhere.Just call at the lobby and ask for the hunt. Disney's Wilderness Lodge is a great resort to explore, the kids and adults will love it.
14) Wear the Kids Out with Indoor Things to do in Orlando When it Rains
©MonkeyJoes offers great indoor activities when it rains
Monkey Joe’s is a soft play area where the kids can climb, slide and bounce about on inflatables or play arcade games. The inflatable play area is suitable for children up to 12 years of age while the Mini Monkey Zone is for toddlers 3 and under.
The kids might not appreciate the cleanliness and safety precautions at Monkey Joe’s, but parents can relax that they are in good hands.
15) Get Out of The Rain and Get Selfies with Celebs
Hanging out with celebs is one of the fun things to do in Orlando when it rains. Be the envy of your friends and relatives with a selfie of you and Taylor Swift. Or Johnny Depp. Or Rihanna, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Abraham Lincoln or good old Walt Disney himself.
A host of famous icons from around the world are poised and ready for you and your camera at the often copied, never bettered Madame Tussauds Orlando.
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16) Discover the Depths When it Rains in Orlando
SeaLife Orlando Walk along a floor to ceiling glass tunnel surrounded by more than 5,000 sea creatures including sharks, stingrays, octopus and ‘awesome dude’ turtles swimming leisurely past. Visit the Interactive Rockpool to touch and learn more about the inhabitants of our shores. Watch the divers feed the wonderful ocean creatures or attend an educational talk by the staff if you wish to know more about our fintastic friends.
17) Weird and Wonderful Indoor Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains
Ever seen a shrunken head? Or a vampire killing kilt? Or a decorated Tibetan skull? You don't know what you're missing. Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium in Orlando is the place to go.
10,000 square feet of weird and kooky to keep all ages amused.
WonderWorks in Orlando is as famous for the zany exterior as it is for the wonders inside. They boast "35,000 square feet of edu-tainment".
There are 6 zones with something for everyone: Natural Disasters, Physical Challenge Zone, Light & Sound Zone, Space Discovery, Imagination Lab and the Far Out Art Gallery. There's also an Indoor Rope Challenge, 4D Simulators and a Lazer Tag Arena.
Skeletons: Animals Unveiled is home to over 400 real animal skeletons. It's a family owned operation and is one of only 2 skeleton museums in the USA. You might find it a little creepy, but your kids will think it's cool!
18) Give Yourself Some Space when it Rains in Orlando
Ok, so heading over to the coast isn't really classed as "things to do in Orlando when it rains" but who's checking 🙂 Space Shuttle Atlantis is on display at the Kennedy Space Center where you can experience ‘the world’s most realistic simulation of a space shuttle launch’.
Lunch with an astronaut and listen to incredible first-hand experiences. Take a seat in the IMAX Theater to view space from the astronaut’s perspective. Journey To Mars: Explorers Wanted is an entertaining educational experience.
So too is the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, the History of Space Exploration and Astronaut Training Experience. For youngsters, there is a Children’s Play Dome where they can let off steam and burn off some energy.
19) Catch a Movie
If watching a movie while chomping burger and fries, washed down by a glass of chilled chardonnay, exotic cocktail or a cool beer is your thing, then Fork & Screen at AMC Disney Springs 24 with its Dine-In Theaters is the place to be.
AMC has 24 screens offering regular movies and Fork & Screens, so there's something to suit everyone. Movies start as early as 11.05am with final showings as late as 10.30pm. Sit back, relax and enjoy. INSIDER TIP: if it happens to be a Tuesday, sign up for AMC Stubb Membership (free) and get $5 movie tickets every Tuesday!
You're in for a treat if you've never been to an IMAX theater. The IMAX Experience on International Drive uses the highest resolution cameras in the world to give you a movie experience like no other. The screen is larger than your field of vision, so you are fully immersed in the movie.
If you're in Universal when it rains, you can catch a movie there too. AMC Universal Cineplex features 20 state of the art screens and an immersive IMAX. There are snacks available and a bar with a full liquor license too.
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20) Buff up on Your History
Titanic the Experience is a museum and attraction rolled into one. Relive the sights and sounds and emotions of the doomed voyage. Become a passenger then find out what happened to your namesake.
Authentic artifacts and period costumes are in abundance throughout full-scale recreations. See the iconic Grand Staircase, First Class Parlor Suite and the Promenade Deck. Educational, moving and interesting. Museum of Military History is dedicated to educating and increasing awareness of the American military experience. It's a tribute to those who served America.
Kissimmee has a deeply rich heritage dating back to Native Americans and early settlers. There are four indoor habitats showcased at the Osceola County Historical Society: Swamplands, pine flatwoods, oak hammock and lakefront. And if the rain stops, you can head outside to explore Pioneer Village and Shingle Creek.
Learn about Orlando & Florida history at the Orange County Regional History Center. Housed in a 1920s courthouse, visitors can journey through 12,000 years of Central Florida history. The kids will love learning about the Indian Settlements and cattle ranches.
21) Unleash Your Inner Artist When it Rains in Orlando
Crayons and clay in the hands of children could be a recipe for disaster but this is positively encouraged at the New Crayola Experience Orlando.
This family bonding creation area has 25 attractions for budding artists to discover the wonder of color and let their imaginations run wild. Creativity and having fun are the all important factors. Who knew you had a Michelangelo in the family?
Pottery Party - If crayon is not your thing, how about choosing a piece of pottery and painting it? Whatever color you like. Then you leave it to be glazed and fired and they'll call when it's ready.
22) Get Sophisticated When it Rains in Orlando
Afternoon Teas are the ultimate in elegance. And one of the most enchanting things to do in Orlando when it rains.
Afternoon Tea at Garden View Tea Room ©Walt Disney World - what an elegant way to spend a rainy day.
Disney's Grand Floridian Resort offer Afternoon Teas at The Garden View Tea Room. They offer packages ranging from The Bedfordshire at $30 per person right up to $150 for The Berkshire Tea for two.
Younger guests aged 3 to 9 can order Mrs Potts Tea for $13 which includes assorted sandwiches, jam tart, house made pastries and "Dark Tea" (chocolate milk to you and I).
Disney's Perfectly Princess Tea for 3 - 9 year olds is a special treat with a host of regal gifts for your princess that will make her eyes sparkle as much as her tiara. Admission for one 3 - 9 year old and one Guest (10+) is $333.64.
You can see full details of all options on the Disney Food Blog.
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23) Spend, Spend, Spend
There's no shortage of retail therapy in Orlando and we have two great indoor malls perfect for a rainy day in Orlando.
Florida Mall is Central Florida's largest mall and attracts over 20 million visitors a year. Plenty on offer for fashion, fun and dining. There are over 250 stores in 1.85 million square feet of retail space.Mall at Millenia is another indoor shopping mecca. With over 1.12 million square feet and 150 stores, there's something for everyone here. Serious shoppers will find a dazzling array of brands. Once you've shopped till you've dropped, stop for a bite to eat, there's plenty on offer.
24) Indulge in a Spa Day
This is one of our favorite indulgent things to do in Orlando when it rains. We all deserve a little me time, right? Enjoy world-class pampering, rejuvenate your senses and recharge those batteries. There are plenty of amazing spa facilities in Orlando.
Blue Harmony Spa Wyndham Grand Orlando ©Wyndham
Blue Harmony Spa at Wyndham Mokara Spa at ChampionsGate Waldorf Astoria Spa Mandara Spa at Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort Walt Disney World Four Season Resort Spa Ritz Carlton Spa Senses Spa at Walt Disney Grand Floridian Mandara Spa at Universal's Loews Portofino Bay
And Finally, Last but Not Least
25) Stay Home, Cozy-Up and Hang Out
After endless days at the parks and lots of activities, you might be feeling a little jaded. Why not use the rain as an excuse to stay home and recharge those batteries? This is the beauty of staying in a vacation home. You have all that space to hang out and lots of things to do in Orlando when it rains in your own vacation home.
All our Orlando vacation homes have lots of board games, plenty books for adults, Disney books for kids and books for all ages. Wii, X-Box and Playstation will keep everyone occupied and in happy mode.
If you're staying in Serendipity, you'll have the hot tub - it's kind of cool sitting in the hot tub in the pouring rain! Stay out of the hot tub and pool if lightening storms are close by.
There's a game rooms too in Serendipity - slate bed pool table, air hockey and foosball. Game on!
All our homes have massive 65 inch or 70 inch HDTV's in the main living areas. Lots of DVDs provided and complimentary Netflix too, so you can all snuggle up together and watch a Disney classic.
You know you can never see Frozen too many times! It would take you almost 20 hours to watch all the Harry Potter movies back to back! Get the popcorn out.
Hang out and enjoy indoor things to do in Orlando
The kitchens in our vacation homes are wonderfully stocked, so why not bake some cookies? That wafting aroma will cheer everyone up a treat. Or try one of our great Southern Recipes in our recipe binder.
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So there you have 25 Things to Do in Orlando When it Rains - have you got any other ideas to add? We'd love to hear your comments below.
Orlando Weather
Did you know Orlando gets 14.4 more inches of rain than the national average? That's 36% more! Florida is the 5th wettest State in the USA.
Who knew!
But all is not lost. Just look at the temperatures in Orlando - it certainly makes up for a few spots of rain.
Thankfully the rain in Orlando is usually a quick downpour that doesn't last long. It's pretty much like clockwork in the afternoons. And the heat dries everything so quickly, you'll hardly even notice.
You'll learn to love the rain in Orlando. It brings cloud to give us a break from the intense sun and it lowers humidity. And the rain clouds form the backdrop for some pretty spectacular sunsets.
Sometimes the rain is in for the whole day. No need to pack all-weather gear though. All our Orlando vacation rental homes provide plenty of poncho's, so you're good to go.
If you really don't want to splash in puddles and dance in the rain, then the driest months are during the winter. Come visit Orlando in the drier months of mid October, November, December, March or April. June and July are the two wettest months and the rainy season generally runs late May to mid October. Check out the weather in Orlando for full details.
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