#you can’t just bow out of the social impact you have on the grand scheme with the hello kitty excuse!!!
yantao-enthusiast · 6 months
sanrio fan red flags: if they refuse to accept cinnamoroll as a boy and a puppy. “to me cinnamoroll will always be a girl bunny idc!!!” :/ imagine misgendering something as precious as cinnamoroll. imagine misgendering, period. what happened to love and friendship and acceptance? apparently we don’t live laugh love when someone doesn’t fit within the binary of what you perceive them as. yes cinna is a fictional character. so imagine this person’s reaction with a real person comes out as trans. just saying.
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bloodroyalsrpg · 6 years
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                                  RABASTAN LESTRANGE
FULL NAME: Rabastan Haverill Lestrange
FACECLAIM: Gaspard Ulliel
DATE OF BIRTH: 10 April 1950
HOGWARTS HOUSE & YEAR: Slytherin 1961 to 1968
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male. He / Him / His.
SEXUALITY / SHIPS / ANTI-SHIPS: Aromantic Bisexual. Much as I should probably put Rabastan/Chemistry here, the fact of the matter is that Rabastan fully expects and accepts the fact that sooner or later some poor pureblood brood mare is going to be thrown at him so that he can do his duty and populate the world with more little Lestranges etc etc etc. So Rabastan/Convenience is the ship to sail. 
OCCUPATION: Socialite (albeit one less keen to be discussed in the gossip columns than his peers). He is an amateur architect and was a professional boxer up until his 25th birthday.
ALLIANCE: Death Eater
POLITICAL VIEWS: Unabashed and volatile purist. Might as well have “Magic is Might” tattooed on his chest.
Hilariously, Rabastan, entirely straight facedly and with the blase of one remarking on the color of the sky, has frequently stated that he’s not biased. However it is often the case that those who feel the need to qualify that they “aren’t prejudiced or anything, but...” tend to be just that. Overall, it’s a spectacular lie, though not a deliberate one and therein betrays the empiricism with which he thinks about the world. In Rabastan’s mind, prejudice has nothing to do with the way he regards “mudbloods, muggles, and blood traitors”, it’s an issue of bald fact and therein are his protests and his vocal purism able to co-exist. Muggles are sub-human. End of story. In the case of one, Rabastan H. Lestrange, arguing that muggles are on the same level as wizards would be as successful as advocating that animals are on the equal standing as humans. Rebuttals that have feelings and build civilizations and cities are pointless; to draw from a exchange once held, “ants can build an anthill, that doesn’t mean they’re not insects.” 
When one has other’d muggles as thoroughly as Rabastan Lestrange has, muggleborns are an unacceptable infringement upon the natural world order. They shouldn’t exist. Certainly, they shouldn’t be inducted into the ranks of wizard-kind with open arms and all acceptance as if they were due a place here. Their blood is tainted and their inclusion in society is a contagion. 
On down the hierarchy...if pureblood are the template, half-blood are a mold with something subtle blemished in it. Unconsciously he’ll attribute any fault and flaw in talent or body with that hereditary dilution. His ideas about half-breed follow similar patterns. He doesn’t approve of werewolves and vampires and other “creatures” being brought into the ranks, and thinks it’s a joke to give them the idea that they have any sway.  
TRUTH.   Rabastan was expected to enter the Ministry after Hogwarts, but rebelled against paternal orders and entered the realm of sporting fights instead. He abruptly retired in 1970, after the death of his mother. 
FALSE RUMOR.  He was supposed to marry Andromeda Black, but was jilted when she eloped with the muggleborn Theodore Tonks.
 TRUTH.  He has an extremely contentious relationship with the Head of the DMLE's Auror Office and has been a prime suspect in several cases though never ones with substantive enough evidence to even warrent a questioning, let alone anything more definitive.
BOGGART: Rodolphus’ corpse.
In the interest of heading off any sentimentalists, it must be emphasized that this has nothing to do with affection or brotherly love. For all that Rabastan frequently can’t stand the old nag (or rather, one of the reasons for why he can’t), younger brother sees elder brother as invincible. Utterly. A frustrating but inescapable constant. A dead Rodolphus means something has gone very very wrong with the world. 
AMORTENTIA: Kindling after the fire's been put out. Air after it just snowed. Expensive perfume.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: At least four detailed personality traits
Much of Rabastan’s perceived fanatical hatred of muggleborns springs from his tendency to be particularly cruel to anything less than pureblood. This is a textbook case of misattribution. Rabastan is cruel. Period. The fact that channeling his considerable penchant for ruthlessness into the offensive against "mudbloods and muggles" is more productive in the grand scheme of his ultimate goals is just convenient happenstance. One need look no further than his hard handling of Alecto Carrow to see that, when given license, Rabastan's brutality is enthusiastic and undiscerning. He naturally favors violence as a course over any other and while he knows that blood and pain isn’t always the best option he stands by the position that it’s always the fastest option.  
Beneath the brittle veneer of gentility bred into him by generations of self-proclaimed aristocrats, Rabastan is all sound and fury. As a Death Eater, he is a force of nature. Titanic boundless emotion and unashamed to show as much. With violence as his domain to control, it'd be simple to assume reckless, berserker rage on his end when it comes to fighting and leave it there. He's nothing so straightforward, so pat. Reality proves Rabastan to be a muddled study in duality. War itself is rarely anything personal; holding a grudge is not characteristic to Rabastan, nor niggling over personal annoyances. His moods and impulses are changeable, fickle, and rarely static. 
He lacks in respect or reverence for anything; even the Cause, his Lord, and his own narrow world view. Nothing is sacred, not even the things that he holds most important. He is sacrilegious and thoroughly stubborn. With few exceptions, trying to tell Rabastan what to do is a study in futility. Even asking him to do something for you is a useless endeavor unless you have a very excellent reason why he should, presented lecture style complete with well calculated statistics and visual materials.
If he were capable of letting himself out of his own head space a little more, Rabastan would make a superb leader. When he means to be, he is good with people. His social intuition and charm are one of the few edges he has on his prodigal brother. Young school aged Rabastan was a master of charming professors, but even when not exerting considerable effort, he has a magnetism that often comes pack and parcel with the irreverent and the impulsive. Broad grinning, good humored, and quick to laughter in the way that Rodolphus is decidedly not, when he’s in one of his oddly good moods Rabastan is an easy creature to get along with. At least until, eventually ( inevitably ), that latent brutality bleeds through.
One is not elevated into the ranks of The Dark Lord’s inner circle without at least a certain degree of demonstrative fanatical devotion. For all that he is fickle and bitter, mocking and disrespectful, Rabastan is faithful down to the bone. If there is a sin in his own self-centric religion it’s betrayal. While it's a fair fear that Rabastan might stab you, one can at the least rest easy in the confidence that he won't stab you in the back.  
SPECIAL SKILLS: Rabastan is thoroughly a fighter, with magic and without. He excels, particularly, in wandless magic; something he considers the most primal example of proof in the power of pure blood and raw impact. He’s a remarkable artist (surprise!) and a mathematical savant, particularly in the areas of cartesian geometry.
BIOGRAPHY: It was decided, even before he was delivered screaming into the world, that the second child to come of Odilia and Rivalen Lestrange's union would be claimed almost entirely as his mother's. The firstborn, Rodolphus, was his father's son and the family's heir, and what maternal instincts Odilia had were not sated by the time her husband usurped his upbringing. And so Rabastan became hers rather than the family's; the mother-son bond was quickly sparked and forged into something so durable that the years did little in the way of lessening the attachment. His father, a hard disciplinarian, had denied Rodolphus such mothering, seeing it as a form of affection that would no doubt soften both the mind and constitution of the boy, and so automatically saw his second son as something inherently weaker due to an upbringing he himself had allowed to continue unchecked.
And thus the family lines were drawn. He's a greedy little brat, of course -- one who ultimately turns into a greedy bastard. (Though not little. Definitely not that.) Their father's attention is tantamount, is the moon to their mother's sea, the pull to all their tides. Rabastan demands their father's eyes, nudges Rivalen with baby-strong hands, callous adolescence, and finally sullen respect. He makes himself impossible to ignore by dint of being an obnoxious shit, grinning as though he owns an entire set of especially bad secrets, even as he bows his shaggy head and offers deference in place of snide asides. Deference from the younger Lestrange would look like rebellion on anyone else; he doesn't just walk the thin line, but bounds down its path: sure-footed, cocky, smiling the radiant smile which all but forces others to return it in kind. 
The template of Rabastan's relationship with his father was set; so too that of the fraternal dynamic, with Rabastan going on to make an art of swiping, prodding, and testing just how abundant Rodolphus' supply of stony-faced patience really was. Rivalen tries to whip it out of him. Second son laughs and laughs, smirking through rivulets of blood and tears to further rankle his father. Why? Because he can. Because he cares. Because insolence tastes coppery-sweet, and if he can't be the favorite son, then he'll damned well make himself unforgettable. In those long days of disobedience, he escapes by diving into his mother's cold heart. His first war is with his father. His mother, though -- soft but flinty Odilia -- she teaches him to reconcile for the greater good. He hides their lessons in his windstorm heart.
His tenure as a Hogwarts student was a matter of public record. Slytherin was both relief and annoyance, Rodolphus' own wearing of the green factoring into both, and Rabastan proceeded to forge a scholastic career in which he maintained the barest minimum of a relationship with his brother and while his instructors seemed at first reluctant to forget that he was Rodolphus’ younger sibling, but caved to the younger Lestrange’s unique brand of charm and incivility. He got into fights often and was immune to attempts at correction, but completed school for 5 NEWTs under his belt.
The question of his future thereafter was a terse discussion at family dinner table. A jeering statement that he was waiting for elder brother to set the standard and mother’s elbow jutting into the space between father and youngest son to keep them from crossing proverbial battle lines. True to his dedication to obstinacy, Rabastan’s course veers deliberately away from any trajectory intended by father or brother. Except in one area and that was swearing fealty to The Dark Lord. 
Rodolphus Lestrange
As a babe and a boy, Rabastan assumes Rodolphus knows the way only a parent knows: everything, and everyone. He makes effort to be an occasional thorn in his brother’s side, a point of provocation and frustration because breaking that poker face would be the ultimate achievement. But in the end it all boils down to admiration, to idolization. In his own contrary, heavy-handed way, he needs his brother's grounding presence more than he will ever care to admit. At the end of the day, should he ever take his antics to far he’ll bend his pride enough to go to this man who will ever be the favorite, the wise one, the safe and strong one. Says "I'm sorry," says "brother", and they are mended.
Regulus Black
It seems like unsubstantiated suspicion, but Rabastan is all gut and instinct and his say Regulus Black lacks in conviction and cut-throat both. This generation of Blacks has as many traitors as they do members who stayed on the proper path and he’s waiting to see which way their no-longer-spare heir will tip the scales. 
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