teacornertidy · 3 years
Crypto and Bloodhound are badasses, but together they form an upmost mixture of "Wait- Hold tf up did you just say we PUSH them?" and "You seriously want to camp this match. . ?"
They'll both end up bickering or joking around at random times, that sometimes their 3rd teammate might consider that they both lost it. For example, while Crypto scopes out the area Bloodhound might sneak over and suddenly yell and shake him around, throwing him off completely as he jolts up with his own suprised scream, of course Bloodhound will get lightly hit upside the head but they just laugh it off as Crypto would scold them for scaring him. Telling them that Mirage is rubbing off on them with his own lame pranks and jokes.
Or when Bloodhound is looting, Crypto will say very seriously "Another squad! pack it up, we've got to move!" And Bloodhound will just nod and run from the death boxes to take cover somewhere on the high ground, just for Crypto to waltz over and snag that gold shield that Bloodhound left behind in a hurry. He'll then turn on his earpiece with a smirk and chuckle "Sike" as the hunter audibly groans in the background due to their loss, having to stick with the blue evo for now.
They'd have short bickers throughout the match aswell in which their third teammate will usually always be put on edge due to them.
The arguements can be either political and serious or just flat out ridiculous. Crypto might accused Bloodhound for taking his favorite pillow but they'll just deny it, and an argument grows out from there.
Or Bloodhound will point out Crypto's signs of jealousy, to which Crypto will retort back with their possessive and passive aggressive behavior in a way to mock them in return. They might bump heads at some point, but the arguments don't get physical, they aren't children after all.
And the aftermath isn't bad, they won't hold grudges on one another unless they had a good reason. Though they may be annoyed by the other for a few hours or a day at most, they make up quickly and wordlessly and will end up working it out with ease.
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teacornertidy · 4 years
That's beautiful- Imagine them both just flat out passing out due to exhaustion in each other's arms when they get back from a match, and the other legends find them curled up on the couches in the lounge and throw a blanket over the pair.
lazy, crypthound drawing,, cuz its 4am and I'm sleep deprived,
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they are stuck on my mind,, ,
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teacornertidy · 4 years
What does a normal date seem like for Bloodhound and Crypto? well, they don't go on many dates, but when they do it consists of either staying in the dropship and watching movies cuddled up at night in the lounge (where occasionally some other legends might sit down to watch for a bit before leaving), going out to the city to just look around the small family runned shops, staying in either of their rooms and just relaxing or talking about any news, or maybe just a short walk through the arena/ or any kind of just calm garden like scenary.
Of course, the other legends will always try to keep track on the dates since they're all still SUPER confused about the sudden relationship. Even Revenant will occasionally pitch in to eavesdrop on the couple out of curiosity, and then proceed to keep most information gained to himself in spite of the other 'skin bags'. Caustic just never really cared too much, he found the whole 'dating' thing to annoy him instead, being rather bitter whenever he woke up early to grab his coffee only for the table topic of the day to be the relationship between the trackers.
Crypto was a bit skeptical on being open on their relationship to the other legends at first, so of course Bloodhoudn respected his wishes and for the first month or so they didn't do anything to possibly expose their relationship. Then it was Crypto again that started to get jealous over the lack of attention and decided to just drop it, actually, he ended up getting really frustrated one match and after they won, he dropped his head on Bloodhounds shoulder and grumbled a few complaints in korean before whispering multiple very quiet 'I love you's and 'You dumbass's after the hunter had won them the game with only a sliver of health left and 0 heals. Obviously, the cameras from the drones caught everything and the internet went wild over the small action of the hacker, all the watchers at home qent wild with hollers or just couldn't believe their eyes.
During an interview a few days later, the pair were asked if they were dating, both rejected that and then later on the dropship in the comfort of the other legends they came forth as a couple.
Everyone was utterly stooped, many thought the pair were joking until Renee pointed out that neither of the legends tend to really 'joke' about theese topics.
And thus led to the internet growing insane with their shippings and the legends spying their date from the opposite table and behind newspapers.
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teacornertidy · 4 years
"What- what do you mean?" Bloodhound asked Crypto, confused as the hacker tensed and slowly looked away, face growing red in embarrassment. He mumbled a bit in his native tounge before reaching a hand out to take the hunter's, Bloodhound slowly reaching their hand out and placing it on Crypto's as the Korean intertwined their fingers together with a small huff. A wave of silence flew over them as Bloodhound slowly intertwined their own fingers with Crypto's hand, chuckling lightly as they brought their hands up to their face, leaning over and mimicking a kiss on Crypto's hand.
"All that for just a bit of hand holding?" They laughed breathily as Crypto tightened his hold on their hand, "I- it was getting cold and I don't have gloves like you"
"Of course you were 'cold" They teased him.
"Zip it" Crypto grumbled as Bloodhound pulled their respirator off and kissed his hand properly, "Nope"
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Bloodhound and Crypto are the kind of people that judge off of first impressions, but of course their opinions will develop or change over time. So imagine their first meeting being so utterly dry and uncomfortable.
Bloodhound quietly judging Crypto on how he has to desync with his real body to drive his drone and how he doesn't even attempt to be more mobile, while Crypto judges them on how religious they seem and how uptight they are with beliefs. But neither of them say anything about it and keep to themselves.
But of course, they need to work together whether they like it or not, so they try to work around each other. And so, they silently merge their tracking techniques in a way of cooperation when teamed together. Bloodhound would help lead Crypto's drone to the enemies and then would wait for the hacker to quickly catch up after parking his drone incase any other team enters the area. Then it's up to Bloodhound to hunt down the enemy team with Crypto with the help of their scan and passive. If things were looking bad, then Crypto would quickly corner himself with Bloodhound so he could move his drone in and emp to get the upper hand.
This technique grew to be moldable incase the matches were in duos or trios, so the third teammate didn't need to be dragged into their attacks.
And with that, their opinions on each other changed aswell, Crypto started to see Bloodhound as a better partner and vice versa. When they did get pair up for trios though, they both quietly wished that Mirage, Revenant, Rampart were not on their team.
Mirage would cause their attacks to delay with his shenanigans, don't get them wrong though, the decoy was an amazing person, but not somebody they wished to be paired up with when together. Revenant just wouldn't stop complaining about all the planning before hand or how the pair seemed to need to stick together all the time, and he'd try to split them up for his own attempt at an attack on the enemies. While Rampart would need to place her ultimate in a specific area, meaning less mobility to them, but atleast her barricades were good to keep Crypto safe when he got into his drone.
Slowly, the two would start meeting up after matches to work on their attacks, trying to find other ways to merge their works together. And with that, they slowly became friends, finding one another awake during ungodly hours, in the dropship alone after everyone left to go out to Mirage's bar, talking about how unfair humanity really is, and just much more in general.
And during the end battle, when they both pant out of breath from just killing the last team of Pathfinder, Wattson and Ajay, they both can't help but chuckle at how far they've come as teammates and at how Crypto is so utterly dumbfounded when Bloodhound asked him out while pulling out the crinkled flower from the pocket of their jacket. The flower was missing a few petals and the stem was snapped, damaged from all the shots fired at the hunter.
But the dismantled flower is made up with the nervous laugh Crypto starts up, flustered completely as Bloodhound can't help but laugh along as the hacker covers his face and looked away. Slowly taking the flower from the hunters hold and scoffing with a smile at the cheesy gesture.
"That was unnecessary"
"But I thought people enjoyed theese kinds of things?"
"Dumbasses do"
Bloodhound sighed and rubbed the back of their neck "I'll take it back if you prefer, it is a bit beaten up afterall"
"I never said that I didn't enjoy that, I just said that it was unnecessary winning the game and then asking me out" Crypto knacked the front of Bloodhound's helmet with his knuckle, causing the hunter to slowly slip their hand off their neck, letting the words sink in.
". . . by odin you make everything confusing!" They laughed groggily as Crypto scoffed and took Bloodhound's hand after a bit of hesitation, waiting for the pick-up ship to land. "You're just knuckle headed"
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teacornertidy · 4 years
okay but lowkey, Crypto and Bloodhound being on the same team was adorable, even though they got only like 10 seconds of screentime with Bang before they all died to Space Mommy
(Gotta start writing fanfics on Crypthound again after that, I've been inspired)
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teacornertidy · 4 years
The season 7 trailer is making me ascend
👉👉💥 get it?
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teacornertidy · 4 years
I demand more Crypthound supremacy.
Our tag has been dried for the past months and I am ready to start a revolution, who is with me? Let us spam stories, head cannons, art pieces, random shit that comes to mind from here on out so we can have an uproar!
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Re-watched the season 3 gameplay trailer, and the amount of sexual tension between Crypto and Bloodhound in the first scene was just-
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teacornertidy · 4 years
I can only vividly imagine Bloodhound chucking/thowing some of the legends onto the large couches if they're about to do something stupid, like if Octane is stimming down the hallway, they'll just YOINK him off the ground and throw him onto the couch, sitting next to him and placing an arm on his shoulder as they pass him the remote and say "Calm down"
Or if Rampart decides to tick off Revenant and now she's running for her life, Bloodhound simply just hastily picks up Revenant from the waist and flip him onto their shoulders, placing him onto the couch and making him lean back while handing him a new puzzle or challenge him to a game of chess while Rampart runs off, thanking them later.
Just- 🌠Bloodhound🌠
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Crypto staying up late at night to work, and see Bloodhound walking through the shadows still in their full gear, returning from some sort of hunt.
They seem bloodied from their kill, and when they make eye contact with Crypto the pair both fall quiet in a 'what the fuck' moment.
". . . how was it?" Crypto asked nervously as he eyed the bloodied hunter,
"Hm, very melancholy. But overall, I believe it will worthy" Bloodhound replied, receiving a disturbed look from Crypto. "It was a deer, not a person"
Crypto's face softened as he released a sigh that he choked up on, "Félagi, go to sleep, it's almost 4 am, we have a game later today" Bloodhound pointed out as they started walking to the bathrooms to clean off the gear.
When they come back back out and see Crypto barely keep his head up to look at the screen, they walk over and press the power button, watching the screen flash and turn off. "I was working!" Crypto jolted back up and swirled in his chair to look at the other legend, "Exactly, you WERE working. Now go to bed, can't have your teammates dragging out around the arena during the matches" Bloodhound shooed his off a bit as the hacker grumbled but complied nonetheless as he was escorted to his bed and plopped down, soon to have his cat crawl over and lay down next to him.
"Get some shut-eye"
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Bro, same-
I was like 'Impossible' and now it's just 'fuck it, two mysterious recons in love is the new aesthetic 👑'
me, about both crypto and bloodhound: i don’t think they’d be into dating. realistically this character is too independent/paranoid/distrusting
a tiny little rat in my brain: what about bloodhound/crypto
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Bro, tsundere Crypto though
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Mpre Toto and Hound
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Short Crypthound idea-
What if they get paired together for a match, but their third teammate couldn't make it for the launch (Probably Mirage or Octane?). So the recons need to duo this game.
Both of them are kind of nervous since their recon styles are different, so Bloodhound keeps on suggesting they push in as Crypto keeps on arguing to instead camp out as he'd fly his drone around to check for enemies. Both end up arguing as they split ways, Crypto storming off as Bloodhound watches, trying to lift a hand to stop him but gives up and lowers it as Crypto runs off towards Drill sight.
After a good 10 minutes of them parting ways, Bloodhound spots a nearby enemy team and pings them with their triple take in hand. Not receiving any affirmation from Crypto through the head set, guessing that he was still made. Hearing from the other end violent shuffling as Crypto's mic went off, soon to have violent pinning from the drill sight of enemies. Picking themself up from their spot, Bloodhound ran over to the location as the 'downed' ping echo through their headset.
Speeding through the grassy plains, Bloodhound switched to the flatline as they ran into the nearby building. Activating their ultimate before entering, wiping the squad clean in a record time while running over to Crypto's body. Their ultimate slowly settling down as goggles cooled from the hot red, cradling Crypto in their arms as they do usually to help res every other teammate. Pulling out the syringe and pulled Crypto up to his feet, blood smudge on his lips and a few bullet cuts in his clothes and arms. Crypto apologising as he sputtered out korean words in an anxious wreck of state.
The squad had sneak attacked him while he was in his drone, taking their time to taunt him while he was downed. Like breaking his shield and shoving him around a bit while waiting for the rest of the squad.
Crypto explained, planting his head on the hunter's shoulder in a show of gratitude. Bloodhound freezing up a bit before petting the hacker's hair as if he were a cat, reassuring the man.
They didn't win the match that day, but they felt closer now. Maybe as friends or something else, but it was if a new door was opened.
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teacornertidy · 4 years
Crypto in his new hip-hop skin(Hype Beast): I put the "Crypt" in "Decryption"
Pathfinder in his new 'saloon style' skin, after killing somebody(Grand Soiree): "Serves" you right for messing with my friends!
Bloodhound: Allfather, what have I done wrong?
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teacornertidy · 4 years
All I can think of is Angst-y and fluffy stuff right now,
What if in the mids of the season when Crypto was starting to get the hangs of things, he got paired for a match with Bloodhound. To which most know they use a special device on their wrist to control their ultimate, limiting the time of it. But what if when Crypto uses his E.M.P, it damages Bloodhound's device, making them go beserk and go on a killing spree. Leaving a very terrified and worried Crypto watching as his drone gets shredded apart by the now insane Bloodhound. They do win, but Bloodhound is still stuck in the beserk mode and it take Crypto & Mirage a lot of handling and comforting to get them somewhat stable. Leaving Bloodhound the next day with a somewhat 'hangover' from using up so much energy from the ultimate, and a worried Crypto and Mirage, Crypto apologizing a ton and shit. Lots of cuddles from Crypto & Mirage, and attempts of small kisses from Crypto. Leaving Bloodhound in a mixture of annoyed and satisfied at the actions.
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teacornertidy · 5 years
My dick don't work
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