thcrapist · 1 year
friendly reminder that all ooc and psa posts will go on @deathwrote moving forward.
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thcrapist · 1 year
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hi there! just a quick psa:
i've decided for safety reasons to go back to going by my hebrew name in the tumblr rpc. it's okay if you know my english name, but i ask that you refer to me as chaya moving forward (the c is silent, so like maya but with an h).
i also decided to reboot my ooc rp directory here at deathwrote. i have attached it to all of my active rp blogs and moved my rules there. you are not required to follow me here, but all of my ooc and psa posts will be posted here from now on.
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thcrapist · 1 year
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Olivia Munn Taste-Tests Vegan Ice Creams
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thcrapist · 1 year
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just a quick icon test shhh
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thcrapist · 1 year
some quick fun facts about sadie bc i’m not moving her info over to a doc today: she loves food (particularly iced coffee, but she’s always eating), dogs (sorry she’s late, she saw a dog), and flowers (she names her potted plants and her windows are full of them). her own dog is a dalmation named barbara streisand (she calls her babs), and they like to go running in the park. she volunteers at her local jewish community center but does not attend temple. she loves to do crosswords and sudoku and has 100 apps for them on her phone. she begins all conversations as though you’ve already been talking for ten minutes. 
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thcrapist · 1 year
Like this for a non-therapy starter with Sadie. If you would like a starter where your character is a patient of Sadie’s, please see my earlier starter call. Starters will be about 150 words. You are completely welcome to indicate in a reply if you would prefer if Sadie already knows them or if you feel more comfortable with our characters meeting for the first time. I’m open to either one.
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thcrapist · 1 year
Like this for a therapy starter with Sadie. If you prefer a starter where your character is NOT Sadie’s patient, please hold for the next starter call. Starters will be about 150 words and will likely direct a question at your character. Please do not like this if your character plans to refuse therapy– they don’t have to be happy to be there exactly, but I don’t want a bunch of hostile threads when I’m just starting out.
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thcrapist · 1 year
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I wanna be defined by the things that I love. Not the things, I hate. That I’m afraid of – afraid of. That haunt me in the middle of the night. I – I just think that – you are what you love.    *
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thcrapist · 1 year
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SADIE LEAH HOROWITZ. (formerly @faithbloomed est. sept. 2017 & rebooted april 2023) fandomless original character and psychologist with verses in both private practice and as a consultant for the fbi. written by chaya. all partners must be 21+. psd by calisources. 
this blog is an exploration in character development, self actualization, and the nature of happiness. the #1 rule of this blog is that if you choose to have your character be a patient of sadie’s, then they have agreed to be her patient. they may not be happy about it; they may be in denial of their issues; they may not be ready to cope with whatever ails them— but they are there willingly. if your character is not a willing participant in the thread, that’s the end of the thread. 
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thcrapist · 1 year
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, andrepost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
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Mun name: z OOC Contact: di.scord and IM
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Sadie Horowitz is a Boston psychologist and an absolute delight. 
Points of interest:
Other than being very attractive and outgoing and sometimes socially awkward, there isn’t much to notice. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
Sadie has been thinking about becoming a mother via artificial insemination. Her family is not particularly supportive of this venture. 
Where to find them:
Sadie jogs the same route through the park every morning just at or before dawn with her dog. She stops at the cafe down the street for coffee every morning on her way to work. Sadie goes to a yoga class twice a week, and the farmer’s market once a week (they have the best flowers). She does not attend temple regularly (maybe a few times a year?), but she does volunteer at the Jewish community center. She teaches a course twice a week at Northeastern on human sexuality as an adjunct professor. 
Current plans:
Mostly just working towards self actualization. 
Desired interactions:
At present, I am a brand new blog, so any interactions are welcome. 
Offered interactions:
If all else fails and we cannot invent a good meet cute, your character could always been one of Sadie’s patients. If not, feel free to throw me a meme– they don’t expire. 
Current open post/s:
Would be under /tagged/open-starter
Anything else?:
I’m located in the eastern USA time zone
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thcrapist · 7 years
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“I’m Olivia Munn. I’m a cancer. I like long walks on the beach and pudding.”
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thcrapist · 7 years
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thcrapist · 7 years
Don’t look for someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won’t let you face them alone.
Wisdom Quotes
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thcrapist · 7 years
concept: walking around your own apartment in nothing but shorts and a lacey bralette, drinking coffee, a face mask on.
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thcrapist · 7 years
7 Key Insights on Self Love
1. I need to affirm and to validate myself as it’s hard to accept validation from others if, deep down inside, I don’t believe it’s true.
2. My time is valuable as anybody else’s so I need to prioritise what I need to do.
3. I can’t give to others, and help to build them up, if I’m not taking care of my own self first.
4. I need to remember that I’m worthy of love, of success, opportunities, and knowing happiness.
5. My opinions are as valuable as anybody else’s. It’s up to me to decide and to choose my own beliefs.
6. I don’t have to explain why I do what I do (unless you’re the police or have some authority!)
7. My past does not define me - I’m free to change and grow, to try on different “me”s, and to set inspiring goals.
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thcrapist · 7 years
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thcrapist · 7 years
Last night after work my asshole cat spilled water all over me and some got on my laptop. There didn’t seem to be an issue so I just left my laptop and went to bed but now I can’t even log in bc the keyboard seems to be typing on its own??? I can’t put my password in bc the second it loads the password screen, it fills with stuff I’m not typing. I can’t get it to stop or delete, so I can’t use my laptop. I’ve tried restarting twice. Idk what else to do???
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