the-cloud606 · 2 years
A List of Warcrimes (for writing purposes only)
Fake Surrender
Taking a Hostage
Shooting a Medic (unless they have a weapon)
Using poison or poisonous weapons
Intentionally attacking a place of religion, education, science, art or charity purpose
Intentionally murdering innocent civilians
Torture/inhumane treatment
Denying a fair trial
The use of child soldiers
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the-cloud606 · 2 years
Unique Words to use in your writing <33
Philophobia (Noun): The fear of falling in love.
Monachopsis (Noun): The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
Laconic (Adjective): Expressing much in only a few words.
Absquatulate (Verb): To leave without saying goodbye.
Forelsket (Verb): The experience the euphoria of falling in love for the first time.
Tacenda (Noun): Things better left unsaid.
Autodidact (Noun): A self taught person.
Nebulochaotic (Adjective): A state of being hazy and confused.
Eldritch (Adjective): Eerie, uncomfortably weird.
Solivagant (Adjective): Wandering alone.
Notionate (Adjective): Strong-willed or stubborn
Abulia (Noun): A total inability to make a decision.
Apoplectic (Adjective): Extremely angry.
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the-cloud606 · 2 years
Colour Psychology <33
If you want to writing to symbolize and you really want to go in depth when writing even the most simple things, colour psychology can be a really good way to add discreet emotions and meaning into a character or setting. Here are some colours and what they can suggest.
Red: Red is one of the boldest colours on the spectrum and can be associated with a strong amount of love, courage and power. It can also signify excitement, passion and strength. It is a great colour to use when you want to inspire action.
Pink: Pink is most often used to symbolize romance but it can also represent playfulness and sometimes even immaturity. Some other interpretations of the colour are sweetness, compassion, health and happiness.
Orange: Orange can be used to represent optimism, independence and adventurous but can also symbolize creativity and fun. It is mostly used in art and entertainment and is mostly used to draw attention towards it.
Yellow: Yellow is mostly used to represent enthusiasm, opportunity and spontaneity. It can also symbolize happiness and positivity. It is used in food, sport, travel and leisure and stimulates and encourages relaxation.
Lime Green: The two different types of green can represent different things. Lime Green can be used to represent growth, harmony and fertility. It is used in environment and to restore energy.
Kelly Green: Kelly Green can represent safety, stability and reliability. It is used in real estate, banking, farming and non profit to promote balance.
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