thebwarch · 2 days
i don't know man, i just wish that we could [suddenly realising i'm coming dangerously close to expressing a real and earnest thought instead of filtering everything through several layers of intangible running bits] blow up the entire world. or something.
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thebwarch · 2 days
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canterlot library’s #1 patron
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thebwarch · 10 days
A list of Firefox addons/extensions I use to make the internet usable, privacy focused and fast: (Note that you can use these on Firefox on mobile too! Firefox on mobile has addon support! You can stop ads and tracking even on mobile devices!)
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Ublock Origin - Adblocker, easy. Don't use "Adblocker Plus" Ublock Origin and Twitch battle each other often, which usually Ublock Origin just keeps on trucking along longer and Twitch/Amazon can't afford/don't care to afford a lifelong battle.
Ghostery, Privacy Badger, DecentralEyes - Tracker blockers. You will no longer be tracked for what you click on and what websites you visit. I personally stack all three of these + Ublock Origin, which might be overkill and stepping over each other.
SponsorBlock - A Youtube centered addon that will skip sponsor/ad segments the youtuber actually puts in the video. Also will skip non-music segments in music videos, interaction reminders "Like comment and subscribe!", and a few other annoying things if you let it. Tweakable.
Better Twitter/Bring Twitter Back/Twitter Control Panel - I actually use all of these at the same time but you can pick and choose. Make Twitter function better and look better and use other default tabs than "For You" if you want to. TONS of tweaks to make the website better. Also consider Stylus and the script to deblur posts from nsfw twitters! Also I use a mobile client called "AeroTwitter" that is a hacked twitter client to do a buncha tweaks to mobile twitter, but I CAN'T gaurantee that one is safe since it's a custom client you are entering information and passwords into that is not the actual official twitter mobile app.
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Consent-O-Matic - Did you know that those popups talking about cookies are basically asking to track you, and they LEGALLY have to have a way for you to decline but often hide it? Consent-O-Matic automatically handles those popups and declines tracking and only keeps the cookies for your browser that it needs to function on the website. Dark Reader - Dark Mode on the whole internet. You'll want to tweak this one most likely, turn it on for some websites/turn it off, different kinds of dark mode, but it's a life saver for the bright white internet for me. I use it on websites like Ebay and Amazon that are corporate White AF. Indie Wiki Buddy - This will insert over your google searches and attempt to steer you to independent fandom wikis, NOT Fandom the company and their websites. Sometimes fandoms will set up independent and better functioning websites than what Fandom Capital F offers. Since you know Fandom is an ad-filled corporate mess.
Return Youtube Dislike - Return Youtube Dislike. This will add a dislike button on videos again the public can see and make use of, but it uses its own database for dislikes since Youtube now obscures that info. Which means everyone who installs this is using their own collective dislikes database instead of youtubes official numbers. It will be less Accurate given that, but we need as many people using this plugin as possible to make dislike numbers using it accurate! Unhook: Remove Youtube Recommended and Shorts - This does a few things but I don't use its primary functions (since I like recommended and shorts) I use it to remove those annoying endcards on youtube since sometimes creators won't properly create space for them and they go over the actual video content that is still happening. Defund Wikipedia - It has come out a few times now that Wikipedia is perfectly funded and mostly seems to be seeking personal/corporate profit from these donation beggings. This will hide those begging popups when visited wikipedia during their dono drives. ClearURLs - You know that thing where you grab an amazon/google/pintrest link and it's long as FUCK? That's tracking business, and it's usually unneeded for the URL to function. ClearURLs will clear the tracking bits of URLs you copy and only leave the actually needed bit of the URL. Very handy for posting to Discord/Twitter. Reddit Enhancement Suite/RedReader on Mobile - Dark mode, use Old.Reddit on desktop by default. Tons of tweaks to make reddit look better and function better. Be aware that the only two browsers that exist are basically Firefox and Chrome. You may have heard of stuff like Brave and Opera, but they are literally just Chrome below the surface. Google allows other companies to rebrand Chrome like that and build on top of it.
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The most popular browsers in different countries in 2012 and 2022.
by @theworldmaps_
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thebwarch · 21 days
Just what it says on the tin! This big guy is what I've been slapping on for fighting games for sooo long now. But I've got my eyes set on a new prize and this is gonna fund it.
In this I talk about my first lever fightstick that didn't work out at all as a purchase, JunkFoodArcade, Hitbox, and even new company Gram. And then showcase some handcam footage of me using the Snackbox.
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thebwarch · 27 days
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meowowmememeowme meowowmeowowowow meowowmeowowowow meowowowmemememe
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thebwarch · 1 month
Have a highlights vid on some Kragg play from yesterday! Climbing Rivals of Aether ladder and making a bunch of people suffer from the skill check that is Kragg the heavyweight.
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thebwarch · 1 month
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dungeon meshi but they end up in the back rooms, a cursed idea that was eating away at my brain
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thebwarch · 1 month
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thebwarch · 1 month
Hey btw, here's a piece of life advice:
If you know what you'd have to do to solve a problem, but you just don't want to do it, your main problem isn't the problem itself. Your problem is figuring out how to get yourself to do the solution.
If your problem is not eating enough vegetables, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make vegetables stop being yucky". If your problem is not getting enough exercise, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make exercise stop sucking ass". You're not supposed to just be doing things that are awful and suck all the time forever, you're supposed to figure out how to make it stop being so awful all the time.
I used to hate wearing sunscreen because it's sticky and slimy and disgusting and it feels bad and it smells bad, so I neglected to wear it even if I needed to. Then I found one that isn't like that, and doesn't smell and feel gross. Problem solved.
There is no correct way to live that's just supposed to suck and feel bad all the time. You're allowed to figure out how to make it not suck so bad.
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thebwarch · 1 month
if you're a trans woman you cant hate yourself, cause then you're hating a woman. what are you, some kind of misogynist?
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thebwarch · 2 months
Today I decided to win at LEAST 1 match with every Rivals of Aether character in ranked. (These will be split into 2 vids)
The whole entire roster! Because this whole entire roster is fun as HECK.
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thebwarch · 2 months
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thebwarch · 2 months
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thebwarch · 2 months
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thebwarch · 2 months
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elf yuri fans rejoice i finally sat down and doodled the elves again
meeting her girlfriend's boss
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thebwarch · 2 months
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thebwarch · 2 months
Reminder that it's not only good but morally correct to pirate Nintendo games
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