thesassyscribbler · 2 years
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Secrets of the Tomb Limited Free Event Invitation [Desert Roads and Wild Sands]
I’m only doing this in a separate post bc this invitation is hilarious and it deserves to shine alone–
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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Pairings: Victor x MC; Gavin x MC; Kiro x MC; Lucien x MC
Summary: a collection of ficlets starring MC the heartbreaker (;_;)
Hello my lovelies!
It's been too long and I've missed all of you dearly. A big WELCOME to all the new followers — thank you for showing my work lots of love while I've been inactive.
It took awhile, but I finally found some inspiration and time to write again! I really missed the MLQC guys... so much that the first thing I decided to write were a few short stories where I break their hearts lol. I hope these don't sting too much!
Trigger Warnings: mild sexual content, language, jealousy, breakups galore, friend-zoning
** Victor **
He left you completely breathless.
Your body was still buzzing as Victor leaned against your new headboard, placing an arm around you. You curled your body into his and closed your eyes, trying to calm your drumming heart. Memories of the last hour danced in your head — illicit scenes of your fingernails raking down your former boyfriend's back while his hips bucked against yours, his name spilling from your lips.
“Are we making a mistake?”
Victor's question broke the silence in your room. You settled your head on his chest, trying not to sigh as you felt his fingers toying with your hair. You couldn’t remember the last time the two of you lay like this together, legs tangled together with the sheets strewn haphazardly across your naked bodies, skin glistening with the afterglow of sex. It had been far too long. Maybe if you both had managed to find time to be intimate more often, just maybe you wouldn't have had to move into a new apartment alone.
Maybe you wouldn’t have had to end the most beautiful relationship you’d ever been in...
Dating the sexiest and most successful bachelor in the city was every bit of the fairy tale you could imagine. Once you two had stopped dancing around the blurred lines between your personal and work lives and confessed your feelings, you were suddenly caught up in a whirlwind romance. Victor spared no expense or bit of energy showering you with affection and love. You were whisked away on romantic getaways and showered in the most exquisite gifts. You spent every night in the arms of a man who treated you like a queen.
But unfortunately your fairy tale didn’t last. The business partnership that brought you together was also what tore you apart. You and Victor took the entertainment industry by storm, a power couple that everyone desperately wanted to work with. However, as your businesses grew, your red-hot relationship took a back seat. Soon, date nights were sparse, vacations non-existent. On the rare evenings you could spare for each other, your phones got all the action. Working together quickly put a strain on you and Victor. Victor was often the source of your stress and you the cause of his. Sometimes you needed the comfort that only a significant other could give. You needed Victor to be a boyfriend, not just your boss.
You both tried your best to make it work. You moved into his home, hoping that being around each other more would help. Victor enlisted the help of the best therapist in the city and added a weekly couple’s therapy appointment to your calendar. However, it was during those difficult sessions that you discovered that maybe a relationship wouldn’t work out between you.
It was a mutual split. You both understood that in order for either of you to be happy, your relationship needed to end. On your moving day, Victor kindly helped you pack up your things at his penthouse and moved you to your new apartment across town. It was a surprisingly pleasant afternoon. You laughed and joked around with one another for the first time in awhile.
When the last box was brought upstairs, the two of you stood in your living room for what felt like an eternity. You both knew that the moment Victor stepped out of your apartment, it would be the official end of your relationship. He made the first move, stepping towards you to cup your cheek before leaning in to give you one last tender kiss on the cheek. “Take care of yourself,” he whispered. He lingered for a second, brushing a stray strand of hair from your eyes before walking past you towards the door. Seeing him walk away from you hit harder than you expected. You immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss.
Victor hesitated at first, but it wasn’t long before he gave in and picked you up to take you to your new bedroom. The two of you tore at each other like parched lovers desperate for a drink. Words that should've been said long ago were whispered in between moans and kisses. The passion that had been missing quickly returned, setting you both ablaze.
With your new bed well broken in and a guarantee that your first meeting with your neighbors was going to be very awkward, you now laid with Victor, contemplating his question. Were you guys making a mistake? Maybe all you needed was this spark to reignite the flame.
But when his cell phone rang and you saw the longing to answer it in his eyes, you knew that you weren’t making a mistake. LFG was always going to be his first love. You knew it, he knew it. Maybe things would change in the future, but you were well aware of where his heart lay right now. You lifted his hand and planted a goodbye kiss on his knuckle.
“No Victor, we’re not making a mistake. It would be a mistake not to do this.”
You heard a sigh and felt his chin on your head, nodding in agreement. Both of you ignored the single tear that fell onto your forehead.
** Gavin **
You always knew Gavin was overprotective of you.
It had been like that long before the two of you were officially dating. Anytime another man paid even the slightest bit of attention to you, Gavin was instantly by your side. At first you thought it was really cute. Gavin was like your knight in shining armor and he took his promise to protect you to heart. You always felt safe with him.
You didn’t pay much attention when Gavin began commenting on the amount of time you spent with others. It started off with the sarcastic remarks about spending too much time with Lucien when he was consulting for your shows and the complaints that you talked too much about Kiro. You didn’t think it was a big deal — jealousy was normal. You would laugh off his comments and kindly remind him that it was him that you chose, that it was him that you were going home to every night.
But then he started getting upset over the smallest things when other men were involved. One time, you were joking around with Eli while you waited for Gavin to finish at a training session. When Gavin walked into the office he shared with his partner and saw you flushed with laughter, he immediately took your hand and whisked you away. You made a comment about it at dinner and the evening ended with an awkward fight at the restaurant and Gavin sleeping on the couch.
Nothing could compare to the fight you had with him right before a big business trip. Work was taking you away for two weeks and Gavin learned at the last minute that Victor was accompanying you. You didn’t think it was important to mention it, but Gavin was furious. The two of you argued again to a point where he refused to take you to the airport. Losing all patience with him, you left without saying goodbye, opting to call your boss for a ride. You were so livid with him, you didn't call or text him the entire time you were gone. When you returned, Gavin was waiting for you at the airport, flowers in hand and a promise that he wouldn’t act immature like that again.
It was a promise he would continue to break countless times.
You tried to empathize with him. You knew Gavin had dealt with losses that left him broken. You understood that Gavin was the way he was because he couldn’t stand to lose anyone that mattered to him anymore. You didn’t ask him for much, but you begged him for his trust. “Please know that no matter what anyone does, it’s you that I love Gavin,” you told him repeatedly. “You’re the only one I want.”
You knew there was nothing more you could do to convince him when his response was “I trust you. I don’t trust anyone else around you.”
The last straw came when you had to stay at work late one night due to issues with filming a show. You called Gavin to let him know that you would be home later so he wouldn’t worry. He didn’t reply with hopes that your work day would end soon or encouragement that everything would work out with filming. No, his main concern was whether or not Victor was in the studio with you. Irritated, you ignored his question and hung up the phone. Victor was indeed at the studio with you helping you get through filming, but you weren’t in the mood to argue with Gavin.
You shouldn’t have been surprised when he showed up at the studio no more than 15 minutes after your phone call. But when you heard the icy “Hi honey” behind you, you nearly jumped out of your skin. Both you and Victor turned around and saw Gavin standing with his arms crossed, fire in his amber eyes. You excused yourself from your boss and dragged Gavin to a private corner of the studio.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you demanded. Gavin ignored your question.
“You sounded pretty happy to be working late. Now I know why,” he said, his gaze trained on Victor’s back.
That’s when you snapped. You told Gavin to leave, but he didn’t budge. To make matters worse, Victor came over to see what was going on. When Gavin nearly swung at your boss, you told Gavin it was over.
“I’m done Gav. I can’t deal with this anymore,” you said, tears welling up in your eyes. You wanted so desperately for this to work out, but you were tired of having the same argument and hearing the same broken promises to change.
Gavin stormed out of the studio, thinking that you just needed time to cool off, but when you didn’t come home that night and he found your gingko bracelet on an empty bench at a park, he knew he had lost you for good.
** Kiro **
Savin tried his best to be a good manager to Kiro. He had been by the idol’s side since the beginning of his career, watching the talented young man explode into the world’s most popular entertainer. The agent was witness to all of Kiro’s high moments, but also the only one who saw his low ones. He always looked out for Kiro almost like the blonde superstar was his own little brother.
And that’s why Savin knew he had to step in when he became the sole witness of Kiro self-sabotaging the best relationship he had ever been in.
Kiro was only on the first leg of his world tour, but he was already starting to feel the strains of dealing with a long distance relationship. Everything seemed fine at the beginning. If Kiro wasn't on stage or doing a shoot, he was on the phone with the producer. Savin could tell by the dark circles under those baby blue eyes that Kiro spent every night speaking to her well into the wee hours of the morning. At first, the agent was concerned that Kiro wasn't resting properly, but when the idol smiled at him and promised that he'd continue working hard so the tour would go by quickly, Savin stopped worrying.
It was a month into the tour when Savin noticed Kiro spent less time on his phone and was inviting more people backstage to his shows. It was normal for Kiro to invite friends on tour and Savin allowed it as long as he didn't do anything to jeopardize himself or the tour.
What wasn't normal was the amount of beautiful young women walking in and out of Kiro's dressing room.
Savin didn’t say a word about the situation until a photo of Kiro and a supermodel backstage at one of his shows was on the front page of a tabloid. “Kiro,” the agent said one afternoon when he had the star alone in his dressing room, “it’s not my place to get involved with your personal life, but don’t you think your girlfriend isn’t going to be too happy to see these pictures?”
Kiro waved off Savin, telling him everything would be fine and that his girlfriend would understand. “It’s not like I was doing anything bad. Me and Carly were just hanging out,” Kiro said brightly. Naive little brat. Savin left the dressing room shaking his head.
That night, Kiro had the worst show Savin had ever seen. The star looked completely out of it. He didn’t have to ask Kiro what happened. He heard everything he needed to know while the boy was pleading on the phone for forgiveness.
Savin knew that Kiro's problem was that he lacked the self-awareness of how his actions affected the people around him. While Savin was pretty sure Kiro wasn’t intentionally flirting with these other women, the way he smiled at them and his charming ways always gave the wrong idea. It was part of his personality that helped launch him into the world’s biggest superstar and Savin couldn’t just tell him to stop being him.
Things only got worse after that. During Kiro's break at the halfway point of his tour, videos were leaked to the media of Kiro in a club cozying up with a woman. Kiro told Savin afterwards that him and woman were just talking and it was too loud in the club to hear each other so that’s why they were closely talking with one another. Savin believed him, but he wasn’t sure that anyone else would. He did his best to soften the blow, releasing a statement attempting to put to rest any speculation that Kiro and this mysterious woman were involved romantically.
When Kiro returned from his break, Savin didn’t even have to ask. He knew the relationship was over. His shining star was all but a dim light for the remainder of the tour. As usual, Kiro remained professional, even though Savin knew he was only a shell of himself on stage. Guests were no longer invited backstage. Instead, Kiro opted to go straight to his hotel room after a show was over.
Toward the end of the tour when Savin was preparing for the final show, Kiro asked if a change could be made for the setlist.
“I don’t know,” Savin said, cringing at his notes. The final show was going to be a live televised event to commemorate Kiro’s return home to Loveland. The set list had already been approved by the television company and a change would have to go through another round of approvals, something they didn’t have time for.
“I-I’ve been working on something and I really want to perform it live,” Kiro said quietly. Before Savin could say anything, Kiro handed him a CD and walked back to his room. Savin listened to the CD and immediately got the show’s executive producer on the phone. Not only was it the best song Kiro had ever written, but the message needed to be heard. By her.
And Savin was going to make it happen.
The agent worked with the record company to launch the song as a surprise single, creating buzz for the televised special. On the night of the concert, the entire world was enchanted by the hauntingly beautiful track about losing your one true love. Savin watched proudly from the side of the stage as Kiro poured his heart and soul into the performance. With the concert being streamed online, Kiro was performing to millions around the world, but Savin knew the star was singing this song to just one person.
He really hoped she was watching and listening.
** Lucien**
In his world of gray, she was the only color that Lucien saw.
The moment he laid eyes on the woman, the professor knew he was in trouble. He couldn’t remember if it was the brightness of her smile or the happiness in her deep brown eyes that caught his attention first. All he knew was that he wanted more.
The two of them hit it off right away. Lucien was more than willing to do whatever was needed to help with her TV show as it allowed him more time to spend with her. He enjoyed learning every little thing about her, from how she took her coffee to how she always messed with her hair when she was nervous. Whenever he was with her, Lucien allowed himself to feel the warmth of her presence. He let himself be happy with her.
But succumbing to his emotions around her was a dangerous thing for him. It gave her a great power over him, a power that the professor was careful not to let anyone to wield. By wearing his heart on his sleeve around her, Lucien knew that he was opening himself up for the possibility of pain. Loss.
But it was a risk he was willing to take.
Lucien was certain there was a connection growing between them. She often opened her heart to him, sharing thoughts and memories that she would tell him were hard for her to talk to with anyone else. And then there was the shameless flirting between the two of them. Lucien often arrived on the set and heard whispered gossip about the professor and the producer, lies that would make him smile, lies that he wished would be his reality.
She plagued his mind night and day. Daydreams of her distracted him during his lectures while fantasies starring her kept him up at night. Sleep was something he already got so little of, but it quickly became nonexistent when she came into the picture. No one had ever had this kind of effect on him and he needed to do something about it before it drove him mad. He needed to confess his feelings.
Lucien picked their weekly lunch after her production meeting to tell her how he felt about her. He left his apartment early to pick up a bouquet of pink peonies (her favorite) and headed to the studio. The professor felt his heart pounding as he made his way to the conference room where the meeting normally took place. He had given lectures to the most prominent figures in his field, but none of those engagements made him as nervous as he was at this moment.
As he turned one last corner, Lucien froze. At the other end of the long hallway was the producer, walking out of the conference room with a man Lucien recognized as an officer that previously guest-starred on the show. What was his name again? Gavin maybe? A normal person walking by would think the pair were just work colleagues, but Lucien’s keen eye didn’t miss the way her hand brushed against the other man's and how he didn’t flinch at her touch. Lucien could hear her laugh but it was a kind of laugh he had never heard before. It sounded more like a school girl giggling at something her crush said. And the officer... he was looking at her like a man in love.
How did Lucien miss this?  The only mention she made of Gavin was how they went to school together. Had there been an underlying tone of adoration when she talked about him?
Lucien’s heart sank to his stomach as he watched her face flush as Gavin reached across her to take her briefcase into his hands, a very smooth gentleman’s move. Never once had Lucien seen her blush like that, even after he showered her with sweet compliments.
The jealousy ate him up inside.
He watched solemnly as that beautiful smile painfully lit up his world. When she got close, she didn’t give him her usual hug. Why would she when she was in front of a man she was clearly into?
Lucien’s greeting came out more curt than he wanted, but she didn’t seem to notice. She gestured toward the officer.
“I don’t think you two have met! Lucien, this is Gavin, the guy I told you I went to high school with. Gavin, this is my friend Lucien, a professor at Loveland University who is a consultant for the show.”
The word was the final dagger to his heart in this terrible sequence of events. It took everything in Lucien to be civil and shake Gavin's outstretched hand. While he forced himself to be pleasant with the duo, Lucien was experiencing a storm of emotions. Emotions he purposely put walls up to defend himself against. He suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe and needed to get out of the studio before he said or did anything he would later regret.
“Those are such pretty flowers Lucien! Where did you get them?” she asked. Lucien suddenly remembered the bouquet in his hands. He quickly tossed the blooms into the nearby trash bin.
“One of the set assistants was trying to get rid of them, so I told her I’d take care of it,” he said nonchalantly. Gavin raised an eyebrow at Lucien while she looked at him with sad eyes.
“Oh that’s unfortunate because they were so beautiful!” she said.
Lucien stayed silent and the three stood in an awkward silence for a moment. Finally, Gavin cleared his throat and motioned to his watch. “We should get going or we’ll miss our lunch reservation,” he said to her. Lucien’s face darkened as she looked at him apologetically.
“I’m so sorry Luci, I know today is usually our lunch day but-”
Lucien held up his hand to stop her.  “It’s fine. That’s why I was down here. I had to tell you that I wouldn’t be able to make it today due to a meeting,” he said, the lies continuing to pour out, “Enjoy your lunch.”
Before either could respond, Lucien turned around and headed out of the studio. He made sure he was out of sight before he did something he hadn’t done in years: he broke down and let himself cry.
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
Okay! My birthday is a week from tomorrow. How would the My Forged Wedding guys help me celebrate? (I really need to reread that game 🥰)
Happy early birthday! Let's seeeeeee:
Yamato: He will cook for you - of course. But he will not serve the food at home at the dining table - too boring. He will take you to the roof of the school and watch the sunset from there. With a blanket in case the evening gets too chilly and all your favorite finger foods it will be a cozy and intimate rooftop picnic.
Saeki: His honey's birthday is a very serious matter for him. He'll whisk you away to a spa. Champagne, roses, massages - the whole shebang. After that he takes you out for dinner and you end the night in a beautiful hotel suite.
Takao: He's a great listener and will give you exactly what you dream of. During the year he pays attention and when your birthday comes around, he is prepared. You feel like going out? He has tickets for your favorite band. mkes dinner and gets you your favorite dessert. You want a small party? Long Island is decorated and the guys are waiting.
Ren: If you think he will forget your birthday, busy as he is, think again. He's not the type for grand gestures and declarations of love, but for your birthday he plans something special. He prepares a handmade gift for you, a flower encased in raisin. When you askk about its meaning he shrugs and tells you he discovered this flower and named it after you.
Yuta: Be prepared for what Yuta has in store for you! He's throwing you a party like a carnival, with candied apples and candy floss, carnival games like ring toss and whack-a-mole. It's childish and fun and you love every second of it.
Kuni: He closes the bar for the night - not that there would be many costumers anyway - and makes dinner for you, his phone turned off. After dinner he makes you a cocktail that he created just for you and takes you to watch the fireworks he had ordered for you.
Hope you enjoyed this and also that your birthday will be a blast!
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
In a high school profile for Minato Okouchi in Our Two Bedroom Story, his e-mail is written as “[email protected].”
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
You don’t need to write something profound and meaningful.
While it’s really nice to eat a fancy five course meal once every so often, comfortable and delicious homemade meals, greasy fast food, some takeout from your favorite casual restaurant, some really good frozen meals… Those are all important too.
Your WIP might be the equivalent of eating a frozen pizza at 2AM, and you know what? That’s important! The pizza that I eat at 2AM is not only the most delicious pizza ever, it’s also exactly what I need. I love that pizza. I want to eat that pizza at 2AM.
Sometimes we need something familiar, comforting and indulgent. Sometimes we need something fancy and intricate. Sometimes we need something healthy and easy to digest.
So write whatever you want! There’s room for all kinds of meals and stories.
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑎 𝑂𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑜 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑧 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 2021 𝑀𝑒𝑡 𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑎 𝑖𝑛 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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I feel this in my soul
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
People seem to forget the Met Gala is a fundraiser and an exercise in pushing designers to come up with unique designs, so essentially a live art show to advertise an art exhibit. And some of those designers come through and others... don't. The Met is a nonprofit. The Smithsonian receives federal funding (that's why it's free), not the Met.
But no matter how much funding you get though it is expensive to acquire, protect, and preserve the world's best art and material culture. To conserve/repair some of these items so they can continued to be studied and enjoyed costs thousands. To adequately pay staff (which has been a huge problem at the Met and throughout the museum world) takes money. To put together new exhibitions. Educational programs.
Essentially the Met is making connections to get new donors because quite frankly museums and nonprofits rely on rich people so they put on lavish events to wine and dine the wealthy. The federally funded Smithsonian museums also rely on donors (and they are second to the Met in quality imo.)
Anyways, I realize there are a lot of opinions, but consider them in context of what the actual purpose of this thing is. If you want to complain about a problematic human rights problem around these events, consider this one: many museum employees have graduate degrees, do the work of three people, and live on ramen.
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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Are you always this kind? Sorry? I’ve only dated bad guys. I see. What’s your ideal type? Is there a certain type you like? 
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
From a distance, most things look beautiful.
— HARUKI MURAKAMI (Killing Commendatore, 2018)
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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Mo-dern zu shi   
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo + wide shots
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
When chinggu knows you too well...
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EPISODE 4, River Where the Moon Rises (2021) KBS2/Viu
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