tmi-central · 3 years
Despite popular belief, you CAN be nice to her and still beat the shit out of her when the time comes. It’s all about balance.
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tmi-central · 3 years
Me: Whatcha doin
Daddy: talkin to my little girl
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tmi-central · 3 years
The American dream is a lie and a scam.
The fact that a have multiple years experience in the vet field and I can’t find a job that would pay over 11$/hr. What American dream is that? More like American struggle
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tmi-central · 3 years
When your the only one in the friend group with reproductive issues so when anyone’s having a problem they go to you🙃I really just spent 20 mins making a diagram of vagina to discuss possible issues going on and if she should call her doctor. I don’t care what anyone says I’m a great friend😂😂😂
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tmi-central · 3 years
Everyone talks about non maskers at places like stores and restaurants . But no one talks about what it’s like to work at a emergency/specialty vet and enforcing the covid 19 protocols.
How do you tell someone to wear a mask when they walk in just wanting their pet’s ashes- or that they can’t wait inside because they don’t have a car?
What do you do? Though my empathy may be running low I have heart for these people.I have concerns for my own health. And above all else rules are rules and I surely didn’t make them.It feels like people forget that because the aggression I get is real.
Has anyone ever seen someone go into pure rage due to their animal? It’s very intimidating,let alone adding the “put on a mask” (which is common sense in 2021). maybe its just my clientele, they can be very verbally abusive, mostly due to entitlement and unrealistic expectations. But that’s besides the point
So how do you tell someone to put a mask on in an already high pressure situation with out starting a conflict? Is it possible? Or am I at an impasse?
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tmi-central · 3 years
I work at this beautiful place called smankee smandle in an outlet. Iykyk. This woman comes in and asked “Can I use this coupon?” and I look at it,read the fine print out loud answering her question “Excluding outlet locations☺️” the woman looks at me and goes “eXcLuDInG OuTlEt LoCAtIoNs 🥴” takes the coupon back and walks away. Like honey what did you expect since you can’t fucking read😂☠️ “BYE HAVE A GREAT DAY!”
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tmi-central · 3 years
I spend my day off crying in the back of a turned off camero just to go back on a 7day work week.WE LOVE IT 😑
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tmi-central · 3 years
Why do I always want sex,when it’s always disappointing?
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tmi-central · 3 years
It’s great living with your significant other and their mother. It’s even better that she’s mentally unstable- I just love the fact that she expects the house to be silent when she’s home and trying to sleep even it’s the middle of the day. She doesn’t take into effect we have thing s like laundry and dishes and trash itsss fineeeeee. But if we want to sleep - nah she’s screaming at the cat at 8am. Sucks that my ID and card is in his car so I can’t really go anywhere woop woop ITS GONNA BE A GREAT DAY (I really have to tell myself that)
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tmi-central · 4 years
I just went to go get milk that I got from Publix and the seal was broken.I still ate my cereal and drank the milk..if I die I die at this point,we are cool with it🤷🏻‍♀️
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tmi-central · 4 years
I’m not a fan of marriage but having a Halloween/Norse themed wedding is a HUGE temptation.
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tmi-central · 4 years
The other night I had a partner pop a zit on my face...They grabbed the cum towel to wipe it off..I had never been more disgusted
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