tobycipher · 1 year
Official SV Zine 2022 Artist Promo
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@endoplasmian @teleostuber @zombunnys @tornets @bigbadwolverine
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@awfulwingz @strwbrrymilkbones @lycanwlf @cryptidsteacup @burntproxy
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@eldritchcryptids @ethanmars @selfish-solace @mio-nika @ratscruff
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@slimelijah @sim-ant @statecfdreaming @bluejeandraws @birchlogz
We could not be more excited to welcome all these fantastic artists to the zine!!!!! May the artmaking be prosperous, and we look forward to seeing the completed pieces!!
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tobycipher · 2 years
Just remembered Tumblr existed
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tobycipher · 2 years
Bad quality image of my designs for Mad Gear and Missile Kid from the Killjoys comic series.
I know Missile Kid is a drug induced hallucination in the canon but I believe they are mad gears frien
Also headcanons Mad Gear uses he / they / it
Missile uses she / they / xe
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tobycipher · 2 years
We gave Korse's boyfriend a whole ass name, lore, etc.
cause goddamnit he should've gotten to live >:(
Also I have no money for the comics and I'm just going off of headcanons / comic panels I've seen snssnbdsksmsn
- We named him Marc Connors.
- He was a nurse working in Battery City's hospital.
- He has like a small braid on the side of his head, we don't know why, I just thought it was a nice little design choice
- if anyone cares I'll make more posts about it
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tobycipher · 2 years
For some reason, I had this as a headcanon and believed Kobra had the top bunk
... but party probably kicks the top bunk mattress while kobra tries to sleep
i think party poison and kobra kid deserve a bunk bed solely so party can lean over and annoy kobra whenever they want <3
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tobycipher · 2 years
At least I don't gotta deal with the stupid ass Tumblr login wall now
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tobycipher · 2 years
Killjoy HCs because I finally have a Tumblr.
Tw(s): Violence
- Kobra got beat up when he first went to crash-track to do his first race when he wasss around 16, Party found out and almost broke the guy's neck after Kobra came home all bloody.
- Party met Ghoul when they found Ghoul playing with firecrackers.
- There is some sort of rivalry between Battery City and the Killjoys, it's like a ' we're better than you ' thing. The Killjoys believe they are superior due to their freedom and their pride, while Battery City believes they are more superior due to their safety and ' stability. ' This rivalry sets up a pretty bad welcoming to kids coming from the city to the Zones, like Kobra and Poison.
- Kobra got his vend-a-hack from Cherri, who didn't know how it worked, Kobra figured it out so he got to keep it
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tobycipher · 2 years
Not an Amanda-
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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tobycipher · 2 years
Hey, I'm Jay, I'm new on Tumblr
I'm not on much, but when I am, it's a blast
Here's some info
- I'm a minor, do not follow me if your a NSFW / 18+ acc.
- I like My Chemical Romance, my favorite album is Danger Days or Three Cheers.
- I have played both chapters of Deltarune
Hope u enjoy this, may update later
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