total-lunareclipse4 · 3 months
... i fucked up.
(one shot)
🗯ADVERTENCIAS/TAGS: enzo vogrincic x reader, smut, porn with plot(?), infidelidad, reader es infiel, fingering, squirting, enzo es el cuerno, moral muyyy cuestionable, sobreestimulaciĂłn, un poco de size kink (no importa si reader es gorda o flaca, tetona o plana ENZO ES MAS GRANDE), age gap de 10 años (reader 20 enzo 30), sexo sin protecciĂłn, sexo rudo(?), choking (muy ligero), llanto durante el sexo (de placer), un poco emocional y confuso al final.
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eran las siete de la mañana cuando ibas saliendo de tu apartamento compartido con tu novio blas. te dirigías al set de la nueva película en la que estaban trabajando él y otros dos chicos de LSDLN, enzo y francisco, ya que formabas parte del equipo de maquilladores en esta nueva película, al igual que en la anterior. de hecho, fue gracias a aquella que te hiciste pareja del rizado y formaste amistad con la mayoría de los otros actores, volviéndote mås cercana con enzo.
fue el mismo blas quien solicitĂł a los directores y productores de este nuevo proyecto que te contrataran para trabajar como maquilladora, asĂ­ que tĂș no podĂ­as estar mĂĄs feliz pues significaba que ibas a estar cerca de Ă©l mĂĄs tiempo... y cerca de enzo tambiĂ©n.
a los tres meses de hacerte novia de blas, asististe a una pequeña reunión en casa de juani que organizaron entre todos los chicos, como matías había llevado a su novia al igual que esteban, el de rizos decidió llevarte a ti también. lo que no sabía él es que esa misma noche empezarías a guardar un secreto con enzo.
sentados en los escalones de la entrada de la casa mås alejados del ruido, cada uno con una cerveza en la mano, estabas con enzo charlando y riéndote de sus incontables chistes, blas no había querido unirse ya que estaba concentrado jugando con la play4 de juani.
"no no pero ahora decime algo, con sinceridad". dijo el castaño repentinamente, haciendo que la risa que tenías cesara un poco.
"¿qué?" dijiste un poco nerviosa sin dejar de sonreír igualmente.
"¿vos estås satisfecha con blas? ¿él te hace sentir bien?"
tragaste duro sintiendo como tu boca se secaba de los nervios, ¿qué pregunta era esa?
"e-eh, a qué te refieres?"
"digo, no niego que blas sea un buen novio, he visto cómo es contigo, pero a veces lo veo muy infantil, no sé, falto de experiencia," chasqueó la lengua, sentiste como ponía su mano en tu rodilla descubierta y la apretaba.
con cada palabra que salĂ­a de la boca de enzo y con cada acciĂłn te ponĂ­as mĂĄs nerviosa, aunque realmente no le faltaba mucha razĂłn. a pesar de tener la misma edad que blas, sentĂ­as a veces que no andaban en lo mismo...
"te pregunto, ¿él te coge bien?"
te ahogaste con tu saliva.
"perdoname el atrevimiento," se retractó casi instantåneamente mientras sobaba tu espalda, ayudåndote en tu ataque de tos. "creo que tomé mucho, no mido lo que digo".
cuando dejaste de toser te quedaste mirando al suelo por un momento, enzo era un hombre atractivo y muy intimidante, no lo ibas a negar, pero no captabas por completo sus intenciones y tampoco querĂ­as malinterpretarlo, tal vez te pregunta esas cosas porque te considera su amiga cercana y te tiene confianza, asĂ­ que decidiste ignorar su mano en tu pierna otra vez y tanteaste el terreno.
"tranquilo, s-solo me agarrĂł por sorpresa" le sonreĂ­ste. "nada mĂĄs lo hemos hecho dos... tres veces, creo" notaste como abriĂł mĂĄs los ojos, mirĂĄndote asombrado. "y realmente no ha sido la gran cosa" murmuraste con pena.
qué carajos estabas haciendo.
"mhm," enzo asintió y frunció el ceño, miråndote atento mientras pensaba. "¿por qué no es la gran cosa?
suspiraste recordando como han sido las experiencias con blas hasta ahora, sintiendo un poco de frustraciĂłn. "perdoname el atrevimiento a mi ahora," te sinceraste "dios, que vergĂŒenza, pero..." te acercaste un poco a su oreja, hablando mĂĄs bajo como si alguien mĂĄs aparte de Ă©l te fuera a escuchar. "no me he venido con Ă©l nunca, siempre termina y se duerme".
enzo tomĂł el Ășltimo trago de cerveza que le quedaba. "no sĂ© por quĂ© no me sorprende sabĂ©s," soltĂł una pequeña risa y desechĂł la lata en el tacho de basura que habĂ­a en una esquina. "como te dije, le falta," dijo mirĂĄndote a los ojos y acariciando tu muslo con su pulgar "no sabe todavĂ­a cĂłmo satisfacer a una mujer".
"¿y tu qué, si sabes?" preguntaste de repente y te sorprendiste de tus propias palabras.
ya había llegado demasiado lejos la conversación, y no sabías por qué no te detenías. tal vez eran las cervezas en tu organismo, o simplemente era la atracción sexual tan fuerte que sentías por enzo que ya no lo podías ocultar.
"no te voy a afirmar nada, chiquita" acercĂł su cara a la tuya mientras te acomodaba un mechĂłn de pelo detrĂĄs de tu oreja. "deberĂ­as comprobarlo tu misma".
cortaste el poco espacio que habĂ­a entre ustedes y lo besaste con deseo.
råpidamente su lengua se apoderó de tu boca haciéndote soltar un pequeño gemido y poner tu mano en la parte de atrås de su cabeza, tomando su cabello.
te separaste cuando un sentimiento de culpa te llenĂł el cuerpo.
"e-enzo, espera" pusiste una mano en su pecho, jadeando, mientras mirabas el suelo con pena. "esto es malísimo, sabes?" negaste con la cabeza cerrando los ojos y abriéndolos despues de una pausa. "yo quiero mucho a blas, no entiendo por qué hago esto" dijiste mås que nada para ti misma.
el mayor te tomó por la barbilla suavemente, obligåndote a mirarlo. "nena, esto no tiene por qué significar nada, si?" acarició el borde de tu mandíbula con sus dedos, mientras observaba tus labios "pero entiendo si no quieres seguir".
tomaste aire y suspiraste temblorosa, tenías un conflicto interno. por un lado no querías hacerle esto a blas, te sentías como una mierda y sabes que si se enteraba se iba a ir todo al carajo, pero por otro... tenías tantas ganas reprimidas y acumuladas, que tus bragas ya estaban empapadas y tu coño pulsaba nada mås con un roce en tu pierna y medio minuto de besos. realmente patético, pero nadie podía culparte.
"solo serĂĄ esta vez, y luego seguimos como siempre, como amigos, y hacemos como que no pasĂł". volviste a cerrar los ojos intentando prometerte a ti misma algo que sabĂ­as serĂ­a difĂ­cil de cumplir. enzo asintiĂł juntando sus frentes y retomando aquel beso hambriento.
enzo se separĂł, se levantĂł y se dirigiĂł a la puerta. "espera aquĂ­ un momento".
al entrar vio a todos en un desastre, la mĂșsica estaba demasiado alta y casi todos estaban borrachos ya, algunos jugando cartas y otros bailando. blas seguĂ­a jugando con la consola ahora acompañado de matĂ­as.
le dijo que te empezaste a sentir mal y que te llevaría a casa, el rizado dudó un poco pero finalmente terminó agradeciéndole. enzo tomó tus cosas y salió de nuevo.
esa noche tuviste tu primer orgasmo provocado por un hombre.
sobra decir que no fue cosa de una vez.
cuando estabas cerca de tu destino recibiste un mensaje de uno de tus compañeros de trabajo, habían rodado la grabación para otro día por un problema con los productores.
bufaste con fastidio y marcaste el nĂșmero de blas.
"hola lindo, buenos días" lo saludaste cuando contestó. "oye, no tienes que venir hoy al set, no sé si te avisaron ya pero cambiaron la fecha del rodaje".
"mierda, justo salí de bañarme, eh, bueno" escuchaste su voz frustrada. "me voy a dormir otra vez, ya qué. venís?"
"voy a aprovechar de comprar unas cosas, ya que estoy acĂĄ, para no perder el dĂ­a" dijiste recordando al ver un super en la esquina.
"bueno, estĂĄ bien, traeme algo" dijo divertido y supiste que estaba sonriendo.
"claro, te quiero" hiciste un sonido de beso. "nos vemos".
colgaste y te encaminaste hacia dicho supermercado, cuando sentiste otra vez la vibraciĂłn de tu celular en tu bolsillo.
era enzo.
"nena, estĂĄs sola?"
en menos de veinte minutos estabas en el auto de enzo dirigiéndote hacia su casa.
hablaron de cosas cotidianas y de la nueva pelĂ­cula, tĂș riendo ocasionalmente de los comentarios del mayor.
era increĂ­ble el contraste entre esos momentos tranquilos e inocentes y lo que sucedĂ­a cuando estaban en privacidad. apenas cerrada la puerta de la casa enzo ya tenĂ­a sus labios sobre ti y sus manos encima de tu cuerpo.
te cargó por los muslos y enrolló tus piernas en sus caderas, los llevó a ambos a su habitación y se sentó en el borde de la cama contigo en su regazo. llevó sus besos hasta tu cuello, donde empezó a lamer y morder suavemente un punto que ya conocía a la perfección, un punto que te hacía poner los ojos en blanco y empezar a frotar tu coño contra su bulto.
enzo ya se habĂ­a memorizado tu cuerpo.
te sacó el suéter que tenías y desabrochó tu brasier en el proceso, tomó una de tus tetas en su mano y acercó su boca a tu pezón, empezando a lamerlo en círculos y succionarlo con la fuerza necesaria para hacerte gemir y jalar su pelo entre tus dedos.
"me encanta lo sensible que eres, tan preciosa" jadeaste ante el apodo.
en un instante, enzo te habĂ­a acostado en la cama y ahora Ă©l estaba encima de ti, repartiendo besos desde tu pecho hasta tu abdomen, donde sentĂ­as su aliento caliente bajar hasta tu vientre.
alzaste la cabeza y sus miradas se encontraron cuando empezĂł a bajar tu short y tus bragas al mismo tiempo, sin dejar de verte, hasta que los terminĂł de sacar por completo dejĂĄndote descubierta ante Ă©l.
abriĂł tus piernas y al encontrar tu coño brillante y hĂșmedo, no pudo evitar relamerse los labios.
"bebé, intentemos algo" dijo mientras te jalaba por tus piernas hacía él, te apoyaste en tus codos sobre la cama para verlo mejor. "si se te hace mucho solo decime, pero tenés que dejarte llevar igual" asentiste con un poco de nervios. desde hace varios encuentros enzo te había ayudado a experimentar algunas cosas nuevas y todas te habían gustado hasta ahora, así que te preguntabas qué sería esta vez.
subió ligeramente una de tus piernas y envolvió su brazo en tu muslo, mientras que con su otra mano frotaba tus jugos en sus gruesos dedos y en todo tu coño, desde tu entrada hasta tu clítoris, el cual empezó a frotar en circulos con su pulgar haciéndote cerrar los ojos y jadear, echando tu cabeza hacia atrås.
metiĂł despacio dos de sus dedos y los empezĂł mover dentro ti con un ritmo lento, curvĂĄndolos ligeramente hacia arriba sin presionar del todo tu punto mĂĄs sensible, provocĂĄndote, desmoronĂĄndote ante Ă©l. por ahora no habĂ­a nada nuevo, solo era enzo sabiendo usar sus dedos como un experto. hasta que acelerĂł el ritmo y la fuerza de sus movimientos, presionando por completo y Ășnicamente tu punto g, con la palma de su mano rozando tu clĂ­toris repetidamente.
todo se volviĂł demasiado intenso de repente, tus cejas estaban arqueadas en una expresiĂłn de placer, tus labios rojos de tanto morderlos formaban una 'o' de la cual salĂ­an gemidos y lloriqueos que iban directamente a la erecciĂłn de enzo, que estaba roja y adolorida encerrada en su pantalĂłn.
abriste los ojos y se encontraron rĂĄpidamente con los del mayor, que te miraban con adoraciĂłn.
"m-me voy a venir, en-" enzo asintió, alzaste tu cabeza y bastó solo con mirar como su mano cubría completamente tu coño, para que un orgasmo te recorriera desde la cabeza hasta la punta de los pies, haciendote soltar un jadeo seguido de un fuerte gemido, mientras tu espalda se arqueaba y tus piernas intentaban cerrarse involuntariamente.
enzo no cesó el movimiento de su mano, mås bien mantuvo el mismo ritmo lo cual hizo que tomaras su muñeca intentando sacar sus dedos por la sobreestimulación.
"solo un poquito mĂĄs, chiquita" dijo quitando tu mano con delicadeza y acercando su cara a la tuya para tratar de distraerte con un beso.
pronto sentirĂ­as como se formaba un nuevo orgasmo en tu vientre, pero esta vez se sentĂ­a raro.
tomaste otra vez la muñeca del castaño "e-enzo, creo que me voy a-". te interrumpió una sensación de presión en tu vientre.
un segundo orgasmo mĂĄs intenso que el anterior, te llevĂł a sentarte de golpe mientras se formaban lĂĄgrimas de placer en tus ojos, tus uñas se clavaron en la piel de la muñeca del mayor con fuerza y lo Ășnico que sentĂ­as eran los espasmos de tu cuerpo y tu coño alrededor de sus dedos.
cuando te calmaste un poco abriste los ojos, los cuales ni siquiera sabías que tenías cerrados, solo para encontrarte con la cama totalmente empapada al igual que el brazo y la mano del castaño, cuyos dedos seguían dentro de ti, ahora quietos.
te asustaste y te giraste hacia Ă©l, haciendo que salga de tu cuello donde estaba repartiendo besitos.
sacó sus dedos con cuidado de tu coño haciendote soltar un quejido, sintiendote vacía de repente, y viste como se metió ambos dedos en la boca, limpiåndolos con ella. jadeaste por lo obsceno que se veía.
"quĂ© vergĂŒenza... perdoname". dijiste viendo otra vez el desastre que era la cama.
"nada de eso," respondiĂł recostĂĄndote otra vez. "fue demasiado caliente ver como te venĂ­as tan duro, te gustĂł?"
"la verdad sĂ­..." dijiste bajo, "mucho". lo miraste a los ojos y viste como algo se oscureciĂł en ellos.
"decime, tu novio te ha hecho venir asĂ­, princesa?" dijo observĂĄndote, con la voz mĂĄs grave y baja de lo normal.
"n-no, nunca". de repente estabas apretando tu coño alrededor de la nada otra vez.
enzo pensaba que esta era una de tus mejores facetas, cuando estabas desnuda en su cama, temblorosa y jadeante, completamente jodida por Ă©l, porque sabĂ­a que era Ă©l y solo Ă©l quien te llevaba a ese estado. tĂș ni siquiera debĂ­as hacer nada complicado para ponerlo caliente, le era suficiente ver como reaccionabas a las cosas que le hacĂ­a a tu cuerpo, porque tu placer era el suyo.
parecĂ­a que con cada encuentro que tenĂ­an, mĂĄs atraĂ­do se sentĂ­a hacia ti, mĂĄs hermosa eras en cada ocasiĂłn.
tenĂ­a tiempo sin sentirse de esa manera.
a todo esto, el mayor seguĂ­a completamente vestido, asĂ­ que tomaste el borde de su camisa y la subiste intentando sacĂĄrsela.
"¿todavía tenés ganas?" te miró con diversión, incrédulo, quitåndose la ropa igualmente.
observaste sus anchos hombros y sus brazos, tan grandes en comparaciĂłn con los tuyos. enzo como tal, era tan grande al lado tuyo, y tan fuerte. amabas como te podĂ­a cargar y mover fĂĄcilmente, como sus grandes manos apretaban tu cuerpo mientras empujaba su miembro dentro de ti.
el hecho de que no solo era mås grande en físico, sino en edad también, te excitaba mås de lo que le podías admitir.
cuando el castaño liberó su polla de la ropa interior que se había vuelto incómoda, sentiste que se te hizo agua la boca. la punta estaba sonrosada, brillante con líquido preseminal, y viste como una gruesa vena sobresalía a lo largo de la base.
"dejame chupartela, por favor", casi suplicaste, levantĂĄndote para quedar mĂĄs a su altura y tomando su polla en tu mano, recogiendo la humedad de la punta para empezar a moverla de arriba a bajo mĂĄs fĂĄcil.
"no, no, preciosa" detuvo tu mano. "necesito ya estar dentro de ti".
te empujĂł suavemente y tu hiciste un puchero en frustraciĂłn, pero te volviste a acostar, con enzo encima tuyo.
con una mano apoyada al lado de tu cabeza como soporte, alineĂł su miembro en tu entrada con la otra. no te preocupaste por el condĂłn porque ya habĂ­an hablado el tema, ambos estaban sanos y tu estabas con la pastilla.
"nena, mirame". te dijo obligĂĄndote a mantener contacto visual, le gustaba ver tus expresiones en todo momento.
un gemido de alivio saliĂł de ambos al sentir como finalmente introducĂ­a la punta, pero cerraste los ojos con fuerza cuando siguiĂł empujĂĄndose dentro de ti. no importaba que tan mojada estuvieras, el grosor de su miembro casi siempre los obligaba a tomar una pausa.
sentiste como su pelvis chocaba con la tuya y exhalaste fuertemente, el castaño corrió el cabello desordenado que se habia pegado a tu frente, y comenzó a repartir pequeños besos.
"estås bien? querés que me mueva?" murmuró contra tu piel, bajó su mano desocupada hacia donde ambos se unían y empezó a frotar círculos en tu clítoris con sus dedos.
el estímulo hizo que tu coño se apretara alrededor de él, sacåndole un jadeo.
asentiste con fervor, moviendo tus caderas en un intento de estar imposiblemente mĂĄs cerca de su cuerpo. "s-sĂ­ enzo, cogeme duro esta vez". tus mejillas se enrojecieron, ya no tenĂ­as nada de pena.
"¿ah, sí? ¿querés que te coja fuerte y que te deje sin caminar bien?" el castaño rió al verte asentir con ojos grandes mientras te relamías los labios.
"¿querés llegar a casa y que blas se de cuenta de que no estå haciendo su trabajo como debe, ah, chiquita?" masculló y se irguió en su lugar, comenzando sus embestidas controladas pero duras, sus manos apretando con fuerza tus caderas y sosteniendote.
gemidos agudos salían de tu garganta mientras jalabas las såbanas en puñados, sentías como el placer hormigueaba en la punta de todos tus dedos, estabas sensible todavía por los orgasmos anteriores.
tus tetas rebotaban con cada estocada, enzo las tomó en sus manos y las amasó, pellizcando y frotando sin cuidado tus pezones, mientras aceleraba el movimiento de sus caderas. la punta de su polla llegaba a golpear tu cervix haciéndote lloriquear, pero el ligero dolor solo te excitaba mås, y enzo sintió como te contraías en su miembro.
"mirĂĄ como me apretĂĄs, dios" el mayor dijo casi sin aliento. "asĂ­ querĂ­as que te cogiera? hmm? querĂ­as que fuera malo contigo, princesa?"
lo miraste directamente a los ojos con una expresiĂłn de placer puro. "sĂ­, sĂ­, m-mierda, tan rico- ah,"
agarraste una de sus manos y la dirigiste hacia tu cuello "a-ahorcame enzo, dios" suplicaste prĂĄcticamente fuera de ti misma y tus ojos se llenaron de lĂĄgrimas otra vez, extasiada. estabas muy cerca y sabĂ­as que querĂ­as correrte con sus manos en tu cuello.
sin detener sus duras embestidas, el mayor envolvió su mano y apretó con cuidado los lados de tu cuello, haciéndote girar los ojos y echar la cabeza hacia atrås, mordiéndote el labio inferior. "qué preciosa sos-" se acercó a tu oreja dåndote un beso en la mejilla antes de murmurar muy, muy bajo "no sabés cuånto te amo".
no descifraste qué palabras dijo enzo en tu oído, porque el tercer orgasmo de esa mañana te azotó con mås fuerza que los dos previos.
tu vista se nublĂł y tu boca se abriĂł sin soltar ningĂșn ruido, agarrabas con fuerza la muñeca de enzo cuya mano seguĂ­a en tu cuello, pero que yacĂ­a quieta ahora, nada mĂĄs que acariciando tu piel suavemente.
con un gritito ahogado tu cuerpo pareció ganar consciencia de nuevo, y sentiste como el castaño todavía se empujaba con dificultad dentro de tu agujero, de forma mås desordenada y erråtica por cómo tu coño se contraía repetidamente alrededor de su miembro.
tu mano se posĂł en su abdomen dĂ©bilmente, intentando alejarlo de ti por lo incĂłmodo que se estaba volviendo tanto estĂ­mulo, hasta que su orgasmo llegĂł de manera repentina, llevĂĄndolo a sacar su polla y venirse sobre tu vientre, gimiendo con el ceño fruncido mientras terminaba de exprimir hasta la Ășltima gota de semen sobre ti.
lo Ășnico que se escuchaba en la habitaciĂłn eran sus respiraciones agitadas y ocasionalmente pequeños gemidos tuyos, estabas completamente sensible y podĂ­as sentir las corrientes de placer en todo tu cuerpo aĂșn. al recomponerse, enzo bajĂł delicadamente tus piernas temblorosas de la posiciĂłnen la que estaban, y se levantĂł a buscar un paño para limpiarte.
al llegar de nuevo a la habitaciĂłn, el castaño reciĂ©n pareciĂł notar tus mejillas sonrojadas y hĂșmedas, al igual que tus pestañas, por tus lĂĄgrimas.
"bebé, te hice daño?" preguntó preocupado analizando tu cuerpo, temía haberse pasado. "fue demasiado para vos?"
acariciĂł tu rostro suavemente, apartando las lĂĄgrimas de tus ojos.
"estuvo mås que perfecto, enzo" lo miraste con ojos adormilados y una pequeña sonrisa en tu boca, estabas tan saciada.
tan satisfecha.
la expresiĂłn en su cara se suavizĂł y te devolviĂł la sonrisa. "deberĂ­amos ducharnos" dijo antes de darte un piquito en los labios.
"estoy taan, tan cansada sabes" te quejaste e hiciste un puchero que enzo también besó.
"no importa chiquita, nos metemos en la bañera y yo te limpio, sí?"
no entendĂ­as nunca esto. pasaban de tratarse como amigos normales... a tener sexo asĂ­ de sucio, para luego tratarse con una intimidad que parecĂ­a de pareja.
cuando tu verdadera pareja te estaba esperando en el apartamento que compartĂ­an.
Âżte sentĂ­as culpable? demasiado, todo esto era el resultado de un error, un error que cometiste en una noche de desliz. todo por no haberte comunicado desde el principio con tu novio sobre su situaciĂłn sexual. tu estabas segura de que lo amabas, simplemente sentĂ­as que... el sexo con Ă©l era lo terrible.
la peor parte era que tal vez ya no habĂ­a vuelta atrĂĄs. los meses pasaron y perdiste la cuenta de las veces que estuviste con enzo, blas no sospechaba nada pero sabĂ­as que era cuestiĂłn de tiempo para que se enterase.
sĂ­ debĂ­as poner un alto a la situaciĂłn con el mayor, aunque no sabĂ­as cĂłmo, ni cuĂĄndo exactamente.
por los momentos, solo te dedicarías a disfrutar de los dedos que masajeaban tu cuero cabelludo suavemente en aquel baño.
pensabas que no serĂ­a tan difĂ­cil dejar el tema con enzo, despuĂ©s de todo, antes de besarse y coger, eran amigos muy cercanos. el Ășnico sentimiento que habĂ­a entre ustedes era ese, amistad.
o al menos eso creĂ­as tĂș.
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total-lunareclipse4 · 3 months
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summary. pipe gives away way too much information when he’s drunk.
warnings. suggestive 18+ minor pipe otaño x f!reader
a/n. based off bota niña by bad gyal đŸ«Š
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you were beginning to regret accepting the boy’s invitation of hitting a club to celebrate the premiere of the movie. they had convinced you to join reminding you of the countless months you’d spent on set making sure everyone was taken care of. the large group had managed to reserve a secluded section big enough for the cast and their friends. you could barley hear anyone over the loud music blaring in the venue.
you were glad the tab wouldn’t fall on you as the boys kept ordering group shots and bottles of bacardi and champagne. you went slow not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of the cast. the last thing you wanted was to make a fool of yourself in front of your coworkers. you had image to keep up with.
“i’m gonna miss you.” pipe slurred as he laid his head against your arm.
“i’m gonna miss you too pipe.” you sighed not believing that you were probably never gonna see any of the guys again.
“can i kiss you?” he blurts out.
“pipe you’re drunk.” you try not to laugh as his drunk self betrays him.
“well i tried! i was so stupid to believe that you liked me over enzo.” he slouches back in his seat as he accepts defeat.
“over enzo? what does he have to do with this?” you ask him intrigued.
enzo had been the coworker you’d least interacted with during filming. he tended to spend more time with the guys and often kept to himself since he was practically the only uruguayan on set. on the few occasions that the two of you had spoken he had been cordial but reserved. it lowkey pissed you off because it left you wanting to know more. seeing him in the finished product was worse because he was full of talent and you had been so close to him yet so far.
“it’s so obvious he likes you.” he says as he tries to reach out for another shot but you intercept him. he’s had enough to drink tonight.
“you’re not funny pipe.” your eyes wander around the room until they land on the topic of conversation. his slicked back hair alone is enough to make you squirm. you quickly turn your attention back to the argentine in front of you.
“i’m the funniest person here besides franco.” he scoffs. “besides enzo was always asking about you on set and i’ve caught him staring. he totally likes you.”
“you’re so full of shit.” you shake your head as you laugh. “i’m gonna go have fun now so the hangover doesn’t bother me as much in the morning.”
you stand up adjusting your dress in the process. it was an absolute pain to always have to pull your dress down whenever it rode up but the high of the movie premiere was too strong to care. it was as if pipe’s observation had given you a wave of confidence and you found yourself standing in front of the others.
“does anyone want to come dance with me?” you ask in the nicest tone possible.
“enzo does!” pipe yells and you can’t help but send a glare towards him.
“no, my dancing is terrible.” enzo nervously giggles as he feels everyone’s eyes land on him.
“he’s lying!” franco throws him under the bus.
“i’ve seen him dance he’s decent.” esteban adds on to the teasing.
“he doesn’t need to come if he doesn’t want to. it’s fine.” you feel the heat rise up to your cheeks at their banter.
“nope! he’s going. he’s the best dancer i’ve ever seen.” pipe continues with his banter.
“enzo! enzo! enzo!” the rest of the people begin to chant as they egg him on. you were regretting asking them anything.
he stands up giving into the pressure from his cast mates. even though the club is dark and the lights are dim you can still notice the pink hue on his cheeks. he’s either embarrassed or flustered and you were beginning to feel bad.
“you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to. i don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” you told him as he approached you.
“it’s fine besides it’ll give them something to talk about.” he smirked as the two of you headed towards the center of the room.
the club is dimly lit but you’re easily able to see people surrounding the two of you. they’re mostly all couples with the occasional group of friends somewhere in the mix. it also doesn’t help that it’s basically old reggaeton music blaring from the speakers meaning it was meant to be danced closely with your partner. you’re too shy to do anything and you quite literally stand there frozen unsure of what to do next.
“you can’t go all shy on me now.” he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. “just a couple of minutes ago you were asking for a dancing partner.”
you try to not look shocked after all he is a man and he has his wants. but you have your needs. truth be told you had barely been romantically involved with anyone since filming had begun and wrapped. you were craving the attention of someone and you didn’t mind if it came from the extremely attractive protagonist. a newfound confidence had formed between the two of you and the music only encouraged you.
“so you don’t mind me touching you, right?” you ask him with a subtle smirk.
the dim lights manage to illuminate his face as he smiles at you. the moment occurring is intimate and probably the most you had ever interacted with him throughout the past three years you knew him. you couldn’t help but admire him, his attractiveness being too much for his own good. he didn’t realize how good looking he was but you had a feeling he would soon.
“depends, how?” he brings his lips near your ears due to the music to make sure you could hear him. the act making you shiver.
“like this.” you place your palm on his chest slowly trailing it down his chest. you lowered your body to the beat of the music at the same time. you surprised your self at how your body moved and how willingly you did it for him.
“fuck.” he murmured trying to make sure you didn’t hear him but you managed to catch it anyways. it was definitely an ego boost, you’d tell your friends about this.
you try to do it again but he grabs you and brings you chest to chest with him. he analyzes you and your breath hitches the suspense killing you. you’re not sure what he’s thinking and you don’t know if you just scared him off. he creeps his hand up your neck to your jaw cupping your face. he removes the couple of strands of hair that are blocking your face. his face gets closer to yours–your heart beating faster. one blink and his lips are on yours capturing them into a sensual rhythm.
you’re perfectly still for a moment not expecting a kiss from him but that doesn’t last long. you’re moving your lips against his in a second. his hand remains firm on your jaw as he kisses you. the two of you pull away for a second to catch your breath’s. you look up at him trying to decipher his feelings. you realize he liked it as much as you did when he leaned in for another one.
normally you would feel bad about the blatant pda in front of others but you weren’t thinking straight. maybe it was the lack of oxygen due to your lips being connected with his but all you wanted was to enjoy the passionate kisses he was giving you. your hand found it’s way into his messy hair tugging at the strands causing deep groans from him. it triggered something inside you. you’d never been kissed like this before nor held like this. you were so entranced by him you barely noticed the way his hand lowered down your body.
“you want to grab my ass and you haven’t even asked me out yet.” you remove his hand from your waist teasing him.
“oh come on you know how busy i’ve been.” he jokes. “come back to my room and i’ll make up for it.”
you offer him a forced smile clearly amused by his sudden confidence and his tempting offer. it was almost enough to make you break. but you didn’t want to be a simple one night stand he would forget. you may have found him attractive but you weren’t gonna lose your dignity.
“no enzo if you really want to make it up to me you’ll come to mine with dinner.” you kiss him on the cheek. “you know where to find me.” you say referring to fact that the whole cast was staying in the same hotel for the premiere.
you head towards the hotel dragging pipe and franco along with you. the two of them being so drunk you can barely get them into their rooms. when you were finally alone you brought your fingers up to your lips reminiscing about enzo and the feel of his lips on yours. you’re barely out of your heels when there’s a knock on your door. you believe it’s pipe coming to bother you once more but instead it’s enzo with a bag of takeout and that devilish smirk of his.
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
What if in s5 we see
Ted: hey, so how's sweetie pie
Mike: she's fine, thanks for asking
Ted: she? you broke up with Will?
Mike: what?
Will: we're not dating
Ted: son you've been with a girl the whole time?
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
I really need someone next season to tell Jonathan that Will and Joyce will be fine and it’s okay to put himself first for once so that he can go off to college with Nancy and become a successful photographer
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
there’s just something about bts eddie that is so incredibly mesmerizing
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
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because he would 💀
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
i think eddie has drawings he’s done hung on his bedroom walls and i can’t stop thinking about bestfriend eddie doodling things for u. just absentmindedly during class or at restaurants or when ur spending a lazy day at his trailer.
for years, u keep them in a little box under ur bed. u cherish them like they’re wonderful gifts (and they are to u). secretly, u were harbouring a great crush on him and the drawings and sketches made ur heart ache w affection whenever he’d slip them to u in class.
maybe he slips them through the slats in ur locker between classes as well :( and when they float down to the ground when u open ur locker they make u smile instantly; eager to add it to ur collection at home.
he started out drawing whatever came to his mind. and then when eddie realized how much u loved them (noting how ur face lit up whenever he slipped u one in class), he started drawing things he knew you’d love; ur favourite flowers, or sketches of characters u like, ur favourite animals, maybe he sketches ur face (eddie thinks it’s his prettiest drawing yet), his rings bc he knows u like those too. he does them on scraps of paper and napkins and textbook pages, envelopes; anything that’s near him when an idea comes to him.
later on, after graduation and love confessions, u still have every drawing and sketch he’s done for u over the years. if u had to guess, there were over 100 little scraps of paper in the box. eddie didn’t know u still had them.
one day, u dig through all of them, fishing around for the perfect one. ur gonna get one tattooed. u find ur favourite; probably one of the first ones he’d ever done.
for weeks, u hid it from him, carefully covering ur wrist with long sleeved shirts and hoodies, planning to reveal it to him only once it’s healed.
when u finally show him, he’s puzzled for a moment; the tattoo looks familiar to him, but he can’t quite place where he’s seen it before. then, u pull the box out from under ur bed and show him the little slip of paper with his original drawing. he clues in then, realizing what you’ve done. his big brown eyes go wide (somehow becoming more large and owlish than they already were), snapping his gaze quickly to urs.
“jesus christ! that’s my drawing?” he marvels, breathless as he pulls ur wrist closer to him to inspect the ink closer. he thumbs over the tattoo softly. “it looks great.”
then, seemingly realizing something else, eddie’s eyes are drawn to the box full of drawings beside u. he picks it up, thumbs through the ones at the top.
“u kept them?” he whispers, dark eyes full of emotion.
“of course,” you say, “i only had like a massive crush on u for four freaking years!”
he laughs bashfully at that, and then, “yeah. and u know i felt the same way. kinda why i drew u about a thousand of these things,” eddie says, raising the box of drawings in his hand.
u kiss him on the cheek then and eddie kisses u on the mouth appreciatively, lovingly.
u spend the next little while combing through every drawing, reminiscing about each one; when he’d drawn them for u, why, which are ur favourites.
and now, every time he has an excuse, eddie places a tender kiss to the tattoo on ur wrist.
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
Asking Eddie what his favourite colour is, he tells you it’s red, but not bright red, red like blood. And the next time he sees you your nails are painted a deep red and he teases you about it the whole afternoon like “Did this cause you wanted to please me, is that it?” Because he knows you have a crush on him, and Eddie’s not a cruel man but he loves to see you flustered and stumbling over your words and it’s just too easy
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
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áŽĄÊœáŽ€áŽ›'ᮅ ÉȘ ᎛ᎇʟʟ ʏᎏ᎜? ÉŽÉȘɮᮊᮀ.
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
Or those tiktoks making fun of cosplayers saying “i bet she thinks eddie would like her, i wanna leave the fandom” like? eddie wouldn’t like you, he’d be friends with cosplayers.
Convinced that Tiktok stranger things fans are the weakest link. They will go on the most homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, classist rant you’ve ever heard and then thirst over Eddie Munson like he wouldn’t hate them and everything they stand for. The amount of tiktoks I’ve seen which are just fun little headcanons about which characters would be queer or autistic and the comments are filled with “stop making everyone gay” “stop making everyone autistic” “if you make Eddie or Steve autistic I’m going to leave the fandom” like thanks for showing me the exact read why I put my stranger things brainrot on tumblr and not on tiktok
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
catch me thinking about this fic for the next week or so
I adore your Eddie fics. At some point, could you include Eddie and y/n making out, with y/n having either coloured gloss or lipstick or something on, potentially at a party or somewhere dark so they don't realise. They go out into the light, Eddie with lipgloss/stick all over his face/jaw/neck and y/n with a ring around her mouth
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fandom: stranger things
parings: eddie x f henderson reader
warnings: alcohol use, allusion to smut, swearing
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Eddie was a needy drunk. Like hands all over you, lips never leaving yours, compliments spilling from his mouth at all times, kind of drunk. And you loved attention while sober, so when you were drunk, you craved it. Which is one of the many reasons why you and Eddie were practically a perfect match.
Right now, drunk under the dim lights at Jeff’s birthday party, surrounded by Hellfire members and a few other people from school, all Eddie wanted to do was kiss you. But he was stuck talking with Gareth and Jeff, he had tried so many times to slip away but every time they managed to bring him back.
You on the other hand were talking with Dustin. Chatting his ear off as you sipped on your fifth drink of the night and Dustin had a headache. Your brain wasn’t really computing what you were telling your little brother, until he dry retched, standing up from the couch.
“Y/N that is disgusting!” Dustin exclaimed looking down at you with wide eyes. “I’m not one of your girlfriends, i’m your brother and Eddie is my best friend. I do not under any circumstances want to know about what the pair of you do in bed,” he said.
With that Dustin walked away, leaving you alone. You were too drunk to feel embarrassed about sharing a little too much information with Dustin at the moment, but you knew once you were sober you were going to hate yourself.
“Finally,” Eddie sighed, slipping next to you on the couch. You smiled at the sight of your boyfriend who had spent nearly half an hour having a conversation with his friends.
“I missed you,” you said, arms wrapping around his neck. Eddie pressed a kiss to your lips.
“Have I told you how pretty you tonight? You always look pretty, but-“ He began to ramble until you cut him off with a giggle.
“You’ve told me like
 a million times already!” You exclaimed, happily. Eddie grinned at you and his lips were on yours again.
Dustin nearly passed out when he looked back over at where you were sitting. Seeing Eddie shoving his entire tongue down your throat was not something he wanted to see, like ever.
“I really hate them sometimes,” Dustin muttered to Lucas and Mike before looking away.
Your fingers gripped at Eddie’s collar, pulling him closer to you if that was even possible. Eddie’s hands rested on the small of your back, toying with the zipper on your dress.
“Wanna fuck you so bad,” he muttered against your lips. You grinned against his before pecking him, your lips slowly moving to his jaw and neck, sucking purple marks into his skin.
Eddie groaned at the sensation, his fingers tangling through your hair, titling his head up so you got better access. You paused, moving towards his ear.
“Fuck me then,” you whispered, softly biting down onto his earlobe. Eddie moaned at your words before taking your hand, pulling you up from the couch and leading you towards the bathroom.
He locked the door behind him and flicked on the light switch. You burst out laughing and he was quick to turn around and see what the fuss was about.
“I look like a clown!” You exclaimed, glancing at your reflection in the mirror to see a ring of red lipstick around your mouth.
Eddie smiled at you as you glanced over at him, eyes widening before you started laughing again.
“What?” He asked, chuckling at your reaction before standing beside you, looking at his own reflection. Red lipstick stained his lips, jaw and neck, adorning his purple bruises.
“You look ridiculous,” you grinned as he turned towards you, his hands resting on your hips.
“Imagine what it’d look like around my dick,” he smirked. You looked up at him with lust filled eyes before sinking to your knees.
“Only one way to find out,” you smiled.
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© luvfae 2022
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
you’re allowed to like billy as a villain, but don’t idolize him as a person.
It's ok to like fictional villains. While we’d probably recoil from such individuals in the flesh, fiction allows us to enjoy and even feel the allure of villains. This comes down to works of fiction acting like a safety net that allows us to identify with the characters and analyze the similarities between us without damaging our own self-image. Such exploration allows us to engage with the dark aspects of your personality without making you question whether you are a good person in general.Fiction is about conflict, drama and mistakes and the reasons and consequences behind human behavior. People make the mistake of conflating enjoying art with agreeing with what it depicts and that’s just not how consuming media works. I like hurt/comfort fanfic, but that doesn’t mean I want to see my partner beaten up. I really enjoy Hannibal, but that doesn’t mean I approve of cannibalism. What we read, watch, write or ship doesn’t reflect our character. If that were true, Stephen King and George R. R. Martin should both be in prison, and every fan of Die Hard would be on a watchlist. We enjoy stories because they take us outside of ourselves, into adventures we could never have and into the minds of people we could never be. That’s art. And while it’s always important to be critical and thoughtful about how and why we enjoy something, that should never keep you from liking what you like. And it certainly doesn’t make you a bad person.
If this is about the tags on that one billy post, pls actually read what i was saying
I like Vecna as a villain, I like Angela as (im hesitant to call her this) a villain. I even like Billy as a villain đŸ˜ČđŸ˜Č
You know who I don't like defending and babying? Billy !!
Billy was a racist abuser, plain and simple, and I hate that people are constantly defending him. Yeah he could've changed eventually, but that doesn't mean I want to watch thousands of people flock to defend him and his actions by calling him a repressed gay.
I am allowed to hate racist characters, I am allowed to hate racist people, because as a woman of colour they are literally out for my blood.
like, dont forget about how Caleb literally watched people fucking worship Billy for YEARS before he was finally comfortable enough to call Billy racist, the fandom can't find any empathy for Max or Lucas and that's a huge problem.
there's so much more to say abt this but u completely missed the initial point i was making about this fandoms tendency to idolize bad people just because they're white.
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
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When Ur band is called corroded coffin but u didn't get one
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
the guessing game
summary: eddie knows you have a crush, and won’t stop asking who it is OR the 5 times you didn’t tell eddie who your crush was and the one time you did | 2.4k
disclaimers: best friends to lovers, angst, small argument, idiots in love, mutual pining, use of “sweetness” and “baby”, eddie and reader being a bit oblivious, not proof read
authors note: the reader is gn but let me know if i made any mistakes !! <3
“You have a crush on someone.”
It was the first thing Eddie said when he returned to your table, and despite the innocent question, the light teasing in his voice, it still had you seizing up; blood gone cold. 
“What?” You replied, your sharp tone a betrayal. 
Eddie handed you your milkshake, eying you with wide eyes and an easy grin. You were quick to stick the straw between your lips, anything to keep you from speaking. 
“So it’s true!” He dropped into his seat across from you, and propped his elbows onto the table, sliding closer to you with wide, inquisitive eyes. “Who is it? Is it someone I know?”
You refused to answer, scowling at him beneath your lashes as you begrudgingly sipped your milkshake. 
The milkshakes here were heavenly, and yet you found yours impossible to enjoy, the beverage sour on your tongue with the knowledge that Eddie had found you out. Not completely, thank God. But if Eddie was anything, it was ambitious, and you knew he wouldn’t stop pushing until you revealed to him who it was. 
“Oh, come on!” Eddie’s bottom lip jutted out, and his brows dipped in a way that made his eyes seem larger, more puppy-like. “Tell me! I’m your best friend.” 
You stopped drinking to reply, pinning him with a stern look. “I don’t have a crush, Ed’s,” you said. “Don’t jump to conclusions.” And then you returned to your drink, a clear attempt to avoid having the conversation. 
Eddie huffed, intensity waning as he leaned back, starting on his own milkshake, although not without a final, “I’m gonna find out.” 
It came up the next day during lunch. 
The group was in a heated debate; fingers were jabbed at one another, offence was taken, hands were thrown up in exasperation. It was a comical sight, one which you quietly observed, a laugh lodged into your throat. 
The perilous laugh vanished when Eddie leaned close to you, and whispered, “Is it them you like?” 
You followed where he was pointing, and swatted at his hand with a low, exasperated, “No.”
He wasn’t deterred. “What about them?”
Eddie pointed at another. “Them?” 
“Eddie, no. Stop–”
You shoved at his shoulder, and he recoiled, gripping the arm you struck with a pained hiss. “I barely touched you,” you scoffed, smiling with a narrow of your eyes. “I won’t tell you who it is, stop trying.” 
“So you do like someone?” Was Eddie’s reply. 
“Wasn’t what I said,” you protested. 
“It was implied, though,” Eddie countered, victory hidden beneath the amusement. 
“Shut up,” you huffed, returning your gaze to the group who, thanks to their generous volume and passion for the discussion, hadn’t noticed your conversation with Eddie. 
Eddie laughed and knocked his shoulder against yours with a chirp of, “I’m getting closer!” 
You frowned softly, a despondent murmur of, “yeah, that’s the problem, isn’t it?” lost within the clamour of the cafetaria. 
Eddie detested basketball games. 
Generally, he was never a fan of the game. What amplified his distaste, however, was the jocks who played it. It solidified the prejudice he previously had against it. Besides, he wasn’t someone who was big into school spirit nor events that celebrated such. 
And yet, during almost every basketball game, Eddie could be found in the stands with you at his side. This was for two reasons:
Chrissy Cunningham
Lucas Sinclair
For the first half of the game, neither of you talked. Sinclair was out on the court, and both of you were utterly immersed, spending most of it cheering and clapping your hands, strident and unapologetic in your support for Lucas. In the second half, however, when Lucas was returned to the bench, Eddie was nudging your shoulder. 
You anticipated a comment about Lucas’s performance or maybe a snide remark about Jason, but when he said, “Is it them?” It had a scowl falling over your exuberant features. 
“Are you serious?” 
“Is it?” 
You glanced over, and shook your head. “No.” 
“What about–” Eddie paused, nonchalance marred by distaste. He turned to you pleadingly. “Wait, don’t tell me it’s Jason.” 
You swivelled to face him, amused and insulted at once. “No,” you said sourly, “It’s not Jason. He’s an asshole to you, why would you think I’d like him?” 
  “I wasn’t trying to say I think you’d like him. I’m just covering all my bases,” Eddie soothed, not missing a beat. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t insulting your taste, baby, I promise.” 
Heat travelled up your neck at the casual pet name. “Better not be,” you warned shakily. Damn Eddie and his constant use of pet names. They could easily be misconstrued as romantic, and it was messing with your lovesick brain. 
Eddie grinned, winking at you breezily before turning to assess the crowd. “Oh! What about them?” 
“No, Eddie, not them either.” 
“Is it someone in the group?” 
You’d been cleaning up the DND table with Eddie in a comfortable silence, and the sudden interruption had you glancing up, brows knitted. “What?” 
“Your crush,” Eddie said, a touch loudly, as if to say, “Isn’t it obvious?” 
You groaned, lowering your gaze as you hurried back to the task at hand. “Eddie, let it go.” 
He didn’t seem to have heard you. “You just– You act weird during DND. Or have been recently. Usually, you’re immersed in the game, but recently you seem really flustered, and nervous.”
Your shoulders tightened at the keen observation, but at least he didn’t comment on the many other signs. Ones which were much more telling. Like, you laughing too hard at his jokes, looking at him for approval, stumbling over your words when he looked you in the eye. 
You were hot with the incoming deception, but you pushed through, body strung tight. “It’s not anyone from DND,” you said, the lie slippery on your tongue. You could only hope he didn’t hear the quiver in your voice. 
“Whatever you say,” Eddie replied lightly. 
You quietly proceeded cleaning up, not allowing yourself to relax, tense with expectation. 
“Cherry’s better,” you announced, leaning back, lips disconnecting from Eddie’s straw.
“What?” Eddie stared at you, affronted. “Cherry is not better! Blueberry is. I– did you even taste it?” 
“I did,” you said, amused. Your own drink sat on your lap, held steady by your hands, and you continued drinking it, the slush a relieving contrast to the blazing heat. You spoke around your straw. “My opinion remains.”
Eddie scoffed, and nudged his drink toward you. “Taste it again.” 
“You’re ridiculous,” you laughed. Still, you humoured him, bending over his lap, and taking another sip. Then, you straightened, pursing your lips, and looking off into the distance, as if you were truly contemplating what flavour was better. 
“Well?” Eddie prompted. 
You nodded firmly, rumination slipping. “Yeah, cherry’s better.”
Eddie made an indignant sound, and you laughed, head thrown back as the warm, dizzying sound spilled into the air. 
“Oh, that's so unfair! You were playing with me.” 
“No, I wasn’t! I did think about it,” you argued. “It’s not my fault cherry’s better.”
Eddie sniffed, turning away from you with his drink in tow. He sipped on it mournfully. “Whatever, I don’t care.” 
You snorted at his dramatics, following his lead, a silence descending between the two of you as you gulped down your slushies. It didn’t last long.
“Oh hey, Y/N!” 
You glanced up in unison from your places on the sidewalk, and while Eddie eyed the guy unsurely, you smiled politely. “Oh, Mark! Hi.” 
“We’re still on for Friday, right?” 
Eddie glanced at you, a brow quirked, but you ignored him, nodding hastily. “Yeah, yeah, of course!” 
“Okay, cool. See ya.” 
He left for the convenient store, and when the door rattled shut, Eddie turned to you. “Friday?” 
“Oh.” You turned away with a dismissive shake of your head. “I’m tutoring him.” 
Eddie continued to stare at you, brow creased like something was bothering him. “What, you like him?” 
You jolted, frustration and surprise surging through you, the audacity unlikely. Paired with the anger, however, there was embarrassment. His tone was cruel, and seemed to imply you’d done something wrong, causing you to warm. 
You glanced at him, something accusatory burning in your eyes. “Excuse me? No. I said I’m tutoring him. What about that implied I liked him?” 
It was Eddie’s turn to be embarrassed, noticeably blanching, all the fight sucked from his body as he leaned away from you, eyes wide with horror. You were certain if he wasn’t holding his slushy, he’d raise his hands in surrender. “No! No! I wasn’t– I was just curious!” 
You frowned, looking away from him with a large huff, closing yourself off with a firm crossing of your arms. “Whatever.” 
Eddie swallowed roughly, grimacing against the stifling air. He didn’t know what to say to save it, however, so instead, he just went back to drinking his slushy, occasionally glancing at you in concern.
The fight spooked you both. You had fights, of course, but they were small, and you were always quick to apologise to one another, the guilt too much to stew in. That fight, though? It felt like something else, something that seemed to threaten your friendship. 
You were forced to confront each other, however, when a party was thrown Saturday, and Eddie came to pick you up. 
You threw open the passenger door, and leaped inside, looking all dolled up for the party. 
Eddie glanced at you, and paused. He inhaled loudly, as if he’d forgotten to breathe for a second, and said, “You look nice.” 
You smiled, something about the way Eddie said it, with such glaring sincerity, and something like awe in his voice causing you to preen, suddenly a lot more comfortable. “Thank you.” 
“No problem,” Eddie said as he started pulling onto the road. 
The car ride wasn’t like it usually was, nowhere close to it. There was no stupid jokes that had you laughing till your ribs hurt, no arguing over who got to pick the music, no gasping in unison when your song came on, no taking the chance to catch up. None of it. It was exceptionally less awkward than earlier, however, and you could deal with that. 
When you arrived, Eddie didn’t announce it. Instead, like always, he turned off the car, and hurried out, rounding over to your side. He opened your door, and bowed deeply, a hand extended in offering. “M’lady,” he greeted. 
You grinned, and took his hand. “Why thank you, good sir.” 
When you were safely on the ground, Eddie straightened, and gestured at the thrumming house. “Well, shall we?” 
“We shall,” you replied in an expensive tone.
You ambled up the steps, Eddie dragging you by your hand, albeit gently, and when he shoved past the door, shoulder first, you were assailed by sound; breezy laughter, loud music. 
Eddie didn’t give you time to squirm beneath the questioning eyes, marvelling at the two freaks' arrival, as he tightened his grip on your hand, and pushed through the crowd, crying out, “Let’s get some drinks!” 
You could be found perched on the couch not long after, woozy with intoxication. Eddie had his arm thrown around you snugly, and you were pressed to his side, cheek squished to the arm of his jean jacket. His eyes were downcast, watching you fondly, quietly, unaware of the clamour around him. 
“Are you gonna ask?” You murmured.
You didn’t need to elaborate. “Can I?” 
You tilted your head up, meeting his eye. “Well, do you wanna know?”
“I wanna know why you’ve been acting strange,” he admitted. “I don’t want you to feel like you're obligated to tell me something.”
You huffed. “I feel guilty.” 
“Guilty?” Eddie repeated, and he said it like you were the most precious thing in the world, like you couldn’t do a single thing wrong. “Why do you feel guilty?” 
“Because I’m making you worry,” you said, looking away from him, suddenly sheepish. “But I also don’t wanna ruin our friendship by telling you.” 
Eddie tried to get you to look at him, following you when you turned away defiantly, leaning this way and that, bending by the hip. When none of that worked, when it didn’t even get him a smile, he sighed, a hand curling around your jaw. Gently, he turned you to face him, and although his touch was tender, his voice was firm when he said, “We’ll work through it. I don't know what it is, but even if it's a bit difficult, a bit complicated, we’ll work through it. Okay?” 
You nodded hesitantly, and his hand dropped. 
“Okay,” Eddie repeated. “What's up?” 
Dread rippled through you, but you forced yourself to bite the bullet, your chest aching in response to his patient gaze. 
“It’s you who I like.” 
And when you confessed, the world didn’t stop moving. While you were sitting beside your best friend Eddie Munson, spilling your guts, people were chugging beer, dancing sloppily, and laughing without a care in the world. You were preparing for your whole world to shatter. 
Eddie blinked, stupefied. “What?” 
“You were asking about my crush, remember?” Your voice grew watery, and you rushed to speak, hell-bent on not crying. It was difficult not to. “Well, I do have one, and it's you.” You tried to tack on an, “I’m sorry,” because you were. Sorry for messing things up. Sorry for making it weird. Sorry for getting too gooey. But you were prevented by the thickness in your throat, prompting you to curl your lips in. 
He frowned, and pity shone in his eyes. 
Your heart dropped. 
“Oh, baby.” 
When you straightened, preparing to flee, Eddie stopped you, firmly intertwining his fingers with yours. “Stop, please.” 
“Eddie, this is–” cruel, you were gonna say. 
“No, I don’t– I just mean, I’m surprised you didn’t notice,” Eddie said. “And I’m sorry I never told you.” 
“I’m not following,” you said softly, looking at him warily, not allowing the hope to ignite. 
“Baby,” Eddie said, squeezing your hand once, and you hated the sudden flare of hope. Tried to stamp it out. He was making it hard, though, with all the pet names, and the sickly sweet voice, as if he was totally smitten for you. “I’m, like, totally head over heels for you.” 
Eddie grinned. “Oh no, you really didn’t know? I’m not subtle at all, sweetness. I think everyone knew, actually. Even Steve.” 
You ached with happiness, and despite your attempts to resist it, you ended up smiling, shy but bursting with happiness. Holy shit, you thought. This is real. This is real.
Eddie laughed, and ducked his head, angling closer to you till your noses touched. “You have a nice smile,” he noted. 
Your nose scrunched up in distaste. “Oh gosh, don’t get all sappy on me,” you protested, grinning so wide your cheeks throbbed. 
Eddie smirked, seeming delighted to have made you smile. “Better get used to it, baby. I'm here all night."
taglist: @ahqkas @alexxavicry @mirclealignr @milkiangl @espressopatronum454
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
he’d either cosplay or befriend cosplayers so why don’t we just let people be happy 😋
i love love love it when people call eddie cosplayers/writers/artists cringey - BRO SO WAS HE 😭
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
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🌜The flavor of your chapstick 🌛
pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: after an intervention from your friends. you decide to confess your feelings for your best friend in a rather peculiar way.
warnings: making out maybe?
word count: 1.3k ish words
Their words danced around your mind, they had occupied a significant portion of your thoughts ever since they were spoken.
“Just do something about it, he feels the same, trust us.” Steve had sat you down in his living room, Nancy and Robin each at one of his sides.
“How do you know that? Did he tell you that?” It was a fair question. They were talking about taking a major risk here, one wrong move and years of friendship would go to waste.
“Nope! Not doing that. Whatever he tells us is a secret we can’t disclose, you know the rules,” Robin exclaimed, lifting both her hands with a shrug of her shoulders.
“But-,” you protested.
“Listen, I know you want confirmation, but how would you feel if we told Eddie the stuff you tell us? You’re just gonna have to trust us on this.” Nancy kneeled in front of you, taking your face in her hands to soothe your nerves.
Taking a few deep breaths in and out, you nodded your head.
“Fine, whatever. Guess I’ll have to listen to you for once.”

It was weird only if you made it weird, so stop making it weird. He'd asked you a couple times already about it, and you kept lying to him. They were pathetic lies, ones you knew he wasn’t buying. He knew you too well. But he didn’t push, he kept his grip on the steering wheel and his gaze on the road, occasionally glancing at you from time to time.
You went to turn on the radio, trying to keep him distracted and fill some of the silence that hung above you.
He didn’t comment on it, opting for quietly singing along and drumming against different parts of his car with his fingers.
Upon reaching his house, he let a deep and theatrical sigh out. He got out of the van and waited for you at the entrance.
“Munson Castle,” he said, opening the front door for you. His joke lacked that usual spark that usually accompanies his tone. His eyes didn’t squint and his grin remained invisible. It was clear that your attitude was affecting him, and even though you did feel guilty about it, you couldn’t help the way you were acting.
Your nerves had been eating you up for days, stealing sleep away from you and forcing you to stay away from him.
It wasn’t fair for him, you knew that. It was clear he thought your strangeness came from something he’d done, but you were determined to show him that wasn’t the case.
You walked after him towards his room, sitting down on your usual spot against his bed. Eddie opted for throwing himself onto the bed, face downwards.
“Gonna tell me what I did now?” He asked, voice muffled by his pillow.
“What do you mean?” You feigned innocence.
He turned around, facing the back of your head.
“C’mon, don’t give me that. It’s obvious I did something to upset you. You’ve been acting weird all week. I thought we were
” He stopped talking, suddenly against uttering the word friends.
“You thought we were what?”
“Nothing. It’s just that, we tell each other stuff, so tell me what’s going on,” He got off the bed, sitting down next to you, “please.”
The proximity was intoxicating, you loved having him close, adored being able to scan every single one of his features.
“Let’s play a game first, then we can talk.”
He was taken aback by your request, but gave in nonetheless, motivated by the promise of a conversation.
“What do you wanna play?”
“Close your eyes,” you requested. Reluctant, he followed through. Giving you time to open your bag and retrieve the item you needed. Cherry chapstick, one of your favorites. It was a good option to start with.
You applied a significant amount on your lips, hurrying upon noticing Eddie’s increasing impatience.
“Okay, open your eyes.” He scanned the room, as if expecting things to look different.
“Guess what flavor my chapstick is.” You leaned forward, leaving enough space between you two for him to not feel pressured into anything.
His expression was one of confusion, so you repeated your words.
“That’s up to you, Munson. Perks of the game.” You stood still, heat emanating from each of your pores.
He leaned in closer, noses almost brushing together. His eyes looked even bigger from this distance, his cow-like beautiful eyes.
Eddie took a deep breath before separating from you once again.
“Cherry,” he declared proudly.
“Beginner's luck.” You asked him to repeat the process, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and applying a different chapstick.
He leaned in even closer this time, missing your lips for less than a few inches. His breath hit you like waves, you could practically taste the gum he’d been chewing earlier. You saw him close his eyes as he inhaled this time.
Staying close longer than necessary, he finally pulled away.
“Bet you won’t get the next one,” you teased.
Once again, you removed the lip balm you currently had on and replaced it with the most exotic flavor you could find.
“Sniff away,” you joked.
Eddie opened his eyes, inhaling a few times. You let out a laugh, he was acting like a dog. Your chuckles drowned out once he was nearer you, just the natural effect Eddie Munson had on you.
“Can’t tell,” he spoke against your lips.
“It’s limited edition,” you whispered, scared to raise your voice.
“You said I could try and guess however I wanted?”
You nodded, accompanying your gesture with a verbal confirmation.
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” he said before grabbing you by your nape and bringing his mouth to yours. He moved slowly at first, truly trying to take in the flavor of your lips, but that initial intention was quickly forgotten by the both of you.
His other hand went to hold you by your ass, grabbing it and bringing you onto his lap. You lost yourself in him, exploring his back with your hands and his mouth with your tongue.
With the firm grip he had on your head, he forced you closer to him, chest to chest. You felt his lungs rise and drop, faster and faster. Every centimeter of your skin currently being touched by Eddie was on fire.
He began lowering you on your back, gently. Positioning himself in between your legs. You laid on the floor as he began moving downwards, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck. You felt him suck on your skin, trying to leave marks. You were too drunk on him to complain, so you let him. Your fingers were tangled on his locks, pulling and scraping.
He returned to face you, staying away from your lips for a few moments. He admired you before going down again presumably to kiss you. You were surprised when instead he traced his tongue along your closed lips.
He held you up by your wrists, sitting you on his lap once again.
“Something with pumpkin,” he said.
You were convinced he’d fried your brain because you didn’t understand what he was saying at first, you just looked at him like a lost puppy.
“The game we were playing?” He chuckled, “That’s what you taste like.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s pumpkin pie, a Halloween limited edition.”
“I like this game,” he said as he pushed a few strands of hair away from your face. You rested your forehead against his, trying to let out some of the electricity you still felt pulsing through your body.
“Me too.”
“Can we go again?” That was all the confirmation you needed, whatever your friends hadn’t told you earlier, you were sure of it now.
“Oh, absolutely,” you said as you wiped your mouth and prepared for another round.
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