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“I swear to god, if you don’t lighten up, I’m going to find a way to make you.” There was an underlining threat there that Madden didn’t want to actually have to make good on. It was more fun to party with people who actually wanted to be there. She let out a huff, pouting as she realized Tristan was going to stay just as stuffy and hell bent on going home as she’d started. “Fine, we can go. But you owe me a  night out, don’t think I’m going to let you forget!”
“If I order some food and a few more drinks, will I’ll be off the hook for a rain check on that night out?” Tristan smiled. As much as hanging out with Madden made her feel uneasy and wary, she had to admit that she was wonderful company. It was almost easy to talk to her about anything, and if it weren’t for the fact that Tristan was secretly an ally of Gaia, she supposed they’d make really good friends, if Madden never found out, that is. “Don’t get me wrong, I love catching up with you, but I’d prefer to over lunch and maybe some more coffee.”
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“Oh, that’s really nice -” Hester cut herself off abruptly, halfway through her initial attempt at begging off because … was the other woman flirting with her? That didn’t happen much, because Hester was with Rory so much and working, and even when she wasn’t working, her other friends just seemed to get any attention. Which was fine; she didn’t mind. “I - that would be nice. If you’d like. She seems to be doing okay now anyway.”
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Tristan smiled and put off her cigarette on the wall behind her. She’s always had a sweet spot for goddess of harmony, mainly because she never wrecked havoc or murdered anyone, for that matter. Looking at Hester, Tristan found her shy and demure demeanor to be rather endearing, if not incredibly naive. “That settles it then,” she said as she walked into the bar and lead her to one of the booths. “Are you fine over here?��
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Adrian watched her for a few minutes before he returned to his own practice, his movements precise as he started to sweat again. Boxing was the only thing in his life that he’d truly worked hard at, that he’d put all of his effort behind. He lived and breathed his career, even if his actions outside the ring didn’t always reflect that. Breathing heavy, he had to stop and grab the punching bag to keep it from swinging away when he heard the woman’s voice. “I only went a few times, I wasn’t doing it very seriously,” he shrugged, catching his breath. “I’ve done lots of stuff like that, just to try it.”
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Tristan has seen him around the gym, every now and then. His face was plastered on a few posters around the area. Adrian Reeves, professional boxer. Pretty fitting for a war god--a job where your main goal is to inflict as much injury to your opponent as possible. He had to be one of her least favorite gods. But reborn or not, he always seemed very diligent, and he had a great work ethic, so she had to give him props for that. “Fair enough. So I’m guessing this is what you’ve just been doing lately, then? Focusing on training for boxing matches?”
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TEXT: Madden <--> Tristan
Madden: Day drinking and a night out SO aren't the same thing
Tristan: So we'll be sober for lunch, then?
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TEXT: Madden <--> Tristan
Madden: 11:30 works perfectly for me! see you then
Tristan: If I bring a bottle of champagne, can we call it even? Or are we still doing a rain check on that night out thing?
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TEXT: Madden <--> Tristan
Madden: yes, absolutely
Madden: The themiscyra? a little fancy, but the food is divine
Madden: we can get a private table
Tristan: I'll call them in a bit. Is 11:30am alright with you?
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TEXT: Madden <--> Tristan
Madden: You can come by my office around 11, but bring coffee
Madden: caffeine is like a security card here, it gets you into every room
Tristan: Fair enough. Want to stop by somewhere for lunch while we're at it? I could make reservations tonight. Just give me the place and time.
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“I didn’t mean to stare I just was caught off guard. I’m just tying my shoelaces before I head back on my run home. Always kind of good to be aware of your surroundings right?” Anna said lightly. The girl had spooked her but she tried not to let it show too much. Running at night probably wasn’t the smartest idea but it was really the only time she could get some exercise and fresh air. 
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There weren’t a lot of people in the park, tonight, and Tristan had hoped to get this place to herself, if not to brood and maybe plot out what she could do next. She needed to think. Who was she even kidding? She might as well take a break and just wait it all out. She smiled at the girl. “I suppose it is. Although,” she said slowly, taking a drag from her cigarette, letting it warm her chest before blowing it out. “Isn’t it a little late to go out on a run, all by your lonesome?”
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It wouldn’t have been the first time that someone was angry over something Hester didn’t mean to do, so she was greatly relieved that it wasn’t the case this time. “Sorry, I tend to do that if I’m nervous. It’s nice to meet you too.” She brushed her hair behind her ear and shook her head lightly. “I’m just here for moral support, so I wasn’t planning on getting a drink this time.”
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If she were being honest, the girl did seem rather cute. Oh to hell with it. It wasn’t like Tristan had any other plans for the night except to brood and maybe sulk a little. “Why don’t I buy you one and we can talk about your friend, in there? Or better yet, I could get to know you better.”
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“I tried dancing once. They said I was too tense,” Adrian shrugged, unashamed by all the things he’d tried in the name of becoming more athletic. If you could name it, he’d probably dabbled in it to humor Coach. Yoga was by far one of the worst things he’d been forced to take part in, but it was also the one thing that Coach didn’t seem to give up on. Something about ‘flexibility’ and ‘finding some peace’. It was all bullshit. Adrian was pulled out of his thoughts when the woman suddenly went off and whacked the punching back. His eyebrows raised slightly, but he was careful not to show too much surprise. “Well, well look at you. What’d you come here to do, find a way to hustle me?”
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“I told you, I’m just here to train, same as you,” she said, exhaling through her mouth in huffs with each punch and low kicks. Suffice to say that Tristan was rather surprised by the turn of events, but didn’t show it. When she was satisfied with the amount of sweat she broke out, she took her towel from a rack and drank from the bottle of water she brought. She nodded in his general direction. “What made you stop, though? You seem like you have strong enough legs for leaps. My mom made me take a few classes when I was younger, but I gave it up when they put me in pointe shoes. It just wasn’t for me.”
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Tisiphone was one of the Erinyes or Furies, and sister of Alecto and Megaera. She was the one who punished crimes of murder parricide, fratricide and homicide.
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“You’d better not touch my hands,” Harry quipped, “I just got a manicure.”
“You’re missing the party, you know,” she nodded back inside, past the open balcony doors to where what seemed like half of East LA were boozing and schmoozing. The mayor’s wife was turning forty - for the fifth or sixth time - and he’d thrown a particularly lavish party to celebrate –Even Harry, who’d spent the past weekend on Leo’s yacht, couldn’t fault Tristan for needing a moment to herself. 
“I brought you a little tipple,” she handed a  not a glass, but an entire bottle of champagne over, taking the cigarette in exchange.Leaning against the balcony railings to look out at the view of the ocean, she let the not-entirely-uncomfortable silence linger for a moment before asking, “everything OK?”
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“I’ll never understand why anyone would subject themselves to making their fingernails too pretty too be useful,” she said, shaking her head with a smile. She had sort of made a name for herself after she figured out who the recent, resident, serial killer was and saved the mayor’s daughter from getting herself killed as well. Really, it was all a part of her job, but lately, his family was trying to drag her into their inner social circles, and the last thing she needed was to draw attention to herself. 
“Oh how sweet,” she said, taking the bottle and admiring it. “You didn’t have to,” she said as she looked up at Harry and smiled. They met at one of the more lavish parties where Tristan was on an undercover mission. It turned out that the killer wasn’t at the ballroom but somewhere else, so as soon as Tristan got the news, her superior let her enjoy the rest of the night. That’s when she came across Harlow Van Houten and actually got to know her a little. “I’m fine. This isn’t really my scene,” she said with a forced smile. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be dancing the night away and doing the sorts of things that you crazy rich people do?”
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“That’s because you’re lame. Loosen up, have some fun. Just imagine what you could do with that pretty little brain of yours if you let your creative juices flow without stifling them.” Madden shot the bartender an appreciative look when he approached to refill the girls’ glasses. “Through? Tristan, we are just getting started. We haven’t even done anything fun yet!” She pouted at the blonde, making a big fuss out of the whole thing. Dropping her voice low, she leaned over to quietly whisper, “Besides, I hear he has big things planned. This might be our last chance to let loose for a while. Don’t be such a spoil sport.”
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Tristan laughed at that before smiling at the bartender and thanking him for the drink. “I think they’d flow better when I’ve had a decent night’s sleep,” she said as she took a sip from her sangria. “Besides, I’m sure you can find someone else to drink to dawn, with,” she said, shooting Madden a knowing look. If she were being honest, she never wanted to be caught intoxicated around Madden. There was no telling what she’d say, in this mortal form, under the influence. “All the more reason to get all the shut eye I can. We can party when all this is over, by then it will all be worth it.”
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The voice had startled her but she had smelled the smoke and froze in her spot. Late night runs were the only time she got to stretch her legs since work kept her so busy. “Sorry - I didn’t know anyone was there.” She let out a cough at the smoke hitting her. 
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Tristan’s eyes looked her over before she blew out smoke in the other direction. “I don’t mind sharing the space, but the staring is a little unnerving whether it was intentional or not,” she said as she took another drag. It didn’t help that she didn’t know a lot of Kronos’ allies, so being constantly wary of her surroundings kept her on the edge.
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“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to stare at you.” Hester covered her mouth, trying to cover her embarrassment as easily. “I’m just keeping an eye on my friend - she’s meeting someone new and she wanted me around for moral support. I’m really sorry, I swear I wasn’t staring. I’m Hester.”
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Tristan bit her lip to keep form laughing. This girl was absolutely adorable and terribly endearing when she rambled on that Tristan almost wanted to throw up. “Well aren’t you a talker,” she said with a chuckle. “Nice to meet you, Hester. Why aren’t you in there getting yourself a drink or two?”
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Adrian wasn’t in the business of underestimating all women’s physical strength - just some of them. The woman that had just sauntered into the gym reminded him too much of Elle (it was probably the blonde hair) for him to actually take her seriously. He figured it would take less than fifteen minutes before she left, whining about how she’d broken a nail. “Right, sure you are. I’m pretty sure you’re lost. Hot yoga is right down the street.”
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Tristan has met a few of his type, and she did her best to avoid them, but sometimes she couldn’t resist humoring them.  “Hmm, thanks for the tip. Maybe I’ll stop by later,” she said with a shrug. “You look a little tense. They have ballet classes right at the same place too,” she quipped before she punched at the bag harder and threw in a roundhouse kick. “Maybe you could stop by learn a thing or two from those kids.”
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