// Hey everybody. I'd just like to inform you all I'm quitting the RPG. I hope I'm not missed much.. since I was barely here anyways.. ^^' Just wanted to say I enjoyed it a lot while it lasted! <3 Thank you for your time. //
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"Somebody sounds forever alone."
"Ah, another year older, none the wiser. I take comfort in the fact that my Harvest Moon husband will remember."
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"Oh, and if there’s a gigantic box near the mailboxes, it’s, uh, it’s fro my mom."
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They are obviously not mine. Somebody must have sneaked into our room, because I do not wear this brand.
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 Mierda… Why, may I ask, is there a muy disgusting pair of underwear lying on the pristine silk sheets of my bed? Someone in this room does not know how to clean up after themselves, and that someone certainly is not me…
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"Michelle.. Hm.. I'll ignore the fact you're a freshman." "Anyways-- I was thinking ice cream? You cool with that?"
"I wouldn’t going out to eat…"
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 ”…Ya know, that’s okay with you…”
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"You realize that there are cameras.. right?"
I’m like 99% sure I just killed the toaster.
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Nobody tell McLame. Or I’ll sue you out of this goddamned Academy.
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"Meditating?.. Is that some kind of hobby of yours?..Doesn't seem too normal." "Pft.. You think it was nice of them? Just you wait, McLean is going to double torture us because of that break."
"Ah.. I’ve been meditating for what seems like hours…"
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"How is everyone? It was very nice of the school to let us off on such a long break, your auras are finally turning back to their regular tones."
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"I'm hungry.. Somebody.. preferably who isn't annoying-- care to join me for a bite?"
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What’s their full name? Scout Ann Russell.
How would they act towards those of the gender they were previously? She'd be flirtatious towards a male she finds attractive and may not realize she's admiring them from afar. She may become nervous depending on who the guy is.
How would they act towards the gender they are currently? It really depends on the person. If Scout was talking to some bitch, she'd be a bitch back. If the person was being civil, she'd be civil. If the person comes off as annoying, she'd instantly have a bad impression on them and threaten them if they don't go away.
Would the way they handle things in general be different? Would it be similar? How so? Yes. Scout would be much more careful with her health, hygiene, and image. Despite having better efforts at taking care of herself, her personality would be basically the same. If anything, she would have a more sensitive side.
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Happy New Year everybody! <3
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"Ugh.. Why-- What-- Why would things looking positive in my future irk you?"
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"I guess."
"This break officially sucks ass."
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"Awwh, look who's talking."
"You know, you're not actually popular, Heather. Most of the freshmen at this school are terrified of you and the upperclassmen all hate you. You have a best friend? Don't make me laugh. The only best friend that you have is yourself.. which doesn't really count. -- Heh, Courtney.. Yeah, I guess I went behind Duncan's back in the process. I thought he was over her ass though! I thought he was heads over heels for Pasty.."
"This break officially sucks ass."
"Wow. I was actually thinking you’d have a better response than pathetic crap you just came up with, but I shouldn’t be shocked, really. With your lack of brain cells, that’s probably the best you could peanut brain could even muster up. " 
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"Oh, please. Like I actually care what about anyone at this stupid academy thinks.With all my homecoming titles, all the clubs I run and the fact that I’m considered the best and most popular in general—that’s pretty much all I need.  And besides that?  I have my best friend. What about you? Where’s your best friend? Oh, right. He dumped your poor, disgusting dumb ass in favor of someone who probably knows what an actual bar of soap is. Though I must say, while choosing Courtney, which isn’t shocking as she tends to attract low-class losers just like herself, going behind Duncan’s back so underhandedly…Gotta say, I actually respect it.”
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"Too bad nobody at this fucking academy cares about you and your shallow ass either, Heather."
"This break officially sucks ass."
"Sounds to me like your life sucks way worse than usual, Carrot Top. Too bad I couldn’t even begin care less about it.”
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"This break officially sucks ass."
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"There isn't shit to do. I've lost my best friend. What a way to welcome the new year."
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"Me? Crying? I never cry." "And me? Talking to Dawn? Have you gone mentally insane?"
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"Nice to know, 'bro'. Nice to know."
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Is Scott your best friend...?
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   ”Not anymore. He ain’t worth my time.”
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"..Why the hell do you want to know if I'm a virgin or not? It's embarrassing and I've already answered this before! I haven't lost it yet, okay? Fuck you."
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