unikkornhall · 4 years
schizophrenikko - dodging a meltdown
Life has been... not easy. The thirties are just around the riverband, no career plans on the horizon, nor a healthy stable relationship. Actually, I feel an incredible urge to stay inside, avoid all human contact and become the deep-anime-shallow-series-consuming blob I was always meant to be. Well, I don’t know if “always” is the right word.
I once had a promising future ahead of me. My mom had me reading at the age of 2, I had an amazing friendship with all kind of books, especially encyplopedias and world atlases, an very awkward knoledge of Ancient Egypt and a weird habit to froze herbs and small plants in bowls of ice just because. See? Very promising.
Alas, fast fowarding to now, things seem kinda shitty. And time to time it hits me right where it hurts. Buuuuuuuut, another times, most of them actually, I cope being funny. Or writing, which I’m doing right now since I decided I’m starting as for now a secret public diary. Don’t expect it to be the next best Pulitzer winner but hey, if it don’t make it to a future bestseller list or a film-to-be, at least we can have fun laughing at the series of unfortunate events in the life of this queer mess called Nikko. Mazel tov! not a jew
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unikkornhall · 5 years
NikkoRewind - Stranger Things S01
Oi seguimores, como vai o proletário?
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    Bom, como vocês puderam acompanhar ao vivo ontem, minha tentativa de manter um stream contínuo da minha maratona de ST01 foi frustrada pela falta de potência do meu celular [não tô sendo ingrato, só pontual, Vini!!] em se manter nesta função. Olhando pelo lado positivo, salvou tanto eu quanto vocês de uma experiência awkward e boring já que ficar assistindo alguém sentado no escuro assistindo algo não se mostrou tão interessante quanto na minha concepção anterior.  Talvez precise de mais gente, talvez eu precise aprender a falar mais e ser mais dinâmico [mas vai atrapalhar o filme/série!!] ou talvez precise gravar tudo, editar e lançar como um video mais decente. [EXATO]
    Mas enough about me, vamos falar da primeira temporada.
    Okay, já assisti antes dessa maratona acho que, pelo menos, umas três vezes à primeira temporada. Então é compreensível meu sentimento de leve #Meh essa madrugada, quando finalizei o último episódio. Não é que tenha ficado ruim, longe disso. Em suma, é uma série com uma produção do caralho, trilha sonora impecável, atuações e ambientação sensa. Mas do que sofrendo com o desgaste natural de qualquer obra, Stranger Things se tornou vítima da “new old wave” que ajudou a colocar no centro do hype. Toda a brisa de reviver os late 70′s/full 80′s em n filmes, séries e quadrinhos novos acabou saturando o que, na época de seu lançamento, era o charme que fazia a série descer gostoso na nossa garganta. Mas agora, a sensação é de Dia da Marmota - Culture Edition.
    Eu não acredito que o fato de ter visto tanto tenha estragado ST01 pra mim. Quanta gente não assiste e reassiste FRIENDS o ano todo, sabe de cor e salteado e ainda se diverte com os episódios, eu mesmo já assisti Buffy ou SatC sei lá quantas vezes e, ainda sim, só de falar nisso já me animou pra ver mais uma vez. Caceta, o que é ver uma temporada mais uma vez pra quem já zerou Ōkami quase 40 vezes?! O problema não é esse.
    Tenho que admitir que, apesar de amar e respirar cultura pop, a cultura das massas é uma coisa que sempre me irritou muito muito muito tipo, MUITO. Não que uma coisa não possa ser realmente boa que compense ser aproveitada por todo mundo, mas não é o caso. Simples e eficiente exemplo: o maldito corte hitler/militar/boneco de cabelinho de alpiste que TODOS OS HOMENS [e um punhado de mulheres] têm na fucking cabeça. Goddamn, até eu já cortei o cabelo assim. E okay, é um corte que alonga o rosto, prático e fácil de manter mas NÃO É MOTIVO PARA SER O HAIRCUT DE UMA NAÇÃO PERANTE DEUS!!!!! Sim, eu me exalto discutindo cabelos... Foco. A questão não é não poder ter o mesmo corte mas o porquê das pessoas precisarem ter tal cabelo pra serem aceitas e felizes. Mesma coisa com arte! As ondas de “modinha” vem e vão num ciclo sem fim. Música, por exemplo, em meados de 00, uma força enorme de R’n’B/Hip Hop que cedeu pra Dance Pop, que abriu espaço pra música eletrônica explodir e chegar ao cenário atual que grandes nomes no Rap ascendem bebendo dessa ainda presente fonte do eletrônico. Como eu disse, vem e vão. Mas as pessoas, sua maioria, se deixa levar na maré e nunca sabem de fato.... enfim, chega de psicologia.
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    Acho que o que realmente falta nessa primeira temporada é desenvolvimento das personagens, o que não é uma falta tão grande, levando em consideração que não só é a primeira temporada mas, além de introduzir as pessoas, por ser uma obra de ficção científica, ela acaba tendo uma carga de informação ENORME sobre esse novo mundo e suas regras que precisam ser expostas ao telespectador de modo devagar o suficiente para ele entender o que tá acontecendo porque né, Brasil? Pra quem não lê livros, pular de uma série pra outra porque não entendeu a trama é batata, né? Merecemos o governo que temos. sigh
    Como eu disse, o #Meh factor é suave, a série ainda é ótima, divertida e, se ela falhou em algum nível de me manter animado durante ela, sem dúvida alguma ela fomentou muita vontade de rever a segunda temporada e grandes expectativas para a terceira, que, se a senhora anda perdida, vai estrear amanhã, 4th of July! Sim, tá aí na portinha já! Quero ver esse grupo de crianças [not so much anymore] juntos, interagindo, crescendo e tendo que lidar com não só mais um monstro do uʍoᗡ ǝpısd∩ mas com o pior monstro que uma pessoa precisa vencer: A Adolescência. 
Não sei quanto à vocês, mas eu já olhei pra Stranger Things 03 e falei: “BOTA!”
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“Se perguntarem por mim, diga que eu saí do país!“
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unikkornhall · 5 years
I Don’t Know Her
Basic Character Questions
First name? Nikolas
Surname? MCS
Middle names? nope
Nicknames? You can call me Nikko
Date of birth? 10/09/1991
Age? 27
Physical / Appearance
Height? 1,74m
Weight? 89Kg
Build? Wide, graciously curvy
Hair colour? Red [thanks science]
Hair style? It should be long, but shit happens.
Eye colour? Light Brown
Eye Shape? Oh well... Caucasian-ish?
Glasses or contact lenses? None
Distinguishing facial features? Ginger beard
Which facial feature is most prominent? Forehead galore
Which bodily feature is most prominent? Paleness? Big ass[ets]?
Other distinguishing features? Long torax, short legs, waist legend
Skin? Pale, smooth, full of spots #101Nikkatians
Hands? Big, soft, can snap for days
Make up? Translucid powder, eyebrow, mascara, bronze eyeshadow, go!
Scars? Under my nose [dog bite], on my head [hammock fail]
Birthmarks? None
Tattoos? yensiD [left wrist], Mickey [right forearm], gnuoy eb, duorp eb [hands]
Physical handicaps? None
Type of clothes? It’d be a lot more awkward, slutty and funny if only $$$
How do they wear their clothes? Oh well, you know... On my body
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc) I’m a 43(br) and love all kind of boots [perv]
Race / Ethnicity? Caucasian, mainly Lebanese and Italian, but also everything else [shout out to Ireland]
Mannerisms? As I said, Italian, so... hands everywhere. And faces.
Are they in good health? My body tries, I get in the way of it
Do they have any disabilities? Hmmm... Maybe focus-wise....I don’t knSQUIRREL!!!
What words or phrases do they overuse? Like... What now?
Do they have a catchphrase? “I didn’t come out to see straight people.”
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Opt knowing deep inside shit is real
Are they introverted or extroverted? Ext Social Mask smothers Int Self
Do they ever put on airs? Behind a humble facade, yes
What bad habits do they have? Bad love choices, bad alcohol choices
What makes them laugh out loud? Almost everything, espeacially myself
How do they display affection? Taking care, criticizing, keeping around
How do they want to be seen by others? Good, loyal, fun, reliable
How do they see themselves? A fucking mess
How are they seen by others? Funny, airhead, always late, immature
Strongest character trait? Sense of humor, devoted, very protective.
Weakest character trait? Can’t decide until last minute. A little angry ego.
How competitive are they? Mostly okay.
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Both
How do they react to praise? STAHP IT. No, srsly, stop.
How do they react to criticism? War in my mind (less apocalyptical if it is a constructive one, not only mean)
What is their greatest fear? Not knowing. Also Alzheimer’s. Arachinae.
What are their biggest secrets? You wish. ~immaho~
What is their philosophy of life? Don’t rush, don’t hush, judge before trust.
When was the last time they cried? Some random song this week
What haunts them? Darkness, regret, violence, gone too soon
What are their political views? Good laws to protect and respect all people
What will they stand up for? Friends, animals, injustice.
Who do they quote? Bad obscure cartoon characters
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? in, love nature, but sun, heat, insects... ugh, PEOPLE
What is their sinful little habit? Can’t really tell, can I?
What sense do they most rely on? Very grateful for sight, but hearing
How do they treat people better than them? If only there was such people
How do they treat people worse than them? Politely evil. [if by worse you mean a bad person]
What quality do they most value in a friend? Loyalty
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Family need
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Don’t overthink so much, be able to choose something and focus on it
What is their obsession? Music
What are their idiosyncrasies? It seems like I’ve been living in a musical for quite a while now.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Big, huge, love my siblings.
What is their perception of family? My space, your space, deal? [I don’t talk much to any of them]
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? I am the oldest, then there are 2 boys and 2 girls.
Describe their best friend. Ginger, unfair karma queen, the best.
Ideal best friend? A twin? [narcisist much?]
Describe their other friends. Easy going people, alcohol friendly, nighters
Describe their acquaintances. RMC, are you there?
Do they have any pets? Towanda, the cat. [Bridget, her sister, ran away]
Who are their natural allies? The walls at home?
Who are their surprising allies? The stage
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? Fat and smart
Did they grow up rich or poor? Okay, no big luxury, comfortable
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Emotionally negleted
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? *bleep*
What is their greatest achievement? Living alone
What was their first kiss like? Ugh, mall stairs, f u Marie
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Let them go
What are their ambitions? The world, rule it.
What advice would they give their younger self? You go and do that and speak up and enjoy the fuck of it!
What smells remind them of their childhood? Plumeria rubra scent
What was their childhood ambition? Be a scientist
What is their best childhood memory? Seing Santa Claus
What is their worst childhood memory? Hearing stepdouche doing mom
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? I don’t remember :^(
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? Pff! Good morning?!?!? Done.
What past act are they most ashamed of? Perform a Britney song to my steploser
What past act are they most proud of? Get into college
Has anyone ever saved their life? Not that I remember, but I did.
Strongest childhood memory? Making “herb-ice”
Do they believe in love at first sight? Yep
Are they in a relationship? Nope
How do they behave in a relationship? Ugh....... Not well
When did you character last have sex? Ahahaha HOW DARE YOU?
What sort of sex do they have? THERE ARE CHILDREN READIN[I’m Breathless track 3]
Has your character ever been in love? Yes...yes
Have they ever had their heart broken? You can’t love and not have your heart broken
How do they respond to a threat? Analysis and response
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue
What is your character’s kryptonite? A stupid thing to awnser
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Books as a whole count? If not, my writings.
How do they perceive strangers? Fully.
What do they love to hate? Crocs [but I have one, FYI]
What are their phobias? Spidey, things falling [?!?]
What is their choice of weapon? Double 9mm OR Mr. Pointy
What living person do they most despise? Right awnser! SD! E FD.
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Hm... A fat gay boy in high school... I WONDER WHAT IT WAS LIKE?! [actually after a slow start I did very well socially in high school]
Where do they go when they’re angry? Smoke a cig... or 5
Who are their enemies and why? Toxic straight people, evil pocs, fascionistas bitches and unemployment.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? English teacher
What do they think about their current job? I love my students
What are some of their past jobs? More of that. Also DJing
What are their hobbies? Assimilate culture
Educational background? College almost done than dropped
Intelligence level? ahahahah too much for my own good
Do they have any specialist training? Madonna 101: How to be a star and make fabulous detail-oriented tours and concept albums
Do they have a natural talent for something? Very bend-y. Can dance.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Long Time-distance Sleeping
What is their socioeconomic status? White privilege going bankrupt
What is their favourite animal? Wolf and deer and unicorn
Which animal to they dislike the most? Eesh, besides arach-crew? Protozoa disturbs me
What place would they most like to visit? NY/Iceland/Japan
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? Every dawn is it.
What is their favourite song? HA! As if I could, but I got some. Down Under - Men At Work is a good one.
Music, art, reading preferred? Gimme gimme blood! All of it, Love art.
What is their favourite colour? Green. [is rainbow a color?]
What is their password? anime character
Favourite food: Potato, Nachos and Watermellon
What is their favourite work of art? The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo DaVinci.
Who is their favourite artist? Oh boy... Gustave Doré. Mucha is one of them. DaVinci is the most important in my life. Björk in music.
What is their favourite day of the week? Wednesday
What is in their fridge: many spices, little actual food
What is on their bedside table? water, saline solution and toilet paper
What is in their car? nothing because it does not exist
What is in their bin? used tissues, nails, empty snacks packages
What is in their purse or wallet? lot of hygiene itens, umbrella, more toilet paper, some books, e-reader, chargers, sunglasses, water bottle, mess
What is in their pockets? trash, coins, keys, cellphone, ID
What is their most treasured possession? My books
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? A very tired one
Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes
What are their religious views? Go nature, fuck people
What do they think heaven is? Peace
What do they think hell is? This?
Are they superstitious? Yep, a litte
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A happy person with a happy life
How would they like to die? No pain, no fear.
What is your character’s spirit animal? Bridget Jones. Maybe a capybara.
What is their zodiac sign? Virgo [asc Aqu moon Lib ven Leo]
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Take away their freedom
What is their view of ‘freedom’? Being responsible for your own choices
When did they last lie? Some lines above SCANDAAAAAALL!!!!
What’s their view of lying? Sadly vital
When did they last make a promise? Last month
Did they keep or break their last promise? Hell yeah
Daily life
What are their eating habits? Bring it in
Do they have any allergies? Everything and nada, possible rhinitis.
Describe their home. Empty, quiet, books everywhere, clean but messy.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? FREACKING HOARDER BOSS
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Tea
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Become one with the sofa
What do they do on a Friday night? Try to stay home, fails, go out
What is the soft drink of choice? Strawberry juice with condensed milk
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Margarita [it is not a cocktail, but Bailey’s]
What is their character archetype? Chaotic Neutral towards Good [ENFp - #2w3]
Who is their hero? My fantasy autors, directors, painters.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Sailor Moon. Elvira. Scooby Doo. An Absolut bottle. Dorothy or Elphaba.
Are they comfortable with technology? Very
If they could save one person, who would it be? My older sibling.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Beyoncé
What is their favourite proverb? To know and not to do is not to know
What is their greatest extravagance? Eat good food without caring about the money
What is their greatest regret? Can’t recall any BIIIG one
What is their perception of redemption? To love fully, completely surrender to it, just because it feels right.
What would they do if they won the lottery? Give enough to my siblings be okay for their lives and then travel the world, never come back.
What is their favourite fairytale? Donkeyskin
What fairytale do they hate? Cinderella, too close to home maybe
Do they believe in happy endings? Yes
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Peace, freedom, money
What would they ask a fortune teller? How many children will I have?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? Definetely the 80′s. Ancient Greece. Renaissence Italy. Feudal Japan. The Celts. And find out if there really was an Atlantis.
What sport do they excel at? Volleyball, gymnastics, can I say yoga?
What sport do they suck at? Most of them?
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Read minds, teleport, being invisible, Luke Cage Skin, The Phoenix... any of this haha OY WITH THE POODLES ALREADY!! Ugh, endless!!!! 
Thank you for your endurance through this! Well, that’s a little lot about me! Hope it will awnser some of your questions as they pop up. You can always ask. So, that is done. Bye now, 
- Nikko, the Unikkorn King
original questionaire by https://www.novel-software.com/
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