hearts4fwy · 19 days
My dearest love, I am sorry I am this way
I'm sorry you love someone so torn
I'm sorry you have to pick up the scraps and put me back together
I'm sorry I feel so worthless
I'm sorry for loving you
I'm sorry you love me
I'm sorry my ex tore my definition of love so much that I can't accept yours
I'm sorry I can't talk to you
I'm sorry for stealing you away from those who could love you better
I'm sorry I'm so selfish
I'm sorry.
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hearts4fwy · 19 days
My dearest love, oh how you shine without me blocking your glow
I am the monster you say you're so scared of
How am I supposed to protect you from myself
I am the selfish monster that clings onto you although you deserve better
Who am I to stop you from getting someone better
Who am I to call you my own
Who am I.
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hearts4fwy · 20 days
Maybe I am the scum of the earth
I am the dirt you step on
I am the gum beneath your shoe
I am the rock you kick
I am the mold on your fruit
But still you plant that fruit in hopes that it will blossom into a beautiful garden
But what will you do when you realize I have rotten into the soil
That my seeds were too far gone
What will you do when you realize I'm useless
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hearts4fwy · 21 days
Death knocks on my door every hour.
The rhythmic sounds entice me and I know one day I won't be able to resist.
Everyone opens the door eventually, why mustn't I open it now.
I only delay what will happen.
Why do I burden others with my presence, a lost puppy clinging onto anyone and everyone that walks by.
That puppy will stay alone until the gods take it away.
It would've happened anyway.
So tell me, why can't I open death's door, it'll take me with open arms.
It would be the first time I've been embraced and the last.
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