wantedtiride · 2 years
Some more questions because I like to bother ya and everyone on earth yay!
I’m dividing this according to fandom to keep things a little bit more tidy. ;)So here goes Final Fantasy!
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wantedtiride · 2 years
"For thousands of years I had naught to lose but myself." Noah admitted quietly as both brothers were preparing for bed in his flat. "Still I hung to this existence, the lack of knowledge of what befell you the day you disappeared spurring me ever on." He looked at Basch. "Once your life is spent, I shall follow you into oblivion."
Basch had been brushing his teeth as they prepared to retire for the night. Moving in with Noah had been healing in many ways, both in getting him out of the awkward environment of having to live with his Avenger teammates and with being able to reconnect with his brother. But he stopped in mid-brush when he heard Noah’s words. It bothered him, what he was implying... that he wanted to end his own life when Basch’s ultimately naturally ran out.
His eyes fell and he spit into the sink. “That is a sobering sentiment, brother,” he said, his eyes turned downward in contemplation, “but I understand why you have such a desire. Were I in your place, perhaps I would feel the same.” Perhaps? Just perhaps? “Nay, I would. Arguably I could not have survived as long as you have without anyone with me. Without... anyone to protect.”
It was something that Basch had come to understand was essential to his mental well-being, having a loved one to protect or at least look after in some way. Maybe Noah didn’t quite need him in that respect, but Basch looked after him nonetheless. “I shall simply have to live as long as I possible can, then. For your sake,” Basch then said with a little smile directed at Noah.
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wantedtiride · 2 years
“Because I love you!”
Basch had been overworking himself, and he knew it. He wanted to fill his time with hard work so that he didn’t have time to think about how much he missed his own world, his own time period. But his exhaustion had caught up with him on his latest mission, he’d made a stupid mistake, and he’d gotten himself shot. The wound was not a dire one, a bit more than a graze, but nowhere near fatal. Some cleaning and a bandage obtained in the med bay, and he was up and about with minimal pain. That was why he hadn’t understood Carter’s reaction to it at all when he encountered her in the compound on his way back to his quarters.
She’d gotten so upset, seemingly at him not being careful with himself, with how much he’d been away lately, with how tired he was, with this, with that, and-...  Basch was left confused before he tried in vain to calm her down. In his confusion, he’d asked her, “Where is all this coming from? What has you so angry over such an insignificant wound?” And that’s... when she’d said it. Those three little words. And suddenly her behavior made perfect sense to him.
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If Basch had been at all tense or frustrated or anything negative at all, her words immediately diffused it all. He... smiled. There was no way he was going to be able to hold it back. For so many reasons, a genuine, ear to ear smile that reached his eyes danced across his face. Reasons like... it being exactly what he’d wanted to hear from her for so long, it being so unexpected, and the fact that she sounded so damn cute saying it. He knew he’d better say or do something fast, though, lest Carter feel mocked or humiliated.
Slowly, he closed the distance between them and moved to embrace her, loosely enough that if she wanted to pull away, she easily could. He left a tender kiss on her forehead. “I love you, too, Carter Stark,” he whispered, a terrifying admission for him to speak aloud, but since she had been the brave one first, he felt he owed it to her to be brave as well. His heart thumped in his chest because of it, though. “I am sorry for upsetting you. I will take adequate time to recover before I accept new missions. You have my word.”
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wantedtiride · 2 years
fic: Take Me to Bed and Rip Me Apart
Title: Take Me to Bed and Rip Me Apart
Fandom: FFXII
Ship: Basch/Noah
Summary: Something about wearing his brother’s old armour brought Basch a measure of peace. There was a level of anonymity inside that helmet, and even a still-lingering level of respect and fear from when Noah was Judge Gabranth, despite the Empire being an entirely different place under Larsa’s rule.
Neither of them had expected Noah to live, after all, but he was as stubbornly tenacious about that as he had been in chasing his revenge for so many years, even going all the way back to when they were youths, sparring together on the grass back in fair Landis.
Tags: sparring, post game, twincest, sex in armour, fix it fic
a/n: If we don't acknowledge Noah being dead at the end of the game, then he didn't die, right? :D
Written for Chocolate Box Exchange 2022!
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wantedtiride · 2 years
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wantedtiride · 3 years
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Mut (‘Maut’ or ‘Mwt’ meaning ‘Mother’) was goddess of the sky, the divine mother goddess and ‘Queen of the Goddesses’ in Egyptian mythology. She was originally linked to the primeval waters of the universe, from which all things were born with her identity as mother of the cosmos giving her aspects of a creator goddess. Mut became a national goddess when Amun (king of the gods), became patron of Thebes which became the capital of Egypt. She then took the place of Amun’s wife earlier Amaunet, (goddess of the air) and inherited the title ‘Eye of Ra’ after her husband merged with the sun god Ra, becoming Amun-Ra. The ‘Eye of Ra’ was the daughter of Ra in the form of a lion who embodied the fierce heat of the sun. However, Mut was also ‘Mother of the Sun in Whom He Rises’ thus making her both the mother and daughter of the sun god. (Zuhair Murad Spring 2020 Haute Couture Collection)
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wantedtiride · 3 years
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to the person who reported my previous post ... I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND PLEASE GOD I WILL NEVER MAKE YOU MEET ME because if you happen to be in my hands I will make you regret being in this world.
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wantedtiride · 3 years
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Just gonna leave this song With this illustration here …. 🥺☺️👀
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wantedtiride · 3 years
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Quarian artist 
her name is Isah’Beil Nar Liaha she was an Indentured servant to Marceau De Vasco and he fell for her
the little balls around her are her weapons of choice, made for unique combat they function a lot like the combat drones
she is a dancer, artist and singer, very respected in her culture 
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wantedtiride · 3 years
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wantedtiride · 3 years
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To all the lovely people who have sent this blog a message I see you! I wish I could draw a reply to each and every one but I don’t have the time so I hope this Tyka content puts a smile on all your faces :) Also all your lovely tags on my art just fuel me to draw more! 
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wantedtiride · 4 years
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wantedtiride · 4 years
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wantedtiride · 4 years
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wantedtiride · 4 years
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wantedtiride · 4 years
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wantedtiride · 4 years
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