wordischaracter 5 days
most people prefer to do things they are good at. and fear of new things.
most of the same people have never been really good at that or something else.
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wordischaracter 11 days
Ya Tuhan, sepertinya kali ini hati hamba tulus, tapi hamba serahkan kepada Engkau Tuhan 馃尰
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wordischaracter 1 month
same as ever
who has the right answers but i ignore because they're not articulate? father.
which of my current views would i disagree with if i were born in a different country or generation? not chasing an work overtime is way more productive.
what do i desperately want to be true so much that i think it's true when it's clearly not? girls are logically proven.
what is a problem that i think applies only to other countries/industries/careers that will eventually hit me? pandemic and great depression.
what do i think is true but is actually just good marketing? local shoes with good quality and a bear brand milk.
what haven't i experienced firsthand that leaves me naive about how something works? married people mostly have financial issues than they were before, so work overtime is the answer.
what looks unsustainable but is actually a new trend we haven't accepted yet? apple environment, such as smart watch.
who do i think is smart but is actually full of it? 2024 indonesia president, prabowo subianto (im not his supporter, just objective).
am i prepared to handle risks i can't even envision? as a financial, mentality, spiritual, i guess so.
which of my current views would change if my incentives were different? that human potential are more than he thought.
what are we ignoring today that will seem shockingly obvious in the future? great depression.
what events very nearly happened that would have fundamentally changed the world i know if they had occured? nuclear war and political dinasty in indonesia.
how much have things outside my control contributed to things i take credit for? i don't really much paying attention for this, i think iam flexible enough, even sometimes it's hard.
how do i know if i'm being patient (a skill) or stubborn (a flaw)? when i'm not much worry about simple things i've done.
who do i look up to that is secretly miserable? my sister, financially.
what hassle am i trying to eliminate that's actually unavoidable cost of success? the unique peoples around it's process, that first i think makes it harder but actually a test.
what crazy genius that i aspire to emulate is actually just crazy? just don't chasing a money, but prove that you are willing to have that much money, thats an art living.
what strong belief do i hold that's most likely to change? never stick in to rat race circle.
what's always been true? balance in financial is the key, strong mentality is basic.
what's the same as ever? happy living start from happy habbit, strong living strart from strong habbit, and rich as well.
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wordischaracter 1 month
the future is much like the present, only longer.
-Dan Quisenberry
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wordischaracter 1 month
if you're efficient, you're doing it the wrong way.
-Jerry Seinfeld
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wordischaracter 1 month
the more perfect you try to be, the worse you'll end up doing.
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wordischaracter 1 month
i was hoping to remember to stay afraid because that is the best way to stay alive and not make careless mistake.
-Unnamed WW2 U.S. soldier
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wordischaracter 1 month
rewrite old sentences :
self-discipline puts us in another unpleasant place. but somehow it's the only way to survive.
manusia itu lekat dg moral, lekat aja walaupun ada rongga jg. beririsan dg sifat memaklumi dan lapang dada, sehingga masing虏 punya moral, batas, toleransi. so it's ok and sorry if im out from the circle due to the difference in moral's tolerance line, nothing wrong, either you and me.
yuk mulai memahami kalau yg tertuang di tulisan itu asalnya dari pikiran, bukan dari perasaan. artinya sebelum menuangkan tulisan, pikiran tentu sudah merencakan kejadian, sedang perasaan belum. puncanya adalah, perasaan itu dirasa, bukan dibaca.
selamat datang di jalur yg sama dg pertigaan yg baru. dimana beberapa subject 'mungkin' akan belok, dan beberapa yg lain 'mungkin' akan di jalur yg sama dg kita.
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wordischaracter 1 month
you know what, i'm pretty happy with this level of risk and i'm fine just watching this game play out.
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wordischaracter 1 month
ketika kita mampu berbicara dg baik, kita lupa mengatakannya dg sederhana.
-Pierre Mazard
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wordischaracter 2 months
everything feels unprecedented when you haven't engaged with history.
-Kelly Hayes
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wordischaracter 2 months
calm plants the seeds of crazy. always has, always will.
-Morgan Housel
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wordischaracter 2 months
humor is a way to show you're smart without bragging.
-Mark Twain
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wordischaracter 2 months
being driven by what other people have and you don't (really want) is an unavoidable trait in most people.
-Morgan Housel
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wordischaracter 2 months
there is no such thing as objective wealth-everything is relative, and mostly relative to those around you. it's the path of least resistance to determining what life owes you and what you should expect. everyone does it. subconsciously or not, everyone looks around and says, "what do other people like me have? what do they do? because that's what i should have and do as well. "
-Morgan Housel
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wordischaracter 2 months
if you only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.
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wordischaracter 2 months
people like to say, "to know where we're going, you have to know where we've been." but more realistic is admitting that if you know where we've been, you realize we have no idea where we're going. events compound in unfathomable ways.
-Morgan Housel
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