writerffalse ยท 3 years
I don't know if the translation will be totally the same, since it was based on the Google translator, sorry.
N/b = boy's name.
C/y/e = color of your eyes.
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โ€” You can't do this anymore! โ€” Liam changes, scaring the girl in front of him a little.
โ€” You can't stop me! I want to help! โ€” Y/n complains in a higher tone. If he wants to scream, I scream louder, that's what the girl thought.
โ€” You can't take chances like that anymore, Y/n! It's too dangerous... โ€” Liam lowers his voice, feeling exhausted. He just wanted Y/n to be safe, without being in danger, but it seems that the more he tried to get you away from everything, the more you got into the pack's affairs. โ€” I can not lose you...
โ€” You won't lose me, Liam! โ€” Y/n exclaims tiredly. Tired of being underestimated just for being human, so what if she wasn't a werewolf? Or a Kitsune? Or even a hunter? Stiles was also human and that was not why they kept excluding him and putting him out of business. She could help, she wanted to help... But it seems that her boyfriend did not understand and that frustrated her.
โ€” You do not know! โ€” Liam yells running his hands through his hair aggressively and it irritates the girl a lot. He hated being yelled at. โ€” Scott also trusted that he would not lose Allison and now she is dead!
Y/n takes a step back, feeling the impact of those harsh words thrown at her, it was as if she had been shot... A shot by the person she trusted most. Liam regrets his words at the same time they left his mouth, despite not knowing the hunter, he knew he had been a great friend of his girlfriend and knew that it hurt her deeply seeing his shocked and very hurt expression on his eyes, hit yourself mentally. It had crossed the line.
โ€” Y/n... II... I'm sorry... โ€” the boy tries to approach his girlfriend to apologize and feels his heart being broken when she walks away, shaking her head. And it was at that moment that he realized the shit he had done and did not know if S / n would forgive him so easily. โ€” Please... Give me...
โ€” No, Liam! โ€” despite changing his voice a little, Y/n takes a deep breath to compose himself. โ€” No, Liam...
The girl turns to get out of there as quickly as possible, she couldn't stand looking at the boy's face. I was too hurt for that.
โ€” Where are you going? Y/n... โ€” Liam calls her starting to go after her, but stops when the following words come out of the mouth that he loves so much.
โ€” Leave me, Liam. I need some time. โ€” she for a few seconds before completing so that he understood better. โ€” A time without you, a time from you.
And that time lasted for weeks, the two did not speak for long weeks. The girl for still being extremely hurt by the phrase of the boyfriend and the boy โ€” after much advice from Lydia โ€” to give the space that the girlfriend asked for.
They were both miserable, but neither would give their arm to cheer to admit that they needed each other. They were so proud. Everyone around them was tired of seeing them suffer, but they couldn't do anything about it when the decision was unique to the teenagers.
Liam aggression problems had gradually worsened since the fight over the unfortunate feeling of his Alpha, Scott. The boy could not control himself in the face of a stressful situation and the rest of the pack always had to be two steps away from him so that he did not become among the students or even hurt someone.
Now Y/n, despite not wanting to see the boy or painted by another, needed him as much as he needed her. Her anxiety attacks increased in a surprising way, if she couldn't take it before, imagine now. She was exhausted, her dark circles very apparent indicated that, they were big dark bags under her eyes C/y/e, purple rings that she tried to hide with pounds of makeup, which was not much use, by the way. And these problems of aggression and anxiety attacks, only they could solve these problems. The boyfriends helped each other, that was a fact.
Everyone at the school was already aware that the couple were fighting and that made several people "excited". Especially a boy who was talking to Y/n at that very moment. Although the boys were happy that Y/n was "single", none of them were brave enough to approach the girl, knew about Liam's background and would not risk it that way. With the exception of N/b, of course.
If looks killed, they would be dead only by Liam's firing who watched the two of them talking, his hands were shaking with anger and he was trying to control himself as much as possible not to go after the boy, but if he kept hitting on his girl, I wasn't sure if I could control myself.
โ€” Come on... It'll be cool. โ€” it was the third time that N/b insisted that Y/n accept to go out with him. The girl had already refused the first two and was starting to get stressed by the annoying boy's insistence. The boy was nice, had a good chat and was distracting her lately, but it was just friendship. At first Y/n thought he just wanted it, but now he had doubts about it. All she wanted was for him to leave her alone at that moment so that she could go to her last class and finally go home to become a vegetable again.
โ€” Look... Thanks for the invitation, but no. โ€” Y/n already tired of all this, she turns to leave, but is stopped abruptly by a somewhat strong grip on her arm.
โ€” I'll have to insist a little more. โ€” The boy smiles in a strange way and she was ready to punch him in the face when someone else intervenes.
Liam, who was watching everything from afar, was just waiting for the right moment to disturb them both, but the fuse was to see him hold her in that unkind way, leaving his things on the floor, he quickly went towards the closet of Y/n under Scott protests.
โ€” Hey man ... Let her go. โ€” Liam speech catches the eye of the N / g who rolls his eyes.
โ€” Y/n doesn't want your presence here, does it, Y/n? - N/b looks at the girl waiting for her answer but she keeps silent. At that, N/b turns to Liam. โ€” She told me herself.
Liam looks at Y/n expecting her to deny that statement, but when he doesn't have it, he feels his heart break a little more. Y/n felt guilty for not being able to deny it, after all it was not a lie. I had even told N/b that I didn't want the boy's presence, but that was in the first week of the fight, when I was still very angry, but now there was no going back and there was no use trying to explain myself, they weren't even talking done.
โ€” Just let me go, okay? โ€” Y/n asked pulling his arm abruptly to get out of his grip ignoring the look of dog without owner of Liam.
โ€” Wait a minute ... Let's talk, babe. โ€” N/b pulls her closer and that's the trigger for Liam to explode.
โ€” She told you to let go! โ€” Liam cries out by attacking the boy.
โ€” Liam! โ€” Y/n exclaims in shock seeing the scene in front of him. She jumps back when the two boys start to grapple with each other. N/b punches Liam in the jaw which seems to infuriate him even more, because the boy is a werewolf and his problem with aggression, N/b face was already bathed in blood. โ€” Liam stop! Scott! Separate them!
Y/n asks desperately for the alpha who had arrived there at that exact moment with the other curious students. The crooked-chin boy pulls his beta sharply and presses it with all his strength in the school lockers, Liam struggles furiously making Scott look sideways to see if anyone is watching them, noting that the students are helping N/b to get up โ€” since he was about to pass out โ€” he turns to Liam with his red alpha eyes.
โ€” Liam, for now! โ€” the uncontrolled beta calms down a little by the order of the alpha, taking a deep breath to calm down.
โ€” What's going on here?! โ€” Professor of Economics and Physical Education Coach, Bobby Finstock arrives screaming seeing the confusion that was there. The students leave in fear of being left for them, leaving only Y/n, Liam, Scott and N/b. โ€” I don't want to know, everyone for detention! Now! And you, my son, try not to stain the floor with blood!
โ€” You will stay here until I say you can leave! โ€” Finstock yells when everyone enters the library. โ€” Pack up all the books! Go, go!
The arrest would be to organize all the books in the library as punishment, Y/n was frustrated since she hadn't asked Liam to get into a fight for her, but she was also grateful. Scott had freed himself from the punishment by saying that he had only separated the two.
There were three of them and that wouldnโ€™t be good for Y/n. She decides to ignore the two and start her work to leave as soon as possible, the tension was almost palpable and it bothered her in an unequaled way. The professor had already left saying that he had no patience to keep an eye on inconsequential young people.
N/b soon tried to start also going to one of the shelves at the back, Liam already decided to try to start a conversation with the girl. Preventing the passage of Y/n, it catches your eye.
โ€” Y/n... โ€” the girl looks at him in disbelief. โ€” We can talk?
โ€” Not now, Liam.
โ€” Not! You will hear me! I know I am not sure in this situation, but that is not doing any good for either of them. โ€” exasperates tired of the whole situation. โ€” II want to apologize for what I said that day, I have no excuse for that, but I was angry and you know how I look when I'm like this. But I can't take it anymore, your lack is killing me! Thinking of you became my daily torture, I know I lost you for a stupid mistake I made, but my heart doesn't understand that you don't want me anymore... I ran for hours and hours in the forest every day in the hope that tiredness make me get you out of my head, I hate to miss you! I hate to be so dependent on you! But damn, I love you! I love you so much and I'm afraid of losing you! I don't know what I would do if you got hurt and...
His speech is cut off when Y/n throws himself into his arms and embraces him with all his strength, the two enjoy the first physical contact after weeks apart. Liam sighs in relief knowing that that hug means that Y/n had excused him, but in a mental note he remembers that his girlfriend is quite spiteful and that he would have to try harder to have his forgiveness definitively.
โ€” Science says that love is like a drug... When I see you go into a trance, the adrenaline runs faster and stronger through my veins, my heartbeat is completely unregulated. The feeling of love is like cocaine, every day I become more addicted to you, the more I saw you far away, but I needed to get your forgiveness, but my pride was greater. I never loved anyone like I love you, because I never met someone as perfect as you. I love you and that's enough for me to be happy. My heart is sincere and my words are honest, I assume that I love you to infinity. I will not lie to myself anymore... I want to be with you every day of my life!
โ€” I love you. โ€” Y/n says emotionally with all the beautiful words that her boyfriend said.
โ€” You guys are so cheesy. โ€” the boy with his face all bruised ends with the cute moment of the couple leaving them irritated.
The two turn to N/b and say together:
โ€” Shut up!
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