xoxolana2 · 8 days
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
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“ It doesn't matter what anyone says. If there's something you want to do, don't mind what others think and just trust yourself.” -Lalisa manoban
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Healing after a bad day is essential to maintain your well-being and resilience. Here are some strategies to help you recover and find peace after a challenging day:
by: ★﹕byeolgιrᥣ﹒
1.Acknowledge Your Feelings:
Allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment. Acknowledge what you're feeling, whether it's frustration, sadness, anger, or disappointment.
Journaling: Write down your thoughts and emotions to process and release them. Writing can help you gain clarity and perspective on what happened.
Be kind to yourself: Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a friend in a similar situation.
Positive affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations or self-compassionate statements to counter negative self-talk and boost your self-esteem.
3.Physical Relaxation:
Deep breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nervous system and reduce stress. Focus on slow, deep breaths to bring relaxation to your body and mind.
Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and release each muscle group in your body to release physical tension and promote relaxation.
4.Engage in Self-Care:
Take a warm bath: Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts or essential oils to relax your muscles and soothe your mind.
Engage in a hobby: Do something you enjoy, whether it's reading a book, listening to music, painting, or going for a walk in nature.
Healthy meal: Nourish your body with a balanced and nutritious meal to support your physical and emotional well-being.
5.Connect with Others:
Reach out to a friend or loved one: Share your feelings with someone you trust and feel supported by. Talking to others can provide comfort and perspective.
Social support: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who uplift you and make you feel understood.
6.Mindfulness and Meditation:
Mindfulness practice: Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness can help you calm your mind and reduce stress.
Guided meditation: Listen to a guided meditation or visualization to relax your mind, release tension, and promote inner peace.
7.Reflect and Release:
Reflect on the day: Take some time to reflect on what happened during the day, what you learned from the experience, and how you can move forward positively.
Let go: Release any lingering negative emotions or thoughts through activities like meditation, visualization, or simply taking a few deep breaths and letting go of what no longer serves you.
You are capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way. Remember that setbacks are just temporary roadblocks on the path to success. Stay focused on your goals, believe in yourself, and trust in your ability to rise above any obstacle. You have the strength, resilience, and determination to achieve great things. Keep pushing forward, stay positive, and never underestimate the power of your own potential. <143
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
Habits that are helping me have balance and peace ୨୧
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! Waking up at and sleeping at the SAME HOUR and ON TIME → Evade procrastination, feel more energized
! Have a morning and night routine and complete them at the STABLISHED time → Evade procrastination, feel good by maintain my personal devotion, achieve healthy habits as normal activities
! Stopped listening to music, podcast, overall background sounds → Have more silence, stop distracting myself and stop overconsumption
! Have a healthy diet of 4 daily meals, drink water only, one fruit at least and cut sugar and junk → DEFINETLY more energy, helps with my gain weight journey, feel good by feeling healthy
! Use less than 3 daily hours my phone by using timers and only using it for emergencies or academic activities → Less headaches, evade procrastination and focus on better and healthier activities with that time
! Read 10 pages atleast of a book daily → Acquire more knowledge, helps me gain concentration and reading skills
! Plan and reflect monthly, weekly, daily and use a habit tracker → Keep myself organized and helps me focus on my goals, habits and desired self
! Have a power nap of 30 minutes - 1 hour → Helps me feeling energized, better than wasting it scrolling
! Prioritize my studies: do my homework and assigments right away at college and study when possible → Not having to do these tasks at home, more free time, keep myself responsable and top student
! Prioritize investing time doing things I like → Helps me with having fun and feeling good, have a "not everything is about work" mindset, feel lighter throughout my weekly schedule (productivity wise)
! Write daily journal prompts → Understand myself better, release thoughts
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
school advice: academic excellence
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there's lots of people who don't have a lot of time to study- some people work jobs to help support their family, or have to take care of their siblings becuz their parents work long shifts. if you're in this situations i don't think i can help, since i've never had to face it. all i can say is pick the tips you know you can use, and adjust them however you can to your circumstances. i tried to make this as inclusive as possible to anyone who's short on free-time or doesn't have money to spend.
set your goals. think about college, where you want to go and how to do it. this is what i do a lot- i think about my dream college and i think about the work ethic i need for it.
gratitude. another thing you can think about is how lucky you are to get an education, because a lot of people can't go to school, especially women.
also i like to think about my mom becuz when she was 18 she came to america and had to learn english while studying pharmacology and working a part-time job. she did it all and graduated the top of her class, got accepted into nyu (she didnt go becuz her family couldnt afford it) and when i think about how well she did with everything going against her ik that i can do great academically.
while in school:
make sure your notes are CLEAR. write brief things- formulas, bullet points, etc. only highlight formulas, key points and vocab
make to-do lists (write down what hw you have to do, what you have to study for and when things are due)
ALWAYS ask questions about things you're not clear on (ask the teacher or classmates, whatever works better for u!)
if your teacher allows it, go in early or after school if you have more questions/need more help
do extra credit assignments!! even if your grade is good it's always good to get extra practice and more points.
study habits:
set up an environment to study in. go to a quiet place where you can set up what you need. make sure that it's clean, quiet and free of distractions.
get a drink and/or healthy snacks.
imagine you're teaching someone the lesson. one technique my mom taught me (who studied pharmacology in america while learning english and got straight a's) was to imagine that you're teaching the material to another person. she had a whiteboard to write equations/formulas and would explain them like she was the teacher.
utilize online resources.use things like quizizz, blooket, kahoot, khan academy- free online resources that can help you study.
watch videos. especially for math & science- find videos on youtube that explain concepts and just pay attention.
blurting technique:
pick a certain topic and write down EVERYTHING you can think of- all sorts of notes, key points, questions, everything that comes into your head for about 10 minutes.
afterwards, go back in and add what you missed. structure and organize your final version. this gives you a stronger understanding of the topic.
pomodoro technique:
take about 25 minutes (set a timer) and spend that time competely invested in what you're doing. it's a challenge to stay concentrated, but eventually you'll get the hang of it. after the timer goes off take a 5 minute break & repeat. each time you do it the break gets longer.
when you get a bad grade:
having a good mindset. i know it's easy to get so upset about bad grades take this as a wake-up call and think "how can i do better?" instead of degrading yourself just think about what you could've done differently and what you can do to stop it from ever happening again.
go in for extra help. if your teacher is available before or after school get extra help, or if you have a friend that can help then utilize that! ask all your questions and have it explained one on one.
finally i want to give credit to @mawena_tafa on instagram who made a video about the blurting and pomodoro technique :)
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
studying like rory gilmore
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not gonna lie, im not the biggest fan of gilmore girls, and while i do admire rory's studying habits i rlly don't like her as a character. but anyways, ik that in this space she's kinda an icon, and her academic habits are inspirational, so here are some tips on how to study like her, and some academic mistakes that you should avoid :)
things to do:
creating a study routine. have a go-to place that's not distracting, put away anything that can distract you and get to work. it's good to have a routine that you're consistent to. like spending 15 minutes after school reviewing what you learned.
take organized notes. highlight key terms and make sure that your notes are neat and make sense.
study with flashcards. rory uses flashcards to study which is a great method. you can do this on paper or use digital flashcards :)
always have a book to read. rory always has a book to read, and it's always good to have something prouctive to do after you finish your work early in class. i have a block schedule so classes take forever, and when i have nothing to do i like to read.
join extracurriculars. although i think it took rory a whole season to do this (not sure) make sure you join clubs! joining clubs and having leadership roles within them looks really good to colleges when you're applying and also just helps you make new friends.
if your stuck studying on one subject then go to another. rory talks about doing this in an episode and although it doesn't sound productive it is! if you're really stuck and frustrated while studying for one class, then go and do work for another on and then come back to what's making you frustrated.
things to avoid:
not being able to handle criticism. in the show rory is pretty bad at taking criticism or dealing with getting bad grades. she kinda views it as some sort of attack on her intelligence which is a horrible mentality to have. when you get bad grades learn from it, and learn from constructive criticism as well. i know it sucks when you do bad but ultimately that's how you learn what to do better.
you don't need to be like anyone else and just follow a routine that suits YOU! it's great to take inspiration from other people and from characters, but ultimately, just do what makes you feel the happiest and what makes you the most succesful.
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
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idk who needs to hear this but you don't need to always be proving yourself to anybody. there's always going to be people who don't believe in you and will talk shit about you, but you need to put your energy towards having personal success. i go to a new school now and some old friends back at my old one are wondering how i got put into ap chem and laughing by saying i'm probably failing. i know im doing well but i also know i don't need to prove anything to them- i just need to study hard and do my own thing. ppl will always have something to say but you need to stop putting your energy towards telling people you're capable and start putting in the work for YOU. taking care of your health and what you need to get done while protecting your peace. eventually the hard work WILL pay off.
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
not mine <3 🎀
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the first step to handling how you feel is finding the root of it. these can be things that're in your control- things you can change to solve the problem, or things that're outside of your control and that you can't affect. the first step is making a list of what's in your control and outside of it so that you can approach your feelings.
in your control:
accept how you feel. acknowledge that you feel stressed, and instead of trying to force happiness on yourself, try to think about how you can deal with your stress in a productive way. (getting to the root of the problem).
make a to-do list. make a to-do list of everything you need to get done, and a list of everything stressing you out. once you know what to do you need to then think about how you're going to do it.
break it up into daily steps. the next step is making little changes in your daily routine to get things done. when i was stressed about my permit test i just scheduled it a few weeks an advance and spent 20 minutes every night studying for it.
clean your room. another good thing to do is just cleaning up your environment. it really does make a difference for how you feel, and also i find it feels really good once your room is cleaned up.
developing new habits. i've started sewing a little bit each day as well as studying everyday. these habits make me feel good- i don't get as stressed about school or stressed about not sewing.
outside of your control:
vent journal. when there's nothing you can do about a situation just write down all your negative thoughts.
support. after you've written down all your negative feelings and understand how you feel, talk to someone that you trust. make sure that it's the right time though, like ask them if it's a good time to vent.
find people who feel the same way. this is sort of the same as the point above, but for example, i was really upset just thinking about the world and how so much suffering is always going on- and i found article after article with tips on how to be happy even when things in the world are bad. sometimes it feels good just to know that there's so many people in the world who feel the way you do.
stress is a normal part of everyone's life, it's an emotion we all feel time to time, and something we all go through. the key is knowing how to deal with it, and how to feel better despite the things that're stressing you. if you feel like your stress/anxiety is something that you can' manage on your own then i hope you can get the help that you need :)
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xoxolana2 · 22 days
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
me 🎀🧘🏼‍♀️
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˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒˚..⋆🦩✮- 🎀 ⋆˙⟡⁺˚⋆୭🌸⋆⁺
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲 : at home spa 🧖🏽‍♀️ · bubble bath with candles, crystals, rose petals 🛁🕯️ · online shopping 💳 · staying in bed ☁️ · crying = healing 🪷 · eating comfort food 🍰 · journaling ✍🏽 · wearing cute pajamas 🎀 · binging our fave show 💻 · alone time to recharge 🧘🏽‍♀️
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
being an overachiever >>📚🎀
study smarter
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hey loves! i know i've already posted about how to do better in school and touched on studying, but i wanted to make a post that's more in depth and is only about study habits & how to study more efficiently :)
what makes studying succesful?
small steps everyday. stay consisteny by studying a little bit each day and doing practice everyday.
have a good setting. somewhere that's quieter and you can focus in. have a drink like water or tea and maybe a snack if you want.
studying in chunks. instead of studying for 4 hours straight- study in chunks with little breaks in between. this helps you stay motivated and studying in blocks that you can focus in.
daily habits:
get all your questions answered. if you're unsure about a concept that you leanred make sure you get it clarified as soon as you can. ask questions in class or go after school if you need to.
reading over your notes. as simple as it sounds- after school just read over your notes.
doing extra practice. i like to use quizizz (usually just for psychology) and khan academy (for chemistry and algebra 2).
start studying a week or two before exams. cramming isn't good, ik so many people swear that they *only* remember things if they study before, but you should be aiming to getting information into your long term memory. some classes you can cram when they're only memorization based (i used to do this with biology) but when you get into courses that aren't just filling in blanks and you need to think deeper, it's going to be pretty difficult.
connect new learning to previous knowledge
make meaningful connections- like for example you could relate something you learn in psychology to things you can observe in your life. or relating enzymes in biology to chemical reactions in chemistry.
go beyond what you need to learn
ask yourself questions that get you thinking. 'why does x occur?' 'how is x similar to y?' just questions that make you think deeper. this helps with storing knowledge in your long term memory. :)
test yourself
to practice revtrieval from your memory you need to be testing yourself without your notes. this can be making quizzes for yourself, or just using quizizz or a similar program.
mixing up what you're studying
let's say you're studying for geometry- like learning about finding the area and volume of different shapes. instead of studying the formula for pyramids, only practicing triangles and then moving on to studying prisms and practicing prisms- you should study them all and mix up the questions you practice. so basically just instead of solving 10 problems about riangles and 10 about prisms, you should be solving 20 problems where they're all mixed up
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
not mine
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Manifest girlies ✨
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
my therapist 🧘🏼‍♀️🎀
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
me 🎀
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
not mine 🎀
this is a collab w the it girl @prettieinpink !!
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Movement (yoga, running, Pilates, walking, gym, etc. Anything that allows you to move your body 
Reflection- make a note of things you would like to improve on. This could be self-love, relationships, 
Consistency is key. Make sure to stick to your plan and keep working towards your goals every day. Even small steps are progress. Try to make your goal part of your daily routine. 
SCHEDULE- Setting schedules helps really well with consistency. Make a schedule for the tasks you need to do daily or weekly to achieve your goals. This can help you make your goals a part of your routine, making it easier to stay consistent.
STAY ORGANIZED- Keep track of your tasks and goals. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or apps to help you stay organized and remember what you need to do.
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF- Sometimes, you won't feel like working towards your goals, and that's okay. The key is to maintain discipline and do the task anyway. Remember, consistency is about doing the task regularly, not just when you feel like it.
START SMALL- Don't overwhelm yourself with huge tasks. Start small and gradually increase your workload as you build consistency.
DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF- If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Instead, acknowledge that it happened, understand why, and move on. Consistency is about long-term progress, not perfection.
Once you know what your goals are, create a step-by-step plan on how to achieve them. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This might involve creating a timeline, setting deadlines, or identifying resources or tools you might need.
In 2023, I’m sure everyone has had ups and downs, but not letting them define you as a person is something that has to be done in order for you to become a new person.
ACCEPTANCE-  Acknowledge the past and accept it as part of your life story. Understand that it's something that has shaped you but doesn't define you.
FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others. Holding onto resentment only harms you. Letting go of grudges can bring a sense of peace and open up space for healthier relationships.
LEARN FROM IT- Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on these experiences and use them as stepping stones to better decisions in the future.
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT- The past is unchangeable, but the present is in your control. Concentrate on what you can do now to create a positive future.
SET NEW GOALS- Create new objectives for yourself. This gives you something to work towards and helps shift your focus from the past to the future.
PRACTISE MINDFULNESS- Mindfulness is about staying focused on the present moment. Practices like meditation can help you stay grounded and prevent you from dwelling on the past.
It's okay if your initial plan doesn't work out exactly as you thought. Life happens, and it's important to be flexible and adapt your plan as needed. If you find that a certain approach isn't working, don't be afraid to try something different.
Remember to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and do things you enjoy. Don't forget that self-care is an important part of reaching your goals.
BALANCED DIET-  There is no need to restrict yourself from foods but eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for maintaining physical health. Try to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet.
EXERCISE REGULARLY- Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall health. This doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym - it could be anything from a brisk walk to a yoga class
GET ENOUGH SLEEP-  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.
STAY HYDRATED-  Drinking enough water each day is important for overall health. Try to aim for at least 8 glasses per day.
TAKE BREAKS- Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, especially if you're working or studying. This can help prevent burnout and improve productivity.
DO THINGS YOU ENJOY- Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. This could be anything from reading a book to playing a sport to painting. 
Don't wait until you've reached your big goal to celebrate. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep your motivation high. This could be treating yourself to something you enjoy, or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your achievement.
Think about how the past year went. Did you learn anything? Did you reach new goals? If you don't the answers to these questions, I recommend further examining your year!!
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
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HAVE A REASON. It is going to be hard to start inputting change in your life if you do not even have a reason why. That reason also has to come from within, not from any other externalities (friends, school, work, family). This reason has to make you strive to be better.
If you’re unsure about your reason, write down times when you feel your happiest and when you feel your lowest, then notice any common themes. 
BUILD DISCIPLINE. Discipline is the ability to be productive without hesitation or distractions. The only way to build it, is to practice it. Do the things you need/want to do, regardless of how you feel in the present.
Just remember, that you always feel better after committing to yourself.
MAKE YOUR PLAN SUSTAINABLE. Your routines and habits you want to implement, need to be at arm’s length for you. While I do believe in challenging yourself if your mind perceives that specific activity as ‘too hard’, it is going to make you avoid that task.
This is a reaction from your ego coming out of your comfort zone because it is so unfamiliar it wants to protect if anything ‘bad’ happens e.g. failure, loss of control and criticism. 
Reminder, that part of you is not bad at all nor is it holding you back. It is the part of you that wants to keep you safe. For your ego to allow you to do tasks out of your comfort zone, it needs to be simple and easy. Then from there, you can build it up to your ideal habit or routine. 
MAKE YOUR ENVIRONMENT INTENTIONAL. Your mind, space and the people around you need to be decluttered and serve a purpose. For your mind, avoid feeding it with an overload of information especially if you are not going to apply it. Minimise social media use and journaling instead of looking for a quick fix. 
Your space, specifically your bedroom has to be the best place for you to grow. Everything in your room needs to serve a purpose, it has to be kept clean to ensure mind clarity and place intentional items around to support your goals (mantras, workout mat, water bottle, instruments). 
The people around you have to support you and your journey. I don’t believe in the ‘value’ or ‘worth’ people have, but rather what you think of them. Someone could be the most overachieving and productive person ever, so they may inspire you, but what if they don’t wish the best for you? People who will support you regardless are the best resource ever.
BE FLEXIBLE. The ability to edit your habits or routine when needed so you can stick to a schedule or adapt to change is a powerful but underrated skill. Anything in life can happen, but if we want to stick to our goals, we need to develop flexibility. 
The best way to develop flexibility is to try everything. For example, meditation. Do 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes, try it in the morning, afternoon or evening, do a guided one or do it by yourself. To get flexible in a habit, you need to expand your capabilities in that habit. 
ALWAYS SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING. Typically during the day, we procrastinate because we want the challenging task to be perfect or we believe there’s not enough time/resources to do it. 
However, just having that small progress each day is always better than nothing. One sentence is better than none, one healthy meal is better than none, 2 minutes of exercise is better than none etc. 
HAVE GOALS THAT YOU LIKE. The reason so many people dislike doing their habits or routines is because it’s not stuff that’s enjoyable for them. It’s habits and routines that they got online from someone completely different. 
Choose your favourite way of exercising, read your favourite books(even graphic ones!) and journal the way you want. If the steps to becoming your best self are steps that you dislike, then it is not your best self. 
IDENTIFY THE WAY YOU SELF-SABOTAGE. If you are struggling to implement change, chances are there are small self-destructive behaviours that are in your routines that hold you back. 
This could be major procrastination, doom-scrolling, an addiction or binge eating. You either have to completely extract these habits from your life or you can do these things in moderation. 
TAKE REGULAR BREAKS. If you are being productive back-to-back and not allowing yourself to cool down, your motivation will deplete quickly. Have around 1-2 hours in your day doing anything you like.
If needed, after each task, take 5-10 minutes for yourself. However, do avoid your phone for these periods and try to be present in whatever you do here. 
HAVE SOFT DAYS. Days in which you do not have to do anything hardcore or intense, and you’re just living. While yes, be somewhat productive but nothing too intense.
This can be your reset, detox or self care days, or all of them combined!
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xoxolana2 · 3 months
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Study while others are sleeping.
Decide while others are delaying.
Prepare while others are daydreaming.
Begin while others are procastinating.
Work while others are wishing.
Save while others are wasting.
Listen while others are talking.
Persist while others are quitting.
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