yexirong · 5 years
Conflicts between Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan ----Writing inspired by the movie “Here” (Part 2 of 2)
Research of movie HERE, translated by me. Posted with the writer’s permission.
Conflicts between Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan
----Writing inspired by the movie “Here” (Part 2 of 2)
----Blog 1 in the “one morning, one sentence” series
 In the first half of this blog (http://sagopalm.lofter.com/post/1e422858_be0688e), I briefly introduced the Gandzasar Monastery shown in the 2011 movie “Here”, together with the cross-stones in this monastery. Like I mentioned at the end of the first half, a major portion of the monastery survived bombing by Azerbaijan. However, this leaves the question: why did the bombing occur?
 In this post, I will continue the topic and cover two things. First, topic 4 (a boring history topic – consider yourself warned), the recent regional tension between Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh (Karabakh), Azerbaijan, and the driving forces behind this. Second, topic 5, how this political instability influenced the area and the people, just as was referenced in the movie.
 4. Regional Tension: Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan
Let me first quickly summarize what has happened to Armenians in the last 2000 years, between its historical height of 95 to 65 BC, and the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia in 1918. [1]
 Simply, they have not done well.
 Okay, that was not completely accurate, but even the famous Armenian-American author William Saroyan would agree, describing a “…small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost…” In fact, throughout the last 2000 years, one can rarely find anything that happened to the Armenia kingdoms besides being invaded. In order, they were invaded by: Assyrians, Medes, Achaemenid Persians, Greeks, Parthians, Romans, Sassanid Persians, Byzantines, Arabs, Seljuks, Mongols, Ottomans, Iranian Safavids, Afsharids, Qajars,and Russians. [1]
好八,这并不是非常精确的说法,但是就算是著名的《美国中的亚美尼亚人》的作者William Saroyan同样同意这一点,他在文中说“(亚美尼亚人是)一小群不受重视的人,他们百战百败”事实上,在过去2000年的历史中,任何人都难以再亚美尼亚王国过去2000年的历史中找到除了被入侵之外的事情。他们曾经被如下顺序的国家入侵过:亚述人,米堤亚人,阿契美尼德王朝的波斯人,希腊人,帕提亚人,罗马人,萨珊王朝的波斯人,拜占庭人,阿拉伯人,塞尔柱王朝的蒙古人,奥斯曼人,伊朗的奥斯曼帝国,阿夫沙尔王朝,卡札尔人和俄罗斯帝国。
 One thing I need to emphasize is that Armenia has never given up its cultural signatures or religious beliefs. In most cases, Armenia was still autonomous, even with some empire overseeing its political system. This is definitely impressive. In my opinion, this could be credited to its special geographical position, basically locked inside the Causasus Mountains [1]. Every powerful king near Armenia would likely appreciate it as a natural boundary against neighboring enemies, would not want to bother too much to manage it. In addition, Armenians have a very long and strong religious tradition, which prevented foreigners from having complete control over national belief.
 Returning to the conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, they actually share some culture and have often been invaded together. However, during an invasion from the Arabian Empire around the Seventh century, most of the Azerbaijani people converted to Islam, while most Armenians stayed Christian. (The exact situation was much more complicated, but I will not cover it here.) Since then, conflicts in beliefs have made them potential enemies, but they never really got the chance to confront each other as independent countries until 1918. In 1918, they both proclaimed independence on a same day (May 28th), and disputed certain territories that had been part of either country at various points in history. Karabakh was one of those territories. From 1918 to 1920, the dispute resulted in the so-called Armenian–Azerbaijani War [2], until they were both “invaded” (or maybe “swallowed up”) by the Soviet Union (SU) and the conflict was suppressed.
 Although control of Karabakh has shifted about throughout history, the majority of its population is Armenian [3]. When different forces was trying to take control of Karabakh between 1920 and 1921, the residents there were fighting hard for either independence or unification with Armenia. Therefore, when the SU simply put Karabakh under Azerbaijan’s control in 1921, with a purposes of balancing local Communist lines and placating Turkey, this understandably laid the foundation for future conflict. In fact, many people also believe that the SU was basically pursuing a plan of “divide and rule” [3]. Figure 1 shows the relative location of Karabakh to Armenia and Azerbaijan at that time.
                          Figure 1. The location and region of Karabakh in the 90s. [4]
图1. 卡拉巴赫在90年代时的位置及面积。[4]
 With the SU being powerful, no substantial national level warfare occurred between Armenia and Azerbaijan for more than half a century. Starting with the economic and political reforms led by Gorbachov (he is still alive by the way) in 1985, democratic thought started to expand in the SU. Since then, the SU’s censorship control of its member countries dramatically decreased. As a result, in 1988, the long-existing problems from the Armenian–Azerbaijani War started to attract military violence to the region again, and this time with one major focus: Karabakh. In 1990 Armenia declared independence, while in 1991, Azerbaijan declared independence a few days before the SU officially ceased to exit. [1]-[3] The regional tension worsened. The bombing of the Gandzasar Monastery occurred in the autumn of 1991, as mentioned in the movie “Here” and my last blog [5].
 In 1992, clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan turned into a full-scale war (known as the Nagorno-Karabahk War). The war ended with Armenia controlling a large portion of Karabakh in 1994, but the situation was far from any real peace. Small regional clashes have occurred frequently ever since. Therefore, it is not hard to understand, why Will (Ben Foster’s role) has such a difficult time entering Karabahk and the topic of spies keeps coming up.
在1992年,亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆之间的冲突演化成了全面战争(即纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫战争)。这一战争在1994年以亚美尼亚掌控了卡拉巴赫的大部分地区为结尾,但是其结果远不止表面的和平。自那之后局部区域的矛盾冲突不断出现。因此也不难理解为什么Will(Ben Foster饰演)在卡拉巴赫地区受到了重重阻碍而且关于间谍的话题���在不断出现了。
 The most recent of the clashes (known as the Four Day War) actually happened earlier this year [6]. Here is a figure showing the new location and border of the three countries.
  Figure 2. The location and region of Karabakh today. [7] NKR stands for Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which is referred as Karabakh here. The light colored area is controlled by Karabakh and Armenia, and the orange labeled area is controlled by Azerbaijan but claimed by Karabakh [7].
 5. The people
People in Armenia have suffered.
 Armenia has a long history of massacres, mass exiles, and religious strife. [2]. However, I will stay away from these depressing details. Rather, let us first focus on a town named Jermuk. At 38min 27s of the movie, Will and Gadarine (the female lead) enter Jermuk (Figure 3), where Gadarine’s parents live. Gadarine says “in Soviet time, this was a big spry”.
亚美尼亚有着很长的屠杀,大规模流放和宗教争执史。[2] 然而我会避过不谈这些让人压抑的细节。反之,让我们先来看一下一个叫做杰尔穆克的小镇。在电影的第38分27秒,Will和Gadarine(女主角)进入了杰尔穆克(如图3),也就是Gadarine的父母居住的地方,Gadarine说“在苏维埃时期,这里曾经是一个充满生气的地方。”
Figure 3. Still frame from the movie “Here”. [5] They are entering a city named "Jermuk", as shown on the sign near the road.
图3. 同样来自于电影《爱在这里》的截图。[5]他们正在进图一个叫做杰尔穆克的城市,名字写在路旁的路标上。
 Jermuk is located very close to the border between Armenia and Karabakh (Figure 4). It is known for its mineral springs. The families of kings started to build pools there about one thousand years ago [8]. In Figure 5, you can see the beautiful forest and spring in Jermuk.
 Figure 4. Location of Jermuk. The border to the east of Jermuk separates Karabakh from Armenia. [8]
图4. 杰尔穆克的位置。杰尔穆克东部的边境将卡拉巴赫和亚美尼亚分割开来。[8]
Figure 5. Nice land views of Jermuk [9]. From the top left:  skyline view of Jermuk skyline, Arpa River, Spa resorts, Jermuk Forest Sanctuary.
图5. 杰尔穆克美丽的风景[9]. 从左上起:杰尔穆克的地平线景观,阿尔帕河,温泉疗养度假村,杰尔穆克森林保护区。
 During the 1940s, the development programs of the SU decided to turn Jermuk into a modern resort tour spot for all Soviet nationals [8]. The order was implemented effectively. Roads, bridges and resorts were constructed and soon put into frequent usage. In the movie, we saw them driving on a bridge with a clear view of a tall building (Figure 6). The bridge is right above Arpa River (Figure 5 upper right) and it was completed in 1972. Figure 7 shows a full view of the bridge. The building is Gladzor Spa Resort, which was also built during the SU, and seems to still have on-going business.
  Figure 6. Still frame from “Here”. [5]
图6. 截自电影《爱在这里》。[5]
Figure 7. Bridge on the Arpa River. It is the same bridge Will and Gadarine drive on, as shown in Figure 6. [10]
图7. 阿帕尔河上的桥,就是Will和Gadarine开过的那座桥,如图6所示。[10]
 Tourism is a difficult thing to have. It requires peace and a reliable economy, both of which Armenia soon lost. Together with the collapse of the SU and the start of endless clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, economic crisis took place in Armenia during the 1990s. As a result, within less than a decade, the population in Jermuk dropped from 10000 to 7000 [9].  
 In contrast to the resort businesses going downhill after the collapse of the SU, was the rapid growth of the casino business. The SU banned gambling and lottery for almost the whole middle of the 20th century [11], but in the last few years of SU times, the government leaders gave in, unable to refuse the huge revenue made possible by gambling as simple as slot machines [12]. Soon, with the SU’s laws out of the game in 1991, the casino business in Eastern Europe exploded [13]. People of all types, poor or rich, at war or in peace, are willing to try their luck (and, statistically speaking, fail afterwards). I could not find evidence showing the casino business was influenced much by various wars in Armenia. If you see any related information, please let me know. Figure 8 shows one casino advertisement in the movie.
Figure 8. Still frame from “Here” for the Senator Casino. [5] This casino is real and popular.
图8. 截取自电影《爱在这里》,塞纳托尔赌场的广告。[5]这个赌场是真的而且还很受欢迎。
Now back to Jermuk. Starting 2000, the Armenia government decided to further develop Jermuk for its spa businesses, but not all families have benefited equivalently from this decision [9]. In the movie, we saw Gadarine’s family was not necessarily in a great shape. Her brother even complained that “father had to be thankful for a job cleaning up after the children of those people”, and that “they treated him like a dog at the school you went to!” [5]
 The father is a hotel owner, but why is life still difficult for them? Lack of visitors to the region because of local tension is definitely one reason. Another reason I could find deals with the corruption issues of Armenia government. This reason actually would explain why the brother accused “the children of those people”. You can even find a Wikipedia paged named “Corruption in Armenia”, so it is quite an issue there [14]. For example, “eminent domain” can put the basic rights of business owners at a big risk. These are only guesses, and I don’t have a definite explanation for the situation shown in the movie.
 That was about all details inspired by this movie that I could dig out, so here I end the first Blog of this series. I hope we all learned something from it See you in the next blog.
 Of note:
 The full name of the Soviet Union is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with official abbreviation USSR. The term “SU” used in this blog was only for my own
Many thanks to the members of the translation group for Ben Foster [14], especially to those who contributed to the translation of “Here”. Sincere thanks to 格兰芬多某学生’s translation of my writing, and thanks to my husband for proof reading.
 非常感谢Ben Foster字幕组的成员们,尤其是那些参与《爱在这里》翻译的成员。真诚的感谢格兰芬多某学生对我的写作的翻译,同样也非常感谢我丈夫的校对。
1.     Accessed 08/08/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenia
2.     Accessed 08/08/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenia%E2%80%93Azerbaijan_relations
3.     Accessed 08/08/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagorno-Karabakh_War
4.     Accessed 08/08/2016, VPN needed. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BA%B3%E6%88%88%E5%B0%94%E8%AF%BA-%E5%8D%A1%E6%8B%89%E5%B7%B4%E8%B5%AB%E6%88%98%E4%BA%89
5.     Accessed 08/09/2016, http://www.bilibili.com/video/av5370641/
6.     Accessed 08/08/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Armenian%E2%80%93Azerbaijani_clashes
7.     Accessed 08/08/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Armenian%E2%80%93Azerbaijani_clashes
8.     http://www.weather-forecast.com/locations/Jermuk
9.     Accessed 08/10/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jermuk
10.   http://mostotrest.ru/en/press-centre/photoarchive/29/326/
11.   Accessed 08/10/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambling_in_Russia
12.   http://www.moneyslots.net/slots-articles/gambling-in-russia-ussr-1970-1991/
13.   http://www.worldcasinodirectory.com/easteurope-casinos.asp
14.   Accessed 08/10/2016, VPN needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Armenia
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   All rights are reserved, and if you would like to repost any of my writing in this series, please at least include a link to the particular post, unless you are using the default reposting option in Lofter.
 English by Notamage (Or simply: Mage)
Chinese by 格兰芬多某学生.
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yexirong · 5 years
I’m working on a story that has one protagonist as a video host, this is exactly what I need. 
Ways To Describe Someone's Voice
adenoidal (adj): if someone’s voice is adenoidal, some of the sound seems to come through their nose
appealing (adj): an appealing look/voice shows that you want help, approval, or agreement
breathy (adj): with loud breathing noises
brittle (adj): if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry
croaky (adj): if someone’s voice sounds croaky, they speak in a low, rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat
dead (adj): if someone’s eyes or voice are dead, they feel or show no emotion
disembodied (adj): a disembodied voice comes from someone who you cannot see
flat (adj): spoken in a voice that does not go up and down; this word is often used for describing the speech of people from a particular region
fruity (adj): a fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way
grating (adj): a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying
gravelly (adj): a gravelly voice sounds low and rough
gruff (adj): this voice has a rough, low sound
guttural (adj): a guttural sound is deep and made at the back of your throat
high-pitched (adj): true to its name, a high-pitched voice or sound is very high
hoarse (adj): someone who is hoarse, or has a hoarse voice, speaks in a low, rough voice, usually because their throat is sore
honeyed (adj): honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking
husky (adj): a husky voice is deep and sounds hoarse (as if you have a sore throat), often in an attractive way
low (adj): a low voice is quiet and difficult to hear; also used for describing a deep voice that has a long wavelength
matter-of-fact (adj): usually used if the person speaking knows what they are talking about (or absolutely think they know what they are talking about)
modulated (adj): a modulated voice is controlled and pleasant to listen to
monotonous (adj): this kind of voice is boring and unpleasant due to the fact that it does not change in loudness or become higher/lower
nasal (adj): someone with a nasal voice sounds as if they are speaking through their nose
orotund (adj): an orotund voice is loud and clear
penetrating (adj): a penetrating voice is so high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable
plummy (adj): a plummy voice or way of speaking is considered to be typical of an English person of a high social class; this word shows that you dislike people who speak like this
quietly (adj): in a soft, quiet voice
raucous (adj): a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough
ringing (adj): a ringing voice is very loud and clear
rough (adj): a rough voice is not soft and is unpleasant to listen to
shrill (adj): a shrill voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant
silvery (adj): this voice is clear, light, and pleasant
singsong (adj): if you speak in a singsong voice, your voice rises and falls in a musical way
small (adj): a small voice is quiet
smoky (adj): a smoky voice is sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way
softly spoken (adj): someone who is softly spoken has a quiet, gentle voice
soft-spoken (adj): speaking or said in a quiet, gentle voice
sotto voce (adj, adv): in a very quiet voice
stentorian (adj): a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe
strangled (adj): a strangled sound is one that someone stops before they finish making it
strident (adj): this voice is loud and unpleasant
taut (adj): used about something such as a voice that shows someone is nervous or angry
thick (adj): if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion
thickly (adv): with a low voice that comes mostly from your throat
thin (adj): a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to listen to
throaty (adj): a throaty sound is low and seems to come from deep in your throat
tight (adj): shows that you are nervous or annoyed
toneless (adj): does not express any emotion
tremulous (adj): if your voice is tremulous, it is not steady; for example, because you are afraid or excited
wheezy (adj): a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing
wobbly (adj): if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry
booming (adj): very loud and attention-getting
quavering (adv): if your voice quavers, it is not steady because you are feeling nervous or afraid
a voice like a foghorn: very loud voice
in an undertone: using a quiet voice so that someone cannot hear you
someone’s dulcet tones: the sound of someone’s voice as they speak
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yexirong · 5 years
Need this!!! Thank you!!!
Tumblr media
hey babes! writing is one of my biggest passions. i love poetry, essays, stories, lab reports, journalism, and any other writing style you can think of probably so i thought i’d just put together some resources to help myself and most importantly, you guys out.
for ap lang & lit
guide to an academic paper
write a kick ass essay in an hour
writing an actual essay in an actual nutshell
write a kick ass essay w half the stress
structuring an essay
tips on writing a thesis statement
free bibliography and citation generator (2)
masterpost on writing essays
lab reports
phrase bank for discussing findings
very basic thing on science reports
writing lab reports and scientific papers (a lil more in depth than the link above)
creative writing
10 things writers don’t seem to know about the woods
when you get stuck in the middle of a scene
on including a theme/symbolism/underlying meaning
character names
unblocking writers block
masterpost of writing resources
how to write an article
writing a lead
how to write a news story
how to write an editorial (MY FAV THING THIS IS WHAT I LOVE)((i can totally make my own post all about editorials i love them))
the news manual (u know what u can find everything on here)
ok so there are so many types of articles and ways to organize them so if you really want to know about those, just ask me, yeah? 
tone vocab list
substitutes for ‘therefore’
substitutes for ‘but’
character personality traits
describe someone’s voice
annoying word things that a lot of people do
synonyms for words that students use a lot
100 sat words
more sites
type in the meaning and get the word
find the word that’s on the tip of your tongue
find rhymes!!
find synonyms
just this blog in general
60 awesome search engines for serious writers
writing advice
50 best sites for writers
find the right words
hemmingway editor (app that makes your writing bold and clear)
hope this is helpful!!
- annie :-)
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yexirong · 5 years
Why I think Avengers: Endgame doesn’t make sense
Am I a big fan of Captain America? Of course.
Do I think Stever Rogers is a good person and he deserves the best he can get? Definitely.
Do I think Steve Rogers can be happy with Peggy? For sure.
Do I think Steve Rogers will give up on Bucky and goes back time to have his “peaceful life?” Hell no.
I thought Steve and Peggy was a lovely couple, and they were the reason that I felt heartbroken when the first Captain America movie ends. What puts them together is what they have in common, which is never stop fighting.
Peggy Carter spent her whole life to build S.H.I.E.L.D. to make sure that they can continue to fight and be ready to face any possible challenges that might come. However, all her efforts, everything she went through in the TV show was ruined because of the movie. The moment Steve comes back, Peggy immediately turns to a woman who ignores all the possible harm and becomes someone who has to have a man in her life. Which is unacceptable for me. I love her because she’s strong, and she never sees herself as “Captian’s girl.”
The first episode of her show showed us that she was heartbroken when they made up the romantic story of Steve and someone else, but her attitude is not ”that was me.” Her reaction was, “I miss that man.” There’s a huge difference. She doesn’t need to be considered as “Captian’s girl.” But the moviemaker just felt like that’s not right, let’s put her back to that position and make her Captian’s wife.
And everyone just assumed that Steve goes back to time and he would have a wonderful life. How is that possible? Steve spends his entire life fighting, he won’t be able to have that knowledge that his best friend -- Yes I meant Bucky -- is suffering all those terrible brainwash and one day he would kill another friend of his and this guy’s wife, and enjoys his life.
Bucky, without any doubt, is one of the most important people of his life, maybe the most. Steve can never turn his back on him. And I’m not talking about how Steve just leaves Bucky here and goes back to his life, I’m talking about he goes back time and does not/can not save Buck. This would be torturing Steve. It will forever haunt Steve down. So there’s no “peaceful” life for Steve Rogers anymore.
This is not just me as a fan complaining about the story, this is me thinking like a writer. The character arc was there, Steve finally embraces his new life, finally finds a new home here, and all of sudden, he just feels like, “nope, still can’t get used to this time, this place, I’m going back.” It doesn’t make sense at all.
0 notes
yexirong · 5 years
Armenian Stone Crosses in Gandzasar Monastery
Some researches about the movie HERE, translating by me with the writer’s approval to post.
Armenian Stone Crosses in Gandzasar Monastery
----Blog 1 in the “one morning one sentence” series (Part 1 of 2)
 “These stone crosses were hold after the bombardment of Azeris, after this war that you know about. ”
 In the 2011 movie “Here” (running time ~1hr 26min) [1], when Gadarine, the female lead, goes on a tour of a monastery, you might barely (or not at all) hear a tour guide talking in the background. Yet, out translation team put together two lines of conversation about stone crosses, and his talking triggered my OCD to search for more information.
 In this post, I will cover three topics: the monastery at Gandzasar where those stone crosses mentioned in the movie are located at, what are Armenian stone crosses, and the most recent time when historical sites in Gandzasa were in danger.
 1. Monastery at Gandzasar
 Gandzasar means “the treasure mountain” in Armenian. The movie aims to show the monastery as ancient and faded, matching a low point in the storyline, so the scene was shot on a cloudy day with the faded wall and the mold growing on it in clear view (Figure 1).
                          Figure 1. Still frame from the movie “Here”. [1]
图片1 截自电影《这里》。
 However, as a relatively famous tour spot, the monastery is not as depressing as it seems in the movie. Figure 2 is a picture of this monastery from Wikipedia. Its beauty under sunshine is absolutely stunning.
Figure 2. Monastery at Gandzasar from Wikipedia [2]
图2. 甘扎萨尔修道院,图片来自维基百科
 The monastery was built to honor John the Baptist, starting in 1216, under the patronage of an Armenian prince [1]. The year of 1216 was also the ninth year of the Jiading period of the Song Dynasty in Chinese history, the year when Henry III became king of England, and the same year when Genghis Khan decided to start the ancient Mongolian "western conquering" [2]. The monastery was consecrated in 1240, estimated to be one year before Genghis Khan’s army reached the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia’s neighboring kingdoms and its own border [3]. This Kingdom had a history of being open, and it survived without Mongolian conquest for about a century by cooperating and intermarrying with its neighbors [4]. Although frequent warfare has occurred in the Armenian area since then, much of the medieval Armenian religion and art has survived.
 The Armenian kingdom (much larger than Armenia’s current border) was the first on earth to set Christianity as a state religion in 301 AD, establishing the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is one of the oldest Christian branches. This branch does not believe in Miaphysitism like most others do [5]. They also celebrate a different birthday for Jesus (Epiphany Day) on January the 6th, not December the 25th.
 Armenian churches have unique architectural features as well. You might have remembered from the movie, that Gadarine stares at a very narrow vertical window for quite a while (Figure 3). This window design is one of the common features in Armenian architecture. Among many other features are pointed domes, sculptural decoration of external walls, and heavy use of stones. You can find these reoccurring features in Armenian churches built at different time points in the last millennium.
Figure 3. Still frame from the movie “Here”. [1] “The semi-circular tops of the narrow windows (one apiece on the northern, southern and western sides) is(are) ornamented with deep flutes culminating in a fan-shaped decor.” [7] (If you are interested in Gandzasar Monastery, I strongly recommend you to read the reference [7].)
图片3. 截图来自电影《这里》[1] “这个狭窄窗户的半圆形顶部(在北面在北面、南面和西面各有一个)由在扇形装饰的边缘深深地”(如果你对甘扎萨尔修道院感兴趣的话,我强烈推荐你去看这个参考文本。[7])
2. Armenian Stone Crosses
 Another Armenian art that has survived through time are the cross-stones, which are referred as “stone crosses” by the tour guide in the movie. They are also known as the “khachkar”. (I was hoping this word would somehow be pronounced like “Khadgar”… but it’s not.) In 2010, their symbolism and craftsmanship were added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage [8]. Figure 4 shows what some of the stones in Gandzasa Monastery look like.
  Figure 4.  Armenian cross-stones in Gandzasa Monastery. [6]
图片4. 甘扎萨尔修道院的亚美尼亚十字碑。[6]
These stones are all very ancient. Like carved stones in other cultures, they were used to represent souls of the living or dead; celebrate war victories, or record of important constructions.
 The cross, which carries the well-known Christian religious meaning, is usually the most obvious symbol and is located either simply in the middle, or centered at the gold ratio point close to the top of the stone. One can usually find leaves, grapes, and pomegranates surrounding the cross [8]. Remember Will (Ben Foster’s character) mentioned about seeing a pomegranate-yard during their hike? Pomegranates are the Armenian symbol of life. Armenians believe that each mature pomegranate has 365 seeds, representing each day of the year [9]. Similarly, in our own culture, the seeds of pomegranate symbolize fertility and can be found on blankets, bed nets, or anything being used by the wife (wives) of a family. On the more ancient cross-stones, I find it hard to recognize pomegranates, because they usually look more like a testicle than a kind of fruit.
这个背负着广为人知的基督教宗教意义的十字架通常是最显著的标志,而且要么位于正中央,要么是位于石头顶部的黄金分割点的中央。而且一般可以看到十字架由叶子,葡萄和石榴包围着。还记得Will(由Ben Forster饰演)提到过的关于他们在远行途中看到过一个石榴园吗?石榴在亚美尼亚是生命的象征。亚美尼亚人相信每一个成熟的石榴有365颗种子,分别代表着一年当中的每一天。相似的,在我们自己的文化当中,石榴种子象征着香火旺盛,在被子,床单以及其他女性用品上我们都可以找到它。我发现在更加古老的十字碑上很难区分出来石榴,因为它们通常看起来更像是睾丸而不是某种水果。
For example, Figure 5 is an enlarged view of the stone at the most right, and you can find four pomegranates pointing towards the center of the cross. (Please do correct me if these four are not pomegranates, because this is only my guess.) The cross-stone in Figure 6 is also from the Gandzasar Monastery, and you can find two piles of grapes hanging from the top, pointing towards the horizontal line of the cross at each side respectively.
Figure 5. Enlarged image of one khachkar at Gandzasar Monastery [6]
图5. 一个甘扎萨尔修道院的十字碑的放大图[6]。
   Figure 6. A large 13th-century khachkar at Gandzasar Monastery [10]
图6 . 甘扎萨尔修道院里一个巨大的13世纪的十字碑[10]
3. The Danger
3. 修道院所面临的危险
Beside time and fungus, the stones face human danger as well. You might remember that in the movie, at the border of Nagorno-Karabakh (Figure 7) (Karabakh from here on), Ben Foster’s character has a difficult time negotiating with the soldiers. The tension is due to regional political conflicts, including frequent wars in the past several hundred years [11], up to the 1990s. I will try to cover a bit more on the recent wars and their background in the second half of this blog, but here let us take a look at the dangers faced by the Gandzasar Monastery in particular, starting with “the bombardment of Azeri(s)” mentioned by the tour guide.
除了时间和真菌之外,这些石头同样面临着来自人类的威胁。你也许记得在电影当中,在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫(阿塞拜疆共和国自治州)的边境(如图7卡拉巴赫的位置),Ben Foster饰演的角色在与士兵们的谈判中有一段非常艰难的时期。其中的压力来源于当地的政治矛盾,包括在过去几百年中频繁爆发的战争,一直持续到二十世纪九十年代。我会争取在文章剩余的后半部分尽量多说一些近期的战争和它们的背景,但是在这请允许我们先看一下甘扎萨尔修道院所面临的危险,从由(电影中的)导游提出的“阿塞拜疆的轰炸”开始。
  Figure 7. The location of Karabakh on a world map. Armenia is adjacent to its west and Azerbaijani to its east. [11]
图7. 世界地图上卡拉巴赫的位置。亚美尼亚在它的西边而阿塞拜疆在它的东边。
 In the autumn of 1991, Azerbaijani bombed Karabakh, while peace mediating teams from surrounding countries and political powers were working hard towards a peace agreement. The bombardment undoubtedly ruined the potential for peace in Karabakh. During the bombardment, one Father Superior’s house inside of the Gandzasar Monastery was destroyed. An unexploded bomb was later found at the north area (Figure 8) near the wall. As far as I could tell, that is the same wall as where all the cross-stones are located.
Figure 8. The unexploded bomb at Gandzasar [12]
 The walls in Gandzasar Monastery and many other Armenian churches survived the bombing, but they are now facing an “improvement”, which may just be equivalently dangerous. Well-funded businessmen from Russia and Karabakh have invested millions of dollars for the tiling of the monastic complex walls (Figure 9). This “facelift” project has drawn wide public controversy. From young activists on Facebook to the head of the government Tourism Department, people have argued the rebuilding of war-torn Karabakh is destroying historical and cultural values, as well as violating rules of UNESCO and leaving the current heritage certifications of those historical sites in question [13]. However, there are also people who work for the churches, and believe that the main value of the monasteries relies on their inner culture, not on the decoration, and therefore the tiling should not be a huge concern. They also pointed out that the current walls were not genuine either, due to the multiple reconstructions throughout Armenian history. The group directing the tiling project has told media that unless the wall (which has already survived bombing, time, and fungus for hundreds years) is fortified, it will collapse soon [13]. According to the media, this project should have been finished two or three years ago, but I cannot find images of what the monastery looks like now. If you have recently visited the area, please let us know more about the changes.
  Figure 9. Gandzasar Facelift: Vandalism or Restoration? [13]
图9. 甘扎萨尔整形手术:破坏还是修复?[13]
I will pause this first Blog here, and continue the second half next week. The focus of the second half will be more about the regional tension between Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan, and also about how the Soviet collapse influenced this area and the people, just as was referenced in the movie.
 Of note:
Many thanks to the members of the translation group for Ben Foster [14], especially to those contributed to the translation of “Here”. Sincere thanks to 格兰芬多某学生’s translation of my writing, and thanks to my husband for proof reading.
非常非常感谢Ben Foster字幕组的成员们,尤其是那些对翻译《这里》有所贡献的成员。真诚的感谢格兰芬多某学生对我的写作的翻译,同样也非常感谢我丈夫的校对。
 [1] Bilibili link to the movie “Here”: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av5370641/
[2] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[3] Xiaodan Chen (2013). 中国历史博览第四卷. 青苹果数据中心出版
[4] Lococo, Paul (2008). Genghis Khan: History's Greatest Empire Builder. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books.
[5] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[6] Accessed on July 29th, 2016.
[7] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[8] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[9] Accessed on July 29th, 2016.
[10] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[11] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[12] Accessed on July 29th, 2016. (VPN needed)
[13] Accessed on July 29th, 2016.
[14] 大头要红本福字幕组http://weibo.com/u/5973779194?refer_flag=1005055013_
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yexirong · 5 years
About man VS self
This is one of the most common forms of character conflicts. We can see it everywhere, sometimes, it shows up not as a major conflict, but it’s always there. 
Personally, I think this conflict actually exists in every story. Your protagonist will always have flaws, and the progress of him/her get over with it can be considered as someone vs. self. In this type of cases, this kind of conflict helps us to understand his/her internal grow more than fight with himself.
For example, in Spider-man: Into Spider-verse, Miles’s need is realizing that he is his own hero, so we saw Miles struggles to learn about his abilities, to take that leap of faith. But it’s not the major conflict of the movie.
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