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↳ aries slytherin ♈
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SLYTHERIN: “We wear clothes, and speak, and create civilizations, and believe we are more than wolves. But inside us there is a word we cannot pronounce and that is who we are.” -Anthony Mara (A Constellation of Vital Phenomena)
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Gogo and Zira Moodboard
"Am I not the cholesterol-filled blood that pumps through your cold, shriveled heart and keeps it beating every day? Do I not tell you when your hair is rank or your eyeliner not sharp enough? How would they stab through the hearts of men if not for me?”
“Cut the shit you little gremlin and just tell me what you want, it’ll be faster.” 
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Gogo and Honey Lemon Moodboard
“Not /all/ Slytherins are bad people.”
“Are you sure about that hypothesis? Cuz with me, you’re already batting 0 to 1.”
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Gal Pals || Honey&Gogo (Flashback)
Gogo didn't have many people that she called her friend. She only had one person who she called her best friend, and it was Melosia Luna-Cortez. The two bonded in their third year over a shared love for inventing and well, a young Leiko wasn't able to get rid of the overenthusiastic redhead with braces. And she still hadn't. Somehow against her will, she'd been managed to be dragged into Hogsmeade by the much taller girl. She walked alongside the Gryffindor, her hands stuffed into her jacket pockets and jiggling a bit anxiously. She normally travelled solo, but being with another person meant she had to move at a normal speed. "Alright. Where are we going that's oh-so-important?"
Melosia, or as she was affectionately called, Honey Lemon, was excitedly walking beside her best friend, Gogo, down the main street of Hogsmeade. She could hardly contain her energy, and she had a bouncy spring in her step. Tucking a strand of auburn hair behind her ear, she beamed. "SO, there's a bookstore that's selling a book on some newly invented potions which I just HAVE to get my hands on. It's got a whole chapter on making some potion that tastes like bubblegum, apparently," she said, her speech rapid. She had a habit of talking with her hands, and almost knocked her glasses off her nose before adjusting them back to their original positon with a goofy grin. "I just have to try it, you know?"
It had taken Gogo awhile to get used to Honey's energy, but it was practically second nature now. She merely ducked out of the way of her friend's flailing arms like a pro. She smirked at the response but couldn't help but cock an eyebrow. "And you needed me here in case the bookshelf was really low to the ground or something?"
Honey laughed. "Gogo, you're my best friend. I want to spend the day with you!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. "I've gotta find excuses to pull you out of the castle once in a blue moon." Honey never minded that Gogo was far less... social than she was, but it also didn't stop her from forcing her friend out the door every once in a while. If she could do Gogo things, Gogo could do Honey things too. At least that's how she chose to see it. "Besides, maybe you'll find something you like about magic tech or something. Who knows?"
Gogo rolled her eyes and smirked. "I leave the castle, jeez. What're you, my mom?" The thing was, she mostly did things alone. Take morning runs around the grounds, alone. Work on developing magical swimming equipment in the lake, alone. Speed around Hogsmeade on her skates, alone. And when she did hang out with Honey, it just happened to be in the castle. But today, she'd been in the middle of working on an invention when her friend had dragged her out. Now all her hands wanted to do was work. "Yeah, yeah maybe," she huffed. "What the hell is this potion going to do anyway? Besides taste like gum." She emphasized the statement by blowing a bubble and loudly popping it.
Honey shrugged. "I dunno, but even if it's lame, I can always alter the recipe." Honey was good at many things, being an excellent student in general, but the thing she was the best at was certainly potions. She changed recipes, added ingredients, and created completely original samples for fun, if nothing else. It kept her mind sharp, and it was her passion. "Oh, there's the shop!" she said with a squeak, pointing at the small corner store a few paces ahead. She rushed forward to take a peek through the windows, trying to block the reflection with her hand as she squinted. "There's quite a line."
And that was what she liked about her. Despite how different they were in so many regards, Honey was ready to bend the world to her will. If something wasn't working to her benefit, change it. They were two sides of the same coin. When Honey rushed ahead, Gogo finally felt the shackles release and she burst into a run as well, just overtaking the girl as she skid to a halt. She didn't bother shielding her reflection, seeing some figures moving about inside. Instead, she looked over the two of them reflected in the window, together. "Huh. Who knew everyone was suddenly into gum. Can't say I blame 'em."
Despite Honey's head start, Gogo got to the window first. Honey would never cease to be amazed by the girl's speed when a situation presented itself. She glanced over at her and smiled. "It's not JUST the gum silly. These are whole new, Ministry-approved potions. Some of it's way beyond student level, but I don't think it'll be a problem for me." She wasn't cocky, but she was confident in her own abilities. Even if she couldn't do something right away, she found a way to make things work in her favor. Seeing as potions were her specialty to begin with, she was already considered above her grade level in the subject. Gogo had a head start on speed, but Honey was always ahead in her own regard. "Shall we?" she said as she opened the door. A bell chimed as the pair entered. The small space was fairly packed, but there was just enough room to find a spot on the line to the display table and register.
"Probably not," she agreed, looking over Honey's enthusiastic expression in the mirror. It was such a shame that she was a straight girl. Even though they'd met at a rather.../awkward/ phase of their teenage years, Honey had been one of the first girls she'd found herself attracted to. She may have dropped a hint here and there but after coming out herself, Honey made it clear that she was a Proud Straight Ally. And while Gogo had had quite a few encounters with girls who said that, she didn't want to push her luck with the Gryffindor. After all, what if she fucked up one of the few good things she had? "I guess we shall," she said with a shrug. As soon as they entered the space though, she regretted it. There was nothing worse than being confined in a space where you could barely move. It was like sucking the air right out of her. But still, she grimaced and just stuck close to her friend, standing uncomfortably in line.
Honey felt bad for subjecting her Gogo to the tight space of the bookstore. She knew her well enough to understand that she was restless more often than not, and she was clearly uncomfortable to some extent. "Hey um, if you feel weird about being in here I don't mind if you'd rather walk around outside. I'll just grab the book and come meet you." She gave a sheepish smile and clutched the strap of her satchel. The line they were in moved sluggishly forward, but they weren't far from the front now.
Gogo shifted uncomfortably, shoving her elbow into someone who got too close to her. This was really a hell for her, and her friend seemed to notice. She glanced up at the redhead, her brow furrowing. There was just something about Honey that was so.../good/. Good people didn't stick around Gogo for very long. She usually scared them off or at the very least said some sort of sarcastic quip that hurt their feelings. But through it all, Honey had somehow managed to stay. And when she noticed her discomfort, she didn't banter with her the same way that so many others in her life did. She just genuinely offered a nice and thoughtful solution. It almost made Gogo feel guilty. "Uh...yeah, if you don't mind," she admitted with a subdued shrug. "I'll be around, alright? Come find me." And with that, she was off. As soon as she was out the door, her shackles were free once more and she hopped into a half jog, just getting some energy out around the town. In the time it would take Honey to get her book, she did manage to stop by Honeydukes and picked up some gum to replenish her supply and some Pepper Imps, a cinnamon candy that she knew were Honey's favs. After that she just walked around the store, keeping an eye out for her easily visible friend to exit.
Honey smiled as Gogo practically burst out of the shop. She didn't take offense to Gogo's discomfort. She knew it was just how she was and she liked her friend's energy just the way it was. It's not like she hadn't already made a huge effort to come here with her for a silly book only Honey cared about. It took another ten  minutes for Honey to grab a hardcover copy of the spell book and pay for it. She weaseled her way out of the close quarters and exhaled. She turned her head, searching for Gogo but couldn't see her out on the street. She calmly wandered from shop to shop, checking each window for her friend.
Gogo saw her exit, but she didn't approach immediately. For awhile, all she did was watch her, going from store to store. She wondered if she'd be upset that Gogo had all but abandoned her. Of course, she wouldn't. She wasn't Gogo, who would be annoyed if the tables were turned. She was Honey Lemon, the sweet and sour girl who liked her tea the same way every day at the same time. She would just smile and go on and on about this great new book or the cute decorations at the nearby tea shop. She would never think twice about the fact that her friend wasn't even catching up with her, but following like a huge creeper. In the end, she finally caught up with the girl, walking alongside her without making her presence known immediately. Then, putting on her cool girl composure, she just called, "Head's up." And tossed her the packet of Pepper Imps.
As she browsed the windows of all the Hogsmeade shops, Honey was unaware that Gogo had snuck up on her nearby. "Heads up." Honey perked her head up at the familiar voice and was met with a packet of her favorite candy. She caught it against her chest and clutched it with her hands to keep it from falling before adjusting her grip. "Oh! Thanks!" She loved Pepper Imps. "Go anywhere fun?"
Gogo popped another piece of gum in her mouth casually before shoving her hands back into her pockets, giving a shrug. "Eh, not really. Just Honeydukes and around town mostly. Everything go alright with your book? Is it everything you dreamed it would be?"
Honey shuffled around in her satchel and enthusiastically pulled out the book, thrusting it forward to show Gogo. "It's BEAUTIFUL isn't it?!" She pressed her cheek against the cover and inhaled that fresh new-book smell and sighed. "I can't wait to explore all it's secrets." She returned the book to her bag and hooked her slender arm with Gogo's, elbow to elbow. "Let's get tea! It's almost time for lunch anyway."
Gogo couldn't help but snort and laugh at Honey's reaction to the book. She'd never met anyone else more enthusiastic about potions in their life, not even their professor. It was almost comical to watch the two interact. Every year, she secretly hoped that Gryffindor and Slytherin would share potions together for that reason alone...okay, maybe for some other reasons too. When Honey linked their arms together, she also couldn't help the flush that rose into her cheeks. Ridiculous, like she was one of the virginal girls that /she/ was usually the ones flirting with. She cleared her throat and forcibly tried to suppress the blush, straightening her posture before leaning back, acting calm and chill as she always did. "Yeah, why not. Where d'you wanna go?"
"My usual tea house serves these adorable sandwiches and the tea is to DIE for," she suggested, turning around in the direction of their new destination. "Thanks for coming with me today. I know crowds aren't your thing."
To be honest, she would have gone wherever Honey had suggested. So she merely followed her, arm in arm, looking as calm and collected as possible. A part of her that she wouldn't acknowledged hoped that anyone looking at them would assume they were dating. "It's fine. I'm more annoyed that I got dragged away from what I'm working on. When this gear touches the water, it should be able to transfigure your hands and feet to have webs, making swimming faster and easier. Still working through some kinks, but I /guess/ I can spare some time for tea," she said with a smirk.
Honey rolled her eyes playfully. "It'll still be there when we get back. We've only been here an hour." The two ambled along the street, passing couples and other students. "There's this awesome apple lemon tea you have to try," she chirped as they entered the teahouse. The interior was cozy and elegant, decorated with baroque and rococo-style furniture and mirrors on the ceiling. Murals of cherubs that were enchanted to flutter across the walls surrounded them, playfully waving and blowing kisses. Everything was pastel, exceptionally Honey Lemon's style. A fair-skinned veela girl seated them by a window and handed them menus which displayed items in perfect purple cursive. Honey settled into her seat and adjusted her glasses to look at the options. "I'm really feeling cake today."
"Mhmm," Gogo replied, clearly unconvinced. Ever second passed was a second wasted, even though her erratic schedule meant she had all the time in the world. But still, she wasn't /not/ going to do was Honey asked, so here she was. The place was absolutely gaudy, but also absolutely her friend's style. When the veela came, she was immediately charmed by their innate beauty, and slipped her arm out of Honey's. She almost felt bad about it. But once they were seated, she looked back to the redhead and seemed to get ahold of herself, glancing down at the menu. "Hey, have I ever told you you would have a fucking blast in Japan? They love this shit," she said, as if she knew. She had never been to Japan but she'd been told stories by her grandparents, who missed the cafes, the cakes, and the like.
Honey looked up from the menu and gave Gogo a quizzical look. "You think so? Huh," she said, pondering the notion of visiting one day. "I've never been of course. I'd love to see what it's like." Honey hadn't seen much of the world up until this point, but the idea of travel suited her. She tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear delicately and turned her attention back to the culinary options in front of her. She hummed under her breath, indecisive for a moment. "Aha!" She pointed to a word on the page, "I know what I want! I haven't tried this one yet." Honey had tried just about everything offered at the teahouse, but there were a few things she just hadn't gotten around to yet.
Gogo glanced up at Honey, watching her silently. She imagined for a moment, taking the Gryffindor girl on a trip with her to Japan. She had mixed feelings on her heritage, especially the more she learned about her history. But there was a part of her that longed to reconnect with her roots and learn about what she might have lived if her grandparents had never moved. And from what she heard, she knew Honey would probably have a much easier time fitting in than she would. It would be a combination of their strengths, their weaknesses, their likes and their annoyances. But most importantly, it would just be the two of them. The thought pitted in her chest, spreading an icy fire throughout her limbs. Why was she thinking this way? Why had she been following her friend around like a creep? Why did she want people to assume they were dating? Dark eyes quickly darted back down to the menu, but the words were all meshing and twirling together into something illegible. All she could think about was Honey and this trip she fantasized in their head. Just the two of them, together, in an entirely new world. She didn't even hear what her friend was saying to her. "Oh-- yup, mhm. Sounds good," she responded automatically.
"You um, okay Gogo?" Honey asked kindly, tilting her head like a curious puppy at her friend. She could tell when her friend wasn't entirely present, and she just wanted to make sure she hadn't pushed her friend too far today. Another waitress, this time not a veela, swung by to attend to them, and Honey quickly ordered a pot of jasmine and ginger tea for the table and a slice of lavender cake. She was still excited by the prospect of dessert, but Gogo had been acting a little out of the ordinary today.
"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine," she said quickly. Gogo quickly snapped out of her thoughts when the waitress addressed her, and she ordered the apple lemon tea, just like Honey suggested. When she left however, she made sure to look over the girl, trying desperately to distract herself. She couldn't help it when the words passed her lips. "She's cute, right?"
Honey blinked at Gogo's comment and glanced behind her as their waitress walked away. "I like her skirt," she said simply, almost like a question. She raised a brow at Gogo and shrugged it off. The truth was, she did think the girl was cute, but she attributed her attraction to her outfit and hair. It was her style, after all. Of course she thought it was cute! She leaned forward and rested her small chin on her hands, blinking mischievously at Gogo. "You going to get her number?" She was, at this point, very aware of Gogo's sexual preference for women. It didn't bother her in the slightest. After all, Gogo was Gogo regardless of who she slept with. It wasn't any of Honey's business, for starters.
God, Honey was just too straight. And while she'd been accepting of Gogo's sexuality, she also had a penchant for pushing her off on other girls. Which she didn't really mind it was just--why. She tried to shake off those thoughts and focused on the present moment, a smirk tugging at her lips and a shrug lifting her shoulders. "Maybe. We'll see," she said, a playful smirk tugging at her.
"Well," she said, straightening up and crossing her hands on the table. "I bet you'd have no problem with that." She giggled and decided she really wanted to look at that new book of hers, so she shuffled around and placed it delicately on the table. "Hm let's see," she said, reading its table of contents. "There's a potion here for enhancing your senses. That's pretty neat!" She would have to test that one out later. "Imagine having the sense of smell of a bloodhound or the eyesight of an eagle! This might be super helpful someday." She earmarked the page and continued skimming the contents of the book.
She snorted and shrugged again, trying to play it cool. Yeah, she could probably easily get this girl's number and sleep with her. But it would just be another notch in her belt. She was usually so fine with garnering that before, why did it seem so...different now? She tried to focus on the conversation. "Yeah that would be pretty sweet. You gonna do that?"
Honey nodded. "Yeah, of course! I'm going to try every recipe in this book at some point I think." She was being serious about it. The waitress returned with Honey's cake and their tea. Honey went for the slice o cake first. She looked like she was going to melt with the first spoonful. "Oh man, this is so good, try some!" She scooped up a bite-sized piece and reached to Gogo, beckoning for her to taste. "I didn't know lavender could taste so good."
 "Eyesight of the eagle would be good for passing an astronomy test for sure," she snarked, clearly implying cheating. It was always fun poking at the nicer girl's buttons. The waitress came and Gogo knew this was her chance. But when it came...she didn't take it. Honey wasn't watching to see if she made a move, she was just happy to be sharing cake with her friend. The thought had her frowning a little and by the time she came to her senses, the woman was gone. Honeys hand was reaching to her and she blinked, looking it over. "Oh uh. Ahhh." She opened her mouth to be fed.
Mel gently prodded the spoon into Gogo's mouth and waited for her reaction to the cake. "Well?" She looked on in anticipation. "Isn't it delicious?" While she waited, she blew at the surface of her tea to cool it off before pressing her lips to the side. She jolted back mildly. "Still hot," she concluded, touching her burnt lip with a delicate finger.
She'd mostly done it as a joke. If it had been Shea or Viv, they would have smashed the cake to her face. But not Honey. She bit down on it and watched her friend as she chewed. Her expression twisted into a grimace. "Wow uh. Yeah that sure does taste like flowers."
"DOESN'T IT?" she exclaimed, bouncing slightly and completely missing the fact that it was probably a weird flavor for Gogo. She took another bite for herself and seemed to melt. "I'm in heaven."
With anyone else, Gogo would have rolled her eyes. But here, a grin burst across her face and she couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. She went to sip her tea, not caring that it was still hot. She wasn't about to /wait/ for it. "And this tastes like apples and honey. Crazy how that works."
Mel finished her cake and licked some frosting from one of her fingers. She hummed in satisfaction, sliding down the back of her chair slightly. "Can I have a sip?" She leaned forward and beckoned with her hand, smiling ear to ear.
Gogo watched Honey do this, probably a little too closely before she was asked the question. "Oh sure. It's hot though," she warned. Not everyone could have a mouth scalded to the point of numbness because they never waited for anything to cool down
"I'll be careful," she said, raising an eyebrow playfully. She took the cup carefully and waited a moment before taking the tiniest sip, just to be on the safe side. "It's definitely hot, but I just wanted a taste," she said, handing it back to her friend. "So," she started again, "I know you're busy but can I watch you work when we get back?"
Gogo smirked and shrugged. "Hey, it was your suggestion. Maybe we should start calling you Apple Lemon, huh?" She teased, taking another sip herself. She definitely preferred coffee to tea, but she was here. Might as well enjoy it. At Honey's request, her eyebrows raised but she played it off nonchalantly. "Yeah, whatever. Mostly trying out some new spells to see what sticks."
Honey pretended to really consider the idea. "Hmm, Apple /is/ kinda cute." She took a few sips of her own cup and savored the flavor. She looked across the table at Gogo as she spoke between sips. "What did you say you were working on again, exactly?"
"Yeah but then people are going to wonder why the hell I call you Apple." And they don't wonder why she calls her Honey? No, they just assume they're dating. And Gogo was honestly too fine with that. "They're swimming equipment that will transfigure your limbs, sort of like if you eat gillyweed. But you know, without actually having to get the stuff."
"That's pretty neat." She smiled. "Can't wait to see it." Mel finished her tea and pouted. "Aw, but it was so good." She shrugged and signaled for the waitress to bring their check. "Want anything else before we head out?"
"Nah, I'm good. Here," she said, sliding the rest of her tea over to Honey. Then she pulled out a couple coins, enough to cover both of their orders and place it on the table.
Honey gladly took the rest of Gogo's tea and gulped it down now that it was sufficiently warm but not scalding. "Oh you don't have to do that Gogo," she said, noticing her friend covering the bill for the two of them and placing a hand on Gogo's to stop her. "I appreciate it but it's on me! I dragged you here in the first place." She chuckled but gave her a firm look.
Gogo was always the one on top in these situations. Even with the most experienced women, she never allowed herself to get flustered. But when Honey put her hand over hers, the smallest hint of a flush flashed across her face. She quickly gained her composure however and intertwined her fingers with the other girl's, waving their hand back and forth. "Really, it's fine."
Honey smiled and shrugged as Gogo swung their hands back and forth. "Okay, if you say so. I won't complain." She did leave her half of the tip on the table however before she stood up and waited on Gogo to walk with her out the door of the teahouse. "Thanks again for coming. I'm having a lot of fun with you," she said as the pair walked back towards Hogwarts Castle.
 Gogo lingered just a moment as she pulled their hands apart, then pretended to busy herself with making sure they put in the right amount of money. Once satisfied, she stood and shoved her hands in her pockets, walking alongside her friend. "Yeah, yeah no problem. Probably needed a break to get my head clear anyway."
They made it back to the castle and entered near the Great Hall, passing other students as they walked. "So, were you working on your invention in the dorm or..." Honey started to say as she dodged a rushing student who nearly walked straight into her.
"I was just chillin' in the common room so--" Rushing by students and nearly crashing into them was Gogo's thing. But that didn't mean she couldn't be a huge hypocrite. "Hey! Watch where you're fucking going asshole!" She yelled at the kid.
Honey flinched but brushed off Gogo's outburst. "Gogo, don't-" she said sheepishly, running a hand through her long hair. She didn't push it because she knew her friend well enough to know she didn't care about hurting other people's feelings or egos. Honey was a little more sensitive to that sort of thing.
She clicked her tongue, throwing her head back. "Why not? Asshole could've bowled you over. Then we really would've had a fucking problem."
"But" she started to say, "he didn't. I'm okay." She gave her friend a half-smile in an attempt to assure her. "Now, show me your project!" Honey hoped to distract Gogo from starting any unnecessary fights on their way over.
 "Yeah and he's lucky for that," she warned but clicked her tongue again when Honey asked to see the project. "Alright, cmon." With that, she started to lead the Gryffindor girl down to the dungeons. It was much more common for the two of them to hang out in the open, airy, inviting atmosphere of the Gryffindor Tower but there were the rare occasions that Gogo managed to drag her friend down below.
Honey Lemon was no stranger to the Hogwarts dungeons. She spent the majority of her time outside of classes either studying, hanging out with Gogo, or making potions under the castle. It wasn't conventional for most students to seek out the dim, cold, and rather eerie stone rooms in the basement, but Honey thought of it her second home. She was known by most of the ghosts down there, and they kept her company when the rest of the class left her behind on her own. She even had her own station set up in one of the roomier supply closets lent to her by the Potions professor. "I forgot that you work down here sometimes," she said looking around and sighing contentedly.
"Hm? Yeah I mean I work wherever. Once I get bored of one place, I go somewhere else," she said with a shrug. Mostly she just didn't like being in one place for too long. "Plus half my housemates are aaasssssshooooles so." She snorted. "You're lucky you have the ghosts."
"Hey, be nice Gogo!" she chided playfully. "Not /all/ Slytherins are bad people." They went deeper down into the dungeons, and Honey was just following Gogo for the moment.
"Are you sure about that hypothesis? Cuz with me, you're already batting 0 to 1," she joked self-deprecatingly. And clearly, it was definitely a joke and not just another instance of depression masked in humor. Clearly.
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Jock nodded in understanding. Of course he’d tried that already with little success. Unfortunately the current slew of magical inventions lacked the power that he needed. “Ah yes, I’d normally agree with you there Miss Tanaka. Sadly I’ve tried the Whoozdoblet already and it wasn’t able to handle the power output needed to detect strong magical signatures. Mostly it only picked up smaller jinxes and hexes. Sneaky stuff. Probably since it came from a Sneakoscope.” He took the device and adjusted a few wires that looked a little loose. “I may even have to try a stronger circuit board than this if I ever want it to pick up any substantial magic.”
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Her brow furrowed a bit in confusion. It really shouldn’t have much of a problem. Then she realized why that probably wasn’t the case for him instead of her. “Oh. Well, I actually know a spell that might increase the power of the Whoozdoblet, if you’re interested. It was created by a friend of mine and only works on magical boards. It’ll short out anything electrical,” she explained, nodding at the device. Wasabi was a close friend, and one of the few people she felt could keep up with her on an engineering level. He was a brilliant master of spells, dismantling them and putting them back together into something entirely new. His energizing spell was one she’d used on absolutely everything and had become second nature at this point--she’d used it to create her extended pockets, her shoes, and pretty much everything else. She’d forgotten it wasn’t actually used by most common people.
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Hide and Seek//Open
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“Great, let’s go!” Mel quipped cheerfully, linking her arm with Gogo’s and pulling ahead in the direction of the station.
They arrived in relatively short time, and Mel had an inkling as to where her parents may have wandered off to. “So my parents are probably at the book store, I think we should try there first.” All the while, she gazed around the street in case she was in fact mistaken. 
“Oh, I was right!” she said, spotting first her mother then her father leaving the bookstore like she had predicted. “Mom! Dad!” She called across the crowd to them with a sweeping wave over her head to catch their attention. She tugged at Gogo once more to follow her, and she greeted her family with warm kisses on the cheek. 
“Mom, Dad, you remember Gogo,” she said, re-introducing her best friend. “She surprised me today and I’d like to ask if she could stay with us for a little while.” 
Catalina, Mel’s mother, smiled warmly and glanced at her husband, who nodded in approval with his wife. “Of course she can stay. You know we love guests! Where are you from again Gogo?” she asked curiously with a bit of a Spanish accent, trying to remember whether her daughter had ever mentioned where Gogo lived outside of Hogwarts. “I hope your trip wasn’t too tiring,” she added. 
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Gogo flushed ever so slightly when Honey linked their arms, but it quickly faded. You had to get used to this kind of touch when you were friends with the affectionate Gryffindor girl. Despite having much shorter legs, she easily kept up with her much taller friend. The two made their way back to town and Gogo didn’t protest wherever Honey dragged her. It was only when her parents came out and greeted them that she folded her arms and stood there much more awkwardly.
“Uh. Normally I live with my Mom and Baa-- er- grandma in London, but my Dad lives in rural Ireland,” she explained, though a few seconds later her brain caught up with her mouth. Why was she explaining all of this? It would have been easiest just to say London, even if that wasn’t accurate at this time. She cleared her throat. “Nah, it was fine,” she said, a lot more vaguely. In truth, Gogo was simultaneously never and always tired. Only getting a couple hours of sleep every night did that to you.
“Thanks for letting me stay with you though, I really appreciate it,” she added with a firm, reverent nod. 
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Ripe for the Picking || Open
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Zira pays the cashier who is looking between the two of them in confusion. “I suppose in that case you are welcome to stay. Just remember not to open the closet, because I have killed and will kill again. Those corpses are trophies.” 
She takes her receipt from the cashier who appears to be deciding whether or not they want to get involved. Eventually the Cashier shrugs as if to say, ‘I don’t get payed enough to care if you’re a murderer’ and moves onto the next customer in line. 
As they walk out of the store Zira narrows her eyes suspiciously at Gogo. “You okay, though?” 
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“Oh trust me, I’ve done a lot of closet opening but yours? Never,” she joked. Okay, so maybe she had tried to persuade Zira to hook up with her once or twice but she wasn’t a pushy, entitled asshole. When she was told no, she backed off and didn’t treat her friend any differently afterwards. Because that’s what decent human beings were. Not that she thought of herself as decent but even she knew not to cross that line.
She raised her eyebrows at the cashier like ‘what?’ but they quickly moved on. Gogo walked out of the store with her friend, shoving her hands in her pocket. “What? Pft, yeah,” she replied, face remaining neutral. “Got to call that fucker out before I left, which is always fun. Mostly just have to stay afloat until I can go home and act like nothing happened. I doubt he’s going to tell my Mom he lost his fucking hellspawn.”
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Beware of the Homosexual Skateboarder
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San raised her own eyebrows in response, though hers was more in an attempt to mask her curiosity with…more contemptuous curiosity. “I’m from Japan,” she answered, as though that was an obvious statement. San tried to analyze Gogo’s face. “You have an English accent, where’d you learn Japanese? I guess you look hāfu,” San muttered the ending in Japanese again, loud enough for Gogo to hear and think San was being a bit cheeky. And she was. It wasn’t like she actually cared if Gogo wasn’t full Japanese; it was just nice to quip to someone in her native language, especially if they could take it and dish back.
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Gogo snorted in response. She didn’t have much interaction with her Japanese heritage and whenever she did, the term “hāfu” always came up. She’d heard it murmured contemptuously by her grandfather enough to know that it had negative connotations but she also didn’t particularly give a shit. “Yeah, I’m hāfu, what gave it away?” she responded, mocking San’s tone of presumed obviousness. “My mom is nisei, and her parents live with us, so we speak Japanese at home.”
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“Oh right, forgot you had that thing,” she said, referring to the pocket charm. She would have to get Gogo to teach her that trick. That also explained her supposed lack of luggage. 
“So um, we can meet my parents back at Hogsmeade and then go home with them from there if that’s okay with you.” 
All things considered, she was really excited to have Gogo coming to stay over. 
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Gogo shrugged casually. All things considered, it was a rather clever use of the charm, considering most of the time you could only fit items the size of the entrance or smaller, but Gogo had combined it with an automatic shrinking or enlarging spell, depending on if the object was being taken out or put away. Some would be impressed by the invention--but to her, they weren’t anything special.
“Oh uh, sure,” she replied, still trying to be as casual as possible. She’d met Honey’s parents once or twice at King’s Cross Station but they’d never had more than a passing chat. For the most part, Gogo had remained respectful but distant from the parents of whoever she was staying with but there was something inside her that felt the need to--impress these people?
She was in way over her head.
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Ripe for the Picking || Open
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Hayley Kiyoko
@Sean Willis // Shoot for ‘CreativeTrigger.com’
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“Excelleeeeent,” she said, drawing out the word and fist pumping like a total nerd. “Grab your stuff and let’s settle you in. Speaking of which, where is your stuff?”
In Mel’s head, it made sense that Gogo would be staying at a hotel somewhere, or at least at a friend’s for the time being, but at the same time it was weird that Gogo wasn’t carrying anything on her at the moment, considering she had mentioned that she wanted to surprise Mel specifically. Again, Mel shrugged off her friend’s lack of explanations, attributing it all to Gogo’s unwillingness to open up too much regarding her personal life, especially when it came to family matters. She learned early on not to prod too much into that. 
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Gogo was regretting this already. No, it would be fine. All she had to do was deflect on the deep shit and just have a good time with her best friend. Surely, she could do that without fucking up, right? Right?
“Got it all right here,” she said, patting her pocket. She’d invented the extended pocket charm years ago, and it was her main carrying space for everything. She stuck her hand inside and rooted around. Catching hold of the handle, she pulled out a rather large duffle bag from her pocket. Unfortunately, some of the fruit she’d been stuffing away also flew out and bounced against the ground. “...Uh. Yeah. Either way, I’m good to go whenever,” she said quickly, shoving the bag back into her pocket, which in itself was a sight to behold. She was deliberately choosing to ignore the fruit.
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Ripe for the Picking || Open
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“Ugh, for real?” Zira scowls as she slaps down her items onto the conveyor belt. “Yeah you can stay with me. Mum will be delighted. You just have to promise that you’ll fucking take a shower for once. I refuse to have you stink up my bedroom.” Zira sniffs delicately and fishes around her purse for her wallet. 
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Gogo merely clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes in confirmation of the situation. The two knew more about each others’ personal lives than likely anyone else did, but they were able to communicate it all pretty clearly without having to get into the mushy details. Still, she smirked. “Shit, twist my fucking arm why don’tcha. Don’t worry, promise I won’t butt in on the smell of corpses rotting in your closet.”
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Shea smirked in return and wasted no time in starting their sparring match off right, by getting in the first attack. Over the years, Shea had found that she much preferred to attack rather than be attacked. And while it made her predicatble to those that sparred her often, Shea made up for that fact with the brutality and variety of her attacks. Nothing enough to do serious damage, this was all in good fun after all, but enough to show that just because you knew she was coming, didn’t mean you could stop her.
The fight went on for some time. Gogo was a decent fighter. She could hold her own even against Shea. But not forever. The simple fact was that Shea was better at this than Gogo. So, inevitably, Shea won. Releasing Gogo from the ju-jitsu hold that had helped Shea seize the victory, the taller girl rolled to her feet and stood up. “I do hope that was as good for you as it was for me,” Shea said, sending Gogo a wink.
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Shea got in the first hit, just as Gogo knew she would. They’d sparred enough times that she was able to get a pattern down, but that didn’t mean she had the knowledge or skill to stop it. Still, she held her own fairly well and even managed to last longer than she usually did. It was clear she’d had a lot of pent up energy from previous weeks of having little to do and dread over the future weeks before she was shipped off to her least favorite place ever.
But in the end, just like always, she was bested--laid flat out on her back and sore all over. Just the way she liked it. Dark eyes flickered to Shea from the ground and soon enough a huge grin spread across her face in between panting. “...Let’s just get married already.”
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Piper shook her head, “W-when I’m stressed a-about a paper I have a h-habit of clicking my p-pen. Very annoying to everyone else, t-this pen h-helps so i d-don’t do that.” she explained, before her face started to become flush again. she knew how it might sound to other people. She put a piece of her hair behind her ear, “s-sorry again. I g-got to h-happy about my pen,”
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Gogo just stared blankly at the girl. Well, she better not have any family because this sweet, Hufflepuff child now belonged to her. Sorry, she doesn’t make the rules. “Don’t apologize for being happy,” she said, though with her tone it almost sounded like an order. “That’s how The Man breaks your spirit.”
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She’d reacted out of anger. She knew that, she’d said please. And while she knew she wasn’t the easiest person to get along with, she still couldn’t help but be annoyed at the girl’s reaction. “Quiet time? You were yelling at the water. But yeah, I clearly disturbed this time that you’re clearly entitled to in this public space,” she muttered angrily as she fruitlessly clawed at her wrists.
In the end, she just collapsed back onto the ground with a loud, frustrated grunt, splaying out her webbed hands and feet on the grass. “Fine, I’ll just fucking air dry back to normal then. HEY SUN! YOU WANT TO WORK FASTER?” She yelled, clearly mocking Moana’s supposed penchant for yelling at inanimate nature.
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Moana watched the girl, shocked at her behavior. She went from being calm and saying please for a short moment before snapping again and going right back to being angry. For a moment Moana wondered if she did something wrong but when the girl yelled up into the sky, clearly mocking her, a look of anger settled on her features.
“It’s no wonder no one wants to help you with your horrible attitude. Let’s hope the sun listens to you like the water listens to me because you’re only going to get help from inanimate objects at this rate.” Moana spat at her before turning on her heel and stomping off.
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