bindtorturekillme · 5 days
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bindtorturekillme · 5 days
Wet Beast Wednesday
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bindtorturekillme · 5 days
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Hear me out...
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bindtorturekillme · 6 days
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Alex Wolff as Peter Graham
Hereditary (2018) dir. Ari Aster
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bindtorturekillme · 6 days
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You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it.
1x04: King of the Narrow Sea | HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (2022-)
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bindtorturekillme · 6 days
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During his time on Florida’s Death Row, Ted Bundy had two successful escapes, as well as an unsuccessful escape attempt. He had sawed through his prison cell but before getting a chance to escape, prison officers discovered the sawed off bars. Additionally, he was punished several times for bad behaviour.
In September of 1979, a prison officer told Bundy to remove the magazine pictures from the wall of his cell, telling him that was a violation of prison rules. Bundy responded by saying: “The pictures are on the wall since I have no TV.” For this violation, officials revoked his visitation and exercise privileges. He was in trouble again in October of 1980 when he burned a hole through his prison tray. He was ordered to pay $4 for the tray and again his privileges were revoked.
In February of 1983, Bundy flooded his cell by repeatedly flushing his toilet. In 1987, Bundy temporarily lost visitation privileges with John Tanner, his spiritual advisor. Bundy had attempted to use Tanner to smuggle letters to his wife, Carole Boone, as well as letters to the parents of John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate President Reagan.
Bundy had wrote to the Hinckleys because their son was denied a home visit in 1987. The reason he was denied a visit was because prison officials discovered that he had secretly been corresponding with Bundy. He claimed that he had been offering spiritual guidance to Hinckley. Furthermore, throughout his time on Death Row, Bundy’s attitude toward religion changed drastically. Initially, Bundy believed that religion wasn’t a big part of his life.
However, in June of 1987, Bundy said in a letter to Tanner: “I feel God’s presence. I feel him guiding me, I feel him working in our lives and our friendship. Your influence has been crucial. I love you brother. Peace, Ted.”
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bindtorturekillme · 6 days
Tumblr gets such a hard-on for headcanoning mental illnesses and disorders into any tv show characters but God Forbid someone enjoys South Park
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bindtorturekillme · 6 days
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bindtorturekillme · 6 days
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bindtorturekillme · 21 days
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bindtorturekillme · 21 days
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I love this post
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bindtorturekillme · 21 days
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bindtorturekillme · 21 days
this fucking parallel gets me every time
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bindtorturekillme · 23 days
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July 28th 2007
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bindtorturekillme · 23 days
Your Eyes, Vacant and Stained
Ch.10 - 3.8k
Pairing: Frank Iero x Gerard Way
Frank crossed his arms and leaned against the counter behind him. Waiting.
More silence. He crossed his ankles and rolled his eyes, unable to prevent himself from chewing on his bottom lip as he never got the response he wanted.
Ugh… This is why we should’ve never split up in the first place…
Gore, Death, Murder, WORK-IN-PROGRESS, not completed (and chapters unknown) but I know the ending, trust me guys I will write it, I just need people to love this idea with me, Zombies, Gay, mcr??
Support my AO3 with part ten otherwise, enjoy ♥
Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.7 | Chap.8 | Chap.9 |
The closer the two got to their destination, the more eerie the desert became. Frank had noticed as they drove that the zombies roaming quickly dissipated. The video of the melting body clumps Gerard had shown him days before was still plaguing his thoughts. Not seeing anything like that anymore made him question whether it was even real.
Frank rolled his eyes and sighed at himself, earning a sidelong look from Gerard, who was walking tall with his shoulders back while Frank hunched a bit. The weight of the bags and weapon, plus the claustrophobic heat that blistered onto his skull, made him feel heavier than normal.
They stayed silent for most of the walk, Frank was too hot to think anyways and didn’t mind. Gerard was the one to break the silence once the building was so close they could make out a large parking lot first, in front of a three—maybe four—story building with lines of large windows going across each floor. The parking lot had a fair number of cars in it still, but it was terrifyingly quiet.
“Hey,” Gerard chuckled, pointing at the large green sign that used to say the exit name, but half of the sign was missing, and it was littered with bullet holes. “That’s my last name!” Gerard flashed a toothy grin at Frank as Frank moved to look at the sign, South Way, it said on two separate lines.
“South?” Frank smiled at himself as Gerard hit his arm, causing Frank to stumble sideways and release a mischievous giggle.
“It’s Way, you ass. Come on,” Gerard had stopped them momentarily to point out the sign, but he continued walking almost immediately. Frank trudged slowly behind him.
The closer they got to the exit, the more of the structure came into view. The design made it look as though three different buildings were placed one after the next, then stuck together. Each section of the building was a different color, and each had their own style of windows. Eventually, as they got closer, huge nets that went up another two or three stories began to appear behind the building and—
“Is this another FUCKING golf course?!” Frank dropped one bag and his axe in frustration before running off the road and climbing up the dirty mound that elevated the parking lot. The duffle he had slung over his back stuck to him grossly as he clawed his fingers into the hot dirt.
Gerard smirked as he watched Frank attempt to climb, lighting a cigarette casually before grabbing the bag Frank dropped (which was technically Gerard’s) and his axe before slowly following behind. He took deep drags of the cigarette as he worked his way around the dirt to climb up it without dropping to his hands and knees.
As Gerard pulled himself up onto the burning asphalt of the lot, he saw Frank not too far over splayed out on his stomach, hands and feet out like a starfish, his face straight down into the concrete.
“How’s it goin’, bud.” Gerard squatted beside Frank, Frank’s mouth watered at the scent of the tobacco, he wanted a taste, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted it from the stick or from what held onto it.
Frank threw up his thumb without saying anything. Gerard puffed the smoke out of his nose in a weak laugh as he patted Frank’s shoulder.
“I can carry this stuff but let’s get inside.” Gerard straightened, turning his attention to the building that was so obviously another golf course. “Maybe they still have wi-fi…” Gerard yanked out his phone and tapped a few things before holding it out towards the building.
Neither of them had gotten service since before they broke down and, although Gerard was decent at staying calm, cool, and collected; he was significantly worse at staying that way when it came to his brother.
Frank had made a mental note during their walk to count how often Gerard checked his phone for service. It was one hundred and eight times. They had only walked for a little over an hour before spotting the South Way sign.
Frank listened as Gerard finished the cigarette, stamping it out with his foot before inhaling deeply and wetly coughing into his arm.
Frank turned his head to lay his cheek flat on the ground, watching as Gerard hacked a bit before spitting away into the dirt.
“I’m not one to mention people’s vices…” Frank started, but Gerard cut him off.
“Then don’t.” Gerard walked past Frank without sparing him a glance. He moved straight towards the building, leaving Frank to cook on the ground.
But Frank didn’t move right away either. Instead, he laid there, staring at the now vacant area that Gerard was previously inhabiting. Despite their current situation, Frank was unable to deny how beautiful the scenery was out West.
Is Utah still considered ‘out west’ or is this just Midwest now…
He argued with himself for a while, attempting to decide on his own where the line is to divide the West and the Midwest as he got lost within the clouds that did nothing to hide the sun away even for a few seconds.
He wasn’t sure when, but at some point Frank fell asleep. Or maybe he passed out, he wasn’t entirely sure. When he came to, it felt like his eyes had never closed. His vision blurred back in as the blackness around the edges receded slowly.
Gerard was crouching over him, giving him minor relief from the sun, but the ground still radiated up into his face.
“When I walked away, you were supposed to follow.”
Like I don’t know that? Frank mentally rolled his eyes, closing his real ones as he groaned.
“Come on,” Gerard got up, planted one leg on either side of Frank’s hips, wrapped up under his armpits and peeled him off the asphalt. Tiny pebbles stayed embedded within Frank’s cheek and forehead as Gerard wobbled a little at Frank’s deadweight.
“Just leave me here to die…”
“I’m not letting you die in the parking lot of a fucking golf course, Frankie, now get your feet under you and MOVE.” Gerard pulled Frank up onto his feet before taking his arms back and shoving the axe into Frank’s chest.
Frank wobbled as he regained his balance, hands absently wrapping around the handle to hold the axe to his own chest. Hearing Gerard call him Frankie again had twisting in his groin as he grew slightly hard. It didn’t help that Gerard could practically throw him around like he weighed nothing.
God, you are such a bottom… Frank groaned out loud, wiping the rocks out of his skin as he followed Gerard to the building.
This course was significantly different from the one they were previously staying at; it had a much larger community area around the front and the side, blanketed by fake grass with a random scattering of now overturned picnic tables and chairs. Wrapping around the entire building looked like a mini-golf course, the netting behind the building was for the range, the full eighteen holes started beside the mini-course on the opposite side from the highway. It spanned out as far as the eye could see. The florescent green grass and plastic looking trees being framed by the brown mountains and dirt ground made the course look so… fake.
Once inside, the strange, modernized style of the building made sense. Walking into the far-left side first, they were greeted with the typical ticket stand style booth sitting center as soon as they walked in. Mini-golf balls and putts were stacked in brightly colored, random arrangements. Behind the booth were more tables and chairs, sturdier than the ones just outside, and these were all neatly put together. Looking untouched by the sudden onslaught of the walking dead.
Frank’s stomach twisted uncomfortably as his gut made him feel like he needed to puke.
“I don’t like this, Gee…” Frank had his axe at the ready, it was much too quiet. But Frank quickly realized giving Gerard his own nickname during Frank’s suddenly intense fear was a bad idea because Gerard didn’t hear the anxiety coating Frank’s tongue. Instead, he eyed Frank up and down from over his shoulder, his face was stoic, but Frank could see something in his eyes that burned like fire.
Frank felt like he was naked, as Gerard continued to stare, seeming to undress him with his eyes.
“Are you scared?” Gerard’s voice had a darker note to it than usual, Frank felt his heart beat in his cock as it twitched harder.
Frank felt the handle of the axe grow slick with sweat as Gerard continued to watch him grow more uncomfortable. But Frank decided to shake his head slowly, watching as Gerard turned and straightened out to peer down at him.
Frank used all his power to pretend he couldn’t see that Gerard was also growing hungrier for the taste of him again as Gerard’s dick got noticeably hard in his obnoxiously tight jeans.
Gerard took a step closer; Frank felt his temperature rise a little. Even though they were in a completely open room, Frank felt like prey being trapped in the corner. And he wasn’t sure he entirely disliked that idea…
“We should look for the wi-fi password…” Gerard drawled, watching Frank closely. Frank was confused about the mood shift from being hot and bothered to the wi-fi again. “There’s probably a manager’s desk, probably an entire room…”
Ooooooh… Gerard stepped closer, making Frank gulp. There are ulterior motives…
Frank bit back a smile and hoped if he bit hard enough the pain would turn him off a little but that didn’t happen. Frank couldn’t help himself as Gerard smiled at him, he was so close now Frank was able to smell the faint scent of the cigarette on his breath. All he wanted was to feel their mouths moving together again, to feel the wet heat from the two of them being too close and wanting each other too much without even touching.
But Frank really wanted to touch him, especially now with them being a handful of inches apart and all he was craving was to taste the leftovers from the old cigarette.
“Come on,” With one last look up and down, Gerard turned on his heels and began to walk to the center of the building. Frank shook himself back to reality before following closely on Gerard’s heels. This area was concealed behind a single, tiny door that just read LOBBY in bold, red lettering.
The center area looked almost like a hotel lobby; a large desk sat in the center of the large room. Behind the desk was a fake waterfall spanning up two flights, where either side was framed by a large set of stairs that wrapped up to the second floor. The second floor was lofted, allowing the lobby to have a high ceiling. The loft had a glass railing, it was impossible to see what was upstairs with the waterfall in the way.
“This is…” Frank started, unable to take his eyes away from the over extravagance that seemed so… unnecessary for a golf course. They both dropped their bags in front of the desk, silently agreeing the only thing they needed was their weapons.
“Yeah…” Gerard replied, ignoring the fact that Frank trailed off. Gerard checked behind his shoulder, seeing Frank was distracted and pushed on. Frank checked behind the desk, not realizing Gerard was still walking.
The desk seemed to be mostly empty. It looked like a couple of piles of papers had been scattered across the surface, some had landed on the ground but none of them had any information that mattered to Frank. A lot of them looked like excel sheets full of numbers and names.
He sifted through the pages, unsure of what he was looking for. The desk was completely empty. No keys, cables, phones, or a computer.
How were they even checking people in…? There’s no way they did this –
A loud bang cut off Frank’s train of thought, making him jump. He whipped around to face the archway Gerard had disappeared through earlier.
Followed by silence, Frank forgot about the desk and its contents to find the sound. The silence grew as he entered the restaurant, the floor had switched from tiles to a dark red carpet that matched the dark red and black theme of the inside.
This room was also strangely still set up and undisturbed by the apocalypse that seemed to become suffocating for Frank. Every seat was flipped upside down, each table holding four hanging chairs. The hostess stand looked neatly put together, not a single menu or utensil pack was out of line.
A large bar occupied the back center of the room, the barstools were still standing but all six of them were tucked neatly underneath the bar. A rectangular window with no glass sat to one side, beyond the open window was unmistakably a kitchen yet he couldn’t see a door in from this side of the bar.
To the right of the bar, the opposite side of the window into the kitchen, was one long wall that spanned to the end of the room. The entire wall was filled with different types of slots games, since they were all powered off it cast a heavy shadow around the corner. An endless void that loomed over Frank, even the large windows letting in the sun didn’t seem to reach this far back.
Following the wall past the window was a corner that Frank didn’t hesitate to follow. The hallway he found himself starting down was even darker. The looming sense of dread filled his stomach and his mouth dried up. Even if he wanted to try to call Gerard’s name, it wasn’t going to come out.
The end of the hall was impossible to see, making feel like an endless void that wanted to eat him more than the cannibals outside did. He could make out three doors down this hall before it grew too dark; two were bathrooms, made obvious by the gendered signs on each, while the last had an EMPLOYEES ONLY sign on it.
The sign reminded Frank of the first time he’d met Gerard, Mikey and Ray. How he felt safer with them than he had felt since waking up in that hotel. This reminder helped to wash away some of the dread that was creeping up from his stomach into his throat. Although his mouth remained dry, the hints of acid coming up made him swallow whatever his mouth could gather.
The subtle squeak of Frank’s shoes came back as he pushed through the door that led into the kitchen. It was lighter in here, he could make out the huge gas stoves, the long prep tables, ovens that could fit three of him inside. The squeaking became annoyingly obvious as he went deeper, a few walk-in cooler doors shined as he walked past.
He was certain the sound came from back here, the bang sounded like stainless steel and the kitchen was basically just stainless steel.
It wasn’t long before Frank found the culprit of the sound, a large pot was turned over on the ground between a couple of tables. Frank felt a minor sigh of relief as saliva filled his mouth again. Looking up, there was a long rack hanging from the ceiling that held numerous pots and pans.
Although it wasn’t impossible that the pot dropped by itself, Frank was suspicious of Gerard’s intentions behind sneaking off and now hiding from him. Absently, Frank bent over and collected the pot, he was too short to reach up and hang it from the rack again, so he settled with placing it on top of one of the stove burners.
“Okay, Gerard. I get it,” Frank swung around and scanned the very empty room. A huge dishwashing line took up the majority of the very back of the room. “You figured me out. I sometimes get horny when I’m scared.” Frank threw his hands in the air, “I’d rather know you’re not a zombie before I let you do anything.”
Frank crossed his arms and leaned against the counter behind him. Waiting.
More silence. He crossed his ankles and rolled his eyes, unable to prevent himself from chewing on his bottom lip as he never got the response he wanted.
Ugh… This is why we should’ve never split up in the first place…
Frank waited a little longer, not breaking the silence again until he pushed off the counter and made his way through the kitchen. “Gerard…?” Frank found another walk-in cooler door, more prep tables with slicers and knife blocks decorating them. Behind a locked, cage door was a small liquor room. In the limited light, Frank could still make out that hardly anything in there had been used.
His mouth watered, missing the taste of whiskey, especially when it was being tasted from Gerard’s tongue—BANG.
Frank jumped, nearly losing his balance as he rammed his hip into a table next to him. The bang came from where he was, quickly making his way back around, he immediately saw the pot he picked up earlier now on the floor again on almost the other side of the room.
Either there was a very strong ghost, or Gerard was having fun fucking with him.
He hoped (and assumed) it was the latter. Huffing, he picked the pot back up and placed it onto the stove again.
“First of all, rude.” He said out loud, knowing Gerard was listening. “Second of all, I saw you come back here, you can’t scare me.” Truthfully, Frank only assumed Gerard came back here. That was when Frank realized Gerard could be in the bathroom, or even behind the bar.
Frank made his way through the kitchen again, slower this time, checking around the opposite way from the liquor he found. Rounding the other corner he was greeted with a short hallway, only two rooms were down here. One room was labeled EMPLOYEE BATHROOM, the other labeled MANAGERS OFFICE.
As Frank mindlessly gulped, he unknowingly swallowed the last of his spit before his mouth dried from fear. He cursed himself for hoping he would find Gerard behind the door, because at least Gerard was a physical being. He wasn’t sure if fighting a ghost was even an option…
But, as he pushed open the door to the manager’s office, and flicked on the light, he was greeted by an empty room. At least, it looked empty. Frank quickly confirmed this after checking under the desk. The room was much too small to hide anywhere else.
The back and forth of Frank’s relief and fear was making his stomach feel sick, without thinking Frank stomped out of the office and into the bathroom next door. Which was, of course, also empty save for the toilet, sink, and paper towel dispenser.
The next BANG that sounded from the kitchen didn’t scare Frank this time, instead it pissed him off. Gerard saw this as a game, he was toying with Frank at a time when they should both be careful about how loud they were being.
With a growl, Frank flicked off the lights to the bathroom and office and stalked back into the kitchen. He stomped up to the pot on the ground again, whipping his head back and forth, peaking around each corner attempting to see any sort of movement or see even the tiniest of squeaks.
“I know you’re having fun, and you somehow think I deserve this, but—” Then, the tiniest of squeaks did come. It came from a door in the back next to the end of the dishwasher line, where a mountain of clean dishes were stacked uncomfortably high.
This door crept open slowly inward, exposing another dark room. It was less like the endless voids Frank had found in the corners of the rooms while making his way in here. This was a portal into another world. Frank couldn’t make out what anything inside the room was but there was no movement. And, once the door creaked open to its full extent, that previously deafening silence enveloped the room again.
Frank set the pot onto a prep table instead this time, caring far more about what he was seconds away from discovering. He moved slowly towards the now open door, being conscious to walk in a way that prevented his steps from being so loud.
He reached the doorway and peered in, allowing his eyes to adjust. Tall shelves full of different boxes and cans, lots of dry goods. Frank clocked it as the pantry. The shelves seemed to reach the ceiling, and they were stocked full. Frank felt the wall beside him, attempting to find a switch for the light. But as his eyes adjusted, he noticed a string hanging high above attached to one shitty light bulb that didn’t even have a cover.
Of course… Frank flicked his eyes around again, if there were zombies in here, he knew they wouldn’t be silent. Even the one in his hotel room that he didn’t see right away had been making sounds, it was just muffled from the pounding hangover.
He took one step in, listening. Then another, still silent. Three steps in and he felt confident he was alone. Four steps and he reached out for the string on the light only to be startled again when the door behind him slammed shut, thrusting him immediately into darkness. The string forgotten as he shrunk into himself.
“Gee—” Was all he was able to get out before his face and stomach were slammed into the wall next to him. His sweat soaked hands caused his axe to go flying, clattering somewhere between the shelves.
Warmth cocooned Frank as Gerard covered him with his own body, with Frank’s cheek squished against the wall, Gerard gradually snaked his hand around Frank’s waist. Starting at his waist, Gerard’s fingertips played under the hem of his shirt, teasing Frank’s depraved skin. Gerard moved his hand up under Frank’s shirt to caress his chin before clasping his fist closed around Frank’s throat.
Stealing his breath without warning, and Frank fucking loved it.
“You think I’m going to wait for you to let me do things to you…? I remember how you acted on the truck that night…” Gerard’s free hand went to Frank’s cock that was fighting for freedom under his jeans. “I think it’s time for payback…”
Gerard nipped the sensitive area behind Frank’s ear, licking up his lobe and he squeezed Frank’s dick, eliciting a desperate groan from Frank.
Gerard let out of soft chuckle as Frank pushed his hips back into Gerard’s stiff dick that dug into him. “I knew you liked it…” Frank choked on another groan as Gerard squeezed his throat harder. “We’re going to have some fun…” Was the last thing Gerard said before beginning to unzip Frank’s pants.
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bindtorturekillme · 25 days
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Do you evere feeel
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bindtorturekillme · 25 days
epic... rap battles of history..... puppy .......................versus..................... kitty......................... BEGIN!!!!
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