callistolivia · 2 days
Hey! Hope you’re well. What would you say are the characteristics of a scorpio mars in the 5th house? It is my dominant placement along with my Uranus in Aquarius in the 8th house
I’ve heard mixed opinions and strange assumptions like, “masculine ppl are attracted to them”, “they’re angry people”.
Hi there,
A key component to recognize about the fire houses (1, 5, 9) is that they have a lot to do with one's identity. The 5th house illustrates an individual's ability to create as well as parts of themselves that they seek (being the precursor to the 9th house' purpose). Sometimes we seek ourselves through others hence why the 5th house is associated with attraction, it shows desire and what we are drawn to. The things we are drawn to play a part in aiding or building our identity. So with this all in mind, your 5th house says less about this sense of "other" where there's a group or type of person attracted to you, but more so what you're attracted to and people that share a relatability with you. There's a harmony at play because of the 5th house' relationship to your ascendant or 1st house. It would make more sense that you're attracted to martian type people. This could be masculine people, but it can be broader than that– it can be ambitious people, people with a very active lifestyle, maybe someone who's kind of edgy, someone who is willing to take risks, and so on. In response to “they’re angry people,” Mars in Scorpio is a lot more subdued in their expression thanks to being in a water sign. Mars in the water signs makes for expressive complexity for sure though. Aspects would be more telling of what this looks like as an average functioning person isn't likely to be just an angry person. There's usually a root to anger, or a proneness to being angry that I would search for in the chart before labelling a domicile Mars in the chart an angry person signifier. Aspects to any of the other personal planets with Mars for sure tells a story about someone's relationship with anger. In general, Mars in Scorpio when faced with conflict can be cunning and eloquent in their solution. In its negative expression– jealous, vengeful, self-sabotaging, and manipulative. Unlike Mars' other home placement in Aries, Scorpio is NOT reckless. Risks are not taken without very careful consideration of the outcome. Mars represents one's life force as well. So the house its occupying will tell you what you do in order to maintain your life force. Mars being in the 5th house means you need consistent hobbies in order to stay sane and feel good physically. There's likely a strong interest in Martian hobbies (and this is a broad bubble of things... could be cars, sports, fitness, anything that involves building or constructing, martial arts, and so on. With Scorpio being involved, there might be an occult or edgier touch in your hobbies/interests). A strong social life is important too, particularly romantic connections. a watery Mars in the 5th is drawn to substances, particularly alcohol. Despite this feeling great for maintaining one's self, obviously practice caution with this vice.
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callistolivia · 6 days
For the last like three nights in a row, I’ve been having dreams about random people I know from the past. Like really random people, some people I haven’t thought about in over a decade or more. If it was a one off thing, I wouldn’t think much of it, but it’s been back-to-back different people. One of the people was a girl I knew from elementary school, and we weren’t even close friends then. I probably had completely forgotten about her and her name if it weren’t for the random dream. It’s so strange what comes out of your deep, deep subconscious.
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callistolivia · 28 days
I hope you are well!
I was wondering if you have ever heard about there being esoteric consequences for divining ones fate through astrology? It's known that religion forbids such practice but is there anything else outside that context ?
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for months because I didn’t know how I wanted to approach it. I do think it’s an interesting topic and I do hold strong spiritual opinions on it. However, the more I think about it, a layman, logical approach is more helpful than saying something like “wishing ill on others puts karma on you threefold!” (If this is in line with what you mean by “consequences”)
I think many religions forbade practicing things like astrology simply because most people don’t know how to use spiritual tools for what they were intended for (I guess I don’t mean simply, this is the “esoteric” reason. Historically shamans, priests, and religious leaders covet and hide practices like these because they were exclusively used for strengthening their relationship with God/religion. It’s control too I guess). Generally divining one’s fate might be seen as devilish because it doesn’t really fall in line with being a virtuous person, in a lot of ways it’s seen as selfish.
The reality is, for many types of ‘fate’ we might determine for ourselves, we increase the probability of that fate by believing in it. This is, of course, not for everything, I don’t think an extremely low probability event can turn into a higher probability just by believing it’s fate. For certain things though, this is true. When we search for destiny, we recognize it’s opportunities whereas otherwise we wouldn’t have if we didn’t determine that fate. In a lot of ways, this is beneficial. It inspires a future for ourselves. On the other hand, if we determine a negative fate about ourselves, it could alter our behaviours in a way that shoots ourselves in the foot. For example, if someone determines a fate of loneliness, they might become more hyper vigilant in relationships, constantly questioning their partners and friends loyalty, asking when they’re going to abandoned, etc. The consequence being that their overcompensating behaviour fulfills the prophecy and people want to get away from their anxious attachment.
So both spiritually and literally you can be someone’s executioner when you claim to divine one’s immovable, unmoldable fate. Always with astrology, I recommend seeing things with a grain of salt and a complete control of one’s own destiny. And always if you need to point out someone’s fault, you need to provide a solution. There’s no dead ends in astrology.
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callistolivia · 1 month
there’s a popular astro account on Instagram claiming that Virgo is one of two of the unhappiest signs. I of course had a knee-jerk reaction to disagree because like honestly how? If we ignore the fact that this is a vague generalization, I don’t know how Virgo is at the top of that list. Can we define ‘unhappy’?? Virgos are maybe anxious or easily uncomfortable I suppose.
The other sign was Cancer, I can’t really argue with that hahaha
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callistolivia · 1 month
In my solar return chart, can Pluto Conjunct Part of Fortune in the 2H indicate a life changing financial windfall?
I wouldn’t consider this lineup to be a financial windfall in a lottery sense. If it is indicative of finances, it will be by means of inheritance.
Both Pluto and Part of Fortune have very limited data in their meaning I’d say, but taking note from other astrologer’s observations we know that Pluto may be destructive yet transformative, and we know that Part of Fortune represents a very physical essence (because its calculation is based on one’s big three, it must have something to do with the physical body and a person’s being). Additionally, in a lot of ways the 2nd house represents the physical body, it’s an extension of the ascendant… while the ascendant is very much indicative of one’s physical appearance, expression, and condition, it’s like that in a spiritual-soul-essence kind of way… Whereas the 2nd house is entirely material… material body, physical conditions, real possessions, etc.
There’s so many ways I could see this playing out, maybe you get super sick with something, or drastically change your diet, or cover your body in tattoos, or get a body altering surgery, or become a gym rat, or a psychological trauma begins to affect you physically. It could be so many things, there are other things that would have to be considered in the solar return chart to get the full picture.
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callistolivia · 1 month
Transiting Jupiter and Uranus are going to enter my 10th house near the end of this month/early next month and I’m projecting that I will have some sort of career or job change with a bigger salary within the next 6-12 months (as long as I remain optimistic and opportunistic as I have been feeling!)
Ever since I started pursuing a more Taurus-esque type career (my Midheaven) I’ve noticed a lot more opportunities and I feel like I’m not fighting against a current, there seems to be a lot more grace. I believe what is held in our 10th house and its ruler are natural skills and opportunities that can be utilized if we desire success.
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callistolivia · 2 months
It really grinds my gears when astrologers (I say “astrologer” rather loosely) try to spell that the generational planets have any sort of personal influence on people (excluding those whose personal planets have very strong interchanges with Neptune, Uranus, or Pluto). I came across an Instagram reel of an astrologer telling her audience that we all feel very emotional and emotionally impulsive right now because of Neptune because Neptune is “a very emotional planet.”
A few things to keep in mind with generational planets is for one, we don’t actually have that much data on their influence as we do with the Moon, Venus, Mercury, etc. and two, their transit cycle is very very long. It can take years for generational planets to shift from one sign to the next. What that says is there’s a broader, generational impact from the shift of these planets (hence why these planets tend to be talked about a lot in terms of politics, art, culture, and society).
Humans are quite emotional by default, but a sudden and unusual shift of emotion is almost always going to be denoted by the Moon (and of course, the Moon interacting with other planets). It’s important not to diminish the fundamental roles each planet represents. I think the spiritual community is often seduced by planets like Neptune and Pluto (and asteroids!) for their elusiveness and uniqueness and try to apply meaning that’s not really there.
If the Moon can affect the ocean’s tides, do you really think Neptune is responsible for making you more emotional lately?
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callistolivia · 3 months
Have you ever had a dream where you were someone else?
I had one of those last night, I was a teenager named Mary, took place some time before the 2000s. I was really angry at life. In the dream, my mother was about to get married to man who also had children, so it was going to be a blended family situation with both older siblings and really young siblings. I remember feeling like there was a lot of responsibility pushed on me to take care of the younger siblings, some of which were toddlers. And that was the extent of the dream, just mad at life, mad at my mom.
I was talking to my mom irl about the dream and just saying how crazy it is to totally lack perspective of what it would actually be like to live someone’s else’s life and have their thoughts and emotions, but then have a dream where that perspective is opened to you, where you’re having emotions and thoughts that are references to past experiences that you never actually lived.
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callistolivia · 6 months
I wonder if astrology can imply cravings for certain foods. Mars is squaring my Moon rn and all I can think about is spicy food 🌶️
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callistolivia · 6 months
who makes the first move if you’re both a libra mars
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callistolivia · 7 months
Taking note from Libra,
There is no Peace without Justice. Libra is cardinal, antonymous to complacency. So Justice must always come before there can be Peace.
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callistolivia · 1 year
all I want to say is i really like your blog. please don't stop writing! I am interested in astrology myself and I am constantly looking for answers to various questions. Your posts are a breath of fresh air. With Love Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Libra Rising
I appreciate the kind words, anon! I try to post when I can, but life is busy these days:) I have another synastry post in the works, but it'll be awhile until it gets finished I think
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callistolivia · 1 year
As this aspect was approaching all year I was so paranoid and insecure about what this was going to mean for me, especially in terms of relationships. I was so so sure it was going to be relationship strife and isolation, but it ended up manifesting itself so beautifully; a perfect way to end the year and a strong beginning to the next chapter in my life. Never doubt what Saturn has in store for you! The end of this year has been incredible and I feel so blessed to have met and fallen in love with someone I click so well with! 🥰 (I fckin love his birth chart too, it feels like such a universe prank on me. Like of course he’s gotta be a libra rising with cap venus) I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for me with such a strong aspect to take off with.
my solar return happening at the same time as my venus return this year: 😊💗🌸💐
Saturn entering my 7th house on December 31st:
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callistolivia · 1 year
Y’all would not believe how this manifested itself
I had a bizarre dream last night where I was watching an instagram reel of an astrologer being like, “if you really want to find out who your soulmate is, look at what sign Vertex is in.”
I remember thinking in my dream that my vertex might be in Capricorn, but I’m not too sure because to be frank, I’ve never really looked into Vertex, especially in my own chart. So in the dream I calculated my chart with vertex and it was in Libra. Shortly after that I woke up.
Recalling my dream, I decided to actually calculate my chart including Vertex, and what do you know? It’s in Capricorn like I had guessed in my dream. 
I have SOOOO many questions because I literally never use Vertex and know barely anything about it’s interpretation. Like why was it in Libra in my dream when apparently Vertex tends to oppose the ascendant? Why does this astrologer say it’s a soulmate indicator? What might be the significance of these two signs to me right now?
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callistolivia · 1 year
who makes the first move if you’re both a libra mars
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callistolivia · 1 year
Our time to shine ♐️😈
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callistolivia · 1 year
my solar return happening at the same time as my venus return this year: 😊💗🌸💐
Saturn entering my 7th house on December 31st:
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