catsandbats13 ¡ 57 minutes
It’s so fun to put your favourite characters into our world and speculate what they’d be doing! Or even just AUs in general
Ha ha I adore him! I used to watch river monsters episodes on YouTube in like 480hp in 4 minute clips 😆
Omg yesssss I can totally see that!! Also love the P&F reference 😂
I feel like she’d become a bit of an legend to college students and aspiring adventurers, where no one can tell what rumours are true or myth because the stuff she does accomplish is so astounding. Students come back with these crazy stories of her being a martial arts master, brilliant scientist and intrepid explorer and hardly anyone believes them until they meet her for themselves and it’s like yeah no she really is all that!
I also like to imagine that maybe some of her colleagues she met and befriended while rescuing them or having the exact specific skill they need to complete their work and they’re just like “is she my guardian angel?” At least that’s how I’d react to her swooping in to save me from something lol
If Hector and Adira were in the modern world, what jobs do you think they’d have?
I can definitely see Hector working with animals in one way or another. Given his combat skills and the fact that he works in an elite military group from the Dark Kingdom, I think his modern day job could easily be a soldier in the Special Operations Forces. Specifically who trains/works with CADs (Combat Assault Dogs), like belgian malinois:
Adira I can see being a social media influencer. WAIT - HEAR ME OUT: She may be full of herself, but she's not an entitled, annoying brat, like many of today's influencers are stereotyped as. She does gig-work as a world class chef. She's the one-woman-mashup of the Gator Boys and Jeremy Wade(River Monsters). She's a professional martial artist and nature conservationist, who crafts her own weapons for fun and makes regular trips into endangered rainforests (both for academic research and raising awareness). She has countless posts on every social media platform about her various jobs and hobbies. She live-streams on a regular basis. She's one of the most prolific philanthropists of the influencer world, regularly donating to charities of any kind.
And when her 'brother in arms' from the Green Berets calls her about a job that he and his CADs needs help with, well... She's happy to temporarily come out of retirement once in a while. 😏
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catsandbats13 ¡ 1 hour
For sure! Even if they didn’t initially during the fall of the dark kingdom, then undoubtedly they would’ve developed it in the 25 years they spent looking for the sundrop/protecting the moonstone and what not. They’re only human and that’s what makes them wonderful!
Me too! It’s so much easier to deal with and understand yourself when you can put a name to a symptom
Oh man that’s awful, I’m sorry you had to go through that! I hope you’re doing better now 💜
Yeah I experienced a bit of a wake up figuring that out as well, as much as I want to be honest I know that it’s better for my safety and mental health sometimes to not be. It’s unfortunate that there are people out there who would take advantage of your honesty and weaponize it against you. But I like to think for every nasty person like that there are 5 good, kind and loving people.
If all the brotherhood is neurodivergent, what disorders do you think Quirin and Edmund have?
Thank you for asking @nerdasaurus1200! Quirin is actually the only member of the Brotherhood that I see being neurotypical, unless PTSD is considered a form of neurodivergence. I've heard that some people consider it to be, but based on my research most forms of neurodiversity seem to be a result of someone's brain being wired a certain way based on their genetics. PTSD, on the other hand, is a disorder that results from intense trauma, so I'm not completely sure I'd classify it as a form of neurodiversity. (I'd have to do some more research on the current definitions and classification system to be more confident.) Based on Quirin's intense avoidance of anything to do with the black rocks, the Dark Kingdom, and his past in general, I'd say he definitely struggles with some degree of PTSD. Edmund probably does as well, especially after losing an arm and isolating himself in the Dark Kingdom for 25 years. (I'll admit PTSD is also kind of cheating when it comes to the Brotherhood, because they all undoubtedly have it.) Edmund's most obvious symptom of mental disorder would be his habit of saying everything he thinks out loud, and not being able to distinguish whether he's saying his thoughts out loud or thinking them silently to himself. He also exhibited (what I'd consider) very mild delusion in "The Return of the King" during his conversation with Eugene about dueling for his pocket-pudding. I tried researching his saying-everything-he-thinks symptom, and sadly the closest thing that I got from skimming some medical/health articles on Google was "thought broadcasting". Thought Broadcasting is actually the exact opposite of what Edmund deals with; it describes a condition where someone believes or fears that their personal thoughts aren't private, and that everyone around them knows or can hear their personal thoughts. (With interesting varieties such as believing you should be able to telepathically communicate with somebody if you try hard enough, because you believe your private thoughts are accessible by everyone around you.) Thought Broadcasting and delusions are symptoms of psychosis, which includes conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (Schizophrenia actually does have certain genetic risk factors as well as environmental risk factors.) Edmund I think probably has some form of psychosis due to trauma, but there's not enough canon info about him for me to decide if he had any kind of genetic leaning towards developing psychosis. Quirin's canon evidence definitely leans toward PTSD. But again, all that evidence points to it being caused solely by the trauma he experienced. If I were going to firmly categorize their trauma-based disorders as also being forms of neurodiversity (the way I believe Adira and Hector are canonically autistic and/or adhd respectively), I'd have to do a lot more in-depth research into how neurodiversity is officially defined and classified. (And I know there's still a lot of research and categorizing being done by today's doctors and scientists, so I may not find a cut-and-dried answer.)
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catsandbats13 ¡ 2 hours
barbie official: we’re gonna put all our movies on youtube for free!
youtube, still selling their movies: huh? what’d they say they were going to do?
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
To a homophobe, even the most chaste kiss on the cheek between gay people is exactly as disgusting and degenerate as a hardcore BDSM orgy hosted in the town square, so you may as well ally with the BDSM orgy enthusiasts to throw bricks at the cops who are going to try and arrest all of you together anyway.
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
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“I’m taking what’s mine.” - Cassandra, Crossing the line
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
Hey btw, here's a piece of life advice:
If you know what you'd have to do to solve a problem, but you just don't want to do it, your main problem isn't the problem itself. Your problem is figuring out how to get yourself to do the solution.
If your problem is not eating enough vegetables, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make vegetables stop being yucky". If your problem is not getting enough exercise, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make exercise stop sucking ass". You're not supposed to just be doing things that are awful and suck all the time forever, you're supposed to figure out how to make it stop being so awful all the time.
I used to hate wearing sunscreen because it's sticky and slimy and disgusting and it feels bad and it smells bad, so I neglected to wear it even if I needed to. Then I found one that isn't like that, and doesn't smell and feel gross. Problem solved.
There is no correct way to live that's just supposed to suck and feel bad all the time. You're allowed to figure out how to make it not suck so bad.
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
thinking about all the “small” art that’s ever existed. songs that were only ever sung in one village. stories written by children that got lost in the shuffle. personal paintings that didn’t survive the test of time. how they affected the lives of just a few, but still existed, still mattered to someone.
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
i hate it when game devs put “fixed several issues” in patch notes 
no. tell me what you fixed. i wanna know what the glitch was.
you know those patch notes that are like “fixed an issue where if the player sat in a bush for too long, they’d become the size of a skyscraper” 
i wanna read those. tell me those. 
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catsandbats13 ¡ 18 hours
So I've been learning French for a while and 'faire' is actually an incredible word. Like what a fucking breakthrough in economy of language.
Faire is a verb that is usually translated into English as "to do/to make," but it covers way more actions than that, which is very confusing for new speakers. because (I have realized) that's not really what faire means.
Faire is actually a word that just gestures vaguely in the direction of the object of the sentence and goes "you know." "Je fais du velo." "Je fais du courses." "Je fais mes valises." I'm biking. I go grocery shopping. I'm packing my bags. You're just sort of pointing at a bike and going "you know, the obvious thing you'd do with it."
English: "You mean RIDE it??"
French: "Sure whatever."
Like idk I just really enjoy the concept of a catch-all verb that you can just slap onto almost anything because who fucking gives a shit, you get the idea. There's a bike. what do you think I'm going to do with it.
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
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Children's Letters to God
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
sleeping positions that fuck up your spine feel so good for no reason it’s literally the devil’s deepest temptation
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
deleting files makes me so scared what if i Needed That
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
He’s so cool
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
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sapphic ship a day for lesbian visibility week!!
carey and killian from the adventure zone balance!!
the first actual play podcast i got crazy invested in i love these wives <333
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catsandbats13 ¡ 19 hours
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