christinesolstice · 1 year
You're My Type: Chapter 3
Can Love Stand Against Bathroom Sexcapades?
Summary: Jimin and Yunho haven't been able to take their eyes off of each other, and their friends finally push them to connect. And they do connect on the dance floor…and later in the bathroom.
But while Jimin is enamored with the big hunk of a man that Yunho is, will Jungkook be okay?
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Chapter Three:
Jimin and Taehyung, both dressed to kill, entered the nightclub, clinging to each other’s arms and laughing. Taehyung had finally gotten over his desire to stay in and was shining his beautiful boxy smile once again. It didn’t take the two men long to find their younger friend Jungkook in the crowded club. Jungkook was sitting on a stool at the bar with a drink already in his tattooed hand, scrolling through TikTok on his phone, a bored expression on his face.
“God, he looks good tonight,” whined Jimin as he took in Jungkook’s long hair that he had started growing out, it was to the point that it was curling up underneath his ears. Jungkook looked over and noticed them coming his way, his whole face lighting up. Jungkook smiled a big bunny smile at them and waved affectionately before eyeing Jimin up and down like he was a snack. Jimin had taken his time getting dressed that night, finally settling on his blue silk shirt, black tight jeans, and black Chelsea boots, and felt pleased that Jungkook how noticed how good he looked as well.
Taehyung looked at his best friend and scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You DO know that he’s been trying to woo you for over a year now, right??”
Jimin sniffed and raised his chin, looking offended. He pulled his silk shirt down over his front a little more as it had risen up on his hips. “Yes, I am well aware. But you and I both know that being with JK means BEING with JK. He’s not a one-night fling type of guy.”
“And would that be so terrible, really? A relationship with JK?” Taehyung asked as he grabbed Jimin’s arm and pulled him to the side to keep him from being ran over by someone barreling towards the dance floor. Taehyung glared at the back of the loud man with the bright red hair who was pulling a shy looking blonde with him.
“Thanks,” Jimin said after he was moved into the line of safety, kissing Taehyung on the cheek, and lacing their fingers together. Jimin sighed, “No, it wouldn’t be bad but…”
Tae looked at his friend in understanding, “I get it Jiminie, I know that relationships still kind of freak you out. It’s okay.” Taehyung smiled down at him. “But maybe you can talk him into at least showing it to you,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.
Jimin threw back his head in laughter, almost falling over. Taehyung just winked and then proceeded to pull Jimin along to the bar.
Jungkook stood up from his barstool when they approached and pulled both of the older men into his strong arms for a hug. “Hey guys! Right on time!”
“Hey Kookie, TaeTae wants to see your dick.” Jimin said by way of greeting, standing on his toes to press a kiss onto Jungkook’s rapidly turning rosy cheeks.
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and punched Jungkook’s arm lightly. “I mean, if that’s cool with you, bro, you can draw your pants right here.”
Jungkook looked back and forth between them before laughing and shaking his head. “I can tell that tonight is going to be a long night watching after you two.”
Jimin slid onto Jungkook’s vacated bar stool and crossed his legs, blinking his eyes flirtatiously at the younger man, “Then I guess you better get started on the drinks, our sweet little Jungkookie.”
Two drinks later and Jimin was tired of talking, he was ready to get onto the dance floor and let loose. He needed to move, to get the blood flowing. He waved his ring-bedecked hands in front of the other men’s face, interrupting their conversation about Jungkook’s new boxing trainer.
“I didn’t come to this place to just to sit here and listen to you to tell boring stories all night!” he pouted, sticking out his lower lip. Both Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s eyes zeroed in on his pink, plumps lips and Jungkook nervously tongued his lip ring while Taehyung smirked, cocking his head to the side.
“And what do we get if we go dancing with you? Hmm?” Taehyung teased. “That’s a lot of work to put in with no payout.”
“Well, YOU are already getting a blow job when we get back to your place tonight, so I don’t want to hear it.”
“Hmm…” Taehyung looked upward in thought, nodding his head slowly. “True… that’s true. So, I guess that just leaves what our Jungkookie wants.” Taehyung slung his arm around Jungkook’s broad shoulders. “So, Kook… what can our sweet Jiminie give you so that you will go dancing with us?” Jungkook’s eyes had already lowered to Jimin’s mouth at the mention of the blow job he was giving Taehyung but on hearing Taehyung’s words, they widened in panic. He started stuttering, much to both Jimin and Taehyung’s amusement.
“Now you two know that you really shouldn’t tease our Bun like that. I know he looks mean and scary but he’s as innocent as a babe.”
All three men’s heads whipped around to see their other friend Hoseok, who also owned the club that they were currently in, approaching with a large grin on his face. “Hobi!” Jimin squealed in excitement, always happy to see the man that rained sunshine down on others simply by existing. Jimin leapt from his stool to throw himself into Hoseok’s waiting arms, squeezing as tightly as he could.
“Hey JimJam.” The man said laughing, his wide smile plastered onto his lean and pretty face. “I didn’t know you guys were going to be here tonight. You should have called me! I would have saved my best VIP table for you fools,” he tsk’d.
“I mean…we wouldn’t say no if you’re offering,” Taehyung said grinning and rubbed his hands together mischievously.
“Oh, I am very WELL aware that you would never say no to VIP treatment Tae.” Hoseok laughed and leaned forward to tell his bartender to send another round of their drinks to the main VIP table.
Hoseok locked his arm through Taehyung’s and started walking towards the VIP section. “I always knew you were the man for me,” Taehyung flirted, nuzzling onto Hoseok’s side they walked across the bar. Jimin looked at Jungkook and smiled sweetly, holding his hand out to the younger man. Jungkook laced their fingers together, a flutter in his chest and they followed after their friends.
Jimin and Taehyung had met Hoseok in college. While Jimin was in college for design, he got into the arts college with a scholarship for modern dance. Jimin had been dancing for las long as he could remember, it was as much a part of him as breathing was. It was during his first month of college that Jimin had gone to one of the studios to practice when he happened upon a hip-hop class being taught by a student teacher, Jung Hoseok. He was instantly entranced with how Hoseok’s body was able to move so freely. Eventually, Jimin and Hoseok started running into each other more and more often at the studios, occasionally talking when they would pass each other in the hallways. Jimin had been having difficulty perfecting how his body needed to move around one particular dance move when Hoseok stepped in, offering his advice. The two had hit it off as friends especially once Jimin had introduced Taehyung to the older man. Taehyung and Hoseok fell quickly into the older brother-younger brother dynamic. Hoseok, like Jimin, had gotten into the college with dancing, but making music was his true passion. The student teacher job allowed Hoseok to be able to slowly buy recording equipment, one little bit at a time. Hoseok started making a name for himself in the underground rap scene, which help to skyrocket his career and not only a rapper and singer, but also as a music producer.
The next few years had seen Hoseok’s music company grow and expand beyond what, even he had thought possible. Now being the owner of his production company, he officially owned his own record label and had begun to sign artists on underneath him.
While working in music was Hoseok’s calling and it never failed to make him happy, and he did do very well for himself, he always said that he wanted something that would be a little more fun. So, when he decided that he wanted to open a club, his friends were in full support of it. It didn’t really come as a shock to anyone, and no one was surprised when the club became such a success. Hoseok’s sense of style, fashion, taste in alcohol as well as his music degree, all came together to form a stunning and fabulous club. Although Taehyung would often tease him that the club wouldn’t have survived without his own artistic input, not that Hoseok had ever actually asked him for his input.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Seokjin had been the first three to be invited to the opening night of the club. The opening night was a small group of Hoseok’s most trusted friends and a few trusted media sources. Jimin and Taehyung had spent the night celebrating with Hoseok and the other guests, though Jin had to show up late due to having a very big court case that he had been going over with his partners at the firm. Seokjin had walked in, still in his work suit and Taehyung had immediately jumped all over his boyfriend. “I love a man in an Armani suit.” He winked at his love, before dragging him to the dance floor where Jimin was dancing alone.
Jimin had been leaning against the elegant bar, taking a rest from being sandwiched in between Taehyung and Seokjin on the dance floor. The extra body heat had him breaking into a light sweat and he the more overheated he became, the more claustrophobic is was began to feel. He finally made his escape from his Taehyungie’s clingy hands by Seokjin spinning Taehyung away and playfully yelling for Jimin to make a run for it while he had the chance.
Jimin had just gotten through chugging a full bottle of water when a large, tattooed hand was placed down beside him on the bar top. Looking over, Jimin noticed that the stranger was quite a bit taller than he was and that his side profile was stunning. Jimin looked him up and down and saw that the man was dressed in almost all black. Between his sleeve of tattoos and his lip ring, he almost looked like some kind of a biker. Bikers were not really Jimin’s type but he ad to admit that the man was hella cute.
The man turned his head in Jimin direction, a smile on his face that made Jimin think of an cute little bunny rabbit. The second the man’s eyes locked onto Jimin, he completely froze in his movements, his doe eyes growing even more round.
“Um… hi… I’m Jimin… and you are?” Jimin asked with one eyebrow arched, finding the man’s spacey look to be unbelievably adorable.
“I..I.. u-um…I…” the man stuttered, a deep blush overtaking his cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Who are you?” Jimin said teasingly, his eyes crinkling up into their half-moon smile. ‘Okay, okay, he’s way more adorable than I thought he was going to be,’ Jimin thought to himself.
“JK! You made it!” Hoseok yelled, walking up and slapping the stranger hard on the back. “Ah, I see you met Jimin! This is one of my friends that I’ve been wanting to introduce you to.”
Jimin looked back and forth between the men, a smile lighting up his face. “This is THE Jungkook? Oh my god! Hobi has told us so much about you!” he exclaimed, while grabbing Jungkook’s hand in his and shaking it enthusiastically. “He let us listen to the song that you recently worked on together and OH MY GOD YOU’RE VOICE IS AMAZING!” Jimin couldn’t help himself from fanboying a little bit. Jimin couldn’t believe his hears when he heard Jungkook’s voice. “He sounds like an angel,” he had told Hoseok that day.
Hoseok’s eyes went back and forth between Jimin’s delighted face and Jungkook’s beet-red one. ‘Hmm… interesting.’
“T-thank y-you.” Jungkook stuttered out, his heart beating fast from the feeling of Jimin’s small hands holding his.
“I have an idea…” Hoseok said smiling wickedly. “JK, why don’t you take Jimin to the dance floor? I think it’d be good for you to have some fun tonight.” Hoseok knew that Jungkook hated dancing in public and would adamantly refuse to dance with anyone except for someone that he was interested in. Jungkook’s eyes narrowed on Hoseok, realizing what his friend was up to, before a hesitant look overtook his features. Jimin, however, clapped his hands together in happiness, bouncing up and down on the toes of his feet.
“Oh yes! Come on Jungkook, I love this song! Plus, you’ll save me from being squished between my best friend and his boyfriend again.”
Hoseok laughed and watched over his glasses as his best friend was pulled onto the dance floor, his face already showing how helpless he was against the blonde’s bubbly charms.
Jimin had spent the majority of the night in Jungkook’s arms, whether they were dancing, standing at the bar or even sitting in one of the VIP lounges. Jungkook’s hand didn’t leave Jimin’s body for more than a few minutes at a time. Jimin, drunk and giggly, declared to the group that Jungkook was, officially, the cutest thing that he had ever seen and even kept cooing every time that Jungkook would blush or stutter.
Jimin had already known all about Jungkook from the many times that Hoseok had talked about his best friend. Jungkook and Hoseok had met through the music underground rap scene when they were Jungkook younger. Jungkook had showed up at one of the battles, sneaking in since he was underage. Hoseok had taken Jungkook under his protective wing and began looking out for the younger man, showing him the ins and outs and what he knew.
During Jungkook’s last year of high school, he had been gone overseas with his family due to his father’s job being relocated to the US. Jungkook and Hoseok’s friendship never wavered, both keeping close tabs on the other as the years passed by. Hoseok had eventually been able to convince Jungkook to come back to Korea to work on his music there, underneath Hoseok’s label. Following his best friend's advice, he finally took the plunge and moved back. Since he had been back, Hoseok had been begging him to meet with his friends from college, yet the timing had just never worked out before.
Hoseok finally started shooing his guests out of the club around 4 in the morning, two hours after the club was actually supposed to have been closed for the night. Jimin had helped carry a drunk and exhausted Taehyung to their car where Seokjin had asked Jimin if he wanted to come home with them, but all Jimin could think about was showering and getting to bed. Seokjin had asked if Jimin at least wanted a ride home, but Jimin shook his head, knowing that they lived in two completely opposite directions.
“Go ahead and get TaeTae in bed, I’ll be okay Jinnie.”
“I’ll wait until your Uber gets here at least,” Seokjin had said protectively while looking at Taehyung who was already dead asleep in the passenger side of the car.
“Actually…” came Jungkook’s hesitant voice, “if Jimin’s okay with it… I can give him a ride home… I really don’t mind.”
Jimin had looked at the younger man who had followed him out of the club and grinned. “I would like that, thank you.”
Seokjin slightly frowned at Jimin, his eyebrows lowering, since they didn’t know the young man very well aside from what Hoseok had said about him. “Are you sure? We could just as easily give you a ride home.”
Before Jimin could speak, Taehyung’s voice rang out through the air, “Baaaabe, let Jiminie get his booty licked by someone other than you,” he whined, having rolled down the passenger window to see what was taking so long after waking up.
Jimin laughed out loud as Seokjin rolled his eyes. “Yah! Taehyung! Go to sleep! This doesn’t concern you!”
Since Jungkook hadn’t been drinking, he had no issue driving his motorcycle. Jimin had cracked up when seeing the motorcycle. “I knew I pegged you as a biker,” he laughed. Jungkook just smirked in his direction.
“How would you like to feel some real power between your legs?” Jungkook said saucily with a wink.
Jimin looked at him with wide eyes. ‘Maybe I could be into bikers after all,’ he thought.
He let Jimin borrow his helmet and even took off his jacket to put in on Jimin against the cold that was permeating the air. Jimin tried to resist saying that Jungkook would need the jacket more since he was in front but Jungkook refused to hear it, waving away Jimin’s concerns.
“I normally start warm when riding my bike anyway unless it’s fall or winter. I’d hate for you to get cold, Jiminie,” he said shyly, lifting a long leg over his bike before reaching his gloved hand out to Jimin.
Jimin had grinned wide as he took Jungkook’s hand and straddle the seat behind the bigger man. Jimin wrapped his arms tightly around Jungkook’s waist, laying his head against Jungkook’s back as they raced through Seoul to Jimin’s apartment. The purr of the motorcycle underneath him mixed with the subtle smell of Jungkook’s cologne and the mix of the two were definitely doing something for him. He found himself picturing Jungkook fucking him over the motorcycle roughly, causing him spilling out over the seat. By the time they got to his door, Jimin had imagined at least four different positions that Jungkook could use the motorcycle to his advantage. Jimin couldn’t wait to get Jungkook inside of the apartment, strip is body of those heavy black clothes, and ride him until after the sun was high in the sky.
Reaching Jimin’s door, Jungkook shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot, his cute nose scrunching up with his nervous bunny smile. Jimin, still a little tipsy and now, thanks to his imagination, extremely horny, grabbed Jungkook’s arm and pulled him in.
Jimin stared longingly at Jungkook’s lips and whispered, “Kiss me Kookie.”
Jungkook’s tongue licked his tongue ring nervously before dipping his head and slanting his lips gently over Jimin’s. Jimin’s hands came up and ran through Jungkook’s hair as he cupped Jimin’s cheek, nipping his bottom lip gently, kissing the older man’s full lips softly and sweetly before slightly pulling back.
“Jimin… I can’t come in. I’m sorry…”
Jimin’s eyes snapped open at his words, reality washing away the last bit of tipsiness that was clinging on. He suddenly began to feel foolish. ‘Just because someone gives you a ride home, doesn’t mean they want to fuck you, stupid!’ he mentally berated himself, pulling back from Jungkook’s hands.
“Oh… I… I understand. I’m sorry JK.” Jimin apologized, performing a small now and then straightening up to run a hand though his hair. Squaring his shoulders he said, “I’ll see you at the club another time, I’m sure,” before turning his back to the younger man, getting his door key out of his pocket.
Jungkook, seeing the shift in Jimin, knew he had to explain before he ruined everything. Reaching out, he gently placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, causing Jimin to freeze with his key in the lock.
“No! It’s… it’s not that… not that I don’t want to… I mean, oh god, do I want to…” he groaned.
Jimin turned his face to the younger man and a small smile formed on his lips, “Yeah?”
Jungkook nodded his head quickly.
“Trust me, Right now… I would love nothing more than that. I just… I can’t… unless I’m in a relationship with someone. I’m sorry I know that’s lame…” he trailed off, letting out a huff of breath and scratching the back of his neck.
Jimin’s eyes widened and he turned to the boy who was looking very upset with himself.
“Kookie, it’s not lame at all. I’m the one that should be sorry. I just assumed…well…it doesn’t matter what I assumed. But you’re not lame. I think you’re really cool, actually.” Jimin smiled his moon-eyed smile.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, letting out another nervous breath. “I’m glad you think so. I really didn’t want to mess anything up.”
Jimin looked down at the floor, a smile hinting on his lips as Jungkook figured out his next words.
“I was um… I was wondering… would you like to go out… with me… sometime? Like on a date?”
Jimin’s eyes widened and a slightly panicked looked stole over his face.
“I’m sorry. I don’t… I don’t date. Like, I don’t go on dates….ever.”
At Jungkook’s downcast expression Jimin rushed to explain.
“I’ve been in one serious relationship since TaeTae, and… that relationship was…it wasn’t good.” Jimin swallowed thickly, noting Jungkook’s concerned expression. “I’m just not in a mental headspace to where I feel comfortable dating or being in a relationship…” Jimin closed his fingers around Jungkook’s arm. “Please understand, I swear it has nothing to do with you, I promise.”
Jungkook leaned down and kissed Jimin’s forehead gently, catching the older man off guard.
“I get it. I’ve been there. But I’m not giving up on you.” Jungkook whispered, resting his forehead on Jimin’s. “I’ll keep trying to woo you.” Jimin inhaled deeply, the scent of Jungkook’s cologne filling his scenes and calming his nerves. He hated to admit it but something about being around Jungkook was very steadying for him.
“And what if I’m never ready or I never decide that I want to be with you like that?”
Jungkook placed two fingers under Jimin’s chin and tilted his face up. “Then at least I’ll have spent my time caring for someone who was worth every single second of it.” ~ “There’s NO way that happened!” Taehyung shrieked at Hoseok’s unbelievable story.
“I’m telling you it did! I swear on this club!” Hoseok replied smugly, sipping his club’s signature drink, Hope in The Box. Hoseok licked the drink from his lips and leaned back against his seat, looking very much like the cat who got the cream.
“There is NO FUCKING WAY that you were in an orgy!” Taehyung snapped back, not convinced in the least little bit.
Jungkook nodded in agreement with Taehyung. “Yeah Hobs… I call…”
All three of the younger men said loudly to him before they cracked up into laughter, Jimin laughing so hard that he almost fell backward off of the chair he was sitting on, only saved by Jungkook catching him.
“I swear! Look, I have pictures!”
Hoseok whipped out his cellphone and the three younger men gathered around, gasping in shock.
“What the hell Hobi!” Jimin squealed.
“There’s no way! These HAVE to be fucking photoshopped!” Taehyung cried, snatching the phone from Hoseok’s hands to get a closer look.
Jimin turned his head to the side to bite his lip and hold in the comment he was trying desperately not to say to Hoseok when he glanced towards the bar and his heart stopped in his chest. Leaning back against the bar was a very tall blonde man, dressed in a button up black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, with black pants that fit his legs and ass perfectly. And his hands… goddamn his hands were huge… Jimin felt his jaw physically drop as he watched the man laugh with a dark-haired man standing beside him.
“HEEELLLLOOOO EARTH TO JIMJAM!” Hoseok said loudly, snapping his fingers in front of Jimin’s face.
“Huh?! What?! Who?!” Jimin said loudly, coming back to himself. He spun back to his group quickly, his ears turning red.
Hoseok laughed and pinched Jimin’s cheek. “Exactly what was it that grabbed our Jiminah’s attention so well, huh?”
“Oh, I see what it was,” Tae piped up, leaning over Hoseok to get a better view of the man at the bar. “Or should I say that I see WHO it was? Hyung… WHO IS THAT??”
Hoseok and Jungkook looked over at the bar to see who it was that had caught the other men’s attention so well.
“Oh him? That Jeong Yunho. The friend he’s with is Choi San, he’s a regular of mine with his boyfriend Wooyoung. Pretty nice men, really.” Hoseok said thoughtfully and took a sip of his drink, flicking a glance at where Jungkook’s hand rested on Jimin’s thigh.
The four men watched as the red-haired man that almost ran over Jimin earlier and his blonde friend hurried towards Yunho and San. Jimin watched, with a weird pit of jealousy in his stomach as the blonde man threw himself into Yunho’s long arms, Yunho kissing him on the forehead.
“I guess that’s his boyfriend?” Jungkook asked Hoseok somewhat hopefully, seeing the look that had come over Jimin’s face.
“Hey! That red headed guy is the one that almost bowled you over earlier! AND he didn’t even apologize!” Taehyung said to Jimin, reaching over to smack his best friend on the arm.
Hoseok waved away Taehyung’s statement, “That’s Wooyoung, San’s boyfriend. That’s just how he is. He’s pretty much oblivious to everything around him when he has his mind set on something. It can be endearing once you get to know him.”
The three younger men turned their questioning looks onto Hoseok who, when noticing their looks, proceeded to look at the ceiling innocently, not even close to ready to admit his crush on the Wooyoung and his hot boyfriend.
“So… is that small blonde guy dating the tall Yunho guy?” Jimin asked, watching as Yunho was dragged onto the floor by the smaller blonde.
“Hmm… not that I know of. I know that they used to be a thing years ago but that Yeosang, that’s the smaller blonde, he’s in a serious relationship with someone right now. I’m pretty sure that he and Yunho are just friends.”
“Hmm..” Jimin hummed and took a sip of his drink.
“Why Jiminah? Interested?” Hoseok smirked.
Jimin’s eyes followed Yunho until he disappeared into the crowd then turned his gaze to his friend. “Maybe. Probably. Definitely,” he laughed.
“Hey, I have an idea,” Taehyung said, “Why don’t we all go dance and if we just happen to slide up to them on the dance floor…” Jimin started to agree but then turned a worried glance to Jungkook, whose hand was still resting on Jimin’s thigh. Jungkook smiled when seeing Jimin’s concern for him and leaned over to bump his shoulder against Jimin’s.
“I’ll be fine Jimin. Have I ever acted in jealous outrage before at your conquests?”
“Conquests?!” Taehyung squealed and burst into loud laughter. “Conquests!”
Jimin glared at his best friend but then turned back to Jungkook. “Are you sure? I would never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable…”
Jungkook took Jimin’s drink from his hand and sat it on the table. “Goooo already. Jeeze. Do I have to pick you up and throw you on him??”
Jimin laughed, “Okay, okay, I’m going!” Jimin held his hand out for Taehyung and the two hurried down the steps and onto the dance floor.
Jungkook sat back in his chair, sipping his drink, and watching Jimin disappear with a wistful look on his face, an ache in the pit of his stomach.
Hoseok shook his head and leaned forward, serious eyes on the younger man. “Why don’t you just tell him how you really fear? It’s been a year.”
“You know what he went through with his ex… I can’t pressure him to be with me Hyung.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, “I’m sorry but that’s lame. I can tell that a part of him cares about you too. If you tell him how you REALLY feel, then maybe…”
“Hyung,” Jungkook interrupted, sitting his glass down on the table, “Jimin isn’t ready for me. He isn’t ready for the depth of my feelings for him. I can’t… I won’t… tell him that I’m in love with him. Not until he’s ready to hear it. IF he’s ever ready to hear it.
Jimin and Taehyung tried to circle the dance floor to find Yunho, but the place was way too crowded for them to move around too much. Feeling his chance slip through his fingers, he turned his attention onto his best friend instead.
“Let’s just go ahead and dance,” Jimin yelled above the music.
“Are you sure?” Taehyung yelled back, full prepared to search all night if his beloved best friend wanted him to.
“I’m sure,” Jimin yelled again. “Let’s just have fun, I’ve been dying to dance all night!”
Taehyung grinned wolfishly and drug Jimin to him. “Good, I’ve been wanting to get my hands on you all night.” He whispered hotly into Jimin’s ear before flicking his tongue against Jimin’s earlobe. Jimin groaned, immediately picturing how he was going to go down on Taehyung later that night, already craving the taste of Taehyung on his tongue.
“Taeeeee…” Jimin whined as Taehyung wrapped his arms around him and pulled Jimin into himself, rubbing their crotches together as they swayed to the beat.
Multiple songs passed and Jimin was entirely swept up in the music and in Taehyung’s touches. Jimin felt himself aching beneath his jeans, groaning every time Taehyung touched him in a way that he liked, and his TaeTae knew ALL of the ways that he liked. Sweat had started to bead and slide down Jimin’s neck, making a line down his chest, causing his skin to glisten under the lights and his silk shirt to cling to body.
Jimin had his arms around Taehyung’s neck as Taehyung had his knee between Jimin’s legs, his hands on Jimin’s ass, causing Jimin to grind on him every time they moved to the beat. Taehyung opened his eyes when Jimin bit into his collar bone, willing his dick to not get hard in public when he spotted the man Jimin had been wanting.
Somehow, without them realizing it, the foursome had made their way off of the dance floor and were sitting at one of the tables. Taehyung grinned to himself, grabbing Jimin’s delicate hips and maneuvering him right into the man’s line of sight. Taehyung grabbed Jimin’s waist and spun him around, Jimin’s arms falling back over his head to wrap back around Taehyung’s neck, and he ground his butt over Taehyung’s crotch. Taehyung licked a line up Jimin’s neck and then whispered, “Jiminah…you’re man is in front of you.”
Jimin’s eyes snapped open, and he found himself staring directly into Yunho’s eyes, his nipples immediately pebbled, and his dick twitched under the stranger’s gaze. Seeing the man looking at Jimin, Taehyung bit the back of Jimin’s neck, right where he knew Jimin’s biggest erotic spot was. Jimin threw his head back in ecstasy and Taehyung reached up to pinch one of Jimin’s hard nipples, twisting the silk against the sensitive bud, knowing Jimin’s liking for silk rubbing against them. Taehyung ground his quickly hardening dick up against Jimin’s ass and Jimin whimpered, fully aware of what his best friend was doing.
Jimin lowered his head back down and opened his eyes, staring directly into the eyes of the tall blonde man. Jimin ran his tongue along his bottom lip, watching as the man swallowed and his eyes followed Jimin’s togue. Jimin couldn’t help the smirk that came over his mouth. He threw his head back again, his mouth opening in an ‘o’ as Taehyung’s hand slid down his side, his fingers going under the hem of Jimin’s shirt just to scratch his nails hard over Jimin’s hip.
“Tae!” Jimin moaned, a sucker for being marked and claimed, hips bucking forward unintentionally.
“It’s working Jiminah,” Taehyung said kissing his ear, “He can’t take his eyes off of my beautiful friend. I wonder how hard he would look at you if I had you bent over their table with my cock sinking into your fat ass.”
Jimin whimpered, his eyes squeezed shut and Taehyung rutted up against him.
Taehyung took Jimin’s chin in his hand and forced his friend to look at where Yunho was, staring solely at Jimin, his eyes dark.
“Should we invite him over, my love?”
Yunho watched with rapt attention as the brunette man dug his nails into the blonde’s hip, leaving marks marring the skin. The blonde threw his head back, his chest rising and falling under the dance floor lights and his hips jerked forward. Yunho felt his cock straining against his pants and he groaned, wiping his hand over his face.
San looked over at him in concern, hearing his groan. “Are you okay?”
Wooyoung cackled as he followed Yunho’s gaze, resting his chin on his boyfriend’s wide shoulder. “Oh…Yunho…I think someone has their eyes on you.”
Yeosang looked over and whistled. “Damn…” he said in his low, deep voice. “He’s definitely got his eyes on you.”
Yunho shook his head to snap himself out of the siren’s trance, a rueful smile on his face. “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence with him looking over here so much.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. “A coincidence? He’s literally STARING at you every time he opens his eyes.”
Yunho looked over again to see the brunette man licking up the blonde’s neck for the umpteenth time. “Even if that is true, it looks like he is thoroughly taken.”
San slapped a hand on Yunho’s shoulder, “Hey you never know. Might as well try.”
Yunho looked back over at the couple on the floor in indecision.
“Yunho!…. Yunho!… Yunho!” his friends started slowly chanting, He laughed and pushed them away from himself.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll give it a try.!”
“Great!” Wooyoung said excitedly. “That means I get to be smashed between these two hot things!” he cackled as he grabbed a hold of his boyfriend and Yeosang, the four of them making their way onto the dance floor.
“Don’t look now Jiminie, he’s coming to the dance floor,” Tae said as he thrust against Jimin’s ass again, grinding on him. “I’m going to be picturing him fucking you when my cock is shoved down your throat later,” he whispered evilly.
Jimin turned in Taehyung’s arms, looping his arms around his friend’s neck and glaring at him. “I swear to god, TaeTae, if this doesn’t work then you better be ready to fuck me as soon as we get back to your place.” Jimin pouted, his body raging for release from all of Taehyung’s teasing.
Taehyung was about to respond when a large hand tapped Jimin on the shoulder. Jimin saw Taehyung’s eyes widen as Jimin looked over his shoulder to see nothing but a broad expanse of chest. Looking up, he saw Yunho smiling down at him.
“If it’s not too rude to ask, may I have the next dance?” he yelled over the music, running a hand through his golden hair.
“Take him! He’s yours!” Taehyung yelled as he quickly pushed Jimin towards the taller man and ran off into the crowd of people around them.
Jimin smiled and stepped forward to Yunho, looking him up and down. ‘God, he looks better even better up close.’
“I’m Jimin,” he yelled.
“I’m Yunho! Was that your boyfriend?” Yunho asked, nodding his head to where Taehyung had disappeared.
Jimin shook is head, “That was my best friend, I’m single.”
Yunho smiled down at him and wrapped a large hand around Jimin’s small waist.
“Good. So am I.”
Yunho groaned as Jimin ground his ass against Yunho’s semi-hard dick for the fifth time in a row. Yunho ground back, his hands firmly on Jimin’s hips. He tightened his fingers and squeezed, feeling Jimin shiver in his hold.
Jimin leaned back against Yunho’s chest, his head barely coming to Yunho’s shoulders. He felt so fucking tiny and he loved it. A shiver went through him when Yunho dug his fingers into his hip bones again and he licked his lips, loving the feeling of being slightly manhandled. Jimin grabbed one of Yunho’s hands and raised it to his chest causing Yunho to slide his fingers over Jimin’s sensitive nipples. He flicked his thumb back and forth over the nub before rolling it between his thumb and finger, the silk of Jimin’s shirt scratching on his nipple.
Jimin moaned out loud at that and brought Yunho’s other hand to his mouth, nipping at the inside of his wrist. Jimin felt Yunho’s cock twitch against him, and it spurred him to nip harder. Yunho grabbed Jimin’s jaw in his hand and pulled Jimin’s head back, leaning his head down to whisper in his ear.
“Keep playing these games and you’ll find yourself in the bathroom before you know it.”
Jimin smirked and tilted his head back and to the side to look up into Yunho’s very serious dark gaze.
“Take me to the bathroom then, because I do NOT plan to quit.”
Without even a second’s hesitation, Yunho grabbed Jimin’s hand, His long fingers capturing Jimin firmly and led the way off of the dance floor and down the hallway to the most private bathroom.
“It looks like you know you’re way around,” Jimin teased as they escaped the loud music.
Yunho looked at him with a look that radiated pure lust. “I know my way around but you’re the only one I’ve taken to the bathrooms here.”
Butterflies enveloped Jimin’s stomach, and he felt himself blushing as Yunho pulled him into the bathroom, locking the door behind them. Jimin looked up as Yunho stalked towards him, all tall and lean muscles, with thighs that Jimin wanted to sink his teeth into the first chance that he got.
“Jimin…’ Yunho whispered as Jimin looked up to meet his eyes, “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
Jimin’s heart started beating wildly as Yunho put a finger under Jimin’s chin and tilted it up. He felt his breath catch as Yunho lowered his face closer to his, the urge to suck on Yunho’s bottom lip overwhelming him. When their mouths were but a breath apart, Yunho paused.
“Tell me if you want this Jimin. I won’t do anything without your verbal consent.”
Jimin licked his lips, desperate to have Yunho’s mouth on his own. “I want this,” he whispered as his arms wrapping around Yunho’s neck. “Fuck, do I want this.”
“Me too,” Yunho groaned and crashed his lips onto Jimin’s, they were just as soft and supple as they looked, his lips felt like a dream.
Jimin hummed happily into the kiss, as Yunho’s hands settled on his hips once again. Slowly moving them, Yunho backed Jimin into the sink and Jimin’s hands grasped the sink behind him for purchase, feeling the need to ground himself as Yunho’s tongue teasingly licked on across his bottom lip. Yunho dug his fingertips into Jimin’s hips hard, causing Jimin to gasp. Yunho slid his tongue into Jimin’s open mouth and Jimin began to immediately start sucking on Yunho’s tongue like he would have sucked on his dick. Yunho groaned and arched into Jimin, Jimin’s tongue hot and smooth against his own, their tongues wrapping around each other. Jimin stood on his tiptoes to get as close as he could to the tall man towering over him.
Yunho broke away from the kiss, pulling back slowly, softly sucking on Jimin’s plump bottom lip. Jimin ran his hands up underneath Yunho’s’ shirt, moaning when he felt the rows of abs that the shirt had hidden underneath, scratching his nails down Yunho’s sides.
“Fuck,” Yunho breathed as he his hands down Jimin’s thighs, bending his knees slightly so that he could reach better. “Fuck, your thighs are amazing Jimin,” he said as his big hands wrapped around them, caressing. Yunho could already picture them wrapped around his waist as he fucked deep into Jimin’s body. Yunho grabbed Jimin’s ass and lifted him into the air quickly, a yelp emitting from Jimin’s lips as Yunho deposited him onto the sink counter. Yunho smirked at Jimin’s wide eyes.
“Now I can see your beautiful face better.”
Yunho lowered his head to kiss down Jimin’s jawline, his long tongue flickering and massing circles into Jimin’s skin as his long fingers started undoing the buttons on Jimin’s silk shirt. Jimin leaned his head, a gasp being drawn from him as Yunho started sucking a hard line down his soft neck.
“Your mouth feels so good,” Jimin gasped as Yunho’s mouth trailed down his neck, to his collar bone, licking into the indention of Jimin’s clavicle. Yunho smirked as his nipped roughly at Jimin’s collar bone, wanting to leave his mark all over Jimin’s gorgeous body.
“Ah!” Jimin exclaimed on a rather hard nip, his fingers coming up to tangle into Yunho’s thick hair. Yunho pushed Jimin’s shirt open and off of his left shoulder. He softly kissed his way down to Jimin’s hard and sensitive nipple, relishing the moan that reach his ears when he took the bud into his mouth. Yunho flicked his tongue back and forth over the little nub before swirling around it. Jimin arched his chest into Yunho and his moans turned quiet and breathless as he writhed on the counter under Yunho’s ministrations.
“Fuck, please. Touch me, Yunho.” Jimin whimpered, his dick hard and hurting in his tight pants, aching for the building pressure to be released. Yunho pushed Jimin back against the mirror, the faucet digging into his back. He looked over Jimin’s chest and stomach in wonder, his hand running down to trace over Jimin’s abs. Jimin bit his lip as Yunho’s flicked open the button to Jimin’s pants and slowly drug down the zipper. Jimin lifted his hips up for Yunho to wiggle his pants down his hips. Yunho groaned when he realized that Jimin wasn’t wearing underwear, Jimin’s cock springing up to hit against his lower stomach.
‘Mmmm…such a good boy.” Yunho murmured, leaning forward to bury his face in Jimin’s neck as his large fingers trailed over Jimin’s leaking cock. Jimin felt his cock twitch at Yunho’s words, wondering how in the hell a stranger had picked up on his praise kink so easily.
“Your so gorgeous, everywhere.” Yunho said as he nipped at Jimin’s neck.
“Here,” a nip on the earlobe.
“Here,” a nip on the chin
“Here,” a nip on Jimin’s bottom lip.
“Here,” Yunho said as he fully wrapped his hand around Jimin’s dick, Jimin hissing in pleasure as Yunho’s hand stroked Jimin softly.
Jimin tried to unbutton Yunho’s shirt with shaky hands but Yunho pulled him away with his free hand.
“I want… mmm… I want to touch you…” Jimin groaned as Yunho fingertips circled Jimin’s leaking tip, his thumb pressing into Jimin’s leaking slit.
“No darling,” Yunho said, ignoring Jimin’s words. Instead, he took over Jimin’s lips again. Sliding his tongue back into Jimin’s open and willing mouth. Jimin’s fingers tightened into Yunho’s shirt, whimpering, hips arching up into Yunho’s fist. Jimin started trying to reach down to caress Yunho through his pants, but Yunho chuckled and pulled Jimin’s body hard against him.
“Didn’t I say no?”
Jimin looked up confused, trying to clear his lust addled brain, his hand still trying to slide between them.
“I don’t understand…” Jimin whispered.
Yunho groaned into Jimin’s ear as Jimin’s hand found its target. Jimin shivered at how big Yunho felt underneath his clothing. He could already imagine the way he was going to feel the next day, ass sore from the pounding that he was going to get.
“Yunho, please,” Jimin begged, “Please let me touch you. I want to feel you…”
Yunho placed his hands on Jimin’s muscled thighs and pulled him forward until he had slid off of the sink completely, holding on until Jimin’s feet were firmly on the floor. Yunho turned him to face the sink and Jimin immediately went to lean over it, spreading his legs and sticking his ass out. Yunho got his first look at Jimin’s plump butt and Jimin watched Yunho’s expression in the mirror as he narrowed his eyes and groaned, his big hand sliding over Jimin’s cheeks but pulling back. Jimin closed his eyes when he saw Yunho’s hand flying downward. Jimin moaned loudly, as Yunho slapped his ass, causing Jimin to rut forward.
“Absolutely stunning, you’re magnificent.” Yunho whispered and he watched Jimin’s butt jiggle from the slap, turning bright pink. ‘Fuck this ass would look so sexy marked up with my flogger,’ he thought.
Yunho’s eyes connected with Jimin’s in the mirror, and he smirked.
“If there’s was enough time, I’d let you ride my tongue for hours with this perfect ass,” he said, his gaze sliding down between Jimin’s cheeks, running his hands them to cup them roughly.
Jimin’s cock jumped as the mental image of doing just that, assaulted Jimin’s senses.
Yunho grabbed Jimin’s arm and pulled him back against his chest. Tonguing the back of Jimin’s earlobe as his hand slid down Jimin’s stomach, he watched the mirror as Jimin’s abs flexed underneath his touch. Jimin’s cock was red and aching, precum leaking from the tip, glistening under the overheard lights. Jimin’s eyes closed but Yunho’s other hand gripped Jimin’s chin, squeezing.
“Look at yourself in the mirror, look how beautiful you are.”
Jimin’s heavy eyelids opened to see Yunho’s reflection staring at him. Yunho looked like a tall blonde devil standing behind Jimin’s smaller form.
“Look at how sexy you are in my hand.”
Jimin’s eyes swept down, and he gasped at the sight of Yunho’s long fingers wrapping around him, stroking slowly where he was using the precum leaking out as a weak lube to make the stroking feel even better for Jimin.
“Yunho, fuck me, please.” Jimin whimpered, his knees feeling wobbly, “I need you in me,” he panted out as Yunho’s strokes started turning faster, his fist twisting around the tip of Jimin’s dick every time he pumped forward.
Yunho kissed up the side of Jimin’s face as his hand slid from his chin down to grasp Jimin’s neck, his fingers applying just the right amount of pressure to make Jimin start trembling. Jimin’s eyelids fluttered closed in pleasure as he felt Yunho’s fingers tighten onto his pressure points, he could feel this heartbeat thundering against Yunho’s fingers.
“I said to look at yourself, darling” he whispered as he ground himself against Jimin’s ass, both of them gasping at the friction.
Jimin opened his eyes again, and his mouth gaped at how fucked out he already looked when they had barely even done anything. Jimin had a line of hickies running down his heaving chest, his cheeks were flushed red, his hair messed up and his cock was practically drooling as Yunho kept up his steady pace. Jimin could feel his balls start to tingle and he whimpered, one hand reaching to grab ahold on Yunho’s arm and the other going up to caress over his chest and nipples, grabbing his silk shirt and rubbing it over them, gasping at the feeling.
“You look so good for me Jimin, you look so fucking good.” Yunho growled, his hand fisting Jimin faster, his hold stronger.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Yunho, please!” Jimin whined out, feeling his orgasm rising within him.
“You’re going to cum just like this,” Yunho’s fingers grasped Jimin’s cock tightly, his hand squeezing harder around Jimin’s neck.
Jimin felt his head start to spin as his toes curled in his boots.
‘Close! M’close!” he was barely able to gasp out.
“Come on darling, look at yourself when you cum for me, watch how beautiful you look when you fall apart in my hand.”
Jimin’s eyes rolled in his head, Yunho’s dirty talk making things five times for intense for him. He squinted his eyes open, and they locked on to where his cock was disappearing over and over again in Yunho’s large hand. Yunho moaned at the sight of Jimin so pliant in his arms and he latched onto the nape of Jimin’s neck with his teeth, just like he has seen the brunette man do. Yunho biting his neck was the straw that forced his orgasm out of him, sweeping him away in waves of pleasure.
“Oh m-my fuck!” Jimin whimpered as his orgasm hit him so hard that he was seeing stars. Jimin watched himself spill all over Yunho’s hand, shooting onto the counter and mirror as Yunho quickly stroked Jimin to completion. Milky white covered Yunho’s hand and he yet he continued to stroke and squeeze, draining Jimin of every single drop of cum that he had in him. After the last spurt was squeezed out, Jimin slumped back against Yunho’s chest, his own chest heaving from the force of his ejaculation.
“That’s my good baby, so fucking good for me.” Yunho murmured as he planted kisses against Jimin’s sweaty temple. “You came so hard for me. So fucking beautiful.”
Jimin gathered his strength to turn in Yunho’s arms, his hand reach down to find the zipper to Yunho’s pants.
“My turn, I want to taste you so badly,” Jimin said, sliding his hand into the front of Yunho’s pants, moaning when he couldn’t even wrap his small hand all the way around the girth. Yunho bucked into his hand, groaning and Jimin was surprised to find himself starting to fill up again at just the thought of having Yunho’s large dick weighing down his tongue.
Yunho kissed Jimin softly, breathing unsteadily and then pulled Jimin’s hand out of his pants, smiling. “Sorry Jimin, I did say no touching.”
Jimin stood in shock as Yunho moved him to the side so that he could wash his hands clean of Jimin’s cum. Looking over his shoulder at Jimin in the mirror, he gave such an adorable smile that Jimin felt his heart flutter again. Turning to Jimin, Yunho helped him pull his pants back up and get his shirt straightened out to the way it was before their sexcapade.
“I don’t understand… don’t you want me?” Jimin whispered, his hidden insecurities coming to the surface before he could stop them. Jimin wasn’t used to be turned down when he put himself out there so ardently. It was the one way he could always count on someone wanting him. Yunho frowned at the change in this beautiful man’s esteem.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said gently, turning to Jimin and slightly bending down so that Jimin had to look him in the eye. “What I want more than anything right now is to is to bury myself into you so deeply that you’ll never take another cock without knowing I was better. I want to stretch you with my dick and fuck into you so hard, so many times, that you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.”
Jimin blushed at Yunho’s words.
“Then w-why…?”
Yunho smiled sweetly and gave Jimin another one of his toe-curling kisses, his hand big enough that his fingers cupped the back of Jimin’s head, and his palm was on Jimin’s cheek.
“Because when I make you fall apart again and again with my cock splitting you open, it won’t be on our first meeting nor in a bathroom.”
Taehyung plopped down at the table and took several drinks from his bottle of water, his throat parched after dancing so much.
“Where’s Jimin?” Hoseok asked when he realized that Jimin was not on his way too.
“Ah,” Taehyung smiled slyly at the two men at his table, “Jiminie found a very tall tree by the name of Yunho to climb.”
Jungkook looked to the right to see Yunho and Jimin walking quickly to the private bathrooms in the back. He frowned slightly, biting his lip, willing his jealousy to go. ‘Being jealous isn’t going to help anything,’ he thought to himself, his chest aching with the loneliness he felt when he wasn’t in Jimin’s presence.
Hoseok noticed his friend’s gaze and slide a silencing look over to Taehyung who was recounting the details of what had happened out on the dance floor. Seeing the glance, Taehyung looked over at Jungkook.
Silence descended over the table for a few seconds before the subject was changed.
Hoseok pulled a resisting Jungkook to his feet.
“Come on, time for THE Jungkook to go shake his ass!”
Taehyung cheered along and Jungkook let himself be pulled back, sparing one last glance towards the bathrooms before straightening his shoulders and heading onto the crowded floor
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christinesolstice · 1 year
You're My Type: 2
Siren Eyes
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Jeong Yunho sighed heavily and removed his reading glasses to rub his eyes tiredly, a small pounding headache beginning to form in the middle of his forehead. He rubbed his thumb in circles on the bridge between his eyes, to see if he could relieve some of the tension that was beginning to set it. He had taken headache medicine as soon as he had walked through his front door, he was just waiting for it to kick in.
Yunho had gotten home from work over two hours earlier and since then, he had been sitting at the desk in his study, grading the papers that his high school students had turned in. Yunho adored teaching, it gave him a sense of accomplishment and helped him feel as though he was truly making a difference in the world. His students were bright and smart, even the ones that other teachers would label as the “troubled teens.” He had a particular fondness for the so-called problem teens and knew that there was usually a reason as to why the teenagers acted out or had attitudes and would offer his calming presence and support to any teen that came to him, whether it was school related or not. Because of Yunho’s open and friendly nature, and his calming aura, he had quickly become a school favorite since starting his job, with the kids as well as with the staff.
Yunho shook his head and stretched his arms over his head, trying to dispel the sleepiness that was beginning to overtake him. He had just placed his reading glasses back on when he heard his doorbell chime from the living room. Looking at the clock, he realized that it was almost eight at night and with a groan, pushed his tall body out of the chair in order to go to look at the door camera in the living room.
Looking at the camera screen he could see nothing except a dark brown eye with a mole underneath it, filling the screen, glaring into the camera. He laughed at his friend’s antics and pressed the speaker button so that his voice would ring out to Wooyoung in the hallway.
“Hello, can I help you?” he asked, smiling when he heard his friend huff in annoyance.
“Yunho, let us innnn,” Wooyoung whined, pulling back just enough that Yunho could see Wooyoung’s fiancé, San, and Yunho’s other friend, Yeosang standing in the background.
“I’m sorry, Yunho isn’t in right now, please leave a message.” He responded in a robotic voice, causing Yeosang to let out a deep laugh and San’s eyes to scrunch up. Wooyoung pressed his face back against the camera and squinted his eye. “Jeong Yunho, you let us in or I swear I will bring down this stupid door!” Rumbling laughter rolled out of Yunho ad he reached down to unlock the front door. With a huff, Wooyoung flung the door open, almost hitting Yunho in the process and strutted in, San and Yeosang following dutifully behind him.
“Yunho! Good to see you!” San smiled, slapping Yunho’s broad back after Yunho closed the door behind them. Yunho smiled and pulled San into a big hug before setting his sights on Yeosang, who hated skinship the most out of all of them, but always melted into a pile of butter when his old Dom and ex-boyfriend touched him. Yeosang clung to Yunho, placing a soft kiss onto his lips before allowing himself to be pulled into one of Yunho’s large and comforting hugs. When Yeosang finally pushed away, his cheeks were pink.
Wooyoung watched all of this with a miffed expression on his face, his chin jutted out and his arms crossed defiantly over his chest . “WELL???!!!” he demanded once Yunho had released the other two, which, to Wooyoung, felt like it had taken ages. He was sure he had turned into an old man while waiting for Yunho to show him some attention. Yunho had immediately noticed his friend’s newly done, bright red hair on the camera but knowing that Wooyoung was looking for validation for his hair, he cheekily decided to refrain from giving it.
“Well what?” he asked with faux curiosity, tilting his head like the puppy that his friend group always referred to him as.
“Well what? WELL WHAT?” Wooyoung gasped, horrified. “How could you not notice my glorious locks??’ Wooyoung tossed his head back, a sorrowful look on his face.
San snickered out loud, causing his boyfriend to turn a glare on him.
“You just shut it! I’m already mad at you!” Wooyoung told him sternly, shaking a finger in his direction, which made San grin so big that his adorable dimples popped out.
“Now why exactly is my best friend mad at you Sannie?” Yunho asked, smiling widely, knowing full well that it was probably Wooyoung’s own doing.
Yunho had met San through the BDSM scene, which is not a way that he ever thought that he would have made a new friend. Both men were new Doms, new to the life, and had become members and employees of the Club Aurora at the same time, even signing their contracts while sitting beside each other.
Club Aurora was the top BDSM club around these days. It was owned by a man named Min Yoongi and his boyfriend and life partner, Han Jisung. The club was very selective of who was let in, and thus, it had become one of the hardest clubs to become a member of, and one of the most highly sought after clubs to become a member of. The club owners personally vetted every application for a new member. In order to even be considered, you had to agree to a thorough background check as well as a physical. Yoongi said that the last club he was a member of had become lax about the safety of their members and he witnessed many people getting hurt or traumatized. He swore that he would do his damndest to never let that happen at his club. The contract for members even had a clause stating that you would have a monthly STD check and the results had to be sent to the club in order for your membership to continue.
Yunho had met Yoongi at a Bar Winnow, where he would bartend on the weekends to help bring in extra money that his college scholarships didn’t cover. After quitting the BDSM club, Yoongi taken to having drinks at Bar Winnow. It was not long before he had become a regular at the bar. Sitting at the bar, he and Yunho would chat about random things, sometimes delving into heavier topics once the night started to become late. It was only a few months later that the two began to become close friends. The two men would often grab dinner together or hang out in Yoongi’s recording studio, where he first met Yoongi’s boyfriend, Han Jisung.
“Call me Han or Hannie,” the younger man had said when first making Yunho’s acquaintance, shaking his hand firmly, a bright smile on his face. “Yoongles has told me a lot about you, I was almost jealous and now that I see you, I KNOW to be jealous,” he laughed, making Yunho feel instantly at ease.
When Yoongi first mentioned creating Club Aurora, they were sitting on Yoongi’s balcony, drinking late into the night. Yunho had found himself entirely intrigued and if he were to be honest…a little intimidated. He knew that Yoongi used to be into the BDSM scene as another club’s top Dom, but several bad experiences with how the club was ran had left Yoongi with an awful taste in his mouth. Yoongi had finished off the contract he had with the two Subs he was with and then backed out in a way that could only be described as a “fiery epithet.” Since that time, Yoongi had not been interested in engaging in BDSM, at least to Yunho’s knowledge.
“How would you feel if I began training you to be a Dom?” Yoongi has asked after a few minutes of brooding silence, swirling his snifter of brandy. Yunho had almost dropped the glass he was holding in his hand.
“W-what??” He had stuttered as Yoongi looked up at him across the table, smirking.
“I said… How would you feel if I began training you as a Dom? You’d be a good one, a trustworthy one and I know that it interests you.”
Yunho had swallowed thickly and sat the glass he was holding down on the table. “I don’t know Min... that’s kind of a big deal, right?”
Yoongi had sat his glass down on the bar and leveled a serious look at Yunho. “It’s actually a very big deal. It’s one of the biggest things I could ever offer you. My club is going to be run with integrity, trust, and responsibility. I need Doms I can trust in the place when I open it. Ones that can help to teach other people in the community. From our past talks, I gather that you are interested in in such a role. I’ve come to respect you as a human being, as a friend and I would love for you to come work for me. I’ve already discussed it with Han, and he thinks it’s a wonderful idea.”
Yunho crossed his arms, biting his lip in deep thought.
“Look, “Yoongi said, raising his hands, “At least think about it? I’ll send you some learning materials and after you’ve read through everything, we can discuss this again. Hell,” Yoongi said with a smirk, “If anything, you can at least be my bartender and help with security.”
It didn’t take long for Yunho to completely devour everything that Yoongi had sent him on BDSM. The more he read, the more a part of him hungered to try it out. He had participated in rough sex several times, on both the giving and receiving end, but it was nothing compared to what could be had between a Dom and a Sub. Yunho had always loved helping people and knowing that he would be able to help someone escape from themselves and take care of them afterward… it was something that sang to his soul. He could almost hear the universe saying, “This is what you’ve been missing.”
“I’ll do it.” Yunho said as soon as Yoongi answered the face time call. Yoongi didn’t get a word in before Han’s face shoved into view, pushing his boyfriend back. “Hey man! What are you doing? At this hour? At midnight? Are you trying to steal my man?” Han teased. Yoongi smacked his boyfriend playfully on the back of the head and jerked his phone back to himself.
“Love, Yunho is just calling to say that he decided to go through with the training, right Yunho?” he asked, turning his attention back to the screen.
Yunho went to nod but before he could, Han jerked Yoongi’s phone out of the older man’s hand again. “I told Yoongles not to worry about it, I mean OBVIOUSLY you’re made for it. Just like San!” Jisung nodded his head enthusiastically before yelping as his boyfriend grabbed him by the nape of his neck with one hand and tilted his chin up and towards him with his other hand.
“Darling, behave,” was all Yoongi said, effectively turning Jisung into a blushing, squirming mess who relinquished his grasp on the phone immediately.
“Wait, who is San?” Yunho asked, intrigued by this new development.
“He’s another friend of mine that I feel like would do very well in the scene. Actually, I’m having coffee with him tomorrow at the Elle’s Cafe. Why don’t you join us? It’ll be good to be able to talk to you both about this, then I can answer both of your questions at once. It even might help for you two to be able to bounce thoughts and opinions off of one another”
Yunho had agreed and the next day he met with San and Yoongi, a little stunned at how handsome the other man was, all dark hair, sharp bones and muscles. After a few hours of lengthy discussions, three cups of coffee and a piece of cake each, the two younger men decided that it was definitely something that they both wanted to look into. Throughout their talk, Yunho had discovered that San had a boyfriend, Wooyoung, who had immediately said yes to San exploring that side of himself.
“Wooyoung is the very definition of a brat.” San had said laughing, his eyes crinkling up sweetly and his dimples showing. “There are a lot of times that he acts out just so I will take control of him, so when Min first approached us about this, Wooyoung shouted yes before I could even process what was being said.”
“He LITERALLY shouted yes, by the way,” Yoongi explained to Yunho, as Yunho let out a grin at San shaking his head in faux frustration.
Afterwards, Yoongi had contacted a few people that could set up classes, lessons, and sessions for the two men, stating that if they wanted to work for Aurora then they needed to be trained in the right way to do things and the right way to treat people, no matter what role that person played in the community. For a few of the classes, Yoongi took over himself, showing different ways to take care of a sub/brat, with Jisung being more than willing to show off his bratty side for an audience. It amazed Yunho how Jisung could go from his shy and precious self to being a complete menace on stage, doing everything in his power to get Yoongi to snap, falling into euphoric bliss whenever he was punished by his Dom. San and Yunho had both trained for the year leading up to the opening of Aurora, and even after Aurora opened, Yoongi still kept them on probation, just to make sure that they were doing well.
During the year leading up to the opening, Yunho had become almost inseparable with San and his boyfriend Wooyoung. The two had invited Yunho over to their apartment for dinner one night, Wooyoung demanding to meet San’s future coworker. Yunho had taken one step into their apartment before a human shaped ball of pure energy and a witchy cackle, latched onto his side and refused let go for the entire night. Yunho was unsure of what to think of such a display of affection and was half-worried that San would be upset. But San had just ruffled his boyfriend’s hair and smiled at Yunho.
“I told you he was a handful,” he had said, causing Wooyoung to pout.
The three had become best friends quickly, sharing their hearts with each other easily. Yunho had never had friends that had made him feel so instantly at ease. It was apparent from early on that San thrived in the Dominant role, much to the delight of the bratty but lovable Wooyoung. San trained and studied meticulously to be able to help others along their path and eventually became one of Aurora’s top Doms. San even began doing stage demonstrations with Wooyoung once they both became comfortable with Wooyoung’s exhibitionist side. The couple quickly became a stage favorite in the new club, often having others seek them out for lessons, for scenes or sometimes just for pleasure. San would politely refuse to participate in scenes or pleasure that didn’t solely involve Wooyoung, but he was perfectly fine with Wooyoung doing scenes with others. Yunho, being a serial monogamous himself, once asked San how he was okay with Wooyoung doing that. San had looked over at his boyfriend who was face down and ass up in a scene area, skin splotchy pink from being lashes with a flogger and he smiled lovingly.
“Wooyoung has always had a big heart and a big sexual appetite. While he is more than enough for me, no matter where we are, I would never prevent him from seeking pleasure or knowledge here in the safety of the club. Besides, once we walk out of these doors, he solely belongs to me.”
Yunho was unsure at first until he saw what San meant. Wooyoung had spent most of the night in a scene with another Dom, that he would frequently have scenes with, cumming multiple times to the point that he was sobbing, and clinging to the Dom during his aftercare when he became floaty. But the second that aftercare was over, Wooyoung had walked over where San, Yunho and Yoongi had been sitting, and curled tightly into his boyfriend’s waiting arms. San held him gently, pressing soft kisses all of his face and whispering sweet things to the man as he wiggled and sighed contentedly in his arms. It didn’t take long before the Dom from the scene had approached the couple, asking Wooyoung if he would like to go on a date or something outside of the club sometime. Wooyoung didn’t even hesitate before firmly shaking his head no.
“Shownu, I LOVE our scenes together but…” He looked up adoringly into San’s eyes, “I would never go on a date with someone that wasn’t me true love.” Wooyoung leaned up and kissed San gently but firmly, his eyes full of stars. “My soulmate is the only one that will ever have me outside of these walls.”
Yunho found a sense of belonging in the community that he had never known before. It was a place where he could be with his closest friends and feel wholly accepted for who and what he was. For a while, he was happy with the Dom lifestyle, even starting a contract with a Sub who was new to scene, Yeosang, who , it turns out, had been a friend of Wooyoung’s since childhood.
Wooyoung had bound into the club one night, pulling a very scared looking blonde behind him. Wooyoung bounded up to the table that the group always sat at and introduced his best friend with a flourish.
“Thhhiiisssss is my Yeosangie!” he announced loudly, a blush stealing over Yeosang’s neck and ears. “He’s new so I need you all to be nice! And don’t do anything to scare him!” he said, squinting his eyes over at an intrigued looking Han. Han sat back petulantly.
“I didn’t even do anything!”
“No, but you might!” Wooyoung bickered back. Yoongi rubbed the back of Han’s neck soothingly and the younger man melted instantly.
Yeosang had sat down on the side of the couch, glancing at Yunho quickly when introductions were made and then looking away just as quickly, stuttering as he said hello. San and Yoongi shared a smirk as Yunho, oblivious to the fact that Yeosang was nervous because of him, offered to get the man a bottle of water.
Wooyoung and San had excused themselves to go perform a demonstration while Yoongi and Han left to go make the rounds and check on everyone, leaving Yeosang along with Yunho. Yunho smiled disarmingly and began asking Yeosang questions about himself and sharing funny stories about his own life. By the end of the night, Yeosang had relaxed fully and the two were quickly becoming enamored with each other.
Yeosang approached Yunho one night as Yunho sat at the bar talking to the bartender, Changkyun. Yeosang didn’t give Yunho a chance to say anything before he bowed his head and took Yunho’s hand into his. “Hyung… I was… I want to… WILL YOU BE MY DOM?” the young man had stuttered out. Yunho, shocked but delighted that not only had Yeosang finally asked, but that he put his aversion to be touched aside. Yunho swept a piece of hair behind Yeosang’s ear and nodded.
“I would be honored to, Yeosangie.”
The contract was very fulfilling for both participants. Yeosang, who shied away from being touched, was actually very touched starved but didn’t know how to let go enough to allow himself to be taken care of. He needed someone to get him out of his head to where he could relax, someone that he could trust. Yunho, whose deepest wish was to take care of people, found himself becoming head-over-heels with the younger man and sought to be the best Dom that he possibly could for him.
After their contract was up, they decided not to renew it again because both men had developed feelings for one another and wanted the ability to explore those feelings outside of a club contract. Yunho and Yeosang dated for a little over a year before mutually calling off the relationship, due to the stress of finishing their college degrees, Yunho going into Education and Yeosang going into Environmental Protection. The two men remained amazing friends and continued to occasionally hook-up, off and on. Yunho even continued to Dom for Yeosang inside of the club until Yeosang started dating his current boyfriend, Park Seonghwa, who was a top Sadist at the club.
The match between the two had come as a shock to everyone. Yeosang explained, when he had a deep talk with Yunho one night, that thanks to Yunho, he was finally able to open up to other people, emotionally and physically. While knowing that Seonghwa was a great man, Yunho was still worried that Yeosang would be in over his head, to the point that he took Seonghwa out for a drink one night to talk seriously about the situation. Seonghwa assured Yunho that he had nothing but adoration and the best intentions for the younger man and that he would never push Yeosang into anything that he was not comfortable with.
Yunho had seen Seonghwa in action at the club and knew that the man would be able to take Yeosang to heights that, even he, would not have been able to, if Yeosang wanted him to. Yunho felt no sadness in the ending of the physical part of their friendship, only happiness for his good friend, especially once he saw how wonderfully Seonghwa treated Yeosang in their daily lives. While Yeosang had become free when he was with Yunho, with Seonghwa, Yeosang absolutely blossomed. While Seonghwa could be a very intimidating demon during a scene, all long golden limbs with a dick to match, in their daily lives he went above and beyond to show Yeosang love, comfort and adoration.
After a few years in the scene life, Yunho had found himself becoming more and more interested in finding someone he really wanted to be with, someone he could be with outside of the club, causing him to want to step back from doing scenes. While Yunho still enjoyed helping people, he found himself no longer getting what he needed from the scenes, often feeling as though something vital was lacking. Yunho finally discussed the way he was feeling with Yoongi and Yoongi suggested that Yunho take him up on the bartending and security offer. Yunho thought about it for a few weeks before coming to his decision. While he didn’t want to give up the dynamic entirely, he realized that he did need a break from it. He decided to agree to the bartending and security position and found himself to be perfectly happy just doing that.
San smirked in Wooyoung’s direction, seeing his boyfriend’s cheeks turning almost as red as his head.
“Welll…” San started, crossing his arms over his chest and fixing his, now squirming, boyfriend with a smirk. “Before our outing tonight Wooyoung said he wanted to be fucked. I told him to wait until after we got home tonight. Instead, he decided to act out and give me a blow job in the shower, thinking that it would get me to give in. Instead, I came all over that beautiful face and refused to allow him to touch himself for not only the rest of the night but for all of tomorrow as well. Isn’t that right, my love?” San asked, wrapping an arm around Wooyoung’s shoulders and popping a kiss onto his temple.
Wooyoung looked at the floor in silence for a split second before he looked back up, eyes full of fire.
“IF YOU WOULD HAVE JUST GIVEN ME YOUR PUNY DICK THEN I WOULDN’T HAVE HAD TO DO THAT!” Wooyoung yelled, causing San’s head to fly back as his entire body shook with laughter.
Yunho, laughing, leaned forward and ruffled Wooyoung’s bright hair. “You know you can come to me, and I’ll treat you right, yeah?” he teased.
Wooyoung nodded up at him, puppy eyes on full display and his lower lip jutting out, taking Yunho’s big hand in between his.
“Hyung…. Does that mean you’ll come dancing with up tonight?” Wooyoung said innocently, sneaking in the real reason for their impromptu visit.
Yunho rolled his eyes. “I should have known you were wanting something, instead of just coming to see your friend.”
“You really haven’t been out with us in a long time, bro.” San spoke, sticking up for his beloved.
Yunho closed his eyes against the big-eyed assault that they were both giving him.
“Guys… I don’t know about tonight; it’s been a long week…”
Yeosang grabbed Yunho’s arm forcefully, stopping his rebuttal and started dragging him to Yunho’s bedroom, much to the amusement of the couple. “W-what are you doing!?”
“You haven’t been out with us in forever, I’m putting my foot down and not letting you scramble out of it this time. So go on, go shower and change!”
Yunho ran his fingers through his blonde hair and chuckled and he let himself be led down the hallway. “You’ve gotten way too comfortable bossing people around. I think that Park bastard is having a bad influence on our innocent Yeo.”
Yeosang just winked and blew him a kiss before shoving him into the bedroom, “Oh baby, you have no idea.”
Wooyoung held both Yeosang and Yunho’s arms tightly, happily chattering away, as they walked into the dance club with San bringing up the rear, watching his boyfriend endearingly. After making their way into the club’s largest room, Wooyoung immediately pulled a refusing Yeosang onto the dance floor. San and Yunho made their way to the bar and Yunho ordered a rum and coke for both of them. They sipped their drinks and watched over the people on the dance floor before San turned to him with a serious look on his handsome face.
“Thanks for agreeing to come out tonight Hyung,” San said seriously, “Woo has been missing you a lot lately. We all have really.”
“I see you guys every week at Aurora.” Yunho laughed.
“Yeah… but that’s not the same as spending time together outside of Aurora. We have missed seeing you outside of work. We miss spending time with you.”
“Why San, I didn’t know you cared about me that way,” Yunho teased with a wink.
San smiled and took a sip of his drink, flirting over the rim of his glass.
“Hyung, we would sandwich you in between us in a heartbeat if you would let us.” San laughed as Yunho choked on his drink, spluttering.
“Goddamn you Choi San,” Yunho wheezed out as San patted him on the back.
“What? You know it’s true! Woo talks about wanting you to Dom him all the time. And I’m just saying…maybe you should think about it, it’s pretty fun getting that brat under control.”
Yunho smiled at San’s overly exaggerated wink.
“I don’t know if the two of us together would even be enough to fully train him.”
San nodded thoughtfully at that, “Yeah…You’re probably right.” He said before glancing at the dance floor again, immediately zeroing in on the bright red hair that was easily seen in the dim lighting. “But god, does he make every single second worth it.”
Yunho looked down into his drink when he noticed his friend’s face that was so full of such a fierce love. A part of Yunho’s heart squeezed, desperately wanting something like that for himself, but not knowing if he would ever be lucky to get something like that. A love like Woosan had was something that only came around one in a lifetime.
Yunho was jerked out of his depressive thoughts by a flushed and giggling Yeosang crashing into him. He wrapped his arms around the shorter man and pressed a kiss to his sweaty forehead. “Come on, come dance with us.” The shorter man’s deep voice rumbled out in a plea, San already making his way to the dance floor to where his boyfriend was trying and failing to twerk. Yunho, ready to get out of his head, knocked back his drink and joined his friends on the dance floor.
“FINALLY!” Wooyoung exclaimed as he saw Yeosang pulling Yunho onto the floor. Wooyoung pushed a pouting San into Yeosang and grabbed Yunho for himself. “It’s my time with tis tall piece of man,” he cackled.
“Careful sweetheart, San told me all about your plans to have me between you.”
Wooyoung cackled delightedly and let Yunho twirl him around and around.
Yunho had been out on the dance floor for almost an hour before he was able to convince Wooyoung that it was time for all of the to take a break and hydrate. Wooyoung only agreed because San promised to let Wooyoung grind on Yunho for the first dirty song that played when they went back to dancing. The foursome gathered around a table, drinks in hand, laughing and catching up with each other like they hadn’t just been at Aurora together the week before, a cocoon of happiness surrounding them.
A blushing Yeosang talk about the latest romantic date that Seonghwa had taken him. Seonghwa had apparently planned a midnight picnic under the stars, with candles and wine, finally confessing his love for his boyfriend. Wooyoung squealed, bouncing up and down on his chair, happiness for his friend bubbling over.
San leaned forward to pet Yeosang’s head, “Good job bagging THE hottest topic at Aurora.”
Yeosang blushed and looked at Yunho with a nervous look on his face, he had been a little worried about telling Yunho how deeply he had fallen for Seonghwa. Yunho grasped Yeosang’s cheeks and pulled him in for a delicate kiss. “I’m so happy for you and so proud of you Yeo,” he said to the man. Yeosang smiled thankfully and kissed him once more.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
Wooyoung disappeared for a few minutes after that, only to return with a round of jello shots.
“To love!” he shouted and raised his own in the air.
“To shots!” the rest responded, grabbing theirs as well.
The conversations turned back to normal, and Yunho glanced towards the dance floor, locked eyes with the most beautiful human being that he had seen in his entire life. Dark and sultry siren eyes looked back at him and only him. The blonde man who possessed the eyes of a siren threw his head back in what looked like ecstasy as brunette man ground up behind him and reached around to pinch a pert nipple through the siren-eyed man’s silk shirt.
Yunho’s throat tightened and he felt blood rush to his cock as the blonde lowered his head and opened his eyes to stare directly at him again. Yunho, enraptured, watched as a small pink tongue darted out and ran across a plump bottom lip, a smirk settling into place.
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christinesolstice · 1 year
You're My Type
Summary: Jimin has not been in a relationship in years even though his best friend, Taehyung, and Taehyung's boyfriend, Seokjin, often invite him into their relationship and into their bed. Jimin decides he wants a night out dancing and convinces his best friend to go with him. What he doesn't expect is to meet a six-foot tall, golden haired man that he can't keep his eyes nor his hands off of. Will this blossom into something more?
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“Come ooonnnn TaeTae, you know you want to go with meeee.” Jimin pouted at his best friend, his hand tugging on Taehyung's short-sleeved shirt, doing his best to appear overly sad and wounded.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and laid his head back on the leather couch, his brown curls falling into disarray. Taehyung pressed the pause button on the game controller he was holding and huffed loudly in semi-annoyance. By now, he was well used to Jimin’s neediness, and most of the time he found it endearing. But Taehyung had waited months for this new shooter game to come out and his boyfriend had stood in line for hours for the midnight release, just to be able to surprise Taehyung with the game for his birthday.
Jimin and Taehyung had been best friends since their Senior year of high school. Jimin was being picked on by the school’s biggest bully and had been tripped onto the concrete outside of the school, his uniform pants ripping at the knee and his leg skinned and bleeding from his fall. The bully had just called Jimin a, “fucking fairy freak,” when Taehyung, the new kid in school, had come up and punched the bully square in the face. Taehyung had then grabbed Jimin’s smaller hand, jerked him up off of the ground and took off running, dragging Jimin after him. They had made it two blocks away from the school before they both collapsed against a fence, panting heavily. Jimin looked up, eyeing Taehyung warily and Taehyung gave him a huge boxy smile. “I think that counts as my exercise for the week,” Taehyung had said, causing Jimin to laugh for the first time in what felt like months.
After that moment, the two had become practically inseparable. One could rarely ever be seen without the other one. You could say that, in a way, they had fallen for each other at first punch.
Jimin and Taehyung had spent every day that they could together, even enrolling into the same art college – Jimin going into fashion design and Taehyung into photography. In their first year of college, they were even able to share a dorm room and together they shared the struggling artist lifestyle. After college they were able to find a small apartment that they could afford with their side jobs as they worked towards making their dreams come true. They were each other’s best friend, most trusted confidant and eventually they even became lovers for a time before realizing that it would never work out between them romantically, and so while they decided to share intimacy, they also decided not be romantically involved.
Taehyung had been Jimin’s first, in many ways. Taehyung was Jimin’s first real kiss, his first real date, his first all-night cuddle buddy, his first sexual encounter in any way and, eventually, became the one to take Jimin’s virginity. Taehyung was definitely not as innocent as Jimin when they met, but Taehyung experienced a lot of his firsts with Jimin as well. For the first time, Taehyung had someone that he could trust with every single piece of his being, every single piece of his heart. For once in his life, he felt as though he could sleep safely and peacefully through the night, his best friend curled into his side, the smell of Jimin’s usual peach shampoo filling his senses.
“Tonight is supposed to be my night in, my night to MYSELF.” Tae grumbled. “WHY exactly are you here anyway?” he asked, lifting his head to glare at his best friend, the second love of his life, before pointedly pressing the start button to resume his game, the sound of video game gunfire filling the large but cozy living room.
Jimin’s pout intensified on his plush lips as he slumped down onto the couch.
“I just wanted to go out and have some fun with my best friend who NEVER has time for me anymore, is that really so wrong?” he asked sadly, fingering the sun pendant that was hanging on a silver chain around his neck. Taehyung had gifted him the pendant when Jimin scored his first big designer gig and Jimin had worn it religiously every day since.
Taehyung smirked as he shot down an enemy sniper in the game. “Let’s be for real, seeing as how you stay the night here four times a week would suggest that I have more than enough time for you. You don’t want to “have some fun” with me, you just want to get that fat ass laid by someone that you don’t have to feel guilty about,” he said teasingly, knocking his shoulder into his friend’s.
Jimin sat up straight at that, pertly crossing his black denim-clad legs, his black chelsea boots gleaming underneath the overhead lights. Jimin gave an offended sniff and glared at his friend. “For one,” he stated, “I do NOT have a fat ass! And for two, there is nothing wrong with getting a little action now and then from someone who won’t harass me about being a third boyfriend!”
“Who’s getting a little action?” a voice behind them interrupted. Jimin turned his head to see Taehyung’s boyfriend, Seokjin, walking into the room, apparently just getting home from work since he was still in in his suit from the office.
Seokjin was one of Seoul’s top prosecuting attorneys. How Taehyung’s starving artist self was able to bag him, Jimin still didn’t understand, but the two had been dating for close to two years now and Jimin couldn’t have been happier for them, if not a little jealous at times. Jimin didn’t like sharing what was his, and Taehyung was definitely his first, a fact that he constantly reminded Seokjin of when he first started dating Taehyung. It was only after Seokjin had assured Jimin that he would never be replaced, that Jimin finally started loosening his claws a little bit. However, sometimes Jimin was a little jealous of Taehyung as well, even if he WAS happy for him. How could he not be jealous after all? Seokjin not only had a prominent career, but he was loaded AND was one of the most handsome men that Jimin had ever laid eyes on. He was so handsome, in fact, that Jimin had almost said yes when Taehyung and Seokjin had invited him into their bed and into their relationship.
Instead, Jimin, after thinking seriously about it for quite some time, decided to turn down their offer for a relationship. He knew that Taehyung loved him, just as much as he loved Taehyung and he knew that they both wanted him to join their relationship, but he couldn’t bring himself to agree. While Jimin loved hooking up and the sex was amazing with both of them involved, when it came to actual relationships he was rather old fashioned, which is why it had been years since he had been in one. His refusal, however, did not stop Seokjin from spoiling him almost as much as Seokjin spoiled Taehyung. Nor did it stop Seokjin and Taehyung from asking him to be their third or from giving Jimin toe-curling orgasms. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon to find Jimin spending the night at their condo, winding up squashed in bed between the two, Seokjin’s arm under his head and Taehyung lulling him to sleep with gentle and sweet kisses after they had both wrung him dry, his throat parched from moaning and his ass sore from their thoroughness.
Jimin had just gotten home from work and was starting to prepare dinner for himself and Taehyung when Taehyung barged through the door of their apartment, talking excitedly about some “hot guy” that he had met at the gallery where Tae was going to have his upcoming photography exhibition. Taehyung had then woken Jimin up excitedly when Seokjin had called him to ask him out on a date, and then proceeded to make Jimin sit through a mini fashion show as Taehyung had tried on every article of clothing he owned, before deciding to wear clothes from Jimin’s closet, stating that his own were just not sexy enough. Jimin held his jealousy in for the first few dates that Taehyung went on, until one night when Taehyung didn’t come home until after two in the morning. Jimin had waited up, pacing, not used to being home alone that late. Taehyung had, at last, come through the door. His hair was a complete wreck, hickies lining his collar bones and a blissed-out expression on his face from being thoroughly fucked.
At first, Jimin was very distrustful of the man. After all, no one had ever been able to take his Taehyungie’s attention away from him and because of that fact alone, Jimin had been determined to hate Seokjin in every single way, for all his existence if he had to. Then the night came when Taehyung, decked out in a new leather jacket from his boyfriend, had begged Jimin to at least come out and eat dinner with them, and try to get to know Seokjin. After an hour of Taehyung begging and pleading and even promising Jimin the best blow job that he had ever received, Jimin finally succumbed to the pressure when Taehyung had held him down and began tickling him.
Jimin was NOT happy about going out to eat with them even though Seokjin was the most handsome man he had ever seen, and that Seokjin was every part an upright gentleman. Seokjin had arrived at the apartment that Jim and Taehyung shared, with a bouquet of flowers for both of the young men. Seokjin had held the car door opened for both of them, the restaurant door open for both of them and even told Jimin to order whatever he wanted to eat and drink, no matter what the cost. Jimin spent most of the evening trying to keep a pleasant look on his face, but would wind up scowling every time Seokjin touched Taehyung, not realizing it until Taehyung would kick him under the table. Once the wine started sinking into his systems, Jimin found himself noticing the flush on Seokjin’s cheeks and thinking, “cute,” without realizing it. Once he realized what he had thought, he mentally berated himself and steeled his resolve back into hatred for the man across the table from him. It was when Taehyung had made one of his terrible dad jokes, accompanied by his charming boxy smile, that Seokjin threw his head back and let out a loud and genuine honking laugh, his eyes crinkling up, that Jimin’s ice started to defrost. It took a few more outings for Jimin to really start warming up to Taehyung’s new boyfriend, but Jimin had never been able to refuse his Taehyungie anything, and that included liking Seokjin. Seokjin had tried, several times, to gift Jimin with things like he did Taehyung, but Jimin resolutely refused to accept every single one of the gifts.
Seokjin was thrilled when Taehyung bounced into his condo one night with a semi-reluctant Jimin in tow, stating that Jimin was going to stay the night too. Jimin apologized for Taehyung springing the overnight stay on Seokjin last minute, but Seokjin waved away his apology, stating that Jimin was more than welcome to come over any time, day or night. The three had spent the night watching movies and eating way too much food and it seemed that every hour that passed, Jimin’s heart melted a little more towards the older man. During one particularly scary movie, Taehyung had supposedly become so freaked out that he climbed into his boyfriend’s arms, dragging Jimin with him, becoming sandwiched in between his boyfriend and his best friend, clinging onto both of them for dear life. Jimin had looked over the top of Taehyung’s head to catch Seokjin’s eye. Seokjin smiled and gave Jimin a cheesy wink before kissing the side of Taehyung’s head and turning his attention back to their movie. Jimin had burrowed into Taehyung’s side, biting his lip in deep thought about the man that Taehyung had sprung into their lives, trying to decide if he could really accept it or not.
Once the movie had ended, Jimin stood up quickly, announcing that he had something important to say. Jimin paced back and forth in front of the coffee table while Seokjin and Taehyung sat side-by-side, their eyes glued to the beautiful man in front of them.
Jimin ranted about how for the first time, he felt that he was losing Taehyung. He stated how their relationship had changed so much since Seokjin had come into his Taehyungie’s life and that Jimin felt as though he had been replaced. Seokjin started to pale, and Taehyung tried to interject but Jimin held his hand up for silence and took a deep, steadying breath. He exhaled slowly and looked Seokjin dead in the eyes.
“I guess if I have to lose my Taehyungie.. at least… at least it’s to a great man like you. But there will be rules to this, after all, Taehyungie was mine first. I get first dibs on him until you two have been together for over a year, that way I have time to get used to losing him. You will have him home to me a reasonable time after dates unless he plans to stay the night with you. Protection is a MUST for your sex life, no matter how much he begs for you to go in raw and trust me, he WILL beg for it. You need to know that I, as his best friend, will always come first. Sometimes I will need to be held, sometimes kissed and Taehyung has ALWAYS filled that role. Now, since you two are in a relationship, I will not ask for sex or things like that, but the rest of it has to be fair game. And I reserve the right to add, expand or delete from these rules any time that I please. ”
Both Seokjin and Taehyung sat in shock for a few second before Taehyung yelled in happiness at Jimin’s grudging acceptance and launched himself over the coffee table to tackle his best friend to the ground, squirming all over him and leaving heavy kisses all over Jimin’s face and sputtering mouth. “I KNEW you’d start to like him Jiminie!” Taehyung had crowed happily, rubbing his nose on Jimin’s cheek as Jimin wrapped his arms around his waist tightly. “I just don’t want you to forget about me,” Jimin said sadly, and Taehyung pulled back to look at him in shock. “I would NEVER forget about you! Ever! You’re MY Jiminie and I’m YOUR Taehyungie okay?” Taehyung whispered gently to him before tipping Jimin’s chin up to kiss his lips gently. Jimin clung onto Taehyung and kissed him back for all he was worth.
Seokjin had sat back, watching their antics for a few moments before he cleared his throat, causing the younger men to remember that he was in the room with them. “While, I am beyond happy that you’ve decided to accept me, Jimin, and I do accept your rules, I must admit that I have some rules of my own.” Both of the younger men sat up in surprise, Taehyung looking at his boyfriend in confusion while Jimin narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Seeing Jimin’s look, Seokjin let out on of his big honking laughs. “It’s nothing like that,” he stated, waving his hands.
“First, Jimin, you must start accepting the fact that I’m going to spoil you as well. If you’re in my boyfriend’s life then you’re in my life and I tend to spoil those in my life. Secondly, I do not want to hear any more apologizing or you suggesting that you’re putting me out. You could come over every single time that Tae does, and it would STILL never put me out, if my puppy is happy then I’m happy.”
Taehyung wiggled in Jimin’s arms, “Didn’t I tell you that he was great?!” he said happily.
“Thirdly, I want you to try to realize that I will never take Tae away from you and I have no intention to do so. Tae explained your relationship to me on our first date and I told him that I would accept it in all of it’s entirety and I have, I always will. You’ll find that I can be a jealous man at times, but like you, I cannot resist giving into our boy. Plus, I like you. Tae and I have even discussed you being our third.”
Jimin choked at this, thoroughly shocked at what he heard. “Y-you…you talked about what?!” Taehyung turned in lap and wrapped his arms around Jimin’s neck. “Come on, Jiminie, I love you and you love me. And I also love Jinnie, so what could be better than the three of us together? Plus,” Tae leaned in to whisper in Jimin’s ear, “You should see the size of his dick!’
“Yah! Taehyung!” Seokjin mock-yelled, his ears turning as red as Jimin’s cheeks.
Seokjin cleared his throat again, “Anyway, I know that there will be times when you and Taehyung will want the intimacy that you share, and I want you to know that I’m okay with that, truly. You give to him something that I never could. “
Jimin looked at the older man in confusion, his brow furrowing. “What can I give him that you can’t?” Jimin asked.
“You can give him yourself, your memories. You’re his safe place, Jimin, and I would never dare to take that away from him.”
Seokjin leaned over the couch to kiss his boyfriend on the top of the head before leaning to the side to kiss Jimin’s upturned lips in greeting.
“Jimin wants to go to the club so he can get laid by someone other than us.” Taehyung said and then started shouting as an enemy player took him out, flopping himself backwards and crossing him arms in his tantrum.
Seokjin perched on the back of the couch, loosening his tie, rand arched his eyebrow. “And? What’s wrong with that?” he asked, causing Jimin to stick his tongue out at his best friend in triumph. Taehyung twisted around, placing his hands on his boyfriend’s thigh, and pouted up at him. “It’s my night to stay innnnnnn,” he whined.
Seokjin chuckled and ruffled his hair affectionately. “Now, puppy, doesn’t Jimin share you with me?”
“Well maybe you should share Jimin with other people, yeah?”
Taehyung squinted his eyes at his boyfriend, “I DO share him with people. I share him with you several times a week!”
“That’s not the same!”
“That’s not the same!”
Both Jimin and Seokjin replied, causing Taehyung to grumble.
“C’mon Tae-Tae...” Jimin said using his cutest voice, falling to the floor on his knees in front of his friend.
“Jiminie... I really do-oohhh…” Taehyung moaned as Jimin began caressing his length through his sweat pants. Taehyung inhaled deeply as Seokjin chuckled. “That’s not fair Jiminah!”
Jimin gave his best puppy dog eyes.
“Pretty please Taehyungie?” he whispered, before lowering his lids into what the couple referred to as his “Siren Gaze”. “I’ll give you such a good blow job if you go with me…I’ll even let you fuck my face.”
“Good god,” Seokjin laughed, “If you don’t take him up on it, then I will, puppy.”
Taehyung pushed Jimin’s hands away from him and sat up, his half-hard cock visible under his pants. “Fine! You win! I’ll go!” Jimin squealed in excitement and pushed a grumbling Taehyung to the bedroom so he could pick out their clothes for the night.
“Yah! Call Jungkook and see if he can go with you!” Seokjin yelled after them, knowing that once alcohol entered their system, they could be a handful and that Jungkook was at least intimidating enough to keep the truly weird creeps away from his men.
“Anything you say beautiful!” Jimin yelled back.
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christinesolstice · 1 year
Ateez Goes Rogue: 3
Yunho's Darkness
Yunho is always seen as Ateez's smiling golden retriever. But what really lurks beneath the facade? Will anyone ever truly understand him?
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Yunho knew that he shouldn’t have done it. He was supposed to be one of the responsible ones. So he definitely should not have snuck away from the studio to walk by himself down the crowded streets of a city that he knew nothing about, in a country that he had only been to five times.
He just couldn’t take it anymore. The noise, the stress, the faking smiles. He felt like he was going to implode. He had to get away. He NEEDED to get away.
And so, while everyone else was shopping or resting or working, he took his break time to actually leave the vicinity that they were allowed to stay in. Throwing caution to the wind while throwing on his coat, he walked straight out of the music studio without even a single glance backwards.
Yunho didn’t know where he was going. He didn’t have the slightest clue. He just knew that he was going. Anywhere. Everywhere. Somewhere. As long as he could drop the sunshine-happy puppy mask that he always wore around his group members and their fans ATINY
Yunho, for the most part, really was a happy guy, the golden retriever of the group for sure. But sometimes… sometimes he needed space to stop smiling. He needed time to delve into the darker emotions that he often pushed down.
Deep inside of him lay a dark kernel of intensity that very few others knew about. Those in his group had only received vague glimpses of it, even his best friend Mingi didn’t know the full extent. And he didn’t want him to know the full extent.
There were only two people that truly knew what hidden beneath his happy-go-lucky exterior.
The first of the two was his ex, his first love. He had shared everything with her. His thoughts, hopes, dreams, darkness…she was even the first that he had shared his body with. He thought that he had finally found someone to understand him, someone who could accept him and everything that he was. But all it took was one look at the monster within and she had fled. She dumped him without any warning and the next day she was already dating some other guy that was probably not shrouded in darkness of any kind.
The second person who knew was the eldest in music group that he was in. That person was Seonghwa. And the fact that Seonghwa knew was completely unintentional and was never meant to have happened.
Yunho had never wanted anyone in the group to witness that side of him. It was ugly, grotesque. The darkness made him feel dirty, unworthy and perhaps, at times, even a little unhinged.
Yunho was known to often stay after long after dance practice had finished and to continue practicing even after every one else in the building had left for the night. The night that Seonghwa had discovered his secret was no different.
Yunho always practiced hard and even though dancing had always come fairly easily to him, he still never felt as though he was good enough. The voice in his head would always mock his efforts, his hard work, reduce it to nothing but a mere speck of talent. And so he continued to work harder and harder, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion, refusing to give in to what that voice whispered inside of his head.
That night, he had been practicing the choreography for one of their new unreleased song that would headline their comeback that was right around the corner. The entire group had been working so hard for their comeback and the pressure was on big time. Yunho’s feet spun around in a sequence of complicated dance moves but he had accidently leaned to far to the right and he felt his ankle twist underneath him, causing him to fall hard to the practice room floor.
“Fuck!” he yelled, now holding his sprained ankle.
Yunho hung his head in defeat, sweat dripping off of the tip of his nose. He knew that he had to call it quits for the night, there was no way he could risk hurting himself any further, especially when their comeback was in sight.
Yunho sighed and dropped his arms, he was about to try to push himself off of the floor when he locked eyes with himself in the mirror and immediately froze in his actions.
“Weak. Pathetic. Never good enough.” The reflection seemed to whisper to him.
Yunho closed his eyes, trying to push down the rising anger he was feeling but he could tell that this time it was going to be a losing game. The veins in his neck were sticking out as he started clenching his jaw against the rage that was rising up in his throat.
Squeezing and releasing his tingling hands, he looked up and faced the reflection in front of him. Once glance over the body in the mirror and his anger snapped through him like a white hot streak of lightening. Without a second thought and a yell that reverberated around the empty dance studio, he slammed his fist forward into the mirror and shattered it, his reflection splitting into pieces, glass slicing deep into his knuckles.
Seeing the dark red blood dripping down his hand caused him to pause in his tirade. It had been ages since he had let himself explode like that. It had been ages since he had promised himself that he would not explode like that again. He failed.
‘I failed. I failed. I fucked up. I failed.’
“Yunho…what’s going on?” came a quiet voice from behind him.
Yunho’s head jerked around in fear to see Seonghwa staring at him in shock, his glance bouncing back and forth from Yunho’s bloody hand to the destroyed mirror. Shame immediately enveloped Yunho and he felt his entire face heat up and flood with it.
Seonghwa slowly walked towards him, concern etched into his handsome face. Yunho hung his head, wrapped his arms around his knees and pulled them up towards his chest.
“Why are you here?” he asked into the stillness when Seonghwa paused beside his shoulder.
Seonghwa squatted down, taking Yunho’s large hand into his more delicate one, and looked over the cuts in concern.
“We were all going to go eat together so I came back to force you to go with us.” He explained.
“ Why did you punch the mirror?”
Yunho avoided Seonghwa’s probing eyes and kept his stare on his knees.
“I…” Yunho started before trailing off in helplessness. How was he going to possibly explain when he didn’t even understand his emotions himself?
Seonghwa looked at him in sad understanding before wrapping his long arms around the younger man. Yunho stiffened up because he had not expected Seonghwa to react that way. No one had ever reacted that way when confronted with the rage he held inside.
Seonghwa held on tight for several minutes before slowly pulling back, one of his hands staying to rest on Yunho’s shoulder.
“I get it, you know.” He whispered.
Yunho eyed him warily, not really trusting the words he was hearing.
“I understand the feelings that we hide inside. I get it. I.. I struggle too. I just don’t tell anyone about it because I’m the oldest, I’m supposed to watch over all of you and protect you. But… I have my dark day too.” He said quietly, shock going through Yunho at the revelation.
“You don’t have to be ashamed of it. We love you no matter what. I love you know matter what and I accept you. I accept all of your feelings, no matter what they are, no matter how dark they are.”
Yunho had looked into Seonghwa’s big sparkling eyes and he felt the tears begin to well up inside of him. Tears for the darkness. Tears for being scared to face the darkness. Tears for not realizing that anyone would ever accept him for who is was inside.
And so, Seonghwa held onto Yunho as tight as he could while Yunho released all of the anger and frustrations that he had inside, sobs wracking his big body until he was left trembling.
Seonghwa had let Yunho calm down before pulling him up to drag him to the bathroom to clean himself up before going to go eat.
They hadn’t really discussed it again aside from Seonghwa’s, “Come talk me whenever you need to, I’ve got you.”
Even though they didn’t really talk about it again, it was like Seonghwa was tuned into Yunho’s hidden side and could always sense when Yunho was feeling out of sorts. Seonghwa was quick to come up with reasons to take the others away from Yunho until he was calm again. Not for the protection of the others, but for the peace of Yunho.
So in a way, Yunho didn’t feel too terrible about ditching out, he knew that Seonghwa would help come up with an excuse of some sort if anyone started to get suspicious.
He did have a little anxiety about not telling anyone where he was going but since he didn’t KNOW were he was going….
Yunho glanced around the busy city street, feeling somewhat claustrophobic being in the middle of the crowds of people. He brain had just started itching when he noticed his savior, a sign across the road heralding the opening to the city park. He waited impatiently for the crosswalk light to turn on and then he walked across as fast as the people around him would allow.
Stepping into the park was like a deep breath of fresh air. That or it could have just been because Yunho was breathing in deeply, exhaling the nervous tension that had been building.
Yunho looked at the map of the park that was painted on a huge wooden sign that marked, “You are here”, in bold red lettering, and he realized that the park was a lot bigger than he had originally thought.
Feeling his mood start to lift, he pushed his fists into the pockets and his fleece-lined jacket and set off to wander around the park aimlessly. Yunho started taking in the red and gold leaves that were littering the trees, the crisp autumn breeze as it tickled his golden hair, the warmth of the sun shining down on his ruddy cheeks and he began to feel a little flitter inside of his chest. The flitter that existed to remind him that he was alive.
Yunho’s musings were interrupted by a notification going off on his phone. Take his phone out of his jacket pocket, he looked at the notifications to see an unopened message from Seonghwa.
Yunho felt his tension start to go up and the thought of already being called back to work but once he opened the message he realized that he really shouldn’t have been worried to begin with.
“I told everyone that you had a migraine and needed to be alone in my room for a while. I threatened all of them that if they so much as even whispered at my door then I would kick their ass. Enjoy your time away. Just be careful and call me if you need me. See you later.”
Yunho smiled and typed out a quick reply, the last of his worries evaporating with the kindness of his elder. “I’ll owe him a new LEGO set.” Yunho smiled to himself and slid his phone back into his pocket.
The day was beautiful and it was the perfect day to be outside. A joy that had sorely been lacking in the group’s routine lately due to them having so many commitments going on. The men had been talking for years about going on a group camping trip but so far, their schedules had not aligned nor cleared up enough for them to be able to do so. It was a shame really. Yunho loved camping and fishing and was thirsting to be sitting by the water again. They were sorely lacking the grounding that the earth could give them.
Yunho walked around for close to twenty minutes before he spied an empty park bench sitting in the sunshine, close to the large pond in the middle of the park. Feeling his spirits soar, he quickly jogged over to it. He plopped his tall body down onto the bench and sighed in happiness.
The bench had been baking in the sun and the warmth slid through his body and chased away the chill that he had started to feel. It wasn’t long until the warmth of the sun and the sound of the birds in the trees started lulling Yunho into such a relaxed state that his eyes closed, not realizing how exhausted his body truly was.
Yunho was in a dark room, everything was pitch black and he couldn’t even see his hands in front of his face.
“What’s going on? Where am I?!” he yelled to no avail as he was utterly alone in the darkness.
Yunho could feel the vein in his temple start to throb as he tried to walk forward blindly but struck face-first into what felt like a glass wall.
Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind him and he jumped, his heart feeling like it was in his throat, and spun around quickly to see a spotlight shining down on what looked like a full-length mirror. Hesitantly he approached the mirror, seeing nothing but himself inside of it. Yunho studied his reflection, confused and wary. He was halfway convinced that his managers had put him into a new surprise variety show, that is…until his reflection smiled at him.
“What the fuck!” he yelled, stumbling over his feet in his panicked movements to walk backwards.
His back landed against the glass that he had earlier run into and he felt chills shoot down his spine. He straightened up and slowly turned, his fears becoming reality when he was faced with yet another mirrored image of himself. Instead of smiling, this one was looking down at the ground, head tilted downward, almost as if in defeat.
Yunho shook his head, his mind feeling muffled, his brain not allowing him to put together a reason as to what was going on.
Yunho saw a light turn on to his side and looked over, there was yet another mirrored version of himself lit up. Slowly, as if one spotlight after another was being turned on, Yunho’s head followed the circle of lighted mirrors appearing. One by one they started coming into being until he was completely surrounded by other versions of himself. One looked pissed, while one was crying. One was smirking at him while another was covered in blood. On and on the reflections went, each showcasing a side of him that he didn’t want to see.
“What’s going on?! What is this shit?!” he screamed in panic, feeling fear whaling up inside of him.
“Don’t you get it?” the smirking reflection asked. “We just want you to see us Yunho.”
The reflection’s smile dropped and a look that was intimidating and grotesque warped the reflection’s face.
“We just want you to see how pathetic you are. How dumb. How stupid. How slow.”
“You’ll never amount to anything” another reflection hissed and Yunho shook his head back and forth rapidly, lifting his hands to cover his ears in attempt to drown out the cacophony of voices.
“NO! YOU’RE WRONG!” he yelled at the reflection that seemed to be the ringleader. The warped face gave a haunting smile.
“You’re vile.”
“Everyone fucking hates you.”
“God, you’re nothing but a little bitch.”
“Seonghwa doesn’t really stick up for you. He always tell everyone and they laugh at you.”
“You’re useless.”
“Nothing but a fraud.”
“A loser.”
Yunho was crying in earnest now, the voices beginning to speak louder and over each other, the noise becoming unbearable. Yunho fell down onto his knees, tears streaming down his face.
“Stop.. please stop!” he whimpered, he begged.
The voices didn’t stop.
The reflections were suddenly out of the mirrors and walking towards him, surrounding him. Yunho cowered on the ground, his arms over his head, screaming out every emotion he was feeling. The reflections closed in, their hands grasping his body, shaking him roughly back and forth. He heard them laughing at him, he heard their mocking.”
Yunho jerked his body violently forward, almost falling off of the bench in the process. His hand grasped his chest as his drug in one rough breath after the other, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. His vision slowly started clearing and he realized that he was still in the sunny and beautiful park, still on the warm bench, still safe.
Whipping his head around, he found a woman sitting beside him, her hand was on his arm and staring at him in concern. His gaze quickly scanned over her.
Straight black hair framed a high cheekbone face with a pointed chin and a dimple in one cheek. Heavy black eyeliner circled her eyes, golden in the sunlight. Her eyeshadow was dark and artfully applied into a deep smoky look, her black lipstick was adorned by a silver hoop curving around the center of her middle lip, enhancing her tanned complexion. Although she was dressed in a long black jacket, he could still see hints of tattoos along her tanned collar bones and on the backs of her hands.
Yunho had never seen someone dressed so alternatively and gothic in real life with tattoos and chains, black lace and leather.
And in that moment, she was the most beautiful angel he had ever seen.
“Thanks for waking me up.” He said, finally lowering his hand from his chest.
The woman shrugged and began digging around in her black backpack, fishing out a zippo lighter and a pack of cigarettes.
“No big deal, it looked like you were having a hell of a dream though.”
She put a cigarette in her mouth before offering the pack to him. Yunho took one of the cigarettes and fished his own lighter out of his pocket.
Technically, idols were not supposed to do things that would allow for them to come into controversy but every idol he knew had some type of shtick to help them cope. Seonghwa built LEGO, Yeosang went skateboarding, Jongho alternated working out and drinking, Mingi fucked around. And Yunho? Well.. Yunho smoked. But only when he was in a bad place, like now.
Taking a deep inhale of the cigarette, he let the smoke fill his lungs and held it for a few second before exhaling his soul out.
The woman was looking at him curiously and he felt his face flush.
“So what was it?” she asked, taking a drag.
“Um… what was what?” he replied, his mind momentarily frozen when he saw that she had a smiley piercing and the hormonal side of his body reacted positively to the new sight.
“What was the bad dream?” she asked as she flicked her ashes away, stretching her long legs in front of her and crossing one black Doc over the other.
The slit in the front of her skirt falling open to reveal a tattooed snake thigh piece semi-covered by black fishnets. Yunho gulped and looked away guiltily, trying not to seem like a pervert.
“It uh.. it was nothing.” He mumbled and then cleared his throat.
The woman arched a fine eyebrow at him, smoke leaving her lips in a huff. “It sure didn’t seem like nothing when you were flailing about like a scolded child.”
Yunho’s mouth gaped open as he stared at her and she started laughing. Reaching over, she put a finger under his chin and pushed his mouth closed.
“Don’t worry, I only took one or two pictures.”
Yunho groaned and squeezed his eyes shut in mortification, sliding down in the bench and hunching himself as much as he could inside his jacket. The woman’s peals of laughter floated on the air around them.
“I’m just kidding! You really wasn’t thrashing around. You were just groaning a lot and your hands had started shaking. I figured I needed to wake you up before it got worse. I know how bad nightmares can be.”
Yunho’s head snapped around at that. “Do you have nightmares too?”
This time it was the woman’s turn to blush and he had to admit that he enjoyed seeing her tan skin deepen with the blush. A wicked thought about how else he could make her body flush crossed through his mind. But he quickly pushed the thought away as soon as it came to him, focusing on her words.
“Yeah.. I’ve had nightmares since I was a kid. Always around the same time of night, normally the same type of dream. It’s not as bad these days but… it still gets bad sometimes.”
“Can I ask…how do you deal with it?” Yunho questioned, sincerely wanting to know her answer.
The woman stubbed out the butt of her cigarette on the grass and then slipped it into a pocket on her backpack to later throw away in a trash can.
“I just… do. Sometimes I walk or read, or turn on the TV and watch it until I fall back asleep.”
Yunho nods at this, very familiar with all of those things.
“Sometimes when the nightmares become frequent again I’ll drink myself into oblivion. Sometimes I fuck myself into oblivion.” She said with a shrug, seeming to be confident in her sexuality.
Yunho’s body jerked at her words as flashes of them “fucking themselves into oblivion together” popped into his head. He straightened himself up on the bench to try to seem as though nothing had happened. It had obviously been way too long since the last time he had hooked up with someone.
“And what about when that doesn’t work?” he asked curiously, getting his mind back on track. He, himself, had tried those exact methods and while they did work most of the time, there were times when even the strongest drink or the most eager body couldn’t chase away the lingering shadows.
“When those don’t work? Then I write. I write until everything is numb. Until I’m numb. Until nothing exists anymore.”
The woman stared out at the pond, lost in thought and for the first time, Yunho felt as though he truly recognized a part of himself in someone else.
“Could I… would you let me read something that you’ve written?” he asked hesitantly, hoping that what he said wasn’t misconstrued as rude.
The woman narrowed her eyes at him, looking at him as if she was weighing his measure. After a moment she pulled a journal out of her backpack and gently held it out to him. Yunho took it into his large hands and gently flipped through it, his eyes roaming over a few different passages.
“Another night disappearing at dawn,
The nightmare releasing as its pawn,
My eyes blink blearily into the light,
Still succumbing to the whims of the night.”
“During the day I hide behind a smile,
During the night I drown in my bile.”
“The sun’s caresses licking my skin,
Keeps the darkness at bay that I hide within.”
“Betrayal and deceit,
Lying thick within your skin,
An unforgiveable grievance,
That will never happen again.”
Yunho slowly took his eyes off of the page and looked up at her.
“This are… hauntingly beautiful,” he said with his voice thick with emotion.
The woman took the journal back shyly, tucking it away into her bag.
“Thank you… they mean a lot to me.”
“I can tell.. and.. I know the feelings you were writing about…” he said, looking down at his feet. “I actually feel like you could understand…” he trailed off quietly
The woman cocked her head and looked at him inquisitively. “Understand what?”
Yunho shook his head, forcing a light laugh to his lips, waving away her question. “Ah.. nothing. Never mind.”
The woman looked at him with furrowed brows, “You’re kinda weird, you know that?”
Yunho gulped and looked away, feeling himself start to turn inward.
‘I’m weird. She thinks I’m weird. I’m weird.’
His spiraling thoughts were interrupted by the woman placing her soft hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes to see that she had scooted right next to him on the bench and was pressed up against him.
She looked into his eyes, looking back an forth, her eyes shining like the most brilliant gold that he had ever seen.
“I happen to like weird people” she whispered.
Yunho’s pupils dilated as she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to his.
In a move that surprised them both, Yunho wrapped his arms around the woman and pulled her firmly against him, one hand moving up to delve into the hair at the nape of her neck and cup the back of her head. The woman whimpered as his fingers tightened in her hair and her fingers curled into the material of his unbuttoned jacket.
Yunho slanted his head and kissed her heavily and passionately, letting out all of the emotions he had been keeping at bay into the kiss. Her mouth opened for him and his tongue ran over her lip ring before seeking out her tongue.
The woman’s hands slid inside of his opened jacket and ran down his muscled chest and stomach, her quiet groan being swallowed up by him. The hand that was not in her hair found its way to her tattooed thigh and started caressing it, feeling the glimpses of tan skin that the fishnets allowed through.
The woman pulled away from him, her eye closed and chest heaving for air. Yunho’s heavy lidded eyes took in her blushing cheeks and he unconsciously leaned forward to press a sweet kiss to the one with the dimple.
“T-That was…um…that was…” she trailed off, at a loss for words.
“Yeah...” Yunho agreed.
Both of the people a little in shock by the electricity zipping between them.
Yunho started to lean again, the woman’s lips coming close to his before an alarm went off on her phond and she gasped, causing his eyes to fly open.
“Oh my god, I didn’t realize how much time had passed!" She panicked, pulling her phone out to shut off the alarm. "Fuck! I’ve got to go, I’m late for a meeting with a client.”
“A client?” he asked in surprise.
The woman stood and started gathering her belongings.
“Yeah, I’m a tattoo artist at Midnight Haven over on Elm.” She paused to look at him for a second. “Maybe you should come by some time.”
Yunho smiled a little sadly, “I would but.. we are only here for a little bit of time before our company has to go to the next location.”
“Ah… well…” the two looked at each other in awkward silence before the woman pulled a card out of her jacket pocket. She took the step that separated them and looked down at him. Yunho, still sitting, looked up at this golden beauty above him.
"I'm Corintha... by the way."
Yunho was sure that Corintha was the most beautiful name that he had ever heard.
"Hi Corintha, I'm Yunho."
The woman slowly leaned down and slipped the card into his front jacket pocket.
“Look me up if you ever come into town again. Perhaps when we both need a midnight haven of our own…”
She closed the distance between their faces, her hands coming up to cup his cheeks and she pressed a gently soft and lingering kiss onto his beautiful mouth, which he returned gently as well, his hand coming up to stroke her jawline.
Puling away from this kiss, she surprised him even more by throwing her arms around his neck. He hugged her back tightly, confused as to why it felt like a part of his heart was breaking.
“Remember, “ she whispered into his ear. “Everyone is weird in their own way. Not one single person is actually normal, so don’t let your struggles and differences make you hate yourself. You may have demons and you may have to fight them, but that doesn’t make you any less than anyone else.”
Yunho felt tears prickling the corner of his eyes as she pulled back, kissing him one last time before running off into what he assumed was the direction of Elm street.
Yunho sat in a daze for a few minutes before his ringing phone jerked him out it. Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was Seonghwa and knew that his time was up.
Sneaking into the hotel was not as easy as sneaking out of the studio. As soon as he stepped into the lobby, he saw the whole gang waiting by the elevators. Their laughter and conversation stopped as soon as they noticed him come in.
Seonghwa’s face fell into the palm of his hand, his plan to get the other men up to the meeting room before Yunho walked in, falling through due to the men’s short attention span that evening.
“Um…. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!” Wooyoung shrieked loudly as Yunho walked up.
“What do you mean?” he asked innocently. “I was feeling better and stepped outside for fresh air for a minute.
“Oh really…” Hongjoong said, stepping forward and peering over the top of his glasses at the taller man. “I didn’t know that having a migraine included a makeover.”
Yunho looked at their Leader in confusion as loud laughter emitted from the group.
“You know… I never though black would be your color.” Jongho smirked.
“Yeah, but it’s kinda working for me.” San said teasingly, fluttering his lashes.
“What the hell are you all on abou-“ Yunho stopped mid sentence as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the elevator door.
The woman’s black lipstick had smeared all over his lips. Yunho looked around sheepishly as he was pushed into the elevator and all seven of the men started hammering with question about who, what and where.
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 13: A Narrow Escape
Officer Barnes quickly returns to the hotel to share what she has discovered with BTS and Brenna and to warn them of the danger coming.
Mingi Song shows up, ready to put his boss's plan into action.
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Officer Anita Barnes had just replaced her partner’s phone on his desk, hands shaking at the words that she had just been told. The way the cold voice hissed onto her ear had chills running straight down her spine. Anita had never been one to be seen as a scaredy-cat but something about that voice set her nerves on edge. It was almost as if she could feel the vileness leaking out of the phone and flickering around her ear.
‘I have to warn them!’ She thought to herself, hastily grabbing her gun from the desk and taking off running, ignoring the phone call that was being patched through from a Wooyoung Jung.
Brenna curled closer into Yoongi’s chest as they sat on the couch, pressed together. Her face was resting into the area between his neck and his shoulder, her chin slightly digging into his clavicle. Yoongi’s arm was wound tight around her, giving her a strong sense of security and safety.
Brenna’s eyes began slowly closing as the exhaustion that had built up over the course of the long day began to sweep over her form, her mind thick with thoughts. Yoongi’s scent was a comforting balm to her anxiety-filled mind and she could feel the tension slowly leaving her body with every deep inhale that she took.
Yoongi’s fingers held one of her hands tightly in his grip, his eyes glued to where their hands were joined, almost as if he was unwilling to let her hand slip away for even a single second.
On Brenna’s other side sat Taehyung, his fingers moving at warp speed over his phone’s keyboard to a mystery girl that he was absolutely refusing to tell any of the member’s about, only using what his members called his “Tata Mic” face and grinning.
Earlier, which Brenna found hilarious, Jimin had even tried to pull the Soulmate card, stating that “Taehyungie is my absolute soulmate so whoever he likes, I’ll like toooooo,” but it was to no avail. Taehyung continued to remain tight-lipped about the mysterious female, only a small hint of a smile was hidden in the very corners of his lips. However, that didn’t stop Brenna from noticing how his eyes widened every time that he received a message from the mystery girl or how when replying, he would sometimes bite his bottom lip, a delicate blush stealing over his cheekbones.
The rest of the men, aside from Namjoon who was still in the kitchen talking with their lawyer and manager, were sprawled out in different ways around the large hotel room living room.
Jin was siting cross legged on the floor in front of the flat screen TV, a game controller in his hand as he proceeded to yell every single time that he messed up in the game, his neck flushing red all the way up to his ears. Jimin, being the ever supportive love that he was, was sitting on the floor beside their eldest member, his arms wrapped around a pillow, squishing it into his chest, cheering Jin on as he played his game and offering words of encouragement every time Jin would get aggravated.
Hoseok was sitting in the chair facing the window, drinking a hot cup of tea and listening to some mellow music while skyping his sister, keeping her updated on the events that had been taking place.
Jungkook? Well, Jungkook was sitting on the floor with his legs sprawled out before him, leaning back against the couch. The back of his head was resting against Brenna’s curled up legs and Brenna had her free hand down, sleepily running her fingers through Jungkook’s thick brown hair.
Jungkook’s eyes were closed and he was smiling serenely at being touched so lovingly by the person he was completely taken with, content for the moment to just be, which is not something that his members usually saw him do.
Brenna suddenly breathed out deeply, causing Yoongi’s eyebrow to arch as he looked down at her inquisitively. However, Brenna was already knocked out, a little snore slipping through her lips as her hand stilled in Jungkook’s hair.
Yoongi was sure that his shoulder would fall asleep at any second but he was unwillingly to move, he wanted Brenna to be able to rest well while she could, after all, he of all people knew how much her body tossed and turned at night, unable to allow her to get the rest she needed due to, what he assumed to be, dream memories that disappeared each morning the very second that she woke up.
Plus, Yoongi inherently knew that he needed to soak up Brenna’s closeness for as long as he could, while he could. After all, her memory wouldn’t be lost forever, everything would eventually come back to her. And even if her memory was lost forever…in the end she may very well choose Jungkook.
He laid his cheek down on the top of her head and squeezed her into him a little big tighter. He wouldn’t blame her if she did choose Jungkook in the end, JK was an amazing guy. Yoongi had watched Jungkook grow up, he had even been like a parent to the wide-eyed kid. Yoongi was even more proud of the kid than he would ever be willing to admit, not to mention continuously impressed by him every single day.
Plus he knew the kid enough to know immediately when Jungkook was in love with someone. And while Jungkook may not be exactly in love yet, Yoongi could tell that the guy was completely besotted with Brenna and was definitely on a one-way track to being full-blown, head-over-heels in love.
So no, if Jungkook was chosen over him, he wouldn’t be angry. Disappointed, yes. But angry? No. He would graciously bow out if it ever came down to that. But until that time, Brenna was partially his and he was not willing to let her go for even a breath of a second.
Their brief reprieve was suddenly interrupted when someone started knocking sharply on the hotel door.
Namjoon’s voice echoed down the hall, “I’ll get it!”
“Yah! That knocking made me mess up!” Jin yelled, tossing the game controller down onto the floor in a small rage quit.
“I’d say that too hyung,” quipped Taehyung playfully, causing Jimin to fall over laughing.
“Sorry to interrupt Mr. Kim,” came a faintly familiar female voice. “I need a quick moment of your time, I promise that it is vitally important.”
Yoongi shifted his weight on the couch, waking up Brenna from her nap as Namjoon came into the room. Brenna moved her legs off of the couch in an attempt to sit up, accidentally jostling Jungkook, causing him to wake up as well. Jungkook stretched his arms over his head and scooted back between Brenna’s knees, hanging his arms over them. One could almost be amazed at how close the two had become since their talk.
Namjoon was followed into the room by non other than Officer Barnes, BTS’ manager and lawyer tailing closely behind the two of them.
Anita’s eyes zeroed in immediately on Brenna and her body shifted visibly as she was filled with relief at the sight of the young woman still safely with the group of men.
“Here, take this seat,” Hoseok said, standing up to drag the chair he had previously been sitting in to the circle formed by the group of people. Anita sat down in the chair, offering her thanks to Hoseok as she had begun feeling her legs shaking a little bit, visible tension running through her body.
“So Officer, you said you had something important to speak to us about?” Namjoon asked, sitting on the arm of the couch and crossing his arms over his broad chest, the leader in him coming out automatically.
“I…have made a discovery of sorts…” Anita said, wringing her hands in front of her, trying to rid herself of the anxious energy she was feeling, unsure of how to exactly bring up what she had discovered.
Brenna sat up straight, tension seeping into her pores, her tiredness leaving her body swiftly. Yoongi’s hand rubbed her lower back comfortingly as he kept the corner of his gaze on her, making sure that she was doing okay.
“Is it something about me? Did you find out…do you know who I am??” Brenna asked hopefully, warily, not wanting to get her hopes up just to have them dashed.
Anita steadied herself with a breath and looked directly into Brenna’s eyes.
“Brenna.. you’re in trouble. Serious trouble.” she said with absolute sincerity, “You’re in trouble and you need to leave. Tonight. As soon as possible. I don’t know what will happen if you don’t. Actually,” Anita continued, “You all need to leave and you all need to leave fast. Don’t leave behind any evidence of where you’re going. I’ll help in any way that I can but we don’t have much time.”
The silence in the room was deafening.
Jungkook’s pulse was roaring in his ears.
“What do you mean Brenna is in danger?!” Jungkook asked heatedly.
“What do you mean they all need to leave? Is BTS in danger?” Their manager demanded angrily at the exact same time that Jungkook spoke.
“Officer Barnes, not to be rude but what the absolute hell is going on??” Yoongi asked Anita, ignoring their manager’s
irritating squawks.
“I’m honestly not sure what’s going on, not fully. But I can tell you what I do know.”
Every single person in the room was stunned into complete stillness at the officer’s confession. It seemed as though every person was waiting on bated breath for someone else to be the first one to break the silence.
An icy grip of premonition was trying to clutch at the back of Brenna’s neck and Brenna felt her eyes tearing up as the truth of what they were being was unfolding inside of her brain.
“You mean.. e… everyone here is in danger because.. because of me?” she whispered the question to Anita, knowing the answer before the officer even confirmed it. Anita slowly nodded her head, eyes focused on Brenna’s and no one else’s.
“In a way, yes. The Niragi family is after you and because you’re with these men, then the Niragi family will be after them too.”
Anita’s heart shattered for the young woman whose gaze was becoming shuttered, word by word, as if her mind was trying to close her off from the reality of what was going on.
“How dangerous are these men exactly?” Namjoon questioned, running a stressed hand back through his hair.
“Yeah, like.. are we going to die??” Taehyung voiced the question that was on everyone’s mind but that no one had the guts to say outloud.
“Die? I can’t say that for certain. However, the Niragi family has a very twisted and very brutal past. A lot of people associated with them have come up missing or, yes, dead.”
“Then why haven’t they been caught? Why are they still free?” Jin huffed. “This is absolutely absurd!”
Anita lifted her hands in a semi shrug, “Dirty politics is what I’m assuming. I mean, if my own partner can be involved…”
“What.. what do they want with me?” Brenna asked suddenly, beginning to feel claustrophobic between Yoongi’s arm around her and Jungkook leaning against her.
“It sounded like.. like they are the ones you escaped from. I have no proof though…”
Brenna felt her throat tighten, it was becoming harder and harder for her to breath, she could feel the panic slipping onto her shoulders like the world’s worst weighted blanket.
‘Who are these people?? Why me??’ she asked herself silently.
“Namjoon,” their manager stepped forward, grabbing everyone’s attention, “The group has had their fun, but it’s time to leave all of this behind. I know you were all enjoying taking in a stray and pretending to fawn over her like she was your little pet but this is too dangerous for all of you. It’s time to stop this charade. Pack up. We are going to leave her and this mess behind us.”
The manager hissed out in a condescending tone, leveling a glare at Brenna’s pale face
All at once, the men in the room reacted in outrage to their manager’s cruel words, immediately yelling at him, defending their selves and Brenna. But the damage was done.
Brenna felt her world collapsing in on her yet again.
‘Charade? Of course it was an act, I was dumb to think they actually cared.’
Brenna felt the panic overtaking her and she started to hyperventilate, no longer aablee to control her body nor her racing thoughts.
‘What am I going to do? They are coming for me…coming for me.’
Brenna’s vision blacked out as her mind was swept down into the sinkhole of despair, the last thing she heard was Namjoon yelling, “You’re fucking fired!” at their manager, Jungkook’s shocked eyes as she fell forward off of the couch, the last thing that she remembered seeing.
“Brenna! Wake up! Come on, we have to go!”
Brenna woke from passing out, to hands shaking her shoulders roughly, her head slinging back and forth on her shoulders.
“W-what happened?” Brenna asked as she looked around at the hurriedly packing young men, confused for just a second before it all came rushing back to her.
“They are outside. They just got out of a vehicle. You have got to move NOW!” Officer Barnes called from the window where she was peering down into the parking lot, her hand on the gun holstered onto her waist.
“Brenna, come on, we are getting out of here, we’re getting you to safety.” Jimin said as he grabbed her hand to pull her to the door, his other hand wrapped firmly around the handle of his large suitcase.
Hoseok came flying through the room, carrying the case that had their important documents in it. “I’ve got the important things, let’s go!”
“Let’s take the stairs!” Jin yelled over the noise that everyone was making, hauling his bags over his shoulder, rushing Jungkook and Taehyung out of the door.
“Jungkook, you drive! You’re the best driver out of us!” he yelled to their youngest member who had been trying to wait for Brenna before he left the apartment. Jin, however, would not be denied.
“Yes! Take the stairs, I’ll stay here and keep them busy.” Anita said as she turned towards Brenna’s shaking form, giving her a small smile that she hoped was comforting enough.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. Everything will be fine, you’ve got some great men looking after you.”
Anita placed a hand on Brenna’s arm and squeezed gently and then Brenna felt herself being pulled away from the police officer.
Brenna’s last sighting of the woman was of the Officer, gun in hand now, peeking out of the curtains, watching something below.
“W-wait! She will get hurt! I can’t let her get hurt because of me!” Brenna panicked as she was pulled out of the hotel room door.
Yoongi was shooing her along from behind, trying to gently but firmly push her towards the stairwell. Brenna tried to pull away from Jimin’s firm grasp on her wrist but Yoongi pressing against her back wouldn’t allow for her to go back to the hotel room.
“Please! Suga!” she cried, trying to pry Jimin’s hand off of her.
Yoongi pulled her from Jimin’s grasp and spun her quickly around to look at him. He grasped her face in his hands and looked at her eyes worriedly.
“Brenna we HAVE to leave, all of us, or we are ALL in danger. If you don’t leave then WE don’t leave, okay?! Officer Barnes will be okay, she’s trained for these things, yeah?” Yoongi brushed his thumbs over the tears the were falling in streams down her cheeks.
“Guys, WE HAVE GOT TO GO!” Namjoon yelled, poking his head out of the stairwell, sliding himself to the side as Jimin scooted by him, his slides slapping each stair as he tried to run down them.
Brenna took one last look at the hotel door and then grabbed Yoongi’s hand. “C-Coming!” Brenna assured him as she and Yoongi took off running towards him.
Officer Anita Barnes had her gun in her hand, as she stood at the window, trying to keep an eye out for the men and the young woman that had just left the room. Anita knew that the Niragi force was already inside the hotel. She had seen several of them, eight by her count, being led into the building by a tall man with brilliant orange and red hair.
‘Ah, so that’s Mingi Song.’ She had thought to herself as she watched the young man pull on a leather, fingerless glove as he strode confidently up the hotel’s sidewalk.
Anyone who knew anything about the current Head of the Niragi family also knew about the Head’s main bodyguard.
Mingi was known as the two-faced devil.
With the smiling face of an angel he could carve someone up in a heartbeat, just to be able to watch the blood trail down his fingers…or so rumor would have you believe.
Anita wasn’t sure what to believe but she knew that she needed to come up with a plan and FAST. The team coming at her was not a team that was meant to be messed around with. You either got out of their way or they made you get out of their way.
Anita’s phone buzzed and she jumped, her nerves set permanently on edge. Fishing her cellphone out of her back pocket, she saw that it was a text from an unsaved number. “Fishes are flying,” is all that the text said.
Anita breathed a sigh of relief as she looked over the code phrase that Jin had decided he would send once everyone was in the van safely. Looking out of the window confirmed the message that she had received as she could see the van making it’s way out of the parking lot, the guard sitting in the Niragis’ van non the wiser.
Anita quickly erased all proof of the text and turned her back to the window. She squared her shoulders and faced the hallway to the door of the hotel suite to await her fate. It was but a few minutes until there was a loud bang and she heard the suite door fly open, bouncing off of the wall.
Two body guards streamed in, quickly followed by Mingi Song. In walked the confident young man, followed by the rest of the men he had brought along. Mingi’s eyes narrowed in to slits as he noticed the woman with a gun in the center of the room.
“Who the fuck are you?” he spat out, irritated.
“I’m Officer Anita Barnes,” Anita said as she pulled out her badge that was hooked unto a lanyard hiding under her shirt. “And who are you?” she asked back, pretending as though she had no clue who the fiery haired man was that was standing before her.
“I’m just me, myself and I,” Mingi grunted in response, unimpressed with her credentials.
“I was told there was a woman here, by the name of Brenaline.”
‘Brenaline? Ah! That must be Brenna’s real name.’ Anita thought quickly
“Where is she?” Mingi asked, stepping a foot closer to the Officer, sweeping his eyes down her form in a surveying glance.
“I was actually wandering the same thing.” Anita responded, her chin raised up high in confidence, yet keeping the other men in her peripheral the best that she could.
She took a step closer to Mingi.
“I had some follow up question for Ms. Brenna but when I got here, she and the men she was with were gone. Now tell me, how exactly did you come to know about the woman that was staying in this room? She had no memory so I know she didn’t call you and tell you. You wouldn’t happen to have any information about what happened to her, would you Mr. Song?”
Mingi looked down at the Officer, he face showing his displeasure at being questioned.
“Men, let’s go. There’s nothing for us here.” After one last skim over the Officer, Mingi followed his men out of the hotel room.
Once the door was shut behind them, Anita let out a big breath of air and slowly lowered her shaking form into a chair.
“What the fuck have I gotten myself into.”
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 12: A Glimpse of the Devil's Past
A short glimpse into the background of Niragi.
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Niragi hadn’t always been a psychotic little shit. After all, what child is born a rage-filled killer? (Unless you watch the Netflix documentaries about children that are rage-filled killers, but that’s neither here nor there).
The point is, Niragi hadn’t always been the way that he is today. And while Niragi may not have been born a psychopath, issues for him did start early on.
Some would even say that he was born under an evil star, destined to live a hard and desperate life. Whether he truly did have a curse on him or not didn’t really seem to matter to the other people in the Family, he was feared anyway.
It could be because of this belief that Niragi grew to be the way he was. Perhaps he truly was born to be a murderous and dangerous lunatic.
Or perhaps.. perhaps it all started with his mother.
Jaqueline Niragi, a very beautiful but very cruel and very spoiled woman, was born the only child of the Niragi Family. Her mother having died in childbirth and her father never remarrying.
Her father was a hard man who ruled the Family with an iron fist. Jaqueline was raised with her father having one goal in mind, for Jaqueline to someday succeed the metaphorical throne to the clan.
As customs had it, however, the Niragi Family could only be passed down through the male lineage and so, Jaqueline’s father forced her to marry.
The man she married was practically the spitting image of her when it came to actions and personality, only…he was worse, much worse. Where Jaqueline was cruel, her husband evil. Where Jaqueline was spoiled, her husband took whatever he wanted, no matter who got hurt in the process, consequences be damned.
It was a loveless and hate-filled marriage that resorted in Niragi’s conception.
When Niragi was close to turning one year old, his grandfather decided to retire, allowing his parents to step us as joint Heads of the Family.
That was shortly before his mother decided to gift him with a dead father for his first birthday. A police investigation had been done concerning the missing man, yet nothing came to fruition from it and Jaqueline was free to reign solely.
Jaqueline had never been one to show love through physical contact. Up until the day she died she had hugged Niragi precisely one time throughout his entire life even as an infant.
That one singular time was the day that his Grandfather passed away. To the onlookers it probably seemed as though it was a fond embrace between a mother and son, overwrought with grief. Instead, Jaqueline had pulled her son against her, tightly held onto him and whispered “It’s finally mine.”
If Jaqueline excepted a lot out of those who worked for her, she expected even more from her only son, the only one that she would allow to take over the Family in her stead, never for s second entertaining the thought of the Minor Family taking over.
She started training Niragi from a very young age.
How to act, how to speak, how to eat, how to barter, how to bully, how to lie, how to fight, how to torture and eventually even how to kill.
When he would fail in his lessons or simply not do as well she Jaqueline expected, that’s when the beatings would happen. She would often force Niragi to sit on his knee on a board of pebbles where she would then begin to whip him. “Be stronger." "Be faster." "Be wiser." “Be better” she would often screech at him, one word for every lash of the whipping cord.
Niragi learned early to hold in his tears and his pain because he knew that if his mother noticed even a glimmer of weakness then the punishments would be so much worse.
He was almost a year old when she killed his father.
He was four years old the first time she slapped him.
He was ten years old the first time she truly beat him.
He was fourteen ears old the first time she broke one of his bones.
He was eighteen years old when she locked him a room with the
man the Family used to torture people.
He was twenty years old when he was finally able to hide any semblance of emotion while being tortured.
He was twenty-three years old when his mother declared him fit to be over the Family someday.
He was twenty-three years old when his mother died of mysterious circumstances.
He was twenty-three years old when he became Head of the Family.
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 11: Layer By Layer
Jungkook and Brenna are both shaken after talking with the police. They know that something is not right. The rest of the members are in agreement.
Police Officer, Anita Barnes, realized was her sleazy partner is up to, and has now started digging into the background of the Niragi Family, until she answers a call that's not meant for her.
Niragi has someone on the payroll that he's getting information from. His patience is wearing thin and he's craving blood.
Wooyoung starts to spiral into a pit of depression until something snaps his attention out of it.
A secret man on the inside. A hidden friend or a potential enemy?
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Officer Anita Barnes had seen a whole hell of a lot in her 35 years of living. More than anyone her age should have ever seen, that’s for sure. Being an LGBTQ+ person of color from the South, she definitely experienced far more than her fair share of racism and bigotry both. And just by being a woman in general, she had experienced many types of mistreatment and sexual advances, even in the workforce as a police officer.
Her life had never been an easy one.
As she was growing up she often had to fight for her voice to be heard, fight to be taken seriously and sometimes she even had to fight to be seen as a human being at all.
That’s one of the biggest reasons as to why she fought so hard to not be partnered up with Officer Hammill. She did everything that she could think of, aside from quitting her job. Her chief, however, seemed think that riding with Officer Barnes would be good for Hammill. Not to mention the fact that Anita was one of the last few in their group that had not had to ride with him.
Hammill’s partners came and went in an almost constant state of rotation. From the stories Anita had heard spoken in hushed tones around the precinct, she was definitely not looking forward to being Hammill’s partner.
For the first time since going into the police academy, she was not looking happy about going into work. Even on bad days, during some of their worst cases, she had faced work every morning with a willing spirit. Since being assigned to ride along with Hammill, her perspective of the job had started to change.
Up to this point, Hammill had been on surprisingly…decent…behavior. However he had alluded, he had hinted, he had tip-toed to the brink of impropriety on more than one occasion. Hammill had done it enough that Anita knew to always keep her guard up around him.
Anita's work ethic had simply always been, “Do it right the first time and you won’t have to do it again.” It was something that her mothered had always taught her and she did her best to live up to that standard. Anita believed in fairness, honesty and hard work.
Hammill was her exact opposite in al of those aspects. Hammill could often be found lying or hiding the truth, creating shortcuts and even shirking his responsibilities onto other people. Which are the exact reasons as to why is was so abnormal that he jumped at the chance to take on Brenna’s case.
Normally during their teams briefings, Hammill would not listen, interrupting incessantly or simply saying that he didn’t have time for their bullshit. That day, however, he was quiet. More quiet than Anita had ever seen him. Too quiet, in her personal and professional opinion. His little beady eyes stayed focused on the Chief, his pencil twitching in his hand, listening very intently to every single aspect of Brenna’s case, even bothering to actually ask a few questions.
And if people were shocked by his participation, it was nothing compared to how shocked they were when he actually stood up and VOLUNTEERED for he and Anita to take the case.
Upon hearing his words, Anita had whipped her head around so fast that she almost gave herself whiplash.
‘What the actual fuck…’ she thought to herself.
Even their Chief’s eyebrows slightly rose in surprise, which was saying something coming from the man who barely showed any emotion a all, even on the worst of cases. The chief agreed to the request and decided let them have the case. Anita had narrowed her eyes in suspicion as Hammill’s face looked like he was the cat that ate the canary - smug and filled with an over-inflated sense of self-importance.
Anita hated it.
Sitting in the squad car outside of the hotel Brenna was staying at, Anita had frozen in place, her eyes widening as the snippets she had heard of Hamill’s phone conversation.
Anita rolled down the driver’s side window a little more to try to hear exactly what her partner was saying on the phone. As she listened, her confusion turned to horror and shock.
“Yes Mr. Niragi. I’ll send over the pictures that we took of her as soon as I can get away from my partner. I know how important it is for you to find her.”
A pause.
“No sir, nothing. According to the doctor and to her own testimony, she doesn’t remember a single thing before waking up in the hotel, with her new friends.”
A pause.
“Yes Sir, memory loss, that’s right, that’s what the doctor’s paperwork says.”
A pause.
“The men? Two stayed with her when we talked to her. One of them as the one that found her. We had to talk to him for the investigation. There were five more besides those two.”
A pause.
“Yes sir. If she turns out to be one you’re looking for then I’ll let you know her exact location and the information of the pussy boys she’s with.”
Anita’s heart started racing as she listened in on the rest of the Hammill’s one-sided conversation.
'That bastard. That fucking bastard! It’s no wonder he wanted the fucking case. Working for the Niragis?!”
Anita knew immediately that this was bad news. Brenna was in some deep fucking shit.
Anita hurriedly rolled the window back up before she could be caught eavesdropping, knowing that she was in a very precarious situation, and she had to go about this extremely carefully.
Anita straightened up in her seat when Hammill climbed into the passenger side of the car, flicking his cigarette butt onto the ground. He grinned a sickening little grin at her and she felt bile rising in her throat, resisting the urge to cuff him on the spot. But she couldn’t, not yet. She had to have evidence.
Niragi’s feral grin became predatory as he hit the end button on the call. A warmth surging through his veins.
He walked to the large bay windows that were on the wall behind his desk, hands on his thin hips, feeling victorious for the first time since before Brenna tried to run away…the first time.
He tilted his head to the side, popping his tense neck, relief radiating down to his tight shoulders. Oh the way he was going to make Brenna realize that she belonged to HIM, only him. He would make her realize how serious he was, that she would never leave him again. Oh the hell that he was going to rain down on the assholes that were holding her hands in front of the cops as if they KNEW her, as she BELONGED to them.
He rested his warm forehead against the cold glass and inhaled deeply, eyes closing in contentment at the thought of the blood that he was going to shed.
“Sweet Brenna. Be very careful or I’ll make you bleed.”
Once the hotel door had closed behind the officers, Brenna let out a shuddering breath, nerves overcoming her. She knew that the questioning had not gone as bad as what it could have, but she also knew that something was off about the male cop and it worried her immensely. She had felt sickly nervous since she had laid eyes on the man.
Jungkook immediately folded her into his arms, holding tightly to comfort the both of them. While he had tried to be brave in the face of everyone in the room, it was the first time that he had felt as though he really could be in trouble. When the officer started grilling him, he had even broken into a nervous sweat even though he knew that he had done nothing wrong. His tattooed hand came up to stroke Brenna’s hair gently as she laid her head to rest on his broad shoulder.
Namjoon had taken their manager and their lawyer into the other room to talk in private almost immediately. A muscle in Namjoon’s jaw had been twitching like crazy for almost the entirety of the questioning, his jaw jutted forward signifying that he was truly pissed.
“You ready?” he asked.
Anita just nodded and pulled the cruiser out of the parking space, trying to appear as normal as possible.
Niragi’s feral grin became predatory as he hit the end button on the call. A warmth surging through his veins.
He walked to the large bay windows that were on the wall behind his desk, hands on his thin hips, feeling victorious for the first time since before Brenna tried to run away…the first time.
He tilted his head to the side, popping his tense neck, relief radiating down to his tight shoulders. Oh the way he was going to make Brenna realize that she belonged to HIM, only him. He would make her realize how serious he was, that she would never leave him again. Oh the hell that he was going to rain down on the assholes that were holding her hands in front of the cops as if they KNEW her, as she BELONGED to them.
He rested his warm forehead against the cold glass and inhaled deeply, eyes closing in contentment at the thought of the blood that he was going to shed.
“Sweet Brenna. Be very careful or I’ll make you bleed.”
Once the hotel door had closed behind the officers, Brenna let out a shuddering breath, nerves overcoming her. She knew that the questioning had not gone as bad as what it could have, but she also knew that something was off about the male cop and it worried her immensely. She had felt sickly nervous since she had laid eyes on the man.
Jungkook immediately folded her into his arms, holding tightly to comfort the both of them. While he had tried to be brave in the face of everyone in the room, it was the first time that he had felt as though he really could be in trouble. When the officer started grilling him, he had even broken into a nervous sweat even though he knew that he had done nothing wrong. His tattooed hand came up to stroke Brenna’s hair gently as she laid her head to rest on his broad shoulder.
Namjoon had taken their manager and their lawyer into the other room to talk in private almost immediately. A muscle in Namjoon’s jaw had been twitching like crazy for almost the entirety of the questioning, his jaw jutted forward signifying that he was truly pissed.
Hoseok burst up into the room as soon as he heard the front door click into place. Yoongi and Jimin followed closely behind, all three having been spying from the living room doorway. The three men all had ticked off looks clouding their handsome faces.
Brenna looked at Yoongi and reached out her hand for him, needing the feeling of safety that being with him had brought her since their first contact. Jungkook unwillingly let Brenna go into Yoongi’s open arms, fighting the urge to drag her away from Yoongi’s touch, knowing that he was being unreasonable.
“What the hell was with the gross cop? What’s his deal?!” Hoseok said loudly, sticking his tongue out at the door and flipping it off.
“For real! The way he kept staring at Brenna was creepy as hell.” Jimin said, flopping down into the chair on the other side of the table, his blonde bangs falling into his face before he pushed them away. “Plus the way he kept going after Kookie? I wanted to punch his stupid face!” Jimin fumed, crossing his arms over the chest of his big purple hoodie.
“I don’t like him. I don’t think we can trust him.” Brenna whispered quietly.
Yoongi ran his tongue over his teeth, deep in thought, his arm tight around her shoulders. “Hmmm. I think you’re right,” he agreed, “There is something really off about him.”
Jungkook nodded, “His questioning… was weird. It was like.. he was trying to get more information about me than he was about Brenna.”
“Yeah, he’s strange. MAJOR creep vibes.” Hoseok stated.
The man rewound the security tapes, listening closely to the voice coming through the speaker phone serting on Niragi’s phone.
“Interesting.” He said, rubbing his jaw with his hand. “This is good news for us.”
He then proceeded to save a copy of the video of the conversation on his personal hard drive, a plan forming in his mind, taking his spare phone out of a hidden pocket in his jacket.
Wooyoung sat on the couch in the house that he and Brenna had inherited, curled up underneath Brenna’s favorite old blanket, Mr. Worthington tucked firmly into his arms as he stared blearily at the TV screen, not even sure exactly what he was watching anymore.
It was noon right?
He looked out of the window and watched the sun try to shine down through the lightly fallen snow.
Yeah, it was noon.
Sleep had been alluding Wooyoung for several months but since Brenna went missing, it was like sleep was determined to escape him. He had tried teas, sleeping pills, meditation – everything that people always said would help. But it never really did. He may have slept for only a few hours at a time before he was woken up with terrible nightmares of Brenna, blood and Niragi’s smiling face looming over him.
Wooyoung and the gang had all been trying in vain to get ahold of S. Texts and calls going unanswered, the phone shut off for he was there, as was custom for his family. They all knew that S was dealing with a family death, it’s why he flew to Korea to begin with, but this was serious too. They were stuck between giving S the time to grieve or interrupting and letting him know that his friend was missing. It was hard for them to decide which course of action would be best. They knew it would be a while before any of them heard back and so, they were all waiting impatiently for him to get the messages.
Wooyoung tried to shut his bloodshot eyes for a little while longer but after several minutes of staring blankly at the ceiling, he knew that it was no use. Anytime that he closed his eyes, all he could see was Brenna’s face. Lee Know’s story about what he discovered had been haunting Wooyoung every single second since he heard it.
He had known that things were bad, he could see it every time Brenna would come see them. He could hear it in the way her voice had changed, how she had lost a little bit of the sparkle that had always been in her eyes. Hell, he even knew Niragi was fucking shite the first second he laid eyes on the psychotic weasel, which had actually taken a while to happen.
Brenna, who was normally honest with Wooyoung about everything in her life, had been hiding the fact that she had met someone new, let alone started dating them. Wooyoung only found out because he had seen a message come through on her phone and then, in true best friend fashion, confronted her on it, waving the phone in her face and ranting about how best friends were supposed to tell each other EVERYTHING.
Brenna admitted to it instantly, having already been feeling guilty about the dishonesty. She apologized profusely for hiding it, hanging off of Wooyoung’s arm with puppy dog eyes until he forgave her and snuggled up against her in their shared bed.
The two had shared a bed since they were kids, never willing to be without their comfort person for more than a little while at a time. Even in the orphanage, Wooyoung would sneak his way into the girl’s dormitory to climb in bed with her. There had never been anything sexual between the two, they had always been purely friends, non-romantic soulmates.
Wooyoung and Brenna had stayed awake all night that night talking since she was finally opening up about her secret Romeo. When Brenna showed Wooyoung a the pictures saved on his phone, he had jerked the phone out of her and screamed out about how “fucking sexy that asshole is” and “do you think he’s bi like me? If you ditch him do I stand a chance?” as well as, “do you two need a third?”, causing Brenna to dissolve into fits of laughter.
Wooyoung had pouted at her laugh, because, hello! He was definitely sugar baby material!
Brenna had stated that the guy, Niragi, was just so amazing that she wanted it to be s special-them-alone thing for just a little while longer before she told people. Brenna talked about how she had never experienced anything like what they had and she didn’t want the magic to fade away. Wooyoung had gone along with it at first, ever the gooey and hopeless romantic, eating up every single tidbit and morsel of information that she would feed to him.
And then he met Niragi in person and all of that quickly changed.
Brenna had finally decided that she wanted her best friend and the “love of her life” to finally meet. Niragi had even suggested to Brenna that they all meet up at one of Wooyoung’s favorite restaurants.
(His best friend having a hot boyfriend who let’s Woo choose the food and offers to pay for it? Yes please!)
Wooyoung instantly hated him and could tell that Niragi felt the exact same way. The guy was hot, but in person, he had bad vibes. And Wooyoung was a ful believer in trusting the vibes.
When Brenna was around, Niragi was, in all aspects, the perfect boyfriend. Devilishly handsome, well mannered, smart, doting. But when she left the table, the air turned sharp and cold, Niragi eyeing Wooyoung like a disgusting bug that needed to be squashed as soon as possible.
Wooyoung had kept the indecent to himself at first, not wanting to rain on Brenna’s parade, trying to be a supportive best friend, thinking that maybe Niragi had just had a bad day. But after Brenna had canceled plans with him for the third time in a row, his concern started rising. Brenna started acting distant, not even bothering to text that she wasn’t coming home that night.
Wooyoung finally called their friends together to give him advice on what to do. All of them agreeing that it was so weird that Brenna hadn’t introduced Niragi to the rest of them at all. When he finally mentioned Niragi’s name, Yunho and Chan, both, had started freaking out. Yunho immediately called Brenna repeatedly until she picked up. Yunho told her that she needed to meet up with them ASAP, that it was an emergency. Brenna had snuck out of the Niragi’s clutches somehow and met them at Chan’s Bar, their port of safe harbor.
The men had all shared a serious look when they took in the state of their friend’s being. While to the unknowing eye, she might have looked perfectly fine, they knew her well enough to notice the weight loss, the bags under the eyes, the bruises on the inside of her wrists, the way that she flinched when Chan had accidentally set a glass of water on the table in front of her a little too loudly.
Together with the other three men, Yunho and Chan had told Brenna everything that they knew about the Niragi family. Wooyoung’s stomach started turning as Yunho recounted some of the encounters his men had had with the other Family.
The whole time Yunho and Chan were talking, Brenna looked as though she was slowly sinking more and more into herself, becoming withdrawn, her lips compressing into a deep frown.
Changbin and Lee Know both stepped up with stories about how the Niragi family had tried to steal them from the Jeon employ, outlining the terms that the Matriarch had listed, the things that they were going to be made to do.
Changbin had reached out to cover Brenna’s hand with his own, and she had jerked her hand back as if she had been stung. The room went silent, each man, each friend, looking at her in shock.
Brenna had always been there, had always been their rock, their comfort, the one with the best sense. It was in that moment that some of them realized that she had done more for them than they had ever done for her. After all, why would she be with a guy like that unless she was trying to compensate for something that was missing in her life?
Brenna looked up, her eyes filled with tears, shaking her head no, not wanting to believe their words. Refusing to believe their words, filled with confusion and sadness, a deep wound opening up inside of her.
Why were they making her feel this way?
Why were they doing this?
Niragi had said that this would happen. He had warned her.
He was right, even after she had denied that her friends would ever do that. He was right.
Wooyoung had started trying to tell Brenna about what happened at the restaurant, but by the stubborn look in her eyes, he knew that it was too late. Her head had been stuck in the clouds for too long, twisted by Niragi’s words and actions.
Wooyoung wasn’t strong enough to bring her back down.
That had been their first big fight.
Their first true blow up.
Growing up together they’d had plenty of arguments, but that was the first one to where Brenna stopped talking to Wooyoung completely. He didn’t know what to do during that time, feeling like a piece of his soul was missing, feeling shattered. Did she miss him? Was she sorry? Did she hate him?
If only he could have known that the real reason she wasn’t talking to him was because Niragi had her on lockdown, moving Brenna in with him.
It was a long time before they were finally able to make up, Brenna was finally able to try to see her friends again, her inside man helping her be able to accomplish this.
After that, Wooyoung started keeping his thoughts about Niragi to himself, not wanting to cause any more issues between himself and Brenna, or causing any reason for Niragi to be angry with Brenna.
Wooyoung had lost every person that was in his life from childhood, the only one he had left was her. He couldn’t lose her too.
‘Maybe I SHOULD have said something.’
‘Maybe I SHOULD have been willing to fight.’
‘I should have tried harder’
‘I should have fought for her.’
Wooyoung groaned, tired of his thoughts spinning in the same ridiculous circles over and over again. Rubbing his hand over his tired face. He was just about to get up and finally take a shower when his phone went off.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hello Wooyoung
WOOYOUNG: Who is this??
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Let’s just say a friend
Wooyoung looked at his phone in irritation.
WOOYOUNG: Look, I don’t know who this is but I’m really not in the mood for fucking games so piss off.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I have information that might help you find Brenna
“WHAT!?” Wooyoung screeched, staring at his phone is disbelief.
UKNOWN NUMBER: I told you I’m a friend
Wooyoung chewed on his bottom lip before answering.
WOOYOUNG: Okay friend, what do you know?
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Find an officer named Anita Barnes. Trust only her, not her partner. Talk to her in private, tell her what’s happened. She will help.
WOOYOUNG: And if I don’t take your advice?
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Then Niragi finds Brenna first.
Wooyoung’s nostrils flared and his fingers sped over the keyboard of his phone.
WOOYOUNG: How do I know I can trust you? How do I know this isn’t a trap?
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I’ve saved your life before, remember?
Officer Anita Barnes was keeping a very close eye on her partner after overhearing his phone conversation. She had been purposely finding menial things for them to do together, making it to where he did not have enough alone time to send those pictures to the Niragi family. She could tell that Hammill was getting more and more frustrated as the day wore on, more antsy, more shifty.
When Hammill wasn’t around, Anita was researching the Niragi family, her lunch curdling more and more as her eyes flew through the articles that she could find. The Niragi family was old. Very old. Very powerful. A force to be reckoned with. Anita’s dark eyes squinted as she read page after page of crimes and murders that had connections with the family, although none had been proven of course, the Niragis getting off Scott free every time. The only thing that she couldn’t find was a picture or name of the current Head of The Family.
‘How can one person be so well hidden in this day and time??’
She was reading a very in-depth article about the passing of the late Matriarch when Hamill’s phone buzzed beside her. Glancing over she saw that the contact simply said Boss. Looking around carefully to make sure that Hammill wasn’t in the room, she picked up the phone and slid the answer button over, holding her breath and not saying a word. Picking the phone up to her ear, her eyes widened as a voice began immediately talking.
“I’ve that I don’t want to wait for your evidence. I’m sending my men to her tonight. Be ready to cover up a goddamn blood bath.
The call ended and Anita lowered the phone back to the desk, her hand shaking as a call from a Jung Wooyoung was patched through to her desk phone.
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 10:
It Is Not What It Seems
Brenna, Namjoon and Jungkook are finally able to talk to the police. Although, is everything truly as it seems?
Niragi reveals something to Jongho
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Brenna sat at the dining table in BTS’ hotel suite, flanked on one side by a nervous-looking Jungkook and on the other side by an unimpressed-looking Namjoon. Beside Namjoon was BTS’ lawyer and standing to the side was BTS’ manager.Directly across from her on the other side of the table sat Officer Hammill, the receiver of Namjoon’s look, and his female partner, Officer Barnes.
Brenna nervously looked back and forth between the officers, an awkward silence falling over the group of people. Unsure of what to say or do, Brenna kept her quiet, her nerves slowly building.
She didn’t like the way that Officer Hammill had been looking at her since the two police had come in. Neither, in fact, did Namjoon.
Officer Hammill had been staring Brenna down, a small smirk hidden in the side of his mouth, as if he found the whole incident somewhat amusing. His partner, however, seemed to be the complete opposite of him. Officer Barnes was polite and cordial and exuded an air of comfort and familiarity.
Brenna’s hands that were sitting on top of the dining table were slightly shaking and she crossed her fingers together to try to steady the tremors. As if sensing her nervousness, Namjoon placed his hand on top of hers and squeezed gently before taking her top hand into his. Crossing their fingers together, he gave her a nod of encouragement. She looked at him and gave a small but grateful smile, taking a deep and shaky breath.
Officer Hammill cleared his throat, disgust evident on his face as he stared pointedly at their joined hands.
“Before we start,” Officer Barnes stated, “do the three of you consent to being recorded along with your written statements, as well as submitting to DNA testing?”
The three on the other side of the table all nodded their heads in agreement.
“Of course, we are willing to do anything to help.” Namjoon said politely.
Officer Barnes made a note in her notepad and then placed a voice recorder on top of the table, smiling gently at Brenna. Her dark black eyes seemed to radiate kindness and understanding and it allowed for Brenna to feel a little more at ease knowing that Officer Barnes seemed to be on their side of things.
The jury was still out for her on Officer Hammill. Besides his weird looks and obvious show of snobbery, Brenna wasn’t sure what it was, but something about the man made her feel highly uncomfortable, like her intuition was immediately trying to tell her not to trust him.
‘But that’s crazy right?’ Brenna thought to herself.
BTS’ manager cleared his throat and stepped forward.
“We do ask that we keep BTS’ name out of it as much as possible please.”
Namjoon just side-eyed their manager, his lips pressing into a tight line. Namjoon hadn’t wanted their manager present to begin with, after all, this wasn’t a BTS issues. This was a very personal issue.
“Why don’t we just do what the police officers need us to do?” he asked tightly, the manager nodded politely and stepped back, still keeping a close eye on the situation despite Namjoon’s testiness towards him.
Officer Hammill’s eyes flicked between the Namjoon and the manager before coming to rest back on Brenna, who was now holding both Namjoon and Jungkook’s hands tightly, the three making a united front.
“Okay Ms. Brenna,” Officer Barnes said gently, “Tell us what you can remember.”
The questioning was rough for all three of them, but Officer Hammill especially went for Jungkook, trying to trip him up in multiple ways, much to his partner’s indignation.
While Namjoon had to step in and mediate between everyone when tensions got high, Brenna only had a little that she could actually detail and so it seemed that everything else came down onto Jungkook’s strong shoulders.
This included Officer Hammill’s suspicion that Jungkook was actually the perpetrator, which Brenna had denied vehemently, Jungkook rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand to calm her down when she became teary eyed, knowing that she still felt guilty over the way that she had treated him.
Officer Hammill had tried getting heavy handed with Jungkook, but Jungkook didn’t back down from his statement and then BTS’ lawyer stepped in, giving the proof that they needed to clear Jungkook of all suspicion.
The lawyer had obtained documents of the tracking device installed on Jungkook’s watch. This showed, in great detail, his exact timing and his exact path from the hotel to the restaurant, and from the restaurant back to the hotel, even showed the exact time that he had stopped when finding Brenna.
“Thank you for these files and digital copies, “ Officer Barnes said, shooting her partner a glare. She thanked the lawyer again, taking them from his hands and quickly skimming over them.
“These are exactly what we needed,” she smiled at Jungkook, “These match with the timing of the security footage that we had secured from the store across the street.”
All of the faces in the room snapped to Officer Barnes, her partner looking disgruntled at the fact that she had told that specific little detail of the case.
“You.. you have footage of what happened?” Brenna asked, starting to slightly perspire from her nerves, the palms of her hands turning clammy.
Leaning forward in terrified anticipation, Brenna asked if she could see the video. She had to know what was on it. She had to see for herself.
Officer Barnes nodded in understanding and elbowed her partner in his protruding gut when he stubbornly refused to move. He grunted in disdain and pulled up the video on their laptop, turning the computer around so that everyone else in the room can see what was being played.
The video was a little grainy, having been taken at night but it was easy for Jungkook and Namjoon to recognize the exact area that they had been at the night that their lives had changed.
Brenna watched the screen closely, letting out a sharp gasp as she watched herself stumble into the camera frame. It felt as though she was having any out of body experience, not remembering a single thing.
She watched as the screen version of her limped out of the alley, looking around wildly. The on-screen version of herself leaned back against the brick wall before collapsing down onto the ground. A broken whimper escape from Brenna’s throat and Jungkook’s arm came around her shoulders protectively, pulling her into his side.
Officer Hammill sped up the video and Brenna watched herself quickly becoming covered by the snow until barely anything was left of her to be seen.
The group watched as an unsuspecting Jungkook came into the frame and then directly tripped over Brenna’s covered body, falling face first into the snow pile.
Namjoon looked over Brenna’s head and raised an eyebrow at the youngest in amusement. “Really JK?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened and he held his hands up in surrender, “I didn’t mean to! I literally didn’t see her in the snow.”
Namjoon just rolled his eyes and turned back to the Officers.
After Barnes finally declared Jungkook free from suspicion, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, aside from Officer Hammill, that is.
Officer Barnes took Brenna’s fingerprints to see if they could find her in their system back at the precinct and then offered the girl a comforting hug. Officer Barnes smelled like warm vanilla and Brenna inhaled the scent deeply, feeling as though the scent reminded her of something in the very back of her mind, but not knowing what.
It wasn’t long after the officers started packing up their belongings when Officer Hammill turned to Brenna.
“The last order of business is deciding what you want to do.”
Brenna questioningly looked at the officer, a sinking feeling low in her stomach.
“What do you mean by what I want to do?” she asked.
He looked at her, his beady little eyes sharp and creepy.
“Surely you don’t want to stay here, not after what you’ve been through. Why would a young, pretty woman, without a memory, would want to stay with a group of men that she doesn’t know?” he asked, almost mockingly.
“You have no clothes, no money and no family that we know of. So I’ll tell you what, why don’t you come with us and we can get you set up at a nice woman’s shelter?” he said while staring her down, almost leering at her when he mentioned her looks.
Namjoon felt a chill of disgust go down his spine at the older man’s gaze on their new friend. Jungkook’s fists tightened, trying to remain silent.
Brenna’s cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment and she felt a wave of guilt settle over her. “Well.. I…”
Jungkook turned to Namjoon in a panic. Feeling the bottom fall out of his stomach.
Niragi repeatedly hit the punching bag in his home gym as hard as he could, his fists aching from his decision to not wear gloves or to even tape. He knew that his idea to not wear gear was stupid but he just had so much rage filling him up these days that he really couldn’t care less. The pain felt good, even a little too good right now, a little too sweet. His body craved the pain that always set in after he destroyed something with his fists.
He went through a few more sets of different combination moves before he stopped, sweat rolling down his leaned and muscled frame, his shoulder length black hair pulled up into a messy bun. Holding onto the bag for respite, he breathed in deeply for four counts and breathed out slowly for six, bringing his heart rate back down to a normal pace.
Turning, he picked up the towel laying on the bench and began to wipe himself down when the gym door opened up and Choi Jongho strolled in.
Jongho smiled at the man that was his boss and friend, and came over to straddle the bench, handing Niragi the bottle of water from the floor. Niragi took the bottle and drank heavily before sitting down beside Jongho, wiping the sweat from his neck.
“Any luck yet?” Niragi asked, already knowing the answer, because he knew that if Jongho had found something, he would have reported it immediately.
Jongho shook his head and drummed his hands on the bench.
“Not that I’ve heard so far, boss. What I don’t get is how she could just up and disappear without a single fucking trace.”
Niragi’s face darkened in thought and he wrung the sweat-soaked towel in his hands.
“Do you think fucking Wooyoung has her?”
Jongho stood up and started throwing play punches at the bag.
“No fucking way, boss. He wouldn’t have stormed in here the way that he did if he had her. You know how much of a bitch he really is. Plus, they would be gone in the wind if they found her. All of them probably would.”
Niragi stood up and went to say something but then he paused.
He paused and looked Jongho up and down slowly.
“And how is it, exactly, that you know about what happened with them here?” he asked suspiciously.
Jongho just grinned.
“How do you think?”
“Fucking Mingi.” Niragi growled as Jongho burst into heavy laughter, tears streaming down his face.
“Shut the fuck up.” Niragi said and pushed Jongho away from him.
Jongho knew that he didn’t really mean the shove, because if he HAD meant it then Jongho would have been on his knees, asking for forgiveness. Mingi and Jongho were Niragi’s only friends amongst the employees, really his only friends at all, both having grown up with him. But they both knew that, even with them, he had limits and wouldn’t refrain from hurting them if needed.
“W-well.. I.. I…” Brenna stuttered out, feeling absurdly pressured from the creepy Officer to the point that she almost took him up on the Women’s shelter, simply out of guilt for what she out the men through, but something just didn’t feel right. HE didn’t feel right. Even his partner had turned to him to give him a weird look.
Jungkook put his palms flat down on the table and eyes Officer Hammill evenly.
“She’s staying with us.” He said in a firm tone.
Brenna jumped at the seriousness of his voice and Officer Hammill started glaring him down.
The corners of Namjoon’s lips turned down when he saw the look on the officer’s face. For some reason, Namjoon felt that if Brenna left with that cop, then there was a chance she may never be heard from again. Listening to that feeling, he made a decision as group leader.
“What he means to say,” Namjoon started, “was that, of course, Brenna is more than welcome to stay with us. She’s safe here and can be well taken care of and looked after. We already have a doctor on-call for her. It won’t put us out in the slightest. In fact, we would be absolutely thrilled if Brenna continued to stay. I personally insist that she stays.”
Namjoon patted Brenna’s hand encouragingly and gave her a nod when Brenna turned her face to look at him in surprise.
“I agree,” Jungkook chimed in. “Brenna is one of us now. She’s better off with us than in a shelter that may not be as safe as it sounds.”
‘So he noticed that the cop is full of shit too,’ realized Namjoon.
With Jungkook and Namjoon’s support, Brenna felt much braver than she had before. Utterly relieved at knowing that she didn’t have to leave, she quietly told the officers that she would stay with the men.
Officer Hammill was not happy with her decision and sneered in her direction, scoffing. Jungkook and Namjoon exchanged hushed, worried side glances out of the corners of their eyes.
However, Officer Barnes gave Brenna one of her encouraging and warm smiles. “I think that’s a fine idea Ms. Brenna,” Officer Barnes said sweetly.
“Seriously though,” Jongho said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dress pants a little while later, “What’s the plan moving forward?”
Niragi turned to Jongho and smiled wickedly, “Don’t worry, I have someone on the force keeping an eye out.”
Officer Barnes climbed into the driver’s seat of their patrol car and checked her phone to see if anyone had sent any new leads about Brenna’s case. Nothing had been found yet and she leaned her head back against the seat in frustration at how slow the investigation had been going.
She looked to the side and watched her partner out of the driver’s window. He was on the phone, a lit cigarette hanging between his lips.
She knew that something had been off the very second they had gotten the report on the case from their Supervisor. Hamill was far too excited for this case and Barnes couldn’t help the feeling she had brewing in her stomach. It was the same feeling she had when she had put nothing in her system except for coffee and junk food for days on end, or right before there was a break in a case.
Her intuition had never led her wrong and this time, her intuition was telling her that something was, in fact, very wrong with Officer Hammill.
Having Hammill as a partner had NOT been her first choice. He was well-known to be a racist, sexist, bigoted pig. And as a lesbian woman of color, Barnes had argued with her supervisor about who she was being assigned to. But it was to no avail and now she had been stuck on the beat with him for several months.
So far, he had been…. Better than what she had expected.
But something about the way he was acting with this case was eating at her, she just couldn’t put her finger on WHAT.
Wondering what could be taking Hammill so long, she rolled down her window to yell at him when she caught a snippet of his conversation.
Officer Hammill had waited until his partner had gotten into the car before he let out a string of words towards her that, well, we just won’t repeat out loud in this story.
Lighting his cigarette, he punched in the number that he knew by heart.
“Yes?” The cold voice clipped out.
Officer Hamill grinned, his beady little eyes glowing in the light of the sunset.
“Ah, I think I found her, Mr. Niragi, Sir.”
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 9: The Inside Man's Story
This is a small background story to Brenna and her inside man and how they came to be.
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He raked his tanned fingers through his dyed auburn hair, sighing in relief when the system showed that the hacker had seen the videos that he had purposely placed in the hacker’s way.
He had worked so hard to delete all of the evidence from that night, the night that Brenna escaped, to make it seems as though the computers had randomly shut down for an unscheduled maintenance during that time. Then he had to go through and meticulously erase any evidence of his existence during that time. It was a precarious mission, but one that he was more than willing to do.
He didn’t know if Brenna would be okay but he couldn’t stand by and do nothing. He had stood by for way too long and for too many things.
He had been hired into the Niragi family as a body guard in-training for the matriarch when she was still living. However, quickly seeing the potential in the young man, the matriarch had finished paying for his education and his training in many different things. He would be forever thankful to the matriarch but once she had passed and Niragi took over, that is where his loyalties and his morals truly came to a head.
He struggled for a long time, internally, on what he needed to do. The matriarch had been a patient but stern woman. As long as you were loyal to the family, then you were considered family. Everything changed when she passed and her son took over as Head of the Family. Niragi was psychotic, a murderer with no remorse, evil incarnate.
He had stood by for years, watching as one person after the other, non-Family and Family alike, were killed under Niragi’s tyranny. His skills made him valuable to Niragi, however, and he was pretty much granted free reign. It started becoming too much for his soul to handle, it seemed as though there was fresh blood every single day that needed to be taken care of.
He had decided to leave, knowing that if he did, he would have to run far and hide well otherwise he would wind up in a ditch somewhere, dead as the bodies he often had cleaned up.
He had been making plans. He had been saving up the money he was earning. He had his ducks in a row: Escape plan, money, new identity and passport, untraceable phone and laptop. He was set. He was good. He was almost free. And then SHE showed up.
She showed up with her long brown hair, beautiful green eyes and an innocence that was way too pure for this mansion. One look at her, one introduction was all that it took. He knew that he could not, in good conscious, leave her there without anyone to watch over her. One look into his boss’ face and he knew that Niragi would either go crazy because of this woman or go crazy towards this woman.
He knew that either way would end up with her dead. He couldn’t allow that to happen. And so he stayed. He stayed to watch over her, to protect her. He stayed to be with her when she would otherwise be in the viper’s den alone and, by the gods, he was fucking glad that he did.
At first everything was okay, everything was going well. To the point that even he was surprised at Niragi’s self-control, at his.. caring… towards Brenna. It almost seemed as though Niragi might have actually had a heart, small as though it may be. Looks can be deceiving though, he knew that well and he knew the truth behind Niragi’s new façade.
Niragi hadn’t changed, not at all, had just become adept at hiding behind a mask. The King of Hell disguised as a charming and lovely prince. In front of Brenna, Niragi was sweet, caring and attentive. Perhaps even a part of Niragi did feel a twisted type of love for her. But behind closed doors? Niragi was still a bloody monster.
He had watched, on more than one occasion where Niragi would brutally murder someone, or watch as his goons did the job for him and then he would shower and then immediately go and be intimate with Brenna or take her out for a date or cuddle up with her.
He noticed things beginning to shift when Niragi’s jealousy over Brenna’s friend Wooyoung started coming to a head. The couple began to fight, began to have arguments. And then Niragi started to become physical with Brenna. A little slap here, a shove against the wall there, a bruise or two hidden under sleeves from eyes that saw more than normal, such as his eyes. He saw everything happen and while he was unable to stop the majority of it without being caught, he always tried to help when he could.
The first time it happened, he was supposed to be delivering a report to Niragi.
After searching for his boss in the normal locations inside of the mansion and not finding him, he finally made his way to the den, the last place he could think of. When he was about to knock on the door he heard the angry voices of his boss and Brenna coming from inside.
“Don’t be so stupid. He’s obviously in love with you!”
“Woo is like my brother, there is no way that he’s in love with me, baby!”
“Oh, so I’m just a fucking idiot I guess huh? Is that it?”
“N-no, that’s not what I –“
He heard Brenna cry out and instantly started knocking on the door. Niragi opened it, pushing his black hair off of his face, his ears red.
“What do you want?!” Niragi demanded. “I’m dealing with a situation right now,” he growled, looking back over his shoulder at Brenna was kneeling on the ground, her hand lifted to her cheek, still in shock.
He cleared his throat to gain his boss’ attention.
“Sir, I have the report of the Minor Family’s movement. I believe that it’s urgent that you look at it.”
Niragi took the file from his hand and skimmed the first few lines, his brows furrowing. Niragi looked back at Brenna once more before straightening his shoulders and walking out of the den.
“I’ll be in my office NO ONE fucking bother me.”
fter his boss swept from the room he slowly walked inside, his hands up in front of him in case Brenna was scared. He knelt down beside her and gently tugged her chin to him, her red-rimmed eyes met his before she jerked away, a quiet gasp escaping her. She hastily stood up and brushed the non-existent dirt from her clothing and smoothed back her hair.
There was a solid red handprint on her left cheek.
“Ms. Cassano...” he started but she interrupted him.
“It’s…it’s nothing. It’s not a big deal. We just had an argument, that’s all it was.” She whispered, looking down at the floor.
He stood up, dug into his wallet and pulled out his calling card.
“I know what goes on behind closed door Ms. Cassano. I know more than you do and more than I hope that you will ever have to learn.”
She looked at him somewhat surprised and somewhat hesitant.
“If you ever need me, for any reason, call me. I promise that you can trust me. Let me be here for you if you need me. We all need a safe place in this hell house.” He laid the card on the bar counter, knowing that she probably wouldn’t take it, bowed to her and then exited the room.
After a day the swelling in her cheek had gone down. After three nights Niragi had returned to their suite with arms laden with her favorite comfort food, a stuffed dragon and chick flicks. A week and a half later the bruising had disappeared. And so the incident had been forgotten.
That is… until it happened again. And again. And again.
The moments started becoming more and more frequent. And Brenna started to rely on him more and more along with it. She knew that they both had to be careful though, if Niragi found out then it would be bad for both of them.
At first it was comfort that he offered, a hand to help get ice packs or to help bandage a cut when Niragi decided to take out his anger in the bedroom. It soon turned into him helping her escape to go meet up with her friends for a few hours, securing a second untraceable phone for her to use away from Niragi, it led to him keeping an eye on her through the cameras when he could, and eventual wound up with him saving Wooyoung’s life for her.
The week when everything happened, he had actually been on assignment, tailing a member of the Minor Family that had been causing issues. He arrived back to the estate late to see Lois, the head housekeeper, in an absolute tizzy. Catching her fluttering hands, he had her take breaths until she was calm.
“Lois, what’s going on?” he asked in concern for the elderly housekeeper.
“Mr.” she sobbed into his chest, “Ms. Brenna..”
Little by little, he was able to get the story out of the housekeeper of how Brenna discovered Niragi killing a different member of the Minor Family, had ran away and had been brought back by Mingi and that she was now locked up in her punishment room and had been for two days. His blood ran ice cold, his mind went numb, hearing nothing but a faint buzzing sound.
He spun away from the housekeeper, planning to take matters into his own hands. Except she grabbed his jacket and pleaded with him,
“Please! Don’t be rash, you have to save her. Please!”
Lois latched onto him and begged and pleaded until he was finally calm enough to see reason. To calm Lois down, he swore to her that he would do nothing hastily and he would be careful. It didn’t take him long to formulate his plan.
The entire time he was never able to lay eyes on his friend, but he could see Niragi going in and out of the room on camera and then hear the sounds of things that happened inside. It took everything inside of him to not slaughter his boss anytime he saw him, but he had to pretend that everything was fine for Brenna’s sake as well as his own. He studied the movement of the guards, Niragi’s schedule, he put his hard-learned hacker skills to work. And finally, he was able to slip a secret note in with Lois when she was supposed to bathe Brenna.
The note was simple.
‘Guard leaves at 8:50 every night to go to the bathroom. Door will be unlocked. I’ll be waiting.’
The closer it got to 8, the more nervous he became. Nothing could go wrong, not tonight. Not this time. 8:50 came and the guard left, just like clockwork.
He was watching from the camera app on his work phone, he watched the door to the room slowly open, left unlocked by Lois who had delivered the message, everything was going according to plan. That is, until he realized that Brenna had no clothing. A fact that Lois, in her anxiety ridden state, had forgotten to tell him. He ran as fast as he could to the locker room, pulling a random pair of pants and a long-sleeved shirt from his locker, hoping that they were clean.
He barely made it to the door in time to meet her.
His stomach rolled when he took her in. Her bloodied, broken and bruised body on display for his nightmares to remember for months to come. Without thinking, he pulled her into his arms, blood smearing on his shirt sleeve from the cuts on her inner arms. She sobbed into his embrace, feeling safe for the first time in a week.
He held her for as long as he dared before helping her put his old clothes on. He shoved the untraceable phone into her hands and kissed her bruised cheek.
“I’ll come for you. I have to take care of things here and then I’ll come for you. Wait for the phone to ring, okay? Get somewhere safe and then wait for the phone to ring.”
Brenna had held his hand tightly, before limping out of the doorway.
His work that night was far from over. He had to go back through all of the security footage and erase every moments that he had been in the mansion and on the property.
He had to become invisible.
He saved the file of Brenna escaping and what happened to her beforehand on his own personal device and then deleted the evidence of everything else. Not for the first time, was his thankful to the matriarch for his schooling and training. Who knew that he would eventually use it against that same family.
By the time he had taken care of things to where he could go to Brenna, Niragi had learned of her disappearance and the mansion was on lockdown. He prayed that Brenna was able to make it far enough away to be safe. When they didn’t immediately find her, he let out a sigh of relief, praying to his god to protect her steps.
One day turned into two, two days turned into three. On it went until Brenna’s friend Wooyoung burst into his boss' study with his gang in tow, demanding answers and locations.
He was watching through his laptop security page when he noticed something unusual. They had a hacker. A damn good one. Tracing the line back, he realized that they were after information on Brenna. Knowing he could lose his life if it was ever found out, uploaded the two videos he had saved to a place where he knew that they would grab attention. Sure enough, it wasn’t five minutes and Lee Minho was interrupting the almost-fight and declaring Brenna a missing person.
Watching the small gang make their way out of the mansion he knew that he would be for them exactly what he had been for Brenna – a helping hand on the inside. Their inside man.
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 8:
Brenna and Wooyoung's Beginning
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A look back at the past.
How did Brenna and Wooyoung both become orphans? How did they find each other?
It was a dreary day, cold and rainy. The winter was season fast approaching. Cars drove quickly down the road, not realizing nor caring that the splashing water from their tires was soaking through a small pair of kids shoes. The bus stop side walls did little to block the cold air coming though the open front. Rain pattered down from the roof, dripping in a steady staccato that seemed to be never-ceasing.
Inside the bus stop, a girl around the age of seven was sitting on the bus stop bench, huddled into a thick adult sized jacket that her mother had wrapped around her small shoulders some hours earlier, breath fogging up in front of her face every time that she exhaled. The girl’s shoes were soaked through from the passing cars and her little arms and legs were bent up against her body, the jacket pulled down over them to try to keep in the little heat that was there to treasure. The girl’s chin-length brown hair was tangled, un-brushed in, well, who could even remember the amount of days.
Her little upturned nose was red and leaking while her wide greens eyes stared nervously ahead, looking for any sign that her mother would be back as she had promised. Her mother had never been gone this long and this girl didn’t understand what was going on. The little child’s stomach rumbled loudly, seeming as thought breakfast that morning had been days ago. She buried her face into her teddy bear, Mr. Worthington, inhaling the lingering scent of her mother’s favorite rose perfume.
The child watched as people of all ages and sizes came and people went, no one bothering to pay much attention to the child that looked like a half drowned rat. Perhaps it was because people were too self-absorbed to notice when something was wrong with someone else, or perhaps it was simply because when they looked at the girl they saw nothing more than a vagrant. It could have even been because when they looked at her, they were reminded that the world is not the wonderful place that people want to it to be, and thus their guilt made their eyes skim over her shivering form, turning their back against the cruelties of the universe, thinking, “’I’m glad that’s not my family,” and yet not caring enough to do something about it.
“I’ll be back in just a little bit,” the girl’s mother had said that morning at the bus stop, as she wrapped her own jacket around the child. “I have something important that I have to do, so just sit here and wait for me.”
“I wanna go Mama,” the girl had whined, a tiny hand clutching her mother’s pretty brown skirt.
The mother leaned down and smoothed the girl’s hair back off of her face and gently kissed her forward.
"My little love, you cannot come with me this time, I’m sorry baby. Stay here, I’ll be back. I promise you that I’ll be back.”
The young girl watched as her mother climbed the bus steps, her brown skirt swishing in the cold wind, and walked to the last seat on the bus. Her mother waved from the back window until the bus was completely out of sight, a sad look on her pretty features.
Night had fallen and the child felt numb, tears falling onto her red, wind-kissed cheeks. She closed her eyes, her little body overly exhausted from the vigilance that she had kept that day. Just as she was about to slip into slumber she felt a gentle and warm hand on her cheek. Opening her eyes, she saw an old Grandmother-looking woman hovering over her.
“Come child,” the woman had said, “I’m here to get you. Let’s go get you something warm to eat, okay?”
Warily the young girl slipped her cold hand into the warmth of the older woman’s, her wariness somewhat disappearing at the prospect of warmth and food.
Looking back at the bus stop as the taxi pulled away, the young girl stared for as long as she could, believing that her mother would still come back.
A week later the girl was sitting on a chair in the hallway outside of the social services office.
The older woman that had taken her from the bus stop, Mrs. Clara Edgemont, had been called by some good Samaritan who had seen the noticed the child inn the bus stop. As it turns out, Mrs. Clara worked for the state for Child Protective Services and took the girl into her care.
The first night, Mrs. Clara had fed and bathed the child, gave her warm and clean clothes to put on and a nice comfortable bed to sleep in. She had even washed Mr. Worthington, under the girl’s protective eye of course.
“What if Mama comes back?” the girl had asked the first night with Mrs. Clara.
Mrs. Clara tsk’d and smoothed the girl’s hair out of her face. “We are trying to find her, little one. Until then, rest. Try to sleep, I’m right down the hall if you need me, alright?”
The girl had rubbed her nose on her clean teddy and nodded.
Mrs. Clara was a widow who had always wanted children but her and her late husband had been unable to have them. Mrs. Clara became a social worker and lived her life to help children in need. Her late husband, the saint that he was, would make toys from the scraps he had leftover from his woodworking shop, allowing a child to never leave their home empty handed. They had always hoped that their love and care would follow the children throughout their lives. A little bit of hope in the darkness.
The girl sat in the hallway, swinging her legs back and forth, Mr. Worthington tucked firmly inside of her arms and she tried to listen in to what the adults inside the office were saying.
Mrs. Clara – “Well Michael, has there been any news on Brenna’s mother?”
Officer Conley – “No ma’am. We have done all we can but so far, no one has come forward to claim the girl and no one has visited their house. It’s like the woman just… vanished.”
A deep sigh was heard.
Mrs. Clara - “Okay, thank you Michael. If you find anything else, let me know.”
Police Conley - “Will do Mrs. Clara, will do.”
Brenna straightened up as Officer Michael Conley came out of the office, the door closing behind him. He kneeled down beside Brenna’s chair and pulled a DumDum lollipop out of his shirt pocket and handed it to her. Brenna took the sucker but looked at him sadly.
“You didn’t find my mama?” she asked, her bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
Officer Conley looked down at his hands, his heart breaking for the girl. Michael Conley had seen a lot of kids come in and out of Mrs. Clara’s home and office and each one tugged at his heartstrings but there was only so much that he was legally allowed to do for them.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Brenna,” he said in a sympathetic and quiet voice. “But I promise I’ll keep looking okay, kiddo?”
Brenna nodded and he stood up, knees cracking, hat in hand, and walked out of the door. Mrs. Clara came out of the office and smiled sadly at Brenna.
Two weeks later Brenna stood at the entrance of Happy Days Orphanage, hand-in-hand with Mrs. Clara.
Brenna’s mother had not been found and Mrs. Clara’s time to keep her had come to an end. Brenna often felt lost and confused, scared and nervous. She went from having a mother that she saw every day, who tucked her into bed, cut the crust off of her peanut butter sandwiches and taught her to sing, to not having a mother at all. And the worst part was that she blamed herself. She didn’t know why her mother left her, but she felt like she had been the reason. Maybe she forgot to pick up her toys too many times, or maybe it was because she had spilled that glass of milk on the carpet during their last morning together.
“It’ll be okay, Ms. Henry is a very nice lady who will make sure you’re taken care of.” Mrs. Clara was saying as she led Brenna into the building to her appointed fate.
Brenna was eight years old and she was sitting in the sun on the orphanage’s playground, playing tea with her friend, Annabelle Marie, when they heard yelling coming from inside the building. The girls’ eyes widened at the noise and they stared at each other for two second before they hurriedly ran inside, Mr. Worthington firmly in Brenna’s grasp, curious as to what was going on. It wasn’t often that yelling could be heard at the little orphanage.
In the hallway stood the Dormitory mother, Ms. Henry, (who often reminded Brenna of the teacher Ms. Honey from the movie Matilda), Officer Conley and a boy that looked like he was just a little older than Brenna. The boy was yelling and throwing things while Ms. Henry tried to calm down, to no avail. Officer Conley stood there solemnly when the boy started railing his small fists against the man’s chest, crying and yelling.
Officer Conley squatted down and gently grabbed the boy’s flailing arms. “Your dad… he’s gone. He passed away and… he’s not coming back. I’m sorry Wooyoung. I’m sorry.”
The boy screamed and pulled his arms away from the officer.
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT! HE’S NOT DEAD! I gotta.. I gotta go home. He needs me.. he needs…me…” the boy fell to the floor, his shoulders shaking as he was racked with sobs, his tears falling fast as he began screaming again.
Ms. Henry tried to touch the boy’s shoulder and he jerked away viciously, glaring through his thick eyelashes.
Brenna watched the whole thing from the doorway to the hall, Annabelle Marie tucked firmly to her back, peeking over Brenna’s shoulder. Brenna watched as Ms. Henry and Officer Conley stepped away from the boy to talk in hushed tones. Brenna bit her lip, her fingers twitching with the need to do something to make the boy stop crying.
Holding Mr. Worthington tightly, she started walking towards the boy on the floor. Annabelle Marie’s eyes widened and she tried to call her friend back but Brenna ignored the quiet voice behind her.
Brenna walked over to the boy and slowly sat down on the hard floor beside him. He crossed his legs, sniffling and reused to look up at her, a stubborn look on his face as he wiped away his tears.
They sat in silence for a minute before Brenna cautiously held Mr. Worthington out to him. “Would.. would you like to hold my bear?”
The little boy’s head slowly raised to look at the bear and then he lifted his dark eyes to her face.
“Why would I want to hold your dumb old bear?” he asked petulantly.
Brenna’s bottom lip wobbled but she still held the bear out to him.
“Him name is Mr. Worthington and… he helped when my Mama left me… I thought he might help you too.”
The boy stared at her in confusion and distrust, but Brenna didn’t back down. Instead, she just continued to hold the bear out to the boy. The boy looked down at Mr. Worthington and slowly stretched his hands out to take the bear into his arms, staring at the bear’s green plaid bowtie. Brenna smiled hesitantly,
“I’m Brenna…”
He looked up at her, sniffling again, “I’m Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung was eleven and Brenna was ten. The two had been best friends for two years, since the sharing of the bear. The three of them, Brenna, Annabelle Marie and Wooyoung had become as thick as thieves, never one being without the other two. But then Annabelle Marie had been adopted, leaving with tears of happiness and promises to write every single day. Neither had heard a word from since the day she left.
Since then, it was Brenna and Wooyoung against the world. Brenna was like a calming balm for Wooyoung’s impetuous manner and quick temper.
Brenna was scheduled to meet with potential adopters and had just finished putting on her best dress when Ms. Henry walked into the room.
“Have you seen Wooyoung?” Ms. Henry asked
Brenna shook her head no, “Not since you told me to go get ready.” Brenna replied as she buckled up her dress shoes.
Ms. Henry sighed and rubbed her forehead with her fingers. “It seems that Mr. Jung has taken to disappearing again. If you see him, let me know okay?” Brenna nodded. “Now, the Carringtons are going to be here at 2:30, make sure that you’re ready to see them, okay?”
Brenna nodded once more and waited for Ms. Henry to leave the room before slowly closing the door to the girl’s dormitory. Running back to her bed, she dropped to her knees and ducked her head down to look under it.
“You can come out now” she said with a smile.
Wooyoung slowly slithered out from under her bed to sit cross legged on the floor, leaning back against it. They sat in silence for a minute before Brenna turned to her best friend.
“So why are you hiding this time?” she asked, tilting her head in question as her short hair bobbed about her shoulders.
Wooyoung just shrugged his shoulders, “’Cause.”
She raised an eyebrow and leveled him with a disbelieving look.
“Seriously, Woo, what’s wrong?”
He sighed and dropped his head down, his black hair falling over his eyes.
“You’re going to get adopted.”
Brenna looked at him in confusion. “But… isn’t that a good thing?”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. “You don’t get it. You’re going to get adopted. You and not me. You’re going to leave me. Just like everyone else.”
Brenna’s eyes widened at her friend’s confession, grabbing both of his hands in hers. “I’m never going to leave you Wooyoung.”
He pulled his hands away from hers and stood up angrily. “But you ARE. You’re going to get adopted and I’m never going to hear from you again! Just like the rest of our friends!” his chest heaved with unshed emotion.
Brenna calmly walked over to Wooyoung and wrapped her arms around her best friend’s shoulders in a tight and comforting hug that he immediately returned.
“I’ll never leave you. They either adopt us together or they don’t adopt either of us. I promise. It’s you can me together, you’ll see. Forever.”
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9:
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christinesolstice · 1 year
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 7: The Inside Man
Brenna decides to take her fear of Jungkook head on. Will this cause them to become friends or to push her away from him even more? And in doing so, both Yoongi and Jungkook's jealous begins to grow. Can they bury it for the sake of Brenna?
Wooyoung and the gang talk about what Lee Know discovered at the Niragi residence. What does this mean for Brenna? What does this mean for them going forward? Are new players coming into the game??
TW: Brief mentions of physical abuse, however, there is nothing graphic.
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“G-good morning."
Jungkook stuttered out in shock and slight panic, his dark brown eyes growing large at the sight of Brenna standing behind him in the doorway.
Jungkook had been sitting in deep thought, staring into the metaphorical abyss while he was eating breakfast when Brenna had walked in, thinking back over his earlier conversation with Jin.
Jungkook had come into the kitchen shortly after Brenna had left with Jimin, sniffing the aroma of the coffee wafting through the air. Jin had immediately started hanging all over Jungkook, pestering their youngest member.
“Stooooppppp,” Jungkook groused, laughing as he pushed at Seokjin’s chest as the elder tried to plant kisses on Jungkook’s face.
“JAAYYYKAAAYYYY. LET ME LOVE YOOOUUUU." Seokjin had yelled in a sing-song voice.
Jungkook laughed at the older man and gave in to Seokjin pinching his cheeks and cooing over him. Jungkook let himself be pushed onto a stool and watched as a full plate of food appeared in front of him. Looking over to the side, he realized that there was a cold plate of foot on the table in front of the other stool.
“Who decided not to eat?” Jungkook asked, inhaling the tantalizing aroma of eggs, bacon and pancakes.
Seokjin looked over at the plate in question and rolled his eyes playfully.
“Brenna apparently decided that taking a shower was more important than eating the delicious feast that I prepared specially for her.”
Jungkook choked on his milk at the mention of her name.
“Oh.. Brenna is already up?” he asked, keeping his eyes strictly on his eggs.
Seokjin gave him a knowing look and leaned over the counter on his elbows.
“You know, Kookie, it’s going to be okay. She looked a lot.. better this morning. She even seemed to be more emotionally stable. Well…” Seokjin frowned, “as mentally stable as she can be in these circumstances.” His shook his dark hair and sighed, “Anyway, like I said, it’ll be okay. Just give it time.”
“Time…” Jungkook repeated.
Seokjin nodded sagely, “Time. That’s what she needs and what she deserves. Plus, after everything she’s been through… it would be selfish of us to expect a lot from her immediately.”
Seokjin patted Jungkook’s shoulder and went back to cooking more food for the other guys.
Jungkook was startled that A: Brenna had actually wanted to talk to him and B: That Brenna had cleaned up and looked even more stunning than before.
His could feel his heart racing and he could swear that it was loud enough that Brenna could hear it across the table. They stared at each other in awkward silence, blushes creeping up both of their necks, Jungkook’s ears turning a deep red.
“I’m sorry-“
“How are you-“
The silence was broken because they had both started trying to talk at the exact same time and then immediately stopped talking when they heard the other trying to speak. A few more seconds of embarrassing silence ticked by, Brenna looking everywhere but Jungkook’s eyes, and Jungkook nervously chewing on his bottom lip in anticipation of what might be said.
Brenna let out the breath of air that she was unconsciously holding, suddenly feeling extremely twitchy and unsure of the decision that she had made. Steeling her resolve, she pushed forward anyway, hands trembling slightly from her anxiety.
“I’m sorry.. for.. for what I said… and…and for how I acted. Suga told me what actually happened. That you…you had been the one to rescue me… and I…I never should have said those things about you or acted that way towards you. I’m so sorry JK, really. I hope that.. Well.. I hope that you can forgive me eventually.”
Jungkook’s heart felt like it was exploding at her use of his nickname and it took a second for all of her words to sink into his crush-addled dumb brain.
“N-No, you don’t have to apologize. I promise. I mean, I can definitely see how my actions could have t-terrified you..” he said quickly, truly not wanting her to feel bad about being afraid.
Brenna looked down, uncomfortable with meeting his too-understanding gaze. Jungkook noticed the way that she was a voiding looking directly at him and he and paused for a second before clearing his throat.
“I don’t blame you at all. I was just shocked.. and a little hurt. But once I thought about it, I realized that I had no idea what you had gone through or what mental distress you were under. So me being upset was foolish and ignorant.”
He looked down at his hands, twirling his tattooed fingers nervously.
“I’m just glad that you’re f-feeling better. I.. WE.. we were so worried about you. We still are worried about you. But I’m really happy to see you feeling better. And… and I’m h-happy that you’re talking to me now..”
Brenna’s head shot up and caught Jungkook blushing, his hand scratching the back of his red neck.
‘His stutter is.. kinda cute,’ she thought.
Brenna smiled hesitantly at Jungkook and his grin widened on seeing hers. ‘It’s okay, you can do this. Suga says he’s a good guy. ‘
“I have a question..” Brenna said and Jungkook’s smile dropped slightly, afraid that this conversation might be taking a bad turn.
“Y-yes?” He asked nervously.
“Would.. would you like to start over? I know that may be asking a lot, especially considering what happened. And if you don’t want to I completely understand. I get it. But.. I think.. yeah. I know that I’d like to be able to start over with you. If… If that’s okay.”
Jungkook felt as though there was sun shining through the clouds; he couldn’t believe what was being said to him. He sat forward quickly, excitedly, extending his arm across the table to her.
“Hi, I’m Jeon Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you.”
Brenna barely even hesitated before she placed her small cold hand in his large warm one.
“It’s nice to meet you too Jeon Jungkook, my name is Brenna.. I think.”
The two looked at each other after she said that, Brenna’s lips cracking first at her small joke, and then they were both roaring with laughter.
“Oh gods, this is the most awkward situation ever!” Brenna exclaimed while laughing, wiping the tears from her face.
Jungkook was laughing so hard that he was clutching his stomach, his nose squishing up like a rabbit’s.
“R-Right? What the hell!”
Eventually their laughter subsided into little gasps for air and Brenna clutching her side in pain.
Yoongi woke up slowly, never having been much of a morning person, hating to get up any earlier than noon.
He languidly stretched his arms above his head, groaning quietly as to not wake Brenna. He laid there for a few minutes before rolling over, intending to pull Brenna into his chest to hold her for a little while longer. After grasping the empty mattress, he realized that there was not a body beside him to grab.
Yoongi sat up quickly, rubbing his sleepy eyes before blearily looking around the hotel room. Not seeing any sign of the woman he fell asleep beside, he climbed out of the bed, his white hair sticking in all directions and made his way to the bathroom to brush his face and take a leak.
Yawning loudly, he made his way down the hallway to the living room, pausing when he saw Jimin and Taehyung standing in the entrance to the hall, both leaning against a wall, strangely quiet, and staring into the living room.
“What are you guys staring at?” he asked, his voice deep and full of sleep.
Taehyung looked back at him over his shoulder and smirked.
“Oh, just watching the new little lovebirds finally making a connection.”
To which Jimin elbowed Taehyung in the side, his eyes opening wide as if to say, “Dude, shut the fuck up!”, yet he was trying really hard to stifle his smile. Taehyung only grinned his boxy grin and turned his attention back to the living room.
Yoongi looked over their shoulders and saw Brenna and Jungkook sitting out the couch together, facing each other, talking quietly. Jungkook said something, his nose crinkling, arms waving around, and Brenna threw her head back and let out a laugh. Yoongi felt the shock run through him at the sound of her laughter.
“When the hell did this happen?”
Jimin and Taehyung exchanged mischievous glances, both trying to hide their smirks.
“Jin said that he walked into the dining room this morning when he was looking for Joon and found them both out of breath from laughing. He said that they ate breakfast together and well.. they haven’t been apart since then.” Jimin shrugged.
“Yeah, I think Kookie is bitten-smitten.” Taehyung said teasingly, fluttering his eyelashes coyly at Yoongi.
Yoongi just grunted in response, much to the delight of the Terror Twins, and walked into the living room.
Jungkook noticed Yoongi come in and his smile dimmed a little at remembering how clingy Brenna was to the white-haired man. Things had been going so great this morning and he felt a little shame at wanting Yoongi to disappear for a few more hours.
After their agreement to start over, they ate breakfast together, being fawned over by the eldest member, Seokjin, and then spent the next hour sitting on the couch and talking. Jungkook found himself telling funny stories about the members, just so that he could see her smile.
Seeing Jungkook focus on something behind her, Brenna turned her head to the side to see what he as looking at. Her face lit up in happiness when she realized Yoongi had walked in.
“Suga!” Brenna exclaimed enthusiastically at seeing him, causing a warmth to envelop Yoongi’s chest while also causing Jungkook’s fingers to tighten onto his thighs.
Yoongi looked slightly stunned at the change in Brenna’s appearance, coming around the couch to sit on the coffee table in front of it. Yoongi looked over Brenna’s face, recognizing Jimin’s makeup touch immediately. Yoongi already thought that Brenna was pretty but with makeup hiding the bruises and the cuts, he realized that she was absolutely beautiful.
Yoongi reached a hand out to tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. “You look beautiful” he whispered to her, and Brenna dipped her head shyly, a thrill going through her at his voice.
“T-thank you.”
Jimin and Taehyung, overhearing Yoongi’s words, started dramatically swooning in the background, clutching hands to their hearts and silently fake sobbing. Jungkook glared at them and tongued his lip ring, pivoting his head away from them in disgust as they backed down the hall with shit-eating grins on their faces.
Yoongi took Brenna’s hand in his, lacing their fingers together, which she happily held his hand back. Yoongi looked at their hand holding and then pointedly looked between Jungkook and Brenna.
Yoongi was the one that pushed Brenna to not be scared of Jungkook, to give him a chance and yet… yet he found himself slightly bristling at the fact that Jungkook had been the one to truly make her laugh.
“Sooo…” Yoongi started
“When did this happen? You two getting along? I think it’s great and all, I’m just confused because last night..” he trailed off, waiting for them to fill in the blanks.
Brenna and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled shyly, Yoongi’s grip slightly tightening around her hand when he noticed. The urge to write a rap claiming her hand as his almost overtook him.
“We decided to start over.” Brenna said happily. “I thought about what you said, and I realized that you were completely right. I didn’t want to be scared of Bun anymore. It wasn’t fair to him, to me or even to all of you. So when I saw him this morning I asked if we could start over.”
Yoongi cocked his head in confusion, “Bun?” he asked.
Jungkook smirked at the elder man, tilting his head mockingly. “Bun as in Bunny.” He answered.
Brenna chuckled and released Yoongi’s hand to pinch both of Jungkook’s cheeks.
“It’s because he looks like a ferocious little bunny. So I will call him Bun!”
Yoongi sat back and crossed his arms, looking between the two. Jungkook’s ears were flushed red but he went along with Brenna’s teasing, smiling like a love-sick idiot.
Yoongi shook his head to rid himself of the stupid jealousy he could feel welling up inside.
‘Come on man,’ he thought, ‘Jealous of JK??? What the hell is wrong with you? He’s basically your little brother. He needs you right now, so stop.’
Besides, when Yoongi stopped to really think about it, he realized that he didn’t actually know Brenna at all and that he had no claim over her, no matter what the jealous and demanding little devil on his shoulder whispered to him.
Yoongi swallowed down his curdling jealousy and forced himself to smile at the both of them, reaching over to ruffle Jungkook’s wavy shoulder length hair. Jungkook looked at his Hyung in surprise and then smiled, knocking his hand away, a silent truce building between them. Brenna, blind to the tension in the air, was chattering on about everything she had learned from her time talking to Jungkook.
“So basically, I want to see your little grandpa run,” she giggled and Yoongi’s eyes snapped to her face, narrowing.
“My… what?”
Yoongi shot Jungkook a silent death look and Jungkook just grinned evilly in return, thoroughly pleased that Brenna had taken that information to heart.
‘So that’s how it’s going to be, you little punk.’ Yoongi licked his lips and chuckled.
“You know, how your ARMY says you run like a little Grandpa? I want to see it!” she playfully pouted at him.
“Yeah Suga,” Jungkook joined in, “Show us how much of a Grandpa you can be.”
Yoongi was about to retort when Namjoon walked into the room followed closely by his assistant and a police officer. The mood in the living room turned immediately from playful to filled with tension.
“Brenna… it’s time.”
Across town, the atmosphere was as much the same, filled with tension.
After returning back to the bar from the Niragi residence, the five men had gathered around a table to discuss what their next step would be and what they had discovered.
“FUCK!” Wooyoung exclaimed, raking his hand back through his black hair.
“Are you 100% sure that she’s not there?” Wooyoung asked Lee Know, aka Lee Minho, as they dropped into a set of chairs at a table in the center of Chan’s Bar. Lee Know just stared back at Wooyoung impassively.
“Have I been wrong before?”
Wooyoung scoffed back.
“I’m JUST asking!” he said petulantly.
Before Lee Know could respond with his usual pissy response to Wooyoung’s pouting, Chan placed five beers down on the table, interrupting their back and forth. Yunho grabbed a chair and turned it around backwards to straddled it, immediately reaching a hand for the cold beverages.
“This is great and all Chris, but what are you all going to drink?”
Yunho said, only have teasingly, feeling as though he could throw back an entire liqueur cabinet and his nerves would still be shot. Chan only half smiled and silently took a sip of his drink. Changbin was the last one to sit at the table, after coming in from circling the premises a few times, making sure that they had not been followed.
“What I would give to have S here right now.” Chan said of their missing friend who was out of the country due to sick family.
“Same man,” said Changbin. “Without S and Brenna… it’s weird with just the five of us. Plus S has hella good strategies for overtaking enemies.” Changbin had smirked.
“Okay, so she’s not there, right? So... what do we do? How do we find her??”
Wooyoung looked around at the other men, his eyes troubled, biting his bottom lip.
“I mean, if she was safe and okay then she would have come here or at least found a way to contact us, right?” he asked.
None of the men responded, all of them somewhat lost in their own thoughts.
Changbin cleared his throat after a minute and looked over at Lee Know who looked as though he was deep in thought.
“What did you find out?”
Lee Know sat forward in his seat, his beer between his hands as every pair of eyes in the place turned to him.
“So here’s what I know,” he started. “That sick bastard had a room that he would take Brenna to for “punishments””
He air quoted punishments and Yunho’s face paled even more than it already was.
“Wait..What? Punishments? What kind of punishments?!” Wooyoung asked incredulously.
Lee Know shook his head.
“I’m not sure. That specific room didn’t have any cameras in it and all I could hear from the hallway camera… well… it’s…not good. At all.” Lee took a deep steadying breath, the sounds from the video haunting him.
“I.. by the sounds of it.. I honestly don’t know how she even survived this long.”
Wooyoung’s eyes filled with tears and Chan’s face turned a sickly green color. Changbin’s Adam’s apple wobbled as he tried to control the angry emotions that were threatening to break through.
“W-what else did you see?” Wooyoung whispered, not wanting to know, but NEEDING to know all the same.
Lee Know closed his eyes, replaying the moments of the video in his head.
“It was at night. The guy guarding the door went to take a piss . A few second after he left, the door opened. Brenna was there… she… she was hurt… really fucking badly.”
Wooyoung let out a choked sob for his best friend, Chan grabbed the nape of Wooyoung’s neck and squeezed it tightly, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles.
“Go on.” Yunho said after taking a few deep breaths, his knuckles turning white around the neck of his beer.
“She uh… I watched her on the cameras, from several angles. She was bleeding and bruised and limping. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had broken bones…”
Lee Know wiped his hand over his face, his hand shaking slightly.
Lee Minho was deeply bothered, and that’s what scared the other men the most. Lee Minho was silent, stoic, brave. He was the one in their friend group that never showed fear, willing to die at any second, and he had been that way since they had known him. But now.. now they looked at their brave friend and saw tears in his eyes, a tremor in his voice and they knew that the situation was far worse than any of them had actually pictured.
“And… and she…she was.. naked.” He whispered.
The men pulled back in shock, Yunho standing up sharply, picking up the chair he was sitting on and throwing it across the room.
“THAT GOD DAMNED FUCKING BASTARD! I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!” He yelled, slamming his fist onto the table.
Wooyoung sat in utter silence, feeling as though his entire world was crumbling beneath him. ‘I’m supposed to protect her.. I promised to always protect her...I failed.’ the thought kept repeating in his head like a never ending death cycle.
“Guys, we need to hear the rest of it,” Chan said darkly, fury evident in his flared nostrils and shaky voice, but trying to stay calm enough to finish getting the information that they needed.
Lee Know blinked back his tears, and leaned back in his seat, fully ready to drop the next bomb.
“Someone helped her.” He stated.
The men’s faces turned to him sharply and Wooyoung leaned over to him hastily, latching on to Lee Know’s arm.
“Who?? Who helped her??” He begged for an answer.
Lee Know took a swig from his beer and shrugged.
“I have no idea.”
Changbin scoffed and placed his elbows on the table.
“You? THE Lee Minho, doesn’t know who someone is on a video?”
Lee Know rolled his eyes and sat up straighter.
“I seriously don’t know who this guy was. Listen, I think this guy was watching the cameras and saw Brenna escaping. When she got the door, he showed up, he gave her clothes and shoes and talked to her, it seemed like he was in a rush, but he kept his back to the camera purposely. Then.. he…he hugged her.”
“HE WHAT?!” Wooyoung yelped out.
“This has to be the inside man that she told us that she had.” Chan said thoughtfully, eyebrows furrowed.
Lee Know nodded, “That’s the only explanation. After he hugged her she limped out of the door and he locked it behind her.”
“What happened next?” Changbin asked, arms crossed over his broad chest, tensed.
Lee Know shrugged again.
“I don’t know. The videos have been deleted. In fact..” he said, holding his chin in his hand in contemplation, “It was weird. Really weird. When I hacked into their computer system, every video from that night had been thoroughly deleted. At first, I couldn’t find any videos at all. Then suddenly the video of what happened to Brenna in the room and then the video of her escape popped up out of nowhere, as if someone knew I was hacking in and purposely wanted me to see them. I couldn’t even trace their origins.”
He stared into Yunho’s eyes meaningfully and Yunho nodded back, understandingly.
Wooyoung looked back and forth between the men, confused.
“Wait, what am I missing? What does this mean?”
Yunho cleared his throat before looking at the other men, one by one.
“What it means.. is that Brenna’s inside man wanted us to find those videos. He wanted us to know what had happened and how she escaped.”
Changbin piped in, “It shows he even wanted us to know which door she escaped from.”
“So basically…” Chan leaned forward in odd excitement. “Brenna’s inside man is now OUR inside man.”
Chapter Six:
Chapter 8:
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christinesolstice · 1 year
The Demon and His Kitten
Y/N has traveled to see her Idol boyfriend, Park Seonghwa. She was told to go to the hotel room and be ready and waiting for when he got there.
But... Things do not always go as planned.
This is basically just smut.
So you've been warned. 😂
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The single word came across as a firm command, his voice pitched low and dangerous, booking absolutely no room for even a single argument. I lifted my eyes from the hotel floor to glance into the never-ending depth of his haughty black ones, that seemed to be mocking my predicament. He noticed my inquisitive look and a small and sexy smirk formed in the corner of his lush mouth. A mouth I was longing to kiss. The left side of his mouth lifted into a dangerous half-smile, his teeth looking sharp, as if he were a predator waiting to devour his prey. I by the gods, did I feel lucky to be his prey.
Crossing his leather-clad arms over his chest, Seonghwa slowly looked me up and down, his gaze trailing hotly over my curved, taking in every aspect of my being, my breath catching. His dark eyebrow arched intimidatingly, causing me to blush from the roots of my hair down to my chest. His dark eyes followed the blush and I felt my nipples harden under his gaze. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped me when I was faced with the dark aura that was exuding from him.
Hearing my whimper, his eyes whipped back up to mine, seeking them out, leaving me feeling as though I could get lost in his heated gaze for all of eternity. I melted underneath his gaze, turning into a puddle of want and need. Most of his performance makeup had been removed leaving him with nothing more than smudged eyeliner, that only added to the effect of his smoldering eyes. He looked like a walking, talking sex demon.
Seonghwa had three personas. The one he used for fan service in front of his ATINY. This persona was sweet, a mother hen, usually dolled up in pretty makeup and he acted somewhat delicate, often jokingly terrorized and bullied by the other members. He was absolutely precious.
Then there was the persona that he used with everyone in his personal life, his truest persona. A sweet and caring man, who didn’t take shit but also worked hard, and cared hard for those around him. Always seeing to other people’s needs before his own. He was also a guy’s guy. He liked sports, drinking and hanging out with his friends. Truly just a normal person.
But then there was the third persona… The one that only I got to see. The persona that was used behind closed doors, or in public without anyone knowing. The persona that allowed him to be…well… a demon.
“I said strip.”
The butterflies in my stomach fluttered at the firmness in his deep voice. I nervously began to pull his large black hoodie over my head.
I hadn’t meant to fall asleep... not really … And especially not in his clothing. But the bed was so big and inviting, his scent still clinging to the sheets from the previous night and his hoodie, my favorite hoodie of his, had been laid out so tantalizingly on the foot of the bed. I couldn’t help myself. Truly! What’s a love-addled brain supposed to do? He had commanded that I be waiting and ready for him when he came back to the room. So I knew what kind of a mood he was in and while I swear I had every intention of doing so…
But the second I saw the hoodie laying there as if I gift to me, my fingers started itching and didn’t stop until I took my own shirt off and pulled the large black hoodie over me. I inhaled deeply as his cologne wafted over my senses. I purred at the thought of hurrying my head in his neck and being overwhelmed by his scent in person.
It had been months since I had seen my boyfriend what with the group being on your and all. I had missed every single thing about this man so much, including his sexy scent.
I grabbed the collar of the hoodie and inhaled deeply into it as I found myself climbing into the big bed, murmuring at how soft the bedding was and how good it felt against my skin. I slowly sank down into the warmth and comfort that Seonghwa had created for our special night. It wasn’t long before my travel-weary eyes closed and I fell into one of the best sleeps I had in weeks.
My comfort didn’t last too long, however. I was woken up to the sound of the hotel locks clicking and Seonghwa coming through the door, a huge bouquet of yellow daisies in his hand, a large smile on his face that immediately dropped as soon as he saw what state I was in. Seeing his smile drop, I felt a smidge of panic run through me, knowing I had messed up. I hurried to climb out of the bed to stand at the foot of it, facing him.
He looked around the room, noticing my shirt on the floor and my shoes kicked haphazardly at the side of the bed. His gaze darkened when he realized what I was wearing and I felt a sharp chill run down my spine.
“How long have you been here?” he asked quietly
I glanced over at the bedside clock and realized that I had been sleeping for a little over three hours.
“A-about four hours…”
His frown deepened even more as he stared at me, waiting for me to catch my mistake.
“S-sir!” I stuttered out. “About four hours sir…”
He sighed and sat the flowers down onto the table.
“I told you to be ready and waiting for me and you weren’t.” He walked over to the closet and started pulling off his black leather jacket, hanging it up. “I told you to be ready and waiting and instead I find you asleep in MY bed and in MY clothing.”
I winced at the inflection in his tone, Seonghwa being the master of never raising his voice but using inflection to keep you solidly in your place and under his thumb.
“What a bad girl you’ve been.”
I dropped my gaze straight down when he said I’d been bad. I wanted nothing more in that moment that to be good for him. I NEEDED to be good for him. I wanted him to be proud of me.
“I’m sorry Seonghwa… I…I promise I’ll be good. I’ll be a good kitten for you.”
I looked up at him imploringly, giving him my most innocent eyes but he just stared back, unimpressed. Apparently being cute was not going to get me out of trouble tonight.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“MY kitten has manners. MY kittens waits for me when I tell her to. MY kitten is a good girl. I don’t know what you are but it’s definitely not MY kitten. You do not deserve that name.”
I felt tears collect in the corners of my eyes at his words, quickly trying to blink them back.
“P-please S-sir. I’ll be good, I p-promise.”
He watched the tear roll down my cheek with disinterest.
And that’s how I wound up in this spot. My fingers trembled as I folded his hoodie and laid it on the foot of the bed, turning back to look at him. His gaze raked over my body and I stood as still as possible, allowing him to assess me. He slowly walked over to me and my legs trembled slightly. Seonghwa could be overwhelming normally but in a mood like this? He was downright destructive.
He slowly circled me, a dark predator. His fingertips trailing over my stomach, side and my back as he did.
“Hmmmm” he hummed out. “How should I punish you?”
I tried to stop my nerves from having me shift back and forth on my feet.
“I’ll take any punishment you give me Sir.” I said, hoping that it would have my desired effect.
His hand tightened around my waist and he pulled me with him towards the table and chairs. Without a word he roughly shoved me to the table, pulled out a chair and sat in it. He spread his legs and looked at me, then at his crotch. He raised that damned eyebrow provocatively again.
“Well? I thought you wanted to prove what a good kitten you were?”
I hastily dropped to my knees in front of him, between his long and lean legs. I grasped for the zipper on his jeans, only struggling slightly to pull it down. He lifted his hips up enough for me slide down his jeans and briefs, a whine catching in my throat as his hard dick bounced up, hitting his stomach. Seonghwa’s dick was stunning. Absolutely stunning. It wasn’t overly long, but long enough to hurt just a little if he went too deep. It was thick, heavy and stretched me out perfectly. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over this beautiful piece. I loved the taste of him in my mouth, how heavy he felt on my tongue. There had been many occasions where I had been happy simply to be allowed to cock warm him.
I looked up into his eyes and I stuck out my tongue and slowly licked the underside of his shaft from the base to the tip. He let out a short groan and nodded at me to continue. I took the tip of him into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, lavishing it with my spit, the tip of my tongue delving into his slit for just a second, which left him gasping, his fingers tightening against his thighs.
I took him back as far as I could into my mouth, still not having the hang of deep throating him all the way. I let him sit by there, massaging him with my tongue until I needed to breathe. I pulled my lips over my teeth and began to pull my mouth on and off of him, hollowing my cheeks and sucking hard every time I came up.
Seonghwa’s face was flushed and he was biting his lip to hold back from making any encouraging noises, something he would do to try to not make my punishments as fun for me. I knew his game though.
I doubled down on my efforts, my hand raising to cup his balls as I gently played with and massaged them like how he craved. He groaned and ran his fingers through my hair, then while holding my head steady and without any warning, he began fucking my face roughly.
I choked hard on his dick as he repeatedly tried to force it down my throat, my eyes rolling in the back of my head and I began to drool. I kept my tongue flat under his length, reveling in the weight of him every time he entered my mouth, caressing him.
Drool leaked out of my mouth and he started fucking my mouth faster, pushing his dick down further than it ever had. I felt tears streaming down my face as I couldn’t breath, my nails digging into his thighs.
“Fuck” he said harshly and then I felt his cock twitch.
He pulled me off of his dick to allow me to gasp in a breath before shoving it back down my throat. I felt him twitch one more time before he gasped and his cum filled my mouth. I tried my best swallow as he was pulling out, but he had been so full.. there was so much… I couldn’t help that a little bit dribbled out of my mouth.
My jaw ached and I was in heaven. Gods, I loved being used as his toy. Watching his handsome face squint up, his rough exterior melt away. I loved watching him fall to pieces because of my hands or my mouth or my pussy. I moaned at the taste of him in my mouth, it was delicious and I was delirious. I opened my eyes to see him glaring down at me unhappily.
“You couldn’t even drink everything I gave you? Fucking pathetic. You’re so useless.”
I whined at his words, pulling back, hurt and embarrassment racing through me.
He, ignoring my whines, roughly pulled me up and pushed me over the table, keeping his hand on the back of my neck when I tried to lift my head.
“Tsk. Tsk. You said you’d take any punishment. Did you lie to me?” his fingered tightened on my nape.
“No Sir! Any punishment. I’ll take it, please!”
He was silent as his fingers tightened on the nape of my neck, rubbing and scratching. I almost purred and could feel my pussy start to lightly throb even though I was already wet from sucking him down.
The nape of my neck was one of my biggest turn on spots and he knew it, often abusing it when he had the chance. There was one time where he had me in this same position and he bit the back of my neck as he entered me. I screamed, had one of the biggest orgasms of my life and then passed out. Since that moment, he never let’s our time together go by without trying to do SOMETHING to the back of my neck.
I felt his nail digging into my skin right underneath my hairline and I inhaled sharply, lust fogging my brain. His fingers came up to the waist band of my shorts and he slowly pulled my shorts and underwear down off of me.
“Wet already? What a slut. Can’t even control your thoughts when being punished, huh? I think this means that you need a harder punishment than I had planned.”
His fingers slid over my wet lips and he roughly bit down my spine. I gasped in shock at the first bite, canting my hips backwards, seeking his fingers, the pain only fueling my desire.
“I thought you were going to try to be good. Did I say you could move?”
I stilled my hips immediately.
“I think ten spankings are in order. What do you think?” he asked while his fingertip started slowly rubbing circles around my clit. I whimpered and nodded my head, my forehead rubbing on the wood of the table.
“So slutty, can’t even talk because you’re so dick hungry aren’t you?”
I could only nod my head again, eyes squeezing shut and I forcefully tried to remain still. I was desperately wishing he would just push his fingers into me. It felt like it had been ages since he filled me up.
It took hearing the snap of his belt to realize that his hands were no longer on me. I looked over my shoulder to see my boyfriend standing there, a heated look on his face, staring at my ass as he slapped the belt against his palm. He looked up at me and nodded.
“Count each time. If you mess up or forget then that one doesn’t count, which means I’ll spank you again. Understand?” I nodded, eyes wide, staring at the bulge in the front of his pants, realizing that he was already hard again.
He stepped to me and grabbed my chin, forcing my gaze to meet his. “I need to hear you. Out loud. Do you understand?”
I nodded my head, “Yes Sir.”
“Color?” he asked gently, his eyes searching mine and his thumb rubbing along my bottom lip.
“Green. So fucking green for you!” I whispered quickly.
He smirked and dropped his hand, my face falling back to the table. I felt him walk behind me and I tightened my fingers over the edge of the table, holding on for dear life.
“Don’t forget to count.”
I whimpered and felt my ass cheeks tighten from the impact, knowing that he was actually going pretty easy on me, the spankings far lighter than normal.
“One, Sir.”
“Two, Sir” I murmured, enjoying the sharp sting the belt left on me.
“Three, sir!” I said quickly, before wiggling my hips teasingly at him.
I heard him chuckle before he brought the belt down two times harder than before.
I gasped loudly, tears forming once again, my fingernails digging against the wood.
“F-four.. sir.”
Each spanking was becoming harder and harder.
“Eight!” I cried out, my ass now red and tender and aching while my pussy was becoming increasingly wetter.
“We both know you can take more than this.” He said before having the belt come down again.
I screamed out as the belt hit right beneath my butt on the tender flesh. My knees started to drop as I gasped for air against the pains. Seonghwa wrapped his arm under my waist and lifted, straightening my legs back up.
“Did someone forget to count?”
“Nine! Nine!” I said, panicking.
He smoothed the flat of his hand over my tender flesh and I flinched away from his touch.
“You forgot. Which means I should give you two more.”
Tears ran down my cheeks at his words as he pinched the red skin roughly with his fingers.
“However, you did eventually remember. So I’ll give you the last one but I’m going to make it hurt and you better remember to count.”
“Yes what?” he asked, his fingers digging into my bruising flesh.
“Y-yes S-sir” I sobbed.
I heard the impact before I truly felt it, monetarily stunned from the pain. Then the pain sank in and I sobbed heavily, my legs collapsing, my body sliding to the floor.
Seonghwa stood over me, looking down at me with his hands on his hips, patiently waiting for me to collect myself once again.
“Ten…” I whispered when my crying slowed down to hiccups. My body sore and aching.
Seonghwa squatted down in front of me, a huge and radiant smile on his face. He lovingly took my face into his hands, softly kissing the tears on my puffy cheeks. His warm lips felt driving and they had me melting against him. I looked at him pleadingly.
“Did I do good? Was I good for you?” I whispered.
“Oh darling,” he said gently before pulling me into his arms to gently nuzzle my nose with his. “You were perfect. Absolutely perfect. You always are. You’re so good for me my beautiful and precious kitten. My love.”
I sniffled happily and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his lips gently.
“I love you so much hunny. My demon.” I whispered, stars shining in my eyes, while his reflected them back to me.
“I love you too darling, my kitten.”
He helped me to stand, my legs shaky and weak, and led my to the bed, pulling back the covers and helping me to climb in. I tenderly scooted to the center of the bed and he followed, siding one leg between mine to lean over me, placing his hands on both sides of my head. He kissed me gently, his tongue flicking out to run along my bottom lip. I opened my mouth for him and he groaned, deepening the kiss, out tongues swirling and caressing.
His fingertips glided over my collar bone and I felt goosebumps raise in their wake. He nuzzled beneath my ear, sliding his tongue down my neck to nip and lick and suck where his fingertips went. He ground his thigh against my pussy and I moaned, desperate for the friction I arched my hips up, rubbing my wetness all over his thigh.
He smiled and kissed his way down my chest, finally touching my aching nipples.
I gasped as he took one of my nipples into his mouth, licking and sucking for all he was worth. My mouth opened in an O, already feeling my throbbing pussy start to tingle. He spent time going back and forth between my breasts, his hands stroking and holding, flicking and pinching. It was the perfect combination to his soft and wet and hot tongue.
I was almost to the point of cumming just from the stimulation but right when I was on the verge, he pulled away. I grasped for his head, trying to pull him back to my chest. He laughed and smiled at me.
“Shhh kitten, you’re going to cum on my tongue.”
He slowly licked and nibbled his way down my body, pausing to suck on my hip bone, causing my to gasp and beg
“Seong! Please!”
I blushed as he dropped between my legs and pulled them both over his shoulders. He ran his hands lovingly up and down my thighs, planting slow open-mouthed kisses up both of my inner thighs before pressing his mouth against my soaking pussy, slowly and lovingly kissing my lips. My fingers tangled in the bed sheets and I threw my head back as he slid his tongue between and up my wet folds to gently circle around my clit.
I was so oversensitive that I cried out when he started to suckle on my clit, my fingers fasting through his hair to tug and pull, wishing for a release. He started licking me faster, his tongue swirling in just the perfect way to make me come undone. I fell back against the bed, letting go of his hair as the pressure started building to excruciating heights.
He plunged a finger into me roughly and I came, tightening on his finger as my cries echoed throughout the hotel room. Stars burst behind my eyelids as my pussy clenched and unclenched repeatedly, my orgasm over taking everything.
As I climbed down from my high I realized that Seonghwa was talking while he kissed my wet lips gently.
“So beautiful. My kitten is so fucking beautiful. I’m so damned lucky to have you darling. Fuck, I love you so much. My darling. My kitten.”
He continued to croon as he licked my wetness, sliding his tongue up and down my folds, teasingly flicking against my clit as a shuddered from oversensitivity.
I wasn’t don’t yet though. My orgasm was amazing but I still hadn’t had what I wanted most. I needed more. I grabbed for his hands and pulled him up to me. I kissed him deeply, tasting myself on his tongue and moaning from the taste. We tasted so good together, even he always said it. He pulled back and looked at me with mischievousness in his dark eyes.
“What are you doing kitten? Aren’t you satisfied?”
I shook my head and kissed down his throat.
“I want you inside me. I want to cum so over your huge dick. I want you to fuck me Seong.”
He kissed me gently and nodded before reaching over to the side table and pulling a condom out of the drawer.
He tore the packet with his teeth, causing my pussy to clench, and my heart to beat faster. He looked like a sex demon when he did that and he knew how much it got to me. He winked at me and rolled the condom onto his thickness. He dropped his forehead to mine as I spread my legs for him, my arms coming to wrap around his neck. He pulled back to look into my eyes and smile as he lined up with me and slowly, ever so slowly, pushed his way into me. We both gasped and held our breaths until he was fully seated inside me.
“F-fuck. So..so big Seong.”
I moaned as he slowly pulled out before sheathing himself back inside me. He groaned and my neck.
“You’re always so tight for me darling. So tight for my big cock. You take me so well “ he said as he started rolling his hips in and out of me, angling perfectly to hit that spot inside that had my toes curling. My pussy clenched at his praise and he fucked into me harder when he felt it.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as we chased our ending together. It didn’t take long before we were both panting, my orgasm hitting me hard and fast, my pussy clamping onto his dick like a vice, causing him to lose his control and start fucking me as fast and hard as he could.
His hips stuttered as he came hard inside of the condom, lips latching onto my sensitive nipples, pulling a second and surprising orgasm from my exhausted body.
It was nice and warm like this. Wrapped in my boyfriend’s arms, my head buried against his chest as his exhaustion finally gave in and sleep overtook him.
Before sleeping we had taken a hot and relaxing shower together, lathering each other’s bodies up with his soap and covering each other with praises and kisses and soft touched. Afterwards, he had me lay on the bed as he massaged lotion on to my bruising booty and fed me fruit that he had room service deliver while we were in the shower.
We had been lazily kissing and whispering when his head finally fell back against his pillow and stayed there. I tried to move but his arms tightened around me and he pouted in his sleep. I just smiled and snuggled into it, my heart overflowing with love and affection. This was my favorite place to be. This was home. My demon. His kitten.
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christinesolstice · 2 years
That's The Way Of It
Chapter 6: The Game Begins
Wooyoung is scared and worried when someone pretending to be Brenna responded to his text stating that she decided not to try to escape.
Wooyoung gets their friends together to go confront Niragi, to found out what he did with their Friend.
Niragi is surprised by the one person he hates the most, Wooyoung, showing up at the Family Home.
When a truth comes out it leaves Wooyoung and the guys desperate to find Brenna and leaves Niragi with a thirst for blood.
TW: Mentions of physical violence
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"Dammit!” Jung Wooyoung yelled loudly before slamming his fist down on the bar that he was sitting at, causing his best friend and owner of the bar he was currently at, Chan, to glance over at him with yet another worried look on his face.
The bar had been closed for not even fifteen full minutes when an anxiety-filled Wooyoung had started hammering on the door and screeching for his friend to let him in. Since then, he had been sitting at the bar, repeatedly trying to get in contact with their friend Brenna.
The last time he had talked to her, she said that she needed to escape from the man she was living with. Brenna had offered no details but he had seen the bruises and the broken bones and how panicked she became anytime that Wooyoung said that he was going to talk to the man. The fuck did he care if the man WAS the head of a “Family"? This was his BEST and TRUEST friend for fuck’s sakes and he was not going to ignore the fact that she just up and disappeared on their plans before a receiving a text that was obviously from someone pretending to be her.
Wooyoung slammed his phone down on the bar and let out a loud groan of frustration, raking his fingers through his black hair. Chan walked over to him, pouring whiskey into two glasses before sliding one of the glasses of his strongest whiskey over to him. Chan drank the alcohol quickly, grimacing at the strength but Wooyoung let his set for the moment.
“What’s up, mate?” Chan asked in his Australian accent, leaning over the bar to pick up Wooyoung’s cell phone.
Chan noticed that Wooyoung still had the picture of their seven person friend group that they had taken the summer that Brenna had met Niragi, as his lock screen. Chan allowed himself a second to bathe in those memories of the days before everything became so complicated.
“Still no contact from Brenna?” he asked, although he was already completely sure of the answer.
Wooyoung slammed his hands down on the polished wood of the bar top.
“No! I’m telling you, Chan, something is wrong. Something is seriously fucking wrong! It’s been an entire day and a half since her last text message. This isn’t like her! You know this! Even when that bastard would take her phone, her inside man would let her use his phone. But this time there is nothing. NOTHING!” He said, standing up and starting to pace back and forth, his anxiety and worry mounting with each hour that he didn’t hear anything.
Chan sighed deeply and scrolled through the messages between his best friend and his other friend.
“Maybe she really did decide to stay, you know how many times she changed her mind. One minute she wants to leave, the next she wants to stay.” Chan offered, trying to stay more positive than he actually felt.
The truth is, Chan believed that something horrible happened to Brenna as well, however, they had no proof and if he told Wooyoung exactly how he felt, Wooyoung would take that as permission to storm to the Niragi residence. Not that Chan was entirely against that idea, not at all, but he was smart enough to be a little afraid of Niragi and to know that they would need to secure safety as well as backup for that trip. Owning his own bar allowed him to hear all of the gossip that his clients spewed with their drunkenness. The Niragi family would come up often. Chan had heard the terrible rumors that people told in his bar and knew that every rumor started with a glimmer of the truth. And even a glimmer of truth of some of those rumors… it was enough to make your stomach turn.
Plus, Chan had seen the bruises on Brenna himself during the times that she had snuck out to meet them at the bar. Chan and Wooyoung both had asked her over and over again for the truth but Brenna would just shake her head, smile a sad smile and kiss them on their cheeks before quietly gathering her belongings and leaving. She always said that she never wanted to get them involved, and there was always a hint of fear to her eyes when she would say that, covered up quickly by a forced smile.
Wooyoung shook his head in a heated denial, quickly snatched the phone out of Chan’s hand and showed him the last message he had received from Brenna.
“You see where she said she changed her mind? She didn’t use our code symbol that she’s supposed to use when that happens. You know, the one that the THREE OF US chose TOGETHER, in case it ever happened that he pretended to be her over text? That way I would know if it was really her or not in important situations, remember???” Wooyoung asked pleadingly.
Chan let out a shallow and shaky breath and lowered his head, his grip tight enough on the bar that his veins were protruding in a way that would have been attractive had the situation not of been so dire. He closed his eyes and forced down the feeling of rising bile in his throat.
“Yeah… I remember. You’re right, of course you’re fucking right, but goddammit Woo, how are we supposed to get to the bottom of this? It’s the fucking NIRAGI family for crissakes! You know as well as I do how truly bad this situation can get for all three of us if we are not careful. You know what they tried to do to you here while back…if Yunho, Changbin and I hadn’t of been there with you… If Brenna’s inside man hadn’t of warned us of what he had to do and who was coming after us….” Chan’s voice trailed off as he remembered the men that were sent to “take care” of Wooyoung. If it wasn’t for the tip-off then Wooyoung would more than likely of been dead.
Wooyoung let out a haunted cackle that was full of suppressed pain, causing Wooyoung to almost sound like a wicked witch.
”I’m not afraid of them!” he said desperately, tears forming in his eyes, his need to protect his best friend overruling the need to protect himself.
“I’ll go right fucking now!” he exclaimed and grabbed his jacket to try to head out. Chan reached out as Wooyoung tried to storm by and caught his arm in a tight grip. Chan pleaded with his best friend who was absolutely refusing to look at him.
“Bro, we CAN’T just storm over there, not just the two of us. Especially not a night. Besides…what if he sees us and blames Brenna and decides to take it out on her later like he did the other time… We can’t…we can’t risk Brenna or ourselves, not right now, not until we are sure.”
Wooyoung threw his head back in frustration, his arms dropping down to his sides, his jacket falling from his loose fist to land in a heap on the floor. “Then what do YOU suggest?” Wooyoung almost hissed. “ Are you saying that we are just supposed to leave Brenna there in that monster’s arms?”
Chan shook his blonde head, his bottom lip caught between is teeth, regret flashing in his green eyes. “I’m just saying…give it a few more days…and if we still don’t hear from her.. then we will go over there. In the daytime. With backup. And protection. We can call Yunho tonight and get the guys together and come up with a plan. Please Woo… let’s all do this together, yeah mate?”
After a few seconds of searching Chan’s eyes for any sign of deception and not finding any, and then immediately feeling immensely guilty for searching for deception in the first place, Wooyoung nodded and sat back down on his bar stool. Wooyoung picked up the glass of whiskey, swirled it around the glass a few times before swallowing it down in one go. Wooyoung could feel the burn all the way down into his intestines and yet it was nothing compared to the deep murderous rage that was building inside of him.
Niragi sat at his new mahogany desk, going over paperwork that had built up and become past due during his search for Brenna. Being the head of the Family allowed Niragi to do even more a he pleased but he still had to be responsible when it came the Head’s duties. Niragi was deep in thought over the expense accounts, something not quite adding up when his study door suddenly swung wide open. Without looking up, he put his finger up into the air.
“This better be important or you’re dead.” He said in a quiet voice, it was a voice of pure concentration that would normally book no room for any interruptions at all.
“I’m sorry Mr. Niragi, but there seems to be a problem..” his mother’s old butler, Jameson, announced.
The old man had been with the Niragi family since before the matriarch, rest her soul, had even been born. Jameson knew the Niragi family well and had a hand in raising the current head of household as well as his personal bodyguard, Mingi. Jameson held no fear for his employer and was the only person completely safe from the young Patriarch’s ire.
Niragi looked up, his reading glasses, baggy sweats and makeup-less face making him look a lot more innocent than he ever truly had been. Like this, he looked like a regular man in his mid-twenties, who was spending a day lounging at home. Looking at him, no one would ever have ever suspected that he had killed multiple people with his own bar hands by the time he was sixteen years old.
“What’s the issue James? I expressly asked to not be interrupted right now.” He said in a disinterested voice, his eyes flicking over the paperwork to try to find he numbers again that didn’t make sense.
“Well Sir… do you remember Miss Brenna’s friends, a Mr. Jung Wooyoung and a Mr. Christopher Bang ?”
Niragi looked up quickly, his eyes narrowing, all thoughts as numbers and ledgers drifting away from his mind.
“Well Sir… they are here…with others and they are refusing to leave until they see Miss Brenna.”
Niragi scoffed and rolled his eyes, laying his pen down beside the paperwork. He took his glasses off and sat them on the desk in front of him before meeting Jameson’s inquisitive eyes.
“Very well, Jameson,” he said in honeyed voice, “Let our guests in. We will welcome them with open arms,” he said and threw his arms open wide in a mocking gesture.
Jameson bowed his head to his boss and headed out of the study to retrieve their guests.
Niragi crossed his fingers, his silver insignia ring glinting in the sunlight coming through the open window shades. He leaned back in his desk chair and put his two index fingers up to hid lips, pivoting the cushioned desk chair side to side. ‘I wonder exactly how this is going to go’, he chuckled to himself, already envisioning the blood being splattered around the newly refurnished room.
It took only a few minutes before Jameson returned with a ragtag group in tow.
Much to Chan’s discomfort and Niragi’s agitation, Wooyoung immediately stalked to the desk and slammed his palms down on the top of it, leaning over to get into Niragi’s personal space. Niragi REALLY hated people in his personal space.
“WHERE THE FUCK IS BRENNA.” Wooyoung yelled loudly, causing one of the body guards that came into the room with them to step forward. Niragi shook his head at his guard, and the man backed away but still stood at his boss’s side. Niragi smiled wickedly, looking Wooyoung up and down and then straight into his eyes.
“It’s nice to see you as well Wooyoung,” he said darkly.
Niragi looked over Wooyoung’s shoulders and saw that he not had not only had Christopher Bang with him but he somehow also had Yunho of the Jeon family along with Yunho’s right-hand man, Seo Changbin. Niragi didn’t know much about Seo Changbin except from what he heard through the reports. Those reports stated that Seo Changbin was an ace marksman and exceptional in hand-to-hand combat.
‘A shame he didn’t come to us for employment.’ Niragi thought before looking away.
Niragi bowed slightly to Jeon Yunho, his manners not allowing him to disrespect another Family. Yunho bowed stiffly in return, his back ram-rod straight. Niragi huffed at that, ‘The Jeon Family have always thought that they were better than us.’
“I see that you somehow wound up with the riff-raff, Jeon, how the fuck did that happen?” Niragi asked inquisitively, genuinely curious as to how the other major Family in the city came to be backup for his nemesis.
“We’ve been friends since we were children, now where is Brenna?!” Wooyoung asked again.
“Ah! I see.” He said turning to focus on Yunho again. “I would LOVE to know how the Jeon family came to be associated so closely with two orphans” he said with a sneer, as if the thought were utterly disgusting to him.
Wooyoung snapped his fingers in Niragi’s’ face, pissing Niragi off thoroughly.
“I’m going to ask ONE.MORE.TIME.” Wooyoung said, his voice rising in pitch. “WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND?!” he screeched.
Niragi simply smiled in Wooyoung’s face and picked up the pen on his desk, idly twirling it between his beautiful long fingers.
“Brenna is quiet safe. She just doesn’t want anything more to do with trash like you.” He smirked as he saw Wooyoung’s fist tighten at his statement.
“That’s Bullshit!” Chan spat, taking a step forward before Yunho cast out his arm in front of Chan’s chest. Niragi’s eyes narrowed onto the muscled Australian.
Niragi stood up from his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh it’s’ quite true Christopher. Brenna told me that she never wanted to see either of you…ever…again. In fact, she said that you both are nothing more than dirty bottom dwelling scum.”
“That’s it!” Wooyoung yelled, enraged at the laughing man before him.
Wooyoung started to try to climb over the desk but Chan rushed forward to wrap his arms around his friend’s waist, preventing him from doing so. Niragi and his body guards pulled out their guns, meeting Yunho and Changbin’s guns. Wooyoung froze, his eyes level with the gun barrel that was lowered to his face.
Everything became extremely quiet in the study. Niragi’s jaw muscled jumped as he clenched his teeth. Wooyoung’s pulse pounded in his temple and he felt the blood drain from his face as Niragi cocked his gun.
“I suggest… you leave.” He said in a deathly quiet voice. His eyes blacker than Wooyoung had ever seen them.
‘I can’t leave Brenna in this horror.’ He thought desperately and steeled himself for a fight. Chan’s fingers tightened around his waist as if he could tell what was crossing his best friend’s mind. Just as Wooyoung was tensing his body to attack, the study door slammed open, causing every single person in the room to jump and their eyes to shoot towards the door.
In strode a slim man in his mid-twenties with light brown hair, dark brown eyes and a habitual smirk crooking up the corner of his mouth as he surveyed the scene. Niragi looked on in shock as he watched the city’s best underground fighter and one of the best undercover hackers in the world, stride up to Yunho’s side.
“Lee Minho.” Niragi said in disbelief as the new man glanced about the weapons bared room, seeming to be completely at ease within the thick tension.
“How is it that my family tried to recruit you for years and yet now here you are… with the people who have come against me?”
Lee Minho just shoved his hands into pockets, that damn smirk still on his face.
“Let’s go, guys.” He said to the other men who all looked at him like he was crazy. Yunho lowered his gun and turned toward Minho, Changbin‘s gun stayed aimed on the guard in front of him.
Lee Minho rolled his head back and forth on his neck, stretching out the sore muscles.
“Brenna isn’t here.”
Wooyoung and Chan turned to the man in complete shock, even Changbin’s eyes left the guard for a split second before he refocused. Niragi’s face paled with the man’s new declaration. ‘HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW THAT!?”
“What do you mean she’s not here??” Yunho asked, placing his hand on Minho’s shoulder, searching the man’s face. Minho shrugged off Yunho’s big hand and straightened his jacket.
“I’ve done some digging since we’ve been here. Brenna escaped four days ago without anyone noticing for hours and, so far, none of these idiots have a clue as to where she is. So she’s out there somehow, somewhere, but definitely not in here.” He said nonchalantly.
Wooyoung slowly turned to Niragi, a huge fake smile plastered on his face, batting his eyelashes. “I think we will leave and go find my best friend before you guys can hurt her anymore. Now, if you’ll excuse us!” Wooyoung said and sauntered out of the room, pulling Chan quickly along with him.
Niragi shot lasers out of his eyes at them as they departed. Yunho gave another stiff bow and Lee Minho saluted cockily, raising an eyebrow. Changbin was the last out, still training his gun at the guards until the doors closed completely behind them.
Niragi petulantly threw his gun across the room before picking up his pen and snapping it between his fingers. He stood at his desk, his head bowed in rage, his chest raising and lowering with each fast breath.
Jameson walked back into the study after escorting the guests out of the home.
“Sir, would you like me to send someone after them?” Jameson asked, a cell phone in his hand, primed to call their security.
There was a moment of pause before Niragi looked up, his eyes dark and his face maniacal.
“Well will find her first,” he purred, “And when we do, I will make her watch as a bleed Wooyoung dry and carve the heart from his pathetic chest.”
The group burst out of the house and Wooyoung rounded on their friend Lee Know, otherwise known as Lee Minho.
“Is it true???” Wooyoung asked, clinging to Lee Know’s shirt. Lee Know pushed off Wooyoung’s desperate and clingy hands.
“Yes,’ he nodded, “I swear that it’s true.”
Changbin shoved his gun into the back of jeans but still kept an eye on their surroundings. “SO what does this mean?” he asked the group.
“It means,” Yunho said darkly, “That we have to find her before that bastard does or there is no telling what he will do to her.”
The five men all shared a look of understanding.
Chapter 7:
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christinesolstice · 2 years
Jungkook's Bon Voyage Romance
Part: 1
BTS has come to America to film a new season of Bon Voyage. With their regular director gone for the week, they trust his advice and hire an American director.
Sera's Uncle is a small-time director who landed a new gig thanks to an old friend. Upon her Uncle's urging, she hires on as the assistant to seven men that she had never heard of.
Will their week in the woods go as planned?
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“Ugh! I hate rain! And I hate the cold! Whyyyyyy did I agree to this job?” I complained, once again, to my Uncle who was directing the show that we were about to start filming. I huddled tightly under the umbrella even more, trying to keep from getting even more wet from the light rain that was coming down. It was definitely a cold and rainy morning; a morning that I should have been spending in my favorite reading chair, curled up under a huge fluffy blanket with a hot up of coffee and my latest mystery thriller book.
My Uncle chuckled as he checked the protective gear over the camera equipment in the back of the equipment trailer one more time.
“Because you need the money, this is a good paying job, and you’ll be good at it.” He answered with a sickeningly sweet smile. “Plus… aren’t attractive men a bonus?” I rolled my dark brown eyes and pulled my hands inside of my jacket sleeves to try to warm them up.
“It’s not like I’m lacking in the dating area, plus I haven’t even seen these men, they are probably all ugly,” I huffed in annoyance, not really meaning the words that came out of my mouth. My Uncle just smiled to himself and walked off to talk to some of the other film crew.
I usually worked as a personal assistant for an up-and-coming actress but due to personal reasons, the actress was taking a leave of absence from acting and therefore, leaving me jobless for the fall season. My plan was to take the time to relax and enjoy my earnings until the actress came back in the winter, but it seemed as though my Uncle had other plans.
Uncle Tito had called one afternoon and asked to meet up for dinner at my favorite restaurant that night. I had agreed thinking that it would be a family dinner with my Aunt and cousins as well. Instead, I arrived to the restaurant to see my Uncle sitting alone at a table with a thick pile of papers before him and a business proposal brewing in his mind.
Uncle Tito stated that he was going to be directing a type of reality show that he had never directed before, he said that it was almost something like a Variety Show, whatever that was.
“It’ll be great! It’s a brand new market for me and a HUGE opportunity and honor to be able to work with BTS.”
I screwed up my face in confusion. “What’s a BTS?” I asked confused.
“You know, the Global K-Pop sensation group of singers, dancers and rappers?”
I shook my head, still not recognizing them.
“You know, they went to the White House…..they have been on multiple award shows here in the US?”
I just lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, “Since when do I pay attention to politics or to who is who in the music industry?”
My Uncle heaved a heavy sighed and rubbed his hand down his face but then he stopped and tilted his head to look at me. “Actually, this might be good. This might be VERY good. Their management team was worried about hiring a fan as their personal assistant while they were here. So this is actually in our favor since you’re oblivious to who the men are.”
My Uncle went on rambling before his words finally caught up to me.
“WAIT! Personal assistant? THEIRS? ME?” I asked incredulously.
Uncle Tito nodded his head a little too happily. “Yes! Exactly!”
And that’s how I came to have this job. However, when I signed the contract it never said that I would be the assistant to SEVEN men, that I’m supposed to be in the filming with them, in the woods, on a camping adventure for something called Bon Voyage?? Apparently, it’s a vacation thing they do where they travel and it gets recorded? But this time it’s supposed to be a week with them camping? Which seemed easy enough though I hadn’t met them yet so I couldn’t rightfully say, they may be like literal babes in the woods. Although if I can handle a prima donna actress then I can definitely handle them… I hope.
“Alright, it looks like we are all set here.” My Uncle’s voice sounded from the truck parked in the parking spot closest to the camper that the men were supposed to take.
I looked the camper and shook my head, wondering how on earth seven grown men were supposed to sleep in it. Uncle Tito had taken me through the camper and above the driver seat there was a bunk bed, there was a large bunk bed in the back, over the small bathroom, the table could be converted into a bed and the window seats could be converted into a bed. So I guess technically, if they all slept REALLY close, then they cold fit but it made me feel grateful that I had my own tent that I didn’t have to share with anyone, even if the weather was cold and rainy.
“Okay! They are almost here! Everyone get ready!” Uncle Tito shouted to all of us.
I straightened up under my umbrella, interested to find out exactly who I would be working for. I could have looked up BTS before hand, out of curiosity, but I decided not to. It was a week-long job and then after that, I would never see these men again, so what was the point, really? Besides, they were just normal guys, right?
Suddenly a camera was shoved right into my face, which I’m sure would give the audience a clear shot up my nostrils.
“Sooooo, Sera…how do you feel about working with the ultra-famous and ultra-hip group B…T…S!!” My friend Daniel yelled behind the camera. I rolled my eyes and pushed the camera out of my face.
“I would a lot better about it if everyone would just chill. They are just guys.”
Daniel’s mouth gaped open and he put his hand over his heart in mock pain. “JUST GUYS?!” he screeched, causing several other crew to turn their hands to look at us. I slapped my hand over his loud mouth and told him to quiet down.
“Yes, just guys. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
Daniel’s eyes bulged out. “Just…guys… do you REALLY think the…THE Jung Hoseok is JUST a guy?” I
shrugged my shoulders for what felt like the twentieth time that day. “I’ve never seen the guy so how would I know?”
Daniel went to reply but his eyes bugged out even more, which I really didn’t think was possible, and he grabbed my shoulders roughly.
"THAT is THE Jung Hoseok.” He said as he spun me around to face the van that had just pulled up.
Out of the passenger seat had come a golden skinned man, with wavy brown hair and possibly the best bone structure I had ever seen in person. “Oh.” I said quietly in slight awe before turning back to my friend.
“Okay, okay, I get it. I REALLY get it. The guy is gorgeous. Just remember that you’re on assignment, so no trying to hook up with the celebrities.”
Daniel nodded quickly, straightening his face.
“You’re right,” he said, suddenly trying to look very professional. “I cross my little gay heart that I will not try to hook up with the celebrities until the assignment is over.”
He gave me a firm nod and I just giggled, looped my arm through his, and we made our way to where seven men were emptying out of the vehicle.
My Uncle stood before them, talking to the tallest one who had these remarkable dimples every time that he smiled.
“We appreciate you doing this, our regular director was unable to come because of health reasons. He highly recommenced you, and it’s nice to work with someone that he trusts.” Uncle Tito shook the guy’s hand.
“Oh no, It’s an honor to be able to work with all of you. It’s my first time filming something like this so I hope that everything work out well.”
The dimpled man smiled again and waved his hands in the air, “I’m sure it will all be wonderful.”
My Uncle noticed me out of the corner of his eye and waved me over, “Mr. Kim, this is my niece, Sera. She will be the one assisting all of you in whatever you need on this trip." I smiled politely and the man did the same back.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I said warmly, “Please rely on me for anything that you might need.” I stuck my hand out and it was enveloped in his much larger one.
“We definitely will, thank you,” he responded. “Let me introduce everyone. First off, I’m Kim Namjoon but you can just call me Joon”. I nodded and consented to calling him that then my eyes roved over the other men as he introduced them, trying to keep the names straight with who they were.
“This is our eldest member, Kim Seokjin, we call him Jin.” He waved to a tall lanky man with curling brown hair, large lips, who I realized was the one whose laugh had sounded like a windshield wiper when Daniel and I were walking up. ‘He seems absolutely precious, omg.’ He waved shyly and I waved back, nodding my head at him.
Namjoon waved to a man with jet black hair that was curling under his ears, who looked like he was ready to crash into a bed at any moment. His tired eyes roved over me in scrutiny and a small part of me became a little nervous. He seemed a little more intimidating that the other men so far. “This is Min Yoongi, he normally goes by Suga.” “Suga?” I say in question and the tired man nods his head at me, “You can call me whatever you like, but I normally do go by Suga.”
“This is Jung Hoseok,” he motioned towards the one that Daniel had been orgasming over. “You can call me JHope or Hobi,” he said sweetly. “I will definitely do that, thank you.” I responded.
“This is Park Jimin, we just call him by his name.” Jimin’s beauty almost took my breath away. His bleached blonde hair contrasted perfectly with his tan and his eyes crinkled up into half moons when he smiled. ‘He looks like a freaking angel!’ We both nodded high at each other as he ignored an elbow nudge and a whisper from the guy standing beside him.
Namjoon then introduced the man who had been elbowing Jimin as Kim Taehyung. The man with the boxy smile and curly brown hair sauntered to me, took my hand in his and gave the back up my hand a kiss before looking up at me and wiggling his eyebrows. “You can call me Tae or even better, boyfriend, “ he said in a deeper voice than the other men. A loud laugh/snort escaped me as Jin yelled, “Yah!” and Jimin quickly pulled Tae back as the members rounded on him and started hitting him. “I WAS JUST KIDDING.” He yelled in surrender.
Namjoon shook his head, “I’m sorry about that.”
I waved away his apology. “Don’t worry, I have a best fried that acts the exact same way sometimes,” I side-eyed Daniels whose ears turned red at my words. “I’m sure we will get along perfectly."
I laughed and Tae shot me finger guns which had Jimin putting his face in the palm of his hand.
Namjoon then turned to the last one who had caught my eye since the beginning. He was tall with black hair, dressed in all black, had a lip ring and I could see a few tattoos on one of his hands. “This is our maknae Jeon Jungkook, we call him JK or Kookie. “
I looked at the leader in curiosity, I had never heard the term ‘maknae’. Before I could control my loud mouth, in jest I blurted out, “What’s a maknae? I that like a prison term or something?”
I slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as the words came out, realizing that not only were these not normal people, but they were people that I did not know well enough to joke around with in that way, if in any way at all.
Uncle Tito sighed and looked up at the sky as if praying to a god for divine intervention.
“I’m so sorry! I was just kidding!” I tried to quickly say but every single man was laughing loudly at Jungkook’s shocked expression.
Taehyung and Jimin had fallen onto the ground laughing and Jin’s windshield wiper laugh echoed thought the parking lot. Namjoon and Yoongi were laughing so hard that they could barely breath and Hobi was clapping his hands and pointing at Jungkook, “It’s probably because of his tattoos,” he said, which sent them al into another round of laughter, this time even Jungkook joined in.
I watched them all laugh, bewildered that they were not pissed.
Yoongi came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, “That was amazing! That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard about Jungkookah.” He said, giving me a gummy smile and suddenly he no longer seemed intimidating.
As the laughter slowly died down, Namjoon wiped his eyes, “Maknae means youngest, he’s the youngest of our group.”
I blushed from my forehead and all the way down to my toes. “I am so, so sorry.” I said to Jungkook but he just grinned a cute little bunny grin, his nose scrunching up. “It’s okay, it was really funny.”
“I’m still sorry, that was so rude and unprofessional of me.”
Namjoon smiled sweetly at me, “I promise, it’s okay. It’s refreshing to be around someone who acts like we are just regular guys.” The others nodded to what their kind leader said.
“In fact,” he said seriously, “I think we would all prefer if you would just be yourself, even with things like that. It’ll be more like having a friend along instead of an employee, it’ll be refreshing and fun! What do you say guys?” he turned to the other men and they all agreed.
“I definitely think you should be yourself around us, after all, we are going to be stuck together for the next week anyway.” Jin reasoned.
“Yeah,” Jimin piped up. “I would much rather work with the real you than with a fake version just for the sake of the show.”
“Besides,” Hobi stated, “If you keep making jokes like that about JK, the I’ll probably love you forever.” He said, giving the youngest member a smug smile, to which JK responded by flipping him off.
Namjoon turned to Uncle Tito, “Mr. Martinez, I think this is going to be a great show.”
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christinesolstice · 2 years
When the Whole World Stops
Chapter 2: Jackson's Move and Fallon's Mood
Fallon, fighting a hangover, finds herself awake early and standing in line at a cafe.
Jackson finds himself at the same cafe and realizes that Fallon is the one he can't get out of his head.
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Fallon slowly regained her consciousness very early the next morning.
Groaning against the throbbing pain in her head, a sure sign that she was going to have at least a small hangover today. She tried to open her sleep-swollen eyes, blinking rapidly in the morning sunlight that was streaming in between the hotel room curtains. Closing her eyes once again Fallon scooted down into the pile of blankets, relishing in how fluffy and comfortable the bed was.
This was not Fallon and Alicia’s first time going to a concert in Chicago, the last time Alicia had drug Fallon to a Monsta X concert, which if Fallon was honest with herself, was absolutely amazing! (Not to mention that the member, Kihyun, was…well.. absolutely stunning.)
The last time they stayed in Chicago they had stayed at this same hotel and while it was great, there had been a mix-up in the room and instead of a room with two beds, they were booked into a single room with a double bed. This time, however, they were able to successfully secure a room with two queen beds and Fallon felt like she had died and gone to heaven, not sure of when the last time was that she had slept this well. Although, the drinks they had before bed probably helped the sleeping if Fallon wanted to be truthful about it.
Fallon squeezed her eyes tight, trying her hardest to get a few more hours of sleep, judging by the position of the sun, it still looked really early. After about ten minutes Fallon looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw that it was a little after 6 in the morning. Fallon huffed and threw the covers back, the need to pee overcoming the sleepiness and driving it away from her.
Fallon climbed out of bed, stretched her arms high above her head, feeling her back pop as she leaned side to side.
Walking to the bathroom, she glanced over at her best friend who was still out cold in her own bed, hair everywhere and drool pooling on the pillow. Alicia was a lightweight when it came to drinking and as much as they drank last night, Fallon wouldn’t be surprised if Alicia slept the entire day.
Fallon finished using the bathroom and went to the sink to wash her hands, grimacing at the face that was looking back at her. Fallon had miraculously remembered to take her makeup off before bed but because of the alcohol, her face was puffy and swollen and a little splotchy. Fallon decided that since she was wide awake, she would go ahead and shower before Alicia woke up.
Feeling the hot water pound against her skull and back, Fallon moaned in appreciation, she really wished that she could get the water to hit this hard at her apartment. Fallon stayed in the shower much longer than she should have and only decided to get out because she could hear her sister’s ringtone coming from her phone.
Fallon slowly clambered out of the shower, quickly dried off, wrapping her towel around her body and one around her hair. Fallon quickly walked to where her phone was plugged in on the nightstand, passing Alicia’s snoring form still stretched out in the exact same position. Fallon checked her phone and realized that she had three missed called from her sister, Hannah. Fallon sat down on her bed and dialed her sister’s number while she started rubbing her lotion onto her dry skin.
“Hey sis!” Hannah answered quickly, “You doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Hungover but good.” Fallon chuckled.
“Okay, I was just wanting to check on you after your four minute long rambling voice message that you sent last night.”
Fallon paused completely with what she was doing,
“Four….minute…message??” Hannah laughed over the phone,
“OOOHHHHH YEAH. It was a little over four minutes. You sounded wasted, girl!”
Fallon cackled, “Oh god, I’m going to have to listen to that later. Please tell me I didn’t say anything extremely embarrassing.”
She could hear a sound that sounded like Hannah tapping something against her chin. “Not too embarrassing.. although you talked a lot about some guys ass.”
“What!” Fallon shot up, sitting up straight and looking horrified. “Whose ass???”
“How am I supposed to know?” Hannah asked incredulously. “All you kept saying was some guy high up at the concert had an amazing ass, and then I could hear you and Alicia both cracking up.”
Suddenly realization hit Fallon as she remembered the man she saw walking to the VIP section.
“I remember now, girl yes, he had an amazing ass.”
“Ohhhhhh. Did you get a number?” Hannah asked teasingly.
Fallon rolled her eyes, “You and I both know that I’m not brave enough to ask some random person for their number.”
“Chicken.” Hanna said, causing Fallon to roll her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. It can’t be helped though!”
“So do you have time to tell me about the concert?” Hannah asked. Fallon looked over at her best friend who had rolled into a ball, still snoring.
“Alicia is knocked out, so I definitely have time.”
By the time Fallon hung up with her sister it was already a little past 8AM and Fallon’s stomach was growling like crazy.
She walked over and flopped down onto the bed beside Alicia, grabbed one of the pillows and started beaming her best friend in the side.
“Wake up, heifer!” I’m so hungry that I could dieeeeee.” Fallon complained.
Alicia grimaced and tried to roll away a little, “Then eat something,” she mumbled against the blanket.
“Bruh, we said we wanted to go check out that morning café that everyone is bragging about. We were going to go TOGETHER. Now come on!” Fallon said and started hitting her best friend again.
Alicia swung her arm back, trying to hit Fallon but Fallon ducked out of the way, laughing.
“Go get food and bring me it.” Alicia mumbled again. Fallon rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed.
“Really? Is that really what you want me to do?” Alicia nodded and clutched a pillow to her chest, nuzzling into it.
“Mhm. The café breakfast things. Mhm.”
Fallon sighed and climbed off of the bed, “Fine, BUT you have to be awake and ready when I get back, we have things to do today!”
Alicia just waved her off pulled the blankets up over her head.
Fallon’s head was still killing her so she took a few ibuprofen and then proceeded to get dressed for the day. Still feeling the effects of the hangover, she opted for her largest black baggy hoodie, black leggings and black combat boots.
She sent for an Uber from her phone and made her way down to the lobby. Stepping out of the hotel, she breathed in the early morning air and shivered from the slight chill, shoving her hands inside of her pockets for warmth.
The drive to the café, Morning Sun Bakery, took less than ten minutes but as they pulled up Fallon could see that the line not only came out of the door, but it also went around the building. Fallon groaned at her rotten luck but got out anyway, thanking her driver and leaving him a generous tip on the app.
Fallon walked until she found the end of the line, right behind a small family of four who had a four year old and a toddler. Fallon noticed the little girl peeking behind her Mother’s leg at her and Fallon smiled and waved, the little girl shyly waved back. The little girl kept taking peeks at Fallon and soon the toddler was bouncing in his dad’s arms, babbling away to Fallon as well, pointing from one thing to the next.
The mom smiled thankfully at Fallon, “Thank you for being so nice to Gracie and Thomas, I’m sorry if they are bothering you.”
Fallon shook her head, smiling at the Mother. “Oh no, it’s no problem at all. Your kids are so cute!”
“It’s because they take after me,” the dad cackled at his own joke.
The mom rolled her eyes playfully, “Ignore him, he hasn’t eaten yet and his delusions are kicking in.” Fallon laughed so hard as the couple began playfully arguing back and forth.
The line slowly, very slowly, moved forward.
Fallon and the couple, whose names she learned where Catherine and Chance, talked the whole time they stood in line. Fallon had learned that the small family was in Chicago because Catherine’s father had passed away rom cancer.
“I’m so sorry to hear that..” Fallon said sincerely and sadly.
Fallon had worked as a Hospice aid for four years so she knew, first hand, the struggle that families went through when having a family ember on Hospice.
Catherine nodded and looked down at Thomas in her husband’s arms, smiling sadly, “Thank you, I really do appreciate that. I’m just glad we were able to be here before he passed. We didn’t know if we could come at first, money has been tight since Covid hit and Chance lost his job but.. we were able to scrambled the money together. We decided to come to the café today before driving home, as a little pick-me up gift to ourselves.”
Fallon nodded thoughtfully and playfully tugged on Gracie’s little pigtail, who had attached herself to Fallon’s leg.
“This breakfast here is supposed to be amazing, so I hope it’s a wonderful gift to yourself,” she said smiling.
Chance shuffled a whiney Thomas to his other hip, “I just hope that the line moved quickly, the kids are starting to get hungry and whiney.”
Catherine laughed and kissed her husbands cheek, “Not to mention you are as well.”
Jackson pushed himself to his knees, cutting his pushups short, he just wasn’t feeling it. Jackson stood up and started stretching out his tired muscles, trying to get his tired body feeling awake.
Jackson couldn’t get the woman that he saw at the concert out of his mind. He had even had a dream about her. In his dream he was running through a huge house that was full of random hallways and twists and turns. Every time he would come around a corner, he would see her but when he would chase her, she would suddenly appear behind him, kiss his neck and then disappear again. Jackson woke from the dream sweating, breathing hard and extremely hard.
He had flopped back against the bed and stared up at the ceiling, gripping himself firmly. Jackson brought himself off in one of the best orgasms he had in a while. Jackson laid in the bed and stared up at the ceiling, “What the hell…” When was the last time he had gotten like this over someone? Let alone someone he had not even come close to meeting.
Jackson had pulled himself from the bed after that, threw on some workout clothes and hit the gym, planning to work her right out of his head. However, this plan didn’t work. Jackson just found himself thinking about her the entire time he was running on the treadmill.
“Mr. Wang..”
Jackson was startled out of his thoughts and turned to find his assistant, Daria, standing behind him.
“Oh, sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. Good Morning.” He said and bowed his head slightly to her.
Daria handed him a towel to wipe his sweat off on. “I cleared your schedule for the day, like you asked, so for the moment, there is nothing that you need to do today aside from your dinner with Mark this evening.”
Jackson nodded his thanks, taking the towel and rubbing his face with it. “Thank you. Have you eaten yet?” Darla found herself blushing and tucked her hair behind her ear.
“No I haven’t, not yet..” Jackson nodded.
“Mark was telling me about this café that supposed to be the talk of the town, Morning Sun Bakery, I think. Would you like to go there? I feel like I could use a coffee and something that’s not part of my diet.”
An hour later found Jackson’s driver pulling up to the sidewalk of the bakery, the line extending out of the shop and around the corner.
"Wow, it really must be popular,” Jackson said, starting to open the door with his manager started calling his phone.
Daria took her purse and opened the door, “Go ahead and take the phone call Mr. Wand. I ordered ahead for us so I will just pop in and grab our things.” Jackson smiled appreciatively.
“You’re the best Dar.” He used his pet name for her.
Daria smiled and climbed out of the car.
Fallon's stomach was growling constantly and she could feel her hanger start to set it.
Thomas had started crying from being hungry and Gracie had started whining non-stop. Their poor parents where trying their best to console them as they moved closer and closer to the counter. Fallon bent down and tugged and Gracie’s pigtail again.
“Look kiddo,” Fallon said to the little girl, “You’re mom and dad are next in line ad then you get to eat allllllllll the food your little tummy can handle! Sounds good right?"
Gracie nodded her head enthusiastically and Catherine mouthed a "thank you”, passing Thomas back to his Dad.
Chance had just stepped up to the counter when a woman with dark hair rudely pushed him to the side.
“What the-‘ he started, Catherine gasping.
Catherine leaned towards the woman, “I’m sorry miss, but it’s our turn in line.”
The woman turned and rolled her eyes at the parents and Fallon immediately felt her anger start to rise.
The woman immediately started telling the worker her order and the worker tried to sooth the situation.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but we have a line of people waiting to order, you’re going to have to get in the back of line.” The worker turned to Chance and Catherine. “I am so sorry about this, please, continue with your order.”
The woman cut in front of Chance again, “I don’t care about a line, I’m here and I’m going to order. Now, what I need is..”
The woman wasn’t able to finish saying her order because Fallon had stepped forward, grabbed the woman’s bag and pulled her to the side.
“Look, I understand that you are unable to grasp the basic concept of human decency, but this family had been waiting in line for a long time and their kids are starving. So YOU need to go to the back of the line where you belong. Do us all a favor and so better.”
The woman snatched bag out of Fallon’s grasp and glared at her. “Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me that way?”
Fallon shrugged, I’m just someone who is trying to be a decent human.
The woman rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips, “Bitch please. You’re just wanting to show more food down your fat face. And anyways, if you knew who I was getting this food for then you might not be such a little whiney bitch.”
People in the line had started to gawk at the two of the women in the front arguing with each other. Fallon let the insults roll right off of her shoulders.
“I don’t give a fuck who you’re getting that food for, it could be the damn pope himself and I still wouldn’t care. The fact of the matter is simply: This kids are hungry, they were there before you and they WILL order before you. You can’t stop them.”
The women stood toe-to-toe, glaring at each other.
“Uh… what’s going on here? Daria? I thought you had ordered ahead?” The woman’s face paled and looked at the person behind Fallon’s shoulder.
“For your information, this café does NOT do call in orders.” Fallon said angrily, whipped herself around to come face-to-face with non other than Jackson Wang.
Jackson was frozen in place.
The woman he could not get out of his head was standing in front of him, in the flesh. Not only standing in front of him but talking to him. Well.. more like yelling at him.
Jackson shook his head to snap himself back to reality and focused on the angry woman in front of him.
“I’m so sorry,” he said to her quickly, hoping to ease her anger. “I’m not sure what happened between my assistant and you but I’m sure we can work this out.”
Fallon snorted derisively. “What happened was that your snotty little assistant tried to cut in line in front of this family whose kids have been waiting to eat breakfast for close to an hour now. And when we tried to explain that she needed to get in line, she tried to bully her way into through. So THAT’S what happened.”
Jackson turned a surprised look to Daria who blushed and looked down at her feet.
“I’m sorry Mr. Wang, I was just trying to make sure that you got what you needed since you haven’t been feeling too well today.
‘Oh, please, what a load of shit,’ Fallon thought to herself.
Jackson rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “We will have to talk about this later Daria.”
He turned to Fallon, noticing how absolutely beautiful she was up close.
“I’m so sorry about this….” Fallon sighed,
‘Even her name is amazing’ Jackson thought to himself.
“Fallon.. I am deeply sorry," Jackson bowed, “Please allow me to buy your breakfast to make up for it.”
“No,” Fallon answered without a second thought.
“No?” Jackson asked in surprise, his heart sinking at her refusal.
Fallon shook her head, “No. If you want to make up for it, then buy this family’s breakfast.”
Catherine shook her head and stepped forward, “You really don’t have to do that,” Catherine said politely.
Fallon waved Catherine away. “It’s okay Cathy, this is Jackson Wang, he can definitely afford to buy your breakfast, trust me..”
Jackson stepped forward and held out his card for the employee.
"To apologize for what happened and for causing so much trouble, please put the orders of everyone who is in line in the building on my card.”
The employee's mouth dropped open and a cheer rang throughout the café.
Jackson smiled at everyone and turned to smile at Fallon who only looked away and crossed her arms over her chest. Jackson felt his heart constrict a little bit.
‘This can’t happen,’ he thought to himself. ‘I found her again and now this happened…. I can’t let it end like this.’
He cleared his through and Fallon purposely ignored him.
He shuffled his way into her line of vision and she turned her head to look in a different direction.
“You’re really stubborn aren’t you?” he asked out loud, not actually intending to let the words come out of his mouth.
Fallon slowly turned her head to him and looked him up and down,
“It’s not that I’m stubborn, I’m just hangry and I’m fighting a killer hangover.”
Jackson nodded and stepped closer to her. “Maybe I could help with that.”
Fallon raised an eyebrow. “In what way?”
Jackson smirked flirtatiously and leaned in, “Have dinner with me tonight.”
Chapter 1:
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christinesolstice · 2 years
When the Whole World Stops.
1. The Concert
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Fallon has been out of her last horrible relationship for two years, fully focusing on her health and happiness with no plans to date anyone in the near future.
Unknown to Fallon, Jackson Wang sees her in the crowd at Mark Tuan's concert in Chicago and when he does, he heart starts beating in a way that it never has before. But he loses her in the crowd after the concert.
Will he ever see her again?
Will they wind up together in the end?
Will there be love or betrayal?
Soulmates or enemies?
So this story actually came to me in a dream, literally! When I woke up, I immediately called my best friend and told her all about the dream that I had and we laughed about how vivid it all was. Months later, the dream still plays over and over in my head so I finally decided to make a story out of it. Not all of these details were in my dream, I just sort of... Built off of the dream. I hope you like it!
I'm not entirely sure exactly where I'm going to go with it and who all I'm going to have in it so I will try to remember to updates the tags.
Trigger Warning: There will be mentions of a past relationship that was mentally and physically abusive. There will not be a lot of things like that but it will be a very important key to the flow of the story.
Fallon Watkins and Alicia Brinney stood in the extremely long wait line that came out of the Chicago House of Blues doors and wrapped around to the side of the building.
Having been almost two hours early for the concert that they were going to see, they came to the venue early in the hopes of getting better standing room.
The two women stood on the busy sidewalk in the cool October air waiting to finally see Mark Tuan in concert. They felt as though they had waited forever for this day to finally arrive. The women had planned this trip the very second that they had discovered that Mark was going to be going on a solo tour in the US.
Alicia had even waited, with her laptop open, for the tickets to go on sale, doing everything she could think of as to not miss this opportunity. Mark Tuan was the eldest member of a well-known Korean Pop group by the name of GOT7. The all-male singing, dancing and rap group was comprised of, you guessed it, seven members: Mark, JayB, Youngjae, Jinyoung, BamBam, Yugyeom and Jackson. Alicia had been a huge fan of GOT7’s music for a long time, ever since her teenage daughter started listening to KPOP. But last year, Alicia had introduced Fallon not only to the Kpop group Got7, but to Kpop music in general.
Fallon had never realized that Kpop even existed until Alicia had shown Fallon the Got7 music video, Hard Carry. Right before Fallon found out that GOT7 existed, the group had decided to split from their company and most of them had signed onto different companies. So while GOT7 had not actually disbanded and were still together, they were also solo artists in themselves and Mark was on his first solo tour.
“I’m so excited that I’m shaking! I can’t wait for this concert to start!” Alicia said excitedly, bouncing up and down in her new heeled boots, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.
Fallon rolled her brown eyes playfully and nudged her best friend with her jacket-clad shoulder, “The only reason that you’re this excited about his concert is because you think you’ll get a chance to kidnap Mark right off of the stage.”
Alicia laughed evilly and rubbed her hands together, looking like a diabolical villain from a TV show, “All I’m saying is that you could easily cause a big distraction and then when the timing is perfect, I’ll grab his hand and make a run for it.”
“Mmm…” Fallon hummed out loud, “I still don’t think this plan of yours is going to work. How are we supposed to kidnap a fully grown man?”
Alicia slung her slender arm around her best friend conspiratorially.
“Oh I think it will. I think he would just come along with us.”
“Oh sure,” Fallon said snorted, “Then we can just put him in our Uber and hide out back at the hotel.”
Alicia nodded her head enthusiastically. “Exactly! See? The plan is genius! Plus, He’s small enough that I think I could fit him in my suitcase.”
“Well seeing as how your suitcase can fit you as well as all of your clothes, you may have a point.” Fallon chuckled at her friend’s delusions and then pumped her fist in the air as the line started moving forward.
“Yes! It’s almost time!”
Fallon truly felt that things happened for a reason, when they were supposed to happen and how they were supposed to happen. She also believed that her best friend had introduced her to K-pop music at the absolute perfect time in her life.
Two years prior to the concert, Fallon had gone through a very rocky divorce from her mentally abusive and controlling ex-wife that she had been married to for only six months.
Fallon and Layla had dated for five years prior to getting married and almost every second of the relationship had been absolutely horrible. Fallon was constantly depressed, stressed and worried. She had been mentally abused to the point that she was afraid to even get out of bed to go to the bathroom in case it woke up her partner.
She lost of herself completely and had almost faded away into nothing.
Getting divorced and leaving, moving out on her own and into her own place was the bravest thing that Fallon had ever done in her entire life.
She had no choice, however, she had to leave for her own safety. The last few months of the relationship had seen the start of Layla becoming physically abusive. And after one particular incident, Fallon knew that she could never go back.
Over the span of the next two years Fallon had grown exponentially in herself. It wasn’t easy, not at all, not one single bit.
And even though her relationship had been horrible, she still had someone there with her 24/7. Learning how to be alone without being lonely had proven to be very a difficult task for Fallon and, for a while, and she went through a phase of what she called, “Trauma Humping” because of it.
The phase lasted for only a few months before her head cleared and she realized that she didn’t want to do that anymore. The random sex never meant anything to her, it didn’t help her feel better. In fact, it always left her with a deeply unsatisfied feeling in the pit of her stomach. After thinking about it, Fallon discovered that she still believed in true love and she still believed that her soulmate was out in the universe somewhere.
She didn’t care if her soulmate was male or female, instead she cared about their spirit and their heaty. So she finally started focusing solely on herself and her own happiness. She started working towards finding her passion, what made her heart melt and happiness to bloom on her face, researching to figure out what she truly believed in or didn’t believe in.
To put it simply, Fallon had been discovering herself.
Alicia snapped Fallon out of her thoughts as the line began to move forward once again.
“Um helloooo! Where you even listening to a word that I was saying?” Alicia asked, looping her arm through Fallon’s as they made their way inside the doors.
“Mmm. No, definitely not.” Fallon responded honestly. Alicia playfully punched Fallon in the arm.
“Bitch! I resent that, I’m a wonderful conversationalist.” Alicia said, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.
“Look, all you were talking about was what your plan was going to be to kidnap Mark and since I do not plan to help, I need to close my ears to it so that I can testify honestly that I had no clue what you did that caused security to tackle you.”
Alicia laughed, “No, no, no silly. We aren’t going to kidnap him, he will willingly just come with us. He’s a good boy.” Fallon smirked and shook her head.
“You are soooo delusional bruh.” “And? What’s your point?” Alicia asked, arching a single eyebrow up high. “You would be the EXACT same way if it was your precious Changbin.” Fallon nodded sheepishly, finally cracking and giving in,
“You know.. you’re right. You are 100% right. I think I may just join you on that long road to Deluluville.” Alicia nods smugly,
“That’s the spirit! Trust me, Deluluville is a WONDERFUL place to be! Now Let’s go see our man!”
Mark Tuan paced back and forth anxiously around his dressing room, doing voice exercises and trying to expel the nervous tension from his body.
Hopping up and down from one foot to the other foot, he shook his hands and trilled it tongue over and over. This was his third stop on his first solo tour and he was still just as nervous before a performance now as he was back when he had his first World Tour with his band mates.
“Man, what I would give to have them here, ugh!”
Mark started stretching his muscles, warming them up to get ready for the night. He spread his legs, bending forward to touch the floor, stretching out his thigh muscles and lower back when a hand came out of nowhere and smacked him extremely hard on the butt.
Mark jerked in upwards shock and whirled around to find his friend and fellow member, Jackson Wang standing there grinning at him.
“Jackson! Man!” Mark cried in delighted surprise. “What are you doing here, man?” Mark asked as they slapped hands and pulled each other in for a hard hug.
“I was in Chicago on business and realized that you were performing here tonight so OF COURSE I had to show my boy some support!”
Jackson slung his arm over Mark’s shoulders and twisted Mark’s nipple through his shirt. Mark huffed and pushed Jackson’s hand away, rubbing his sore nipple through his shirt.
“Just picture it Mark.... you’re on stage, doing your thing, the vibe is immaculate. The lights lower, the music slows and then BAM! I run out onto the stage butt naked.” Jackson wiggled his eyebrows at his friend in a very suggestive way.
Mark threw his head back and laughed so hard that tears formed in the corners of his eyes. He pushed Jackson’s arm off of his slender shoulders.
“No way man! I’m trying to NOT kill the fans that show up tonight.”
Jackson shrugged while sitting down on the couch, running his hand over the velvety arm rest.
“It would make for an interesting time though! Just think about it, Mark Tuan and his EXPLICITLY rated US Tour. Your thirst tweets will be even more wild.” Jackson said teasingly, picking up one of the couch pillows and tossing it at Mark’s chest.
“Maybe next time bro, besides, I think the tweets are wild enough as it is.” Mark says, a blush creeping the back of his neck and onto his ears.
Mark tossed the pillow back at Jackson and then sat down beside him on the couch, groaning when he heard his knee pop.
“I’m getting old, man. Look at me, I’m practically ancient.”
“Oh yeah man, I can totally see the forehead wrinkles and everything!”
“Shut up jerk,” Mark says but without any heat behind his voice.
They both smile at each other, relaxing back onto the couch and settling into the comfortable feeling of being around family.
“It’s great to see you man, really.” Mark says in all seriousness, his facial expression turning cloudy.
“Sometimes… I don’t know. For a while I thought that I was going to give up music completely. I thought that I didn’t really have an identity outside of what we were created to be. I didn’t know who I really was. It was rough for a while.”
Mark sighed and pushed a hand through his short hair. Jackson leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and nodded solemnly.
“I understand that. Completely. I… I have even thought the same thing about myself for a while. It was hard, mentally, knowing that we were all signed with different companies but hey, look at us now, it’s actually working out!”
Mark nods in agreement, a half smile on his lips. “You know what they say, ‘When one door closes, another one opens.’”
Jackson stood up, stepped in front of Mark, grabbed his shoulders and began shaking Mark’s shoulders back and forth quickly,
“Now you’re about to go on stage and win every heart that’s in the audience tonight! You’ve got this man!”
Jackson dove in for an impromptu hug and Mark laughed, pushing Jackson away from him as he started trying to cuddle into him.
“Get out of here with that shit,” Mark said and then cracked up at Jackson’s hurt, puppy dog expression.
It was packed to the brim in the House of Blues with many GOT7 fans as well as fans that just discovered Mark when he started putting out his latest solo music.
Fallon found herself being accidently jostled around by some of the other concert goers. Everyone, however, was politely saying “excuse me” and “I’m sorry,” before being bumped into someone else on the other side.
The House of Blues was beyond sold out!
Fallon’s excitement was radiating out from her body in waves and it was really amping up the closer it got to time for Mark to be making his appearance on stage.
Fallon looked around her and noticed everyone, including her best friend, getting their phones and ready for the performance. She shook her head in amusement. She would probably take a few pictures herself but she wanted to mainly focus on the music.
Mark’s music hit a place in her soul that had been pushed down and ignored for far too long. Fallon planned to enjoy every second of the concert and soak in every bit. She craned her neck to look up at the full upper floor and over to the upper VIP section. Fallon was trying to see how many fans were up there when she noticed a man walking around heading to the VIP seating.
She thought he looked very familiar but from this distance she couldn’t be sure. She squinted her eyes to try to get a better look but right then the overhead lights began to flicker and dim, and loud cheers and whistles rang out through the building.
Mark appeared like an angel on stage and Alicia grabbed Fallon’s hand, immediately swooned over the singer as he laughed shyly and waved to everyone in the audience. Mark took a deep breath and stepped forward into the mic.
“Hey everyone, My name is Mark Tuan and I want to thank you for coming to see me tonight. This is the third stop on my first solo tour and I’m so nervous but also so excited to be performing for you. I hope you like the set!”
Loud cheers erupted through the concert hall as the spotlights lowered and the music began to play.
Jackson leaned against the railing of the VIP section to look down at lit up the stage below.
His chest constricted with warm emotions while he listened to Mark’s clear voice float upwards on the air.
Jackson was so fucking proud of Mark that he could barely contain himself from throwing himself all over Mark in the dressing room. To see their shy eldest member making his comeback was awe-inspiring for Jackson. He remembered the struggles that Mark had when they first left JYPE. Hell.. they had all struggled with that huge decision and with the events that happened afterword. However, no matter how much Jackson dealt with, how much stress he had been under, he knew that it was nothing compared to the fact that Mark had been in a rougher spot mentally and had even sought out counseling for the way he had been feeling.
Jackson had been so worried about Mark, they all had honestly. It also made it way more difficult to be there for each other when several of them were living in different countries now. But now, looking out at one of his best friends, one of his BROTHERS, he could finally feel that everything was coming into place.
They were seriously all doing it, they were all making it until they could get together again. And not just making it but they were THRIVING with it.
Jackson’s eyes, hidden behind his dark sunglasses, rove over the crowd until his gaze gets caught on the same woman he saw earlier when he was walking to the VIP seating.
He had noticed her first by her hair.
On the front left side of her hair and halfway into her bangs was a wide white streak. He had wondered if she had that professionally done or if she had done it at home herself.Either way, Jackson though that it looked great in her dark hair and with the way the streak from that side of her face.
Jackson had watched her throw her head back and laugh freely at something that one of the women standing beside her had said. Her smiled had hooked him. He didn’t know what it was but something about her called to him. It had been a long time since he had felt that way about someone, let alone feeling that when first laying eyes on someone.
‘Come to think of it, I don’t know if I have EVER felt that way on first seeing somebody.’ He thought to himself as his eyes wondered back to the woman again. Just looking at her made his heart throb.
She was standing closer to the front of the stage. In the perfect position to record the entire concert, but she was the only one who did not have her phone out. While all of the people surrounding her had their phones out recording the concert, she was standing there with her eyes closed, just soaking it all in.
‘Intriguing’ he thought to himself.
He felt caught himself smiling as he watched her start singing the lyrics to the song that Mark just started. Realizing what he was doing, Jackson straightened up and decided to put all of his focus on Mark.
It wasn’t even a few minutes that went by before Jackson’s gaze had wondered to the woman yet again, singing her heart out.
“Sometimes I look at myself
It’s a little bit selfish
I tried but I can’t win
You don’t even know
How could somebody look at me
And think that I’m happy?
I haven’t been laughing
Too much anymore”
From his vantage point above the crowd, he could see that the young woman has started crying, the tears on her cheeks were being reflected in the ceiling lights. Jackson frowned and felt his heart constrict. He ran his fingers through his hair and puffed air out of his cheeks.
“What the hell man, get ahold of yourself.”
He continuously tried to look away from her but his gaze kept finding her again and again throughout the night.
Alicia yelled into the night air as they stumbled out of the building, their legs a little wobbly from the alcoholic beverages they had consumed during the concert.
Alicia clutched her chest dramatically and pretended to swoon and faint, folding herself in against Fallon. Fallon laughed and caught her best friend mid-swoon.
“He really was!” Fallon agreed whole-heartedly. “I knew his music was amazing already but hearing it in person… It’s on a whole ‘nother level. I would say that this concert would be in the top 5 that I’ve gone to, for sure.”
Alicia sighed happily and hugged her best friend to her side. "
Thank you for coming with me friend, you’re the only one I know who doesn’t make fun of this 42 year old woman for listening to Kpop and being crazy over these men.”
“Oh please!” Fallon declared, “If it wasn’t for you introducing me to Kpop and Kdramas then I never would have known that I was destined to marry Lee Dong Wook. And don’t forget, I’m 32, so I’m not far behind your old ass.”
Alicia laughed loudly and held her best friend’s hand while they found where their Uber ride was parked. The two women continued talking about their favorite parts of the concert as they climbed into the Uber and headed back to the hotel to reminisce throughout the night.
Jackson waited for Mark back in the dressing room, not wanting to interrupt Mark signing signatures for the VIP fans. Jackson was disappointed in himself and kept beating himself up over and over again.
“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” he groaned and slide over to lay on his side on the couch.
He had tried not to look at the woman, and when the concert neared its end, he had the overwhelming urge to go wait outside for her.
He forced himself to stay still, telling himself over and over, “You’ve been single for three years. You need to focus on yourself and your career. You do not have time for a complicated fling.”
He thought he had it licked. He thought that he was going to be able to ignore his rising feelings.
And he did.
Until the concert ended and then in a flurry of panic he tried to rush outside, only to realize that he would never be able to find her in the crowd at night.
“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” he reiterated, punching the couch pillow with every word uttered.
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christinesolstice · 2 years
Ateez Goes Rogue
1. Seonghwa's Day at the Mall
Seonghwa finds himself lost at the mall.
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Anna sighed as she rummaged through another rack of clothing. Nothing was standing out to her today. She picked up a hanger, glancing over the shirt on it before putting it back on the rack.
"Defintely NOT my style."
She looked up as she saw multiple teenage girls running past the shop's windows, all with their phones out in front of them, some of them were even yelling, but Anna couldn't hear what they were yelling about.
"Hey Ash!" Anna yelled over her shoulder to her friend who owned the boutique.
"Do you know what's up with all of the girls and women going crazy around here today? There have been a flood of them."
Ash shrugged her shoulders and continued checking out her customer. "There is supposed to be some Korean music group doing a fan signing on the top floor or something. Maybe they are all here for that."
Anna rolled her eyes, "Well all of the screaming is annoying. You'd think that they would realize that "idols" are really just normal people."
Ash waved goodbye to her customer and came to stand by Anna, peering closely at her friend.
"Okay, what's wrong?"
Anna squinted her eyes back at her friend.
"What do you mean what's wrong?"
Ash wrapped an arm around Anna's shoulders.
"Look boo, you know I love when people are angry and full of hate and loathing BUT you have been downright rotten for the past few days. As your friend and even more importantly, your roommate, I'm afraid that it's time for you to snap out of this funk." Ash says the last part while gripping Anna's shoulders and shaking her gently back and forth.
Anna smiled and shrugged her friend off.
"I know! I know! I'm working on it, I promise!"
Ash grinned toothily, "Good! And in the meantime, you can try these on because I know they will look FAB-U-LOUS on your curves!" Ash started throwing piles of clothing onto Anna's arms before shoving her down the hallway to the fitting room.
"Fine but friend's get a discount right?" Ash just waved her away and went to help the customer that just walked in.
Anna stood in front of the mirror looking at the third outfit that Ash had picked out for her. The black jeans with rips at the knees really would pair well with the black combat boots she had worn that day. The red plaid shirt outlined her chest just perfectly and helped to flatten down her stomach.
"Ash may be super bossy but she sure knows how to dress a girl!"
Anna thought appreciatively.
Anna stepped out of the fitting room to look at her herself in the long standing mirrors when she ran face-first into a chest.
"What the hell, excuse you!" she grumbled as she stepped backwards.
Anna looked up and stared straight into the most beautiful male face that she had ever seen, except for the fact that his looks were slightly ruined by his panicked expression. Anna could hear a commotion outside of the shop that sounded like the group of females that ran by earlier, all still clamoring.
"Where is he?"
"Which way did he go?"
"I think he went into this store!"
Anna heard the door open and the man's face paled even more.
Before he could say any more, Anna grabbed his hand and pulled him into her fitting room.
"Quick! Step up on the chair and squat down!"
The man did as she said and she proceeded to throw a few clothing items over him in an effort to hide him. Anna heard footsteps run into the dressing room and they both froze.
"Do you think he's in here?" there were loud voices asking as people started knocking on dressing room doors and opening them.
Anna waited until they were almost to her door and then she started talking loudly, "Oh god, why do I have to be so bloated today? Nothing is ever going to fit! Fucking periods!"
The man looked at her with panicked eyes and she just shrugged back at him. At her voice, a small knock happened on her door and a timid voice said, "Ma'am.. have you seen a tall Asian man around here?"
Anna looked over at the man on the chair and he gulped.
"NO.. sorry! I've been in here struggling with these stupid pants."
"Oh! Sorry!" The voice said and all of the footsteps proceeded out of the fitting room.
Anna raised a finger to her lips to shush the man who was about to speak. He clamped his lips tightly shut and Anna poked her head out of her stall. When she didn't hear anything she looked back at the man.
"Stay here for a second okay?"
He nodded silently.
She proceeded to walk to the front of the store to look around. It looked as though all of the fans had left. Ash walked up to Anna, putting her hair up into a messy bun.
"Anna, I'm going to close my shop for an hour to go grab food. Those fans that came in here had my blood pressure rising and now I need sugar." Ash laughed and swung her purse onto her shoulder, "Do you want to come with?"
Anna shook her head. "I think I'm just going to stay here and look around some more if that's okay with you." Ash nodded while looking through her purse for her wallet.
"Yeah that's fine, just lock up with the extra key if you leave before I get back."
Anna watched Ash lock up and then she ran back to the fitting room. The man had climbed down from the chair and was now sitting in it, looking exhausted and worried.
"Hey...so..uh.. all of those crazy girls left. So I guess you're safe now."
The man grimaced a smile and slowly stood up, limping slightly on his right foot. Anna noticed and reached out to grab his arm to help steady him.
"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.
He nodded his head slowly.
"I think I twisted my ankle when I was running. Um.. thank you for helping me, by the way. I didn't know what I was going to do."
Anna shrugged, "It's not a big deal or anything."
The man shook his head and looked down at his long fingers, nervously intertwining them.
"It really is a big deal. I love our fans but they can also be... a little scary sometimes.. especially since I was alone."
Anna leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms in front of her chest and looked the man up and down. Her first look was right. He was gorgeous, beyond gorgeous actually. He had short black hair with an undercut, he was tall and lanky with tanned skin, although his face had garish pale makeup on it. He was dressed in black leather boots with silver tips, black leather patchwork pants, a white skin tight t-shirt, a blacker feather covered jacket and a burgundy choker. His eyeliner had started to run from the sweat that was beading his face, creating tan streaks going down it . She also noticed that his arms and hands were a good three shades darker than the skin on his face and neck.
"I'm assuming you're a member of that band that was doing a fan signing on the top floor?"
He nodded and put his hands together in front of him. "Yes, that's my band. I'm Seonghwa."
"I'm Anna. It's nice to meet you."
He smiled at her name and she couldn't help but think how gorgeous his smile was.
"So.. why were you being chased? Did you not have security or something?"
Seonghwa shook his head. "We had security. I just...." he paused and bit his lip.
"You just...?" Anna prompted.
He heaved a heavy sigh and began speaking again. "We were done with the fan meet and were supposed to be leaving but I had to go to the bathroom. When I came out, everyone was already gone. So.. I tried to walk around to find them"
Anna's eyebrows shot up.
"That's really dangerous dude!"
He nodded and looked down at his hands, his fingers were nervously intertwining with each other again.
"Did you try calling anyone?"
He shook his head, "My phone was dead so I left it back in the hotel to charge."
Anna looked at the ceiling, wondering how on earth she got herself into this mess.
"Oy vey! Well.. Maybe you can find them and then it will all be good."
Seonghwa looked down and then rubbed his hand over his face.
"I would try but...what if what happened just now... happens again?"
"You have a point there." Anna agreed with him.
Suddenly Anna had a brilliant idea. "What if we disguise you and then you can walk around however you want?"
Seognhwa's head popped up, "What kind of disguise?" he asked intruiged and took a step closer to Anna
Anna nervously chuckled and sidestepped to the door. "Stay here just a second!" She left the fitting room and raced to the men's section of the store. After going through a few racks she found exactly what she needed and headed back to the stall, grabbing her purse on the way.
Anna walked into the stall and Seonghwa looked curiously at the bundles that she had in her hands. "We are going to do a makeover!"
After trying on a few different items, Anna decide on Seonghwa wearing a semi-fitted pair of jeans, a black t shirt with a black zip up hoodie, black converse and a black baseball cap. She took a step back to admire her handiwork but she frowned instead. Seonghwa saw her expression and looked into the mirror confused, as he had thought that he looked good.
"What's wrong with it?" he asked questioningly. They were so different than the style that their company's stylist made him wear. He loved it! He felt more like himself than he had in years. However, Anna's eyebrows furrow.
"It's not the clothes..it's the makeup."
Seonghwa gulped. "The makeup? What's wrong with it?"
Anna rolled her eyes, "We have to get rid of it, of course! You still look too much like YOU with it on. "
He nervously took a step back. "I uh... I don't go out into public without makeup."
Anna cocked her head to the side and studied him. "Never?"
He shook his head. "Why not?" he shrugged.
"Our management team doesn't like it and without it I...well.. I don't like my face."
Anna bit her bottom lip and looked at him as understanding dawned on her. "Song.. I get it but can you just trust me?"
He stared at her for a second and then briskly nodded. After all, she basically saved his life. She motioned him to sit down on the chair and so he did. She took out her makeup wipes from her purse and stood between his long legs.
His breath hitched slightly when she stepped in between his legs and leaned in close to touch the pad to his face. She was so different from the standard females that he usually dated. She was medium height, had light green eyes that had golden rings around the pupils, she had a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheekbones, a perpetual blush on her cheeks, making them look rosey. She wasn't wearing a lot of makeup, just some eyeliner and eye shadow, and you could slightly see where she had acne scars on her cheeks. She was also a lot curvier than girls he was normally interested in. But for some reason being in such close proximity was making his palms sweat and his breathing shallow. Plus she smelled absolutely amazing and a smile that could light up a room
If Anna noticed though, she didn't say anything, and for that he was also thankful.
Anna slowly and methodically wiped the makeup off of Seonghwa's face. His natural skin color started showing up and her heart started to pound. When she was done she stepped back to look at him and felt her breath catch. He was HANDSOME. Not just a normal handsome but a "So handsome you only see it once in your life," type of handsome.
Seonghwa turned his head to look into the mirror and he groaned,
"I hate the way I look."
Anna frowned and stepped in front of the mirror, leaning down until she was almost touching noses with him. She said quietly, "This may not be my place to say so but with your makeup you are gorgeous but without it..I do not think I have ever seen a man as handsome as you are. Okay?"
He nodded softly, his eyes widening for a second before his his lips started quirking up into a half smile.
"Okay Anna if you say so."
She nodded, "I definitely say so!"
She put her makeup wipes back into her purse.
"By the way, your natural skin color makes you look like a tanned sexy god. You should think about showing it off more often."
Seonghwa felt a blush immediately crawl up the back of his neck and onto his ears. He had people say things like that before but for some reason, it didn't affect him like it did when Anna said it.
They walked together to the register and Anna laid out all of the tags to the clothing on the counter, calculated the total and started laying out money beside it. Seonghwa put his hand on her arm to stop her.
"No, wait. I'll pay for all of it."
Anna arched an eyebrow. "Song...do you even have American money on you?"
He slowly shook his head no as the full weight of his situation fell on him. "No..." he sighed "Our manager has all of that."
Ana nods, "I figured as much. I have to pay for my stuff anyway so I will just pay it altogether and we will figure everything out later okay?'"
Seonghwa nodded in acceptance. Anna left a letter for Ash briefly explaining why there are so many tags and cash on the counter. She then grabbed Seonghwa's hand and headed to the front door.
Once outside of the shop, they looked around at all of the people bustling about.
'Well Song.. what do we do first?" He shrugged and at the exact same time his stomach growled very loudly. He grinned sheepishly.
"To the food court!" Anna said, taking his hand in hers and pulling him along the way. They decided on sharing a pizza and sat down at a table after receiving their food and drinks. They both hungrily dove in and Anna laughed as all of the toppings and cheese on Seonghwa's piece slid off of the curst and onto the plate. Seonghwa mimicked her laugh and they grinned at each other. After a few bites in silence Seonghwa looked over at Anna.
"So did you really not know who I was or were you lying?"
She laughed outright at his question. "I seriously had no clue who you were. I have never really listened to Kpop music. I only knew a band was here because my friend, Ash told me about the fan meet.
"Ash is the friend who owns the store?"
Anna nodded. "Yeah, it's been open for..two years now."
"Oh.. okay. She has good taste. I liked a lot of the things I saw there."
Anna smiled, "She really does! Owning this store has been such an amazing thing for her. I've loved seeing her grow and blossom with it."
Seonghwa watched the emotions play across Anna's face as she continued to talk about her friend and he couldn't help thinking about how pretty she was when she was excited about something.
"So I sing, Ash owns a store... what do you do?"
Anna ducked her head shyly. "I write." Seonghwa looked up with interest.
"You write? As in...?"
"Well, I'm currently working for the local newspaper on various articles that they assign me but I want to start writing books. It's always been my dream to be a published author."
Seonghwa smiled, "I would love to read some of your work, if that's okay."
Anna dug through her purse and handed him a business card. "The link on there is where you can find all of my online published articles."
He looked it over, memorizing the link before putting it into his jacket pocket. Anna finished off her drink and sat back.
"That pizza was actually not the worst for food court pizza."
Seonghwa agreed and started cleaning up their mess, taking it to the nearest trash bin to throw it out. He placed his hands on his hips and looked around at the people surrounding them,
"It's so crazy not to have fans recognizing me and trying to horde me. I feel like a regular guy." he laughed.
Anna grinned, "Oh they may not recognize you, but plenty of women have been noticing your hot self walking around." she wiggled her eyebrows playfully at him and he erupted with laughter, putting his hand over his mouth to hide his smile. Anna pulled his hand down and scrunched her nose at him.
"No need to hide such a gorgeous smile Song." He blushed and shyly scratched the back of his neck.
"I've just gotten used to doing that. A lot of people said that I look like I'm in pain when I smile so I just started hiding it."
Anna shrugged her shoulders, "Hey, being in pain can sometime be hot." As soon as she said it she realized how it came out and she felt the immediate blush as it traveled from her chest to her scalp.
Seonghwa honked out a loud laugh and leaned in close to her. "You, Anna, are absolutely delightful. I never know what's going to come out of your mouth."
Anna playfully pushed his face away from hers, "Careful there SONGhwa or I'll have you singing a different tune." Seonghwa grinned even harder, he had never had someone flirt to blatantly and openly with him and he loved it. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and smirked down at her, straightening to his full height. "I don't think I'm something you could actually handle."
Anna's gaze narrowed at the challenge.
"You're on."
Ten minutes later they were gearing up for a game on 1-1 laser tag. Seonghwa fastened the straps to his vest and looked over at Anna who was doing the same.
"This isn't exactly what I meant."
Anna stuck her tongue out at him. "Put your actions where your mouth is Sir. I win and I get to choose our next activity, no matter what it is. You win and then you get to choose." Seonghwa felt a shiver run through him when she said Sir, and he buckled the last buckle of his vest in to place.
Three games later and Seonghwa was the victor, much to a disgruntled Anna's disatisfaction.
"I'm sorry, but what were you saying before? Putting actions where mouths were?"
Anna groaned and smacked him on the arm. "Just tell me what you want us to do next you win hog."
Seonghwa roared in laughter at her annoyance with his winning.
"You're not a bad loser, are you Anna?"
She snorted and started to walk past him, "Fine if you don't want to decide then I guess I'll just leave."
His hand shot out and grabbed Anna's wrist, halting her next step. He slowly pulled her towards him and grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger. "I didn't say I wasn't going to decide what we were going to do."
Anna find herself captivated by his dark brown eyes. Her eyes shifted lower to his full bottom lip and she had the urge to slowly suck on it. Seonghwa saw her stare and he leaned closer to her, wondering what it is about her that was so intoxicating to him. He tipped her chin up and slowly started to lower his face towards hers. She responded by lifting her face toward his, eye fluttering closed. At the last second, right before their lips were going to touch, he grinned wickedly and pulled away.
"Let's go watch a movie."
Anna blinked rapidly, trying to clear her head. "W-what?!" He smirked at the incredulous look on her face.
"I saw a movie playing that I want to see, let's go." He grabbed her hand and lead a confused but amused Anna to the Movie Palace.
They had opted for just drinks since they had just ate and settled in to watch the horror movie that had just opened in theatres.
"You didn't strike me as the horror movie type." Anna said as she placed her cup into the holder.
"Oh there's a lot about me that people wouldn't realize." he whispered to her. She cocked her head and he just chuckled to himself, sliding down in his seat to get comfortable. The movie passed by quickly, some parts were ridiculously fake and others were scary enough that even Anna was jumping.
Somehow during the movie, their shoulders had wound up touching and now their fingers were crossed with each other's.
Seonghwa leaned in to whisper in Anna's ear. "Your hands are the perfect size for mine. I like holding them." She smiled and whispered back, "I like that you like that." They looked into each other's eyes, the air around them heating, and right before they were about to lean in, they were interrupted by a blood curdling scream from the screen.
Anna jumped and quietly shrieked, hiding her face in Seonghwa's shoulder. He moved their cups to the floor, lifted up the arm rest and scooted closer to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, his chin rested on her hair and they stayed like that for the rest of the movie.
After the movie it was almost time for the mall to close when Seonghwa realized he could use Anna's phone to download his bands' chat app and tell them where he was.
"I'm such an idiot." he angrily said to himself. Anna put a hand on his arm to calm him. "In your defense... you were being chased by rabid fans." She watched his lips quiver, trying not to smile and she grinned playfully at him, fully ready to bug him into smiling.
Seonghwa's band mates responded immediately, all of the messages filled with relief and said that their manager was on his way to pick Seonghwa up.
Anna leaned back against the wall outside of the mall and looked up at Seonghwa standing beside her. In the moonlight he looked like a dark fairy tale prince and she couldn't help thinking that if he was someone else and they were somewhere else then maybe she could fall in love with him. She shook herself out of those thoughts and turned her attention to the gum wrapper she was holding in her hand from a few moments earlier. An awkward silence filled the air until Seonghwa cleared his throat.
"Anna... I want to say thank you. Today could have been an absolute disaster. Not only did you save me, but you helped me to stay safe and you helped me have a day as if I was a regular peron. You treated me like a regular guy and that means a hell of a lot to me. I want you to know that."
Anna smiled and took his hands in hers as he came to stand in front of her.
"It was my pleasure. I'm glad that you were safe as well and that your ankle is feeling beter."
He winked down at her and gave her a really tight hug. Anna wrapped her arms around his lean waist and breathed in deeply, he smelled like heaven, even after running around all day. Seonghwa leaned back and looked down into her eyes. His heart was pounding so hard that he was sure that she could hear it. She stared back at him wide-eyed, her breathing catching as he lowered his face to hers once again. Her eyelids fluttered shut and she tightened her fingers into the fabric of his jacket.
They jumped apart guiltily as they hear a man shout Seonghwa's name. They look back and see the manager racing towards them. Seonghwa grinned and walked quickly to meet the man, Anna trailing not far behind.
"Seonghwa! I'm so glad you're safe! We were so worried! We had people looking everywhere for you!" Seonghwa bowed to his manager and then patted him on the shoulder.
"Don't worry. I'm safe, all thanks to Anna."
"Anna?" his manger asked confused.
Anna stepped forward. "Hi..uh..I'm Y/N."
The manger bowed to her multiple times, taking her hand in his. "We are so thankful for your kindness. Truly. If there is anything we can do..?" Anna started to shake her heard no but Seonghwa interrupted.
"I actually owe her money for the clothes I'm wearing. She helped dress me so I wouldn't be recognized." The manager started to pull out his wallet but Anna waved him away.
"It's okay, think of them as a present from a new fan." Seonghwa and Anna grinned at each other and the manager bowed to her one last time.
"We need to go before we miss the next flight."
Seonghwa stepped forward and pulled Anna into a hard hug before stepping back. Anna didn't say anything as she watched him leave but she waved goodbye and a sickening feeling rolled through her stomach.
Anna finally made her way home, Ash was out at a party so Anna had the apartment to herself. She took a long shower, almost sad to wash off the lingering scent of Seonghwa's cologne. She grabbed a hot cup of tea and went to lay in bed to work on her latest article for the newspaper.
She was just about finished with the first draft when her phone lit up. It was the messaging app that Seonghwa had downloaded. Anna had forgotten it was on her phone.
She opened the message and was surprised to see it was from Seonghwa.
"Anna... thank you for everything today. You gave me so much in a short amount of time and I will always be grateful. I didn't want to say goodbye and I still don't. So I was thinking that if you wanted to keep this app on your phone.. I won't tell anyone if you don't"
Anna bit her lips and squealed in happiness, wiggling down into her covers. She grinned and typed out a response.
"Mr. Park Seonghwa, you've got a deal."
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