chuckyslivinghell · 10 days
(something I wrote last week and I'm not sure what it is but I hope you guys like it :>)
Phantom × Dewdrop
The Ghouls ate breakfast together and everything was normal, they talked and as always Dewdrop ignored Phantom.
Since Phantom was the new rhythm guitarist Dew ignored him.
Phantom finished off his chores and walked into the garden, sitting on the grass with his guitar and just enjoying the rest of the warm and sunny day.
Phantom played guitar and hummed the melody when Dewdrop walked up to him.
Dew stood a few feet behind him, just listening and enjoying it even though he would never admit that he liked it or the quint in front of him.
After Phantom finished the song he noticed someone staring at him and turned around to face the shirt fire ghoul. Phantom was ready for everything, he was ready for Dew screaming or laughing at him but no, the other man softly smiled and complimented him.
"That sounded really good, I like it." Dewdrop told him, he was shocked and needed a second to register what he said. "Thank you, Dewdrop." He said shyly, a small smile playing on his face.
"May I join you?* Dewdrop asked him, he wasn't sure why he was nice to the younger ghoul but he also didn't mind it since they're a pack. Phantom nodded at his question, giving Dew the okay to take a seat on the ground next to him and that's what the fire ghoul did.
It was silent for a while, none of them knew what to say but after a while Dewdrop spoke up. "I'm sorry" these simple two words made Phantom smile and the quint knew what he meant without explanation.
"Don't worry, I know that you didn't want to be an arsehole. You're hurting because Aether left." The quintessence ghouls said softly.
"Still... It wasn't right of me to treat you like this and I'm really sorry... Please forgive me." Dewdrop said, it was obvious that he really was sorry.
Phantom smiles softly at him, putting the guitar aside and hugging Dewdrop.
Dewdrop was shocked but hugged him back after a short time, holding him tightly.
After a while they pull away and smile at each other.
"So... We're okay?" Dew asks, unusually shy and Phantom nods. "Yeah, we're okay, don't worry." Phantom says softly, taking his guitar again, placing it in his lap and beginning to play 'year zero'.
Dewdrop hums the melody, both of them relaxing and enjoying each other's company.
After the song ended there was a comfortable silence until Phantom chose to speak up again, a bit unsure if Dew would be okay with his idea.
"Maybe- ... Maybe we could watch a movie later? Of course only if you want and you're not uncomfortable with it, ple-..." Phantoms rambles until Dewdrop cuts him off with a soft smile. "Watching a movie together sounds nice."
"Wait you wouldn't be uncomfortable with watching a movie together?" Phantom was shocked, he didn't think Dewdrop would be so comfortable with him.
"If you want we could cuddle while watching a movie." Dewdrop says, his voicemail is soft. Phantom's smile widens a bit as he nods again.
They're sitting outside until the sun goes down, they're going to Dewdrops room and get comfortable. They sit with a few inches between them while they choose a movie and decide to watch 'corpse bride'.  They chose to watch this movie to Dew's dislike but Phantom was happy, so Dewdrop was too.
They get a bit more comfortable on the bed and as the movie goes on, Phantom begins to cuddle into Dewdrop, resting his head in Dew's shoulder. Dewdrop wraps his arms around the quintessence ghoul, playing with his hair. The younger ghoul gives off a purr-like sound and cuddles more into the older ghoul.
It was weird to the fire Ghoul, he cuddled on the bed with the new ghoul that he hated for so long and ignored. Now, where he thinks about it again, he noticed that it was stupid of him to ignore Phantom just because he was mourning a loss.
He made a mental note to properly apologise to the quint and make it up to him with a proper dinner.
For now, he just played with Phantom's hair, while the younger ghoul relaxed and fell asleep.
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chuckyslivinghell · 14 days
Dew who undergoes his transition and simply refuses to go near the water at all. The one thing he's always loved, and now he can't even bear to look at it. It feels too devastating to even think about.
He knows if he steps foot into a body of water he's never coming out again.
Even though he's a fire ghoul now, he can still feel that pull. Looks at the water longingly from the tour bus windows. Dreads the beach days that are so few and far between.
But he wants and he wants and he wants. So desperately. To feel the waves on his skin. Can feel the pull from Aphrodite even still.
It's been years. He's doing okay now. He accepts his transition for what it is, welcomes it above all else. Knows he's so far from where he was then. He's okay.
And so, hand in hand with Rain, he steps into the ocean again.
Lets his laughter bubble up like seafoam. Lets the water rush up and take over him. It's like a mothers love. It's like coming home again.
And if anyone sees the salt of his tears mix with the salt of the ocean, know that it's only from the joy of returning to what he loves.
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chuckyslivinghell · 17 days
Ifrit × Zephyr × Dewdrop
Chronic pain
Zephyr gets princess treatment because of his pain
He/they for Zephyr
He/him for ifrit and Dewdrop
It was a bad pain day for Zephyr, when he woke up he felt a dull, manageable pain in his hips and shrugged it off to do his chores.
He ate breakfast as usual, talking with Aether and Phantom about anything and everything and Aether already noticed that they were in pain.
"You're in pain, aren't you?" Aether asked softly, not wanting to make Zephyr uncomfortable but wanting to help.
"Don't worry, I manage. It's not that bad, just a dull pain." Zephyr answered with a small smile, trying to reassure him that they're okay. Aether nodded, not wanting to push the topic but he made a mental note to tell one of the fire Ghouls about it, that they can take off Zephyr if it gets too bad or at the end of the day.
While Zephyr did his chores the pain worsened and wandered down into his knees and up into his back. Around three to four hours later the pain was so bad that he had to go back to his room and lay down.
While they crossed the common room to get to his room, Ifrit saw him and noticed that Zephyr was limping. He quickly followed the air ghoul and knocked on the door with concern written on his face.
"Zeph, love, you're okay? I saw you limping and wanted to check up on you." The concern was visible in Ifrits voice, I was obvious that he really wanted to help Zephyr.
Zephyr was already laying in his bed, still in the uncomfortable uniform, "you can come in..." Zephyr said weakly, the pain obvious in his voice. Ifrit opened the door and his heart shattered when he saw Zephyr rolled in on his bed. The fire ghoul sits down next to them. "Want to change into more comfortable clothes, dear?" Ifrit asked his boyfriend, his hand combing through the long, white hair. Zephyr just nodded slightly and that was enough for Ifrit to help him change into comfortable clothes, careful not to make the pain worse.
Afterwards he sits down against the headboard and pulls Zephyr up to his chest, heating himself up and letting the warmth of his body work wonders against Zephyr's pain.
Ifrit massaged his hips, peppering the back of his neck and head with kisses.
Zephyr hums in appreciation, melting into Ifrit. "Thank you, darling" Zephyr said softly, feeling how the pain lessens.
A knock on the door disrupted them and Ifrit told whoever knocked to come in. In the doorway stands Dewdrop with a worried expression.
"Hey you two, Aether told me that I'd find you here." Dewdrop said softly. "Can I join you?"
"Of course, firefly." Zephyr smiled softly at the shorter fire ghoul and opened his arms for him. Dewdrop smiles at the nickname and carefully lays down on Zephyr, so he can also hold him. Dewdrop also kicks his body temperature up, to help with the pain.
"How about we watch a movie and relax for the rest of the day?" Ifrit asks the two smaller ghouls, already taking the remote in his hand and turning the tv on.
The other two ghouls nod in unison, Dewdrops hand softly rubbing up and down Zephyr's sides. Ifrit turns in a random movie, where he knows that everyone will like it. The three of them cuddle and watch the movie in silence until Zephyr speaks up again.
"Thank you, you two. You don't have to always help me with my pain." They say softly.
Both of the fire Ghouls reassure him that they love to help and that it's basically just cuddling to them. Afterwards the room fell silent again, the three of them just watching the movie.
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chuckyslivinghell · 1 month
So I'm going to ask this now. The ghovie premieres on a Thursday, and not everyone will be able to attend a showing that day. Plenty of folks will have to wait until Saturday. Can we all agree to tag and/or cut spoilers? Can we come to a consensus on a tag so folks can block it?
Please reblog this post so it reaches all the corners of ghumblr possible.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Pain day
Rain × Dewdrop
Hurt, comfort
Rain woke up in the morning and felt a stunning pain in his knee, he already knew that it was a bad day, so he put on his knee brace and walked around with crutches.
He mostly pushed through the day, taking small breaks in between his chores.
When the Ghouls ate lunch together, Dewdrop already noticed that it was a bad pain day for Rain and he worried, but he knew that Rain would come to him if it gets too bad.
After lunch Rain continued with his chores and the pain in his knee got worse, he still pushed through the day, since he didn't want to be a burden to others.
Dewdrop sat on the couch after he was done with his chores and he was on his phone until Rain walked into the room. Rains pain got so bad that he was limping. Dew got up in an instant, walking over to his lover and helped him to his room.
In his room he helped Rain to change into comfortable clothes and took the knee brace off and helped him lay down on his bed, getting comfortable.
"Need anything? Do you want a snack or something?" Dewdrop asked worried for his boyfriend.
Rain smiles softly, really thankful for Dews help.
"No, love. But could you lay down with me?" Rain was cautious with his words, he knew that Dewdrop wouldn't say no, but he still wanted to make sure.
Dewdrop laid down next to him, so Rain can cuddle into him. Dew kicked his body temperature up to help ease the pain. His tail wrapped around Rains knee, applying heat and light pressure to his knee.
Rain cuddled into Dew, his head resting on his shoulder, a soft smile on his lips, as he closes his eyes and relaxes.
"Thank you, Dew." Rain voices softly, sounding a bit tired, since he is exhausted from the day and his pain.
"No problem, droplet. I'm happy to help." Dew answers him, his arms wrapped around his body and playing with Rains hair.
"I love you." Rain says, already half asleep, his eyes closed and breath evening out.
"I love you too, amor." Dew kisses his head as he notices that Rain fell asleep.
Dewdrop is content with Rain in his arms, cuddling him until he also falls asleep.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
Tumblr media
reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Tumblr media
(meme made by @7-crows-in-a-trench-coat)
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
ideas for tumblr staff
dont remove the boop button
stop banning trans women for no reason
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Obi Wan × Satine
Fluff (kinda angst)
Smexy au where Satine somehow survives and they meet after order 66
Obi Wan landed on Tatoin.
He was destroyed and felt empty after his battle with Anakin and Padmes death.
He moved into a cave somewhere far away from the city.
Kenobi thought about everything he lost over the years and the war. Not only that he lost his master, many friends and good soldiers. But he also lost the love of his life and his found family.
He was alone, at least that's what he thought, a couple of months after order 66, what he only survived with luck, he got back from his job. He walked into his so-called home and someone stood in the middle of the room, their back turned to him.
Obi Wan was ready to fight for his life, he was scared that the emperium found him.
The strange person slowly turned around, blond shoulder length hair, piercing blue eyes and a soft bud sad smile looked at him.
As Kenobi recognised the person in front of him, he couldn't believe it. There in front of him stood his lover, Satine, the woman that died in his arms.
"Satine?" Obi Wan whispered, he didn't believe his eyes, how could he believe his eyes, she died in his arms.
Her smile grew, "hello, Obi Wan." she said softly.
Her voice was music to his ears and a single tear rolled down his cheek.
"But... You can't be real... You died in my arms..." His voice was sad.
"Don't worry, I'm real. Your eyes are not lying." she spoke softly to him.
"I missed you... And I heard what happened... Order 66, I'm happy that you survived." She holds her hands out to him, inviting him to come closer.
"How did you survive? Maul killed you..." He asked her, stepping closer and taking her hands in his.
A soft smile spreads across his face as he touched her hands, now believing that his mind doesn't play tricks on him.
"I think this is a story for another time, my dear... And I'm still not sure about your beard." She jokes softly and Obi Wan chuckles at her comment.
He missed her with his whole heart and she missed him too.
Kenobi finally has his love back, even though he didn't think it would ever happen.
"I love you, Satine, my dear I love you so much." Kenobi said softly and kissed her.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Swiss × Phantom × Aurora
Swiss laid on the couch, Phantom laid on top of him, cuddling into Swiss and the TV was on for some background noise.
As the time passes Phantom yawns, cuddling more into him, as Swiss heard them yawn, he began to scratch their back, planting a kiss on their head.
"Tired, bug?" Swiss asked, smirking and Phantom just gave a little hum of acknowledgement.
Swiss chuckles softly at Phantom's little hum, holding them a bit closer.
"Go to sleep, bug." Swiss says softly and Phantom just shakes their head, wanting to stay up so they have more time with Swiss.
"Want to stay up" Phantom mumbles, their tail snakes around Swiss arm.
"Come on, baby. Go to sleep, you can't stay awake any longer anyway." Swiss says, kissing their temple.
Phantom shakes their head again but falls asleep shortly after.
As the two cuddle on the couch, Phantom fast asleep, Aurora sneaks into the common room, smiling softly as she them.
"Hi" she whispers, walking over to the two Ghouls, planting a kiss in Swiss lips.
"Hi, Rory" Swiss said, smiling. He takes her hand in his, strokes the back of her hand.
Aurora smiles softly, going with her free hand through Phantoms hair, kissing his head.
"Want to cuddle too?" Swiss asks, pulling her a bit closer and wrapping his arm around her hip.
"Don't need to tell me twice." Aurora says happily and lays down next to the two, cuddling into Swiss side and wrapping her arm and tail around Phantom. Swiss tail wraps around her waist, holding her closer, as she kissed Swiss cheek.
The three cuddle more into each other until they fall asleep.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Part 2 of hot chocolate and cuddles
As both of them cuddled up on the couch, Remus thought about asking his boyfriend out, they haven't had a date in a long time, so he began to plan in his head.
While he plans Sirius asks him a question, but Remus doesn't hear it because of his planning.
"Hm?" Remus asks him a bit confused, looking down at his boyfriend.
Sirius chuckles slightly, "you didn't listen, did you? I ask you if we want to go on a date again. We weren't on a date for a long time." Sirius said, looking up at Remus.
Remus smiles, "I actually thought about asking you out. So yes, I would love a date." Remus answers, giving Sirius a kiss on the head.
"So what do we want to do, Moony?" Sirius asks.
"How about we cook something together and have a candlelight dinner? Maybe we could watch some movies too." Remus suggests.
"Sounds good, tomorrow then?" Padfoot says, smiling at him.
Remus nods and gives a sound of agreement before he continues to drink his hot chocolate and begins to read.
The next day Sirius and Remus have their date. They were in the kitchen cooking their dinner and they decided on Lemony Slow-Cooked Salmon with Potatoes and Fennel.
While the two cooked, they talked, flirted and sometimes they also kissed. So all in all they just had a good time while cooking.
They set the table and began to eat, the two of them continued to talk about their day and when they finished eating they hold hands. Remus pressed a kiss to Sirius knuckles, staring in his eyes and smiling softly.
"I love you so unbelievably much." He said softly, Sirius rested his hand on Remus cheek, pulling him closer and kissing him passionately. "I love you too." He replied, a big smile on his face.
"So what about cleaning a bit up and then watching some movies?" Sirius said, still smiling and Remus nodded. Both of them got up and did the dishes together, cleaning a bit.
Afterwards they cuddled up in bed and watched some of their favourite movies until Sirius fell asleep.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Rain × Mountain
Rain had a bad day, everything went wrong and he also had a fight with Dewdrop over a small thing. Something that day was definitely wrong and everything was frustrating to him.
And Mountain noticed that Rain had a bad day, so he planned a movie night for Rain and him. He made a comfortable nest in his bed, with many snacks and tea.
When Rain came back into his room, he saw a note from Mountain that told him to wear something comfortable and meet Mountain in his room. So that's exactly what he did, he put a shirt from Mountain and some shorts on and left of to Mountains room.
He knocked on Mountains door and when he heard a "come in" he went into the room and saw what Mountain had planned.
Rain smiled softly, having happy tears in his eyes. Mountain patted the spot next to him in the nest, inviting Rain to join him.
Rain joined him in an instant, cuddling up to his boyfriend and kissing him and asking what all that was for.
"I noticed that you had a bad day, so I thought a movie night would be a good idea." Mountain said softly, his hand combing through Rains hair.
Rains smile grew wider. "Thank you, Mountain. You're too kind to me." Rain kissed him again.
"So what do you want to watch, Waterlily?" Mountain asked, smiling down at his boyfriend.
"Finding Dori?" Rain asks shyly, blushing slightly.
"Of course, baby." Mountain answered and put on the movie, getting comfortable in the nest. Rain laid his head on Mountains chest and Mountain began to rub Rains back.
They cuddled for the rest of the night and ate snacks and drank tea.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Draco × Harry
It was early spring, the weather was nice and Draco watched Harry while the Gryffindor team had quidditch practise, adoring his boyfriend and smiling to himself. Draco thought about how lucky he is to have a loving and caring boyfriend like Harry.
The two were in a relationship for about 6 months now, they would never tell anyone about it though, because why would the Slytherin prince be in a relationship with a Gryffindor and the other way around.
After quidditch practise the two of them meet in the forbidden forest, so no one could watch them, while they were on a date.
Harry was already there when Draco showed up, Harry had planned a picnic and everything was ready and beautiful.
The two boys were in comfortable clothes and sat down next to each other, after Draco gave Harry a kiss.
"You were great at practice." Draco said genuinely, smiling at his boyfriend.
Harry blushed slightly and thanked Draco.
At some point Draco leaned his head on Harry's shoulder, Harry combed his hand through his boyfriend's hair.
"I love you" Harry said, smiling down at Draco.
"I love you too, babe" Draco replies, looking up at him .
Draco sits back up and caresses Harry's cheek, smiling softly and leaning in to kiss Harry. Harry also leans in and kisses his boyfriend softly, his arms wrapping around Draco's waist, pulling him closer.
They make out until it's dark and they need to go back. They walk back to Hogwarts together until they need to go in different directions. they say goodbye and kiss a last time for the day.
When Harry gets back into the Gryffindor tower, Ron sits in the common room.
Ron was waiting for his best friend and by now he looks a bit annoyed.
"Where the fuck were you, Harry? It's late and you missed dinner." Ron says, annoyed.
"Sorry man, I needed time for myself, so I took a long walk through the woods." Harry answers trying to look innocent even though he just had a date with Malfoy.
"Let's just go to bed, as you said it is really late." Harry tries to get out of the situation, he doesn't want Ron to know about his relationship.
"Can you please explain what wrong is with you? You have been acting strange for a while now." Ron says, even more annoyed with his best friend.
"Everything is okay, I don't know what you mean. I'm totally fine and if you would excuse me now, it's late and I want to go to bed. Have a good night." Harry says on leaves, to go to sleep.
Ron looks after him, but also just goes to bed, being too tired to think about it.
The next day after their classes were done, Draco and Harry met up again, taking a walk through the forest.
They were talking about their day and sat down at the black lake, cuddling like they always do. They are just happy at the moment and that's how time passes.
End, cause I got lazy again
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Aether × Dewdrop
Dewdrop woke up having a migraine, he tried to push through the day, still doing his chores as the migraine gets worse and worse.
When he comes back to the dens later that day,his migraines are so bad that he makes a b-line to Aethers room, knocking softly and Aether let's him in.
He walks up to Aethers bed and lays down, Aether lays down next to him. Dewdrop cuddles into his side, closing his eyes, so the light doesn't hurt anymore.
"Everything Okay?" Aether asks softly, keeping his voice low, so he doesn't disrupt Dew.
"Migraine" Dew mumbles, Aether turns the light off and begins to comb through Dewdrops hair.
"Quintessence?" Aether askes, his voice still low. Dewdrop cuddles more up to Aether, resting his head on Aethers chest and nodding.
Aether continues to comb his hair, pushing quintessence into his boyfriends system.
The two cuddle for a long while, staying in a comfortable silence.
At one point Dewdrop yawns, being tired and exhausted from the day and his migraines. Aether kissed the top of dew head, pushing a bit more quintessence into him.
Dewdrop falls slowly asleep, in Aethers arms and a bit later Aether also falls asleep.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
The Slytherins and Griffendors had transformation class together, Harry was sitting on next to Ron and behind them sat Draco.
Draco starred at Harry, thinking to himself how beautiful the chosen one is, he loved Harry but would never admit it. Draco knew that his father wouldn't approve of a relationship between Harry and him, so he left it at that.
Draco made a paper bird fly over to Harry and when he Harry looked back at Draco, he thought that Draco was really handsome. Harry starred at Draco for a bit too long, before Ron got his attention back and they continued to do their assignment.
Time skip because I'm too lazy 😅😃
Harry sneaked out at night, wanting to get some fresh air because he couldn't sleep, he wandered through Hogwarts and saw a figure rounding the corner. Harry followed the figure and when he finally catched up, he stood in front of Draco.
Draco began to call him stupid names in an instant, trying to get rid of the handsome boy in front of him.
"What do you want, Potter?" Draco asked disgusted, looking Harry up and down.
"I wanted to ask you what you're doing out here at this hour, but now I just want to look into your eyes" Harry said blushing a bit, not caring that he just said his thoughts out loud.
Draco looked at him a bit confused, "so you are in love with me, Potter?" Draco asked with fake disgust in his voice.
"I-....I... Yeah, kind of" Harry stutters out, now unsure of himself, he looks down at the ground.
"You really think that I would like a blood traitor like you? That's funny Potter, no one is ever going to like you " Draco makes fun of Harry.
"So you really wanna tell me, that you're not in love with me. Draco, you are always near me starring at me and way more and you think I don't see stuff like this." Harry chuckles, making Draco blush slightly.
"You don't know what you are talking about Potter." Draco says and he wants to say so much more but Harry kisses him and Draco can't do anything else than kiss Harry back.
Draco grabs Harrys hand and pulls him into a empty room.
They continue to kiss passionately and talk about anything and everything, falling asleep at point.
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chuckyslivinghell · 2 months
Hot chocolate and cuddles
My delulu world, where everything is perfectly fine and harry spends time with uncle moony and uncle padfoot.
Remus sits on his desk, checking some exams from his class
Sirius walks into his office, wrapping his arms around Remus neck from behind. "Hello, honey." Sirius says, smiling softly and pressing a kiss to the head of his lover.
"Hey, my dear. How was your day?" Remus asks, smiling himself.
Lupin wraps one of his arms around his lovers waist and pulls him close.
"My day was good. Harry and I were in park together, taking a walk and just talking. What about you?" Black says, rubbing his lovers back and neck.
"Sounds fun. I read, had coffee and now I have to check these exams." Remus says, a bit frustrated that he still has to work. Sirius caresses his cheek, making his boyfriend look up at him and kissing Remus forehead.
"Sounds like you sit here for a while already. How about I make some hot chocolate and we cuddle up together?" Sirius asks.
"Sounds good, my dear." Remus smiles up at him, pulling him down and kissing him.
The two make hot chocolate and cuddle up together.
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