fandom / fanon: sam is vegetarian / vegan :) bc he likes "rabbit food" and judges dean's "gross" "unhealthy" "bad" foods :)
canon: sam is continuously shown eating various meat / fish / dairy foods (and happily eats "dean foods" like the burgers dean makes him) throughout the entire show, yes all the way to late s15. however, he is shown to avoid certain foods / food groups at different points in time. usually as a form of control / to give himself a sense of internal purification. this is not a healthy relationship to food.
conclusion: the answer you are looking for to describe sam's eating habits is not vegetarian / vegan. it's "fad diet health guru disordered eating"
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A collection of doodles (done by me) for mine and @crisp-breeze ‘s spn AU (a soft place to land)!!!! It is very good and Shelly is an AMAZING writer, please check it out! It’s our baby ❤️
@jupernaturalweek :)!!!
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If the writers weren't cowards and had made the Winchesters canonically Jewish, Mr. Dean "makes inappropriate and offensive jokes all the time" Winchester would have called season 4 Sam "Blood Libel Boy" and it would have been hilarious.
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siobhan and kristen are a couple in real life btw
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At the end of the day your anime ship of the month will never trend above the US election and the royal baby announcement.
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everyone’s a fujoshi until it comes to destiel
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Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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someone do the 911/spn buck/dean crossover PLEASE like i don’t gaf if this is cringe we are in a recession. LAFD gets onsite for what appears to be a domestic dispute gone wrong, only for them to be interrupted by 3 redneck lookin’ FBI agents in a trenchcoat and denim jackets… dean tells buck they’ve got it from there, buck is confused why/how the FBI is involved in this. things happen. dean and buck do NOT like each other. cas & eddie keep commenting on how similar they are. sam just really wants this case to be over so he can go visit the la brea tar pits.
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The crazy thing to me about Dean trying to be an asshole and push everyone away is how it just doesn't seem to work on Castiel. Yknow. Like he's capable of being mad at Dean obviously and he might even be hurt on some level but I kind of get the vibe of, like, holding up a really angry kitten by the scruff of its neck. Holding up a really angry human by his shoulder
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dean would do soooooo well on riverdale he would fit right in. veronica would say something insane referencing an obscure hollywood actor from the forties in a sentence that loops back around twice and dean would go Finally. people who speak english
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transgender headcanon rite of passage
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one of my favorite head canons is that after dean tells sam he’s queer anytime sam disagrees with him or tells him he’s wrong about something or generally does anything dean doesn’t like dean tells sam “that’s homophobic” and sam stammers about it not sure how he’s allowed to respond and deeply hating it
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clairewinchestermills · 2 months
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clairewinchestermills · 3 months
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happy purim everyone
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clairewinchestermills · 3 months
the thing about supernatural is that, if it were real, hunting as a subculture would have a lot in common with biker and cowboy culture. it already does, aesthetically and as a lifestyle. and that means that it would be full of gay men, or at least gay sex. if supernatural were accurate men would’ve been cruising day and night at Ellen’s roadhouse and Bobby/Rufus would’ve been real. unfortunately no one involved in this goddamn show except maybe late-stage Misha Collins understood that they were making a show about queer masculinity’s place within the American gothic. tragic. many such cases.
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clairewinchestermills · 3 months
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This started with “Dean totally has orange cat energy” and just kept going and now I’ve lost all control???? Also nobody tells you cat anatomy is WEIRD. Why so bendy???
Special thanks to @lordcrowcifer for his suggestions for Crowley & Gabriel! (He made a strong case with the perfect photo of an angery looking Scottish Fold 😂)
More suggestions are, of course, welcomed because I have nothing better to do than draw dudes in plaid as cats.
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clairewinchestermills · 3 months
Do you know this Jewish character?
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