cleofied · 7 months
habits to welcome in your life
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drink a glass of water when you wake up and before you go to bed
drink plenty of water
make your bed as soon as you get up
pick your outfit the night before
write down ' 3 things you are grateful for ' every day
set a goal (or more) for a day
read a few pages everyday
eat more fruit
move (excercise, go for a walk or a run - anything)
dont use your phone right before bed
stop talking negatively about yourself
use a planer and/or a journal
go outside daily
make a to-do list for everyday
fix your sleep schedule
listen to podcasts
do something you enjoy everyday
open your windows more
use affirmations
meditation /yoga
keep your space clean and tidy
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cleofied · 7 months
thing I can't control
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how others feel
what other think of me
how others behave
what other say
how other react
if other forgive me
others' beliefs
others' boundaries
others' attitude
others' motives
what happened in the past
what will happen in the future
the media
the outcome of my efforts
what happens around me
events and circumstances
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cleofied · 7 months
things I can control
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how I act
what I eat
how much I study
from who I take advice
who I surround myself with
my boundaries
the future I am making for myself
how I spend my time
how I respond
how honest I am
how I express my feelings
my mindset
my attitude
my habits
how I speak to myself
my focus
my energy
my effort
what I consume
how I let people affect me
my choices and decisions
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cleofied · 7 months
money saving tips
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here are some ways you can save your money ! i hope this helps!
transfer 4/5 of your money into your bank account (if you need cash on hand)
if you are looking to save cash, use two piggy banks; one for your savings and the other one for money you are going to spend
dont buy (unnecessary) things if you can't buy them 3x
ask yourself if the thing you want to buy is something you need or something you want
it's more than okay to spend money on things that you want but leave some wishes for a time when you are more financially stable
find other things to do instead of shopping
see if the thing you want to buy is available for a cheaper price
make an emergency fund
make a grocery list and follow it (don't buy things that aren't listed)
save up coupons and buy things on sale
find hobbies that make you money instead of costing money
cancel unnecessary subscriptions
make your drink/food at home instead of buying it in shops
invest in things that last longer (so you don't have to buy them over and over again)
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cleofied · 8 months
fresh and warm bedsheets, outfit for tommorow picked, fresh air, candles and books on the bedside table >>>
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cleofied · 8 months
intro post
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cléo. minor. this is a side blog. my pronouns are she/her but im okay with they/them. im from europe. i love self care <3
my blog is a safe space <3 homophobes, transphobes, islamophobes, perverts, etc dni !!! i love quotes and moodboards. i like talking about self improvement, podcasts, books, music and various different topics. i am interested in a lot of things. i love subliminals, affirmations and manifesting. feel free to talk to me about anything. my askbox is open and i love getting asks so dont hold back <3 i am introverted irl but i love meeting people online. <3
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