crawfish-saint · 4 years
Author: jedidiah
Illustrator: @tamothygee
At once, I see blood, and fire. The blinding strobe of energy ungodly, and bastaedous which had caused the body of my dear live too lay still at my feet in disastrous awe. At once, I smell sulfer, nitrogen. The chemicals by which the treads of devils ruin the earth. At once, I hear the earth, its wailing and pure pain at the presence of such a terrible lord. At once, the pain of the barbed spear of the halberd takes my chest and I feel the poisonous brimstone in my blood. I looked sebas in yellow awful eyes "you were my brother. I loved you" as I started too wheap. Painful acidic tears, barely holding onto my faith as a looked too the sky, and see the light getting closer, and closer. The heat of heaven makes it's way closer, my eyes bear not the gates of the veil, but eight golden wheels covered in eyes cloled by limitless wings vibrating the atoms it exists around. As I lose my thought, I mutter "sanctus Michael... defendat"
At once, the feeling of nuclear holyfire consumes my body in its entirety. The infinite pain of the heavens consumes my soul completely and is destroyed and reconstructed as fast as it degrades. My muscles are filled with the energy of atomic fission. At once, I am infinite. My pain is infinite. My love is infinite. My hatred in infinite. The will of God is me. Deus vult. in exitium sui et adversarii ipsius erit aliud velocius ullum. Adjure te, spiritus nequissime, per Deum omnipotentem. Princeps gloriosissime caelestis militiae, sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio et colluctatione, quae nobis adversus principes et potestates, adversus mundi rectores tenebrarum harum, contra spiritualia nequitiae, in caelestibus.
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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Original creation: Jedidiah Sherman
Illustration: Gabriel lee @maniacalpencils
The wind rushes past my face. My feet pound the countryside road, dust being flung me as my legs dash it across. In the distance I see an automobile inching it's way forward, weighed with cargo, and I smile "I bet I can-a beat that" and pick up my pace and foot by foot catch its stroke, and laugh as I pass its speed "Buongiorno!" I wave at an old wine farmer in the vehicle as I pass. "Buongiorno giovane donna!" He smiles back. A lovely old man he is. I wish I could stop and chat with him, but i have an visitor to find. A couple miles up the road I stop at a road corner. My my, almost at the northern border. I take out my survey notebook and take a long look at the order log. "A Ms Nikita Alixeva. Rostavian citizen. Cultural cossack... half dragon? I've only seen-a so many. Many only in books! They sound so exotic and-a pretty. She should stick out like silver bar amongst the masson stone." Without looking any further at the personal information, I see that the national road shes last seen traveling on is so close. 28 miles NE. I shove my notebook back in the haversack and take a deep breath from my rest and bolt forward. Last stretch, Maria. Keep running.
For the next hour it seemed to be only minutes. The world kept perfect company until the the sky was getting near bottom sky. 7 oclock according to my eyes. When I look down from my observation of the sky I see someone on the road ahead, sitting under a near tree, bearing pears. The individual looked at the friot with curiosity, then I saw her red hair and blazing orange scales. It's her! I plant my heals in the dirt road and clouds of dust billow behind me as i skid to a rough stop, some dust blowing into the dragon-borns face. "Öof. What's fůck?" She coughs and reaches for her spear "oopsie. Oh my my I'm so sorry a madama. Please forgive me, Scuse scuse! You are a Ms Alixeva...?" I trail off as I start to notice her indecency. Oh my lord. How embarrassing. I divert my eyes and look to my peripheral, doing all in my power to avoid letting my gaze meet her bare body, save for a linen skirted drape around her privacy. I know Murcurian weather is hot in September but hardly to warrent exposure. "Yees. Nikïta ist me. What do yôu ask før?" "I'm -uh- a messenger from the Murcurian government. The vatican has direct interest ina your -uh- anatomy" I handed her the letter without looking in her eyes. She dropped her gaurd, and as she read I looked back too my notes. The draco cossacks are cultural nudists? Good grief. "Vhy you loök nervøūs? Like cat eæt in allýwaý" I swallowed my nerves and smiled at her "nonsense madama. I serve all my routes with the best service and efficiency I can. Now please miss Alexiva I must get back on route" as I stepped on foot forward the time watch on my wrist ticked and started the grind. Damn. The end of the work day. Time to set up camp. I stood frozen in place, knowing I had no real choice. The closest town was miles away. No lodging. Flaura would be mad if I ran after hours. "Ms Alexiva." "Call Nïkita" "uh- Nikita" "yees?" "May I camp here for the night?" She looked at me with unsure eyes. I know because I refused to look anywhere else. "... Dø y hæve meat?"
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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(OC: Makala Meridith)
Narrative: Jedediah Sherman
Illustration: Gabriel Lee
The chilling wind feels that its permanently laid itself into my orange scales, or at least, I wish it was. I've felt the air be less chilled as I approached the southwestern border of the motherland. Soon the cold would be a memory. Unlike the face of my parents. Once again, a wish. The only kin that gave me breath where white draco, they became my elders. My loved. My rearers. Yet I sit here walking away as many things have from me... too see if maybe i can find what may be considered a purpose in my life. If that's possible for me too find.
I lifted my head to the sound of a metal vehicle beast rolling the path toward me, a red gear and rye emblazoned on their armor. "Fücking crîmsons" I crawled. A mustached Mason worker popped out, seemingly shoved by his compatriots, "du. Yes, du there. Cossack draco girl. Have du sworn loyalty to dragmïre cotton? Loyalist of the tsar see da röpe" "I loyal too nįkita, bástard. Fuck œff" and kept my path forward.
A bullet strikes me in the hip, hurting, but bouncing off my thick scaley buff. "Dont disrespect the syndicate of union workers du bitch. Rostav vill be crimsön" "WRRRRAAEEEEIII!" I screeched with the intensity of a beast, as heat and ungodly pressure builds in my chest, and let it go, shockwave of air pressure and flame, destroying the vehicle in an instant, killing everyone within. "Crimson syndicate bastærds. Вы разрушаете родину и традиции".
With the settlement of the power, I keep my travels forward. I look toward the sky. Almost sundown. The border is more than close. Almost time to say goodbye for now...
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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(OC: Makala Meridith)
Narrative: Jedediah Sherman
Illustration: Gabriel Lee
The chilling wind feels that its permanently laid itself into my orange scales, or at least, I wish it was. I've felt the air be less chilled as I approached the southwestern border of the motherland. Soon the cold would be a memory. Unlike the face of my parents. Once again, a wish. The only kin that gave me breath where white draco, they became my elders. My loved. My rearers. Yet I sit here walking away as many things have from me... too see if maybe i can find what may be considered a purpose in my life. If that's possible for me too find.
I lifted my head to the sound of a metal vehicle beast rolling the path toward me, a red gear and rye emblazoned on their armor. "Fücking crîmsons" I crawled. A mustached Mason worker popped out, seemingly shoved by his compatriots, "du. Yes, du there. Cossack draco girl. Have du sworn loyalty to dragmïre cotton? Loyalist of the tsar see da röpe" "I loyal too nįkita, bástard. Fuck œff" and kept my path forward.
A bullet strikes me in the hip, hurting, but bouncing off my thick scaley buff. "Dont disrespect the syndicate of union workers du bitch. Rostav vill be crimsön" "WRRRRAAEEEEIII!" I screeched with the intensity of a beast, as heat and ungodly pressure builds in my chest, and let it go, shockwave of air pressure and flame, destroying the vehicle in an instant, killing everyone within. "Crimson syndicate bastærds. Вы разрушаете родину и традиции".
With the settlement of the power, I keep my travels forward. I look toward the sky. Almost sundown. The border is more than close. Almost time to say goodbye for now...
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
this is the funniest intro to any johnny bravo episode
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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Original creation by: Jedidiah Sherman
Illustration by: Gabriel Lee
A dirt road in Mississippi is no place for a girl while shes alone. Especially when she ain't got no legs to stand on. Quite literally you might see. I guess that begs a mighty question why I'm out here then. I dont really know. I guess a part of me thinks god might be willing to give me direction if I'm far enough away from another bleeding soul.
The crunchy and wobbled texture of the gravelly path gives way to the new texture of riddled grass that as soon as my wheels rolled nary feet into it, it started to take all my strength to push along it. Damn. The fallen leaves are making the ground immovable. "Ugh!" I let out a grunt and my arms started to burn. If my muscles weren't made of pine straw maybe wed be getting somewhere. I relaxed and decided to push my wheels backwards, maybe to get back onto the path until I was too weak to push there to. Damn! Stuck here too I guess... I either sit here and wither in the October wind or I pull up my sleeves and give a thought or two. So I guess I only have one other attempt left.
I close my eyes and let my mind relaxed. Clouds. Nothing my air. My neck hairs stand on end as I concentrate a mass of energy to the back of my chair, and push! The compressed air burst with audible noise and it not only pushes me further into the brush but damn well out of my chair. I start tumbling damn the hill side like a bag of sand off the trades wagon. My body feels as if its burning in a stove oven rolling down, until the reach the bottom when my legs land and my braces crack along with my ankles in a loud snap. "Aghh!" I yelp in pain, tears already forming in my eyes. I already feel unconsciousness take over my eyes. Tears rolling over my cheeks as the worlds fades out... "why have you forsaken my lord... I'm so sorry".
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
Dieselpunk gang
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Tired of the tired old steampunk and designs? Well try some of these out. Here’s a list of popular aesthetics that even I didn’t know had names. In a few post, I’ll be breaking down the terms listed above and recommend some books that I think are appropriate to each.
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
Chiclets Cooking Corner by Jedidiah Sherman
Hiiiiiiiii!! Its me! Chiclet! Your favorite bubblegum flavored lovey dovey little demon. Today I wanted to share something I hold near and dear to me and I think about it soo much every time I see a pie. You know, like, everyone knows about the normal plain old key lime pie right? If you dont your just a big dummy. And everyone loves it! But sometimes you want to make a change. But why change what still works? To make it pink of coarse! When making key lime pie knowone EVER thinks to but strawberrys in it. So today I present to you CHICLETS ULTRA PINK STRAWBERRY FLATSTONE KEYLIME PIE!
First, preheat the oven to 375°F. Then Unwrap the larger Slab Pastry Crust disk you have; roll dough out on a lightly floured work surface into an 18- x 13-inch rectangle. Wrap dough around rolling pin; gently fit inside a 15- x 10-inch jelly-roll pan. Turn dough edges under; crimp. Prick bottom and sides of dough with a fork. Line with parchment paper, leaving a 3- to 4-inch overhang around pan edges. Fill with pie weights or dried beans to make sure the pie gets squished and flat. Bake 10 minutes. Remove parchment paper and pie weights. Return crust to oven; bake at 375°F until lightly browned, 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack; cool completely, about 30 minutes. Remember to reserve remaining smaller Slab Pastry Crust disk for another use if you wanna make my tasty treat again!
Reduce oven temperature to 350°F. Then whisk together condensed milk, yolks, lime zest, and lime juice in a large bowl. Gently pour into prepared crust. Return to oven, and bake until center is almost set, 11 to 13 minutes. (The center will not be firm but will set up as it chills. Like the feeling you get up your backbone when someone with gold mits touches you 🥶 hehe) Transfer to a wire rack; cool completely, about 1 hour. Cover and chill at least 3 hours or up to 24 hours. It can be a very long wait freinds! But it's worth the flavor!
Process strawberries in a food processor or blender until completely smooth like a nice tasty cream, about 30 seconds. Pour through a fine mesh strainer into a small bowl; discard all the solid non liquidy bits. Icky
Beat heavy cream, vanilla, and 3 tablespoons of the strained strawberry mixture in a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment on medium-high speed until foamy woamy, about 30 seconds. Gradually add powdered sugar and, if desired, food coloring gel (to make it more pink❤❤❤), beating until soft peaks form, about 1 minute. (Remembet to reserve any remaining strained strawberry mixture for another pie!)
Spoon the whipped cream mixture over pie filling, gently swirling to cover and leaving some of the filling showing underneath for that pretty wutty artsy look I love so dearly. Garnish the pie with additional lime zest and strawberries for extra texture and ever so lovely flavor.
I hope this pie changes your veiw of key lime pie as much as it did mine! It's a perfect comfort food. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't eaten it late at night, hehe. I eat it all the time like I do German cake, cherry pie, lemon meurange, chocolate ganache, candy corns, sour cherries, snickerdoodles, red velvet, lane cake, banana pudding, syrup, and... oop. That might be too much 😳😅 teehee. I hope you have a wonderful time. And your tastebuds even wonderfuller. I love you so much! Show me how it goes!
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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USS Macon (ZRS-5)
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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woman yelling at cat meme but make it ancient greek red figure pottery
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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Original creation and story by Jedidiah
Illustration by Gabriel @maniacalpencils
It was a very normal occasion. It happens twice a month every month. The sacred rite of baptism was a rite every child from around the world received in the name of god, a rebirth after their birth. Many venturing as far as such a rite being performed by the pope. But his Holiness mind was elsewhere. "Punc peiro" the nun said, as another newfound mother clutching her precious child enters the pool of blessed water. Absentmindedly "she takes after you" solemn replied, as he begins to pour water over the new childs head three times "Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti benedicat tibi. Amen". Solemn, god forgive him, wasnt even in the world barely, much less thinking about baptism. "Punc peiro" the assistant nun said once more as another mother approached "she takes after you. Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti benedicat tibi. Amen". Solemn was doing it with his eyes clothes. No care for the task at hand, just the many stresses weighing on his shoulders. "Punc peiro" as another approached "she takes after you" he said before he opened his eyes to scoop water for the child, but in doing so saw his fatal mistake. The child within the mothers arm, was unmistakably from Zering, a Zulu perhaps, skin as black as coal, but the mother had skin of snow and blonde hair "I, err... uhh.. this child is clearly adopted indeed but, very well she still takes after you, love. Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti benedicat tibi. Amen" and sent her on her way. "Bloodyhell" he mumbled as he took a deep breath, looked towards the sky and sighed. He ran his hand through his hair as he prayed and said "alright... who's next?"
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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Original creation by Jedidiah Sherman illustration by GabrielI @maniacalpencils
been a long day, as most his days were, and he hardly ever got a break. He rarely got a couple of hours, save for meals, and even they felt rushed. The humanitarian crisis, following The Father War, didn’t feel as though it was worth the benefits sometimes, at least in his own personal opinion it didn’t.
As the “popemobile”, as the public had named it, sowed along the Remin street to its next destination with Cornin guards occupying the front seats and the cardinal sitting at his side. “I feel trapped”, he muttered silently, hoping his side-along didn’t hear him. “Che cos ‘ero questo?”, the cardinal said. The pope, realizing he’d been heard, quickly tried to cover for himself, “Oh, uh, nothing old chap!”.
Choosing to ignore his minor slip, he stared outside the car window, transfixed by the people he saw. The people he saw looked as though they’d been kissed by the Mercurian sun with their golden tans and dark hair, all except one. He saw a hint of red and green sitting on the fountain’s edge and felt his heart lurch in his chest. “Stop!”, he yelled suddenly, and the 1919 Tumble Royce skidded to a halt.
Solemn immediately stepped out and began scanning the crowd, hoping to find a glimpse of the colors that made his heart pound so wildly in his chest. “Your Holiness, what is your intention?”One of the guards had spoken to him, snapping him out of his thoughts abruptly. “Me time. Kindly fuck about, I have things I need to see”, his attitude took the guards aback as he spoke. Before they could protest, he hurriedly began his way towards the square.
As he made his way towards the square, he could hear the yells of “Ti amiamo tua sanita!” and “Che dio sia con te!”, and though he tried to convey some gratitude with his smiles and half-waves, his mind was elsewhere. He loved them all, but there was one he held value over them all, his sweet Flaura. His mind drew a blank when he saw her. She was sitting on the fountain as he’d previously seen her, with her poorly made lunch of mulekick molasses and Mercer&Matthew’s chocolates. She was perfect.
“I couldn’t mistake your bright red hair anywhere’, his voice came out soft as a whisper, but he knew she’d heard him. Her bright blue eyes lit up when they met his own, and he could feel his heartbeat ringing in his ears. “solemn! I haven’t seen you in three days!”, she said before diving into his chest, impacting him like a juggernaut. Despite how hard she’d slammed into him, his stance hadn’t budged, and he was able to pick her wide and slightly curvaceous frame with ease, as though he would a child.
“I know love, and I’m so sorry, I’m just blessed to see you, work has been mighty and marrow, as you know” he said gently as not to hurt her feelings or to cause her distress. She eyed him lightly before crossing her arms. “Sit! Sit! Sit! Where is your lunch?” she said, her tone much like one a mother would have, causing him to smirk. “I could ask you the same thing”, he gave a hardy laugh, causing her to swat him playfully. “Mock me none you handsome fool”, she said as she crushed a piece of hard candy in her hand. He watched, truly in awe of her, as he watched magic transform the bits of broken candy into a perfectly formed piece of pound cake.
“I can never thank you enough, the whole green lot of you”, his eyes held the pain of a thousand broken men. Wishing to see her like he did when they where merely travelers, spreading Gods Word. He shook his head lightly, almost as if to shake himself out of his thoughts.
“Say, I remember this fountain, how long ago was it?”, his eyes caught hers, and he could see the love she held for him rolling off of her in waves. “Many, MANY, years ago, this”, she pointed in the direction of the now unblocked sun, “was where we were facing from the wall and we-”, Solemn interrupted her before she could finish. Flaura gave him a confused look as he grabbed a nearby stick, but smiled when he began to draw. “And drew the fish of the lord christ that I'd first showed you when we met, a happy memory to make up for the sad we’d endured”, she was surprised he’d remembered. She stared wide-eyed at the fish before saying, “And then... and then you kissed me for the first time”, her voice had lowered to a gentle and hushed tone, as his face began to lower towards hers. He was tempted to kiss her once again, but stepped back as the public wasn’t to see. “That’s just how it happened, isn’t it?”
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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When you accidentally look at the ass of someone you genuinely respect
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
"I saw an odd bundle of candy just nary the beaten path today. I was currently a man of business so I kept my horse troddin' but still. Piqued my interest I'll say" "I wouldn't have picked up the ladder hook either way, bussy or no't" "why's that, Himrich?" "Me mother always told long chewed tales of generations ago. Tales of a fae in yellow, rotten garb... had a smile wider than his teeth, and a voice as sinister as you could make while still feeling barely god crafted. The being would use candy to lure the folk of the town to their own demise. Uses them as thr supper" "heh. You still beleive such things, eh? The fae still eat these little fuckers wonrin' round?" "Maybe... perhaps not like those old times though. Something makes me feel they take a different approach now... eider way, whatever poor soul, god bless, falls for the winged devils rouses must have a real sweet tooth"
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(Artist: @maniacalpencils )
Gabriel took it upon himself to draw my ever so sweet Chiclet during quarantine. My sugar steeped warlock wite that seemingly serves her prying patron sweet tooth. A farce fae lord with power over the temptous toils of sweets and sugar to carnivorously consume their fellied flesh against her better knowledge.
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
I'm rotting. You're rotting. He she we? Rotting
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
All internet celebrities need to be reminded that they're nothing
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crawfish-saint · 4 years
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