creatoriginsane · 15 days
so i opened my old fanfic notebooks, and…
…now i'm considering writing for Haikyuu (because I didn't when I was still watching and reading it, boo)
screenshots under the cut, but i just want to fangirl over my own creation because it reminds me of when i was less stressed!
has anyone written a "Nekoma Girls" before?? with platonic relationships with the Nekoma Boys?
i had 8tracks and pinterest boards!!??? who even uses 8tracks anymore???
i can still remember why i wanted to create a girls team in Nekoma specifically, because i thought the dynamic between rats and cats had really potential
izumi (nezumi) isn't named a rat because of her height, it's because of her teeth (yeah, back then i had buck teeth) and her resourcefulness, like with all my OCs, she's pretty tall (because i am pretty tall in real life, lol)
because i was bad at volleyball (even though i joined summer camps for 2 years), all the nekoma girls weren't originally volleyball players, or they were but they're also really good at other sports too
i thought about how cool it would be if nezumi brought in their skills from other sports into volleyball, but then i realized i wasn't a good enough player in any sport so i couldn't do it any justice
that might be the reason why i didn't write for haikyuu back then
i guess the fandom is welcoming of non-volleyball centric content? is it? i haven't set foot in the fandom for nearly a decade!!
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creatoriginsane · 15 days
What up, whump fam?!
June of Doom 2024 Prompts!
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We've brought back some old favorites/ popular prompts from last year with a healthy dash of new!
Please feel free to participate with original or fan works of any kind (writing, photos, gifs, mood boards, videos, songs, whatever creative medium your heart desires!). You can do one or all of the prompts on any given day, and if none are to your liking, check out the alternate prompts!
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Two rules this year!
As with last year, tag your stuff with appropriate warnings, plzkthnx.
AI-created content is highly discouraged and frowned upon. I have no way of "checking", but I respect the time and effort people put into their crafts and encourage everyone to do the same. This isn't a contest for best written or prettiest art — it's a challenge, so challenge yourself.
Text list below the cut for easier crossings-off. And don't forget to tag @juneofdoom so I can reblog your awesome here! Have fun!
“Help me.”                                        | Failed Escape | On the Run | Fetal Position |
“It didn’t have to be this way.”             | Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |
“Well, well, well…”                            | Hiding | Ambushed | Stalking |
“Does that hurt?”                               | Impalement | Fracture | Punishment |
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”                 | Bite | Swelling | Disfiguration |
“They don’t care about you.”               | Flinch | Broken Promise | Abandoned |
“What happened?”                            | Nightmare | Isolation | Stumbling |
“This is your last chance.”                    | Drowning | Chair | Prisoner Trade |
“I made a mistake.”                            | Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
“Can you hear me?”                           | Fear | Smoke | Phone Call |
“We’re out of time.”                           | Bleeding Out | Collapse | Flatline |
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”        | Dehydration | Grief | Coma |
“Wait!”                                             | Sacrifice | Adrenaline | Cornered |
“What were you thinking?”                  | Surrender | Human Shield | Outmatched |
“Get me out of here!”                         | Rescue | Chainsaw | Presumed Dead |
“At least it can’t get any worse.”           | Secret | Stranded | Setback |
“You don’t want to do that.”                | Struggle | Blackmail | Desperate Measures |
“I’m fine.”                                         | Self-defense | Allergies | Headache |
“This can’t be happening!”                  | Sobbing | Straitjacket | Dissociation |
“I can handle it.”                                | Scrape | Panic Attack | Neglect |
“Let’s play a game. “                           | Stairs | Pressure Points | Trap Door |
“What’s the bad news?”                      | Poison | Bedridden | Cauterization |
“You’re doing great.”                         | Trembling | Gaslighting | Rules |
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”                  | Blankets | Stitches | Bandages |
“I should have listened to you.”           | Guilt | Backseat | Failure |
“Don’t lie to me.”                               | Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
“Or what?”                                       | Defiance | Display | Last Resort |
“Say something.”                               | Numb | Cold Shoulder | Gag |
“I’m so cold.”                                    | Delirium | Fever | Exposure |
“Breathe, damn you!”                         | Shock | Asphyxiation | Emergency Room |
“Who did this to you?”
“Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not okay.”
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“You poor thing.”
Attending Your Own Funeral
Broken Glass
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creatoriginsane · 15 days
don't mind me, just reflecting on how i'm writing a certain child of mine now
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something about her that has me romanticizing every single gesture and every single word??? my 18-year-old self would seethe at how i'm writing her now. my 18-year-old self hates all the romance and all the intimacy and just wanted to write it all raw. i wonder what made me so… calloused back then about love? what made me reject intimacy outside of intercourse? what made me think of "blocking off attachments" and "removing sentiment" when this character just wants love?
lol, or is this just because i'm a lot older now and i've decided to let her live the rose-colored, sweet-smelling romance i refused to let myself have?
if you know this character (and i'm 90% sure nobody knows who these characters in this scene are), then you'd know she's a lot more flirtatious, romantic, sentimental, emotional, and melodramatic than her previous forms.
my samurai-storyteller child is 🌸 just a girl 🌸 at the end of the day
this scene has been sitting in the drafts for MONTHS now, but i think i can have this up sometime before the end of the month?
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creatoriginsane · 15 days
Thoughts on Boruto?
oh i'm soooooo sorry it took me this long to answer :( but let's just say Boruto doesn't exist in my "post-canon Naruto universe"
honestly, "The Last: Naruto the Movie" was top-notch timeskip character design and there was still so much to explore in the world!!
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creatoriginsane · 15 days
I found and fell in love with your work after looking through the Ao3 tags for Genma and Raidō-centric fics!!!
If you have any headcanons for some of your fav underrated Naruto minor characters, you should totally share them sometime!
oh gosh i'm so sorry it took me this loooooong
and thank you for the support!! i really didn't think i'd be writing about two of "those guys" but here i am!
i have so many headcanons about the naruto universe in general and i do want to share them someday!! it also feels a little weird (in a good way) how some of my favorite naruto fanfics have little to do with the canon itself and more to do with the relationships the characters have with each other.
the headcanons (some already pretty popular and some a little controversial) i can think of at the moment are:
members of the hokage guard platoon (genma, raidou, iwashi), and a lot of konoha jounin, were former anbu
kakashi is asexual; or at least he might be interested in sexual pleasure, just not sex with another person
gai can get it (and he will get it in one of my fics!)
aoba is a pretty good tracker/sensor type ninja!
raidou and hayate were on the same anbu squad
anko didn't "let herself go" in the post-canon (aka, Boruto), she just did what she finally wanted to do in life, eat good and live happy
tenten (my fave of the konoha kids) isn't an orphan and is a descendant of a konoha blacksmith
possibly more to come in my series on Ao3: Tori-Hana-Ken
thank you!!
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creatoriginsane · 17 days
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[NEJITEN COMIC] 🍃🏃‍♀️"Get back here Tenten!"🏃‍♂️🌳
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creatoriginsane · 18 days
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creatoriginsane · 18 days
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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creatoriginsane · 25 days
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new yandere girlfriend has dropped and so has my heart
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
the bnha season 7 "thread"
decided to put it here instead of twitter bc i don't want the people who know me in real life that i'm a bigger weeb than i appear to be. i'll be updating this post as i watch, so keeping everything under the cut!
(memories ep1)
goooosh i remember when shonen openings were hype??? also, looking back, so much heroing has happened and not much academia. i wish mha took a page from world trigger, at least.
kouki uchiyama is def one of my favorite VAs now
shigaraki was a LOT more terrifying in the earlier seasons, like, the stalker/yandere "appeal" he had was so much fun
the Stain arc was definitely a highlight, and i wished they had more "ideological" arcs and conflicts like it
(memories ep2)
WAIT EACH EPISODE USES AN OPENING FROM THAT SEASON??? god i almost teared up on this one??
lol, the league of villains now feel like actual losers (and i mean that as an endearment) they don't really plan ahead, huh? but i guess that's some change of pace compared to the smartass villains from before? but god, i wish we had smarter villains than this (i guess i'll just make one or some)
the AFO VS ALL MIGHT FIGHT!!! god the soundtrack too :( i nearly cried???
come to think of it, MHA will definitely be lotsa times greater (for me) if they had elements of Tiger & Bunny, World Trigger, and Samurai Flamenco
UNITED STATES OF SMASH!!! *literal sobbing*
You're next. *literal bawling my eyes out*
(memories ep3)
NOBUHIKO OKAMOTO, ladies and gents, a really, really, REALLY great VA
god, the deku vs bakugo fight here was real good for a honen like this (bot it won't be anything comapred to the run vs yukio fight in a future season of ao no exorcist)
as much as i love MAN ON A MISSION and how theirs songs are really hype, i just find this OP… a little… unfitting? idk, i think it fits more with the start of the war arc??? eh that's just me
also ARE WE NOT DOING THE OVERHAUL ARC??? that was one (if not my) favorite arc :(
Also, I'm not too big a fan of the "endeavor forgiveness" thing, because i yearn for the day abusers are just cut off from their families completely. what endeavor did was an active choice that continues for YEARS, but i don't full dislike it. it's still better than other people (because at least endeavor acknowledges what he did and didn't run away from it)
if i think about it down, touya's backstory is real SAD but that doesn't excuse that he's a MURDERER with NO REASON
HIRO SHIMONO another reaaaaally great VA
NOBUHIKO OKAMOTO, ladies and gents, a really, really, REALLY great VA
god, the deku vs bakugo fight here was real good for a honen like this (bot it won't be anything comapred to the run vs yukio fight in a future season of ao no exorcist)
as much as i love MAN ON A MISSION and how theirs songs are really hype, i just find this OP… a little… unfitting? idk, i think it fits more with the start of the war arc??? eh that's just me
also ARE WE NOT DOING THE OVERHAUL ARC??? that was one (if not my) favorite arc :(
Also, I'm not too big a fan of the "endeavor forgiveness" thing, because i yearn for the day abusers are just cut off from their families completely. what endeavor did was an active choice that continues for YEARS, but i don't full dislike it. it's still better than other people (because at least endeavor acknowledges what he did and didn't run away from it)
if i think about it down, touya's backstory is real SAD but that doesn't excuse that he's a MURDERER with NO REASON
HIRO SHIMONO another reaaaaally great VA
(memories ep4)
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lol, baby wants to destroy the world
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Honestly, the S6 OP song is SO GOOD and the visuals are STRONG, def my fave so far (but like, Super Beaver's songs are all great)
Shigaraki's backstory is just so real and i wished this kind of situation was touched on more by the series, because the literal power dynamics between heroes-civilians-villains and powered vs unpowered is something i really like when it comes to the superpower/superhero genre
god i am not really excited for the full blast of the war arc because it's just fight after fight after fight :( and it's not like they're changing up their strategy from "physically beat them into submission"
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
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yoooo this is straight up poetry, i think??
to be found in an incoming update for that choso fic of mine
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
devotion that corrupts is my favorite btw there's nothing wrong with it ever & it should be encouraged
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
(small thoughts, free to ignore)
i've been listening to this song for a few weeks now and i just thought, "higuruma hiromi would cry and yearn to this"
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the man's like a beast of burden (and i'm probably gonna use that metaphor at some point in this fic) and a beast in bed (uhuh, uhuh), and i haven't really read the manga when the culling game started because i thought it was such a cop out after what happened in shibuya???
anyway, a lil' snippet under the cut!! (i trust you're mature enough to understand what having the "keep reading" means)
Hiromi is a patient man, see. When he has her on her back, legs spread, and fully exposed, he is still a patient man. 
"I thought you wanted to see what’s inside me." 
She pants when he strokes his fingers across her thighs. Not pushing, not thrusting, just… stroking. Gently. Slowly. He is a very patient man when he needs to be. 
"I do." 
He watches the rise and fall of her chest, and thinks of how demons came to be. 
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
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more ocs, more ocs aaaaaah
she's my fire-breathing baby and i love her
originally from my AnE story, Cactus Flower (which I do hope to bring back someday!! even if might not be what it was originally)
she might probably be more known for my JJK fic, fire walk with me (which is now abandoned because it's no longer the story I want)
that said, she is back and kicking in the rewrite of that JJK fanfic, the leftovers.
she's not as flirty as before, but she's a pain in the ass enough, lol
credits to this picrew!!
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creatoriginsane · 1 month
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Text: The last god of the sea lies rotting on the ocean floor, a final blessing for the animals to feed on. It’s a scramble for us to go harvest its bones, full of power and magic, the last of their kind.
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creatoriginsane · 2 months
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