djzerp · 3 years
My summer music challenge for myself.
Subscribe and/or just stay tuned for more info.
Peace and love to you all!
- Zerp
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djzerp · 3 years
Zerp Skates (or doesn’t skate) - Summer 2021 -
Ep. 2
Mad you can see by the picture - I got injured again. Haha. Oh my, how painful. However, thankfully nothings broken. I guess I really needed to rest longer as this was just a re-injury from my last foot sprain.
I’ll play it by feel, but, I think I will be able to cruise around on a board again soon… just no trick practicing such as ollies or shove its.
Catch ya all soon. I’m on the mend!
- Zerp
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djzerp · 3 years
June 16, 2021
First day of summer vacation. I had to get in a session, it's been four weeks since I have started skating again and I have my new board. PSYCHED! However, I had to take it easy because my right foot still isn't fully healed, so I decided I would just go out for a short session and ease back into practicing my technique.
The video above is fully narrated so I won't repeat too much here in the writing. I'll just say that, it felt good to get back out there! 25 minute session and then I hit the gym to work on my core strength and legs to develop a more steady balance on the board. I will go back to the park and do another 20-30 minute session later today - just giving ye' ol' footie a rest for a couple hours. haha :-)
I can't wait to successfully ollie and hopefully while in motion! I'm excited for the journey to success! Woot!
I leave the rest of the blog post to the narration in my video.
Cheers shredders!
- Zerp.
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djzerp · 3 years
Zerp Skateboards?! ... ...
When I was 9 years old. I got a skateboard (an amazing Teen Wolf Themed skateboard from the J.C. Penney Christmas Catalogue - haha). I rode it. Dug it. It was good fun. However, I didn't grow up in a "skate scene"... no skater friends, no skaters in the family, so I didn't really know that there was more than just rolling (or riding).
Flash forward 5 to 6 years, and I'm more aware of what a REAL skateboarder can do. (Mind you, this is pre-internet....no google, no YouTube, just Thrasher mags and other skate magz). So, I get a new skateboard that is shaped differently (a Popsicle vs the 10" "Pig" shape from the late 80's) and I start skating again. Still.... I'm just a "coaster". I push around and make turns and just carve parking lots.
Regardless, it was such a great feeling. So righteous.
A few months after I got that new board, I decide - I'm gonna learn to atleast ollie. "I gotta do that! That's the most basic trick!"
Not really?... I could ollie (barely) when the board wasn't rolling, but when I approached the object I wanted to ollie over (typically a stick) my mind got twisted in nervous-knots and I always failed.
That was when I was 15 to 17 years old.
... (Super Flash Forward) ...
Now I'm 40 and my kids have showed an interest in skateboarding which has re-ignited my own passion from my youth. This is the time to try again, before I get "too" old (honestly though, I don't think there is ever a "too" old - but, you know what I mean).
My adventure back into learning to skateboard, and to hopefully successfully ollie over thin objects has begun! AND!... I'm stepping it up a notch.... I'm learning to skate vert as well on a quarter pipe.
And.. I am stoked for the journey.
... ... ... ... ... ...
Questions many of you who are in your late-30's and beyond may be asking?
1. Why?
Because. Because there is a fire in my heart that has rekindled and my interest is here for the moment. That's why. This is a new adventure for me which brings me joy, so why should you care anyways? To quote Jimi Hendrix, "I got my own life to live. I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die. So let me live my life the way I want to." (Song: "If 6 Was 9", Album: "Electric Ladyland")
2. Am I scared or anxious?
Um...yeah. Kinda.
It's scary to fall. There is definitely anxieties about how my body and bones have aged. But why should that stop me? I'm wearing full protective gear (helmet, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads). And if I don't do it now.... if I don't try again now, will the negative feeling of regret be stronger than if I didn't try to skateboard again before I'm older? Probably.
3. Is this your mid-life crisis?
No. But... maybe. And... who cares? It's a healthier mid-life crisis than a gambling addiction or buying an over-priced sports vehicle. And, I get to spend time with my kids and make righteous epic-fall videos!
4. How long will this new hobby last?
Who knows. But, it's a door I'm opening to new adventures in my life and, as far as I know/believe, we only live once. So I'm following my heart and opening the door and we'll see what happens.
I'm just going to live in the moment and enjoy it. :-)
- Zerp.
P.S. Stay tuned for more updates. (If you "follow" my Tumblr you'll be updated of future posts.)
Cheers my friends!
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djzerp · 6 years
Zerp “Living Journal”
I randomly decided to start a series on Medium (essentially like a journal/blog) of my journey sailing the mysterious and often treacherous) sea of the music business and of music production.
Don’t ask me why I chose the app/website Medium.... but it happened.
If you’d like to follow my series as it unfolds, don’t forget to follow me on Medium and also subscribe to the series.
Click to go to Zerp’s Medium Series
Happy creating everyone!
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djzerp · 7 years
Just uploaded Zerp Nirvana Remix with 2nd bonus track :-) to Mixcloud. Listen now!
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djzerp · 8 years
Just uploaded Zerp Eclectic Mix Dec 2016 to Mixcloud. Listen now!
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djzerp · 8 years
B-ball becomes more...
Well, Zerp learning Basketball may not be what this blog is about anymore; it’s evolving into much more.  I wanted let everyone know that now so if you’re following purely for my basketball journey you aren’t disappointed.  However, “jumping right in” to learning basketball has led me to new things I wouldn’t have done.  Therefore, in my opinion, the “jumping right in” to something new was a success!
Deciding to learn basketball led me to get a YMCA membership so I would have access to the gymnasium.  This led me to have access to the exercise/weight room, racquetball courts and steam room.  The last two in that list have sparked more excitement in me.  The few times I have used the steam room I have felt so energized and awake.  I look forward to continue my weekly visits to this detoxing and cleansing activity.
 Today I played racquetball today (for the first time in 9 years) and loved every minute of it.  When I checked my phone I couldn’t believe 90 minutes had gone by already; it felt like 15 minutes.  I didn’t win any of the games, but I had a blast and got a great workout.  This is most important to me:  having fun and being healthier.  Not to mention the surprise I got in the racquetball court - check out the video!  :-)
- Zerp.
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djzerp · 8 years
Back at it! ... ... maybe.
Well, it’s been awhile since I played basketball last. Some good reasons, most probably just excuses (mild illness, holidays, busy work schedules that didn’t quite line up for me to get to the YMCA).
Well, I’m ba-ack. Barely. I had the option to stay home of course but I forced myself out of the house before I got too settled. You know how it is. To clarify, it's not that I don't want to play basketball, it was just the thought of getting myself motivated during my barely free time to get to the gym. Should I be doing laundry, dishes or working on some client contracts or my zine? Probably. But, I feel that you have to make time for exercise. Keep the blood flowing. Keep the happy chemicals in the brain plentiful. Currently I am typing this blog post while I use the treadmill at a fast walking pace. My plan is to get some hoops in but the gym looks pretty packed. I figure that at least I got out of the house and get into a routine. After a bit of this treadmill I'll check the gym, if it's still too full I'll treat myself to some time in the sauna before leaving. ;-) - Zerp
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djzerp · 8 years
Zerp’s 1st Bball sesh (i.e. game with others)
Today I bought some "legit” basketball shoes and new socks in preparation for playing basketball with some peeps at the local YMCA.  I was reppin’ the b-ball look hard, but it definitely didn’t show in my game - haha.  It doesn’t matter though - I enjoyed every minute of my bunk playing.
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The first 45 minutes we just shot around, and chatted a bit.  I practicing my drills and my shots from the foul line.  My arm mildly sore from this first week of playing basketball everyday.
The second half of our sesh we started playing some 1-on-1 and man did I fail epically!  Within minutes I was out of breath.  This really showed me how out of shape I was, and also how basketball is a sport of mainly sprinting.  You jut left and right quickly and then you have to make a break for it.  After doing this a dozen times I need to lay down and stare at the gymnasium lighting for a minute, then, walk slowly over to my water bottle and schwill some l’aqua before popping back into the game.  Thankfully I was playing with some guys who understood my lameness and they played while I took a break (even though it kind of disrupted the flow of the game we were playing).
After a little more than 90 minutes we called the night.  I had a blast.  I learned a lot and I burned over 400 calories.  Sweeeeeeet!
I look forward to the next sesh.  (scroll down for vid highlights.....)
- zerp.
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djzerp · 8 years
Zerp = Legit.
I am now legit - I got a pair of basketball specific shoes.  WATCH OUT!
Hahahahahaha.... ;-)
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djzerp · 8 years
Learning Basketball Days 2 - 4
Since starting to learn proper basketball techniques 4 days ago I have probably shot over 500 baskets and practiced dribbling skills with both hands (standing, walking and running) for close to 2 hours.  Man, is my arm sore!  What’s funny is, even though I feel the soreness, I want to keep doing it!  I’m actually surprised by this sudden desire to keep playing.  Co-workers have asked me numerous time, “Why are you doing this?”  “What made you want to start...now....out of the blue?”   Honestly, it was a random decision.  But, all the factors that led me to this random desire to learn how to play basketball make sense.  
1.  I want to practice what I preach.  I tell people to just “jump in”.  Try something new.  You never know where it will lead you.  Maybe it just makes you healthier.   Maybe you end up loving the new activity more.  Maybe you get bored, but then try something else new.  All I know (and believe) is:  you only live once so why not experience as much as possible.
2.  I want to be more active (and healthier).  I tell people close to me that I am on a 2-3 year cycle of “getting fit” at the gym, and then being lazy.  Well, I am beyond the 3 year mark now and the gym wasn’t cutting it.  I need to do something active that keeps me interested.  Enter:  the game of basketball.
3.  Free time = lazy, extra-calorie consumption.  I want to do something during some free time, rather than just be somewhere lounging.  So, I’ve joined the YMCA and will be practicing my hoop skills and using their other facilities as well.
Back to my actual b-ball journey.  The past two days I have learned new blocking techniques to practice and new shooting activities to keep me engaged.  And I love the challenge!  Shout outs to my colleagues (as well as some students) who are keeping me working!  I look forward to getting more accurate with my shooting under pressure and to getting healthier.
Side note:  along with practicing and playing the game I am also studying the game.  Learning the history and the rules.  I love it.  
I encourage you all to “jump in” and try something new.  It’s a blast!  :-)
Zerp out.
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djzerp · 8 years
Learning Basketball Day 1
Let me set the scene for you.
36 year old man with shoulder-length hair, wearing old gym shorts (swim trunks actually), purple argyle socks pushed down and 4-year old, weathered, athletic shoes.
The YMCA gymnasium filled with 15 to 20-year olds engaged in heated 3-on-3 basketball games.  The smell of sweaty bodies and dirty socks, the squeaks of aggressive footwork.
Feeling out of place is an understatement. Heads definitely turned as I walked in. But I did it.  I stepped into the gym with my nautical themed beach (i.e. gym bag) and funky wardrobe and I began dribbling the ball that I borrowed from the front desk. 
I was being watched and talked about.  I knew it.  But I disregarded the thoughts about the others in the gym as I pretended to act like I knew how to warm-up for basketball technique drills.
I am not going to lie - this was hard.  It was hard to keep the thoughts quiet about what other people might have been thinking about me.  “Who is this old fart?”  “Why is he wearing dress socks?”  “Why is he video taping himself?!”  “What a weird dude.”
I persevered.  I ran while I dribbled.  I stopped and practiced my shots from “the key”.  I did this for a solid 30 minutes, running while dribbling and shooting.  I wanted the minor cardio workout and I wanted to get better at dribbling with my non-dominant hand.  Not one minute went by when I wasn’t having a thought about what the other people might be thinking of me.  But I kept going and I am glad I did.  I left feeling a bit sweaty and sore from all of the shooting I had done that day (in the afternoon at my school’s gym and at the YMCA).  As someone who hasn’t really ever played basketball besides silly games as a kid, I knew my muscles would feel a bit strained.
I know when I go back it will be just as awkward, but I am going to do this.  I am going to learn proper basketball techniques, learn the game rules and hopefully be able to play some pick-up games and know what I am doing.
Till next time...
- Zerp.
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djzerp · 8 years
Zerp + Basketball
So.... I don’t know anything about basketball and recently decided to “jump in” and try something new. Not only will I be doing something that will make me more healthy, but I will also be going out of my comfort zone and trying something that I have never done before. I am excited about this new adventure and will blog about my experience. :-)
I encourage everyone to “jump in” and try something new!
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djzerp · 8 years
Just uploaded It's Complicated Improv 1 to Mixcloud. Listen now!
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djzerp · 8 years
Just uploaded Compilation of old Live Mixes (from 2014) to Mixcloud. Listen now!
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djzerp · 8 years
Just uploaded Zerp - Fully improvised House Mix - Newbie style! ;-) June 1 2016 to Mixcloud. Listen now!
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